
Why hello there fellow Europeans, could i interest you in some micro-transactions?
Post your joke characters

Attached: le morhau merchant.png (524x930, 930K)

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Hi I was considering buying the game but mostly because I think bows are cool. Are they any good in the game? Can I get any cool looking warbows/crossbows with nice designs?

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repost from last thread but can someone help me fix this annoying as shit bug? I keep fucking disconnecting in mordhau, I cant play a single match without disconnecting, and it only happens in mordhau, how the hell do i fix this shit?


Bows are basically dogshit and exist only to mildly annoy people, and no none of them look cool.

Full Gothic looks nice. Thoughts on the best helmet for it?

Attached: Mordhau Screenshot 2019.05.18 - (2).png (731x903, 738K)

unless you can land a headshot or they are super low bows are shit

How does this play with a contoller? Feels like either great or horrible. Haven't tried yet.

how is this not bait? who the fuck posts an image like that?

oh...that sucks.
dunno if i'm gonna get the game then
are there any other weapons that are cool and decent?


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use a rapier to cheese kills or the horse and halberd

Throwing axes are pretty fucking baller

Will this game go on sale during the summer sale?

How many keybinds does the game use for actions?

Does armor affect speed?

Can you play 3rd-person?

Any mention of qt female characters?

Can you dual wield?

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tell that to the useless archers that infest games
getting shot in the ass by your teammates or in the dick by an enemy is starting to get pretty annoying when you're trying to swing big man swords

bow is ok but i can't aim for shit. crossbows are ass due to reload honestly

moved quarterstaff up a tier based on anons' feedback from last thread.

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>yfw you style on an enemy so hard with feints morphs and drags that the moment you kill him, the other enemies run away to find an easier target

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Every bow (Recurve/crossbow/longbow) has 3 different, interesting skins. They aren't fantasy-like, they're probably modeled after Medieval designs.

Attached: mord bow.png (1920x1080, 717K)

Based as fuck

Much better, this list is perfect now

I tell it to myself every time I take out a bow and spend 10 minutes plinking away just to get one or two kills and half the enemy team running a mile out of their way to hunt me down.

>Stop user, you'll make me jej hard
>Most attacks just use the mouse
>Yes, higher tier armor slows your base speed and sprint
>Yes, but it's not really recommended
>Stop wanting to have a waifu in every fucking game and enjoy manly men doing manly things like a normal person would you fucking weeb

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>How many keybinds does the game use for actions?
i don't know the number but if you have 2 side buttons for your mouse you should be fine
>Does armor affect speed?
>Can you play 3rd-person?
>Any mention of qt female characters?
devs said they will add later
>Can you dual wield?

>mfw this list is almost accurate in reverse if it was for frontlines

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>Will this game go on sale during the summer sale?
Most likely
>How many keybinds does the game use for actions?
scroll up scroll down
>Does armor affect speed?
>Can you play 3rd-person?
>Any mention of qt female characters?
fuck off faggot there weren't women in medieval warfare
>Can you dual wield?
you can hold a sword and a shield thats about it

well, is there any chance they'll get buffed? It seems silly that they'd have an entire weapon class be garbage, especially when they were extremely powerful irl

i thought this list was supposed to be based off pro level duelists or that was what was said last thread.

>Will this game go on sale during the summer sale?
Get it now before it becomes a pit of sweat and neckbeard hair.

I've tried it. Doesn't feel great. But, I don't know if I gave it enough time. Change drop weapon with crouch, otherwise a better system for sprint might help. Default is click on left stick for xbone.

kill yourself waifuscum

It is yes. I asked a couple of guys on discord about it and they agreed with that change.

Holy shit... you're right. if the flip the list upside down it's almost perfect as frontline/team deathmatch tier list. That's insane.

What is the best peasant weapon?


I don't buy games due to trends or hype. If it doesn't have longevity, I'm not bothering.

Keep it as a low tier sidearm, but have another entry as a main weapon and put it in top tier or broken tier. It's literally one of the best if not the best dueling weapon.

Bows shouldn't even be in the game. They add nothing and exist as a bait/troll class for cunts. Mordhau would be massively improved with more throwing weapons and a complete removal of the longbow. Bows add nothing at all to the game beyond annoying people and enabling aimbotters.

>can carry 3
>headshots deal a surprising amount of damage
frying pan hands down

I asked them about that. the general response was that it's not viable as a main weapon because it just doesn't have good enough damage output. you have plenty of points to spare so there's no reason to use a 1 point weapon as your primary

Why can't you feint ripostes?

>no sledgehammer elder god tier
shit list

That would make defence OP as shit.
>Faster attacks that can also be feinted when you parry successfully
It would create a For Honor situation where turtling is basically just unbeatable.

Lancel. Gods, what a stupid name.

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what purpose do pointy toes serve?

wouldnt they catch on things?

Gods, you look strong.

you can throw anything user

It's setting out to become the TF2 of First person melee, within the next few months. Modding tools/custom servers are in the works, and there's a big push in the community for them. The game's longevity is largely going to derive from that, and semi-competitive play.
I've got more hopes for it breaking FOTM status than i've had for any other release this year.

Wiggle room and kicking people.

Go full eagle talons on squishy peasants. Climb mountains.

I had an encounter with a ghost earlier today

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why? bows are much more realistic to have in the game than shit like stones and pans and lutes

Spear in the right hands is by far the most bullshit weapon, with the absurd feint animation, absurd range, and point blank legality and wack animation FUCK spear

"Realism" fucking nothing. Bows are arguably a hard detriment to the game. What do they actually add except making the person on the receiving end sigh, stand behind some cover for 5 seconds, then get back to playing the fucking game? I cannot imagine the game would be any worse off without bows. They play and feel like an afterthought since the only way for them to actually be effective is if they go around headshotting unarmoured opponents, which almost never happens.

Halberd is just spear but better.

>get killed in two hits by a spearfag even though I'm wearing T3 head and chest armor
titled me like a mother fucker

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just chamber lol

so you essentially want to remove an entire weapon class because you dont like it, and add a bunch of wacky random weapons because lol so funny?

Archers serve no purpose. At least le epic wacky shit participates in the game. Archers are an irritant designed to be played by low-effort, ineffective cunts. They're so fucking weak that they may as well not be in the game, and they will never be buffed because making it so they can actually affect the game would make it unplayable garbage. There is absolutely no way to justify the inclusion of archers besides "realism" since they absolutely add N O T H I N G to the game. What would we lose by removing them? Nothing. What would we gain? More cohesive, enjoyable gameplay with fewer annoying interruptions to stand behind a wall for 5 seconds.

>morph the chamber
>spearfag is already spamming stab preemptively to chamber the chamber and connects before the morph does every time

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>people doing damage serve no purpose
>at least the bards playing Megalovania at spawn contribute

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Unironically quarterstaff is a great dueling weapon, I've gone 30 and 5 with it. It's fast as fuck, and has good range. It also allows you to have both 3/3/3 and dodge to go along with it. Only downside is you have to land more hits but if you're good that's no problem.

They're not an irritant. Being shot, sighing, and walking behind a wall for five seconds is an irritant. Plus, I never see le epic bards anymore. There's one per 64 player lobby, if that. Meanwhile you get 10+ archers you just have to ignore. I'd be okay with lutes being removed too, but as I said, they aren't a gameplay hindering irritant. Archers actively hinder other players.

All the long weapons seem to have RIDICULOUS feints and morphs where you stare up at the sky and morph and feint the long weapons so it looks like youre a fucking cheerleader twirling a baton.

Bows are fine if you can aim. Everyone saying they suck is a shitter. You can really fuck up a battlefield if you know what you're doing.

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Maybe they were a primitive way to help with traction? If you're exerting force forward, like swinging or whatever, I think your center of balance would leave you leaning more toward the front of your foot than your heels. Doesn't make sense to swing while leaning back on your heels.

>spend all of this time making your guys have nice color schemes
>overridden by the most bland and unappealing blue/white or red/black garbage

Is this game actually good? I played it for a little bit but refunded because of a bunch of launch glitches. I am continually being drawn towards it though, and I don't know why. I just have this feeling that I should buy it again but I'm afraid that I will hate it.

