You learned the villian's backstory

>you learned the villian's backstory

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Other urls found in this thread:

>The villain is redeemed and becomes a good person
>But they can't escape their past and they end up becoming evil again

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>no one had to die if he just explained this when you first met

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>The villain was right

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>You fuck the villainess and make her your lovey dovey wife

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name 7 games and 8 light novels

>person who you thought would be a villain turns oit to not be evil at all
>also gets turned into a woman

>No sob backstory
>He just likes doing an evil
Best tier imho. The actually the good guys type of villians has been done so much I find it lame

>Villain was actually in the right

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>villain is literally the hero from long ago
>to them, you're the villain
>they also look like your best friend

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>You learned some garbage sob story for the villain
>It was made to manipulate you into thinking there was depth
>Don´t care and you can still kill the faggot like the pussy bitch loser he is without remorse

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Fuck I'm a sucker for this.
what's the porn sauce on your pick?

>villain is redeemed
>he is the only one you don't have the option to save

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Funny thing, Oda forgot how to tell a story since Donflamingo was just LOL I AM EVIL, WAS EVIL EVEN AS A KIDDO. HAHAHAHAA 10/10.

Thanos was an idiot, but still a great villain in the MCU

>The villainess was deeply in love with you and gets redeemed
>You can give her a baby in the ending

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well its been done to death so many times that a chaotic evil villain is actually a breath of fresh air now


was heroes in previous game, but become the antagonist of the next game

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>villain is an unrepentant asshole that comes down to simply being a bad, selfish person, regardless of the circumstances that pushed him along the way
The best. I'm all for villains that you can relate to, but someone that's just a scumbag can be just as compelling.

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>Viewer learns the villain's backstory
>Villain's son isn't privy to any of the information the viewer sees
>Villain dies with the son never truly understanding their actions

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Martial Arts Queen or something by JSK Studios

>duplicate file exists here
Sonuvabitch beat me to it
I will also notify anyone reading that Hilda gave birth a year later after the game ended, which means Alto promptly put a baby in her within three months of the game's end

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What? Dofi was raised to see people as objects, it's almost a miracle that he's not MORE full of himself. He's more or less just a spoiled little kid that managed to turn out more rotten than the society that raised him, which makes sense. How is he just "lolsoevil"?

>Villian has a fucked backstory
>Doesn't stop them from kicking your shit in whatsoever

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>video games writing pretentious over-convoluted stories and characters instead of having good fucking gameplay

this shit is whats wrong with modern video games

fucking cringy hipster faggot retards


Take your metformin, gramps.

i thought you meant that character was relatable

i mean to me it is

enjoy your shitty degenerating entertainment media zoomer

yes ... sorry

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>He's an idiot but he's great villain

>It's a good game but not a good (series) game

>It's a good orange but not a good tangerine

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>Darkness isn't bad and too much Light can fuck over everything just as badly

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Is this the only in its kind?
Its always post in villians threads

His family downfall was blamed on his father, if anything, nobody really raised the faggot. He was born a shit and continued to be a shit.

I said take your metformin. Don't make me get the nurse and have her anally feed it to you.

>villain has redeemed himself
>everybody just pretends he never did anything bad, like murder countless people or fuck over the main hero

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Luminous Arc 2 has a character called Fatima that's similar to Hilda from Stella Glow.

I wouldn't have learned of either of them without threads and posts about fucking villainesses. There must be more out there.

day of the pillow for boomers and day of the HRT and 46% for zoomers soon

He's a good game because they developed him well. Even though his ideology was stupid, they manage to present it in a way that made it seem like he was in the right. And for that he is a great villain.

>The villain is just power-mad
>They believe might makes right and have incredibly selfish desires
>They do cruel things and like it because it makes them feel strong

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*a good villain

I hate how it's always either this, or having the villain sacrifice themselves immediately after they turn good so the writers don't have to actually try.
I just want an fucking redemption arc with some effort put into it for once.

DMC5. It sort of works because Vergil is now stuck in the demon world, doomed to fight Dante for eternity. But it's really lame how nobody mentions the atrocities he's committed.

>He's a good game

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What are good examples of redeemed villains? Can be non-video game too.

Literally everyone in the Trails series. Either that, or they were just merely "holding back".

Vegeta is the only one to justify maintaining hatred for Frieza, being his lapdog for most of his youth plus a father and home planet that will never be brought back.

Oh no. I made a typo on a anonymous image board.

