>get super into a game
>last entry in the series was years ago
Get super into a game
>get super into let's players
>their last video was several months ago
fuck Matt
>>get super into a relatively obscure game series
>>play every game in the series and love most of them
>>latest entry in the series is aimed at the casual western market and sells like hot cakes, confirming that the series is gonna be like this from now on
>get into a series
>find out a new installment has already been announced
>''Oh great!''
>the last time there were any news or updates about it was years ago
>claims to be a mecha fan
>gets run off /m/ for being a surface level casual faggot who only likes GL
>claims to be a lovecraft fan
>"lol what does egypt have to do with lovecraft stuff even"
All of these connect with me on a spiritual level, for different reasons.
I wish my porngames would get finished.
I don't want the games I like to become casualized.
I miss the Best Friends, but the more they speak, the more I hate them.
>day 1: start new game, really enjoy it, looking forward to more
>day 2: no interest in playing anymore
>get into an established game series
>find out that the first game you played was the best
>tfw you realize it's all downhill from there
>get super into a game series
>game series is finally getting the attention it deserves in the west
Also Fuck Matt
Woolie if you're in this thread please get rid of your retarded ESL friends that aren't funny
The SRW video they did for mecha week is considered trolling material on /m/ because Woolie has no idea what he's talking about and keeps praising the animation and "production values" of what was panned as the laziest game with worse animations than the previous ones which were on PS2 and PSP and talking about series he never watched getting everything wrong
Someone should do a compilation of every single stupid thing Matt says in the CoC playthrough because it's so fucking obvious that he's never read a single story
>Meme game gets another entry in the franchise
>while the game you like is still dead
I don't get why him and Pat are being so stupid right now
All they need to rake in money again is for him to live in Pat's dungeon and talk over all of Pat's streams
You started with 4? Ew.
I'll add to this:
>kill the woke bullshit immediately. I've stopped listening to the podcast entirely as a result
>stop being an antagonistic prick to the podcast chat: them being spineless cucks who will take it isn't an excuse
>>gets run off /m/ for being a surface level casual faggot who only likes GL
>Pat could have milk DMC5 twice by recording his playthrough and uploading it, then backseating Woolie
What a fucking retard.
Matt did a Corruption of Champions playthrough?
I knew he was a furry.
No, I started with P3.
>YOOOOOOO *coughs* *hacks up a pound of phlegm, barely keeps it from flying out of his mouth* WHAT WAS THAT CALLED AGAIN UH UH UH UH
What did Woolsworth mean by this?
But he did. He played through it early with his review copy, backseated Woolie on the LP, then streamed it on release
ruins your channel
He didn't finish it
He never even finished UC Gundam, he never finished Zeta, never watched ZZ or CCA or F91 and just watches the new stuff like Unicorn and Thunderbolt, and only for the pew pew lasers because he doesn't get the story because he didn't fucking watch the rest of early UC
>Playing Wonderful 101 with some literally who instead of Pat
Gee Woolie, I wonder why you don't have a lot of viewers on those vids
Aren't they part of RoosterTeeth now? Thought they were in an alright spot, though I guess that just means they have license to act like retards with their content again
>can hardly string together a sentence without stuttering
>is allowed to host a podcast
I mean I get that the alternative is much worse but holy shit who thought this was okay
I miss him bros... He was such an easy scapegoat.
He was always the worst one though.
>that time during a Kiwami stream someone called Pat a fake Yakuza fan and he half jokingly felt hurt by it saying "I did everything I could to get this over here"
What the fuck is roosterteeth anyway, I literally never heard of them up till the announcement
Seems like the place to ask: what's the Gundam with rounded shoulders?
Like, regular shoulders, but with donuts rising out of them. Saw a model recently but never got the name.
>didn't play 6 up till now but went around telling people to play it even though it nearly killed the franchise in Japan so hard that they had to reboot it with Kimtaku to get more female fans
they made the red vs blue halo videos years ago and turned it into a web media empire
Matt and Pat were always the best duo.
