Now that the weebs have taken over MMORPGs with FFXIV, is it time to declare us officially in a dark ages for the genre?

Now that the weebs have taken over MMORPGs with FFXIV, is it time to declare us officially in a dark ages for the genre?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Womb tattoo

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Yes, but mostly because of the ERP.

"Please make the Hrothgar Short and Skinny"
"The Roegadyn are to bulky and muscular"
"I wish the Hrothgar were similar to Mithra"
"Roegadyn is to big and meaty for everyone" the majority of you own mirrors? You all literally run around as short skin and bone pale as ghost avatars already. Nobody in the Roegadyn camp or the Hrothgar camp is calling for Fat Miqs or taller Lalas so...what gives?

Are we simply just not allowed to have big characters? Does everybody in this game have to fit to the typical generic stereotypical anime status quo of skinny, white, medium to small height, and have absolutely 0 imperfections including but not limited to muscles and fat?

The issue that I have with this mindset is that everyone just lacks imagination. Do we really want another Au Ra situation again? Au Ra's were the biggest letdowns due to fact that they are simply just Miqs with scales and pointy tales.

And I know what the purists are gonna say "well gameplay speaking giants obstruct blah blah blah" well you know what you got a freeform camera with a zoom in zoom out feature so how bout you actually use it for once instead of being zoomed in on your Miqs bottom like you are 95% of the time.

Let people who want giant races HAVE GIANT RACES. Dont just barge in on my and many others parades and be all like "Oh their to fat the muscles are ugly they to tall" cause quite frankly if we wanna play that game I can say the same thing to all the other races like the title of my post states.

The biggest solution is to make every race bara only.

We've been in the dark ages of mmos for like 15 years now you absolute ape. Weebs that aren't xiv are at least trying to mix it up a bit instead of 1:1 copying the game that killed mmos.

what does this even mean?

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Fuck the catboys on the OF t b h

Attached: shotafags.png (757x766, 351K)

>muh catboy boogeyman
>muh shota boogeyman
fuck off furfag

GUN confirmed for Zorro

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>Nobody in the Roegadyn camp or the Hrothgar camp is calling for Fat Miqs or taller Lalas so...what gives?
theres like 5 people total in that camp lmao

Catboy shitters are now on the bargaining stage of the grief cycle

It's a sword breaking a gun barrel, aka Gunbreaker

I'm in the camp of thiccqo'tes.

Attached: 5KZc5CX.jpg (1918x989, 243K)

Its a gun barrel/sight being sliced in half


Catboy players truly deserve any misery that is thrust upon them. They have been shitting up my DF queues unpunished for far too long.

>beginning of the dark ages
Not to say that you're wrong in some sense but WoW brought upon the Dark Age, FFXIV is only extending that Dark Age further by further reinforcing the shit theme park layout that WoW started. WoW-Players and FFXIV-players are literally the same at the end of it all and the only thing that separates the two is their love for anime or western art styles.

Attached: happy_food_lala.png (965x1000, 3.69M)

are people pretending to be stupid with this logo?
its so obvious what it is

>every race needs to pander to my mental illness
take a show barafatties

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user there are people out there who don't know what the SCH, SMN, DRK, SAM, or NIN icons are. You're really giving this playerbase too much credit.

Nah, faggot. The genre has been in the dark ages since WoW released and casualized the entire genre, making it worse and worse with each expansion. FF is just another alternative WoW clone.

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>the new race should be cute shota buns who cares about the lore xdd
delete both vieras and hrothgars and give us new faces

>Final conversations of the expansion before the one in more donuts is with Aymeric and Edmont

Fuck, they are gonna get black rose'd in ShB aren't they? At least Edmont is. Maybe the restoration of Ishgard is related to something with the Garleans, not just the general disrepair?

Attached: aymeric.jpg (1024x576, 172K)

That barely even looks like a barrel

>not wanting /ss/
what a faggot

Yep, for damn sure.

Honestly its surprising how many people neglect how much of a generic WoW-Clone FFXIV and think that the story is good when its only decent by MMO standards. ARR is a boring slog, HW is pretty good and SB is just plain ass, most Single Player games and even smaller scale Co-Op games have a better story than XIV.

Attached: lala_shorts_ell.jpg (573x853, 94K)

ss with your ugly catboy

t. child diddler

Use the actual image you halfwit

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I would unironically play as a Fatqote if we were given the option. There is fuck-all for player body variety in this game.

You too.

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But FFXIV is a dying game.

once the bara memers get the lala memers on their side it's over

A gunblade from the front?

Anyone got the pics these icons came from so I can source them? Saw it before but I'd like to have them.

Someone who actually draws lalas not necessarily being child-like or cute? My eyes deceive me.

dang all 3 extremely loud bara memers I'm scared

What is the best way to handle raids?
>Large area with trash before main boss (ARR)

>Faust before boss (HW)

>Just the fucking boss (SB)

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ARR at least mixed it up a lot. You had actual dungeons with trash before a final boss T1, going down a dungeon with no real boss T3, trash elevator fight T4.

>>Faust before boss (HW)
>>Just the fucking boss (SB)
SB also had a gate keeper, just it was on the last fight, not the first.

Best way is to just do both. Why the fuck is Battle of the Big Bridge the only Trial fight in the game to involve trash+run section? Trash needs to be made more worthwhile, and we need some proper CC skills back so we can have add management for mechanics again.

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>he doesn't know

there was more outrage at yoshida saying there wont be playable children than there were when male viera confirmed to not exist

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Poor BLU.

Good thing the trainer exsists.

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>the one that looks like a crowned heart isn't the (other) royal guard class
>the one that looks like a chakram with a slash isn't the slashy chakram class
nice meme

We get any info on new skills/changes to existing classes?
Please don't touch my RDM please... I just want to unga bunga spells...

Absolutely not, don't try to pretend we didn't get a week straight of absolute vitriol being spat from every place that discusses this game when he deconfirmed male Viera. We still get a faggot who posts about it to this day.

we can't have butt sliders because it will stretch clothes and he worried that fans might not like it

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Wasn't there a Balmungfag at last year's fanfest asking about playing as fucking children that made everyone look at them weird?

Who drew dis.

liveletter this week, please look forward to three hours of staring at yoshi's lala trying on clothes

Every. Fucking. Time.

pretty much how I feel.
I want to roll RDM when i want to relax and play for hours, and then swap to DRG when I want to focus more.

I finally made it to Stormblood, lads.

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we knew that since they introduced the pink catloli, but balmung retards gonna retards.

