Do you have any hope for TES VI after FO76, FO4, and Skyrim? Any chance it'll at least be ok, or will it be complete trash?
Do you have any hope for TES VI after FO76, FO4, and Skyrim? Any chance it'll at least be ok...
I have no hope for it. Will wait and see after its been out a while
Yes. Only because its going to be another mainline fallout3+/TES game. Theres literally no other game that is in this exact specific genre combo. I sure wish a nigger would but they won't so I'll still be buying this shit day one as long as its not online. I'm hoping Fallout 76 was just an experiment, glad I didn't buy it. Online kills so much.
Fallout 76 was the best thing that could happen to Bethesda. They were in desperate need of a flop and it was the ideal game to flop for them. Apparently Fallout 76 made Bethesda realise they need to modernise their technology and urgently. This probably means a new engine or at least finally fixing how dated and janky it is.
No idea if it'll work out for them, but at least they've finally admitted the engine is a problem that needs fixing.
absolutely. only thing I worry about is GaaS shit, microtransactions and online bullshit.
Fallout 4 was good. Had a lot of fun rummaging around, hacking computers to learn little pre-war stories, and making my character look like a dirty goth girl in stealth leather armor with a big ass n titties. I don't really understand the hate for it, exploration was great.
It gets a lot of hate for being a pretty shitty RPG, with the skill system gutted for only perks, only four dialogue choices, and a shitty story that makes no sense in the context of a "go explore and take your time" world. It's actually a pretty fun game if you ignore the story, but it's not a very good Fallout game.
I thought the factions were pretty cool. I guess because I read literally every computer I got a lot of story out of it, I don't think most people do that and only do conversations. Fallout 3 was shit in the story department too but I don't see people saying that. If you want story and actual RPG conversations, play classic Fallout. The amount of fuckery you can get yourself into by just talking is amazing and has NEVER been recaptured in modern Fallout. Fallout now, at least to me, is about exploring, hacking, and hoarding. Making cute goth wasteland characters.
>Not making a cute ponytailed-girl-next-door with a moderately large rack.
You're doing it wrong, bucko.
>i have no idea what a game engine is or what it does but bethesda needs to use a new one
if it's anything like skyrim/fo4 it will be at least moddable to your liking
That's normie shit, petite goth girls is where it's at.
FO76 was developed as a spinoff by a newly acquired and renamed BattleCry Studios and not the actual TES devs, so I don't know why you included it.
And as someone who's been playing TES and Fallout since the 1990s, I loved both Skyrim and all of the Bethesda Fallouts, so, yea, I'm very much looking forward to TES 6. I'm also hoping Starfield is a game in the same vein except in the far future and on a galactic scale. Pretty hyped to see what they show us at E3 about it.
Fuck off, Todd.
Bethesda won't change shit and will massively profit anyway once again
Skyrim was fine. Better than Oblivion. FO4 and 76 were dogshit though.
>I loved both Skyrim and all of the Bethesda Fallouts
you're either mentally impaired or Todd Howard
contrarian zoomer brigade arrives right on cue.
yea, fallout 4 was mediocre in terms of roleplaying choice (hey go here and kill literally everyone no talking allowed), but it was the biggest and best exploration and modded experience of any fallout to date including the Black Isle originals and NV. only nostalgiafaggots will attempt to refute this.
>Pretty hyped to see what they show us at E3 about it.
I have some news for you...
>starfield won't be out until 2025
>TES6 won't even start development until starfield is finished
Todd Howard and the BGS gang aren't going to E3 this year
I still going to play it because of the graphics, mods and plot.