You overrate this pathetic game because of your nostalgia feelings

You overrate this pathetic game because of your nostalgia feelings.

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nah, i played it on PC a year or two ago and remembered having a blast.

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No, it's because rockstar killed the fun because "muh realism" literally everything kills you in the new GTA

based MSX poster

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its rough to play on console now but on PC this is still a great game, fuck you.

no, it's actually a good game

It's still streamed to this day. SA was the last game with good black characters and no shoehorned politics defining their entire character, it was just a straight up fun as fuck video game.

This game's story is a trillion times better than V's. Also it had 3 cities, a jetpack, more weapons, flying cars, better characters

What if I remember my experience playing it when it first came out, and remember specifically how good I felt and how much fun I had?

>What if I remember my experience playing it when it first came out, and remember specifically how good I felt and how much fun I had?
in other words - nostalgia

I'll have two number 9s...

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You just hate seeing a poor black man succeed in life.

Ban all zoomers

a number 2 medium...

Quantity over quality, SA is responsible for V’s mediocrity.

>SA is responsible for V’s mediocrity

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>play it yearly along with vice city
>plenty of people do this as well
>still holds up

id say this is a bait thread but I truly want to believe op is a massive retard who rolls around in his own spit

a number 6 with extra dip...

Nice selfie bro.

>missing the point this bad

there is no point, you absolute fucking mong. its a shitpost thread

no, you and OP are brainlets. fucking deal with it.

Wether it’s a shitpost or not, OP is right: fags overrate the fuck out of SA.

Imagine being a zoomer and not having experienced San Andreas when it first came out

and zoomers overrate the fuck out of V for its multiplayer
contrarians overrate the fuck out of IV
patricians overrate the fuck out of LCS and VCS
what's your point, anonchan?

SAbabies are yesterday’s V zoomers

as someone that isn't a libtard the obsession with these games is weird.

every game is overrated because taste is subjective

SA is the golden goose, you literally can’t say anything contrary to it or you’re a fucking zoomer despite the fact it’s definitely weak in some areas compared to other games in the series.

SA is literally perfect. Unironically find a flaw on it, please.

>weak in some areas compared to other games in the series
like what

Liberal gamers hate that San Andreas is a good game. They don't like when their black characters aren't sidekicks or agendas for some ulterior political purpose.

>Unironically find a flaw on it, please.
the desert is too small

if they ever do Las Venturas again it should have an infinite desert as the border instead of ocean

The shooting has aged like 3 and VC. The guns models are ugly and the sound effects are awful.

The horse doesn't have a name.

>the empty, uninteresting, useless area is small
How is this a fucking flaw?

The shooting in GTA 3 and VC was so much worse

yeah i don't believe you. Everyone that is obsessed with this game series is super liberal.

True, but to say SA’s shooting, which makes up a super big chunk of the gameplay, hasn’t aged is a load of BS.

The contryside missions that make you drive 1/2 of the map across the ugly-ass forrest to start them.

Not overrated at all, was a masterpiece for it's time and samp continues to be fun if the mods on the server your playing aren't absolute dumb cunts.

that doesn't make SA's shit any better in that regard

SA has both

Oh you're talking about GTA V. Yeah liberals suck that shit up because they don't even play video games and just want to push agendas. They played V for like 20-30 hours and hailed it as the best video game ever.

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>that decline in story following the territory wars
Nah, the game definitely had its lows like every other GTA.

It's fun with cheats

I don't want to just repeat everything that everyone has said since most of the replies are just saying the same thing, allow me to explain how this game is good.

I'd first like you to recognize that the pc version is a port, it runs fine but is missing effects the original ps2 game, though overall it looks better. Second the current update on steam has removed certain songs because their contract ended, this is negative but I don't know what songs were removed you can always just downpatch the game back to a previous version.
The gameplay itself is fairly arcadey but it's fun, and that's what is great about this game it's just so fun from the characters to {some} of the missions ,the writing is just hilarious and the acting is fantastic every nigga in this game sounds like they'd shoot up the club and that fits perfectly.
Third, while realistically it has for sure shown it's age I'd say that in alot of ways it has held up and is almost timeless, the year the game is set in is far in the past it was when it came out too but it means that it always has the nostalgic feel to it no matter when you play it. Truly a timeless classic that will be held forever as a masterpiece, even though after you get dropped off by the cops and meet with catalina the game takes a huge dive in terms of mission quality and it only picks back up later on.