>muh shota boogeyman
brain damaged

So what jobs are we all taking to 80 first lads?
I'm somewhat tempted to take SMN/SCH just to have a dps and healer at 80 asap, but I've never mained a tank before and gunbreaker is looking sick.

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The artist is named Ell, that's all I remember

Who looked at those texture sizes and thought that was okay? I've seen PS3 exclusives with better texture sizes, there's no excuse here.

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drk unless they really fuck it up somehow, it became my main class in sb and it's the posterboy for shad

probably because the reasoning was so assbackwards and also implying the people that wanted less masculine male characters just wanted kids

>hey can we have males viera but like the gender dimorphism like male and female au ra
>oh you want KIDS??? fucking pedo we cant have that because you just take lewd pictures also kids cant get hurt please don't look at the elf twins, lalafell, the Padjal ect

Only female characters matter.

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oh yeah i forgot about that pic
anyway i like my explanation better and yoshi is a hack

I'm a WHM normally, but I'm trying to learn SCH because WHM has been super boring lately, so probably it, then probably GUN if I like the playstyle because I've always wanted to learn a tank.

Also having a group of 5 friends, three of which are dedicated DPS mains, is going to be hell. Thank god one tanks already.

just because you hate men doesnt make you any less of one stupid tranny

SAM, GNB, WHM, BLM, and MCH in that order

Matsuno said male vieras look like highlanders, deal with it already.

MMOs were only ever big as they were because online games in general weren't nearly as prevalent as they are today

Sex with my primal girlfriend.

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god I want to fuck that Moogle

The elf twins and Padjal are not playable in normal circumstances and lalafell are not children.

/xivg/ is getting restless, best to close up shop here soon until we have more to talk about. see you guys next thursday.

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>male viera look like mhiggers
ouch, glad we dodged a bullet there

>when the game forces me to socialize because I want to get good and I can't do it alone

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Why not all of them? Throw in a survival raid like A2S in for good measure

Alphinaud is still playable and who knows if they'll be playable more in shadow niggas. Also
>lalafell are not children
>but if you like them/play as them you're a pedo
which one is it

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level boosters on sale. to save myself from leveling through leveling another dps, should i just buy DRG to 60?

I really wonder what they can do the Samurai, it plays pretty much perfectly, hope it doesn't get the SB MCH treatment
speaking of MCH, I'll gladly play it again if its more like HW MCH or they rework it in a way that doesn't make me want to neck myself, because aesthetically I love it, but its just such a chore to play now
the prospect of drills and chainsaws is nice, but if its not fun, its pointless

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Make it a raid you actually have to traverse in making the path to whatever boss you're going to whack relatively scaled to the boss itself. Maybe take notes from T2 and have the path and bosses you take affect the final boss you take down in the end. Honestly anything really since throwing you into a circle room instance is really not that much fun in the long run.

Only if you're not on a road to 60 server. In the meantime, invest in squadrons. They ultimately end up being free DPS queues with boosted exp and nigh unkillable party members

>make mch the sam/blm of ranged
>literally even less reasons to have one

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classic wow is here

home is coming

also fuck off weebs

Final Fantasy has been trash since FF7

>lalafell are not children.
lalafell children the same as their adult versions. really makes you think

>SS on the 405 gun

I never bothered to look at it but holy shit Yoshi even your itemization is shitting on MCH

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so was there any real "leak" or just a bunch of memes?

The best outcome is that SAM ends up like MNK where it barely changes and just gets more OGCds. A RoF deal would actually be ok because speed isn't really a cornerstone of the job like MNK and NIN, but rather the most efficient path to big numbers right now

lalafell have never been children. The pedo thing is a retarded meme that caught fire due to people who barely pay attention to the game's content. In what universe do children participate in politics, economics, spirits, assassination, espionage and war on a regular basis?

yeah i have them, its just the time investment on leveling from around 30 to 70 again on another DPS
$17 is pretty well worth saving 2 weeks of play time.
only thing holding me back is how useful DRG would be in comparison to NIN, RDM, SAM and DNC

What? We've been in a dark age since 2004. It's been shit since

>implying Blizzard isn't going to fuck it up
oh my sweet summer child

>>make mch the sam/blm of ranged
I unironically want this. Parties are gonna be hard locked to NIN/DRG/BRD/DNC anyway, so might as well do BIG DICK DPS. Bonus points if it's just as fun as BLM/SAM

this. besides, who the fuck cares about the 'meta' comp anyway. this whole 'x DPS is bad' thing is a fucking joke, and anyone (especially those copycat PF pugs) who indulges it is a cancer.

Hold out til Thursday then. If we learn that DRG retains pierce debuff then go for it. As long as it has that, it'll be mandatory unless they completely neuter BRD

I bought a skip ARR and BLM60 potions.

How do I play BLM?

I wonder, if they make a third "selfish" DPS, would their selfish extra DPS overcome faggoty meta shit?

>Bonus points if it's just as fun as BLM/SAM
I'd fucking kill for MCH to be as fun as BLM/SAM, I don't even care about the meta, I just want to have fun with it again

DNC is confirmed slashing damage.

Alisaie best girl

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>gf never has time to play with me
>been waiting for her all day long
>comes back
>"is it okay if i play with my friends on xiv?"
yeah i haven't been waiting all day for you or anything. she's going to play with them for hours. she never does this with me.

Your relationship might be in trouble if she would rather spend time with people online than you user.

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I mean I was a catboi shitter for the longest time till I pondered joining team Lala.
I'll be joining team baracats day fucking one

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That doesn't stop SCH/DRG/BRD from being the holy trinity of crit though

What are the leaks? Reddit are being faggots about it

You'll start at 60 so you can ignore the 2 rotations you had to use to get there. What you need to know is how Umbral Ice and Astra Fire work. When you use Ice spells you go into Umbral Ice, at 3 stacks your MP will regen by like 80% per server tic, and the cast time on Fire 3 will be down to 1.5 seconds instead of 3.5. You can immediately entire Umbral Ice 3 by using Bliz 3. At astra fire 3 your fire attacks gain an 80% damage boost but MP costs double. You can enter Astral 3 by using Fire 3 and Bliz 3's cast time is reduced to 1.5 instead of 3.5. You use Bliz3 and Fire3 to switch between Astral and Umbral and transpose if you fuck up or during AoE.
Base Single target is:
From Umbral Ice 3 with 3 Umbral Hearts Fire 3 > Fire 4x3 > Fire1 > Fire4 x 3 > Firestarter proc if you got it > Bliz 3
During the wait to get your MP back from Umbral 3, you apply Bliz4 and Thunder3, then back to Astral with
Your AoE rotation is
>F3 > F2 > F2 > Flare > transpose > Bliz4 > Thunder4 > F3 to repeat until trash is dead. At 68 you stop using F2 and simply Flare twice.

am i the only one really bothered by male cat standing stance? It looks so fucking weird

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Probably not because the meta is actually about using as many other jobs to pad your own parse.

