About to load it up for the first time


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don't die

Try to not get hit

git gud

Make a bloodtinge build.

Don't look any spoilers or guides

Nobody cares about your meme game

>story taht's all just a dream
>boss betrays you and revealed as the antagonist (wow didn't see that coming)
>guns yet can't increase amount of ammo you can hold by a decent amount
>can't dual weild guns
>doesn't allow you to play like a tps yet includes guns
>aliens out of nowhere

hunter axe

>Guns are for countering attacks, not for attacking
>Guns are for countering attacks, not for attacking
>Guns are for countering attacks, not for attacking
>I know, it's awesome
Please kys yourself as soon as possible you fucking idiot

do not button mash
be agressive and dodge toward bosses

lame souls weapon, all first playthroughs should be the saw blade for thematic reasons

Saw Cleaver / Blunderbuss

Don't bother with arcane your first time, it's good but requires knowledge of the systems to function

Don't die

You can outrun most enemies early on.
Smash the boxes.
Bless us with Blood
Big enemies are weak to blunderbuss.
Arcane is extra hard mode unless you know how to get an Arcane weapon early.
The DLC is great and mandatory.

>replying to a pasta
ur the idiot.

This game shouldn't be played like the old Dark Souls song and dance of "Avoid attack, attack, avoid attack"
Your weapons will only inflict good damage with combos. The key to winning is learning when you can be aggressive against enemies and when to play it cool.
Pay a close eye to how enemies react to getting hit at all times.


unironically go for the cane
it's relatively weak at first, but goddamn is it fun and becomes a really good weapon as you progress
access the DLC anywhere between BL60-70, higher if you are seriously struggling, but don't go past BL90
collect three cords
don't submit
have fun

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>bloodtinge build
Definitely my favorite overall but this is not great advice for a first timer.

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what's a reasonable starting class for a first timer?

Lone Survivor has good health and a nice amount of Blood Echoes

just go for the bog standard Milquetoast

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master parry to trivialize some of the hardest bosses in the game

Message me:
PSN: CeltyPlays
Twitch/Twitter: CeltyPlays
Discord: Alice#8225

I have a level 14 that has run through the entire game. My password is CeltyP, I'm on almost every night from 10 to 12 EST.

I'll help you with any boss you need and have already tried on your own.

Good luck, good hunter.

>I was just joking
look who's the idiot now lmao still kys yourself faggot

pick hunter axe and then switch to ludwig's sword when you get the chance for easy mode

>encouraging crutch playstyles

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Be aggressive and dodge inward. The red bar that sticks around after being damaged can be partially healed with attacks.
All starting weapons are fine, though axe is easier while cane is harder.
Transform attacks are usually good.
Lanterns next to a window mean NPC, and always exhaust dialog with NPCs