Do you guys like The Binding of Isaac? Whats your favorite items or least favorite ? Any interesting runs lately?
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Eve is the most fun character
i like eve if i can manage to get a spirit heart on the first floor or 2. I think my favorite to play as is isaac, the dice is so much fun to play with.
Eve is TRASH and if you like her then YOU'RE trash.
Agreed. I'm so used to the early damage boost with Whore of Babylon that playing anybody else feels too weak and slow
I'm so bad at this game... I can only win if I get good damage and a lot of health :(
Being good isn't being able to win with low stats, being good is knowing how to always get those stats or something that lets you get by without them.
The original Binding of Isaac is hard as fuck, I've accepted the fact that I reset if I can't find something good early on
Yeah, its about taking advantage of every opportunity and getting strong every run. Not about winning with base stats and all bad items.
It took me more than 30 tries to win the Death's Touch challenge.
for afterbirth + The Forgotten is fun and so is Caine. I have over 600 hours in this game and have 1001%'d it.
I like it, I've played rebirth around 1300 hours
I've reached 100000000% on few save files, now I just mostly do random hard runs and try to get a winstreak going, failed my streak few hours ago because I got Greed as my character, zero damage upgrades all the way to utero 2 and experimental treatment lowered my base damage of 4.20 to 3.20
>it's still not out
Does anyone use bombs offensively?
I never do
If I have a surplus I'll drop one on a boss, sure. Especially Big Horn.
>Repentance is scheduled for a late Q4 release now
first floor against certain obnoxious bosses, otherwise no
>November Edmund was still saying Bum-bo should be out by the end of the year
>Now, nothing
Depends on the enemy
If it's duke of flies and you haven't gotten any AOE or damage upgrades, bombs quicken the process a lot, same deal with Haunt. Pretty much every other boss I never bother with bombs
Why does Isaac fight himself? And why do you fight Mega Satan in the chest instead of God?
Because you fight mega satan in the chest, and below in the void.
There is no god, only the devil.
its symboooliiiiiic
>want to make more threads about it
>remember threads are almost always full of faggots whose favorite items are the most powerful items
>nobody tries to find entertaining synergies like ludovico magnet tears or loki's horn sprinkler
i had a run yesterday with ludo/magnet/quadshot/jacobs ladder. It was fun as fuck.
Ludovico has some of the best synergies in the game, especially since most of the best ones utilize crappy items.
I have a bad habit of always trying to turn my runs into breaking runs.
Isaac blames himself for his mother abusing him and his parent's divorce, and believes he needs to be absolved of his sins
??? as a boss was probably just following the trend of Wrath of the Lamb introducing post-mortem counterparts of previous bosses as a revamped, harder version
I hate cluttering my screen with familiars. Even when I'm breaking, I almost never pick them up unless I'm specifically doing something wacky.
>Play as Lilith
>Grab as many familiars as you can because that's her gimmick
>Realize your Incubus shots are wonky as fuck once your train gets massive
And you've wasted everything on a bunch of ugly fucks whose damage only has one possible damage increase. Fuck familiars.
What do you guys think of technology 2? i used to love this item but now when i see it, it feels so weak to me if im getting it early
I never take it.
Conflicted. I only take it when I'm Cain and that's only because for a damage down, I remove all reliance on Range, Tears and Shot Speed permanently. From then on Polyphemus, Eve's Mascara etc only become massive damage ups with no drawback except that the hit box is dumb on the laser.
im waiting until the new expansions hits to give it a go, i hope there's no more super armor bosses, that shit killed the game for me
I think super armor is okay for Hush, having an incredibly hard, optional boss in the middle of the game adds to the decision making aspect
>ruins epic fetus runs
>undone by sinus infection
Super armor ruins the most fun aspect in isaac, wich is seeing just how OP your damage gets when your run goes nuts, these super armor fuckers just stay there while the whole screen in filled with shit that would one shot any other enemy in the game without problems, is lazy ass desing and doesn't belong in isaac
I avoid experimental treatment like the plague. Fuck that item.
Platinum God the first game, Rebirth's gameplay was tight but the soundtrack was absolute shit. Couldn't force me to play those games again.
Did anyone ever complain about Isaac being based on jewshit?
How come people always want Isaac in Smash Bros.?
this might be the next roguelite I get into after I get tired of EtG because the updates never seem to end
>the soundtrack was absolute shit
Why didn't you like it? I think both the games have 11/10 OSTs
Especially Sketches of Pain and Fundamentum
How the fuck do you do that? How do i always get a stat
I wish afterbirth had wrath of the lambs music. No idea why he changed it
Eve is based because you know within the first few rooms if it's gonna be a fun run.