The way they curl their fingers and tilt their head forward is what's doing it.

fuck you

>implying WoW didn't usher the dark age of MMOs

Guess they weren't kidding when people say XIV is baby's first MMO

America's been in a video game dark age for at least a decade now

>there are people who believe this because Larry deleted it
>Larry hasn't even been to the event yet

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What the fuck? The opposite makes much more sense.
>circle with like looks like chakram
>heart looks like a barrel plus, you know, Leonhart

I honestly would play one if their default standing pose and stupid fucking scrunched hands weren't a thing, they also look like they run faster than they are actually moving, which is a problem I have with male au ra too

tenacity or determination

A little unrelated but how come in most Korean MMOs they insist on sticking every female character in high heels?

Tenacity is complete fucking garbage.

it sexy

Attached: 1556556913151.webm (854x480, 2.95M)

High heals are feminine and "sexy" To the general populace.

Heels are a common fetish, and females in Korean MMOs are all about fanservice

korean mmos usually have slutty/sexy designs so heels accentuate those features and they're pretty aesthetically pleasing when you're dealing with fantasy armor

Am I a DNC yet?

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>Not using the thav dress
are you even trying?

Can you recommend any sexy/slutty Korean MMOs that are also in English?

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I just don't agree, high heels always look fucking ugly to me and I hate having high heels surgically attached to my character even when I remove any footwear
I don't get how it's such a big thing, what's the appeal?

Have sex

Some of these movements are downright goofy looking, but otherwise it's rather hot.
Rabbit girls and moth girls do it for me.

he will, with his primal girlfriend, can't you read?

Unless you like your money I wouldn't recommend it.

Why was the phase 1 theme such ass? One of the few times Soken completely dropped the ball.

now take a pic of using your phone then post it again saying its a leak.

I will.

hey grats you're not the audience, simple as that


I would argue his rendition of Neo was bad, the tempo is much slower and it doesn't sound nearly as good

Why does the end-game suck so much?

>Level another class
>Gold Saucer
fun, stiull pointless
>Raids and Dungeons
no point besides $$

What the hell do i do now?

And don't tell me "Oh Eureka's" and shit that's literally copy and paste of what a dungeon or raid is, but just named differently, is there actually anything else to do

But why force it?
Is it really so big a fetish it needs to be a mandatory thing?

Why are jap women so disgusting

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Okay. Then it looks like I'll finally buy and subscribe to this one on Wednesday.

I'm playing the free trial, but I'm going to ignore Pugilist since it might play completely different after the expansion.

I'd believe it simply due to how retarded it seems. Especially the Phoenix aether count matching BluFever's fanfest leak. But I'll probably be btfo next week.

post cute sprout girl

5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1


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You play something else while waiting for Shadowbringers.

sounds like you don't enjoy the game. Just quit.

Is this game worth getting into?

ay good idea

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You obviously quit if nothing appeals to you. Or just mod and masturbate to your character once a week.



Don't fucking remind me, i'm ready for the darkest arts shit to turn out to be real

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yikes im already at that point

its not a force or fetish thing its a design thing, heels are better when you're dealing with sexy outfits

Free trial up to level 35. Heavensward expansion free until June 27th with purchase of base game. Heavensward and Stormblood expansion included in purchase of Shadowbringers but they don't unlock until Shadowsbringers launches on July 2nd.

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the duality of yikes

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is that when the shadowbringers NA tour is going on or something?

Still not as completely off the mark as the first phase, he completely gutted the precussion, the best part.

>he plays miqo'te
fucking deserved it

They never had father figures in their life

Has anyone ever drawn shameful art of YoshiP's lala?

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>no lalawife

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wrong post, my bad

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HW approach

liveletter where they'll be going over job changes

My job is about to be made god tier.

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it's 100% fake, it's an obvious shop

I mean what can they even do to WHM to make it even more boring than it already is

go ahead, you can't fuck me any harder than you already have

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Only give those who cleared ucob and I would be down. Infact give a golden ability to every class of a player who cleared ucob


You can't ruin how SMN plays after sb
>but they do good damage
Fuck you, the class became brain dead after HW.

Spoken like someone who hasn't seen horsecock 9000 that is what happened to BLU.

Yeah, that braindead two minute opener and complete DPS nuke on death.

BLU was fucked right out the gate, MCH was at least fun once upon a time before SB came out

You cant make it any worse so try it faggot

Thought the liveletter was going to be at the end of the month? Thank fuck if I can know sooner.


You either get a job that's only BLU in name or one that functions like BLU but can't play with the big boys because of balancing. We got the latter.

It's just too bad that it doesn't really have any kind of real combo aside from "use bonus damage skill whenever it falls off" and then "Spam this one attack"


>two minute opener
>majority of it is just spamming ruin 3 after first dwt rotation and making sure contagion aligns with bahamut. Afterwards just spam ruin 3, use your festers and apply your dots manually once every before bahamut rotation
yawn. Class use to have depth in HW. Now it's even more of a ruin 3 bot with ruin 2 boting during bahamut. HW SMN was actually fun and engaging. SB SMN is a snooze fest

SB Approach. Wasting my time with a couple trash mobs before Cruise Chaser is so fucking boring. Just let me fight the boss.


Are they going to Unlimit BLU?!?!?! Is that sprite for PotD?!?


>You either get a job that's only BLU in name
sounds good, they did that with RDM and it worked out really well
honestly, if I had to choose between a job that can't do 90% of content and one that can, I'm going with the latter

Yeah, I don't really mind that they removed the opening trash pull.

Hell, Savage alexander removed the trash pull too.

I wanna know what the next Ultimates are.

Red mage is properly a red mage though. You have black and white magic, both within the context of the game's lore and fitting within FF's standards of it, and you have melee attacks. RDM fits the series idea of Red mage

Thordan ultimate please. I want to work my way through all 12 of his knights

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Alex. Thordan. Warring Triad.

Alexander is a definite, if we get 3 instead of 2, it will likely be Thordan and Nidhogg
or we can get the warring triad w/ kefka as an ultimate

honestly I'm not sure which would generate more butthurt.

a BLU only in name would be like, you start at 50 with all of these monster skills already unlocked and the rest are from the quests, like oh we're fighting morbols today here have bad breath

Ultimate Ravana

I really hope it isn't Nidhogg, I'm am fucking tired of dragon bosses.