I just realized you have the staff as a sidearm
Do people even use it as one? I always have it as a primary

Worst part is the boring game modes (no siege, although some objectives in frontline are similar) and the lack of maps. Otherwise it's great

I use it as a sidearm on all of my archers, so yes.

Archers actively hinder players because that's the point of the game. You're supposed to attack the guys on the other team. If an archer plinks you for a bit of damage and you retreat to heal up, he's successfully taken you out of the fight and given his team an advantage for a brief time. That's assuming you haven't engaged anyone yet- in combat, a shot can open you up to followup attacks from his teammates, or finish you off as you retreat. They're annoying, but they add a new threat to be managed and ultimately make fights more interesting. That being said, every archer is a pissbaby coward.

where'd you get those weapon icons from?

>Making an entire class that's role is to passively annoy opponents
This is awful and dreadful design. It's not even like the Spy in TF2 where your role is to actively annoy opponents. Hell, it's not even like the Sniper where you can pick off priority targets with headshots. Archers are just annoying nuisances no matter which team they are on.

this. if too many players on your team are archers or luteniggers its an automatic loss because they don't contribute on the same level. at least the engies/medics do something.

Gotta agree with this user. Quarterstaff should be rack and stacked in comparison with the other primaries. Especially if it's main downside is switch time.
I've fought the guy in this webm on the /vg/ server and trust me the staff is nothing to be joked about.

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>getting weakened before a fight is just a passive annoyance
>getting finished off is just a passive annoyance
ok kid

Pointed shoes (Poulaine or Crakow, since it originated in Poland) were a fashion on and off throughout the period. Most nobles, if they could afford it, implemented the fashion into their armor. Contrary to the other posters they wouldn't be effective for kicking, the segmented design meant that they would simply curl inwards if it connected with something.

I have never lost a fight because an enemy archer shot me. I have never been "finished off" by an archer in a situation I wasn't already going to die in where I was surrounded by a dozen people. The total removal of longbows and crossbows would make the game significantly better and I haven't once seen an archer top the scoreboard besides that aimbotter I saw once. Archers, at their peak, are a nuisance. At worst, they are a detriment to their own team. They are not worth having in the game.

Okay so in one scenatio I wait behind a rock for health and in the second I'm the kill in a killsteal
Big whoop

well it does say
>Good even as a main weapon

it has nothing to do with design nigger. you never saw an archer alone on a rock shooting arrows at people running around that's not how it works.
they are supposed to be 40 at the back preventing anybody from pushing or getting shreded.
of course one or two random shitters who can't aim and come from fortnite are going to be useless with it but saying that's because of bad design is retarded, that's exactly how it should be.

>How many keybinds does the game use for actions?
You can bind every attack direction to a key, but by default its based on mouse movement. Otherwise the mousewheel is for stab and overhead, f for kick, and q for feint.

turn on "no team colors on gear" in options

I meant from a gameplay perspective you dorkus.

>3 guys rush your business
>with good timing and retargeting you catch each one off guard and kill 2 of them
>last guy accidentally runs off a cliff to get away from you

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Is there a better build?

How do I make my character look like a girl Yea Forums?


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Nobody tell him or you're a cocksucking faggot.

>pure anecdotal evidence
In one scenario you wait behind a rock for health, not helping your team, therefore giving the enemy team an advantage during that time.
In the second you're potentially a killsteal, or potentially a kill secured that otherwise would've escaped / got bloodlust / etc.

It's not that hard guys.

your argument is that they are at best a nuisance and that is a poor design. i've just explained to you why this is totally retarded, they are trying to make a battlefield simulation of the medieval era. in those times if you had 1 random shitlord shooting arrow from the top of the barns he would look as stupid as the ones you see ingame. you need to have a strategic outlook on the battlefield for archers to be effective. if people want to be useless, let them. there were archers at those times, people should be able to play them.


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>Class requires your entire team to play it or else its useless
Why even have it in the game?

now i'm just giving my opinion, i love the chaos, i don't know jack shit about medieval wars but it feels real. i enjoy having to deal with a giant retard in front of me weaving his sword and seeing that there is a virgin hidden 30m from me behind a rock trying to kill me shooting his mate instead in the back of his head.
Ive been playing this game for 20 hours and every time i log on i see some new stuff. i think that's what makes this game, the combat and the fact that you can do a lot of random shit like being an useless archer.

Grug no like shiny men, hit with bunga stick.

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>Got the game yesterday
>keep dying in duels
>dont know what weapons and build to use

Any tips for someone new?

Play Frontline til you're more comfortable with the game. Once you recognise weapons and how they'll act it's easier to know where to be and how to swing.

>qt female characters
yes you can make those even now with config editing and they can be pretty thicc but it's only in armory so it's not visible ingame, you just dress them up

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Based and rockpilled

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>Thoughts on the best helmet for it?
You're already wearing it.


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>I dunno probably?
>Attacking and parrying is mostly done with left mouse/right mouse and mousewheel, there's a dedicated key for kicking, there's a key to switch weapon stances/throw, and there's a key for canceling attacks (you can also cancel with parry and there's an option to have this and parry be the same)
>Yes, but if you put your cursor on a person who is running away you get a speed boost while chasing them. This is cancelled if they use smoke bombs
>Maybe, the devs are thinking about it and there's some proof suggesting they've been planning it during development

I have but one thing to declare..


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When are more gamemodes coming?
They can't possibly plan to leave it at half-assed control points, call of duty zombies, and variations of deathmatch.
There's a real siege game mode, right? Maybe capture the flag, attack/defend, anything?

I want a peasant horde mode

6 players v 500 peasants a round

holy shit that is a great idea lmao

They're a small team of like, 9-10 people, user. They're working on it.

frontline and duel are all i need

I'm not saying they have to hurry it's just distressingly unclear if they even plan to add more gamemodes at all.

daily reminder that you're all scrubs who would die to any of the alpha testers, and will remain as such for hundreds of hours of play time

Maybe in muh faggot 1v1, but in the chaos of a real FRONT LINES battle I will shit on any beta alpha tester.

>They can't possibly plan to leave it at half-assed control points, call of duty zombies, and variations of deathmatch.
That's a bit of an unfair overgeneralization. It's like saying all twelve game modes in TF2 are "variations of payload, ctf and control points"

There are no other game modes currently planned.

>spent neetbux on 400 dollar kickstarter hat
ya seethe lil man


sure you will bud, it's not like the alpha testers are experienced in 1vX just as much as 1v1s in many cases and routinely get 50-120 kills or anything

meant for

That's not an unfair generalization at all and pretty much all the gamemodes of TF2 are quite literally variations on ctf, payload, and cp.

>thinking billhook does anything against horses
Trample radius is larger than billhook range

Duelfags and KDR fags are fucking weenies, user. Frontline is the way to play. I fucking love warhammers, by the way.

Uh kid, play the game before shitposting.

Billhooks are the only weapon which instantly dismount a knight on hit, making them pretty much KO them instantly.

Nah fuck you beta bitch boys, yours sky attacking morph spam spear nonsense is no match for battlefield awareness. And you riposte target switch for groups works on babies, not a WARMAN like me.

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If they hit, which unless the guy on horse is a fucking moron and comes to a stop, they physically cannot due to trample damage staggering you out of your attack.

Yeah, no. I have never met a mounted player could could beat a billhook reliably. Get fucking good scrub.

Except thats entirely false, the billhook range is further than the trample

>daily reminder that you're all scrubs who would die to any of the alpha testers
Who gives a fuck? There are like 100 of them relative to the regular playerbase that's in the 10,000s. The odds of me running into them often aren't high.

>they physically cannot due to trample damage staggering you out of your attack.
I have literally never seen a horse do this, I think I think you're just bad and need to learn how to time the billhook better

The point is that it makes it sound like there's only 3 modes instead of 12.

It's okay, we're all anonymous here, you don't have to lie to cover for yourselves when you get caught being wrong.