Id hardly say he was born evil rather than he was raised in a society that sees others human beans as disposeable trash.
The other experiences he had added more fuel to the fire and you end up with a monster

Whoops, this isn't Toonami General

>villain is in the right but his genius plan involves fucking over you and your friends so you kick his shit in anyways

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Rando was arguably the only person in the story who was never a villain.

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Learn to google and use the internet, user.

There's a whole list of them.

Let's be fair, "heroes" might be playing the term a little loosely.

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Is Zuko too obvious?

What were is the fun of conversation then?

>Anyone in the Trails series

>you're the villian

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>You progressed the entire game fighting one villain
>realize that the true enemy is the influence of the man who abused the villain as a child

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Anyone who's not at least named, sure.

>Everyone's the villain

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>mc gets a powerup

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>Villain turns out to be your dad
>He joins your party
>Everyone hates him but you defend him
>He fucking turns on his best friend (real boss) for you
>Party wasn't there so they didn't see the redemption
>They badmouth him the rest of the game
>You just have to take it

God that made me feel so pissed.

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I think Randy is probably the strongest relative example of him trying to redeem himself and walk away from his previous life.
Fie got a hell of a lot lamer when they revealed she didn't actually do any killing.

>Villain does evil acts to prepare for a greater evil
>Beaten and jailed by the protagonists

>In the sequel the villain was completely right and the greater evil invades
>Protagonists free the villain to fight the new villains

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>Main villain on the first game redeems himself and joins you in the second game
Always loved this one for some reason

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>play the game again
>realize protagonist just jumped him in the first 2 seconds

In VTMB you're not a villain you're basically a crack addicted hobo who keeps getting mindcontrolled into suicide missions because your boss hates you but can't seem to kill you

>villain comes off as insane
>later game in the series proves him right

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>Malthusian thought
>being accurate for humans
Nice try

>You were not the villain

>the hero and the villain's teams were manipulated against each other in the name of fighting off a bigger threat

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>Wah why do I not sympathize with the character designed to oppose my goals and values. Why cant they convince me to support them.

>Villain temporarily and he is the coolest character to playable character

>what is Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits
Can anyone name some games where you raise two different parties and have them fight each other before you merge into one bigger party?

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Unironically Yotsuyu in >Parents marry her to an older guy when she's a child
>Her husband dies and she gets sold to a pleasure house to pay his debts
>She hates her country's people
>Becomes a spy for the enemy and later the enemy's Acting Viceroy
>Enjoys being sadistic to her country's people for making her life horrible
>You defeat her during the story
>She ends up being washed away into the sea along with one of your companions when a building collapses
>Yotsuyu and your companion wake up and it's clear she has genuine amnesia because her personality has radically flipped
>Yotsuyu and your companion get rescued
>She cares for your companion and tries to heal his wounds after they both got rekt
>But everyone in the country remembers who she formerly was and hate her more than anything
>Even the guard assigned to watch over her is freaking out because he ran the pleasure house and feels like he had a part in turning her into a monster
>Yotsuyu gets kept as a secret until the evil empire wants to start prisoner negotiations
>Asshole stepbrother diplomat shows Yotsuyu her parents which causes her to flip out and begin recovering her memories
>She runs away but her parents later find her
>Her parents think she's forgotten everything and want to sell her into sex slavery YET AGAIN
>Yotsuyu lashes out and kills her parents. The stepbrother diplomat admits he brought the parents just so Yotsuyu would kill them
>Her hatred of her country reignites and she reverts back to her old self
>She transforms during negotiations, becomes a boss fight, and you beat her
>Just as she looks dead her stepbrother diplomat shoots her for the keks
>She isn't actually dead and uses all her remaining power to finally kill her stepbrother
>She passes away while sad that your companion will only mourn her amnesiac personality

It's one of the only "villain gets amnesia" plots that's actually good. Not many people expected it.

>game has a mode dedicated to playing as villains from fights throughout the game
>always had a deep desire for bad-guy mode ever since
Fuck you The Third Age you ruined me

I guess Richter and Julius mode technically count? You do fight them in their respective Castlevanias.

>The Villain rises to power via an artifact that makes it's user's will reality
>Villain achieves this by having his will be stronger than 2 other simultaneous users of said artifact due to surviving a traumatic and horrible life
>uses this power to go from being the world's plaything and doormat to being the authority of his new world
>All because he misses the only person who could bring comfort to him in the pitiful life he was dealt since her passing

People here shit on FFTA and meme Marche being the villain but holy shit is this story better than they give it credit for

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>you play as the villain's reincarnation
>the next game is spent fighting a cult trying to bring back your original personality
>the bad ending and extra mode is when they succeed and you become dracula again

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Hoping P5R is going for the Julius mode thing with Poniko

What game?