>hating on San Andreas

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what the fuck are you talking about

kill yourself

>more people complaining about gunplay
literally learn to hit your crouch button it makes your bullets accurate as fuck

AND a shitload of better cheat codes.

pls, you retarded youngfag...stop talking out of your ass like you know anything

this game was huge for its time. literally huge. all the shit you can do, the locations, the features relevant to CJ. game was packed to the to the tits with features.

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>crouching will make the gunplay less shit

A number 7...

post yfw when you aren't a cringe zoomer and can go back and play old games you never played as a kid and still enjoy them

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I have no nostalgia for anything post'01.

it does though. you're crippling yourself by not taking advantage of ingame mechanics

Crouching won’t save the overall gunplay. The guns still look, sound and feel like shit compared to what we have now in IV.

I bought the game about 5 times across platforms, just sharing a bit of nostalgia

IVfag be seething

two number 45s, one with cheese

Rent free

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nigga this isn't pokemon

Like a clockwork...

>Fela Kuti
fucking based

Glory hole...

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What games besides SA say nigga?

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That may be, but the rest of four and five more than cancels out any improvements that the gunplay may bring.

redpill me on these pepe clowns I see everywhere

GTAV franklin and lamar say it constantly, other than that i don't know of any

Just V, IV is still criminal kino and soulful too.

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Okay. No, but okay.


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here's some real gta kino

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GTA IV had soul.

why should I care if zoomers don't like my generation of games? I will always like them. in 10 years a new generation of Gamers will look at zoomer games like they look at ours.

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because of autism and to have something to talk about

Zoom zoom
My favourite GTA theme of all.


The badlands portion of the game is awful.

Gta 4 is when they dropped the arcadey fun out of the window and went with the realistic aproach

GTA 4 is still better than 5 though.

this and the omnipotent cops who always search exactly where you're hiding

>not spending hours pushing ragdolls to their deaths

oh fuck off

Literally a game about niggers acting like niggers. It's definitely nostalgia talking.

based /pol/

>no argument
Just what I thought.

It's still a good game, but honestly, despite the awful gun controls Vice City aged much better.

SA feels like a 360/PS3 game brought out too early. It's a huge game, but that just means that you drive very long distances where sometimes not one single car appears. Also the amount and difficulty of the flying missions pisses me off.

Vice City on the other hand felt like it couldn't brought out at any other generation than the PS2 one and is perfectly optimized for said console. Also the smaller map and the 80s look with all his over the top comic styles suits so much better, it's probably the only GTA title I still played after the main story because of the business missions that were all great and despite optional, some of the best missions in the entire franchise (fucking destruction derby with Taxis).

that's subjective tho

>Vice City aged much better

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Kino, I remember playing it on PC back in 2008(yes I had played it before on the ps2) and installing hot coffee for the first time along with tons of mods. Good fucking times.

>no game will ever have this much soul ever again
it hurts

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gay tony is kino

I wish I could get this shit working on my computer again but GFWL and Rcokstar's insane love for DRM fucked everything up.

just crack it then retard

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and a large soda

i cant understand zoomer nostalgia for games like GTA SA and FO NV, i played both when they came out, they were ok, but nothing to write home about, not even in my top 10 favorite games of all time, i think zoom zooms fell for the meme from here and spam those games to fit in, they arent anything special

Nah don’t have any nostalgia for SA, played IV first. Vice City is the overrated piece of crap.

stop using retarded memes you can't even understand

lmao people seem to be forgetting that this game is like 15 years old by now, definately not small for that time

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Truly the king of map design.

>3 big cities all spread out
>Interesting villages in between
>Lots of interiors and other shit like fastfood and gym
>Car tuning
>Boats are actually useful cause this was the best map design ever
>Planes are ctually useful cause there are multiple airports and not just a strip in the sand
>Trains are actually useful since they dont circle the egg-shaped map

best map best gta game

stop hyping games you only found from Yea Forums to fit in fellow zoom zoom

learning different fighting styles at the gym was a really cool feature

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Barret definitely says it multiple times to cloud and Red Xlll in FF7

>the atmosphere of the boat chainsaw mission at the end of the first part of the game.

No it's not.

