What went wrong?
What went wrong?
All crafting leagues are shit for people that want to kill shit
boring unrewarding micromanaging shit when the game is already starting to get bloated with extra shit you have to keep up on (syndicate, bestiary, delves, masters)
agreed, at this point there are so many fucking games within the game that it's insane
I like it
The biggest issue was betrayal lag. I truly believe that if betrayal didn't fuck people's computers then enough people would've stayed and synthesis would just seem mediocre instead of awful.
t. contrarian
t.toaster user
People are so fuckin weird man
>fighting game comes out with just good gameplay and no single player
>Game has ""too much"" content
Make up your minds cunts
I'm not trying to be contrarian, it's a decent game to play casually. I'm sure it's a nightmare when you actually get into it deeply
nah, betrayal was completely smooth during betrayal league. whatever changes they made in synthesis fucked everything up.
Same issues its always had, plus some new ones.
i'd be alright if i could skip mapping.
i fucking hate dealing with the atlas, i've never made it past tier 10-11, and it's just a fucking pain dealing with these stupid fucking map gimmicks
Let me delve, i loved that shit
Let me betrayal, i loved that
Let me do the temple, fucking loved that.
maps suck cock, the atlas sucks cock, dumb shit that goes on it sucks cock
But that's just me.
Because the content in PoE is confusing. Content in a fighting game is the simplest fucking thing, it's all dressing for punching dudes.
Meanwhile the content in this game is confusing as fuck. Each metagame itself is a different game, and while the core of the game is the same (press your one skill to blow everything on screen up), the reward system is a clusterfuck, what is worth doing and how much of it? At what point am I getting diminishing returns? Am I just having bad luck or are the rewards for metagame X actually bad?
synthesis was too complicated and not nearly as straightforward as it should have been.
a better apporach would have been to stack pieces as they are now, but all modifiers to connected memories apply to the entire path. the path only has one charge so you got one chance to get through or loose all loot. each node you complete gets progressively harder lets say +4 to monster level. you only get loot at the end. so if you fail it actually feels like a loss. modifiers also should have been more severe. for example a node will give you 20% quantity but every single mob now leaves behind one of those homing fireballs.
depending on how long the path you make is you can set your own difficulty longer paths have synthesis bosses appear at the end depending on the length.
i debated mailing this to ggg but they really dont listen to feedback most of the time.
You're actually such a dumb faggot you don't even know the OP was asking about the league and not the game.
game is too bloated. i understand they need to sell stash tabs but game became unmanageable.
aoe nerfs
cast on crit nerfs
vaal pact nerf
ci nerf
vaal skills nerf
xp nerf
stat sticks
shaper items
elder items
shaper ring nerf
Nah ur gay af m8 lmaoing at you
nerf casting and remove anything that cast skills for you
fuck totems
>Do 10 maps
>have to stop mapping because you have full memories
>go do memories and come back to maps
>do 5 more maps
>temple has been completed
>go do temple and come back
>go do 5 more maps
>sulphite is full
>stop mapping and go delving
>come back to maps and do 5 maps
>oops memories were full go do that first
>come back to do 5 maps
>you have access to safehouse
>go to the safehouse and come back to maps
>5 maps again
>memories are full again
People are complaining becuase the gameplay is disjointed and feels more like a chore than something you do to have fun. If you don't like a certain league mechanic (cough*Betrayal freezing your computer right as it loads 3 bosses that hit harder than guardians*cough) you can't choose not to engage on it because it's either outright impossible (Betrayal Intervention) or you lose on a ton of rewards that the game assumes you will be getting (see map balance fiasco).
People want to have a choice on which content they engage on and right now they mostly don't have a choice. Scarabs are a step on the right direction but nowhere near enough of a solution.
they abandoned the original design of the league and introduced micromanagement instead, which is pretty much always bad in this game
the crafting was cool but they need to make them drop id'd so people can filter them, otherwise it's completely unjustified how much fractured shit drops for what it's worth
>havent played since the fucking closed beta
>reinstall during betrayal for no real reason
>kept getting fucking obliterated by syndie gank squads cause im a shitter
they already nerfed syndicate to the point where any build can pretty afk kill them.
what the fuck are you doing.
im not playing atm. just describing my usual experience during betrayal user.
welp my bad. even still though. syndicate wasnt that bad. most attacks where telegraphed with a window to act of like 3 seconds. i think the nerf was too much. doubly so since syndicate has been nerfed the first week on the betrayal league already.
its like the old wow issue. people stay standing in the fire and complain that shit is too hard.
Synthesizing items would have been great if fractured items were extremely rare and only dropped with the good mods that people actually want.
They already had the system in place to prevent the synthed implicits from always being the GG shit, so why also bury it all under 1000 tons of absolute dogshit rares.
If Chris is to be believed it's something they're working on.
>tfw can't infinite delve without having to hunt for shitty ore every few moves
I would play delve all day every day if it had no limiter, I'm pretty much tired of mapping in general, they need to give us a fucking real endgame, not this rolling items to become zones gay shit that completely fucks with your mindless grind, which is the core of what EVERYONE who plays diablolikes truly wants, mindless fucking grind for shiny items and exp.
well it should be rare because you can guarantee shit
they should just let you filter and it would be like rare bases
you want mindless grind but hate mapping, retard?
Too bad they nerfed the only scarabs worth anything. Fuck GGG for nerfing sulphite scarabs and fuck sulphite for existing at all. Just let me delve all day 24/7. I would gladly never map again if I could delve all the time.
yes, that is correct, I'm glad you can read user.
They seem to have a real struggle with trying to keep all of the older seasonal modes relevant while going out of their way to make sure they aren't "that good". The emphasis is always heavily forced on whatever the current season's gimmick is and if you don't like it see you next season. If there is a seasonal gimmick you really do like there's not really a good way to focus on it specifically. Maps are the only constant.
And SSF is the only fun mode because otherwise the feeling of the hunt isn't there and you're just doing currency (or stuff you can trade for it) runs and its unrewarding to just buy gear upgrades from people over finding it yourself.
Last league I played was Delve. I see people are complaining about how bloated is the end game now, but the thing that makes me not want to play it is the need to play 10 chore Acts before reaching the real game. Seriously I can't do that stuff anymore.
Chris is never to be believed
>The same people who play fighting games are also the same people playing PoE
PoE's problem is that it's suffering from feature bloat. There have been so many leagues with unique mechanics all shoved into the game at once that it's nearly impossible to follow. Like, there's the bestiary, synthesis, betrayal, dark shrines, the labyrinth, delve and others which I can't remember right now.
>The same people who play fighting games are also the same people playing PoE
Do you think people only stick to a single genre or very similar genres? That's a pretty narrow viewpoint.
they cater to the 1% and thus the game is shit
also unoptimized as fuck
it launched running like shit and still does
This, I hate crafting leagues and leagues in which the main content requires me to zone to a different place
I just wanna zoom and kill, not think and teleport places
His problem is that he's presuming that they're the same people when it could be two groups complaining about different things. But it ultimately is something we can't prove or disprove, so it's just a pointless conjecture.