>t. judasposter
there's a mod that replaces the soundtrack with the one from the original game
>thanos mod
>greed mode
Now we're talking
Mods make my game crash sometimes is this normal for you guys?
If you like BoI then I encourage you to look into other roguelites. BoI is a mediocre at best entry in the genre and you can probably find something you enjoy even more if you look.
>get amazing run going
>accidentally pick up Cursed Eye
i replaced mine with music from LISA
Yeah that item makes a game basically unplayable for me
He's not really "optional" since he has an unlock for every character behind him.
Regardless, Hush is super tedious and it's just a war of attrition without a god build and it's solely because of his super armor. Mega Satan is an example of a good "difficult" boss. He's still tedious, but he's also fair.
>he's not optional if you want to do all of the optional content
This was not a smart reply.
>No idea why he changed it
DannyB refused to relicense the old music is why. There's music replacer mods.
Whenever Matricide starts playing I get super pumped.
I disagree with the idea that BoI is bad. I've played a lot of roguelikes and "roguelites" and while there are certainly games with more depth and better balance, Binding of Isaac is fun in a unique way. The way the items work together and the unusual synergies aren't really captured in any other game. BoI is extremely good at what it does and is in no way mediocre
>every boss except for Mom & Mom's Heart/It Lives is optional
based retard
Well yeah a good run is fun in the same way using cheats in other games is fun. Feeling powerful in video games is fun. But it doesn't last for long, and having 90% of a good run being good RNG is lose its luster pretty quickly. I know what you mean about synergies, I really love that part of other roguelites and BoI does do that well but its not enough to overcome its significant negatives imo.
>the bosses leading to mom/mom's heart are optional
You're batting 100 on saying things that are stupid.
>tfw just beat Delirium for the first time as Eve
Who the fuck thought that this guy would be a good idea? It's a cool concept but this motherfucker just pulls the cheapest shit ever.
>It's a cool concept but this motherfucker just pulls the cheapest shit ever.
could be said about the entire video game tbqh
OG OST>Antibirth OST>Rebirth OST
I used to think that but then decided that the only original track that's objectively better is Sacrificial. Everything else is interchangeably good to me.
>Title theme+My Innermost Apocalypse
>A Mourner Unto Sheol
These songs are just too fucking good and atmospheric to be compared to anything else
>A Mourner Unto Sheol
Never liked it. Duress is arguably my most favorite update. Enmity of the Dark Lord is really good though.
can it also be an overall rogue-lite thread? Is nuclear throne good? I'm playing gungeon at the moment and I'm planning to go back to isaac in the future, but also looking for something completely new
NT is abandoned. Don't bother.
He's going to be changed for repentance, he's one of the remaining things from the ab+ launch that hasn't been changed yet.
Expect him to be harder but actually designed
>tfw this thread made me nostalgic for vanilla
>tfw i downloaded it
>tfw it's shit
oh man, was the frame rate always this bad and I was just used to it?
Having actual design will make him easier, even if he's designed to be harder.
Nuclear Throne is my personal favorite roguelite, but the devs can go fuck off. Pirate it and get Nuclear Throne Together so you can run the game at whatever framerate and aspect ratio you want.
is the meta still to hold R until good item? the thing that made me stop playing this game was that the average item quality was shit :/
How can Ipeople enjoy this game after 100 hours?
The game essentially boils down to whether or not you get good RNG. If you get something good that run becomes a cake walk. If you get something bad the run becomes a slog/chore. In the time I've played it theres very little in between. I've always either became immensely overpowered or incredibly weak. Its not a skill based game at all.
>Not intentionally losing all your health to be perma-buffed
The original was great. The new one is just retarded unless you get RNG, aka you get your steak cooked right
So did AB+ turn out to be any better than AB or did it just make things worse
Rebirth is just the original plus some new shit. Its afterbirth where they started being excessive with the RNG.
>496.46 dmg
why did danny baronowsky part ways with ed?
Also what happened with Team Meat? Seems like bad blood between Tommy and Edmund
It was always that bad, Edmund and Florian were pushing the boundaries of flash with what they were trying to do with the game. It broke so often on dev builds that they eventually stopped working on it and Ed worked with another dev to remake it in a different programming language
>holding r until you get a good item
Stop doing that, the game becomes better when you don't have the win handed to you
Started off worse, got a ton better over time.
Now I'd say it's better due to all of the QoL changes and new content.