GTA IV has no soul unless you're an edgelord who loves muh depressing color filter

So then play some tetris then fagit

yeah I didn't play GTA IV either

seething V kiddies

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newfags thinking they're fitting in


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>have still never left the main starter island/city in the vanilla game because I cant beat the Spic car dancing mission because it's out of sync
at least I got to see the other areas in GTA:SA dayz with Yea Forums all those years ago when Busta Tower was our base.

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Nigga, silent patch.

GTA 3 was more significant, but San Andreas was the first to take the idea of a "sandbox game" to its logical conclusion. It was only a 8/10 game in terms of game, but in terms of doing shit just because, it brought it to a whole new level until better shit made it irrelevant.

you only need like 1500 points, shitter



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Well then when the fuck is it coming? Fashionably late hit a decade ago.

>spend few hours modding psp with custom firmware
>install the LCS cheat menu which was basically an in game debug menu with everything in it
>play nothing else on my psp but this

take me back


You only hate it because it's popular. See, I can play this game too!

False, I was never that big a fan of San Andreas and overrate Vice City.

Still an amazing game, retard. Stop being insecure.

He is being le epic xDD, not insecure.

Which was the best series of missions?

>Los Santos 1
>San Fierro
>Las Venturas
>Los Santos 2

But that's what made it so great. If you knew what niggers acting like niggers looked like before San Andreas opened your eyes for you, then I apologize to you on behalf of God for your being a nigger.

>>Los Santos 2
half of those were gang war shits
so fucking disappointing


he knows about it because it's popular. He hates it, because it's bad game.

Okay but where's your argument though?

>bad game
Name ONE (1) bad thing about it without being racist.

>that one level where you had to level up your lung capacity which had been useless before.

unironically best story and characters in a gta game

Like it says in the book.

we are both blessed and cursed

>IV niggers think their 2008 vidya is not zoomer core
Must be sad being brain damaged

>be me
>be the only kid in school who got a PS3 instead of an Xbox 360
>be the first kid in school to beat GTA IV
I was a hero then. For a time.

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>Los Santos 1
>Las Venturas
>San Fierro
>Los Santos 2

I'd argue that it's worse in the older games because anything above one star forces you to either find a bribe pickup or go to the Pay N' Spray and cops spawn out of nowhere in front of you. In IV and V you can evade any number of stars just by being a good driver

I loved playing around with cheat menu in vcs, I made the water go up and pretend it's apocalypse.

I love it.

Alt-right dogwhistles reactionary-types from /pol/ spam to signify the "clownword"; aka the world is becoming worse only because lgbt folks and brown people are getting more rights.

Don't be surprised when they start using their cringey babyspeak like "fren". Probably one of the shittiest memes that came out of /pol/, right after goobergate and the word "cuck".

boomers actually enjoyed V on their ps3
I remember the hype was insane

>gang wars with this combat system
>you can do gang wars only in LS
>you need to do gang wars for the final mission
>missions where game takes your weapons away, just cause
>Ryder's death
>Las Venturas's filler section
>dating sim
>you need to do dating sim to finish Las Venturas's filler section
>most missions have tutorials for mechanics you won't need again
>fire immunity breaks a lot of missions
>most cars with sidemissions don't have radio in it
>character don't use radio to listen radio on foot
>you can't shoot precisely from the car, only drive by
>CSR 103.9
>random bugs

I like San Fierro the most, even with the lung capacity grinding.

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>CSR 103.9
fucking faggot

Countryside was my favorite. I remember only realizing how vast the game is when I got to that part, really good memories

oh, yeah
>lung capacity grinding
>you can be fat CJ, but game forces you to lose weight.

No its a great game you faggot
4 was dogshit

Las Venturas > San Fierro > Desert > Los Santos 2 > Los Santos 1 > Countryside

None of these complaints are valid, just turn off your brain and have some fun bro

Name ONE (1) good song without being faggot.

GTA IV is more fun then

>>you need to do dating sim to finish Las Venturas's filler section
The croupier? You can just kill her and be done with it.

No, because of history. Play mario/pong maybe?

my lovin'
groove me

>playing like nigger

what history?

still manages to have a more interesting story and characters than most "game movies"
I'd rather watch 10 hours of tenpenny cutscenes than tales of generic american bearded man #45

>>you need to do gang wars for the final mission
>>missions where game takes your weapons away, just cause
>>you need to do dating sim to finish Las Venturas's filler section
>>lung capacity grinding
>>you can be fat CJ, but game forces you to lose weight.