>A ton of IPs you like are dead
>Meanwhile fucking BUBSY came back from the grave somehow.
>He played through it early with his review copy
Yes, but he apparently didn't stream or record it.
I want to see his original reaction to "Fuck you!" instead of hearing him stare at Woolie, waiting for Woolie to laugh at it.
>badwords are bad
>has no problem erasing people from existence
>implying Pat would ever rise from his gamer cube and lose big stream bucks to spend that time recording anything but the podcast
Face it, he's become a twitch whore for people with a dwarfism fetish. Also, Reggie's alright, he just needs to let the conversations come naturally
I can imitate it for you if you want.
>blank retard potato face stare
>"Fuck You!"
>high pitched girl laugh
>have to go take 3 separate showers because he thought he saw an ant in the neighbor's house
>back to potato stare
Welcome to Law.
Barbatos? That's the only one that immediately comes to mind though I could easily be forgetting one.
Pat's streams are fucking unbearable with the donation readouts
Woolie's streams are unbearable with him playing games he's terrible at either alone so that he shuts up and says nothing or with ESL french fucks being all ESL canadian
I hope them being with roosterteeth means they start making real content again
>get super into a game
>realize every sequel is shit thereafter
Yeah but I want to HEAR that
Persona, it's been 11 years now i think.
Monster Hunter?
Nah, but thanks, that's a cool design, too.
This one also had jet-engine kneecaps, if that helps.
>day 1: start new game and enjoy it until I have to go to sleep for work tomorrow
>day 2: too tired to do anything after work so you watch YouTube videos and shitpost
If it were a stream
>Someone said something he didn't like and he rambles on about how wrong they are for ten minutes during the climax of the game instead of reacting to the game
>He pauses before the fight to read donations for one hour
>"Fuck you!"
>He doesn't notice because he was midway through a fifteen minute rant about how he's right and the guy who upset him before was wrong
>Pauses after the fight to read donations for another hour until someone donating asks about the fuck you prompting a "he said WHAT? HUH! HUH!"
Final Fantasy 7
For me it is Megiddo Ark!
>get into fighting games
>no actual locals in my area, just smashfaggots
Literally one of the most unwatchable streamers out there right now. He showed me that you don't actually have to be a good streamer to make money, or even have a fun personality, you just need a handful of faithful paypigs and the rest will take care of itself
Move to a city with more urban youths.
If it makes you feel better it's all the same shit.
Did some hunting, looks like Age-1 Titus is the closest result. Never saw Age though, all I really knew about it were the easier and cheaper than HG gunplas that had the chips you could use in some arcade game in their chestpieces.
this you cant't have the fgc without thuggery
>been into fighting games for years with close group of friends
>think I'm hot shit
>finally find a local scene and get annihilated every week
It's an abstract kind of hell
He did backseat with Woolie though and that’s where we got golden moments like Woolie’s brain melting when he tries to explain DSD and Faust.
>If it were a stream
>>Someone said something he didn't like and he rambles on about how wrong they are for ten minutes during the climax of the game instead of reacting to the game
>His circlejerk chat chants "BAN HIM!" non-stop the whole time like creepy cultists
>>He pauses before the fight to read donations for one hour
>>"Fuck you!"
>>He doesn't notice because he was midway through a fifteen minute rant about how he's right and the guy who upset him before was wrong
>Pauses midway through the fight because the cat climbed onto the sofa, then reads donations for half an hour since he's paused already
>>Pauses after the fight to read donations for another hour until someone donating asks about the fuck you prompting a "he said WHAT? HUH! HUH!"
>Is about to unpause and see the ending but Page came home with a bag of Mcdonalds so he spends another half hour eating on stream while Page reads out more donations
what does the hat do in trickster though
Don't forget
>People suddenly claim they've always been into the series for years
Thanks for looking, but that's not it still cool as fuck, though
I found something that looks like it might be it, though.
His career is built on being a poser in all things so that should come as no surprise to you.