And Renne is a shit-tier murderer in terms of justification like always. At least Joshua had the decency to be brainwashed.

I've never liked Renne to begin with. I enjoyed the moment in Zero but I still dislike her.
>she's just a kid
>she got raped
Still felt nothing

Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn

>"Waaaah, this guy killed my mom for money so I'm gonna delete money and make everyone the same wealth class!
>"Waaaah, weak people can't do shit against strong people, so I'm gonna make everyone of equal strength!
>"Waaaah, my dad hit me one time so I'm gonna make it a death penalty to rebel against order! Everyone must act the same!"
Why are so many villains just retards who think making everything "equal" is the answer.

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>main villain is just someone who like to hurt people, never try to justified their action and will mock you if try to find any good in them.

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except all of what you said is bullshit that is never presented in the game itself. All the game shows is Moot opening the book and making a fantasy world where everyone except his closest friends have their minds altered and their lives reworked to suit his childish whims. Those kids who threw snowballs at him were made into zombies to be killed over and over and over just because they hit him with a rock.

They tried to add more to it with later retcons, but the story is 100% Moot destroyed the lives of everyone around him just so he could cling to a phantasm of his mother and run away from his hard life. I won't spite him for it, but Marche is a hero who instead offered to help carry Moot, his brother, and whatshername through their own hardships IRL in exchange for him taking that dream world from them. He didn't leave them hanging, he was a true hero.

Because real life has these politics too
>Waaaah, that person makes more money than me so everyone must make an equal amount of money!

>OMG you guys the villain was so tragic. He totally had good motivations even though he was massacring people left and right I feel so baaaaaaaaad.

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YOU pick ones you want to discuss instead of wasting a post on "spoonfeed me something anons". Asking for spoonfeeding isn't conversation, if you want a conversation start one by picking a relevant character and posting about them here.

Stop making shit up arnold.

>villain is irredeemable
>can kill every character except them

>Villain has a complex reason for doing what they do that boils down to "I'm just doing my designed purpose but also trying to find another purpose"
>none of their boss fights are fun despite the villain having hammy voice acting making them amusing to watch
>final boss is them and it's fucking lame
i hate xb2

The final boss should have been Jin wielding Malos

what even was his goal?

Isn't his entire desire just to fuck some thot that is basically death? Pathetic

Need this but in Hyrule Warriors.

>"Waaaah, humans have [Insert bad trait here]! I'm going to kill all the humans so there's no more [Insert bad trait here]!

>first game has you stop the evil invading empire and all its generals/elites
>second game is the story of how the emperor rose to power, showing that those enemies from the first games are actually his loved ones

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>Named villains get every chance for redemption
>Those nameless wage slave mooks get gunned down with zero remorse.

True, and the earlier Torna fights should've had them swapping between acting as Blades and acting as Drivers

>Hero spares the villain in the end because it's the right thing to do
>didn't consider that when he mowed down hundreds of nameless thugs on the path to get to him

What game?

>Villain is redeemed and joins your party
>you die and he cucks you by becoming the new protagonist
>also fucks and marries your grieving childhood friend

When Gosetsu showed up during the memories phase I felt chills down my spine

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Name one game that does this

Blaze Union. First game (Yggdra Union) is the typical evil empire, princess on the run builds an army.
Then BU completely deconstructs it by showing that everyone you murder in the name of justice in the first game is generally a good person serving for honorable/familial/loyal reasons controlling them the whole time. It's an experience.

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>vilain's secretly obsessed with you
>you can actually go down the absolute madman route and enable her obsessions by saying you also like her
>she dies saving you from a lethal cheap shot from the main villain and everyone remember her as a crazy lunatic that deserved to die like a pig

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I mean, his plan was fucking retarded. Maybe the MCU dumbed down audiences, but wiping out half the universe would cause mass hysteria and global emotional depression and skyrocket suicide rates.
When his past self realized that his actions wouldn't help anyone, his next idea is to just genocide the universe because MCU villains aren't allowed to grow or experience development unless they're Loki.
Trash villain for a trash franchise, Infinity War and Endgame sucked, if you liked them, watch actual films. The people who like this trash are probably the same people who like garbage like The Walking Dead or Game of Thrones.