>Los Santos 1
Kino but everyone knows it by heart by now so it's no longer fun
Best part on the first playthrough because whatthefuckopen world, annoying on subsequent playthroughs
>San Fierro
Zero missions feel bullshit until you get good at them but has real estate stuff, driving school and some of the best missions. It's also the most fun to navigate. Best story and character development because you come in as a gangbanger feeling totally out of place, but you leave a business man listening to 90's alt rock.
>Las Venturas
Some cool missions leading up to the casino heist but otherwise mostly filler. Girlfriend grind is worse than lung capacity grind.
>Los Santos 2
Riots are great, gang wars repeat is not

Turn the map 90° to the right and swap san fierro and whetstone and it'll be a more accurate map

>contrarian faggots talk about liking SA and hating IV as if you retards even have the games installed and know what you're talking about instead of making shitty assumptions from vague childhood memories
Since you faggots don't know what you're talking about, I, an impartial individual, with EVERY GTA game installed on my PC, even the shitty handheld ones, even the GBA versions of the original games, will tell you what you think of the GTA series.
IV is the best in the series.
3 has more soul than Vice City and SA, but you're allowed to prefer VC or SA's atmosphere depending on your taste. However, you are NOT allowed to be a little bitch and whine about how 3 wasn't colourful enough. Ease up on the estrogen and you'll understand how comfy III is.
LCS and VCS are good games especially for PSP.
Chinatown Wars is a meme game, but an enjoyable one nonetheless. If you played it on Nintendo you're a faggot, if you played it on PSP you're cool, but if you had a PSP you had the far better LCS/VCS games anyway.
1 is an experimental but really fucking flawed game, and if you unironically like it you're a delusional faggot. You're allowed to like GTA2 though, because that's a much better game.
If you like V in any capacity, you're a faggot.

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>10 hours of tenpenny cutscenes
i doubt there is hour of tenpenny cutscenes.

>grinding is good! I love Anthem!

Not even fucking close. Not only is it still the best GTA to this day, it’s also the best open world game. Don’t mean it doesn’t have any flaws, but fuck is it a masterpiece.

>Checkin' out the fellas the highs the lows
>Keepin' one eye open still clockin' 'em
>Still one particular boy that stood out from the rest

you failed fast

>IV is best in the series
for giving it physics and cutting out a whole lot of weapons and activities from SA?

Same here, it stands up very well against modern sandbox games (probably because it was the last major one before the DLC era)

Awww shit, here we go again

My boys.

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Nah i recently replayed it and aside from outdated controls, its Open world design is still unrivaled today

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>muh weapons and activities
this is how I know you're a faggot who is misremembering SA as this grand vast game when really it's no bigger than IV. Both games have pretty much the exact same weapon list. The shit you're whining about being missing was shit you never used anyway. What, you used the flowers, the shovel, the golf club, you're whining about the silenced pistol being missing despite you never using it over the 9mm or the Deagle, you're whining about the hunting rifle being missing even though you never used it over the proper snipers?
Fuck outta here, you don't know what you're talking about.

Haha, i clapped when they used this meme during GTA marathon

>Open world design is still unrivaled today
what's so special about it?

True Crime Streets Of New York
it constantly says nigga

its Open world done right in the sense that every part of the map there is something to do, theres so many random vehicles with hidden activites, random interiors with activities to do in them, Rockstar really designed the entire game with content around every corner. SA is one of the only GTA games that i can still play for hours without even touching the main quest

Yes, because sometimes I'd like to play as a mad golfer or sneaky shooty man without having to resort to finding mods. Apart from that, there's also the lack of flamethrowers, heat-seeking missiles, parachutes (unless you count BoGT in IV), miniguns, and not to mention armed vehicles, which plays and gives you vastly different results

> with content around every corner.
i don't think that's true, there is nothing to do in most little towns in this game, there is a lot of empty areas.

>real niggas be like "yeah, man, you gotta respect yo family"
>normal people be like "WTF!? You just stole flubber from the US government, escaped via military jet and fucking jetpack while escorting music stars through drug trips while conquering/befriending the Cartel, the Yakuza, and the Russian Mafia, why the HELL do I care about some meth addict stuck up in some ghetto palace of meth fiends and astonishingly many kevlar jackets?"