>Thordan Ultimate takes over an hour to do flawlessly

just imagine if each knight was fought individually and they took like 5 minutes each to kill

How do you even fuck up PLD at this point?

I swear to god, if Yoshida touches one hair on Aymeric or Edmont's heads I'm going to jihad

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Godbert. You can't win, you just get loot for lasting long enough.

Well dunno about 5 minutes to kill, but I read Yoshi wanted thorden EX to have a lot more phases, but it was getting too much for a simple EX, so they pruned it.

Would be great for an ultimate though

>that guy who waits until the very last second to roll on items at the end of dungeons/raids
>that guy is me

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Remove support abilities to force it into MT role.

Not really, but that's all there is to an MMO, aside from story. If you don't like RPing, story, or doing end game raiding? Might as well quit, as there's nothing else that will really keep you.

Nah, Godbert is defeatable. It's his wife that is the survive for as long as possible part. You gotta defeat Godbert for basic rewards, but they increase depending on how long you last

What is with Yea Forums and autistic posters who post the same thing every thread?

>he personally makes you the gear

>don't even pay attention to items
>realize that there's 7 things holding and just spam pass

When should I be in Lunar Phase for AST compared to Diurnal?

penis inside ass

You could just unsubscribe for now. Sounds like you've done all you wanna do with current content,.

if you have a white mage in y our party. otherwise never

Have sex

get friends

and what makes BLU so sacred that the devs can't put their own spin on it? BLU is very flexible in terms of how its implemented in each game, its a job that learns monster abilities, you can learn them from the job crystal, like all other jobs sans MCH do.
I get the idea behind it, I really do, but BLU is a one and done kind of deal, I did some of the carnivale challenges and I don't think they make up for the fact that BLU's limited capabilities, especially since this "solo" job can't even do solo content like other jobs can (squadrons and PotD)
I would have loved seeing the devs put their own spin on BLU, making it Blue Mage but able to fit within the current paradigm, I don't think that is unreasonable, is it?

In dungeons you want to put a shield on the tank between pulls then swap back to Diurnal.


It's all they know.

99.8% of possible discussion has been exhausted, there is nothing else to talk about until they release the liveletter, yet people keep making threads anyway
so until we get that liveletter, this is what you get

because theyre mmo players

Autism has high instance of comorbidity with transsexuality, egg boy.

>yfw its a 12 man raid and you each have to solo one of the knights

Oh, I would have been okay if they had done that. But a lot of people wouldn't. If they had done a BLU that was balanced for standard content without learning skills from monsters, you know people would have lost their shit just as much.
It was a damned if you do damned if you don't situation. That was why they didn't even wanna do BLU initially. No matter what they did, a lot of people would be unhappy.

stay mad tranny

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How are you legitimately able to somehow process this being the fault of ffxiv? Have you seen the state of wow? Hate on weebs all you want, they're annoying fucking faggots but don't try to deflect the blame onto another mmo that is essentially a clone of wow just with a modern engine. Actiblizz is causing the downfall of the most influential mmo. What with their fanfic tier writing to them just straight up copy pasting mop.

That and even if we didn't get threads spammed all day every day, it'd be forced alive anyway with "I am forgotten..." memes.

>All WAR Buttons are replaced with Fell Cleave, WAR's new trait is Feller Cleave and all it does it take a screenshot and post it to all your Parse linkshels whenever you crit

Heads up for my weary mmo drifter bros, ascent infinite realm is coming and looks pretty fun

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>ever supporting Baras
It's like you forget why certain players gravitate towards certain body types. Why would people who want to be small cutesy shit ever back up people who want to be burly muscle fags? They're more likely to back up shotafags if anything.

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Blessfag at it again.

>Roes liking lalas at all

And I'm already nervous

size difference is best couple type

>Korean anything

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I'm into bara shit but I don't want to play a Roe so I play a lalafell shithead because it's funnee

We already have insectoid chinamen shilling their shitty EGS, now we have gooks too?

I literally cannot wait any longer. Can one of you fucks just put together a fake leak to hold me over? I just want one concrete dark knight change listed or I'm gonna go sicko mode

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Neat. How's the narrative though? You can dangle the prettiest keys but you have to tell me a story that will make me care.

Every time new gook mmo comes out there's always someone shilling for it.

I just don't get why they couldn't tie monster skills in job quests, like how is that any different from SMN getting the egis.

Hey, it's not our fault neowiz changed the game a few weeks out from the NA launch. If they had just released the jp build it would've done a lot better.

Every job quest is just a variation of the Hydra quest from Chrono Cross.

>weebs taken over the mmo genre
>saying this when wow classic is about to be released

MMO hoppers are contemptible paramecium.

Scourge is coming back as an alternate combo ender off Siphon Strike. Each tick of the DoT will build Blood gauge.

What other choice is there? The only mmos on the horizon from the west are kickstarters.


Because SB stopped tying skills learned to quests aside from the final one.

>korea shit
na senpai

Here's your average femroe player

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Someone post the other version of this

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I still feel less people would have been upset if it was a real job, the limited thing has led to a lot of worry that several potential jobs will just get the limited treatment and be mostly useless one and done minigames
there were people who were mad DRK was a tank and Dancer was a DPS, but people got over it, with BLU, its the fact that there is absolutely nothing to it, it can't even queue for roulettes
part of me thinks they should have kept abilities tied to quests, that way the quests could just be about running out and fighting monsters for their abilities, but I am overall glad they got rid of it for convenience.
oh well, BLU is pretty much worthless content, but at least its faithful to the concept of blue mage

I imagine there was more outrage in Japan because loli/shota races are the norm in their domestic games. Dragon Quest X, Dragon's Dogma Online, and Phantasy Star Online 2 all have extensive loli options, so when Yoshi gave his bullshit answer it probably came off to them as "the gaijins screwed us."

And maybe on this board specifically because as much as the staff tries to stopblock/deny it, Yea Forums loves loli.

Its too bad the devs only seem to listen to Reddit, who were wholly behind their decision.

Supposedly, some of the lore has been changed since it was first shown a year ago. This was the opening for the old korean cbt.

According to one guy playing the thai beta currently, it's different. How it's different though, I dunno.

All they need to do is have a "restricted" moveset. You have to take a pre-set that's balanced around current content if you want to queue, otherwise you can play your custom sets in PF as much as you want.

