Ywn play dark souls for the first time ever again

>ywn play dark souls for the first time ever again
Feels badman

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That was a fight of man vs camera

Even once you get the camera down it's still a hard or at least tedious fight. Unless you are a faggy magic build.
But only niggers do that

None of the Dark Souls games are good.

>hard or at least tedious fight.
>run around and hide behind pillars

this same with the knock offs

My first playthrough was on a toaster with Intel integrated graphics using KB+M controls. Never again please.

Which is boring and the retarded AI that blocks themselves makes it worse

Post some ">ywn play X for the first time ever again" core games lads.

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Except I am right now

True, I think part of the fun of DS was exploring and running into every little trap and ambush. Once you know what's where and how to avoid it, the game loses a bit of it's initial luster, but doing playthroughs with different builds and different weapons can keep it fresh.

Where you at, my guy?

>you will never play fallout: new vegas for the first time ever again

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>all that early discussion when the game first launched and again with the PC port
>discovering areas like Ash Lake for the first time or finding out about Gwyndolin and dark Anor Londo
>the fucking DLC

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>PC port
>le praise le sun!!!!
please don't remind me

Beat seath, movin onto nito

>Run behind pillar and get smough stuck in just the right place
>Whack orn(((Stein))) once maybe twice
>Move to next pillar and start over trying to get smough in just the right spot while watching it for a spear up the ass

Even if you use bolt paper it's still like 5 or 6 minutes, which like I said, it's tedious
Fight is a cake walk after that though

>You can never go back to the time before you played nv for 800 hours and noticed all it's huge flaws

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smough should be pepe

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ive been doing a playthrough of dark souls every new year

the game still hasnt gotten old for me

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Well, that's Neato.

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