What if some fucked up shit was discovered about Charles, like he was a neo-nazi or a child molester...

What if some fucked up shit was discovered about Charles, like he was a neo-nazi or a child molester. What would Nintendo do with Mario and his series?

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Nintendo of Japan probably wouldn't care

Probably cover it up before anyone with a big mouth could tell people. But if it’s Charles himself spewing shit on Twitter then they’d apologize and possibly replace him.
That’s if we’re going by your examples of something extremely horrible and irredeemable

this is a really good question

He's just a voice actor, they would wipe their hands clean of it with good PR, suppress it with money, and then find someone else.

literally anyone can do marios voice, who cares about this creep

I think NIntendo have enough balls to not try and attempt to retire the character of Mario if it was discovered Charles was a pedo or something. But they would definitely replace his voice actor.

Only democrat actors rape.

He already called Bowser gay, how is he not cancelled?

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85 percent of me too predators was democrats.

And the other 15%?


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So not wanting AIDS then?


Back to /pol/ with you two

Well he is a literal faggot.

Worked by facts eh?

They'll recall all copies of every single Mario game from shelves, patch all existing games with a new VA who would sound like shit, everyone on twitter would post their Nintendo consoles getting hammered or dumped then others would follow suit, in which Nintendo's stocks plummet as everyone shames Nintendo who in turn make a formal apology and Furukawa steps down as well as voluntarily enters the death march in Japan's Olympics next year, then not long after people will remember SM64's quote and misinterpret it to being some propaganda.

I'd be thinking he was pretty based, my man

He looks like he could easily be both. Nintendo probably vets their employees well, but even if they didn't, it's not like he's a celebrity or anything. Most people have no idea who the person that voices Mario is. And the voice is easy enough to imitate, so they'd find someone else who can do it.

Charles Martinet is a harmless autist

>Chilli today, Hot tomale

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>Implying Charles isn't a Nintendo supercomputer that randomly mixes and plays back Mario sounds

you can't replace Martinet.
Besides, they probably have billions of reusable clips of mario and his assorted clones' voices that they can use for years.

The SJWs can cry on twitter all they want, if such a thing were true, Jap Nintendo wouldn't give two shits.
They'd probably keep him on the Mario movie too.


he acts like someone who would convince himself its okay to have sex with a child.

send the yakuza after the whistleblower

mario would be voiced like this in the next games

Not gonna lie, he strikes me as a homo.
Also, gives me strong chomo vibes

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Get a new voice actor? It would have no impact on the game series.

How many people have been in Disney movies who have done fucked up shit?

I'd be ok with this

>he strikes me as a homo.
Was it the part where he openly solicits gay dates on craigslist with his name and photo that tipped you off?

Yakuza has probably vetted him.

Pictures, nigger, i want them.
I had no idea about this, by the way.

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They would hire a sound alike. But really, the only thing that will stop Charles from voicing Mario is the grave. And that's gonna be a sad day.

Why do you hate people who only want to bring joy to the world?
I bet you're one of those fagets who celebrated Robin William's death.

So what?

Robin Williams wanted quite a bit more than to bring joy. Heroin, mostly.

Nobody but man child neckbeard even know who he is so it would never be news and he would be kept on
I imagine it would go something like this:
>"Oh no, Kimishima-san, Charrres Martine-Sama has been rapeeng cheedrun"
>"De gaijin that pray Marrio"
>"As rong as it not in media stories re keep him"
>"Oh no worry aboot that no one know who he is lol"



He's super gay. manhub.com/profile/nicesfgwm/photo/

Who gives a fuck

What evidence says that's him

Thanks, /pol/. Now fuck off. This is a video games board.

If Charles ever gets #MeToo'd then Nintendo would do everything in it's power to keep everyone quiet with all the bribe money.

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You literally did not give a single source

>he voiced the dragon in skyrim
>the controversy around him means bethesda isn't going to remake skyrim anymore


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>like he was a neo-nazi or a child molester.
Half of these fat retards would be cheering for him.

Uh oh...

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Zero, he's a a loudmouth liberal tho going by his twetter which is just bad in my opinion, he's exactly like those NPC ORANGE MAN BAD types

>Charles was in my city 2 years ago roaming around.
>I had the chance to randomly find him and ask for him to say how Daisy is best princess in those three voices

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Nothin wrong with being gay. Explains why he isnt married tho

>heh heh isnt being a neo-nazi bad, fellow goyim, even said so right there in the OP

I should just dump holocaust facts and nigger webms on VPNs until the thread dies.