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I've been playing for 2 and a half years and I can't do it anymore. Dead overworld, limited pve content, pvp that is absolutely garbage. The crafting system is okay I guess. Also, in SB, class gameplay started to feel awfully boring. I guess I'll wait and see how this new combat revamp goes before making the final decision.

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>korea garbage
>any time after 2010
uninstall your blood

at last, DRK is saved

Mix it up and do some of each. Having the raids be glorified trials one after another for the entire expansion was a huge step backwards.

Any scenes in this game that match this feel? Downloading the trial now

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It's been one year since her ending. Did you enjoy the fight?

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i don't follow pop culture. what is this?

There's no mmo worth playing so might as well try anything.

Yes just not with other people.

Who's the one between Lady Almond and Scathach

How are we supposed to identify whatever random reddit scene this is

>its been one year already

Attached: 1533143766711.png (800x659, 335K)

>Your character is one of the many resurrected spirits of people who died in an apocalypse that ended a foolish war
I mean, it's definitely no chosen one story. I almost want to play as a diplomat or as the king himself with that setup.

>how are we supposed to recognize a scene from the most popular show in history
yikes levels reaching critical


What kind of shiteating plebian follows television series? It's all crap.

MASH is the most popular show in history

Her fight was pretty cool. Like the music a lot. Hated her stupid amnesia story arc in the patches and was happy it finally ended.

If only we could get the models loaded to stick during cutscenes.

It triggers my autism too much to have two different models for cutscenes and general gameplay, so I just model swapped a minion for Khloe and have her follow me on adventures.

Do you know what the pink loli cat's name/model is in SStool? I'm going crazy trying to find her.


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Don't cry user. It's okay to like zoomer shit. We were just asking what the hell you just posted

Will we get the benchmark next week or will Yoshi push it to the end of the month?

What are tips to find an ERPer in Ultros?

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Next week for sure.

>people so bitter that they cant just enjoy a sweet amnesia arc
Gotetsu and yotsuyu deserved that spotlight. I only wish it lasted longer

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No one knows. At the very least we'll get the job actions trailer since they showed it at the EU press event.

user literally any other race is size difference with a lalafell not just roes big rabbit women and male lalafell is gonna be great though

Not everyone is playing on max settings faggot.

Check the party finder for any events going on, a lot of the ERP is relegated to specific housing districts and FCs.

Otherwise hang out in Limsa and whisper anyone who looks like a thot.

It's not the amnesia, it's the buttfuck stupidity displayed by all parties involved second only to Lyse forgetting what "Tempered" means.


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Big rabbit women and short tomboy middies*

what if they massively fucked with classes and the benchmark is there as a last resort to calm the autism outpour?


I'll never forget how Mr Happy single-handedly ruin pugs with his retarded strat the first couple of days.

>h-hey guys, do I fit in yet?
lurk more

What about it?


>big rabbit women and male lalafell
damn, that's some good taste you got there

Gunbreaker when it comes out til forever.

You should all thank Yoshi P for adding another perma tank to the roulette queues. (I'm currently a NIN main)

He's been doing that for years. I remember when he told people to stand in aoe in world of darkness way back when.

No need to force your obsession on me. I'm cool with being male irl and dont have to play the same gender in a video game

But Yoshida said nobody ever switched main, ergo, you don't exist.

Guys I have a question. I REALLY liked heavensward MSQ and the entire aesthetic. I'm kind of tempted to remake an entirely new character to play through it again.

I haven't even gotten through stormbloods MSQ or reached max on my main. I feel like it's a bad choice. But isn't heavensward just so good? Anyway I wanted to ask if the leveling is still a massive pain as it was before.

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Wait for newgame+ in 5.0

>that healer who queues into alliance roulette before going to bed and leaves and logs out of the game if it's a level 70 duty but stays and gets easy Genesis if it's 50/60
>that guy is me

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I'm not to worried about that, they usually only fuck a couple of jobs up per expac. Question is, which ones will it be?

>hang out in Limsa and whisper anyone who looks like a thot.
Like people in just a bikini? I'm bad at this and don't want to be reported for harassment.

Benchmark trailer before live letter, I guess, kinda silly if they release it after they show the new skills.

they are adding new game+ so you might be able to just play through it again that way with your main character

>having this shit of taste in terms of size difference
At least this user knows whats up.

>being afraid of level 70 content
Kind if sad

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I like size dif but I don't find lalafells sexy

You can pretty safely whisper any fem c@, Au Ra or Midlander in any kind of non-armour glamour. Maybe don't unzip your dick immediately though.

Well fuck this changes everything, thanks

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>can't do 70 content
>brags about it

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Only when the female is shorter

Itt the sb benchmark just dropped
>Yo PLD got their own holy now!?

but only if it is age gap yuri

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Holy fuck pld finally got magic aoe!

>Only when the female is shorter
obtain taste

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End thyself manlet

Literally a coping nigger manlet LOL

Yeah come on. There are like 10 milllions mentally ill furries in g*rmany, I know they want their 5 minutes of discord fame
How can male cats compete

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If you take all your clothes off before you queue you're guaranteed to get a level 50 raid

I don't think its the male cats who are going to be competing for Hrothgar affection

Much appreciated, user.

>there are peopl

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>not even using the hot male roe body mod
>dog dick
0/10 see me after class

nothing wrong with any of it

can I play as a cute chubby catgirl?

Attached: 1554959293775.jpg (572x621, 104K)

>cute chubby
does not compute


Coming this August we will see the return of the one true PEAK MMO.

Fuck your furry driven game, shame on you fucking weebs.

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Are there people who actually believe this or is Blizz just hiring more shills than usual?

Are you by any chance aware that you too have furry races


never happening now because of whining male vieragfags

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Suck my white paladin balls.

WoW is the game for real white men, not your feminized eastern shit.

Honestly, Wow is probably the superior mmo, it just has more shit to do.

>SHaD comes and goes
>we finally return home
>the only enemy left is the garleans

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Lightning's Gunblade when it is all folded up.

still surprised at the lack of jap influence in the mod scene

Japs are too busy playing the game and actually clearing content to be making mods to jack off to horsedicks

>different body types that don't already have existing gear modes like Roe for Hrothgar
Yoshi-P would never do this for the same reason that caused headgear on Viera and Hrothgar to become a "Patch it Later" deal.

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>shotafag shitposting killed chonk cats

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>hot male roe body mod

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The fucking chinese communist gov. promotes the likes of weeb mmos such as FFXIV (BTW they have NO right to use latin numbers, those are OUR heritage not theirs) because they promote the INCEL lifestyle which reduces the birth rate of the WHITE RACE.