>makes false claim
>n-no you're wrong!
Okay kiddo


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obviously you've never played the billhook before otherwise you would know the range is far longer than a horse trample, go get mad and salty somewhere else

They're screenshots of the weapons in the Armory.

I've played billhook a shitload, and that's how I know it literally cannot beat trample range. I don't get why you fags are so dedicated to something that literally everyone can see in 3 seconds for themselves is false.


See Here is your last (you) shitposter

Imagine being so devoted to white knighting a fucking billhook that you just repeat yourself like this.

>24h peak 44k
it's dead isn't it

his ass

at minimum they are working on ranked/competitive modes for dueling

One where you have a weapon.

kek i can just imagine you as a knight saying the same shit

>the bow is a terrible design
>we should just charge each other on horses with lances to be perfectly honest with you senpaitachi

>tfw can't throw or fight with just a shield

I agree, and I think its because the aspects that make those weapons great for dueling aren't as useful in frontline combat. For instance, short weapons with high damage like the cleaver aren't as useful because short range is shit in a large team battle where you need the range to survive and escape alive versus 2 or 3 other people.

I spam screams at all times.

You're not screaming enough.
Bind Warcry to W

staff is good for 1 point but its not a good weapon, the guy in the webm is clearly good at the game. if he was using weapon, im sure he would have killed the other guy with ease

>spawn on red on mountain peak
>blue team has pubstar topping the board with 40 something kills with halberd and horse because my team is mostly low level fresh players
>pick quarterstaff and exclusively slap the piss out of him for the rest of the match, 23-0 him

God I love this weapon. Its morphs and drags are out of this world.

ATTENTION If any of you faggots use the maul and haven't changed your merc name to the Maul Cop you're officially retarded

based and medpilled

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>Finally got the landsknecht arms after hours of grinding
>still need another 9k for the legs and hat
Bloody hellfire lads, i don't know how much horde i can take, i just want to look fancy with me poleaxe

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just play frontline

>go to duel server
>random level 43 elf character with 3 training swords tosses me one of them and challenges me to a training sword 1v1
>i accept
>i get completely clobbered, he has 73 health remaining after i die
someone redpill me on the training sword

its a sword...for training

Its a learnin sword

add a true cup hilt for the rapiers
add the option to remove guards from swords
thank you

I'm getting my ass beat in this game so far but I'm having a lot of fun

>get a multi kill in a fight for the first time
>get a boner for figuring stuff out
>immediately get smashed by a horse ambush

Billhook is my favorite weapon. Only costs 5 and is like a spear with decent swing damage.
Slaughtering horse fuckers is just icing on the cake.

firebombs should be removed from the game

ive never seen anything so anti-fun

Is there anything more satisfying than the sound of killing someone with a throwing axe?

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I'm trying to build a jester. But i cant decide on which weapons.
I tried dagger/bear trap/smoke and lute/bear/smoke, but i would like something stronger yet still jester themed.
Any ideas?

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They're necessary for harassing catapults and cutting off escape routes.

>grab arming sword to play around with, still learning the game
>spawn and hit R to see what its stance is
>its thrown
>sticks in my teammate
>chase him halfway to the battle to pull it out of him to fight with

Random headshot from across the map with longbow.

I'd agree with you if they did'n't have a massive delay between the bomb hitting the ground and when you start taking damage

while they are annoying i like them as an anti defense structure weapon, and no other weapon fills that roll. i think it just needs a damage nerf against players, or perhaps make the damage start very low when a player first enters the fire and then increase over time the longer a player stands in it

It always makes me laugh when I see some faghot with their donut Steele character with no helmet. Especially when I lop their head off.

It already has a delay before the fire damage starts when it first breaks. Just don't stand in the fire.

Cant wait for waifufags to seethe when I disable their characters in the settings.

smoke bombs cancel fire

fireproof is 1 point

r8 my man

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10 Wah out of Weh

God I hate archers. It's just such a pain in the ass having to stop the fun to run halfway across the map and kill them. Feels like a chore. At least with horseniggers there's a great feeling of satisfaction when you cave their head in.

Just throw rocks at their dumb unarmored heads.

I prefer to chase them down because it's fun to watch them panic. Still since most people aren't willing to hunt them it sucks to have to be the designated archer killer.

....t-theres a bear weapon?

Anyone else kinda upset you can't do some guerilla warfare?

I tried a theify/light boy, with quick attacks to annoy and play the hit and run game, but the speed given when wearing the lightest shit does not make an impact at all, I've been chased down by people in the heaviest armor, and it feels very counter intuitive to ever try to wear less armor other than putting more costly weapons on/perks.

Seriously what the fuck? Reasonably I should be able to poke and run quicker than a man in full plate can catch me right?

On another point: shields fucking suck, kicks invalidate them completely and you can't even shield poke, why pick them? Someone, ANYONE give me a good argument.

the game has a chase mechanic to prevent aids play, but smoke bombs break the chase if you really wanna do it

Bear trap is a must.
>In 1533 King Sigismund the Old had a huge bear brought for him from Lithuania. The bear was released in the forest of Niepołomice near Kraków so that the king could hunt it. During the hunt, the animal charged at the king, the queen and their courtiers which caused panic and mayhem. Queen Bona fell from her horse which resulted in her miscarriage. Later, the king criticized Stańczyk for having run away instead of attacking the bear. The jester is said to have replied that "it is a greater folly to let out a bear that was already in a cage." This remark is often interpreted as an allusion to the king's policy toward Prussia which was defeated by Poland but not fully incorporated into the Crown.

Attached: 1280px-Jan_Matejko,_Stańczyk.jpg (1280x957, 233K)

Easier to point into a stirrup maybe

Anyone have tips on farming gold?

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The bear is an undefeated boss.

What's stopping me from putting an entire set of full plate, then doing smoke bombs shit?

Seriously I get the idea, but as it stands, fundamentally there seems to be absolutely 0 reasons to drop anything but the heaviest armor you can throw on, to move faster, because you don't get to move faster, there's a slider in game that lies to your face.

And then later this
Mild points for stirrups tricked down into civilian fashion which resulted in hilariously long shoes, which then influenced armor fashions in turn.

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>lutefags start appearing like plague rats
>if one or two are on my team, I tolerate them at best
>if I see a lutefag actually stop being a useless meme and defend a point I let it pass without another thought
>most lutefags downloaded their ""skill""" and expect people to be in awe and respect them and suck their dick for gracing us with their presence
>go out of my way to slaughter lutefags on the enemy team every single time I see them
>without fail, every single time, no matter how many times, get absolutely ass destroyed lutefags screaming at me in chat
>they're never cool or fun and try to bash my skull in with their lute or run away like little fairies laughing
>they just cry and bitch and moan and try to get people to defend them while they play their 50th rendition of the mortal kombat theme or some other umpteenth played song
I really love this game, killing some fag trying to scrape free upvotes off the horseshite strewn mud and watching him explode might be my favorite part
>mfw lutefag begs my team to kick me for 'attacking bards'
>mfw I killed ""friendlies"" in tf2 as well

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Not him but it's not only that smoke breaks the chase mechanic but light armor also has a smaller range for it to activate at all. On top of which you run way faster and can use this to avoid people in front of you by moving off to the side and since they're to far for the chase mechanic you can dodge between enemy lines this way. Idk why you would though it's way more to kill them with a sword while running straight at them scream the whole time.

This is my biggest complaint so far: shits not realizing that frontline is an objective based game. Kniggas go off and get involved in pissing contest skirmishes on the far side of the map, while ignoring the objects that need to be captured.

Why was that dumb bitch even on a bear hunt to begin with?

Which is why Kills need to stop being so "rewarding" compared to objectives.
Capturing a point shouldn't be the same as getting a kill or two; it should be worth 1000 points or more, the kind of thing that guarantees you're on top of the scoreboard in points by sticking to the objectives.

I get decent results with the shovel.

Good idea.
It may also be worth buffing the point bonus for building and repairing objective fortifications. I'm not convinced that they actually do a whole lot, but I've gone too many matches where people flat ignore them.

