Only good game is a port

>Only good game is a port
Name a more disappointing console

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Wii U

God i wish soul sacrifice had a ps4 port

Probably the PSP

>Name a more disappointing console
it's not that disappointing when you realize its library is better than that of most consoles, including all the ones from Nintendo except the SNES

that's the GOAT handheld though

Can this play SNES or GBA games well?
Gonna hack mine in a couple of days once finals are over

But if the port becomes the definitive edition?

yes, it has a retroarch port

It had a few good ports. Strangers wrath, ratchet, sly, metal gear solid. Some Indies we're good on it if you didn't buy them on steam years before. Won't lie, I got 999 rank black belt in PlayStation all Stars on it too


I hope you're talking about muramasa because the whole "persona 4 is good" meme is stupid and you should feel bad if you've been perpetuating it

Still better than PS4.

So it can play almost anything?

I can't because it's literally my most disappointing purchase in my entire life

This is coming from a guy who owned a Wii u, an Atari 5200, and had his psp break the first day of owning it
The Vita was and is a fucking piece of shit and the only thing more pathetic then how garbage it was is that tribalistic retards unironically defend it to this day.

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>Name a more disappointing console
Saturn if you don't speak Japanese

Do I win a trophy?

He meant borderlands 2 clearly

Emulate gba via adrenaline

Virtual Boy

Don't count on anything past the psx but all the older systems should be fine

Freedom wars and Soul sacrifice were fucking amazing

It can play the same things as a psp, nothing more, nothing less
>but what about vita games
those don't exist

They do if you are the highest level of basement dwelling weeaboo. I looked through the psn just for fun a week ago and found more shovelware than the fucking wii

This is some pretty incredible delusion unless you're just an ultra-weeb, in which case you simply have shit taste.

I am a high level basement dwelling weeaboo and I'm thoroughly disappointed in the vita library. There are a couple games you COULD play but they're significantly worse versions of multiplatform games so it's not advisable.

True desu.

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>Touch My Katamari
Outside the theme song and AC-bu cartoons that game was a huge disappointment

Man, I'm still mad Puyopuyo Tetris on Vita never got a localization.

There's a translation patch.

It came too late. I ended up just getting it on PS4 physical only, because of licensing bullshit as a result.

>has 50-100 incredible games
>can emulate GBA the best out of all portables
>has an excellent hacking community
>did the multimedia thing ages before any other portable did
>did the TV out thing 12 years before the Switch did
>natively plays PSOne games thanks to an official emulator from Sony themselves
The only 2 objective flaws the PSP have are its godawful thumbpad and choosing UMD instead of cartridges. If it had had the Vita's stick and cartridge format, it would objectively be the greatest handheld ever made.

I love my Vita!

Nah that has a few good games

PS Vita is a really interesting case study for vanity products.

>Sony dropped 1st party support thus it never got the AAA game that would allow it to reached it's full potential.
>Small third parties have been carrying the weight of Vita afterwards.
>Capcom straight up ignored it while Square-enix only threw them a few low profile bones.
>The majority of good games it had were multi-plat or ports. And said games themselves eventually got ported to systems with superior performance.
>Games that were unique to the system have either received a superior version with extra content on PS4 or had it's sequel debut on PS4 instead.
>the only thing keeping it relevant is piratcy/ homebrew.

It's the least "necessary" video game console to own. Only being bested by Game Gear.

>>can emulate GBA the best out of all portables
3ds runs GBA natively along with NES, SNES, and GB/GBC

Does no one else use it for remote play? Literally only reason I got it, with p4g being just a plus. So comfy with the triggers I got for it too

Digimon Cyber Sleuth

That alone makes it a 10/10 console

It seemed like Sony only made it out of a sense of obligation and dropped it at the first sign of difficulty


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not him, but just take a look at any "best Switch games" list at least 3/4 of them will be Wii U ports or rehashes

Horrible piece of shit. The screens have stupid high failure rates.

>library that sonsist mostly of visual novels and cheap jrpgs that are mostly waifu bait
>better than most consoles
>let alone benig good games

>proprietary memory format that's a bitch and half to bypass
>even worse ergonomics thanks to the slide design
>still has the shitty thumbpad in an even worse spot

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I can see maybe 5 games total I would be interested in playing.

I bought one recently for $129 off Amazon. I'm kind of annoyed how great this hardware is and how nice the display is, but there is just no support on this damn thing. A bit unfortunate, but at least I can pirate all the good games it happens to have. There seems to be a lot of visual novels and niche stuff here.

Also I can catch up on all the PSP games I ended up missing after getting my PSP stolen TWICE.