>play as a mad golfer or sneaky shooty man
>implying you ever do this

>lack of flamethrowers
you never used these
>heat seeking missiles
sure except IV has a rocket launcher anyway and it's more fun to manually aim than wait for lockon
TBoGT has parachutes
fair, but tbogt has the explosive shotgun which does the same job but way more enjoyable
>armed vehicles
you mean like the annihilator, buzzard and NOOSE APC?

Got my ps2 from my grandmothers house last year. Been playing castlevania, dmc3, ff10. Gonna complete ff10 in the summer

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>annihilator, buzzard and noose apc
>on the same level as the hydra, hunter, rhino and rustler

Your map just reminded me of that gang turf glitch where everything is for the taking. Man why didn't they include turf warfare in GTA V? Franklin could have at least taken back Grove Street in a mission as a nod to the old game...

Just because you don't do it doesn't mean others don't, user. One of GTA's claim to fame is the freedom you get playing within its limits. One of them is the ability to rampage on the city using a whole lot of weapons, and those can go from the weak ones to the stronger ones. Running around with a golf club and a caddy on a civilian clubbing rampage is fun, especially when you start getting the police up in your ass and have to escape on your shit caddy. IV is more limiting since it takes away those weapons, and you don't get much in return.

I didn't know whether you were considering TBoGT into IV or not, but I think that TBoGT should've been base IV. At least then the cuts won't be so severe coming from SA

The hell are you talking about? The whole point of the game was CJ getting his own Odyssey and coming back to a beaten down gang with everybody at his back, saving sweet, and finally becoming the hero of the hood from just a traitor. It's almost like a far cry game in that sense

No I overrate it because I'm sick of people praising, of all things, the driving in GTA4. So I bring up SA because I know it pisses 4tards off.

if trips SA is ass

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I keep it installed and play it from time to time

>>lack of flamethrowers
>you never used these

>he didn't do firefighter missions so he could fuck around with the flamethrower
>he didn't create pile-ups just to set everything on fire and watch it all explode
>he didn't fry ballas during gang wars

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>Running around with a golf club and a caddy on a civilian clubbing rampage is fun
literally nobody does this, though. as far as rampage games go, IV is the best for A. having the best map to play in, and B. having the best physics for your weapon impacts and for vehicles. Rampaging in SA is just standing in the middle of the street clicking on everyone's heads and they all do the same one death animation and only a small number of cars will appear on screen at once.

But again literally nobody loads up GTA to rampage. That's the shit you do when you're 8 years old and don't know how to play the missions, or you're in 2019 and just boot it up to kill 10 minutes of time/think of something else to do.

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basically knowledge of the holocaust being a lie is so widespread at this point the joos have lost their minds trying to cover it up and turned the world into a meme in the process

>literally nobody does this, though
I do. I personally think that IV's map is a bit too cramped and boring to rampage in, but I do enjoy the physics. IV also didn't have replayable missions until TBoGT, so there's not much you can do when you're out of missions other than vigilante. Do you just drive around in IV?

saints row 2 improved the gangster game formula

>what do you mean this game gave me more than one option?


>IV also didn't have replayable missions until TBoGT, so there's not much you can do when you're out of missions other than vigilante
Every GTA before IV didn't have replayable missions either, what's your point? That there's no more content when you've played all the content? Because that applies to literally every game ever.

anyone wants to play samp?

>SA is one of the only GTA games that i can still play for hours without even touching the main quest
Not that guy but I'm a giant faggot that will instantly lock down the main story and only do side shit if they present themselves via story missions because I don't feel like mindlessly looking for shit or consulting guides.
Shit like that motorcycle in San fierro that spawned checkpoints did not appeal to me neither did "Smoke's got the yayo, drive all the way from San fierro to Los Santos for this cell phone mission"
I also felt the story was kind of incomprehensive in the countryside, because CJ does some missions for Catalina, gets kicked out, and suddenly starts doing off road races for NO REASON so the story connects him to San Fierro with the garage

>>most missions have tutorials for mechanics you won't need again
Rockstar loves doing this shit for some reason

That's the thing, it's more fun doing fuckall in SA when you've done all the story missions than IV