*teleports everywhere*

*teleports everywhere*

Attached: asha.png (2048x2048, 686K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>kills the game

I feel like it isn't active but I love this character

I'm just waiting for storymode. Like fuck am I dipping my toes in the shark pool that is the multiplayer at this point.

I'm pretty sure the game was already dead before he was added.

There's going to be a Storymode? Yeah mutliplayer is just fucking unforgiving and people leave after one match.

*teleports arm into wall*

doggy doggy what now?

I've gotten too good at this game and feel it could use some fresh blood on a console honestly. I know more people like when I hook this game up to my steam link. We flip a coin on playing it or ultimate.

Unironically join the slap league discord, matchmaking is impossible without it.
The guy who made iji joined ludosity, who created slap city, a platform fighter on steam with asha as a playable character

Attached: Apacopter.png (393x185, 89K)

Rem killed the game first.

asha is aids XD SHIT CHARACTER they had to skin game and completely change it for him to be added and do the absolute broken shit he do LOLL

Attached: 1528598252300.jpg (854x859, 84K)

>The guy who made iji joined ludosity
Didn't he co-found it with reallyjoel?



>adds marth to game
>kills game

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oops I'm retarded
stop posting dan

>implying you wouldn't want to jam your inferior mammalian penis in a Tomato's genetically-perfected cloaca

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I'll have to check it out. I need to find people who play Brawl minus as well because the official discord server laughed at me for asking to play.

Does Asha still have the same laugh from Iji and periodically use it as he teleports around in Slap City, or is the game a huge waste of money?

>remedy killed the game by being shit and easy to beat
>not jenny being super braindead


Attached: 1532295749207.png (218x132, 64K)

the never ending fishbunjin nerfs is what really is killing the game

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used up slut

He doesn't have his laugh, no voice acting as of yet. it better fucking be planned
fish is solid top 3

Fish is the most represented character in the PR right now and there were 2 fish in today's top 3. Suck a dick.

i want to do nice things to a jenny

If you can't be gud with fish, you probably ought not to try for competitive. Even with the nerfs, he's a solid pick.

I feel bad for sometimes being labeled a tryhard when I reveal I'm a fishmain. It's just because I like heavyweights, honest.

it's kind of fucked how much more jenny porn is on the booru than the other characters

Attached: slap.png (674x612, 187K)

dead game dead thread


Here's a preview of one of the stages they posted on twitter. Each character will get their own story mode. Additional costumes will be unlockable through it. Ittle Dew 1 costume is confirmed already.

iirc it's supposed to be pretty long

he plays nothing like marth and none of his moves are related at all

he's been the best character or top 3 since the game came out. I think right now he's considered the best.

Today I will remind them

Attached: statcity.png (726x250, 28K)

gimme that shit niggy

>tfw no Iosa porn

Attached: 1522469559098.jpg (316x311, 42K)

just google slapbooru
Is that concurrent players? It usually struggles to have a lot on at the same time but there's a solid playerbase even if it isn't rivalling smash
cruel world we live in

Attached: Tor ccn.png (1024x1024, 250K)

I was in love with this game a year ago but unless you're a literal god tier player you have absolutely 0 chance of having any fun over an extended period of time with it. I'm not even that bad, I could win Yea Forums FFA lobbies pretty often but good players will just completely wipe the floor with you. It's the most demoralizing thing

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add me on discord husky#0001

hope to meet some new friends ^_^

Attached: Untitled.png (131x128, 27K)

The game's community is too small for its own good. The same dedicated 20 or 30 comp players keep getting better and refining the meta but newcomers are left with without any low/mid tier players to start their journey with. Hard to get a feel for the game when 1000+ hours players are 4 stocking you in less than 2 minutes.