> been playing since release
> about 1000+ hours
> have yet to kill the shaper
How do you do it bros
I always get bored by the time I reach tier 8-10
The mechanics are really boring and unrewarding, and since there are so many possible combinations trading is mandatory to craft a decent item.
I liked bane though
rewards weren't proportional to the investment but somehow at the same time, the results ranged from useless/barely an incremental improvement to "lmao fuck powercreep" by granting effects semi-permanently normally reserved for ascendancies/skill gems/corruptions (onslaught, intimidate, arcane surge, curse on hit, etc)
also requiring you to reference a chink datamined encyclopedia to play the game is just absolute dogshit design
play on standard
lockstep and general power creep lead to the current braindead gameplay and clearspeed meta
>I always get bored by the time I reach tier 8-10
red maps is where endgame really begins. just buy some red maps off a player once you feel confident you can do them and do your best to stay in red maps. eventually with atlas completion and crafting your maps correctly you can easily sustain them. the modifiers go whack in red maps and theres a lot more monsters and way better drops. once you kill a guardian you are pretty much shaper ready.
shaper is a skill check rather than dps check. you can do shaper with like 20k dps or so easily. all you need to know are his patterns. its a fairly simple and easy fight.
They've made the game too easy and too accessible for everyone. I'm honestly surprised the whole chinese PoE bullshit like battle pass and pet looting hasn't been integrated into the western branch yet.
Ever since Breach it has attracted the lowest of IQ players, who want to run down a linear map in 50 seconds and have everything explode into 200 items. Meanwhile there were broken gems like Dominating Blow, which didn't work at all for years and then they fucking ruined them with a rework instead.
Delve was the only good addition since Breach attracted the worst of the worst.
>what is balance: the post
Same here.
This leagues is the first time I completed all zana quests up until the shaper guardians.
>Path of Exile
That's where it went wrong.
bros i just wanna breach
Nothing, my toaster simply can't run it anymore.
shut up brainlet every game should have that many system.
>but the thing that makes me not want to play it is the need to play 10 chore Acts before reaching the real game. Seriously I can't do that stuff anymore.
This. I'm sick of doing elemental resistance juggling for 3 days before I can actually play the game.
Yes you nigger. I'm bad at Path of Exile and am not 200mph super speed super rich fastfucksmcfrottage the biggest faggot in the universe. I'm not motivated to improve since PoE gets really boring by act 6, and RNG's bad to the point of making elemental resistances a chore and a problem, let alone my build ineptness. I can only survive with an arc build. Toxic Rain was good then got nerfed to pieces.
>750 hours
>Never saw past T9
>Just bored in general of dealing with jews just to gear up, and SSF doesn't make the game any easier despite not having to deal with motherfuckers
SSF standard is literally the best way to play PoE now
keep beta testing those shit leagues for us
Tencent, MTX stash tabs/premium tabs & blaming the players for 'asking for too much' after dividing their focus onto multiple platforms instead how just being on the PC
better nerf melee again
What a crock of shit.
>The current league mechanic is common and possible to do constantly
What a fucking surprise.
>5 maps to unlock temple or get a full tank of sulphite
What bullshit are you smoking that makes you believe shit like this?
Also you're not forced to do any of that shit at all if you don't want to.
>People are complaining becuase the gameplay is disjointed and feels more like a chore than something you do to have fun
People are complaining because the league mechanic was busted to fuck before the patches and was an absolute joke in terms of returns unless you invested heavily into it.
Currently it's not really worth investing time into unless you use your brain but even then the rewards are pretty lackluster without wasting a fair bit of time.
Betrayal freezes only effect the playerbase with poor machines which is still a good complaint, GGG are morons for even allowing that shit in the first place but it's not a league mechanic issue it's just shitty coding.
The issue with maps is also not a problem with the league mechanics existing it's more that GGG doesn't know how the mechanics themselves interact with the game, because they're morons, for example in synthesis the only monsters capable of dropping maps were rares pre-patch which doesn't even remotely make up for the decrease in map drops they changed for god knows what reason.
>People want to have a choice
People given that choice would get tired of the game after a week.
People say they want to endlessly delve but that sort of gameplay does not have player retention in the slightest.
I personally want them to add in an act skip once you've completed them once per league, for them to ease the fuck up on veiled crafts and to fix the temple to not be so heavily RNG focused on the layout.
Delve is currently perfect.
Betrayal needs bug fixing and the boss to not be retarded.
Synthesis needs less time investment and the bosses to not be more difficult than uber elder.
>Follow guide for Delve
>Can't find fossils or any secrets despite following instructions. Just resulting in death after death and wasted sulphite.
>Gave up on it
>Things got more complicated after that
Phew. Glad I quit
>GGGews brainwash retards into playing their shitty leagues by creating a stigma against standard
Remember when D3 had shit drops to force their AH? PoE does the same, but ten times worse and trading is a fucking chore. The game's balanced around the 0.00001% that doesn't even play the game but gets boosted by groupies and then they trade and craft shit. Just give me a SF mode where I can actually find shit and find good shit and team up with friends and randos and kill shit instead of playing jew: the game or """challenge"" SSF aka "It's the exact same garbage as jew:the game but without other people and trading, because I lack self control"
This was more or less the only problem I had with the league. Playing ssf in the flashback and it seems fine now.
No auction house
>every game should have that many system
Not when drops are tailored around doing 100% of all those side systems.
What the fuck do you even mean? last I checked PoE wasn't D3 and "drops" is merely a synonym to "getting currency so I can buy the item my build needs".
There are few things in the game that consistently fuck you through no fault of your own like memory decay does.
Implementation of synthesized implicits relegated fractured items to basic fodder to feed into the garbage chute no matter how good the locked in mods were.
And the real reason everyone fucking hated the league: Drops were tuned with the assumption that you would run out your memories till they decayed. Which means one map's drops are spread over the map and the 3 charges of the nexus memory.
>Synthesis was complicated meme
The whole mechanic was just "Chain this series of shitty small maps with 3 different new enemy types".
The map mods didn't even increase the difficulty like Chris originally claimed, "longer you make your chains, the more difficult they all become".
Complete marketing bullshit, all the mods were just added bonus loot with ZERO downsides or consequences.
A M A Z I N G, really blood pumping content, but I got 10ex? That's cool right?
they balanced map drops around you doing all the side content all the time and got blasted for it this league when even the fag streamers couldn't sustain their shit
Oh you're talking about one being unable to self sustain their high tier maps/delves? Oh THAT makes sense, it's a long time problem, and I can understand that it got out of hand this time.
this, and the spell update was pretty boring as well. Literally just free damage and defense.
The only cool new thing was unleash in my opinion.
Player inventory way too small, compounded by the different currencies taking up inventory slots.
Synthesis was complicated on a concept level compared to "I Alch map and go."