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>There are two factions
>One is an authoritarian force led by idiots playing right into the hand of a foreign power
>The other is a group of terrorists that are also led by idiots playing right into the hand of that same foreign power
>The best you can really do is broker a peace agreement that could never really last because eventually pressure from the foreign power will force the hand of the authoritarians or the foreign power will further activate their sleeper cell terrorist leader

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He represents one of my greatest fears: an edgy white kid who took his first philosophy class and now thinks he has the answers for every problem in the world

I remember playing a game like that but there was another option in which you just decide to kill everybody.

I will when it's made

What does Umineko have to do with that statement?

Yu-Gi-OH GX had a plot about sometime called the Gentle Darkness and Light of Destruction. To me that is what this new FF14 expansion is like.

>You play as him in a prequel

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Every Rance

>Spend 4,000 years making life on two worlds hell so you can revive your dead sister.
>When you succeed she calls you a retard and immediately peaces back out.

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>Villain is just trying to help

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>the rival is just some guy who wants to have fun
>your main ally is a massive autist
>the next rival is a crazy twink with a brain tumor that wants you to grow into a better person
>your main ally is literally cute gamer girl
>the rival is arguably just a more ruthless and smarter version of you (and he also wants you in his tight ass)
>your main ally is a massive fuck up who never achieves anything outside of not dying right
>the main villain is a horny teenager until the last game where it actually gets good
Shame Spike can't make more DR, people always liked the mystery part more, and Hope > Despair has always been a nice way to pump people up after beating the game.

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Thanos has always been crazy. His entire Infinity Gauntlet scheme was just to prove he was right all along, and in the face of that failure he just comes to a new extreme.
I feel like people forget that Thanos is a CRAZY PERSON, capital F F U C K E D in the head, so for him to say "you fuckheads aren't grateful for *my* sacrifice" and yes, he specifies his own sacrifice, and then tries to kill everyone this time is just the icing on the cake.

Thanos was always crazy, you just got swept up into his charisma and are angry that he "betrayed" you when he was really just that fucked in the head all along.

I'm not angry at any betrayal, I'm angry people say he's an amazing cinematic villain, when he's not even good for super hero films, and not even that good in his own series since Loki actually got time and development.

Thanos is pretty good for MCU and film in general. He has an imposing appearance, is fun and engaging to watch, is acted well, scripted well, and has enough sympathy to have the audience actually kind of like him by the end of it.
Loki is good and i'm pissed they killed him off, but to be honest the only reason he got development is because Taika Watiti is in charge of him for a while, and Endgame seems to have tried to bring him back.

>Villain just needed surgery
Why didn't you help your boy Caesar?

>First faction is the gods who want to shape the entire universe into a perfectly ordered machine free of chaos.
>Second faction is the edgiest of edgelords who deliberately torture millions of souls just to diminish the gods' ability to hinder their "freedom".
>Third faction doesn't give a fuck about anything. Chaos is instantly destroyed whenever they pass near it.

>villain is just an asshole who does what he wants
That's why Bowser and Eggman will remain great villains. They do what you wish you were doing.

>Try to give villain a sympathetic backstory.
>It falls flat on its ass and just makes them look like a huge retard.

It’s Skyrim you nimrod

>They do what you wish you were doing
Stop projecting, psycho.
I'm a moralfag and easily empathize so i cannot enjoy bringing suffering on other people if they didn't deserve it.

I legit hated the Franky family after gangster stompin Usopp, him and his crew turned cool as fuck later tho

But he's purple

>not a picture of hitler

You are not a moralfag, you only lack ambition and aggressivess.

>Thanos is pretty good for MCU and film in general.
>film in general
He really isn't. He is literally just charisma, and thanks to Endgame, half of his major appearances have him be 'Generic bad guy that wants to kill everything'
Watch a film with an actually good villain, let me list a few
>Day of the Dead
>28 Days Later
>Planet of the Apes (the original, not the reboots or the reimagining. The sequels kind of add to the next villain, Ceaser, but the first is perfect)
>The Exorcist III
>Fright Night (all charisma and much moreso than Thanos, as well as being actual detestable with all that)
>First Blood/Rambo: First Blood
>Rocky 1-4 (you can add V if you want).
>Terminator (there's a reason why a lot of people consider this movie a horror film)
>The Thing (villain doesn't even need to be known to establish an atmosphere)
>They Live (villain is an extended metaphor for society)
>Batman v Superman
I am going to explain this pick in detail, since many people see this film as bad. I see it as only above most capeshit, maybe #10 at best in a Top Capeshit list. I appreciate it because it's an instance of having a villain that is said to be intelligent and actually shows intelligence in his planning. He has multiple potential operatives, upon selecting one he enacts an incredibly long plan to get under their skin enough via going for the stuff they care about to make them go against Superman, then creating multiple contingencies for a win condition, and his plan did in fact succeed with the Doomsday contingency. Issue was, Doomsday wasn't as controllable as he thought, but he still got to his end goal, that being the death of Superman. Then Justice League shows up and ruins everything.
And all these movies are just off the top of my head. Thanos is good for film if you only watch summer blockbusters.