Still some lingering unpolished stuff and item increase further degrading item pools but that whole thing is getting an overhaul at some point
It's a good game but I'm pretty sure I've played enough of it for a lifetime
Rebirth was when I had the most fun with the game. The expansions was when Fatmund started filling the item pool with useless junk and trying to bring 'balance' to a single player game when challenge wasn't its main appeal. What makes BoI fun is all the wacky item synergies you can come up with and he deliberately ruined that. I didn't buy Afterbirth+ after hearing about how you could get treasure rooms full of nothing but poop.
No one knows what happened, but it’s worth noting that Danny doesn’t want to work with Tommy either.
>repentance music being changed
Why did they start adding so many garbage items? The game is so unfun now with all these bullshit HP Sponge bosses.
Poor Mudeth never stood a chance against Ed’s autism.
He went on record to say of all his projects (Bumbo, and some other shit), Repentance was last on the list to be due out.
No one knows for sure, but there's a few blog entries by Edmund that (if you read quite a bit between the lines) DB got butthurt that Tommy and Edmund didn't like the music samples for games they were working on and then passively severed ties.
I have to imagine that since DB refuses to work with Tommy in any capacity despite no him longer being partnered with Edmund that the real beef was always Tommy-DB & Tommy-Edmund. No one will ever know the truth because all parties involved are professional about it.
yeah it's alright. i had a Godhead start with Eden this week which was pretty dope. I also had sacred heart in the shop on a Chaos run, which you don't see too often.
>Void would have made sense as a broken patchwork of tilesets over a red oblivion, with all of the enemies being Delirium themed
>nah it's just a random tileset per room
at lest someone made a mod that turns all the enemies into cummies.
>Still some lingering unpolished stuff and item increase further degrading item pools but that whole thing is getting an overhaul at some point
I suppose that's good to hear. What pissed me off about AB the most thought was how rooms became a lot more anal about giving anything useful vs Rebirth and an indirect Judas nerf.
pleb opinion
The first few floors can be a chore if you get a bad start as Eden, but the game is about pulling the opportunity out of the run. It only becomes a chore if you're bad at taking advantage of what the game gives you. 99% of the time, anyway. There is always that 1%.
Mewgenics is in early stages of dev, and that's going to be long afterward. Repentance is last on the list of things he has an actual timeframe for.
what version of the game added tiny rooms
i fucking hate tiny rooms
especially tiny boss rooms
especially tiny boss rooms vs. monstro (single or double) or horsemen
especially on lost runs
>tfw fucking instant transmission pestilence, death's hobby horse, monstro's barf taking up the entire room
Isaac is one of those games I find myself returning to every so often. Just recently got around to finishing my last remaining Greedier mode marks, so now I have all characters done with hard mode marks. I am never touching Greedier mode ever again.
I think I still have like 12 steam achievements left though.
how do i get 100000% achievement?
Tyler has been posting dev gifs on his twitter lately.
wrath of the lamb was a fucking mistake. spiders are the worst thing in the game. also, fuck delirium.
>Greed Mode as Lilith
>Sail through the entire game by getting BFF and Eye Tears
>Get so many coins
>Beat Ultra Greed
>Greed Machine jams after 2 or 3 coins
I had a run recently with Tech X, quad shot and later double shot, as well was able to fire without charging as long as I held the button for half a 2nd because of my tear Stat.
I really regret not going for hush, but I went for the lamb since I hadn't done it on hard yet.
He died in under 3 seconds.
I'm so glad I capped the greed machine and never have to fuck with it ever again. Fuck Greed and Greedier mode.
Tech X is extremely good. It typically turns any run I'm doing into an instant win unless I royally screw up.
as much as i'd like to know, i'm glad they didn't blow it out publicly. edmund did an hour long interview with boogie last week and didn't say a word about it
Tech-X is awfully overpowered and you have to be a complete retard to lose if you ever get it.
What are your top 3?
What other cool synergies does it have?
>havent played in ages
>decide to play since afterbirth+ just got on sale
>open up shop
>donation machine is around 999
>monkey brain wonders what happens when I go past 999
and yes tech X is the best item in the game.
Dead Cells
Immortal Redneck maybe for 3rd? I'll have to think on that.
Hades will almost certainly be in top 3 if they keep up the dev quality they've been putting out so far.
people saying that NT is abandoned but how developed is it?
The most fun character is The Forgotten. Can't wait for Repentance to release so I can use him with Antibirth content.
>least favorite
brother bobby/sis maggie/harlequin babby
how do you guys cope with the fact that repentance will never be released?
goodbye, boss rush
is this cheats? How the hell does one get to this level.