Matts the only one that makes half decent content anymore. Pats shit is the worst shit I've ever seen
Woolie’s it’s a GUN
Oh and then there's
>you're just mad it's not on YOUR system!
Who the fuck thinks like that?
>get super into a relatively obscure game company's stuff
>play every game by the game company and love most of them
>new game is aimed at the casual western market and sells like hot cakes, confirming that the series is gonna be like this from now on
>retarded american ""fans"" keep talking about how the company's games "always" are even though the stupid cunts have never played a single fucking armored core game
fuck you dark souls cunts
Remember when Woolie said he was black?
This but FF6
I'm sure sonicfox wasn't complainin' 'bout the music in the MK11 trailer either
>Get super into game
>Game never fully comes out
>Updates released by autistic developer once every 6 months
Fuck, I'm so mad.
Sonicfox is blacker than Woolie. Let that sink in.
Remember when Woolie claimed to know about JoJo?
I have the same situation, it's a shame. I'd like to at least try them, but they're non-existent.
>Get into Japanese game series
>love it for over a decade, have decent online community of people who played the games in Japanese
>shitty americans do a shitty meme ""localisation"" of it
>fanbase is nothing but retarded americans going about ""waifus"" and retarded meme shit, plus there are other retards constantly shitposting about how bad the series is because they're retarded and think the shitty meme localisations are an accurate representation of the source material
america should die
>get excited for October this year
user Fire Emblem was gonna die for good
It found a new fanbase
It doesn't need you or me
>Woolie has become a joke and gets upset at anyone who doesn't fellate him
>constantly being passive aggressive towards and ranting at chat even during podcasts just because he saw someone point out he's wrong or they disagree with him , or just anything in general he doesn't like even if it was a joke
>Pat has gone all in on pretending to be retarded because he knows he has nothing meaningful to say otherwise
>haha cube cube gamer cube fuck moisture *heavy breathing* red bull oh the baby by the way Jim Sterling made a video about this and
It's getting harder and harder to see how I ever found these fucks entertaining.
remember when xavier woods thought woolie was white
>2 game series you like gets a crossover
>it turned into waifu shit
>kinda okay with it because you like waifu shit
>English version is heavy censored
Mod your 3DS retard!
It could have been worse user. It could have been a persona clone.
is that hitomi tanaka?
Woolie is the whitest motherfucker on Yea Forums
>Get into really good game series
>But the main gimmick of the game which also affects its pacing requires a touch screen so 3DS is the only platform you can really appreciate it on
>3DS died
Sometimes, dead's better.
>Nah man this is what REAL black people are, American blacks are loser posers acting out some kind of manufactured culture, they're fake blacks, I'm a REAL black! I'm from Granada!
The game isn't coming to me.
>Spinoff is better than the main series
God I loved Shadow the Hedgehog and Battle Network, and Portal if you're that anal about continuity
>Get into a game
>Games still being made
>Each one is worse than the last
Sometimes, dead is better
>MH 1 is a remake of 2 is a remake of 3 is a remake of 4!
Is Pat functionally retarded
I really wonder what's going on with Woolie; he just seems to get upset at everything now.
Am I overreacting, or did that podcast segment on how a bunch of FFVII's scenes "totally couldn't work today u guise" piss anyone else off?
But for real though Woolie will never be black.
But he posted titmilla
I'm the same except I do like Smash, but I can't stand most dedicated Smash players anyway.
>Moving very fast is literally the same thing as teleporting
What do you think?
It is true that Sony probably wouldn't allow a load of it with their shit censorship these days, and if they somehow did them people in the west would shit on it or make fun of it because of how retarded americans are now, though.
>get into a game series
>series is discontinued/studio shuts down
>But he posted titmilla
>2 game series
If FE is one what does that mean.
Stay Viewtiful, Joe...
That is an idol game user.
Hes getting upset because his channel isn't getting the amount of views he wants even though hes doing the same thing they did on TBF channel.
He doesn't realize its because no one wants to listen to the people he has joining him in the videos.