And the fact that you need to reference a giant table of outcomes (and go through the miserable process of crafting shit to get what you want on Fractured items to Synthesize to get those mods (not guaranteed either if you have any other mods as well haha)
>And then actually craft the Synthesized item if it's not shit
I never understood this, anyone that plays the game knows those are problems, the inventories, the fact that builds require specific items, and finding these items by yourself is impossible due to the lack of deterministic loot tables, self sustaining high tiers, GGG has been warned about ALL that shit time and time again, yet, what did they do? Double down on it, listen to the retarded fanboys that went as far as defending the massive problems that came with the new graphics. From Blizzard to EA and now even GGG, gaming companies always commit the same mistakes over and over. Why?
Greed. They want people buying stash tabs (but even doing so, there is no way for anyone to increase player inventory, its fucking stupid)
idk how people did any of the synthesis crafting
annuls feel rarer than exalts
I don't really give a shit about the crafting. imo it was gameplay flow and pacing related; the fact that you had to run the content once in maps, then take the time assembling it and taking a huge chunk of time out from mapping to run a second time for virtually no reward for the first month of the league, and added to this the fact that you had a limited memory inventory that obligated you to run them after a handful of maps or feel like you were missing out. even with good rewards now at the end of the league the nexus still just feels awful to have to stop playing the "real" game to run every handful of maps.
I did a bunch of it early to test out the mechanics and then when I realised how it worked decided that it was never going to be worth the effort.
Maybe they want people to get so desperate about it that they'll start asking for the paid inventory expansion that currently exists in china. Or maybe they were never developing the game with the west in mind ever since Tencent bought them.
The Spell update genuinely was a letdown.
>Blade Vortex is stupidly powerful and does way more damage than most skills to the point that you can whirr around at the speed of sound and delete stuff with less danger than a weaker "long-range" Spell
>Bladefall got a sizable buff this patch
>Is still way, WAY worse than Blade Vortex
The disparity is obscene.
>Gem level 21 comparison, 0 quality, no tree, no supports, max stacks for Blade Vortex
>Bladefall hits for an average 565 damage on the first hit, 509 on the second, 452, etc. for all 6 hits, has an arbitrary cast range limitation shorter than screen edge, so you're basically casting just shy of point blank no matter what so if the first 2 volleys (Enemies sometimes get hit by 1 or 2 volleys and rarely 3) hit, you have a hit of 961 damage, about 1373 DPS under perfect conditions, substantially worse under normal conditions (100% Increased crit for first volley, an additional 20% reduced for each secondary volley)
>Blade Vortex hits for an average 279 damage, multiplied by 4.5 cause 350% More damage, 1256 multiplied by a hit rate of 3.33 per-second is about 4,187 base Phys DPS (also get 100% Increased crit from having 10 stacks)
Genuinely sad.
getting decent 1 implicit items wasn't too bad unless you were going for one of the super in-demand ones like onslaught boots. the two and three implicit GG items cost several rng whiffs and hundreds of total exalts to make. synthesis crafting was never intended for the 99.95% plebs
I played it on closed beta, it was legitimately challenging. You had to truly think your build out, invest in one or several forms of defense, you needed to play with attention.
Then I played it when they released to PS4 after a few years and I could literally hold a button and clear every screen, nothing even mattered.
I literally facetanked bosses until I quit for good at Act3.
And then a legion of autists will complain I "quit too early" or "what if Act 9" or whatever the fuck. I was there on launch, it didn't need 35 hours of play to "get to the good part". It was good from the START.
Brutus used to kick everyone's shit. You can stand right at his face in melee with no shield and tank his spikes. This game felt harder casualization than WoW.
That's not to mention every hundred legendaries doing everything you get every map. No point to keep playing at all.
Get Grim Dawn instead
Have you never heard of the concept of a "Mule" Character. You clearly haven't played any old APRGs.
You get 24 free character slots per PoE account, each character has its own personal inventory you can use for storage.
You're also specifically allowed to have 2 accounts logged in on the same IP, so you can have an entire account just for storing items, have it logged in and AFK in your hideout.
Buying a stash tab in PoE is paying for the convenience of not having to micromanage all this bullshit.
Remember, In Diablo 2, which this game is based on, It's Stash was less than half the size of a single default PoE stash tab, and yet, people managed just fine.
One of the bonuses over the D2 system, is you don't need to make instances and drop items on the ground, your PoE characters share the stash, so you can use it to transfer items with zero risk.
Also less time investment per mule, in D2 you had to play the character for 2 hours to make it permanent on the server, in PoE you just need to run to the first town, which takes 30secs.
Grab 2 fracture items with matching shit, never bother making 1 implicit gear
Scour them
Optionally corrupt them at menagerie if necessary
Holy shit wow that sure was difficult.
Im talking about player inventory when out on maps, I already filter out most items when grinding, but still find myself feel like there is not enough PLAYER inventory. Stash isnt as bad because of mule characters or buying stash tabs. There is nothing for player inventories.
If you don't do a temple/safehouse/delve the moment you get it you can waste valuable resources (maps, currency, double corrupts, scarabs etc) if you encounter that mechanic on a map while having it up/full sulphite, then you waste it and make your next temple/safehouse/delve take longer to reach. Sure you don't have to do it but the game is designed around making that content very rewarding to do, and is practically needed for red map sustain. Like sure synthesis was shit on release, but almost all of the side mechanics are intrusive, which is another issue. Even synthesis had this with the memory cap.
>Grim Yawn fag who hasn't played PoE since the beta thinks he can have an opinion on the game
brainlet detected.
mules aren't even required in PoE like they were in D2. you can do everything in the game on the default 4 tabs that PoE gives you, and many SSF players do it all the time. that other guy is just a dumb zoomer used to his hand being held.
Grim Dawn and Path of Exile are barely the same genre. Grim Dawn is a slow, plodding experience that never feels like you're actually making progression because you always move at the same speed you started the game with, while Path of Exile is the all around pinnacle ARPG experience.
the game is a fucking chore because most everything that drops is pure dogshit and theres a huge emphasis on trade
self found is the only proper way to play an ARPG
no offline where you can cheat engine away the boring
Hey retard, I haven't bought any stash tabs yet, I just want individual player inventory (carry capacity) to increase by a few more rows of squares. You're the brainlet if you would rather side with a faceless developer over the playerbase that has been claiming this is an issue since the beginning (and yes, I've been player PoE on and off since the beginning)
>If you don't do a temple/safehouse/delve the moment you get it you can waste valuable resources (maps, currency, double corrupts, scarabs etc)
None of those things disappear just because you choose to leave those mechanics for later.
And losing out on the lost sulphite etc just because you choose to not do them right away is only "losing out" because you choose to play the game like a job rather than just doing what you enjoy.
Map sustain is incredibly easy even without doing the mechanics people just refuse to use sextants and run alch and go then whinge about it because they then run out of maps due to their own failure to understand the game.
you can't synthesize magic items. you have to regal a 2 mod frac to make it rare to be able to synthesize it, and only then can you annul it (70c apiece right now) to keep it a 2 mod rare (i'm not even sure if this still works)
you're also conveniently glossing over how expensive desirable 2mod items are that give you a reasonable chance at synthesizing what you want. for example, generic 2 mod items with awful mods and 35% movespeed, required for onslaught boots, will set you back 5-6ex for three pairs and only give a low chance of actually getting onslaught on the result.
even if you want an awful pair of frac fossiled Onslaught boots it'll set you back 3ex. it's never been the process of synthesizing that made it difficult. it's the price.
