Where's the PC release?

Where's the PC release?

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Never ever

>Kingdom Hearts
>>PC Release
>>>Fucking ever

Maybe once Phil makes it so PC can run all Xbone games.

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Seeing how 3 is on Xbox, it's definitely possible


Never ever ever!

Square Enix had enough trouble with the console releases, PC would be 3x more fucked.

Hopefully something will be announced soon, Nomura said he wasn't going to talk about additional platforms until after the PS4/Xbone release which is why we didn't hear about anything before.

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E3 PCgaming show, it'll be announced as an Epic exclusive.

The Japanese don’t care about epic thankfully but that show is curse now thanks to the epic sponsorship

>The Japanese don’t care about epic thankfully
They will when the chinese start throwing millions at them.

KH3 will obviously get a PC release sooner or later, but i dunno about the collection, i think Sony own some rights to the first 2 games, hence no Xbox release

I need games to pirate on PC, they only big game i pirated on the last months were Rage 2 and Sekiro, i need others

Piracy is why they will never be released on PC. Nomura already said the leaks were a concern and they'd have to think about worldwide releases again, what makes you think rampant piracy and datamining on PC won't make them never release any Kingdom Hearts games on PC ever?

They will sell all the games packed in a HD version first then 3 is going to be announced around february next year.

>PCfags have to beg for games once again like the previous console generations

My fucking god JUST GET A PS4




Prove me wrong, faggot

The games already been released, everyone knows what happens, the story is over.

Sure, I'll get an Xbox One :^)

As long as you stop begging

>45fps with terrible frame pacing
No thanks.

Well no game for you. Get an XB1X then

You motherfuckers have been shitposting harder than I ever have for longer than I ever have about MUH PC MY PORTS

Get a job and get a a console

>only big game i pirated on the last months were Rage 2 and Sekiro
hope you don't mind terrible performance and constant crashes

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>Get an XB1X then
>50fps with terrible frame pacing
No thanks.

>45fps with terrible frame pacing
Why do PC gamers keep using these terrible excuses? It's not like the PC version would be any better, since it would be a straight port.

Most games on PS4 aren't even displayed in real time. They are pre-rendered cutscenes or use dialog boxes (X to continue).

I wish story so far had a switch port, I want to play KH2FM on the go

>It's not like the PC version would be any better, since it would be a straight port.
It has an unlocked framerate on consoles, so there's no reason why it wouldn't run at >120fps on a capable PC.

The load times in KH3 are horrendous and it can't maintain 60fps, a PC release would fix that issue. The collection doesn't need one though it might provide a better platform for KH2FM mods than PCSX2.

>Most games on PS4 aren't even displayed in real time.

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