If he and Pat just fucking did what they were doing on TBF they would have gotten all the subs and views back from the channel but nooooo, Woolie has to be different.
Damn, what did Matt do to make all them niggas mad?
>Your favorite series can either die a series you love or live on a series you hate
I'd honestly pick the former at this point.
Woolie needs to find a white person that is trying to be black and join a gym.
Pat doesn't want to do any of that so it's out of his hands though.
Fire Emblem died earlier than you think, but it came back better than before but nobody bought it and Sony refused to release it in the west because it wasn't 3D.
around what point did it become weebshit anyway?
It was marketed as a SMT and FE cross over. I would have played it it wasn’t censored.
matt is lazy passing it off as "anxiety"
>He doesn't understand Japanese
>He didn't play it in Japanese
Fake fan
Pat doesn't want the old schedule, he gets way more revenue streaming between himself and Paige without having to do much more work than that. Woolie is a workaholic and also only wants to make content he wants to make instead of guaranteed viewership, and that's kind of fucked him. W101 is my favorite game of all time but I'm honestly going to wait for the highlights instead of watching the whole thing, even though I liked Reggie in what I saw of Katamari.
His one-shot stuff is still good and his Get into Fighting Games intro is top-shelf shit (haven't seen many episodes of that but maybe I'll dive into one for a game I want to learn some day).
fuck you Minh and Reggie are great guys and I don't need; or want your money, if you think you can tell me not to spend time with my friends
It was always weeb shit. It just didn't have the art to follow it then. What Nintendo franchise isn't weeb shit? Star Tropics?
>started shiting on japan more often on the podcast
After decades of sucking japan off they just shit on it, did the social justice get to them this hard? i don't find them interesting anymore honetly
You aren't Woolie. You sound too black here.
Sony can fuck off: Square can't be stupid enough to butcher FFVII for Westerners.
Kirby, I guess
>Being a Kagafag
You're not wrong though.
It upsets you because it's true. We already have hit pieces bashing Barret because he's a cool black guy and promotes "toxic masculinity". Modern society is fucking trash. Even Square Enix knows this which is why they're hiding Tifa as long as possible. She is going to be the biggest problem marketing the game no matter what they do. If they don't change her design they'll upset the "woke" psychos and get tons of bad press. If they do change her design they'll instead upset fans, but get less bad press because modern "journalists" are all SJWs. There is no winning.
Who wouldn't?
Kirby has an anime no?
Japan fucking loves Kirby. It's pure kawaii stuff that they just eat up, plus most games in the series have that classic cliche mostly seen in JRPGs of "Dude it was an ancient cosmic evil god".
FF7 isn't even a remake but more of a FF15 re skin they are selling to retards for 4x the price.
It doesn't have the angry shouting or the waifus in it though
holy shit this
fucking sucks even more balls when the only person in my friend group who play's FG's more than the others I absolutely cannot stand to play against, i always get relentlessly tilted against him.
Same guy who absolutely ruined Smash for me 4ever
>did the social justice get to them this hard?
Yes. Honestly should have cut the cord when they had that tranny on the podcast.
>i don't find them interesting anymore honetly
Hate to say it after nearly a decade, but same.
>a new entry is announced while you're in the middle of playing the series or soon after you finish
>In Uni
>Local FGC tournament
>It's smash
Fuck this gay earth
It really bothered my when they tried to play down the retort it kotaku article because their friend wrote it, I just keep getting disappointed by them.
No, you drop those fucking pants right now.
It hurts my dude. Fuck world.
>but get less bad press because modern "journalists" are all SJWs
There are plenty of good gaming news websites that don't bother with that retarded political bullshittery in either way but they all die out in the end because nobody fucking uses them, ""gamers"" just want clickbait bullshit to shitpost about
lol, I thought the same thing.
I mean, sure, they don't seem like bad people.
They just aren't entertaining, don't have anything to add to the conversation, and when they try to speak are unintelligible. Minh literally sounds like he's five years old with how he never stops giggling.
