The entire rest of the world

>the entire rest of the world
>one country

Why is Japan so good at making games?

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Because pretty much everyone there plays them. Its a big industry over there so it gets more attention. America is more focused on movies

I personally don't enjoy any games from Japan. Not to say that Japanese games are inherently bad, just that I have personally found all of them to be shitty or uninteresting

This pretty much only Jap games I’ve liked are RE and Souls.

vidya makes way more money in america than movies, has for quite some time

The battle of midway, 1942 was redpilled

I think that's just because video games are more expensive and the fanbases consist of bigger die hard fans who'd spend $150 on a collectors edition. Movie industry doesn't have the same thing


It's actually because of f2p games.

Intelligent people who, in contrary to the west, aren't ruled by jews and communists dumbfucks

Higher percentage of games with AAA budgets that aren't designed by committee and developed by the mentally ill, that'd be my guess.

Pretty much this place the only one that's biased when it comes to nip games. Yea Forums just has a biased due to fact that alot of weebs are here.
Hell that's half the reason why i'm here. Then again most of the console industry is Nips but the games that sell the most are surprise surprise non nip games.
This industry so fucking bizarre.


It's all anime shit. Japan fucking sucks. The nukes didnt do enough damage they need more

Elder God Tier is Jap game with western influence.
Case in point: Every Capcom Marvel game, Advance Wars, Dark Souls, Metal Gear Solid, and so on.

I hate how Japan make female characters. Obligatory panty shots and legit objectification.
It's all well and good in your "Super Kawaii Bubbly eyed Underage loli Dress up Spankies" games but keep it out of the mainstream. Some of us have an IQ larger than our penis size

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k tranny

>Some of us have an IQ larger than our penis size
How do you figure? What's the conversion rate between inches and IQ points?

I hate panty shots, so classless.

i think the difference here is the way we see maturity games and animation may not be seen as childish to the degree japan sees it

american games are just movies though so really you should add western games and hollywood revenue together to get the ammount of money that western movies make


The same reason Korea is so good at playing games compared to the rest of the world. Asians are smarter than everyone else.

Probably because Japanese game devs don't dabble into politics like other game devs. This is why you can have games from Japan with titty monster girls typically without backlash, whereas if it was from an American dev, it would be condemned as objectification.

Nah, there's plenty of politics in Japanese games and media, it's just that most of the time it's not written by a retarded hack so it doesn't come off as annoying as fuck.
And also because Jap guys aren't feminist cuckolds like white guys, so you sometimes end up with stuff like webm related.

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Once Japan invents mechas, things will be different around here.

It's a culture that sees hard work as a noble thing regardless of whether or not you could work more efficiently and people obsess over tiny details that most sensible people wouldn't bother with.

The result is some games that have an incredible amount of thought put into them but the people making those games are typically broken psychologically.

is this true?

>muh hard work


>Why is Japan so good at making games

because you only see the good ones and not the tonnes of kusoge that never make it past the shores

Because the Japanese have literally nothing else to look forward to in life. They come home from work and stare at a screen until they have to go back.

Compare that to America, where you have the freedom to spend your free time with your family, hunting, fishing, camping, playing sports, working on cars, and exploring our vast country. Only social rejects stay inside playing video games.

Compare this to Nip bugmen, who live in tiny apartments in massive cities who know nothing but going to work, eating, watching anime/playing video games, and sleeping. It's a depressing existence.

I would give anything to live in a city that isn't a nog-infested shithole where you can't go outside past 8 PM.

holy shit
you are so mad

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>I would give anything to live in a city that isn't a nog-infested shithole where you can't go outside past 8 PM.

i heard alaska needs people

Alaskan "cities" are glorified towns.

Stop right there, Faggot!