How do I peak builder? Right now I'm running Billhock, Box, Wooden Mallet, and 1/1/0.

>there are players who actively choose the role of smoke/fire/beartrap spamming
>it literally doesn't matter whatsoever what team they're on, everyone is collateral
sometimes I just have to stop and leave the scene entirely because there's 3 smoke bombs, 5 fires, and I stepped in a beartrap two times in a row

Really? I hardly ever see any of the bombs, and I lament their under-utilization.

I hate when they put crosses in fantasy games. There's no christ in this setting so why do they have crosses

Attached: knight.png (525x773, 593K)

>if a teammate steps into your bear trap it doesn't count as a teamkill
That's fucking retarded

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US Central is cancer with smoke/fire/traps

They didn't have movies. They didn't have books. They didn't have vidya. They didn't have phones. Their only sports were bloodsports.
The spectacle of the Royal Hunt was their superbowl.

Doesn't help that theres no incentive to rush objectives.
Ending a match sooner just means less XP and Gold.
Systems all sorts of retartet.

Is the wooden mallet as effective as the blacksmith hammer, just less damage?

Solution: Winning by Objective Victory should give the winning side triple Gold, more than what racking up more kills and time would grant.

blacksmites is faster at fixing wood

Does Mordhau have anything like this ?

Attached: 43.png (540x542, 449K)

Knighthood literally started with Christianity. 90% of the gear in this game is post fall of Rome(era of Christian mutts)

Bows are pretty great.
The most godlike combo in the game is using bow/arming sword. It's not the build I particularly use but I believe it to be the strongest.

Kill every enemy lutebot Lutenist without remorse. Tell them that their playing sucks and get better songs. No song is good enough. Point out the location of any allied Lutenist sitting in a corner to the enemy team in chat for "free kills" and then use the lutenist as bait.

There is only one kind of lute player who is worth a damn and that's one who went out to do some Engineer work and drop Medic Bags around the ammo box. When he has nothing else to do, then he can play some tunes while keeping the ammo secure. Some actual fucking logistic aid.

Secure a midfield Ammo Crate for your team.
Build walls/spikes (WITH GAPS to allow traffic to go through) facing in the enemy spawn direction.
Don't build in/near your spawn unless it's a ballista. It's just going to get in your team's way.
Never completely cut off routes, your allies won't want to "defend" your wood, the enemy will chop it down and rape you while you're all alone. Always leave some openings so your allies can get on the other side and come back.
Biilhook could make for an interesting strategy. Flip to Billhook Alt Mode and stab dudes while you're standing on spikes, pull them right into it.

Not a good demonstration. You're clearly playing against a shitter. I use a quarterstaff monk build just for laughs but nothing else. When there are weapons that straight up kill in 2 hits the quarterstaff requires too much work to be a legitimate non-meme choice.

>fantasy game
What exactly is fantasy about it?
It clearly depicts a particular place and time.
You can't even play as a nigger.

What's with the meme spewing, twitch emote using, bad mannered, low skilled zoomers? I thought the general theme of the game would keep them away but they're infesting almost every fucking server

Get good. Play objectives.

Raider exclaims "CHRIST!" in one of his lines, I think.

>counters shield spam
>counters building spam
>one only per slot
>fire takes ages to start, can just walk out of them
>add playstyle variety for themed builds

Firebombs are absolutely fine, the only time they are bad is the last point of Peak, and that's because of the ammo box in addition to the very nearby spawn.

I use a maul so I can bop people with the clown hammer.

>thought it was getting boring
>Just played today, having fun
>Looked up
>5 hours passed


>Reasonably I should be able to poke and run quicker than a man in full plate can catch me right?
You can though.
Armor quite literally changes the speed of your movement. It just isn't some kind of ridiculous disparity. You overestimate the encumbrance of armor if you do, one could run reasonably fast in armor.

If you use the leap perk you can also jump back a couple feet after hitting someone. It is pretty ridiculous how effective it is.
>Someone, ANYONE give me a good argument.
They are good for arrows, I guess.
It is always worthwhile to keep a shield on your back to prevent archer fire while running.

>hop on catapault
>That one person you accidentally kill treats it as an affront to god and spends the entire rest of the game attempting to kill you



It has armors and weapons from 500-1500. It is not a particular time nor are any of the factions or locations depicted real places. It is a low fantasy mount and blade type of world

You probably interrupted his 1v3 even though he was going to die. So he blames you pretty much to say "not only do you steal all MY kills you kill me as well, unforgivable!"

The mind of these idiots is very simple

MALRIC IS A DUDE. jesus i miss chivalry after playing mordhau. i can play it like chivalry and destroy everyone or i can try to play it like mordhau and get confused because i forget tje downward slices exist.

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because you didn't apologize, enjoy getting kicked off the catapult for the rest of the game

>It is not a particular time
It is basically the 15th century, given the prominence of armor, the presence of Gothic armor, and exclusion of the Musket.
>nor are any of the factions or locations depicted real places
This does not a fantasy setting make.

Then why are there guys running around in 700's era viking armor

It is also obvious that this game takes place in a European setting.
It is obviously not on Mars.
Or Arabia.
Or in Africa.
It doesn't have to depict exact European nations in order for its general geographic location to be assumed.

>because you don't get to move faster, there's a slider in game that lies to your face.
You don't understand.
Wearing light/no armor relative to heavy armor 100% gives you a massive speed increase in every situation that isn't running away from the fight. Light armor DOES make you go faster.
It works like this:
>light armor speed running, dodging, backpedaling: 150
>heavy armor speed running, dodging, backpedaling: 100
>light armor speed chasing someone who is fleeing with their back to you: 210
>heavy armor speed chasing someone who is fleeing with their back to you: 160

Your speed actually does increase when wearing light armor. It won't let you escape from heavy armor characters, because escaping melee fights is meant to be impossible, otherwise nobody would ever die.
But it'll let you dodge projectiles better, backpedal/dodge faster to have better footwork in melee fights, chase down people and kill them faster, and move quicker between objectives or when flanking the fight.

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No fuck chivalry and this gay shit. I dont care if it's ''high skill'' it looks stupid with its back overheads and ''matrix'' dodging.

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I thought feinting was gay so i ignored it

That made serious combat hard so i resorted to trickery, became pretty good at it

Then i said what the hell, the arming sword looks cool. We will try feinting morphing and binding our strikes.

Then it clicked, and i seriously cannot lose in frontline. In duels i also cannot lose, because while i may have learned feinting last, i incorporate everything else i learned from my troll builds. Especially all that i learned from fisting.

I feel so good at the game.

>It has armors and weapons from 500-1500. It is not a particular time nor are any of the factions or locations depicted real places. It is a low fantasy mount and blade type of world
A dev has said on one of the forums that it's a historical European setting pastiche, with a cutoff date of 1550, but no exact date for the setting.

Attached: mordhau time period.jpg (1326x899, 302K)

>>it literally doesn't matter whatsoever what team they're on, everyone is collateral
That's part of the balancing for them, is friendly fire.
The problem is not with the weapons themselves but the fact that there isn't enough penalty for teamkilling.
Team damage and teamkilling should have 5x the points penalty that they do now. Then people would start losing gold or xp from a round and they'd genuinely give a shit, apart from the people just out to troll.

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Game's popularity spread by Twitch, which is a big double edged sword.

Try duels.
You'll find players more serious there.
It is certainly advantageous to be the person on the offensive, if you are sending the other person on defensive, on average you will win more. This doesn't guarantee victory, however, since a player who can effectively chamber even despite morphs and feints is of a higher caliber and will win most.

Focus on learning that aspect of the game if you want to master it. Feinting and morphing are pretty basic techniques that anybody can utilize, but the ability to defend is real mastery.

yeah your pic sums up how I feel about chiv's combat exploits

>these are the people you play mordhau with

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>successfully swat an archers arrow and smash his face in with your war axe
this game is fucking dope

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I never figured out how to do that ballerina shit without third person. I thought everyone did?