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Go back to where you came from Kenshirofag

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>villain is the cutest character in the game but has no art

>It's a good game but not a good (series) game
there's literally nothing wrong with this.

>lack ambition
Only dumb fucks think that life is a zero-sum game.
To achieve stuff is not necessary to make innocents suffer.
It's much more interesting to break competent people.

Seethe, psycho.
Imagine being a broken machine that doesn't feel compassion.

What game?

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This board is for pointy-nosed amoral chads only, fuck off.

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>villain is just a ok guy, who want to make the world a better place.

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>Batman vs Superman
>Zuckerberg Luthor
Opinion tossed into the trash

Nice guys get sloppy seconds

>Shame Spike can't make more DR
spike chunsoft has a working relationship with too kyo so they could, they just aren't.

>Villain is literal cartoon character
>Villain is the previous game's villain but with actual depth and motives behind his actions
>Villain is your twin brother
>Villain is the President of the United States and also a computer
>Villain is Gay Lightning and your mom
>Villain is basically your mom's other son
>Villain is an 80 year old man pretending to be somebody who was last alive when they were 30
>Villain is a little girl pretending to be a little girl
>Villain is shit

>the villains are decent dudes that actually help you once you ask nicely

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There are people on Yea Forums RIGHT NOW who haven't watched Akagi and unironically moralfag.
Kill yourself. I bet you have ugly hair as well.

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That Lex is actually based on a comic and choosing the guy who played Zuckerberg in the Social Network was an intentional choice as they Luthor they chose was based on modern CEOs, i.e., people like Zuckerberg. Not bald businessmen.

please name all the games

>t. 12 years old influenced by cambojian comics
Read some Dostoevsky instead, you dumb nigger.

"Might makes right" makes a whole lot more sense than "weakness makes right"

Nature is built upon strength, survival of the fittest. If you're idea is to flip natural hierarchies upside down out of spite you'll only cause more pain and suffering for everyone.

It's one thing to believe in giving people second chances, it's a whole other thing to believe in infinite chances.

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>Metal Gear
>Metal Gear 2
>Metal Gear Solid
>Metal Gear Solid 2
>Metal Gear Solid 3
>Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops
>Metal Gear Solid 4
>Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker
>Metal Gear Solid V

The 12 year old is the newfaggot, retard
Akagi is literally Yea Forums's favourite anime. It's why those mahjong threads are still popular

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XIV spoilers
>she couldve lived happy with gotetsu
>he brother shows up with their parents to help remind her amnesia who helped torment her
>they let her sneak out
>oh fuckno
>it happens
>she fucking murders her parents right there
>final scene she turns into a primal to put an end to everything
>her fucking theme capturing the emotion perfectly

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And even then there is a difference between someone who amasses power, influence and money without morals, thoughts or consideration and someone who is just muhahaha doing it for the lulz kinda idiot evil.

Some text game, I don't remember the name, just that synopse.

Female villains are meant to be redeemed by cock. There is no other reason for them to be female.

>i-it's p-popular around here so don't say anything!!
>heartless fearless protagonist so cool. i want to be like him, too bad i'm bullied in real life.
Grow up and go read some good literature, kid.

redpilled as fuck

>telling people to grow up
>in the videogames board of a taiwanese sewer surfing forum

You're literally that edgy kid everybody beat up in high school. Go back to plebbit, you clearly came here after 2009 you fucking newfaggot.

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It's easier to corrupt good guys. Blizzard fucking loves this.

>imagine thinking morality is a real concept

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The reason those "flips" happen, is because the current system is "Might makes right" plus inheritance.
Sure your ancestor was a general and all around badass, but you just won the genetic lottery and now basically use your wealth to pay others to be strong for you.

Meanwhile there are others more fit to sit in your position, but you just don't let them have the means to topple you. That said, occasionally they do find a way. You don't care for them out of the goodness of your heart. You care for them so they stay fucking put.

What are some game where you play as a true villain and not just some guy who is bad but other people are worse than me.

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You better tell me what the fuck that thing is first.

except you weren't

a dog you blind nigga

>no u
>i've lost completely and shit myself, what should i do now? oh, i know, i will call him reddirt. saved!
Embarrassing to read.
As expected from bot with 0 mental capacity.