Your betraying yourself if you white and enjoy weeb shit.

I just fucking leave if it's NOT 70 stuff. In the hellscape that is crystal, every single fucking alliance takes at LEAST 15 minutes more than before the new datacenter, so if I'm gonna be trapped somewhere forever it damn well better be ivalice, at least.

Especially world of darkness. I'd rather do omega with 7 first timer balmung and mateus players than do world of fucking darkness with fucking crystal.

Oh look, it's the real cause of the mmo dark age. Faggot Fantasy 14 is just a continuation of the cancer that Blizzard started.

Classic is what a PEAK MMO looks like mate, whether you like it or not.

except the japs take the same amount of pervy screenshots of their characters in vanilla outfits

really fucking weird

It has instances, so it's not an mmo.

Refer to Shotafags are just a scapegoat for Yoshida's laziness to do anything that isn't already available in-game to be reused. Actually surprising they went with Hrothgar given they would have to make new headgear models for all of the.

Why doesn't Sea of Clouds or Churning Mists look like this

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I started playing this yesterday, and am up to Lv27; just reached a place called Ala Mihgo.
Any advice for a Thaumaturge? I know to get my job stone, however that works, at Lv30 but other than that I'm flying by the seat of my pants.

Also, did I do good by joining the Adders?
I couldn't say no to the white mage lady. I'd her horns.

Side note: My friend gifted me the motorbike mount. I couldn't use it until I got the ability to also ride a chocobo and holy shit it is like night and day. It's a bit of an eyesore in this fantasy world of sylphs and spriggans, but I think it moves at 2x the speed of the porters I used to get about on, and it's made doing all these fiddly story quests like a dream.

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not a lot of nips know about mods and most of them are console fags

What's my rotation for WAR as a Main Tank nowadays?

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>tfw no cute chubby gf
gonna end it all bros

No real difference desu. The only difference is the jackets you get, and if you wanted yellow that's your choice. I liked the red in Limsa

DRKfags..... We're saved.

>just reached a place called Ala Mhigo
you must be referring to little ala mhigo, the real ala mhigo comes much later
>Also, did I do good joining the Badders?
>My friend gifted me the moterbike mount
most mounts require a riding map in order to move faster in the overworld, which you can get with allied seals from hunts, but the bike moves faster without the maps

Whoah thats my bless screen shot lol
Bless had okay looking textures but damn did ue3 do it dirty with performance

>dog dick on a lion

unga eye, bunga fell cleave fell cleave fell cleave fell cleave fell cleave warggh path wargh path unga eye


You mean Little Ala Mhigo. The ACTUAL Ala Mhigo doesn't happen until waaaay later.
Remember to set your role skills, and don't just spam ice all the time, ya gotta do fire til ya run out, then ice to get your mana back up to use fire again.
Adders are fine.

Any imgure albums of cute/lewd XIV girl butts?

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>mantits meme

Its like a shitty western porn game ad on newgrounds

I wish I could post a reaction image of my immense disgust

how's this?

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heteros get out

Alphi's epic quest for hentai


holy shit, that looks bad

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I'm gay my dude but nice try.

pretty good

no, because it wouldn't make sense for your character to be chubby with how active they are. Adventuring and ass-kicking and all that. Kinda keeps ya slim/buff.

Ah okay. I figured it would probably have little effect given the way the game is designed. Having like, a whole different story campaign, didn't really feel like it was on the cards, but I couldn't discount the possibility I'd made the same mistake I made in Kamidori by joining the treehuggers and landing on the lamest route.

Yeah it's a shantytown filled with dropkicks and derelicts in a big desert rock.

>most mounts require a riding map in order to move faster in the overworld, which you can get with allied seals from hunts, but the bike moves faster without the maps
Interesting. If he did it for my QoL it sure as hell worked. I'll be sure to thank him again now I know why.

That's more or less what I've been doing. During trashpacks I
>Ice 1
>DoT the enemies the tank didn't slap first with Thunder
>Fire/Fire II until out of MP
>Ice 1 to get myself to Umbral x2, Lightning, Scathe to not clip the GCD with Transpose
>Fire again
I hope that's fine.

Anyways thanks dudes.

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>I'm gay
Youre not fooling anyone

Remove the fucking aura effects on DRK and WAR so I can play them please

Also I hope to christ GUN doesn't have one

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is there a manroe mod that isn't a meme? they desperately need a dick in my game but all the mods Ive seen are stupid

Lower your settings you nerd.

They're not great, but them being in-game makes my wiener hard.

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You're right your awful post turned me straight sorry.

It's for the best, and take your awful taste with you.

>it wouldn't make sense
the adamantoise mount flying doesn't make sense either my dude, that shit doesn't matter, not to mention lalafell aren't exactly built for adventure either


unironically this

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Fat lizards would've been better than Hrothgar.

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You can't turn them off without turning everything else off too.

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no dude those tits arent big enough for him, you need literal futa

Im not into that, but whatever rock your boat.

>he thinks his roe mods look good
dude, it looks like shit, beardless mhiggers look better than your roe

that's that, this is this.

>im not into futa

>he's never seen large full pecs
Okay retard. Anyway lets not shitpost anymore. I just wanted to help.

>males get a new body mod thats great
>roes are stuck with memes
hope hrothgars don't go the same direction, all they need is an animal dick

Attached: 1542331708402.jpg (1460x1664, 175K)

>no suzaku

? ¿?

>large pecs = womens tits
you should really stop eating so much glue

If the trash is only going to be autoattackers with an ocassional aoe, get rid of em. If there are actual mechanics built around them, then they would be good to keep.

>a turtle that can fly by rockets coming out of its legs and spinning really fast, that makes sense
>little people who have the proportions of a toddler can fight toe to toe with other races and kill gods, makes sense to me
>chubby adventurers, that is just too much to comprehend
uh huh

Suzuki is not a primal

>race with nearly undesired body type gets ignored by mods
>thinkings Hrothgar which shares this body type will not get ignored either
All Hrothgar will do in the long run is split up the Roe community more. Most players want to be Au Ra, Lalafell and Miqote.

You know, I believe you're gay, because apparently you've never seen a woman's breasts in your life if you think that goofy roe model has them.

The WoL does plenty of fighting, but he barely needs to do any walking between his mount and teleporting. If he were a gourmand Eorzean food doesn't seem very expensive in towns and looks great. He could definitely get built-fat at least

What sort of mental affliction must one suffer to think chubby/fat shit is attractive?