>criminal scum gets exiled
>does some shit in exile land, ends up waking up the gods
>goes back to mainland and fucks shit up
>oops turns out theres a million cannibal god cultists hiding out and they take over and bring their god around
>back to exile land to do more shit to stop cannibal god, this time with satan lending a hand
>return back and slap cannibal gods shit with satan and jesus
feels weird playing an ARPG where you are one of the biggest threats to the world
If you ignore most of the extra content and do maybe just masters and the main quest - it's an amazing game
>you can't synthesize magic items
Are you fucking retarded.
Scouring a Fractured item doesn't make it Magic.
PoE has a more than generous player inventory. If you hoard every turd that drops at your feet, that's your own brainlet problem. I've been playing this game and interacting with its community since the beginning, and I've never heard anyone but Grim Yawn refugees complain about the player inventory size.
>you can't synthesize magic items
I just absolutely fucking love when retards complain about mechanics they don't understand.
Fuck you.
>PoE has a more than generous player inventory
only if it has 2 prefixes or 2 suffixes. anything with 1 prefix and 1 suffix will revert to magic. and desirable T1 frac mods are still insanely expensive so I don't see how this is relevant.
>doesn't even know the differences between rarity tiers
>calls anyone else retarded
Everything. Crafting was supposed to be simplified yet you need a fucking table to know the outcome of crafting. On top of that getting good rolls, sockets you need and prefixes on gear you need to sacrifice unholy amount of time.
This is only true for Jewels.
Now please shut the fuck up.
Try doing it without a fractured item, brainlet.
You can't synthesize non-fractured items.
Scouring a non-fractured item also doesn't make it magic.
Synth Crafting was a cool idea but in order to get the really good items you had to sort so many fractured items that it started getting annoying. As for building memory bridges, it could've been space delve but ended being this annoying shit that didn't really reward you even with heavily stacked bonuses.
You don't know what you're talking about you fucking idiot.
Go buy any 2 fracture item, then use a scour on it.
I'll wait.
Synthesis distant memories are okay now, but if your goal is to make good Synthesized items, there's 0 reason to actually play the Synthesis map and do Distant Memories, you just slam Bosses when they pop up and do nothing else so that they're always the only thing popping up. Take all the good 2/3 mod items and leave all the shit 1/2 mods behind.
Additionally, even among Distant Memories, the RNG is a fucking shitshow. Normal random shit Memories give more Currency than Currency memories and better Currency too. You can't get 3-fractured items outside of bosses as well. There's barely any reason at all to do general Distant Memories once you have access to the Bosses and it's kinda sad honestly.
trying to 4b/1g or 4b/2r it right now
>"Grinding" Gear Games
>Interrupt your grinding every 15 minutes because you have to to sustain maps
Disable maps dropping from beasts/temples/incursions/delves/Syndicate
Generate a map item at 12 incursions
Generate a map item at max sulfite
Generate a map item at Safehouse/mastermind cap
You've obviously not played GD since the alpha.
i tried playing this last season but I couldn't even finish the story mode because of the unbearable desync. server would freeze for a second and when i re-sync I'd be dead. happened every single time i fought Innocence. shame because i was having a lot of fun, this was my first dungeon crawler.
literally all i want is an offline mode with buffed up drops on things that are usually gated by trade like exalts for crafting
the current game is a pile of garbage about to collapse under its own weight
what the fuck does scouring fractured items have to do with not being able to synthesize magic items you fucking retard
Let me list the flaws dawg
>Online only
>HAVE to engage in awful trade system if you want to progress
>Changes over the years which made the meta KILL THE SCREEN IN 0.5 SECONDS OR ITS SHIT
>Online only
Literally all of the gameplay flaws could be fixed if it wasn't online only or we had an ability to host private servers. But no. Instead we HAVE to deal with GJG.
the only thing I haven't played is the recent expansion where they allegedly added "movement skills". I did watch the trailer for it though and was not impressed. the game still looks like molasses the whole way through.
play ssf, problem solved
Balance game way too much off Reddit crybabies.
This Race killed the already dying/dead league for a flash in the pan. Especially shitty since Synth isn't going core, it diluted the already tiny pool of items.
Should have manned up and made it a boosted synth league. With tons of synth items dropping, and made the league Void. Since it would let most players least experience more of the content before it went away. But apparently people cry over Void leagues, even though the race is already dead.
Clear Speed meta killed the game.
Few people are actually 'good' at the game. And just delete 99% of the content without even interacting with it. That's why when you see streams die it's just sheer unluckiness. Since there isn't any skill involved in the game anymore and it's just run around mindless 1-shotting everything, eventually they get unlucky and die.
Game was much more fun when it was slower, and rares were dangerous.
Partying was actually fun, even with shit FPS/performance. Since you actually fought mobs instead of just 'desperately chase after the dude with 4000% ms'.
Desync and performance lag were hated. But they were the two flaws holding back the game from becoming mindless zoom zoom garbage(desync fix allowed movement skills to become the norm/mandatory, performance fix allowed shattering/GMP etc heavy effect shit).
>HAVE to engage in awful trade system if you want to progress
no you don't. ssf exists. many people highly enjoy it. you can accomplish all content in the game in ssf leagues.
>Me want go slow no go fast reeee
and? you can still go slow if you want.
>listing online only twice
how is this a flaw, exactly? the game is explicitly designed around having a player-found economy without cheated items, and various server-side only mechanics is how you accomplish that.
>or we had an ability to host private servers.
you can create private leagues. they still follow the same item acquisition rules, economy-wise. there will never be an offline mode while this game is still "alive"
read the posts in a chain when you're replying to them you fucking moron
SSF doesn't fix garbage drop rates that are tailored for an entire economy and not a singular player. Sure, you CAN play through it and succeed, but it just amplifies the biggest problems.
>Even less builds work because you can't buy gear minimums to get a build to a comfortable state unless it's a braindead Leaguestarter
>Forces you to scrounge like a rat for not shit gear and gear you could make less shit via crafting
>Less currency because you can't sell the occasionally high ticket item you find
>Less Maps cause you're entirely reliant on the drop system and can't trade when it decides to fuck you (and it will unless you run upwards of 16 hours a day)
>Sulphite gain rates are grossly limited at deeper Delves because you can't buy Scarabs and can't party up for 6-man Sulphite Scarab rotations
SSF is a self-imposed challenge that GGG decided to legitimize and fixes nothing.
The crafting is so unpoe-like. Anything and everything can be gold (assuming high enough ilvl) except synthesis crafting. Holy shit it's pointless to interact with it until you craft to craft and needing to pull up datamined list of implicits to see what is worth attempting for. Shit is awful much like betrayal until you know the core people to care for
Memories are fun assuming you don't get a shit generation of where it blocks off the entrance. The decay appeared to change from the start and where it is now, since it almost always decays away from objectives.