>you're not the villain not because you're a good person, but because the true villain is more evil than you are

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>while you are not
Adequately skilled, and you end up just killing assholes who had it coming to them.

>calls other people bots
>can't even read a 300 chapter manga and the 200 chapter series it's a prequel to, so he calls a character edgy without any context
I didn't call your fucking books gay mate.
Now go back to Gaia, you don't belong here

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The sad downside of being a semi-niche game.

>villain is an all around asshole
>after his defeat time passes and people start addressing feats and intentions he frankly never had

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>the villain isn't really a bad person
>He is bound to his duty by a sacred oath
>Even though he knows he stands in the way of a true hero and wishes he could join you, his loyalty to his duty is unshakable
>Because of this, he fights you with all of his might

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I've started reading one piece and it's actually pretty good. It's a lot more serious than I thought with people dying left and right. Why the hell didn't I read this before?
My only con is that they overuse flashbacks a shit fucking ton. Why does everyone hate it so much?

Is there a real game that does that or is it just a stealth rant against leftism?

>secret route where you can kill the villain really early in the game
>you can then learn about his motives and take up his cause
>you summon the villain's ghost as a spirit guide to help you
>he's happy you're doing the "right thing", but is also butthurt that you killed him just to then switch sides
>constantly sasses you about it whenever you come to him for advice

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>pic full of dumb assumptions made by someone else
Can you think by yourself at all or you just keep parroting what someone else said?
That's just how bots work. And that's literally what you are doing.
0 personality, naive and dumb as fuck.

Go change your pants, you lost completely here. This is just embarrassing.

This kinda makes sense if you understand that humans are creatures of darkness "original sin" and are inherently unable to wield light by our very nature and anything we do in the name of "justice" is ultimately doomed to snowball into absolute lockdown of reality itself.

A simpler way to understand is that the "light" humans wield is self-righteousness.

>You will see. My spirit will rise from the grave. One day people will see that I was right

Is this false bait because holy fuck I think you mahjong faggots are obnoxious to all hell with the newfagging, animefagging, waifufagging. It's like you watch and read the shit but it goes so far up your ass that instead of actually realizing what Fukumoto is trying to teach you, you end up being a shit poster instead.

I've never seen anyone majorly hate on One Piece. It's literally the best selling manga of all time by a large margin

Shit writers that want their villians to feel sympathetic since EQUAL GOOD but at the same time BAD GUY BAD so they think they're subversive and deep for writing such emotional villians that everyone can feel bad for.

>Villain from the first game comes back in the sequel
>saves your life
>"i'm the only one allowed to kill you."

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I guess it didn't help some faggot kept spamming this Luffy gif in YLYL and it was the stupidest shit I've ever seen. I'm guessing the stupid cringy shit is only on the anime.

>The villain's backstory doesn't excuse his actions and doesn't redeem him but it still recontextualizes some of the lines he's said and actions he's taken in a way that makes you comprehend why he's done what he's done

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This Troper is on suicide watch.
What a little bitch holy shit.

>villain is forced to do evil or his organization will kill his loved ones

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I hate spoon-feeding but this ain't it chief.
But it's okay you probably had a bad day. Hopefully it'll go better tomorrow.

>Play the base game
>Fan la Norne dies
>"Meh whatever"

>Play Torna

>Play through base game again
>Haze dies
>Shed a tear and feel bad


This is getting pretty cringe. I'll leave you to your quiet moralfagging hole.
Akagi has been a staple of Yea Forums for a long time, there's a reason he's in the banner. The Kenshiro vs Akagi thing is at least 07.
I also use shit like this as an opportunity to shill Akagi to weaker minds. This other guy is just a gay ass nerd on the receiving end of some bullying. Who the fuck goes on a board about video games and tells people to read "muh real art"
Constantly repeating the same arc over and over

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>villain on his last breath
>starts monologuing about tragic backstory
>”I can sympathize” [ ]
“You’re still disgusting” [X]
>get to watch them die again of buttmad
Is there a better feeling?

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At least post a video game character. Egil's reasons for genocide >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MCU Thanos.

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because of the flashbacks. In the Water 7 arc. they literally devote 7 entire episodes to flashbacks about how each member of the crew joined.

