after playing this game for 20 years i fucking hate the introduction. it's too slow.
After playing this game for 20 years i fucking hate the introduction. it's too slow
Other urls found in this thread:
OOT has unironically become pleb filter, people who claim it's bad are just too much of a brainlet to understand what makes it so great
Yeah, if you're replaying the game then it can feel like TP's pre-Forest Temple stuff prior to Jabu-Jabu's Belly. Those first 2 dungeons are just north of glorified tutorials. Nice and easy for first timers but when you know the drill it's almost like you might as well keep a save at the adult dungeons for replays.
Have you tried betteroot?
It's a romhack that removes all the cutscenes, makes all text clear in one frame if you hit A, etc. etc., look it up.
It wasn't even my first 3D Zelda, nor did I play it as a kid, and I like it loads more than Zelda 1, A Link to the Past or BOTW.
the overly long cutscenes are the only bad part of the introduction
BotW is better than OoT and Yea Forums will never come to terms with this obvious fact until the nostalgiaboomers die off.
>BotW is better than OoT
it's a slow game overall
I just picked it up again after loving it as a kid. Got so bored around kakariko village. Does it pick up or should I just give up on it ?
arent you tired of post the same dumb shit over and over in every n64 zelda thread you stupid zoomer? BotW is shit and is subpar against other sandbox current gen games, runs like shit and the ost is garbage when compared to other zeldas, OoT along with majoras were a mark to follow.
Now please kys faggot
>play it with someone who does it for the first time
>he spend an hour running around in the village before I take the controller and grab the sword and enter the dungeon
>he gets lost all the time and complains that it's too hard
What the fuck is wrong with zoomers?
its slow yes but after playing ffxiii OoT introduction feels like an absolute breeze
I have only played that game once years ago and your friend is me. The game makes me feel retarded. I got to the part where you're inside the tree in the beginning then I got lost and ended up killing skulltulas for an hour.
The fuck are you talking about? It's the shortest 3D Zelda intro.
Yea Forums's official tier zelda tier list top 5 were;
1. Wind Waker
2. Ocarina of Time
3. Breath of Wild
4. Majora's Mask
5. Link to the Past
I guess you need to have done it in at in a time where that was the only game you owned and you were forced to explore every single secret if you wanted to progress. It aged poorly in the sense that the players can't understand it but technologically it's still top tier for it's time.
Games are too easy now. No good puzzles and no critical thinking skills required.
>i fucking hate the introduction. it's too slow.
OoT has the best pacing of any 3D Zelda besides BotW, so if you think that it's slow you're in for a rude awakening with MM, WW, TP and SS
>Yeah, if you're replaying the game then it can feel like TP's pre-Forest Temple stuff prior to Jabu-Jabu's Belly.
No it can't. TP fags are retarded fags
You're wrong faggot
>Breath of the Wild no. 1
>all nintendo fans are retarded fags
What do you mean? Any poll made on this board would put BOTW first
>Yea Forums polls
>majoras hipster who played it once on 3ds
>poll that only 1000 people voted on
>the top 5 one had around 6000
have sex
any poll would put botw first. it's simply a better game
>It aged poorly
There`s that retarded argument again. The game works as well as it did back then, a true 99/100 gem. The problem is not the game but the people who are too used to current gaming standards that shove directions and handholds the player 100% of the time they get confused when a game dares not to place glowing marker on your screen pointing where you have to go.
Only it's not. It would be the worst 3D one if Skyward Sword didn't exist.
>deluded WW cuck thinking he matters
TP destroyed your garbage game and made it irrelevant
Dumb Paulie poster
wait a minute that torch...
It aged poorly in the sense that all the mechanics and gimicks that were innovated by OOT has become industry standard by now so zoomers cant appreciate it. OOT is still THE best non turn based RPG ever made.
Ooooh BoTW kiddies!
It is an RPG since you pick up items, weapons and armor to make you character stronger. Complain at modern day WoW instead where the RPG and distinct classes died in WotLK
>it's an RPG since you pick up items, weapons & armor
I guess Doom is an RPG now
It only takes a few minutes and every Zelda after OoT has much longer introductions.
Quake and Unreal were the pioneers of true FPSRPG
I really hate BOTW's graphical design and I can't quite place why.
it's soulless
yikes imagine thinking walking around until you see the hole to get the sword is a puzzle or walking in a room and looking around for the thing to hit that opens the next door is a GOOD puzzle
Changes in gaming
>No quest marker with a glowey thing to tell them what to do, only a vague overworld map with a flashing dot
>no journal to track what you should do
>game expected you to fucking do the tutorials, which give you the sword
>game expects you to read dialogue and pay the fuck attention instead of constantly display your objective off the side of a minimap with every possible icon
Basically the game tells you things, you just need to not be so ADHD addled that you can read it and comprehend basic instructions and explore without the game itself reminding you every 3 seconds.
If OoT was released today it'd have a glowing trail to the kokiri sword with "Navi vision" and have link think out loud every 5 seconds in puzzle rooms, and the journal would have explicit detail about every interaction and sidequest with an npc.
