Female party member

>female party member
>constantly casting charm

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Other urls found in this thread:


>game gets a reboot many years later
>it's soulless

have s

>mother character is the sexiest in the party

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use tactics retard

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>female party member
>constantly sings or hums theme song

moon theme will always remind me of this shit

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>she's your character's mother

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it's okay OP, you could have just said you wanted a Mitsuru thread

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The OG ducktales cartoon has zero soul
the comics have soul, the new cartoon has a little soul, but the old cartoon is just shit

>she's your characters mother

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>mfw everything about the Darkwing Duck episode
Best episode of the season.

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What makes the visual style of this reboot so appealing while many other modern cartoons are eye cancer? The simple eyes and less saturation or something? It's certainly still well far off traditional animation like the show it's based on.


Don't like the new voice actor. Doesn't have the oomph DW's voice has

>female party member
>married to one of my party members
>let enemies fuck her in battle and let other npcs fuck her outside battles

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That is the shittiest opinion I've ever heard in this shitty place

Them being relatively detailed in design compared to something like the Loud House, for example, while maintaining decent animation might be why.

Why do I love smug girls so much?

To me it seems like what Disney has always done, but with solid design.

That sounds about right.

Well, he is an actor. That is the point.
When he does play Darkwing, he does a decent Jim Cumming impersonation with enough of that "oomph" in my opinion. That Negaduck reveal though.

absolutely kinopilled

>Cast charm on enemy
>It never works

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How's your first day?

It's just a modernized version of the old one

>Went on E621
>Saw this bird

Who is this /seamen-demon/

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Good one, dicklet. You really bazinga'd me there.

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unlike other new shit, it isn't minimalist bullshit that gets in your face how "eccentric" the style is and then try to tell you you need to not be uptight about it and the kids "don't mind" that it's not sexy or sleek or that little effort was put into it as long as you laugh at its passive aggressive attempts at humor that tries to wax random and smug

Della Duck.
Sister of Donald Duck and mother of Huey, Dewey and Louie.

Wait, it wasn't Jim Cummings? Wow.

I'll buy one

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Is it possible to consummate with the duck?

>now there will be retards constantly peppering the YT comments on the original NES with shitty lyrics for years to come

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Imagine watching a show in which the original creator of the source material hates

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As contrarian as this sounds, it's true as fuck. The triplets were one-dimensional clones, scrooge was generic as fuck, and the rest of the characters were bland. The comics really build upon Scrooge and Donald (the triplets are still generic), and the reboot actually gives them unique personalities

The new Darkwing (actor Drake Mallard) is a different voice actor, Chris Diamantopoulos.
The old Darkwing and later Negaduck (Jim Starling) is voiced by Jim Cummings.

Well fuck you Yea Forums, now I want to fuck the girl duck from ducktales.

He doesn't hate it, he's just stating facts.

>People like this shit.

>Be show maker IRL
>Planning to make a show soon
>Gonna have female Avians
>Mfw I cannot beat her

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nigga what, that's don rosa, not carl barks. don rosa made a lot of the popular material starting in the '80s but he wasn't responsible for their original popularity

>the janky ass animation and awful voices of nu-ducktales is better than the older cartoon
shit taste go back to watching your awful spongebob and steven universe shit

Literally the only good thing about the original Ducktales is Magicka

I still prefer the Brentalfloss lyrics.
Crazy duck in space~

>the comics have soul
Vidya based on Banks/Rosa's old books when?

It's hard to compete with traditional animation, but nu-Ducktales isn't too bad.

Damn this fucking company

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Yes, I do like this shit. It's not the best ever and certainly not on the level of the comics but I enjoy it.

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Has depowered Magicka shown up, or can they not afford her voice actor?

She was briefly mentioned when Gizmo did some kind of villain scan and her whereabouts came out blank.

>original cartoon is only "very loosely based" on that
Imagine being that much of a Scrooge McDuck. No fucking shit you have to cut some corners when turning it into an animation.

>Sister of Donald
wait what the fuck