>womens tits
Not only are you retarded but blind too

Refer to and Not only would it be more work for Yoshida, which he doesn't want to do, you are asking for a body type that would not be desired by the community at large, want chubby? Go play WoW, you'll get the same MMO experience with the same kind of autists minus the story being good for one Expansion.

I'm too excited for gunbreaker
Give me it now and let it start at level 1 please yoshi

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I'm not even arguing for chubby, I was joking, but one user said it is too much of a stretch to assume an adventurer couldn't be chubby, which is nonsensical considering the amount of other ridiculous shit that goes on
I understand that it would be a lot more work than would be worth

Even if you love leveling 1 is too low. 15 is a better level so you can immediately start dungeons.

>PLD cant use protect/shell.
>WAR cant break weapons and armor.
>MNK cant remove gear to be even better than with gear.
>BLM cant cast Death, Break, Bio, Osmose, Toad, Pig, etc. Exploits elemental weaknesses.
>WHM cant revive undead for insta wins.
>BRD does DPS levels of damage, instead of buff focus.
>SMN focuses on self damage instead of insta kill AoE burst damage. Exploits elemental weaknesses.
>DRG doesnt become immune to damage when jumping in the air, nor does it stay up in the air.
>NIN cant throw items in their inventory, just a ninjutsu. (Not customize their dual wield)
>DRK couldnt use HP for TBN instead of MP as the bare minimum, much less doing extra dmg based on the HP sacrificed.
>AST couldnt be Time Mage.
>SAM cant toss gil to do max damage if rich.
>RDM gains flare and holy, and doesnt have a true dual cast. (Doesnt even get a "fast cast" variant either.)

But we draw the line for BLU.

Attached: BLUM.jpg (769x1000, 98K)

>let it start at level 1
sorry user, starts at lvl 60, I'm looking forward to all the shit new tanks that will plague the leveling roulette's when ShB comes out

The genre is unironically shit. I can't understand how you can enjoy fucking fetch quests and flowcharting. Even MMO players admit they turn off their brain when they play. Why not go running or do some monotonous exercise if you want to turn your brain off?

based and redpilled
PLD used to have protect, but it got removed with the introduction of the cross-role system


PLD didnt get it, CNJ did, and PLD had to borrow it.

pld signature move is cover though

It had cure before it got Cover. Remember that the job "Knight" and "Fighter/Warrior" are the same job as PLD. Because PLD is called KNight in japan, the translators went with PLD instead of Knight in FF4, because there was also Dark Knight.
Its weird to have Knight be the upgrade to Dark Knight.

>finally finishing up the story
>we're about to get cleaved in half by aszenos
>fucking Estinien of all people comes out of no where to save us in perfect anime fashion
>Aermic even shows up despite the danger
Is there anything these people can't do? Best race, best characters, best expansion. I'm gonna go level DRG just out of sheer gratitude.
Really wish they would have animated that brief exchange tho...

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I'm so close
I can see the light on the end of the tunnel
Bardam queues are so sparse right now and I'm fucking sick of HoH

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Nobody queues for Bardams, just queue for the dungeon before it.

just do shisui until 67 t b h

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Just do alliance roulette every day and you'll hit 70 in like 20 weeks.

>You shall fall, as did your ally

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>tfw I was the first one in my group that noticed this and pointed it out

Feels bad playing with a bunch of lorelets

>Fighting Ser Zephirin in the DRK level 70 DRK quest

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I can't fucking figure out who that is second from the right

What the fuck is wrong with you, you can barely see the aura as is; I want DRK's aura to be like what it was when HW early access first launched and have it be obnoxious as fuck.

Pyros final boss, penthesilea

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Pazuzu I think

Why can't they just make it where blu has to have certain monster skills for a raid/dungeon?

5 star post.
I hate their reasoning behind BLU so much.

Attached: bahamut nut.png (380x400, 115K)

They're gonna show off the rest of the artifact gear art in 4 days right

>What the fuck? The opposite makes much more sense.
>heart looks like a barrel plus, you know, Leonhart
You fucking retards, it's not a chakram it's a barrel and the slash thing is the blade. Look at the SAM icon, it's the same pov for the GBR.

You'll be able to see them as they showcase every job's changes but to really get a good look at them we'll probably need the benchmark which should hopefully be soon.

I want to impregnate that BLU

I've only gotten into feast recently because the garo notice motivated me to finally finish up that collab and holy shit this game mode is fun.
I love healing here because of all the snap decision making and reacting to debuffs like wildfire that I have to do.
Why is this mode not more popular?

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>implying MMOs haven't been weeb shit since th late 2000s

That's not a god damn raid, that's a boss fight. They need to change the terminology if they're gonna stay with that weak trash. At this rate, the only "raids" we have are the 24 mans

Why was Dark Knight made into a greatsword tank when Rune Fencer exists?

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SMN and SCH might become separated jobs

post 100% true leaks

>long legged bunnygirls in high heels

This guys is right tho, pecs huge like that are mostly estrogen from doing steroids commonly known as bitch tits.

because yoshida is a special snowflake faggot who tries his hardest to be "unique" with his class design and gets so asshurt when you want older jobs he gives you the mess that is blue mage just to get you to fuck off


The garo notice has boosted activity a fair bit, but queue times can get pretty rough late in a season, which sorta makes a feedback loop of people not playing it. The reward structure for feast is pretty shit as well. Slowly working your way to generally eh looking weapons is all you're going to do if you can't make top 100.
I enjoy it myself, wish I had the time to make a real attempt at a top 100 grind this season. I'm sure I'm too shit to actually make it, but I do like the armor.

How do we remove unironic homosexuals from this game?

I want a trophy. How much do I have to bribe someone for win trading?

>2-3 comms every dungeon run levelling whm
This class is dull but I'm feeling it

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Feel my cock in your ass, loser. Lmao!

>you need a barrel to shoot bullets

woah that's gay

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the only fight I still have act callouts for

>He thinks GUNblades will shoot

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They literally already showed them shooting in the 30 second reveal trailer

DRK at lvl 80 summons the dude from his quest line to fight with him for a while.
This is the only time I'm gonna leak anything. Please wait until the live letter.

Exploding =/= shooting


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They're the shitty FF8 that don't shoot but "vibrate" instead.

>level 80 DRK skill is take the reigns

Attached: dee colon.jpg (124x136, 4K)
So is this going to be the overworld battle theme?

They fire into the air to make a shield retards

I'm not saying it isn't, but that can be literally anything, like a dungeon's theme. RDM and SAM didn't reveal the battle theme for example.

would be pretty sick

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This is already what Living Dead is canonically. You let Fray take over and pilot your body because oh fuck we're gonna die and you sustain yourself via DAHKNESS.