>You can redeem the villain by romancing her

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You sound as gay as he does.
"Shill akagi to weaker minds". What the fuck is that? That's pretty bad too user

Isn't this a Toei problem? They literally don't know how to pace anything properly. Manga seems fine for now. Maybe some arcs feel 4-5 chapters too long but whatever.

imagine being this retarded
10/10 obnoxious sperg
>yeah, i shill akagi here
>what's that? dostoevsky? i'm not some nerd to read that shit.
one dimensional, naive and dumb.

I quit reading it after the timeskip.
Impel Down was my favorite arc

And him killing half the galaxy on behalf of Death made more sense than MUH AGRONOMICAL BALANCE OF RESOURCES

elder god shit in 3 hopefully

>Villain was revealed to be helping you the whole time

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Imagine not getting it

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>villain has good PR
>you have bad PR
>whatever you do against the villain you are constantly portrayed as a bad guy and inept fool

>I've read an entire dostoevsky book so I'll be pedantic about it and a complete fucking moron
If bait, congrats, if not, jesus help you.

Anime posters are retarded? This is sarcasm?

Whole Cake arc was awesome, but granted you need to go through Dressrosa

Stop that, you're making the rest of us Fukumoto fans look bad.
People usually complain about the art or how "goofy" things are for them. Naturally those kinds of things boil down to their own digression. One Piece has a lot of heart woven into it, so it makes sense it's as popular as it is.

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Based retard
I gave up around the time Hunterfags announced that we were their friends and turned half our threads into shitflinging and would consistently raid Kakegarui threads

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My interest in it has completely died off.

Pretty much how I felt after Planet Robobot.

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Who was the true villain here?

Uh, am I missing something here? I've only read Kaiji, but besides being a degenerate, Kaiji is a pretty big moralfag. He could easily fix all his problems by taking the money and running but he always does some shit for the good of everyone else.

The only people I noticed hate from are from the people who read Naruto and think it's the best thing ever. Most of them didn't even read OP and don't intend to start, because it's too long, while OP reader also have read Naruto and thus have a more solid claim for their preference.
It used to be as bad with Bleach fans as well, but even Bleach fans started to realise how retarded everything became and it sank like a stone. Also because some ships didn't worked out, but that's what so great about OP. No ships so far and shippers desperate for drama but not getting any, just being annoying.

Suzie was such a little bitch. It was Hartmann you really felt for.

Uh...he's not talking about Kaiji user....

>Villain realizes that humans can only be unified in common hatred and sets out to become the most hated thing on their planet while also carefully orchestrating wealth, power and technological progress to achieve utopia when they die.

>Hero(s) eventually confront villain "also orchestrated" and villain puts a gun in their hands and demands them to blow their head off while giving exposition of their deeds and the necessity of their death.

They just do that because their manga is always on break. It's the same case for One Piece threads, Hunterfags are always trying to start shit.

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I wasn't referring to that borbfucking slut. Haltmann did nothing wrong and only wanted to see her again. Too bad she's an ungrateful bitch that didn't even grieve for him.

Akagi and Kaiji are different series
Also, currently in Kaiji Part 6, his moralfagging has actually turned out good, whereas in Parts 1-3 it almost always ended up bad for him

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>tfw Kazuya will never come back till at least end of Part 6 or Part 7
>tfw Part 7 will mean FKMT will probably die without finishing Zero
Feels bad

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Holy shit the fukumoto fags are false flagging or just being annoying cunts. Fuck dudes, I can't believe this anime attracted so many autistic children who miss the point.

>he doesn't recognize blatant shitposting
This is why you're a moralfag

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>manages to kill Shulk's party and the Bionis/Zanza
>entire world stagnates and dies since the current world can't survive consistently without being rebooted and there's no Monados left to restart it as something different
Not really

>Then since her father died she might straighten up and be a better person
>Even in Star Allies she's still a bitch

Damn her.

>bring up literally the most relevant author on the topic of morality as a counter to akagifag
>"so read some books, so you acting smart now?"
I didn't mean to make you feel inferior, don't take it close to heart.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting retard. You're making everyone who's into Akagi look bad.

that's literally just one guy.

I'm a big Fukumoto/One Piece guy and I'd probably call myself a moralfag.

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The issue is nobody gives a shit.


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Have sex

>You learned the skimpy dress female villain is male

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Borderlands 2

I don't want to have sex. I wanna be a wizard

I'll take your virginity user

sometimes it feels like an asspull to try and make you feel sorry with them.

Case in point with this guy. His backstory (all of which was only in DLC released TWO YEARS after the game came out) seems to bend over backwards to try and justify him fucking over the world in revenge because the gods were dicks to him.