>hated on these annoying shitters and their shill fans back in 2013
>tfw now when even their own fanbase got the only two they wanted and they still find reasons to complain about them
Slice of tomato.
only the podcast, not the two individually
remember to sage and report eceleb threads
>rounded shoulders
sounds like some zeon unit to me
>lol both sides were shit
Pat coped
Legit got me triggered when all these literal whos walked outta the woodwork and claim shit like
>yup now THIS is real monster hunter
>weapon designs? it's call being realistic!
Like really dude? In a game full of ice storm summoning, thunder riding horses and this is where you draw the line for realism? Fuck I couldn't even stand the fanbase anymore after that.
This is how pro-players are born.
>attracted to a game
>has good production values, style and interesting experimental gameplay
>has no single-player
>get super into something
>it just had a new game announced
neat probably won't be very good but at least i didn't have to wait years to be disappointed
It's all so tiresome
It was alright when it was at the podcast. but seeing all the shit it writes out there are just stupid
>last entry in the series was years ago
There are worse tales than that, my friend.
Turns out people just like to bitch and gossip about their e-celebs.
>be me
>go to uni
>join gaming club
>everyone there is a smashfag
>smells like it too
>decide to boot up skullgirls and play online
>closet fightanbro sees me and ask to play
>small crowd starts to form
>start alternating players
>everyone has a great time
>great bants as well
>promise to bring more games next time
>start building a small group of people who get together to play so good ole fightan
>best time I had at uni
>flunk out cause I'm a lazy asshole
>come back a year later to hang with my old friend
>find out the group fell apart in my abscene
>the club is smashfag exclusive again
>>be me
I'm not falling for that shit again, retard. I'm me. Fuck off. Stopped reading there.
>start playing a game with a WIP translation
>last update was months ago
>main translator disappeared from the internet
Based. Fuck students bitching about school.
Well you're him now
I don't even have an account on reddit.
>>join gaming club
First mistake.
You do now, faggot
>follow x game series since day one
>game series slowly starts to lose its identity
>original stories are slowly being retconned out of existence
>new fans think that the story and game you've been following is not worth continuing and you should just shut up and move on or stop playing x franchise
>lose interest in series because it's just a whole new franchise at this point, completely detached what I enjoyed
>new fans start getting the same treatment I got when their version of the franchise I used to follow starts to lose the identity they fell in love with and starts appealing to even newer fans
>they complain about how x isn't what it used to be
>newer fans tells them to fuck off and move on
>they feel entitled to have the franchise cater to them again
>repeat cycle forever.
Woolie, stop randomly bringing up politics in the podcast, same goes for pat. Don't turn into Matt
>Start playing unfinished game
>Get to the "end"
>Hey this is pretty good I wonder whens the next update.
>Go to website
>"Don't worry guys I'm committed to finishing this game!"
>This was posted 2017
but jim sterling made a video about
>Get really into Smash
>Play with friends and spend hours and hours upon it, actually feel like gitting gud
>Friend who owns the console has to part ways with us
>Don't own a Switch
>Locals doesn't exist except for Tekken
>Discouraged from finding out if a locals exist since there's hundreds of terrible stories about smashfags, their attitude and their smell
The people who like the things I also like are always terrible for some goddamn reason
Pat has ALWAYS been a kind little ally SJW cuck. No idea why people on here have this idea that he's secretly conservative because he said faggot once 10 years ago.
Who defends the weapons designs? Not even shitposters here defend them and I overall like World.
They peaked at Omikron and it's been a straight slope downward since.
You act as if "pew pew lasers" isnt the only reason to watch Gundam anymore. Or are you seriously going to defend all the trash Sunrise has been pumping out lately?
Are you taking the piss? Monster hunter, obscure?
>Play game in a series
>Love it but feel liek soemthing is missing
>Look at the other games in the series
>They're all completely different or shit
Rogue truly blessed us all
I need to watch that LP sometime
Monster Hunter was obscure at one point, user.
