Thoughts on the Harvest Moon series?

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Witch princess best girl

I truly loved playing HM64 for the first time. No other game, aside from early WoW, has really come close to that feeling.

Karen best girl but i always end up marrying popuri

I love these games. Though the Rune Factory games have more features, I still prefer the simple scope of the Harvest Moon games. Back to Nature is my favourite.

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mein nigger

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how come western audiences never gave a shit about HM but when stardew released they all threw their wallets at it

which harvest moon is this

Looks like either 64 or Back to Nature. (Virtually the same game on different platforms.)

Back to Nature. It's on PS1/PSP.


Bitch has clearly never have a man eat her out before

>Virtually the same game on different platforms
Not really. It just has the same characters.

Because after 64/BtN/FoMT the series went to absolute shit. Stardew Valley is pretty much FoMT, but with more content and obvious QoL imrpovements. Only thing it needed to match HM was good character design, and being free of American bullshit (interracial marriage, single white trash mom living in trailer trailer etc..). Small towns always have, and always will be about a cohesive ethnically homogeneous community. The inclusion of le black science man was obviously politically motiviated.

HM didn't really satisfy the turbo autist niche.

It's a shame she's stuck in a bunch of mediocre to shit games.

A wonderful life had cody in it

Exactly, which is why every single game after the trio mentioned is a pile of shit. That's the game with the blonde bimbo if I recall correctly, right? Even Karen, the loosest of the original girls, is still pretty much a down to earth country girl. I don't remember much about that game, couldn't make it past the first year before I dropped it.

I love it, been a fan of it since FoMT. I really love games like it. I've been meaning to go back to the older ones and play them but I haven't finished Trio of Towns yet

Speaking of, how does Yea Forums feel about Story of Seasons? I like the series well enough but I wish they would make endgame less "waiting around" and incorporate old HM stuff like the mines.

>harvest moon threads die super fast now
feels bad, man
I've been worknig on a conversion mod form stardew valley to turn it to forget-me-not valley from harvest moon DS
FoMT came out after AWL though, or at least at the same time. They had connectivity functionality.

I really want to like A Wonderful Life but it's so god damn boring and slow. I can't even make it to the end of the 1st year without dropping it.

> being free of American bullshit (interracial marriage[...]
all three of those games had Kai in it

Kai is Okinawan you uncultured retard. Are you the type of retard that thinks every tan character in anime is black? Japs make it PAINFULLY clear when a character is a gaijin, whether white or black. Their name is usually along the lines of GEORGE RICHARDSON and they have a beak that would make a Jew blush.

You must not have been here for very long. It's been a joke in these threads for years, my man.
I can't blame you, really ,we barely have HM threads anymore though.

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HM always felt niche and obscure. And also HM games were kinda meh later on. Stardew Valley I think still does more advanced farming mechanics the best with more auto tools and other shit you can be making as alternatives, I don't think any HM or even SoS games really have something like that aside from Harvest Sprites? It's been a while, so I may be wrong.

I really love Trio of Towns and still occasionally play it, my main issues is it's slow at the start but it does pick up faster than the previous game did and has some more improvements. All the girls are great too, I honestly found it hard to pick one.

Hope they make a SoS game for the Switch soon, I'm hoping R4S and RF5 will tide me over.

Doesn't seem too clever.

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it's on PC

loved it

Bitch, you love it

>tfw whenever I think of HM, I'm reminded of my teenage autist years reading fanfiction of MCxMary


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Stardew Valley has ugly character designs so SJWs loved it

>Only thing it needed to match HM was good character design, and being free of American bullshit
also the town itself is just utter shit and a stupid layout
the wizard and all of the other fantastical features, like the mines, that monster fighting guild just seem awkwardly added and completely separate

Honestly, cute. Better than the shit I read.
one of my best friends in high school printed out naruto fanfics and she passed them around to us to read. We read them in class.

nobody wants to be a fuckin farmer lol
dumbass american pigs

Nobleman, swerve

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based peasant poster, noblemen btfo

I think HM had a Zelda sort of appeal where a huge portion of the fans didn't play any of the games until years after release. By the time a lot of people caught on to the series they stopped making good ones.

For me, it's Karen.

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A Wonderful Life is the ultimate pleb filter of a video game.

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HMs with gimmicks are shit. SHIT!