Nexus is alright. I wish they got rid of the corners, brought back the connecting tiles get the boost whilekeeping the + bonus placement, and store more than 10 tiles then I'd be happy with it. Rewards are alright, it's like a shittier delve except you get exp and maps. Not sure why people thought this was complicated. It's brain dead simple.
We got a shill here boys.
Reminder: Defends online only (for any game) = a game company shill.
>Online only
I agree that this sucks.
>HAVE to engage in awful trade system if you want to progress
Not true.
>Changes over the years which made the meta KILL THE SCREEN IN 0.5 SECONDS OR ITS SHIT
Only if you care about the meta
yea ok. here you quoted a post saying "you can't synthesize magic items" and implied that it was incorrect. when called a retard (because you're objectively wrong and were being a retard), here: you replied with an unrelated comment about scouring fractured items, here: are you doing being an assblasted retard yet?
>isn't intelligent enough to put into words why he thinks "online only" is bad
You are legitimately brain damaged.
>Desync and performance lag were hated. But they were the two flaws holding back the game from becoming mindless zoom zoom garbage
Same fucking stupid argument as the shills that argue that poor performance is a good thing because it drives away f2p players while retaining whales.
made an error there. here: is where the original confidently retarded claim was made. my bad.
tl;dr magic items still can't be synthesized.
Yep. It's the groupthink garbage on Leddit. Sure it's a worse Delve, in rewards and 'fuel' mechanic.
However it's nice to actually do different Tilesets instead of the same fucking dark Delve ones over and over again.
If they added a recipe book or something. I mean they can fucking do it for Bestiary which is a joke. Why not for Synthesis.
I think it's the powercreep being massive for the 0.1% and the rest of the Players feeling like they're missing out. So they just decide to remove it since it's 'healthy' for the majority of the playerbase who doesn't understand and resent it.
>tl;dr magic items still can't be synthesized.
no fucking shit.
The discussion wasn't whether or not magic items could be synthesized it was that they would be turned into magic items when scoured.
The "unrelated comment" wasn't unrelated, you're just too stupid to follow comments.
There is hope lads, there is hope.
>Why not [a recipe book] for Synthesis.
mostly because there are literally thousands of synthesis "recipes". it's also pretty funny that you complain about "muh reddit groupthink" when every community for this game is pretty much in-sync, and reddit agrees with you on hating synthesis crafting and had presented various intuitive solutions for it very early in the league; simply having a small window in the synthesizer that showed you the potential outcomes of the items you inserted, for example.
I can't stand the length and amount of Acts, I always get bored at Act 5. It's also annoying to know the character I'm currently playing will be abandoned later to just level another one doing the same really boring Acts just so that character can be built for progression instead of farming. I've done this a few times, most recent was about 4 or 5 months ago. Game is like a weird Frankenstein experiment last time I played, I was constantly being distracted by weird shitty mini games and wasn't sure how necessary they were. I'd rather play D3 than this shit. while it lacks the "depth" PoE thinks it has, it's at least enjoyable to play.
if you followed your own advice and read the reply chain you'd find out this little discussion of our never had anything to do with scouring items. I can't make it any more simple for you. if you're too retarded to correctly click the quote links, I can't help you.
horrible crafting system for the top 0.1% and completely useless for everyone else
abandoning your characters before progressing in the endgame and constantly making new ones and slogging through acts seems like a "you" problem, not a game problem.
do you not even get to the point where you can buy cheap twink leveling gear for subsequent characters? my first character each league takes about 8-10 hours to get to maps, and that's with spending 2 hours farming a tabula in BA if I didn't get one up to that point. Every subsequent character takes maybe 4 hours to speedrun to maps with basic twink gear.
were you ever mad before Synthesis that you couldn't get a headhunter?
golly gee what do these words mean
I am so confused
Just to help you out because you're a fucking idiot.
When I quoted the "you can't synthesize magic item" part I wasn't disagreeing with it. I was commenting on just how fucking stupid the guy was for even mentioning it in response to me.
Personally I'd be fine with poecraft's calculator in game, but that wouldn't really solve his latter half of the comment.
>the rest of the Players feeling like they're missing out.
That's one of the core problems with the synthesis crafting. It's not like you can throw in random shit and maybe you strike gold since they're implicits. Striking gold with regular mods has such a wide variability that it's 'balanced' based off that. Implicits do not which is why I think they removed it moreso than reddit crying.
Nah the acts are boring, the game play is really sluggish too. Running the story could take 2 hours, shit is boring, develop and alternative, but I guess they can't slap a 60 price tag on that and call it a day. Best stick to seasonal gimmicks and pumping out overpriced cosmetics to fill the void of shitty armor design.
by removed, i mean not going core.
1. that wasn't me, and was in fact before magic items were mentioned.
2. it has nothing to do with your fucktard comment about being able to synthesizing magic items, you complete buffoon.
I'd say there's a difference between owning a fun speedy clearing item and getting rewarded for engaging in the main league mechanic but the fact that you posted that comment means you're probably too retarded to understand that
Headhunter is not content
Good Christ, just shut the fuck up.
nerf everything: the game :)
I didn't say it was you.
That you somehow think I did means there's no helping you, you're incapable of reading a single comment without fucking it up.
And yes, it was before magic items were mentioned because it was the previous fucking post.
It has everything to do with my comment because it was what the guy was replying to.
You're too stupid for this website you need to go back to school to learn how to read.
>crafting league when crafting player are almost the smallest minority
Gee I wonder how that happened. Then again, the game got worse on so many levels for so long
>feature bloat to distract the player from endgame content because map sustain is terrible without side content
>every league introduces new item classes and currencies to push players toward buying stash tabs
>artificial balance shaken on a regular basis to direct players toward specific skills each league whether new or not
>deterministic farming through div cards has been forgotten
>won't ever introduce asynchronous trading because "muh player interaction", "tiny indie team" or "but bots"
>bought by tencent so china is the one getting all the cool shit like boss rush mode and whatnot
>new skills have to be console friendly so most end up as either a gigantic aoe, a channeling skill or something that aim and plays by itself
>speedster os-or-get-os gameplay is too far gone to ever get fixed (see marvel heroes)
yep. I'd rather do acts 1-4 cruel and merciless than suffer through the garbage that's a5-10. All of which are massive zones with some being downright garbage. A7 and A8 especially.
It was way more comfy and had way more flow in it's simplicity. Hitting Ledge and Docks(dried lake) to grind a bit then progress felt fun. Since it gave you time to comfortably grind and gear up before progressing. Versus now where you're always progressing, which is shit after the difficulty spike in A5.
Haven't played this since the early build before they add option to buy packs for access
Downloading it now, what should I expect?
>sperg out about magic items not being able to be synthesized
>get called out on being a fucking retard
>straw man a completely unrelated post by your own admission
>obsessively reply like a defensive autist
remove yourself from the gene pool you complete imbecile
>nerf melee and do widespread nerfs that hurt things that were already mediocre into the ground and only gently tap the things they intended to nerf
Fuck AOE nerfs. Fuck CoC getting a bunch of spells nerfed, and putting them into a spot where they had to dedicate an entire league to 'fixing' spells. Only to have everyone fucking play last leagues OP spell that didn't even get touched.