>All these empty threats.

>Nothing wrong with being gay
Go get your hole pozzed, degenerate.

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It would be a shame. It means I would no longer be able to enjoy episode 12 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders (1993) anymore without getting any weird looks.

Get a load of this self loathing faggot.

There are gay men who don't engage in degenerate behavior, like bug catching. What you're doing is stereotyping an entire group of people

>he still buys into the Democrat vs Republican scam
Yeah man, maybe next time we'll get /our guy/ into office and then things will be different!
>2 terms and 8 years later
>everything's the same if not getting worse
Back and forth, back and forth

>There are gays more successful and more contributing to society than this literal faggot.

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Gee what a fair comparison... You do realize the whole "Hitler hated all non-whites" thing was completely fabricated by modern media, right?

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>or a child molestor
as because we all know, molesting adults is A OKAY

>All these homofags trying to justify their degeneracy

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Not totally convinced it's really him and not someone trying to impersonate him. If it's really him, he's kinda been careless at hiding his identity

at absolute worst nintendo of japan would replace him with someone else that could do a falestto stereotypical italian accent needed to do the couple of voice lines/sound effects needed for a mario game.

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Him being a child molester would suck.

Him being a neo-Nazi would actually make sense considering Nazism and Imperial Japan are literally interchangeable.

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I remember Yea Forums threads with screenshots and links a month after Skyrim came out telling people that you could score with Paarthunax at the time with the regular "doesn't he know that you try to maintain some anonymity for this sort of thing?" as typical responses. That would have been 8 years ago, I guess. I don't know if any auto-archives go back that far.
I remember it was like a picture of him standing in front of a concrete wall.

An impersonator, Charles wouldn't be dumb enough to post himself with THAT picture

Both are social pariahs, your personal opinion is both obscure and irrelevant

Unrelated but I think he's gay

Basically this. Leftists, liberals and Democrat are all wolves in sheeps clothing.

At least nazis are honest about where their loyalties lie and what they ultimately want.

You can reason and negotiate with someone who has realistic goals and virtues. You can't reason or negotiate with a hyper conformist hippy who thinks everyone is equal and there's infinite resources for infinite migrants in western countries.

Whoever it is, they've been at it for years if they're an impersonator

It must suck being alone at his age
He'll never find someone

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>they probably have billions of reusable clips of mario
Pretty much this. It's not like they need to make Mario talk and any basic necessary sound clip is already done,.

In Japan, probably not a single shit. They'd be like: "... And? A product is a product."

Someone should post it to him on Twitter. EXPOSE HIM

You are genetically irrelevant. Dialate regularly and wash your tiny hat.

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I at least have an excuse for exiting the gene pool. What's yours?

Everyone deserves privacy, even those too oblivious to merit it

spoken like a true faggot, don't you have a life? a man has their needs, grow up and learn to respect each taste you fucking lefty

lucky for him, a lot of faggots nowadays have daddy issues, hence the surge of "le bara" threads done on a daily basis

I couldn't imagine something like that happen
This guy is like Bob Ross

I'm curious why this thread is still up

You severely overestimate the amount of young guys looking to have sex with ugly old men. Yeah, they exist, but you're talking about a small subset of an already small subset. If he's rich he shouldn't have a problem but somehow I doubt he is

as long as he doesn't make a mario voice when fucking, imagine how awkward would that be

I've seen dicks on the internet so many times. This one isn't even doing anything gross or weird, but I cringed so hard in disgust for a full 20 seconds just because it could be him. Why.

Nationalists, sure. Socialists, not so much.

mama mia that’s a spicy musharooma

I'm sure there's someone who could replace him, it's not like his Mario voice has been consistent throughout the years anyway.

He is a democrat

i would suck it

Wait really? Source on that?

Nintendo fans would defending anything, even if it's straight up unlawful and/or unethical.
Bunch of edgy, under-age faggots be like "hurr durr, I don't care".

how the fuck does he even stay alive
there's no way he makes enough money to live from recording three variations of wahoo twice a decade

>edgy, under-age faggots
Those types don't associate with anything Nintendo since it is seen by them as kiddy shit.