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I love my vita and the like 3 exclusives I have for it, but let's not kid ourselves that your pile becomes virtually nonexistent when you remove the ports and muliplats

i have never heard this before and i've also had mine for like eight years and its really well built

i really wish i had a interest in like 10% of those games. The vita seemed like a great system, but there just wasn't enough incentive for me to buy.

>it's not that disappointing when you realize its library is better than that of most consoles
Not really. Even the ps3 managed to have more quality and variety.

umd made sense at the time. The max a ds cart had was 512mb while a single layer umd had 900mb and a dual layer of 1.8 GB

I bought one for the emulation but hacking and dealing with emulation on this thing other than ps1 games is a real pain in the arse. I downloaded the FFX port and P4G but never got around to playing them past the first hour.

Should have just got a PSTV when they were cheap, playing Persona on a tiny screen sucks

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this mine failed after less than a few hundred hours of use. I got screwed, i got this for Christmas when it first came out and never got full enjoyment out of it. Games were just so expensive. I really wish i had the 3000 and could have just stocked up on used games and movies.

oh yeah free psp library is pretty cool until you find out most of its games aren't that fun anymore in 2019

Lucky bastard. The Go has a very common problem of the screen going black. The console will turn on and you'll hear sound but the screen no longer works. I take very good care of my stuff but my PSP Go broke after like a year while my PSP-1000 still works beautifully.

Game Gear was great in the early 90s. Battery life sucked, but playing games in color when stuck on holidays was invaluable. The franchised games were not dull ports, but rather original games (Shinobi, Sonic, etc.) that were quite interesting.

Now, let's talk about the Wonderswan...

And said 512mb cart would have cost an arm and a leg to mass produce vs. a UMD at the time.

This. They wanted something to compete with Nintendo. That's is all.

That's why it had stupid shit like a TOUCH DEVICE on the fucking BACK of the console.

>uses cartridges instead of stupid mini discs
>can't use memory stick, gotta use overpriced Vita cards
>largest size card is Japan only
>retailers barely carried titles
>Sony kills it faster than the Wii U by refusing to even develop games

Question. I hacked my pstv and vita combo that use the same memory card between them I got the Trinity hack going. I want to downgrade, here is my question.

If I downgrade the Vita's firmware, then proceed to try and downgrade the PSTVs firmware next, will there be any issues? For instance I dont want the PSTV to say, there is a firmware mismatch and ask me to format the card to proceed or anything like that?

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>a console without a single notable exclusive
>better than most consoles
Basedniggers are literally worse than the apple defence force for thinking everything their master puts out is flawless

I would say the system itself would a 10 out of 10 but that fucking back touchpad drops it down to 9. I don't see why they couldn't have just added in the L2 and R2 buttons in the same place as the L1 and R1 buttons. Fucking Nintendo managed to put both sets of shoulder buttons onto the New3DS with no problem.

yes to all of these

If it was just a better psp which could natively run ps2 era games, and used microsd i guarantee more would have sold. Think of all the great p2 era games that would have gotten light remaster for the system. I could be playing Ace Combat 4/5/0 on the go right now go dammit.

.hack quadrilogy on the Vita would make my day.

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This. Like I can appreciate anons that like collecting games but vitas stack is just a stack of weebshit and a few down ports.

I can only assume anons are trolling when they claim the vita had a good library.

Vita or Switch. Actually wish the .GU release came on something handheld, since that game is pretty suited to it when it's not dumping 15min+ cutscenes on you.

>Being so blindly dedicated to a corporation you bought all this literal shit

Jesus Christ...

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I don't want to venture into "le wrong generation" fuckery but I really hate how at odds I am with the rest of society.

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You just spend too much time online/on Yea Forums so you get a direct feed of a one sided reality.

No I feel like I've pretty much stayed where I am philosophically throughout the years. Not very many things I did a 180 on, and those I did was because of college, not Yea Forums.

There's also the problem with the sticks being too fucking close to the buttons and D-Pad if you don't have child-sized hands.

Fantastic library of niche games. It's no DS but my hacked Vita gets a lot more playtime than my hacked 3ds

PS5 because everything is going to be censored and over time I expect this policy to only get worse like going back and retroactively censoring games before the policy came out.

god i hope not

Thank god I’m not a fucking weeb.

I go for what I like.

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you know god damn well it will affect western games too.

The psp has 50-100 good games easy, but I can’t think of one that is universally acclaimed, like I hardly ever see psp games on anyones top 10 lists etc except maybe monster hunter or ports like FF tactics.

How did I not know war of the lions was a remake of the psx game?

It always start with the niche shit and then escalates.

it was made for softmodding dumb stupid fucking retarded fuck face