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I'm having a shit time with feinting because I don't have the button for it. I hate using the mouse wheel to stab so I have my M4 (Forward) thrust, my M5 (Backwards) swing down for a quick downward swing. My M3 is too far on the mouse to reliably use, while the Q button just doesn't feel right. I've tried wheel (up or down) for feinting but there's some mental hangup I have with being able to feint in time. Any time I do it in frontlines and the guy just stabs me.

I wish that more emphasis was placed on chambering and less on mouse dragging. Chambering is such a great mechanic and when it happens you feel like there's legitimate skill involved.

And I swear to god they are trying their best to find ways to break the system and bring that kind of WAAC faggotry here. I haven't seen chivalry level bullshit but I'm starting to see more and more "Hold the fuck up". Not legit morph-feint-chambering skill play but rather spin2win nonsense.

Just takes time, practise and situational awareness. Barely played chiv myself though.

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YOU do know that the mordhau devs are competitive chivalry players right?

Is the game going to get mod tools eventually? The game looks fun but no game with a measly 4 maps is worth $30, no fucking way.

I also remember being sold on the idea that they made Mordhau to avoid ballerina Chivalry faggotry, rather than to indulge in it.

Bro, bind feint to left alt like me. Can hit it with your thumb without compromising movement. I decided that putting feint on my mouse was torture for my right hand. So when it comes down to it, it feels better properly distributing the load between hands.

>there seems to be absolutely 0 reasons to drop anything but the heaviest armor you can throw on
non-chase speed, and heavy armor costs 9 points which means you can't afford the best weapons or perks

There are 7 maps.
There is Pit and Arena and the field for Horse battle.

Yes, it's one of their post-release priorities.
They're putting out a couple new maps first.

The 30 dollars was worth it on day one, with the utter chaos of release week. Shit was so much fun. Now you have to think about it because youre late to the party.

>i can play it like chivalry and destroy everyone or i can try to play it like mordhau and get confused because i forget tje downward slices exist.
I know that feel.

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3-2-2 is in my opinion the best armor loadout.

You can make Tercio and Landsknechts, which were contemporary to the arquebus. How do you explain the lamellar and Viking armor, the chainmail tabards and the 13th century helms, faggot?

Yeah I know that feel, a games first week is always the funnest until patches and nerfing start occurring then it gets sterile and boring.

cool maybe this game won't die with community content keeping it fresh

I'll give that a try.

Also people lightening their leg armor opens themselves up for smart executioner players who will aim for it. You are crazy to have no armor, but it can be smart to go medium where appropriate. Usually unless it's a non support I go 2/2/1 minimum.


2 maps in pipeline in a month or two. One is an urban map.

>What's stopping me from putting an entire set of full plate, then doing smoke bombs shit?

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Is it seriously better to bind all attacks to individual keys? I figured the best way was to actually learn the mouse movement controls.. so ive been doing that. Getting somewhat decent at it ig, but will this end up leaving me at a disadvantage vs just having bound them?

Theres no ballerina stuff. they replaced those mechanics with morphs and chambers and even then the skill cap is low enough where ex chivalry players dominate.

Only if you have a mouse that is ergonomic for doing so. Otherwise don't bother.

this is almost as bad as high level M&B play

Attached: dd.jpg (720x687, 67K)

>How do you explain the lamellar and Viking armor, the chainmail tabards and the 13th century helms, faggot?
It's a pastiche of the medieval period between the 13th and 15th centuries, it was literally already explained in the thread if you really need a headcanon that badly, it's "15th century mercenary companies scrounging whatever weapons and armour they can find or afford, which sometimes includes antiques that have been handed down".
Pic related is an amoured mercenary company using rocks to fight knights.

Attached: Brigniais.jpg (800x903, 202K)

>not partly medieval


My mouse only has 4 buttons desu. So id probably have to use the wheel. Which sounds like ass. Hate using the mouse wheel for attacks

Yes, because of one simple reason, keeping your enemy in view always gets in the way of getting the strike you want. With binds you dont have to be perfect, and its just 4 binds lol.


You can skip horizontal if you want since its the easiest to do with directional.

Getting hits in is much easier than other weapons though, it has a deceptive range and the accels are damn near instant

How the fuck do you win against multiple enemies with the maul? I can do it with the Messer or Greatsword or maybe the war axe, but it seems impossible with the maul.

To be strictly accurate you can be a ballerina, but turn cap is so slow you'll just get stabbed in the face. It isn't required to fight at a high level or even viable, unlike chiv.

Attached: mordhaucomf.png (928x912, 1.09M)

As was already stated in multiple posts, there was a cutoff time. Stop being dumb.

>overhead riposte with battle axe in mordhau grip

Holy shit

It comes out so fucking quick and it headshots like a deagle

chamber morph

Yeah sure, I'm fine with this. The other user was saying that it was set "in the 15th century", which is not the same thing.

>spin to win
You mean like drags/accels?


>chamber with a maul
>when you're being flinched every 3 seconds

The fact that "medieval" needed clarification for you isn't an excuse for why you're such a stupid nigger.

how many hours do you have to put in to get a knight that looks as good as this?

Drags, which are at most 270, aren't the same thing as spins, which are 360. If you spin, you will leave yourself open for an attack for a very long time, and the game also makes it so you do reduced damage.

He's surprisingly effective

Attached: Honk.png (2560x1440, 1.55M)

Apart from the wep, not much. This game made everything very accesible

Axes work for me.

Attached: 3308.jpg (625x270, 79K)

Fair enough user.

Attached: 537-6_gallery.jpg (360x400, 42K)

i think most of the armor pieces are unlocked by level 30
after 12 hours of play, im at level 10

Fuck off.

Level 30, which is probably like 60 hours.

How do you get one button to do left and right attacks instead of just one or the other?

I've been told that but my experience has been that your damage is consistent no matter where on the swing it happens. Do you have a reference by the devs to them documenting that damage cutoff from a spin? I'll watch (or be) a Zweihander or similar swinging about and they/I seem to always do the usual high damage. Wish you could turn on damage recording and summon a dumb AI to test on.

You called the game low fantasy, that 80 IQ average is really paying off I see.

The real kicker is that armor tint. The dark black is locked behind a ridiculously high level.

Equip Bloodlust and used Armored Riposte to crush one head at a time.

Gotta love Pilgore

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I wasn't that user, you fucking retard.

>guy in all black with executioner sword is fighting several of my teammates
>Watch him do the gay little dance where he does wide arcs, bouncing from enemy to enemy
>Watch my tardmates fall for it
>Get fed up and go up to him
>Dont do anything other than wait for him to wildly swing at me
>Block it
>Just keep blocking it while getting as close as i can
>he cant swing at my slow reaction teammates anymore
>Gets swarmed by them and dies

Get fucked

Not the user you are replying to, but id argue that particular strike arent whats really important. Whats more important in landing hits seems to be the trickery involved to get them. Ie chambers, feints, morphs, etc. Once you catch someone off guard the type of strike you hit them with really doesnt matter too much.

Whatever you say, Tyrone.

Directional, it just says "right" or "left" on the binds but it depends on your mouse still. But its so easy.

It's like complaining about people who use spears. A technique that's clearly effective against most people, because they are shit, doesn't go out the window simply because it is itself not that refined.

>mordhau grip

>Do you have a reference by the devs to them documenting that damage cutoff from a spin?
here you go
Zwei seems to do high damage on a spin because its base damage is incredible as it is.

Yes, but sometimes a particular strike is necessary. Like when teammates are everywhere and you just want overheads. Or your wep might be particularly good with only one strike, like the longswords uppercut. Those meme moves need to be summoned with the reliable click of a button.

Jesus his videos are so cringe

Honestly good, or you'd never see another silver metal knight again since everyone except rappers with 69 in their name is obsessed with black and white minimalism in this decade
high level req makes a black knight mean something

>fighting a guy
>kicking his ass about to kill him
>he manages to get a hit in
>for some reason i crumble under pressue and cant fucking block anymore of his attacks anymore
Idk whats wrong with me

Attached: 1557734253536.png (768x432, 339K)

Whatever, the R button.

You gonna get kekked on so hard, if you really wanna play with a controller wait for a console release.