A lot of changes. If you can get into it there's lots of play time for you.
Dip in and see if you like it. There's a new league in a month or so, so player population will spike.
jesus christ, I did it again. is the sperg post. anyway feel free to put in your autistic retard last word. I'm done with your shitposting.
Lol fucking retard the game is perfect. Go play grim shit lmao.
Nothing went wrong. They sold to their core market and if they ever sold to you then you shared something in common with their core market for some period of time.
Grind to grind, good buddy.
Nothing really went wrong. PoE has just gotten big enough to turn into another whinefest from entitled players that want everything without putting in effort.
>"entitled players"
Lol could you be more subtle?
I just wanna kill monsters and they're putting more and more hurdles in your way of doing that. Their stupid leagues mechanics are just a pain in the ass. Bestiary. Tanky mobs that spam your screen with shit, gotta go to another zone, fuck around with a menu to get worthless shit you don't even pick up in maps. Temple that takes time away from clearing your map. You have to talk to the npc, look at temple, plan which boss you're gonna kill and which door you need to open, go in, kill monsters, wait for the loot to drop and then you have an annoying temple to clear that is a waste of time unless you get specific rooms. Betrayal. Insanely annoying mobs to fight. Pop up behind you, slow you down, deal massive damage and then you gotta talk to each of them, plan shit, put loot in a stupid window. You map, click on a sulphite node.. oh no you hit your cap so you have to delve or waste the precious resource.
Syntesis. It's so fucking clunky. Dude bro just fill 8 tabs of worthless rare that will give you nothing good or spend time alt tabbed trying to figure out how you can have a 0.00001% chance of getting something valuable. You have a limit of how many rooms you can have. Hit the limit have to go to the nexus plan shit. Your rooms expire, wreck your pathways. Its such fucking annoying bullshit.
and then you have winter orb.. what were they thinking? Hold down one button, run around and full clear entire screens with zero interaction. How is that good game design?
I'm still playing flashback and it's just too broken up into small chunks both Synthesis and the game itself. "oh you have a bunch of sulphite, time to delve, oh your temple is up better run it, max memory chunks well now you've gotta run the nexus" The different approaches are nice but there is just too many of them and they eat up too much of your time.
all of last league's OP spells were nerfed, just not mechanically. the actual problem, imo, is that people look at the top builds with their 100+ ex of gear and minmaxed jewels and think those builds are "too OP"
the real problem is that the game has exploded in popularity over the past couple years and is currently full of inexperienced new players with Keeping up with the Joneses syndrome
I don't know why people like you who are incapable of admitting when they're wrong exist.
This place is anonymous the mistake isn't going to somehow haunt you or anything.
Whatever douchebag.
What's the difference between one super rare 100ex item and another super rare 100ex item? Do either of them enable you to do content that you can't otherwise do? Or are they both luxury items that only a top fraction of players will possess? Why does it make you angry when someone possesses one of them but not the other?
Neither are GG synthesized items.
>I don't know why people like you who are incapable of admitting when they're wrong exist.
The irony lmao. Your autism still won't make magical items able to be synthesized you brainless wonder.
Synthethizing items is content. GGG even showcased and hyped repeatedly the most top tier results like Onslaught implicit boots in the weeks leading to Synthesis, only for then to be revealed that synthetizing is dogshit and it is either 99% trash results 1% gg implicits that require a shitfuckton of trading and scouring and preemptive crafting to even have a chance at obtaining.
And by reveal I mean datamined, of course GGG never shows the chances.
And finally, trading died in a league whose gimmick is trading reliant.
everytime they make a crafting mechanic they then nerf the shit out of it until it's nearly useless because it's "too rewarding" when used by non-retards
see: sextant stacking
this time they just went ahead and made one that's clunky as shit upfront
map degradation is too cumbersome and not rewarding and the mechanic is introduced from the very start but none of the gear you'll get is worth shit until you're late into maps and running it earlier just slows down your progression to maps
Found one of them.
No, you're not gonna get anything for free. You're gonna grind or you're gonna quit.
lets wait to see the new melee buff and new league before killing it off
I quit about a year ago, before Incursion. How much worse is the game now?
>cyclone is now a channeled skill
literally the only thing I needed to hear
so because the items are shown off in promo material you think they're supposed to be easily attainable by the average player? that's your mistake, and never how league promos have ever worked.
That's not how you hype things
objectively better. lots of QoL improvements. plebs are just salty they didn't get this league's version of a headhunter.
So much for being done with my "shitposting" retard.
Yes it is also pretty ironic that you'd call anyone else brainless with just how many posts you've made showing how dimwitted you are.
There is content and there's bloat.
PoE has stepped firmly into the latter.
>Fuck AOE nerfs
This is 100% the biggest mistake they ever made.
>Hey, people are relying on AoE increases (literally almost exclusively Dying Sun and the 2 AoE clusters on the tree because baseline AoEs were a bit too small in general)
>Okay, how do we fix it
>Let's nerf every source of AoE in the entire game and reduce all baseline areas of effect except for Storm Call
>Now instead of the AoE clusters on the tree being an optional bonus if you're uncomfortable with your small area of effect, they border on being mandatory if you're anywhere near them and playing an AoE skill
I'm also really dreading the Melee changes.
>1 new OP skill
>some minor tweaks
>2 "Archetypes" that they give all the new toys (including the only actually good skill) to
>Tiny nerf to good skills, moderate nerf to bad skills, overall buff to melee by raising damage numbers, but not actually doing anything worthwhile to make Melee less shit
I'm still mad that Hierophant got the Brands node instead of Inquisitor.
PoE sucks. Tries too hard to be complicated rather than focusing on what makes ARPGs good.
Just bought the new Grim Dawn expansion. New class seems kind of lame but might be fun with Occultist and poison damage. Will probably just focus on my Ritualist I never finished leveling from AoM.
>all marketing materials need to be targeted at the lowest common denominator
thankfully PoE isn't run by marketing executives answering to shareholders. maybe you'd be more comfortable playing plebshit Blizzard or EA games?
Marketing executives would have ruined the player numbers less than Chris eternal idiocy and obsession with player retention.
It's not complicated at all though. Level a few different builds and you learn almost everything along the way. There's always diablo and grim dawn for the simpler experience.
Shitty rushed league mechanic disrupted mapping. They admitted to nerfing map drops because they wanted people to do synthesis as the endgame content instead. Their idea of throwing a bunch of endgame content together in one shared pile was a huge blunder.
>CoC dischargers blowing up 2 screens radius with max AoE investment
AoE changes were necessary and an ongoing balance overhaul, and it's in a pretty good place right now. I'm not sure why people are still salty over it.
Didn't say it was, I said it tries to be.
its actually pretty good in flashback. each memory instance can spawn its own set of modifiers, so they're like mini-maps now. the fractured item/synthesizing stuff is still a pain in the ass though.
Because they were sweeping changes that applied to all the non-broken aoe skills as well while leaving the projectile based skills which had better effective aoe but no aoe tag untouched. They were fucking awful changes that didn't achieve anything except making some mediocre things bad.