It’s action-adventure n00b
Thats just because all 3d zeldas are bad, and only faggots and furries play them
The various signs and npcs literally tell you where the damn thing is
Yeah I wasn’t a fan of it. I really didn’t like the cell shading-like of it and the mix of high tech fantasy, it just didn’t work this imo. Like the weapons and tools looked like toys at time.
Apparently they are if you're too dumb to figure them out.
Different user but i agree
Non realistic aesthetics look nice, but their so generic and boring now a days with every fucking game trying to copy over-watch or for-nite
It reeks of gender studies.
That’s because everyone failed to see the redpilled message. We all just need to join the army and glass the Arab scum, Brother! Zieg Heil!
>its not a puzzle
>people tell you where it is
Uh yes? I agree with you
It's weird how they managed to get down cel-shading perfectly in Wind Waker 14 years earlier but made it look so ugly in BOTW.
I mean just look at it still looks great to this day.
Sorry my reading comprehension failed me and i thought you were being ironic, i can only offer shit memes as an apology
Casual normalfags are the cancer that killed fun gaming
I don't get what compelled Aonuma to go back to it. Cel-shading was fine with the cute chibi island look but everything else it just looks weird.
You get into the first dungeon within the first ten minutes.
For me, it's that they had, like, the 60%-done iterations of the environmental designs but, instead of building on top of it to make it more striking and unique, they spread it absolutely film-thin to achieve quantity.
This issue clicked for me and I could finally formulate it when I saw the rooms inside the Trial of the Sword. They took the basic Shrine style interiors but actually combined it with various environmental biomes (grassy forests, lava and rocks, icy tundra, etc). It's still low effort but even that additional level of detail alone would've gone a long way in making the proper Shrines more visually interesting instead of the same bland "basework" stone-tech and sickening fluorescent-like lights being the ONLY environmental design aspect for all 136 of the cocksuckers.
Reminder OoT was designed for children too
>Not wanting to become the only male in the gerudo harem after overthrowing ganon
It was intended for children to also be able to play it, but "for children" has connotations that aren't just "something children can play".
>before I take the controller
This is bait but I'm still mad. The whole point of the game is to fucking explore, the only ADHD-addled zoomer here is you.
but only chirlderen SHOULD play it
Its a kids game you can like it, but its easy in combat and puzzle solving as long as you have 10 brain-cells minimum
and don't start with the woman love 3d zelda, because everyone knows they have the Mind capacity of a small child
>letting Europe(Hyrule) get destroyed so you could get laid
botw isn't even a game
>but only chirlderen SHOULD play it
deluded faggot. stay seething
retarded samefaggot
>being this big of a faggot to not want tons of cute brown pussy
Wait, you guys don't make copy of your save files in 3D Zeldas of the tutorial/first area already cleared?
Hell, I don't even remember the last time I played through TP's beginning.
WW fags are pedos hence why they enjoy that garbage chibi artstyle
>replaying zelda games when they have zero challenge and are straight lines in progress
It's more of a game than OoT, and has way better puzzles than OoT too. Cry more.
Probably because you have garbage taste. The artstyle in BOTW is fantastic
Try playing Twilight Princess. I've picked that game up at least 7 times and never finished the intro LMAO
>recreating Ganondorf
you have not yet played majoras mask have you
>all the butthurt replies this post generated
Thank god for BotW. Truly the gift that keeps giving over two years after its release.
>playing games
Cope, we already decided this you faggot.
TP is still better than WW you dumb frogposter
> Twilight Princess ranked that far below 7 other Zelda games
Why the hell do I love every 2D Zelda but have to practically force myself to play the 3D ones and tell myself I enjoy them?
except Windwaker
bloodborne cucks utterly BTFO
Cope, you didn't decide shit. Keep posting your little made-up poll that changes every week though.
I browse Yea Forums, I don't play games.
Because you're a disgusting weeb desu
> Made up
> Still seething
You keep posting this, yet every other poll I've seen on Yea Forums has a completely different ranking.
>zoomers relate more with a game they grew up playing than to a game that was released before they were born
Gee whoda thunk
Completely different website as others have pointed out, it's not strawpoll where people can just rig it by voting for the same game over & over again
>posts a poll with significantly less votes than
Keep seething, nostalgiafag.
> Less votes
Are you fucking retarded? Do you not see the number of votes at the bottom? Yea Forums has never had a larger sample size than this
>it's not strawpoll where people can just rig it by voting for the same game over & over again
You can literally rig ANY poll on the internet easily, you dumb nigger.
>OOT and FFVII that high up
they are memes at this point
I'm surprised we've made it this far into a 3D Zelda thread without invoking the contrariancore Skyward Sword fans.
>boomers relate more with a game they grew up playing than to a game that was released recently
Goes both ways, honestly.
Go be a contrarian somewhere else you niggerfaggot.
Of course a game is gonna be a slog if you keep replaying it for 20 years. I love oot, but I'm not eager to replay it again after 100%ing it and MQ.