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Asian countries like Japan, South Korea and China has been leading the world in technology since WW2 that is because they are the most advanced countries on Earth, West just cannot compete. I mean how can you even make tech stuff if you are surrounded by medieval and ancient architecture like in Europe for example. You need to live in 21 century to be able to produce tech stuff like asian countries are with their glass skyscrapers.

I remember looking on 5ch when WH2 came out or rather I think they still have a thread for it now and there were so many people asking for a translation. They also wanted to know lore behind the factions and were looking for some wikipedia pages in Japanese but alas.

Many of them akchually dig the western stuff but some like it how ironic weebs like Jap staff it makes them look cool and so on. Westaboos are really a thing.

we can't beat them, we just can't win.

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There's a lot of kusoge too. The reason why you think this is because all of the good shit usually gets translated and noticed by foreigners and discussed constantly on websites like this while all the kusoge generally gets ignored and remains untranslated. Combine this with the fact that Japan is a foreign country and it has an exotic appeal to westerners and there you go.

I think it was 2 chan and yeah I did look at some translated shit there.
I wonder if they do the same for us too and translate our shit to see what the weebs are talking about.
Well i'm not sure they'd be pleasant about weebs. I heard they hate them but maybe i'm wrong.

>There's a lot of kusoge too
Name 15.

Japanese games are shit

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You can argue this is cherry picked but honestly the games he's chosen are literally highest grossing.
His description of them arn't too inaccurate either. WRPG kun growing stronger.

Nobody actually beleives these bait images right?

>WARHAMMERで学ぶ基礎英語〜グリーンスキン編〜『DA BEST』
Found some of the recent ones

Ah maybe it was
>Well i'm not sure they'd be pleasant about weebs. I heard they hate them but maybe i'm wrong
Depends on the person I guess but how do you feel about wetaboos? It ain’t that much different.

>Turks make Mount and Blade
Your move weebshitters :^)

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Different side of the same coin. Also hilarious.
We could probably both talk about alot of shit but i'd laugh myself unconscious if the westaboo started saying he likes modern american sitcoms.

>fans who spend more on expensive IMAX tickets and see the latest Marvel/Star Wars movie 6 times
They kinda do.

no that's how anime remains profitable, vidya relies on microtransactions

Don't forget the associated movie merchandise.

God there are actual people who went to a theater 6 times to see one fucking movie.

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The Japanese say the same shit about America and American culture. The reason why is the same reason why Americans love shit from Japan, it's a foreign country that's different from what you normally see so it's exotic to you.

I don't like freezing to death tho.

You say that but the moment something gets "too japanese" normalfags drop it like a hot potato.

Fine craftsmanship is in their blood and they are also nerds. They're the perfect race to make video games.

imagine being trans and also retarded

kek literally me when playing untranslated games.

>Compare that to America, where you have the freedom

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>family, hunting, fishing, camping, playing sports, working on cars, and exploring
>illegal in Japan
large if lubricated

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My dick is 136 inches and my IQ is 4. What should I do?

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Because they prefer physical copies

Masturbate to lobotomy porn

>most of the time it's not written by a retarded hack
I don't know if the writer of persona 5 was retarded but the writing in the game was fucking terrible and all the social commentary was extremely hamfisted and one-sided. The reason why politics in Japanese games isn't obnoxious like in the west is because they shut the fuck about it outside of the games and they're often not as full of themselves.

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Not him and while I can't speak for the ones that haven't been translated I know of a really shit one that shit taste weeaboos can't shut the fuck up about

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>Intelligent people who, in contrary to the west, aren't ruled by jews and communists dumbfucks
>he really believes this
Someone post the quote from that japanese developer where he said something along the lines of not being able to make the games he wants to make because he's forced to make what sells.

That's an anime thing and is complete fucking bait.

>needing to make money is an anime thing
Shit, here I thought the shareholders in Japanese companies were focused on making money like literally everywhere else on the planet. Turns out their focus is on making flawless nippon folded 1000 times video games. Thanks for educating me, user! With how wise you are I wouldn't be surprised if you had superior nippon genes in you as well!