>focusing on what makes ARPGs good.
economy (items have value), complex itemization and build variety, and a sense of progressing from a peasant to a god are what makes ARPGs good. Diablo 3 has maybe one of these. Grim Yawn has one of these. PoE is an all of the above plus whatever else requirements you want to impose save your anecdotal subjective opinion of "fun"
>path of winter orb
>and that's a good thing!
Why do PoE players constantly shit on Grim Dawn when they're essentially very different games in the same genre?
>Apply a sizable nerf to everything because of a handful of skills that had radii beyond what is reasonable
>This is fine
To hell with the economy, they never make games fun
Because GD is better
They don't. That's just (You) farmers.
I've leveled two characters to 95 in the flashback so far with my third in the mid 80s, and ignored 100% of nexus content. I also immediately nope the fuck out of any map memory that isn't a wide open area, too, and never bother actually touching nodes to complete the ones I do run.
Insecure third worlders who need to justify spending so much time on a f2p game.
They don't, a lot of people play both games.
the only shitting on grim yawn ITT was after yawnfags brought up their own shitter game.
Considering how trading dependent PoE is, yes.
Let's not beat around the bush, lads. It was all due to powercreep
>More power to every aspect, being it build related or crafting
>Faster and safer clearing = no need to deal with game's bullshit mechanics
>Going fast = more efficient = more loot
I mean, just look at the fucking travesty that is Winter Orb or brands. You can never play any other spell after you get a taste of this game's abysmal balance
No, this bullshit belongs in MMOs not arpgs. This artificially makes the grind longer and leads to making the game a skinnerboxfest (which PoE is).
PoE is a good game stuck behind the bullshit of being an MMOlite, much like Warframe. When people call these games bloated, it means they apply updates that really only artificially bring variety to the game via "complex itemization" which is just marketing talk for "here's more things that don't stack so buy more item slots goyim".
GGG wanted to to balance out uniques VS rare items but they went the retarded route and made synth implicits require a stupid as fuck crafting system that relied on trading when everyone knows that the current system for trading sucks ass. Being RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG didnt help either. Neither did the fact that a lot of the high tier crafts came along with shit tier results and everybody knows GGG loves weighted RNGs
>inb4 hurr durr he doesnt know how to craft thats why he hates it
>Of course, it is true that the faster you can complete an area and get its rewards, the faster you will progress, so there's an implicit incentive to making good (i.e. fast) characters.
>Good = fast
Straight off the horse's mouth. This powercreep is not getting reversed.
literally every skill had massive AoE radius because AoE scaling was overtuned.
You don't have to participate in the economy, and many players opt to play SSF instead, but without a secure economy items have no value and feel like turds, no matter how "legendary" or "powerful" they might be, especially when you can just save edit them whenever you want in a game like GD.
you know SSF has existed for years now, right? trading is not required, nor is progression dependent on it.
literally every ARPG ever was a "skinnboxfest". that's the entire purpose of random loot, rarity tiers, etc.
PoE is a much better game playing SSF. Gear drops feel valuable again. You can't just buy your way to the best gear so you have to make due. Feels much more like a progression. And when you finally get a really good Unique or craft something good it feels ten times as good.
Also you avoid the shitfest that is the trading system.
> but without a secure economy items have no value and feel like turds, no matter how "legendary" or "powerful" they might be, especially when you can just save edit them whenever you want in a game like GD.
And so? I am the one playing the game, I decide how I want to play it.
And then there's this faggot with this fucking stupid argument AGAIN.
Spoilers, SSF does not fix the droprates. Droprates are still balanced around trading, build diversity is even worse.
I think they focus on the trading because of chinese RMTers, although I can't discount autistic screechers who actually like the shitty haggling & barter simulator PoE turns into. Which is why I vastly prefer Grim Dawn to POE >in before tencent's paid shills spam "GRIM YAWN" since Tencent owns GGG like they own Sweeney
>loot treadmill game design
it's impossible to make the game not reward going fast
You can keep your brain tingles to yourself, I want to fight the uber elder in a reasonable amount of time and experiment with builds that require specific uniques.
Why take it out of context?
Clear speed seems to becoming more and more of a necessity with each league mechanic you add. Are you happy with this trend and do you feel like this is affecting build diversity?
People certainly aren't playing Path of Exile athe speed that I initially imagined when we started development back in 2006, but I know that if we made a big effort to slow down top-end play, it'd probably ruin the enjoyment that many of our most-engaged users have. We have seen other games make that mistake and don't want to repeat it.
We are fully aware of clear-speed concerns when designing new league content. We generally try to create content that doesn't require insane clear-speed. Of course, it is true that the faster you can complete an area and get its rewards, the faster you will progress, so there's an implicit incentive to making good (i.e. fast) characters.
>Spoilers, SSF does not fix the droprates. Droprates are still balanced around trading, build diversity is even worse.
for those who don't know what these means, an example:
the game is programmed to drop N number of headhunters/doctors/currency etc per enemies killed
players who powerfarm will allocate all the drops to themselves at a disproportionate rate, preventing less efficient players from every getting anything decent
in an offline game this isn't a problem as other players don't affect your drops
Fucking lmao at the GGG defenders that keep screaming "BUT SSFHCBTW" when in SSF you can only play the most braindead of builds that require no items but a 4 link to do maps.
tl;dr you're an ADHD zoomer faggot who wants his hand held and wants all the best endgame gear with zero effort the day after he starts playing. Go eat shit, retard.
"Trading isn't an issue if you can't trade" truly is the thinking man's argument.
>economy (items have value)
Too bad poe's economy sucks ass, with .1% of all items being worth more than a couple of chaos
>complex itemization
Would be great if the item pool wouldn't be deluted by boring trash only meme builds can use
>build variety
If you want to have fun all the way to the endgame there's maybe 10 builds that are viable, and half of them are totems/traps/mines
>a sense of progressing from a peasant to a god
After wasting your time on poe.trade because its better to play poe as a tycoon game, than a arpg
>You don't want to eat shit grinding all day for a single chaos? You must be a zoomer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like the skill system, I like the character progression and completely fucking broken end-game builds. I like the gory setting and I think it's cute the game at least tries to have a story. I like the labyrinth and the amount of end-game content.
I cannot like the game.
I hate the fucking stiff animations, I hate the gameplay, I hate that 95% end-game builds are literally:
>tp/dash/jump in a pack of mobs,
>use a skill,
>everything dies,
>move on to the next pack.
There is no "combat", there is only "clearing the screen".
I hate that most unique items are absolute trash. I hate the flask mechanic. I hate 90% of the passive skill tree are life/damage nodes.
I know I'll get a ton of shit, but I really enjoyed D3 more before it DIED and was PISSED ON by Blizzard and I will hate them forever for it. At least the hack&slash part was more enjoyable in Diablo.
you wanna know what really went wrong?
they wouldn't let us sniff alva's sweaty pits
try actually playing ssf once
>Too bad poe's economy sucks ass, with .1% of all items being worth more than a couple of chaos
Hell, go do a delve, any delve, without an item filter.
Hundreds of thousands of utterly useless items that the game keeps generating, straining its server for no reason other than saying that they got the most loot.