You should get mad instead, and fight with more ferocity

If a shit player just knows how to execute one gimmick, is it a gimmick or a technique or what?

This is an ideal tactic for teamfighting.
The fighters on the ends of a "line" formation zeroing in on an enemy should not be attacking at all, and instead should just intercept any of those big sweeping swings that outnumbered players do with their fucking zweihanders/executioners/halberds/etc.

The meta of "parry one guy, riposte towards another" for outnumbered players only works because everyone is thirsty to throw in their own attack as soon as possible. Just a bit of patience and a small organized squad of 2 or 3 can quickly whittle down enemy teams. Middle guy attacks, one side gets the riposte to parry, middle and other side follow up a second later.

How do I get closer to the IF I ONLY HAD A HEART aesthetic?

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I do get mad after im already dead

Alright, thank you. It is probably that base damage but I really detest the weapon.

I tried it but it seemed to be doing right/left, but I'll give that another try, thanks.

It's a gimmick.
A shit player who can only stab with a spear will get stomped hard when his one-trick pony gets put down by someone with basic chambering technique.

Spear might rack up a lot of shitter kills but they are absolutely helpless if they can't chamber. A skilled player who picks the spear could call it a technique, they are sacrificing their ability to have standup fights against other skilled players for pure shitter farming.

Thanks for posting this. Tired of idiots who have never ridden a horse thinking that the insanely long fashion ones were for specifically for stirrups. Normal ass boots are already perfect for stirrups.

No wait, now it seems to be working. I appreciate the tip user

Absolutely berrypickers.

Np man go wreck em

fuck snails

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>have been alternating between a bastard sword/buckler and arming sword set-up and going full peasant with Dodge
>have been having the fucking time of my life, enjoy buckler far more than full-size shields for the improved block/parry without the weaknesses of a held-up shield
>peasant with a lute and pan allows me to be a memelord, good enough at fighting that I can out-maneuver a lot of zweihander and rapier shitters with a pan and Dodge fucks up everyone that isn't expecting it
>added benefit of being a peasant out and about at all makes everyone lose their fucking minds trying to score a free kill, tunnel-vision, and not notice the five other kniggas right behind me

Attached: tech support forums.jpg (720x540, 105K)

Bombards and Petards fucking when?

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In fairness I do enjoy shitting all over the people that flail their mouse thinking the game is a complete Chivalry clone and they'll magically be top-tier in this game too.

Attached: never.gif (800x430, 564K)

is the greatsword, dear i say it

Honestly ya'll niggas are sleeping on my Frontline build. It is 3/3/1 with that immortality perk, firebomb, medic bag, throwing axe. I usually run to the frontline and throw away the medic bag and pick up a weapon. I once topped the scoreboard with a 0/4/11 scoreline.

I got kicked for smurfing though. Didnt. just played chiv.

What the hell are these tards doing

It'd make horde mode a lot less bullshit.
Although eliminating the fucking rogue throwing knives entirely would also be great.

we have petards on camp, used to take down the towers. guns should never be added though.

>fucking around when you see an archerfag
>you can: parry his slow ass arrows, dodge his slow ass arrows, or get shot
>fucking around when you see a gunfag
>you can: get shot

Horde mode is a cruel joke

>parry a bullet
>slowly more ridiculous bullshit gets added like katanas
>game becomes a PvP Metal Gear Rising with knights

more like ba__d

>Although eliminating the fucking rogue throwing knives entirely would also be great.
You just gotta weave. Also buy a pavise (blocks shots on back) or better armor.

It's decent practice and let's you play with some weapons it would otherwise take some time to acquire. They do keep making it harder for no reason.

you know who you are you know what you did

get the fuck out you mentally ill freak

The trick would be to make them as dangerous and impractical as they were IRL.
Like a 1% of critical failure and a full 30 second reload time.

I think I would enjoy a little battle between pirates, vikings and ninjas. :^)

>Go to mouse settings to see if I can toggle a new option
>realize the G502 has 2 extra buttons I completely forgot about since I never use em.

My muscle memory is going to be SHIT for those but at least I got 2 more options.

Attached: Literally me.jpg (776x895, 33K)

>Shadowplay doesn't work in Mordhau
>Restart PC
>Now it works
>Quit game
>Play again some time later
>Shadowplay no longer works again
Anyone having similar problems?

Don't get me wrong, they absolutely wore the hilariously long sabatons in stirrups.
Deep down they knew this was silly, so they also built them to be removable for when they got in the way.

>They do keep making it harder for no reason.
Not for no reason, user. I beat it literally on my second try and then again 2 rounds later. Cheesing it is stupidly easy. Sit in ladder tower, buy up Crossbows, T1 armor, buy a medic bag maybe, watch kills rake in.

The only thing that's even the slightest threat to this strategy is firebombs and thrown shit, which is why dung AoE was a good change, but that only deals chip damage which you can eliminate with a medic bag easily (med bag gets 2 uses for just 100 point cost, and you can rebuy it as many times as you like).
If anything, they should make it so that if you rebuy an item multiple times, it increases in point cost each time. That would severely hamper ranged strats and make the game less of a joke. Then, make the round stagger releases of enemies a bit rather than have them literally all at once.

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He's based, catapult niggers deserve the boot

>have to sit through a 30 second reload every time you fire
That's not exactly good game design, now you're frustrating 2 players instead of 1.

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tfw noreply

Relive (AMD's Shadowplay) works but its a coinflip if the audio is synched or not.

Will this game run on the integrated graphics of a Ryzen 5 2400G?

Maybe, turn on runescape mode and disable everything.

pretty cool

any hxhfags here?

Attached: feitan.jpg (1920x1080, 151K)

lol I saw some nigger beating our catapult guy so I smacked the shit out of him with my frying pan, then jumped on the catapult, killed 3 people and then headshotted a dude coming at me with a flying pan to the face.
Man you get some good moments in this game

>half the enemy team running a mile out of their way to hunt me down.
This can be used to your advantage
My bownigger has a bear trap and I set it up in front of me and dipshits run right into it trying to kill me
Usually an instakill because everyone minmaxes their points with the leg armor

>Hop on duel server to try and git a little gudder
>Do decently
>Now feeling all sweaty and excited
I don't know how such a relatively slow game can give such a rush.

Fucking Ninja turtles with stick everywhere

Horde mode should include a 1000 point catapult. However, if it breaks you lose it and it pulls more than average aggro.

me on the left, with my battle pals

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>no helmet

>I don't know how such a relatively slow game can give such a rush
200iq plays during each swing
trying to figure out what patterns they're following, how you're going to counter it, and at the same time working out your own attack and managing footwork and positioning in the environment

I love whipping out my cleaver for you retards I shot down to half their HP or more.

Dead before you even get to fight :)

post stats

Attached: file.png (481x477, 85K)

I love knocking bows out of archers' hands and picking them up so they have to die to get their shooty weapon back (unless they spend a point on Scavenger but who does that).

>friends are already starting to gravitate back to other shitty games we have a thousand hours in
I hate this feeling. It was these friends who recommended this game, even. I just want Mordhau to be our new go-to multiplayer game.

Kind of pointless if it doesn't show deaths.
The only ones that show relative skill are chambers, kills in one life, kills in one match, and your head to torso hit ratio.

So do you gain gold and xp faster in horde with more players? why?

Are you implying I don't already have my cleaver out ready to cut your guts open?

Only shit deaf blind archers lose their bows.

caping points should award 150 tickets to the team who capped it too

i kick a caty nigger every time i see him

Why is grad so based?

Attached: grad.jpg (1280x910, 527K)

peak comfy

Attached: grad.jpg (1280x909, 440K)

Because it's the only fully realized map with a lot of varied and well designed (aesthetically and gameplay wise) terrain outside of the castle and a pretty damn complex series of lower levels with a lot of neat stuff that mostly goes overlooked by a lot of people.

The dungeon going overlooked a lot might actually be a point in its favour. The fights there always feel sneaky as fuck. I wish it was utilized more anyway though.
Hopefully the recent change to point capture rate will make fights on Grad focus less around the stables.

