Playstation All Stars 2 looks amazing!

Playstation All Stars 2 looks amazing!

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I know right? I hope they put Dante next!

>playstation all Stars was a real thing

Bayonetta isn't a Sony character though.

It just needs crash and Spyro, and than were really cooking with gas.

I don't remember Bayo looking like that on the PS3 though

*rolls over in bed and spreads legs*
anyone want a taste of this thick stick?
*locks lips*

>No Jak
>No crash
>No Spyro
It's shit

>Sony didn't give a shit about its crossover, gave the devs a small budget, and tossed the game out to die

>Nintendo goes out of its way to get stuff like Cloud because they want it to be the best crossover ever

Attached: 1557421543223.jpg (927x1024, 66K)

not to mention sony gave all of those ips as a crossover fighting game to a dev studio that never made a game before.

>Playstation All Stars 2
>still no Good Hunter
Where in Kosm's name is he lads?

Attached: Hunter.png (400x783, 295K)

2/10. Try harder.

>Ryu and Ken
Try harder you fucking simp

Yeah man I remember how much I loved playing Street Fighter 2 and Castlevania 1/2 on my PlayStation back in the day

>Babies first game characters
You'll get laid one day, user

Neither was Big Daddy.

Playstation all stars could have been great, if it wasn't shit

Only 3 of those characters make me think of playstation, and of those only one is kinda exclusive.

Which consoles can you play sf5 on again?

Ryu is an arcade character, dumbass.

I like how simon and richter's styles clash

Rondo style clashed with the whole franchise in its time.

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Bayonetta actually debuted on the PS3. It was a slowdown filled disaster, but it was Sony first.

Now we just need the Steam team
>Robot Heavy as a echo
>Chell from Portal
>Gordon Freeman
>Coach from L4D2

Bayonetta was originally a multiplat slut. Then she went with Nintendo and became pure.

Was it? I'm seeing the same release date for both versions on all regions, even Japan.

Worst part about this 900IQ post is that it's actually correct.

>sony regretfully tries to copy nintendo's success
Why would you expect anything different?
You should honestly be happy, this game deserved to die.

I feel like it could've had potential if they didn't half ass it. But yeah, Sony desperately wants to be Nintendo, but it almost never works because they can never commit to it. Even now they're trying to ape their "family-friendly" image, but they still want to focus on AAA M-rated games, so they just butcher random Japanese indie games and call it a day.

No Jak? Check again.