Fuck off weebs. I'll take my janky europoor gems and multiplayer FPS over whatever pretentious, cringy shit you gobble up.

>ooga booga muh dik fuck gameplay n shieeet

Before the 6th gen something like 35% of games and consoles sold globally were sold in Japan. The numbers are nowhere near that anymore, but they've used their history in the market and influence remarkably well.
They had some pains last gen adapting to being the "underdogs" but most developers found their way aside from Konami who decided to die and Square who still are having issues with HD development and AAA workflow somehow.

I only like their horror games.
Everything else is uninteresting.

what are you? gay?

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What Japanese games would you label as pretentious? I get the exact opposite feeling from all these nips who are super humble and honest about things like Yoko Taro being blatent about the things he likes or Suda51 being all wacky or Kojima ripping off James Bond and Hollywood action thrillers throwing in mechs and shit because that's what he thinks is cool.

>What Japanese games would you label as pretentious?

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There was a time when the vast majority of games seemed to come from Japan. Much has been said about the decline of Japanese games during the PS3/Xbox360 generation. Many have attributed this to Japanese developers being unable to keep up with the increasing budgets of western games. This makes little sense however. Japanese developers completely dominated mainstream gaming up until that point, why would they suddenly lack for development resources?

No, the real reason for the downfall of Japanese developers was their precocupation with cinematic gaming. Simply put, Japanese developers dedicate an obscene amount of development time and budget to implementing hours upon hours of lengthy, lavishly mo-capped cutscenes in their games. A lot of developers have said that a linear game with a lot of cutscenes is more expensive to make than a non-linear open world game with no cutscenes, simply because of how resource-intensive it is to create high-fidelity cutscenes.

What I don't understand is why these Japanese developers prioritized these cutscenes so heavily, to the detriment of the games they were working on. It would have been a much wiser choice to scrap some cutscenes and instead have the events in those cutscenes happen during gameplay, or find some other cheaper substitute.

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How many times are you going to post this like it matters to anyone?

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52 posters, all of them fucking retarded.

The main differences in design philosophy are as follows:
- in the west the setting or setpieces are made first for pitches. In the east the first priority is a working prototype of the main gameplay hook
- in the west a game is designed by committee and the director and leads are constantly hounded by execs and publisher demands. Im the east, while there will be edicts from above, the director is generally trusted to know what's best
- In the west game dev is split between multiple massive teams that may be on different continents; communication between these teams is nil. In the east teams are a single unit and communication is constant

You can all shut your holes now

because of anime

i don't need to "believe" when i know many of what he says is true

Imagine being this gay

>In the west game dev is split between multiple massive teams that may be on different continents; communication between these teams is nil. In the east teams are a single unit and communication is constant
What a weird generalization. I mean:
>a simplistic menu-based japanese rpg with virtually no interactivity or world simulation had a bigger team size and a longer development time than a sprawling open-world western rpg

Historically, Japanese games have had bigger team sizes and longer development cycles.

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Fuck off r*dditfag

And don't forget anime. It's way over represented for originating in a single country

Their garbage games tend to stay over there, while we're subjected to every shit game made over here.
Their culture and values are different as well so their games don't include the kind of stuff that we see everywhere

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Why are you wprg fans so fucking obsessed with open world games?

>Why are you wprg fans so fucking obsessed with open world games?
You're right, we should use two linear games as a point of comparison.

Oh wait...

You really didn't think this through, did you?

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>come home from work and stare at a screen until they have to go back.
>live in tiny apartments in massive cities who know nothing but going to work, eating, watching anime/playing video games, and sleeping. It's a depressing existence.
This is literally me and most people my age though

Apples and oranges

>Apples and oranges

Half-Life is a technologically much more ambitious game than MGS, so it should have a bigger development team if anything.

Good job on undermining your own argument, I guess?

They are two games going for completely different things though?