Attached: grad.jpg (1280x910, 412K)

Can someone verify if the pavise shield can block arrows while carrying on your back? It seems ineffective compared to the kite or even the heater

it can

Duel servers

Pavise's advantages are
>protects a large part of your back from projectiles
>deployable cover you can place and keep shooting to cover almost all of your body from return fire/while reloading
>blocking corridors because it takes at least 2 hits to knock over when deployed

they were to show how big your dick was, the longer the pike was the longer your dick

For some reason I can never get into a good groove when playing that map. I feel constantly out of rhythm with the fight.

Taiga>>>grad>>>mountain peak>>>>>>camp

I'd swap Taiga and Grad

Reminder to turn your chat boxes off in about 3 hours as the indians get to see Game of Thrones 12 hours before civilised nations do so some faggot will probably post spoilers

Grad>Taiga>>>>>Camp>Mountain peak

what's you're favourite maps lads, mine are

red wins lol > red wins lol > blue wins lol > red wins lol

Who cares about spoilers? Shit's not even canon

>actually giving a fuck about Game of Thrones anymore

Attached: 1538162660934.jpg (1024x1024, 51K)

>giving a fuck about the new season
im guessing you were real upset about how qyburn died too, arent you

>Start a duel with people who have weak stabs
>Duck into conveniently tight area with low ceiling and narrow walls right next to where duel began
>After getting a poked a few times my opponents hesitate but are too proud to run away
>Laugh as I out chamber them in my environmental turtle shell or just chuck rocks at them
>Always refuse to duel those who change weapons and come back for more
That's when I started getting firebombed in a duel server by two people at once.

jon kills dany and becomes the next "kingslayer"

there I spoiled it for you

It's definitely a good looking map, but the beginning is so stacked against red, it's unbelievable. And through this, most games end at the second point or red never manages to gain their territory back when pushed against their back.
Whole access routes can be closed and leave red to run for miles to flank. A tower that can be blocked off with spikes, tower shields, bear traps, two ladders and another access route that are blocked off with a bear trap. Walls that block off other routes. Once two people barricade a couple of routes, red is fucked.
I wish there was another tower on the right side accessible for red or something.

I hope if they come up with more castle maps, that they get balanced for a longer match which doesn't end at the second point and never reach the fucking castle.

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You're literally retarded. Taiga is the best map in the game sure but every other placement on there is dumb

Fuck you and fuck your faggot show. I hope all the retards who named their kids after the characters an hero.

Who else has no kills from a ladder?

Can you gain make any progress in single player or is exp and earning currency still not possible?

>but the beginning is so stacked against red, it's unbelievable
i used to think that too but red win pretty often and I've never seen them pushed back to their last, whereas blue gets pushed back to their last a fair bit

It's been fixed for about a week now, unless you're talking about playing offline

I literally just made an archer class and went like 30 kills top frag in team deathmatch first archer game ever,

the trick is to not aim but to quickly pull up the longbow and shot immeadetly with a larger scatter beacuse if you try to aim you will miss because of the 1 pixel hit accuracy

It might have to do something with people loading faster than others. Once blue had the time to fortify the second point, it's over. They got also the horses, and the catapult is too much toward the blue people. If that thing is captured, how in the fuck will you get that back? Your only chance is to flank them (20 seconds run or longer) and burn it.
Also too many places for archers to shoot a barrage of arrows from their save spots.

Heavy helmet with a facemask

>They got also the horses, and the catapult is too much toward the blue people. If that thing is captured, how in the fuck will you get that back?
Maybe we're just seeing different things because I see red controlling the catapult the majority of the time every game, even when I go out of my way to focus them down as blue to retake it. Red also gets constant horse spawns. One round I killed 6 (six) red horses.

>I shot down to half their HP or more
I have never been hit by an archer that I was facing.

'ate queers
'ate pikeys
'ate pakis
'ate transsexuals
'ate homosexuals
'ate rugby
'ate catholics
'ate gypsies
'ate seagulls
'ate lefties
'ate muslims
'ate cider
'ate frenchies
'ate huns
'ate the EU

Love football
Love me wife
Love pints
Love me 'ammer
Simple as

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be medic

that makes it better

The point is that there are only three modes and 12 is just a pointless inflation of that number you pedantic blue bear fuck

Holy fuck the combat in this game is so much more satisfying than chivalry.

Doe the 'Recent' tab in server browser work for anyone at all?
For me it never did.

what is the point of the greatsword?
it does no damage and it has way less range than it looks like it has

>decided to do a meme build with 3 firebombs and fists
>go from being in the middle of a scoreboard to constantly being in top 5
Funny thing is most of my kills come from beating people to death and not firebombs. No one ever parries my punches, can you not parry them or something?

Game needs a new game mode and maps for Frontline. They need a gamemode where you are definitively an attacker or defender, something like rush from battlefield, where you move back across the map with each taken objective, like you start on the walls, then move to the courtyard and then to the castle to defend the king or something.

Most people are hacking and the hacks only cover weapons. Not fists.

game needs to run good first

Tyrion gets arrested and sentenced to death
Jon tries to reason with her, but fails
Jon bows before her and then stabs her
Bran gets voted as king
He has a council comprising of Davos, Tyrion, Bronn and some others I forgot about
Jon fucks off to the north in self exile

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Punches have good stunlock, but are parriable.
If "most people" are cheating I wouldn't constantly be top 5 with my mediocre gameplay skills. The players I have the most trouble with at the top of the enemy team are feint spammers. Haven't seen anyone good enough to even consider a hackusation yet, frontline is full to the brim with shitters.

Christianity is canon in the game though


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That’s what a hacker would say fucking fag go back to R6 or BR kid.

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Great post. Well done.

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>retards saying 'ez' in horde

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I have never seen a single one of you faggots on the catapult who wasn't repeatedly bombing the point regardless of was standing on it.
the pecking order goes:
>contributing players
>enemy archers (for helping us by wasting a slot)
>bards (for staying out of the way at least)
>friendly archers (passively damaging the team, not helping at all)
>friendly ballista (actively killing the team, not helping at all)
>catapult faggots

Reminder that spearniggers need to be gassed

What's the difference between shields? Currently using heater with mace.

R8 my boi

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>finally got the Deo Volente

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nerf the giant horse trample hitbox its fucking bullshit m8s

i see you were trying to stab me from at least 50 feet away
too bad about my horse shockwaves though

Surface area for block view tolerance and projectile deflection. Heater is kind of a downgrade in every way except point cost.

>people who got the game last week lost to players who got this game a year prior and got hundreds of hours in it
ya think?

fucking this dude
i always go hunt faggot bards down cause all they do is cry in chat
"wtf this guy keeps killing me im trying to play megalovania please kick"

I don't know, I see a whole lot of shitters wearing top level armor.

fucking kek

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if you watch GOT you're a faggot


>tfw cornered by three knights in the Peaks
>thrown away all my based shortspears
>pull out my dagger
>autochamber into a sick 45 hit combo
>channel my ki into a Lv. 3 Final Facestab
>No survivors

Attached: ebixc.jpg (400x400, 16K)

fashion aside, there's nothing wrong with that.
chase mechanic makes sure that you can't run away and armor tanks bladed weapons pretty damn good.

i always make sure to put at least 6 points in between the 3 slots

Honestly this
I go out of my way to kill LARPing GOT faggots

>still caring about that american piece of trash show

>ever caring about it in the first place

>Put down beartraps
>Enemies notice them almost immediately no matter how well I hide them and avoid them
>Seconds later my team runs up
>They beeline straight towards them like flies to shit and die without even slowing down

>contributing players
>enemy archers (for helping us by wasting a slot)
>bards (for staying out of the way at least)
>friendly archers (passively damaging the team, not helping at all)
>friendly ballista (actively killing the team, not helping at all)
>catapult faggots
>actual dog shit

finished it for you

>Want to make a cook themed build
>Can't have a frying pan and cleaver at the same time

>Want to make a gladiator themed build
>No trident, pitchfork is made entirely out of wood and there's no trident skin for spear, also can't have armor on arms if you have bare chest
Why is everything I want to do not allowed in this game?

