My name is Aeris

thank you

Attached: aeris.jpg (268x188, 6K)

fat ass

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You're name can be anything that fits the name bar, like Bambi's Mom[/spoiler}

thath falth. her namth aerith in kingdom hearths.

they never thay that tho

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if you don't input a name, her default name is Aerith

>if you glitch out of the forest, deku tree never dies

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Is it true she fucks guys for money?

she sells flowers

Your name ith Aerith.

Ah yes, Aeris, killed by Sepiros


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there is no version of ff7 where this is the game

I'm prethy sure that whoreth nameth aerith

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Well watch out behind you before someone socks you in the mouth to give you a lisp. After that everyone will be calling you Aerith

They fixed this in rereleases but kept the default name of Aeris. Hmmm.

fuck this game looks retarded

Thread over.


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o-okay go on..

u wot?

Be honest. How many of you associate 'Aeris' with the pink cat from VGCats?


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so you can relate


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You can skip the section of the game where she joins the party and her name defaults to "Aerith"


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That's just an outright lie.

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more like yummy

yuffy vulva?