Hentai games thread

Hentai games thread
I just finished 5 hour fap marathon playing Koikatsu and i feel great
Nutted so hard i rolled my eyes

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Your parents must be proud of you


I just fapped. Then i saw an image of astolfo and instantly got rock hard again

Gime sauce

Nice i'm going to do the same
i'm proud of op too.

is this a complete game or some gay sandbox i need to upload characters to and design my own waifu in?


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i had the sauce years ago but have sadly lost it
they inject her mouth with some sort of anesthetic or tranquilizer

That's not typical Lucie Wilde?


SAUCE IS Gxxd-40

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game of onions,s is for faggots op don't give him the sauce.

Based man, thanks.
Seething retard lmao

The hunt is on.

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Evenicle was fun, too.
Translation of 2 when?

How would you implement telepathy into an H-game?

posts on reset era
posts on reddit
twitter fag

Better fapping together with the wife then risking pregnancy.

>posts on reddit
kill yourself nigger

>5 hours fap marathon
How are you still alive?

God speed, please report back here if success


>being a casual even on masturbation
Try edging for 8 hours and releasing a flood, you weak ass manlet.

you even admitted the shit he called you out on, holy shit kill yourself tourist.

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Kek, I wasn't even one of those he quoted neither do use any of the platforms he bitched about

Honest question: How do people who make hentai and porn media finish without fapping everytime they start? Lord knows if I had the skill to draw my fetishes I would just jack off all the time and never finish.

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I'm playing this right now

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Most probably zone out and all they can think about is how good is the product they're making looks


>without fapping everytime they start
Personally my autism kicks in and I start noticing animation errors, clipping, etc. Gets worse over time because you get annoyed from starting the scene over to see if the piece of shit cloth is moving like you want it to.

Turns out only low-functioning autists fap to their own work.
Most porn artists are too busy screaming inside trying to figure out how a given pose works, so they can draw it without making a spine look broken or whatever.

the idea gets me hard, but as soon as I start actually working the idea turns into execution, and I hate my execution. The guys above get it.

I make 6k a month, I donate to charity, I coach a baseball league for kids in my neighbourhood, I help at an elderly home twice a week, I pay my taxes and raise two spry young'uns with my beautiful wife

Who is to say that I have not earned a 5 hour masturbation marathon playing my favorite hentai game, huh?
You are full of garbage and it shows in your attitude.
Have sex.

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is it better than honey select?

Anri Suzuki

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You've never ever created anything, have you?


Sucks to be you.

>tfw 18 months of nofap
Feels good lads.
Not even shitposting. These last 18 months I went from being a pathetic loser to actually having an anime tier harem of women interested in me.

Invite your wife on your next session

Nothing of quality. When I was a kid I would be so horny and starved of content (lack of access to internet thanks to restrictive parents) I would try to draw tits in Super Mario 64 DS and jack off.

and I'm the Queen of England ;^)

Imagine being so pathetic, that being an average father is somehow unbelievable. Either you need to grow up, or take the tinfoil hat off.

what is this fetish even? Violated Heroine? good stuff though

What are some good suggestions for games if you just wanna try out the genre ?

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give me the source and i'll tell you

xvideos /video27464279/best_blowjob_in_the_world_

>being an average father is somehow unbelievable.

Heather I deepthroat

i'm an animator and fap the entire time im animating, like 8 hours of constant penis abuse, my little buddy is 2 shades of color now.

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liz of the tower

that's animal abuse

>xvideos /video27464279/best_blowjob_in_the_world_
DAYUM SON ain't seen that in fucking years.

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based gigachad

I edge, cum, and go back to finish later. or I just start something else and repeat the process.

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It is kino

Very well

fault - milestone two side:above

Violated heroine if based, sengoku rance if retarded

VNs aren't games.


I don't really think about it, to be honest. Like, sure, the scene is hot but it's mine, you know? I can't really think of it in a sexual way. More often I sit and think "You know, if I'd done THIS instead it would've been better" and things like that.

pure kino, thanks for the nostalgia fap user. World meeds more people like you.

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>this bby finishes in your Limewire download queue at 2am on a school night

Mom I'm too sick for school.

who fucking cares?

Wish the BiMan VNs had more animated scenes.

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same just had a full playthrough of NTRPG2

Usually not in the mood after I've spent 2:30 hours trying to make some tatty bojangles look servicable enough to give to a paying customer

young thanos is looking good

>has a wife
>supposedly has a life
>masturbates like a retarded ape for 5 full hours
i think it would be better if you were just a neet doing this instead of an average father.

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Thanks , I am going to have a fun time looking this up

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ironic since this post is indicative of newfag behavior

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You don't even count as a human being if you play eroge where you aren't playing as the girl.
You don't even count as a living being if you play storyless simulator eroge

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>have a really nice game I've been trying to "play"
>don't know when I have the time on my hands for a foreseeable future
it's there bros i can see it i just cant touch

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thanks m8

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Fuck off

why are you calling me a retard im just asking if its any good.

They were even featured in Vogue, the Broodwich issue.

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You implied honey select is good so you're in the retard pile

Honey select is good. I bet you cant into modding.

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user the game as a concept lands it in retard pile, unless the mods change it so fundamentally I wouldn't even guess it's honey select unless you told me, it will always be a game for retards with no taste.

>The had an ex who was a loser friendless virgin like me
>She turned out to be a godamn nympho
>She almost made me get her pregnant just so I would stick with her forever.

Heroine Half Conscious Hell – Beautiful Mask Aurora stream

When it released in I think 2016 there was literally nothing comparable or better.

It's not weird at all for the average father to have hidden kinks, or for people who have regular sex to still masturbate a lot.
I remember being at my rich friend's house back in the early 2000s. His dad heard from him that I was good at computers and asked me to fix some issues with his, while I was doing that I saw that he just had a folder right on his desktop with one of those virtual room porn MMOs which the name escapes me just sitting there cleanly marked. Guy was making six digits and had a banging wife.

>he doesn't suck his own dick while hes about to explode slurping all of that beautiful white cum mixed in with some smegma going down his own throat

Like, how do you niggers even call it masturbation if you don't do that

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We thank you.

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Where do you lads get your JAV, javfor.me isn't working

user. Honey select is a sim game, it could be the best sim game possible and still be shit. An eroges quality is entirely reliant on the interactions and story and characters, it's not hot if theyre not personalized. Honey select is only good if you're an unga bunga retard that just has a fetish for 3d models being naked and your entire sexuality is only visual. It does nothing that makes eroge good. Just read doujins or god forbid watch porn, you fucking pleb shithead. You disgust me, don't have the wrong opinions ever again.

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By jacking off before you start working on it

Holy shit I've never seen someone so ass-blasted on an opinion over pornography.

Are you autistic?

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I've written some smut before and it turns out I just can't ever get hard at my own work.

>post ends with ""don't ever have the wrong opinion ever again"
>user still takes it seriously

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I have to play storyless shit, otherwise I'll get hooked and waste the entire day fapping

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