>fire gunblade
>it sounds like a bullet
>it leaves a shell behind
>the blade recoils

Back to /k/ faggot, your kind does not belong in this world.

Weebs are saving the gaming industry.

Can't forget the classic Skip Soar. Why do people still listen to that FAT FUCK?

I didn't even bother farming Tsukuyomi just because no one wanted to fucking decide on which god damn strat to use for meteor placements in PF. Oddly enough, Mr.Happys preferred setup for that was the most noob-friendly one, but people never wanted to do it.

The dark ages come when the Korean grind fest MMO's rise up. That's when you know we're fucked.

Did you even watch the trailer?

At least they inspire good stories.

Have you read Legendary Moonlight Sculptor?

Yes. Please point out the barrel on the gunblade to me.

>change server
>name is taken by a level 1 marauder

Part of me wants to believe that they shit out so many mmo's that one of the will surely be good someday by pure chance, but I'm expecting the heat death of the universe first.

Here you fucking idiot.
Now go choke on a bag of Hrothgar dicks

Attached: sketch-1558252837305.png (1080x1146, 1.51M)

what's the best looking DRK weapon?

That's a cylinder you moron.

Not him but that's not a barrel.

>fucking around in Gridania as a blue mage
>keep getting raised by newbie healer that begins talking to me
>we start interacting more and more everyday
>we talk and tell each other about ourselves

I don’t like where this is going. Me and her started talking on discord and the other day started voice chatting for the first time. Around this time my ex started texting me wanting to get back with me. I told my friend and she doesn’t want me to get back with her. What does this mean?

i like her



Tanks who enter expac dungeons undergeared and save their cds for only the final boss need to be shot in the head

But that's not a barrel

Top 3
Guillotine of the Tyrant
Baldur Blade

I know what you’re thinking, I actually did hear her voice and see her face.

Get fucked Curious George

user. Come on now...

It has always been there from the get go.

Attached: FF8.jpg (331x247, 13K)

>getting back with your ex
clearly it didn't work out the first time, why would a second?

Back in ARR we used mr happy as the shitter bar, if he had a video out and you were not able to kill a boss you might as well just watch his videos,he deserves your views, dozo BITCH

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Maybe I’m just too gullible, but she swears she’s stopped drinking and she’s better.

Diamond Greatsword, no contest

Attached: DiamondGreatsword.jpg (1024x539, 107K)

Edge of the Fiend, don't (you) me.

>here's your barrel
>circles the cylinder
can you elaborate please, what the fuck did you mean by this?

Trash taste

>Circles the clip

If there's one thing I dislike about UCoB looking back on it, it's how some of the Trios have role-specific mechanics divvying (Blackfire always splitting the group into two groups of 1tank/heal+2dps for example), along with hatches being DPS-exclusive. 80% of the mechanics in that fight otherwise give zero fucks what role you are (or even if you're the MT), you can get targeted for it.

>he can't beat 08s
sorry user, maybe you can unsync it in ShB eh?

not everyone is autistic with guns because not everyone has brain delay NA

That thing is fucking garbage my dude.

the ultimate dreadwyrm claymore
even does it doesn't really fit the edgy-ish theme of the drk it's really good looking

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even if it doesn't*

I'm a pretty big fan of Kidomaru

top 3:
guillotine of the tyrant
pyros guillotine
baldur blade

>particle effects
Congrats and all on clearing that fight but the weapons look genuinely awful compared to their original versions.

desu I don't even have it because I barely play drk but every time I see it on a character I wish I'd spent a token for it

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Never seen a single anime except for FMA Brotherhood. Fuck off faggot.

Weak deflecting ya shit eater. Find a better glam.

One of the worst Ultimate weapons, literally just the ninja daggers but oversized

relax, ShB isn't far off, I'm sure you can find a group to beat it with

Elon is that you

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Cope harder lol

Looking forward to switching off of the Healing role this expansion as they neuter their DPS toolkit even further from 4.0.

If you're on Primal I can help you.

O8s isn't that hard if you just put in a little effort, especially with current gear, watch a guide and you are good to go!

>i dont want to keel playing a healer cause they cant dps

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The only people who are going to play healers in ShB are the people who like getting fucked in the ass.

Not him but Cleric stance switching made the game so fucking fun for me in HW as a SCH, with Excog addition it would have been fucking perfect to have still.
Having 5 dots too was neat... ;_;

so catbois, roes and hrothgar?

not that guy, but I wanna clear it so I can have a shot at this beauty. But I'm an antisocialite and my FC is rather small...

Attached: Curtana_Ultima.png (892x466, 550K)

>He says while waiting 1hour and a half every dungeon as a DPS and 30min as a Tank, while the healing queue will be fucking instant

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cleric stance in ShB is gonna be a permanent stance much like the tank ones
>toogle Cleric Stance: deal more damage but heal less

I can't wait

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I like being able to do both at the same time. It made healing in XIV feel very different from most other MMOs with an active healing role.

you can always try PF it, as I said, its easier now with current gear, but I would still watch a guide
Ultima Ultimate will be a rough beast, not sure if you can beat it before ShB, but I'm sure there will be prog parties even after ShB comes out.

>Cleric stance switching made the game so fucking fun for me in HW as a SCH
I didn't think it was that interesting once I realized there's no actual commitment to undo it to heal then quickly turn it back on again.

I swear if I see a Hrothgar healing in my group I'm fucking insta leaving. They should have never been added to this game. The thought of one healing me gives me a sense of dread. 100x worse than Roe healers.

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>Ultima Ultimate will be a rough beast
It's not really that rough. It's a very, very consistent fight to learn, especially compared to the other Ultimate which will fuck your shit up on phase 2 when trying to work on Trios/Add Phase.

>Friends/FC are busy so I'm solo.
>See 30+ minute queue
>Back out and do it imediately with trusts

Yeah dang, queue times bruv those totally still matter.

>want to do Bahamut
>everyone just wants ultima wep since it's easier to clear before 5.0
I was too late... I failed.

It will be rough this far in, since most people who were interested will already be done with it, so finding a group and learning it from scratch will at least take a lot of time, rough might have been the wrong word, but it will definitely take a while, especially if you aren't used to that level of content.

How do you still find groups for UWU who want to take a new member in though?

>tfw MCH/SMN
>ultimate weapons look like dogshit
I guess I'm not doing those then.


>don't like the UCOB grenade launcher