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i wish friendly beartraps were outlined or had an icon over them or something. i feel like the friendly fire is one of the main reasons they aren't used as often as they are

I wish this part of the map in Taiga would be playable on the Frontline mode as well.

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You should try wanting to do shit that isn't retarded

Same, why the fuck are some of the people on my team so blind? I embraced the meme and just kept trapping a chokepoint and spamming laugh on my tard teammates that kept blindly running into the traps and getting cut down, it's even worse when they see you place the trap and run into it anyway

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Ad Gloriam Romae
where my legionairies at

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>place trap
>mates see it
>they immediatly try to stab it
>one get's too close and triggers it anyways
>place another bear trap right below him while he's downed
these retards make me really angry

Say goodbye to your legs, larper...
*teleports behind you with an exec sword*

you say that but the majority of these fucking brainlets in frontline and duel never go for my legs. Constantly top the leaderboard

that would make the games go on forever

>conquers sicily from you
heh nothing personel kid

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What's a good weapon for getting gud? Frontline I rack some kills up from time to time but of course it's just a cluster fuck and I whack shit with the zweihander or an axe.
Getting into a 1v1 I suck and want to better, what weapon do I use?

Y-you too.

that's the trick, whenever the player's at low health they're way more susceptible to panic blocking so you just have to feint

This is a damn good point

For Sigmar!

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Horseniggeres actually contribute though and usually are on the top of the leaderboards. They're just fucking annoying and detract from the enjoyment I get out of the game.

I always disarm traps when I see them, unless it's obviously ours like in a chokepoint. In that situation some retard is always going to run over it though.

>try to use a kite shield
>it's made of paper and people stab straight through it
I can't believe I'm asking this but how do I use a shield properly

>Ping goes from 40 to over 100 over the course of the match despite my internet being completly fine
Anyone else has this problem?
It happend multiple times to me with no apparent reason, it happens like every ten games or so so that's not an issue since I can just leave and find a different match but it's just weird, never had this happen to me in other games.

Wtf, if this is real i love you

>Armor is not a choice, you WILL suck shit through a straw without it unless you are dueling
>Polearms have all the advantages and no downsides (seriously, even chivalry made polearms only deal their full damage upon contact with the blade part and about half damage if contact was made with the haft), same goes for the zwei, and they don't even cost enough points to force you to be armorless when using them
>Bows add literally nothing to the game except annoyance from afar and can, at worst, slow games down to a crawl by creating no-go zones (fire bombs are even worse at this)
>Weapon balance in general is all over the place
>Too few maps cause repetition to set in quite quickly
>No official duel mode on launch

Having put over 80 hours into this, the flaws are really beginning to show themselves.

Can we get flails pls? Nobody puts flails in their games anymore. Except For H*nor

It is. Make sure to turn friendly markers on too so you can actually tell your teammates from your enemies. Honestly the markers are better than the colors anyway.

>armor is not a choice
Say that to these fists faggot I'll punch you the fuck out buck naked and your armor won't save you

I don't doubt you could in a 1v1 setting. But 1v1 is off the table outside of player made duel servers.

You should find a seller who sells weaker potions, because my potions are too strong for you traveler.

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they're useless in an actual battle because they can only kill one person at a time. they're only top scoring because they run around the outskirts or do laps in the enemy spawn. they can't even cap a point without getting off the horse

what do they mean Yea Forums?

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>Polearms have all the advantages
No not really, outside of the halberd (which is the highest cost melle weapon in the game)

The shield is probably some kind of anti-cheat indicator, while the Triternion logo indicates an official, dev-maintained server.

Not 1v1, right on the front lines.

>No penalties at closer ranges, so they are the best choice at close quarters as well

The ONLY place where polearms suffer is small indoor locations, and none of the maps feature mostly indoor areas.

playing against 20 polearms every frontline game makes we want to off myself, there's no way to interact with them without equipping a polearm yourself

>He claims to punch people to death in frontline, wearing no armor

I'm also Donald Trump, shitposting on Yea Forums

>Armor is not a choice, you WILL suck shit through a straw without it unless you are dueling
Armor IS a choice.
>longbow with no armor and bear traps
>ballista(toolbox) operator with no armor and medkits
Now going into the mele with no armor? That's suicide.

Applies to the spear, halberd and (alt mode) bardiche only
Applies to the spear and halberd only
>No penalties at closer ranges
That is true
>they are the best choice at close quarters as well
Not at all, at close range there are weapons that both do more damage and are faster
There's a reason almost no one uses the bardiche, billhook or poleaxe

>I suck at the game therefore armor is literally not a choice
I've been in the top 5 on frontline with dozens of kills doing nothing but running in punching retards like you to death one after another. It takes no more than three punches to kill you regardless of armor if I get a good hook to your face.
Learn to play the game faggot

Saw you in last thread. I like it.

>lvl 48
dam son

Bard lives matter

I'm gonna call your bluff and ask for a webm of you wading into the thick of the melee without armor and actually punching someone to death before you catch an errant arrow or zweihander swing.

You must aim your guard towards the end of the weapon. Shields have always had narrower block view tolerances compared to weapon parries.

Billhook I can give you, but poleaxe and bardiche are among the top three weapons I see in TDM games, right behind the zwei.

Blue's spawns are way too forward making it hard to actually push them back since they practically spawn on the point.
But considering it's possible for Red to get some dick loving nigger faggot to sneak all the way around the map and get on their ballista and spawn camp them, they deserve to lose every fucking round of Grad.

needs the crossbow

>poleaxe and bardiche
well I don't know what region you play in but I can say that that is completely not the case on asian servers, most are shieldniggers or 2h swords
Honestly though, the non-high cost polearms are pretty shit statistically, the longsword is a better weapon 90% of the time

Whose brilliant idea was it to allow bows to be fired from spawns? TDM matches in Contraband are pure cancer because of the spawn platforms allowing archers to be faggots with very little you can do against them, short of going archer yourself.

As-salāmu ʿalaykum, brothers

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Why would I go so far out of my way to do that shit? I'm not beholden to you, faggot.
Literally press crouch and look down and boom you dodge pretty much every Zweihander swing coming at you. Are you honestly so bad at the game that you NEED armor to not get absolutely bodied?
Even my builds that have actual weapons never have anything more than one or two pieces of light armor. It's only "not a choice" if you suck too much dick.

>Literally press crouch and look down and boom you dodge pretty much every Zweihander swing coming at you.

Oh, you are playing against the mentally handicapped. That explains it.

90% of frontline players are retards, this is not news

>the players you're fighting are just r-r-retarded it's not fair
Yeah sure kid

Armor is a choice, but the choices are kinda limited.
>Major weapon, perks, dump armor (Longbowman)
>Major weapon, minor armor, dump perks (Brigand)
>Major armor, perks, sidearm/weak weapon (3/3/3 Bloodlust)
>Mid-tier weapon, major armor, one perk (Knight)
>Mid-tier weapon, mid-tier armor, good perks (2/2/0 Maul Bloodlust)
>Ranged weps, mid tier armor, perkless (2/2/1 Crossbowman w/ falchion)
Then it falls into more of the meme builds like engineers and stuff.
My nigga.

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Hello, my western brother

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If they miss their swings because you duck, they are legitimately retarded. The entire combat system is built around the fact that you can manually guide your swings. If that fact is lost upon them, they are handicapped in some way.

Lord Stark.

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My attempt at a Siphi Calavry man. Bit generic. Any tips to make it more Roach?

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Actually, since you made the claim that something is possible, the burden of proof is now on your shoulders.

Shouldn't the hair be grey.

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Has anyone made a Bannerlord?

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Hey thats pretty alright.

What weapons are good for a new player to work with? I feel I get my salad tossed way too often in this game.

>Having put over 80 hours into this
Stop making balance judgements with your "80 hours" (wow!) of playtime, retard. This game was in testing for a year and the things you listed as problematic are actually incredibly easy to counter, as you will discover when you git gud