thank you
My name is Aeris
fat ass
You're name can be anything that fits the name bar, like Bambi's Mom[/spoiler}
thath falth. her namth aerith in kingdom hearths.
they never thay that tho
if you don't input a name, her default name is Aerith
>if you glitch out of the forest, deku tree never dies
Is it true she fucks guys for money?
she sells flowers
Your name ith Aerith.
Ah yes, Aeris, killed by Sepiros
there is no version of ff7 where this is the game
I'm prethy sure that whoreth nameth aerith
Well watch out behind you before someone socks you in the mouth to give you a lisp. After that everyone will be calling you Aerith
They fixed this in rereleases but kept the default name of Aeris. Hmmm.
fuck this game looks retarded
Thread over.
o-okay go on..
u wot?
Be honest. How many of you associate 'Aeris' with the pink cat from VGCats?
so you can relate
You can skip the section of the game where she joins the party and her name defaults to "Aerith"
That's just an outright lie.
more like yummy
yuffy vulva?