Try playing anything other than Winter Orb/Storm Brand
do you think headhunters don't exist in SSF? do you think they're required to do any content in the game either way? you're bitching about not having something literally intended to be an extremely rare and valuable luxury item.
give us some examples of a super niche and expensive build that you could realistically play in a trade league but that nobody plays in SSF. Free Space: Primordial golems (even though you can still play non-primo golems)
Nothing in the genre even comes close to how good it feels to shit on monsters in D3, and that's a bit sad
game desynced too much
cant play broken game
>he thinks "grinding" for chaos is hard
thanks for letting us know you don't even play the game, faggot.
PoE's appeal was initially more to the create-your-own-build crowd and the strength was never in the stiff gameplay, more about what unique twist can you try to build around, what fun unique interaction can you try to make viable. Of course as it got more streamlined and softcore friendly with the masses copying cookie cutter builds and clearing entire screens with [generic aoe spell] 6L that aspect got somewhat diluted.
There's plenty of builds that's not reliant on uniques. Try to use your own brain for once and stop following guides for every single thing you do in the game.
i just used that as an example but it's true for every drop in the game. it's why streamer RNG is a meme.
personally i think chase uniques are un-fun game design. Most people don't want to dump hundreds of hours into a game to play with its shiniest toys.
aside from the animations opinion, all of your complaints apply to literally all ARPG endgames. Grim Dawn, Diablo 3, even Diablo 2 for that matter, are all just teleporting around and clearing screens. Slowly ascending to that level of godhood is one of the foundational pillars of ARPG game design.
>Synthesiser hilariously unrewarding unless you go full trade baron autism mode
>Nexus offered basically no rewards for almost a month until they reworked it. Still no reason to go into memories pre-maps whatsoever
>Blue shit spread hard to understand and play around sometimes, still possible to get completely screwed out of memories right out the gate, particularly indoor tileset ones
>Cavas replaced by Zana once you get into maps
>"I feel sweaty. Am I sweating? I hope she doesn't notice how sweaty I am."
Non-league content but still related problems
>Tourism meta more forced than ever, spells are hilariously OP compared to ranged and particularly melee
>balance worse than ever
>scarabs and Syndicate content nerfed to shit, particularly It That Wifed
>all those problems with Syndicate spawns so they don't even appear half the time anyway
>el ebin vacation for a month community manager right when she's needed most
I'm not hopeful for 3.7, but I am still open to the possibility that it might somehow against all odds be good
Cospri's Malice, with or without additional Cast on Crit
Basically any Low Life build (unless you really don't mind running with a Solaris Lorica forever)
Of course they exist, of course I could play viper strike with only rares taken from the ground. It would be simply a snoozefest.
unfun loot and speed cranked up to 11
uniques are 99% of the time complete shit you'll just vendor, 0.9% of the time it might be worth a few chaos, 0.1% of the time you'll get one of the actually good uniques.
you will spend most of your time picking up literal pennies since most items are trash.
gameplay has completely devolved into LITERALLY 1 button to do everything while zooming through the map at the speed of light, it's just boring
>It's not complicated at all though
That's what he said. Grim Dawn is unironically more complex than this piece of shit.
The moment to moment gameplay of D3 absolutely shits on PoE, and PoE will never be able to catch up. If Blizzard would start to make some half-assed content patches for D3 every now and again, PoE would be dead except for the people that have spent thousands of dollars on MTX.
shav's div card got super common after that time they realized they accidentally had the drop disabled lmao
>with .1% of all items being worth more than a couple of chaos
you either don't play the game, or you're severely misinformed about how to trade and value items.
>item pool wouldn't be deluted [sic] by boring trash only meme builds can use
name me one ARPG that doesn't have filler "meme" uniques.
>there's maybe 10 builds that are viable
You really just don't play this game, do you?
I'm not going to address your last opinion, because you've already made it clear you have no idea trade works in this game in the first place.
And that's a good thing or? I'm not getting your point.
welcome to 6 years ago, reddit.
>using the steam version
if you want moment to moment gameplay why aren't you playing grim dawn / victor vran / literally any other ARPG that does it better than both poe and d3? even torchlight.
>you either don't play the game, or you're severely misinformed about how to trade and value items.
True, it is more like 0.1%
I despise the game is based around trading.
>grim dawn
i beat the entire game on the hardest difficulty with a basic shitter pet build guide. the game isn't that complex.
no u
>trading economy
When its better to just flip currency than to play the game there's something seriously wrong with the game
>hurr u dont understand trading
supply and demand, nigger its not rocket science
>make lazy hands off build
>with a fucking guide telling you every little thing to do to achieve said build
>hurr why game no complex?
mjolner and shavs have div cards. cospris malice is harder, but there are plenty of ssf builds right now that run them. Lyco for those CoCers is also fairly easy by creating a low level Titucus Span with chances then ancient orbing it.
very few things out of reach in SSF if you have the game knowledge and dedication to actually play the gamed
You don't grind for a single chaos you absolute retard. That's not what grinding is. Fucking zoomers.
The game is balanced around trading, and is designed to copy aggresive capitalism.
Buying items is more efficient then finding them.
Currency flipping is more profitable then actually playing the game and finding currency yourself.
Synthesis league showed everybody that to succeed at PoE, you need to be either autistic streamer and play efficiently 24/7, or bot. GGG literally has no problem with bots supplying the market as long as there are 1% of top players crafting and 99% being basically wageslaves.
thanks for confirming that you literally don't play the game, let alone try to trade in it.
>succeed at PoE
Games are meant to be fun, if you're not having fun don't play it.
Again, trading can be ignored without any issues.
Well, I tried
Go on sucking chris dick then faggot
the game was so fucking simple and easy that anyone could read a retard guide and beat its hardest content lmao. show us a noober beating Uber Elder his first league even with the several guides he'll need teaching him about gearing, mechanics of a T1 build, elder and shaper influence and guardians, mapping and completing zana questline in general, etc.
you must really enjoy being called a retard, with how incredibly obvious you're making it that you're a shitposter who doesn't play the game.
>Games are meant to be fun, if you're not having fun don't play it.
I don't have fun anymore, hence I don't play anymore.
>Again, trading can be ignored without any issues.
And again, I'm just identifying the problem: trading makes you more powerful then playing the game itself.
trading doesn't make you "more" powerful, it just gives you the items you'll need faster. a level 75 character with all the items it needs via trade is still gonna get shit on vs high reds, shaper, and beyond compared to a completed level 94+ build that can only be attained through play.
>every little thing
You act like skill distribution and constellations are complicated in grim yawn.
Moment to moment gameplay and mechanics in D3 are the best in genre by a country mile. Sadly it fails at nearly everything else.
Imagine being bexggg and posting your fucking cat as a response to the shitfeast synthesis is
>synthesis items are shit except for 0.001% richest players
>game is on a power creep treadmill - you either one-shot something or die.
>memory can fuck you over in more maze like layouts.
>even grinder challenges than usual
>betrayal lag
The game now is unsatisfying because either you die, no matter how gud you get, or steamroll everything.