>frogposter's too retarded to play watered down OoT
I like both games but when it comes down to it OoT was revolutionary. BotW while I do like the fact they're starting to expand on the world, when it comes down to it, is just another open world sandbox game.
Honestly most polls I've seen have BotW over OoT, but we'd probably get better results from one that isn't on the internet.
You mean nobody wants to talk about how this game alone is the biggest offender for forced, unskippable cinematic trash than all of PS1?
So you judge games solely by how they were perceived at the time rather than how they objectively compare to each other.
Like I said, this shit goes both ways. This is literally exactly what I meant when I said nostalgiafags relate more to the games they grew up with.
BotW is still enjoyable after 50 hours of gameplay. OoT stops being fun after 15.
I replayed both just a few years back, didn't have motivation to finish either. OOT didn't age very well, though it's a really good game, and FF7 was pretty much always overrated. I can live with FF7 behind FF6 and System Shock 2 on the list.
I played OOT on my 3DS and I'm planning my 3rd replay
I'm more about how OoT was Nintendo first venture into a 3d LoZ game. I'm not saying you're wrong because you're not. Just in my opinion, OoT has had a more significant impact than BotW.
N64 I agree wholeheartedly. The remaster on the 3ds was actually quite good. Especially with the motion controls.
I think the only Zelda game with an unacceptably long intro is Twilight Princess. Wind Waker is close second. [spoiler[ Weird that these are my two favorites[/spoiler]
Shooting bows and stuff is fun on the 3ds desu
Same, but I hate the whole game now
>FFVII that high
>SMW over SMB3
This list is sketchy as fuck, and there's no way there were that many voters on Yea Forums in 2019.
How bad are you at video games where the introduction to OoT took you twenty years to get through
You do know Yea Forums is probably the most populated board on this site, right?
If the graphical and stylistic changes don't faze you, OoT3D is a fine version in terms of gameplay.
Majora's Mask 3D, however, is a travesty from looks to function. The few and comparatively minor gameplay upgrades it introduces do not come close to making up for the assload of butchery they unloaded on the gameplay.
MM3D made the game far less of a fucking drag than the original, quit being delusional. It's still garbage though.
I fucking love OOT but I agree that once you've played through the game a certain number of times, the beginning of the game really starts to seem like a slog.
Please explain to the class how the slower Deku run speed and severely gimped water momentum made the intro segment or the Swamp segment less of a drag. Or how the slowed down Zora swimming made the Great Bay segment less of a drag. Or how the now mandatory Bombers Notebook with the slower, fullscreen animations and expanded coverage of far more events (including mandatory plot progression points) made basic progress less of a drag. Or how the increasingly railroaded boss fight strategies with repeating weakpoint cutscenes made boss fights less of a drag.
Bonus points if you don't expose yourself as either a blind brand loyalist ballwasher or as a contrarian.
>Imagine having this low of attention span
just make a save just after it, and copy it, for future playthroughts.
Banjo Kazooie is way better than SM64.
It's not that populated.
It's not
Yea Forums and /pol/ are
Objective N64 game Rankings
> 1. OOT
> 2. SM64
> 3. MM
> 4. Conker
> 5. PD64
> 6. Kazooie
> 7. Paper Mario
Everything else is garbage
That's why you play the Randomizer which removes all of the cutscenes
>better than SM64 and Majora
lol no
All this proves is that this site is literally just reddit 2.0 now.
>OoT being the best game of all time
>two fucking mario games in the top 5
>two fucking zelda games in the top 5
I do things like jump off the watch tower for the heart piece the sandal wearing roof beatnik has early on.
I then find I need to progress more to get the heart pieces, skulltulas, or items I want
like bombs for the grotto Deku or finishing up with young Link to give the runner his bunny hood.
>1. Tooie
>2. DKR
>3. SBK
>4. Pokemon Stadium
>5. Perfect Dark
Nice meme
Why yes, I do think BoTW is objectively worse than OoT. How did you know?
Polar opposite for me. I've beaten OoT some 15 times while I wanted to kill myself playing BotW after the 30 hour mark. I actually had to drop it for like 6 months because I couldn't stomach it any longer.
BBfags are nothing but snoyniggers and fromdrone redditors. game is 7/10 at best, from software peak with sekiro even that isnt really that good
>he didnt grow up beating the best video game ever made over 300 times.
sucks to be you desu
>used to think kazooie was the best
>beat both games a few weeks ago
>prefer Tooie now
There's something about Tooie that I just adore
Also, is Tooie basically like Majora's Mask with its reuse of character models?
Did you play it on native hardware? Also, Tooie is vastly larger than Kazooie.
Tooie feels more like a larger world than kazooie, it also had more tons of minigames and more out of stages puzzels, and even that i also think Tooie>kazooie, i've must admit than click clock wood its the best stage ever made i vidya
>people who claim it's bad are just too much of a brainlet to understand what makes it so great
What makes it great is being 8 years old and having absolutely no standards when you first played it.
I agree with this, but OoT is guilty of this as well.