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I said his reasons for the genocide were better, not that succeeding in carrying it out would lead to his expected results. As far as he knew, starving Zanza so he can't pull a world reboot was the only way to save his people/reality. Not his fault he didn't have Alvis inside him granting him a Monado and secret knowledge of the true nature and state of the universe.

>prequel game where you're one of the antagonist's goons
>the protagonist is far more interesting than any other character
>only became evil because the original protags backstabbed him

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What retarded design, looks like a hobo that raided an atelier and wore everything he could grab.

If it's any consolation, borderlands has really shitty writing with or without burch's hack-shittery.

At least he is warm.

>>only became evil because the original protags backstabbed him

to be fair, Handsome Jack was a dick to them first.

not wrong there, jack's VA is what really made him so good to begin with despite everything else

Franky had the saddest backstory for me

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For me this part of the arc was what made it great.

>Too bad she's an ungrateful bitch that didn't even grieve for him.
In star Allies her goal is to literally rebuild her father's legacy
her whole goal in star allies was the belief that her father forgot about her and went to focus solely on his work when in reality the machine he was using to try and get his daughter back was fucking up his memory

Yeah Clarke's performance knocked it out of the park considering he was a late minute casting.

>hero is an orphan child given powers by the God of Light to fight evil
>as you fight through the villain's army (led by his femme fatale lieutenant), you learn that the "villain" is seething over the fact that the "good side" is using child soldiers
>when you confront the villain, he defeats you easily since you're literally a child
>takes you under his wing
>second half of the game is you and the villain's army defeating the God of Light, who is actually an eldritch god that feeds off the corruption of innocence
>in the ending, the villain and his lieutenant get married and adopt the hero

wish this was a game desu

Egil was a fucking idiot. The ones who actually worked to imprison Zanza, seal the Monado, and get rid of the Telethia by slowly diluting the High Entia bloodline were the people of Bionis.
All Egil did was sit around in Mechonis, occasionally send of Mechon and kill his own people when they tried to reason with him. He didn't accomplish shit.

>Thanos wins at the end of infinity war
>Five years pass
>Everyone is depressed
>Nobody is cleaning up anything, entire neighborhoods overgrowing with plant life
>Economies have probably sunk into a world-wide depression with no end in sight (didn't see it in the movie, but come on, billions die and the economy doesn't collapse? Bullshit)

Even if his plan worked and everyone was hunky-dory with seeing people they care about literally disappear in front of them, eventually you would reach the same population that was around before the snap and what was his plan after that? Snap every once in a while to keep populations in check?


>not an actual game
wtf user :(

The snap plan is even more retarded than that on a conceptual level. Snap 50% of ALL LIFE away and you snap 50% of all resources needed for keeping that life going. 50% of plants, animals, bacteria, etc. His plan to "preserve resources" by "halving life" is just beyond stupid with even five minutes of thought put into its ramifications.

>The villain does horrible shit just because he thinks it's funny

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>you learn you were the villain the whole time

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Soul Nomad has one of the best Evil routes in gaming

I don't get it

Hopefully Oda does

>game opens with the first antagonist trying to stop you from playing into the second antagonist's scheme
>situation relied on the protagonist choosing to ignore him and going off on their own
>but you can walk back and talk to first antagonist
>he'll just grumble instead of explaining
>protagonist would have believed him, since they are close enough to be siblings
Guess the fucking game.

>will never be brought back.

so what convoluted retard explanation did they give for not just using the dragon balls to wish them back? they've brought back planets before.
Here user take it easy. I also had a bad day.

>save seemingly random civilian at start of game
>he ends up being the big bad

How Vento Aureo should have ended.

>Kamen Rider Ex-Aid in a nutshell

Curious what you mean by this. That the mob boss should have been a previously-met character with like a secret power?

Giorno's backstory revolves around an incident where he saved a gangster's life. That character should have come back later as the big bad because it would have added some depth to the main conflict. Instead, that character is forgotten about and never makes another appearance.

How dare the MAD TITAN put forward a seemingly-logical idea that makes no sense upon further thought.

Nah, I prefer he remain gone.
I know what you mean. Another similar example was Big Hero 6, and how people wanted the Kabuki Man to be the older brother. But I don't think compromising ideals like that by sacrificing a character that was looked up to is always the best move. It just feels unnecessarily dark just to go "ooooh, protagonist, what'cha gonna do now that your dreams were a lie?" because the result is always going to be that they'll just continue to aspire to be that fake role model.

There’s no way he could do that and have the anonymous mob boss plot. Everyone knew that gangster

Kingdom Hearts