Attached: remlol.jpg (600x600, 51K)

Attached: mjau corrupt.gif (100x100, 50K)

pound my behind daddy

Welcome to the club, my man.
t. tried to into Team Fortress Classic circa DOTA 2's release

all two of them

Attached: apa mfw slap.png (105x90, 2K)

rem killed the game before fish could murder her

Attached: uhoh.png (1080x679, 408K)

just got done 4 stocking this noob named "Sly". he played jenny. anyone ever play him?

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ya he's kinda shit LMAO

Attached: yes.jpg (1200x927, 155K)

>all these people saying remedy is good when she is literally the punching bag of the game
who is falseflagging or a ryonafag?


Thats not remedy btw

Attached: monkey-lick-yum-delicious-hot-gif-9727684.gif (498x280, 1.88M)

I think one thing that makes this game especially unpleasant to play when you're on the losing end is just how inconsequential DI feels. You're just at the mercy of your opponent because whatever DI and SDI you do your character moves about 5 degrees left or right. You really feel like you lose control of your character mid-combo, which is a feeling you never really get with Melee.

on the other hand hitstun is so low for most moves if they made DI better you probably couldn't combo at all.

Remedy has the most tourney wins by far and makes the game boring as fuck

Attached: yes.png (1417x1417, 645K)

Attached: condom.png (550x535, 243K)

I remember the thread that spawned this image and I wish I didn't

>jigglypuff is top tier in melee because hungrybox exists
lol simply epic

the all time GOAT Slap autism

>d-dude! its like, totally not smash! its better haha
>dude just because its the same 30 sweaty faggots playing over snd over d-doesnt mean IM gay!
>the graphics are good!

>hurr durr the zoner that can kill off the top has a god recovery and a kill confirm is bad

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weren't there like 4 different remedys that won tournaments lmfao

she got nerfed too hard and the best Rem player dropped her recently

What in gods name is happening in this picture?
steve banjo
I play Jenny and I think remedy SUCKS but I'd still tap any of the chicks in this game


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>muh indie grafix

fuck bcm and fuck trump

>stop liking what I don't like

Attached: remedy fast slap.gif (50x50, 16K)

add me on discord (husky#0001) if you are a girl (preferably plays princess remedy)

Games activity went up when he was added. This is just the plight of online fighters, they "die" quickly because the initial rush of addiction leaves. At some point you have to actually seek matches, like make a /vg/ thread or some shit.

How's GoE doing?


>still playing vslap

she's pretty good again.

pika will probably win everything he enters with her

haha funny fish man is the COOLEST character!!

Attached: 31.jpg (200x313, 13K)

really well, seen a goddess named number1megami shit on some people online

Ultimate coming out kinda fucked it. All the Melee players that were streaming it stopped to get the free Ult subs

good to know
guess I won't lose hope for the game yet.
Asha seems really hard though

can't help you with Asha that character's impossible to fight.

Attached: Signed Doggo.png (377x376, 160K)

Not gonna lie. I wish ultimate had clutch button

If you could ask the devs for any 1 Jenny buff, what would it be?

bigger tits


d-special buff. have it come out 1 frame faster and end a few frames sooner. and clank in the air

buffing axes any more would be a mistake

>tfw still no iji art even after this game

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she's not in the game yet :)


Next Slap patch is gonna expand upon Jenny's cruise downtilt. Don't tell Joel, it's a surprise

Jenny Fox Pro Skater story mode stage please

>He doesn't have his laugh

very reputable source


Who's the next character?

Lemon Diva/Jenny Lemon or Frallan

I thought Asha was the last character according to the game's roadmap for content.

is not correct?

The devs overdeliver so it's not out of the question

how dead is this game after ultimate?

very, given the dirth of new content since Ultimate

ah that's a shame

The community is small but loyal. Content has been scarce lately because of the devs focusing almost exclusively on singleplayer

's a bit.

balance patches are still pretty frequent

plus we got this stage

Attached: D4hjJx_XsAUqy-G.jpg large.jpg (1616x909, 92K)

Has anyone made this for Ultimate yet?

It's really hard to obtain such perfection. I personally want remedy's stage. The music makes it for me though