>get super into a game
>last GOOD entry in the series was A DECADE ago
I can't watch that LP, too much nothing going on for long stretches of time and them arguing over a GameFaq guide.
omikron in hindsight is their magnum opus
I like World too don't get me wrong. But you really should have been there for the MH threads post-launch of World. In almost every thread back then you always have a handful of people saying shit like how this was much better because it's no longer "animu". Either it was just a roving band of dedicated shitposters or there were legitimately people who thinks this way. I'm more inclined to believed in the latter because lord knows that World managed to attract normies to the series as hard as it did.
>get into series
>devs become "that series" guys even though they've made other great games that just unfortunately never took off the same way
>play those other games
>they're good
>feel bad that people only care about that one franchise even though you really like it
>after years of nothing but that franchise they finally make something new
>new franchise is an AU future of "that franchise" so not technically completely new, still very much "that franchise" guys
>new game is bad & sells poorly
>big layoffs, studios been quiet ever since
Volition & Saints Row. I feel bad for kind of hoping their next game is another Saints Row but after AOM I'm worried about them, they need another hit
He had no problem playing I have no mouth and I must scream though. A game SJW's wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. Also fighting games in general outside MK. But he is a fag yes.
>discovers cool MMORPG
>the servers are dead or already closed for years
this is pure gold
Do you not remember them having a "trigger warning" segment during that LP? I sure as hell did. That is when Pat was showing his true colors for the first time to me.
this also for poor Scott with FNaF
E3 is basically going to determine the future of the series I'm hoping for, and because of this reason, it will either be shit or truly amazing, with no in-between.
Fuck monster hunter world
>I'm going to kill everyone and then myself
How in the fuck is a 'trigger warning' so they aren't bombarded by assblasted triggered SJWs a sign they themselves were SJWs? SJWs don't want to have to deal with their own kind? You're making all kinds of nonsense.
>get super into a game
>newer games in the series ditched the winning formula and replaced it with a much shittier one that isn't nearly as fun
That pic hurts me.
No I had it on the background when I was fapping and playing Tekken.
I feel like this is what's happening to Kirby right now. I wonder what will happen when it enters it's cubist phase.
>guys look...I'm jumping...
>Pat endlessly shilled MonHun World from the start and argued with MonHun fans on twitter declaring it to be the best game immediately
>reasoning was "old MonHun is too clunky and confusing"
>proceeds to pretend to be a huge MonHun fan while constantly shitting on the old games and especially MH1 and MH2
>recently played Rise Of Legends
>loved it despite its flaws
>there will never be a sequel or a proper expansion/mod support for the original
Kumazaki said Star Allies was the last game before the "new era". It was an anniversary game and what felt like a sendoff of his formula since RtDL due to all the free content and the hardest content in any of his games as well. I think they're serious about making something fresh.
>Summon Night Swordcraft Story to Summon Night
>Megaman Battle Network and Legends to Megaman
>Pokemon Conquest/ Mystery Dungeon to Pokemon
>all the trash Sunrise has been pumping out lately?
I wish Sunrise was pumping out trash. All they've been doing is shitting out movies, mostly recaps, and that Double Decker show to remind people Tiger and Bunny S2 will never happen. It's been too long since the last Cross Ange / Valvrave trainwreck.
What are some games where the rival character outgrows the MC and leaves them behind?
Cause he's dating Paige, and she hangs with dick and ralph apparently, so it alludes that pat may be more accepting or whatever of right wing opinions when near them, instead of being a...well Matt.
Oneyplays is putting out regular content again and they're funnier than 2bfp was.
god it feels good to be a yakuzabro
What are some games where a party member gets corrupted and the MC shouts their name at the top of his lungs, hoping they remember their past life, but they're too far gone to be saved?
Didn’t he start the channel?
>seething that hard over other people's success
Fucking kek. Liam can't do shit on his own, plus now literally all he's doing is shilling for the latest games.
Nothing in Star Allies is hard. Getting all the hearts in Heroes in another Dimension is just boring and tedious, not hard.
>Liam sliding further and further into irrelevancy
How long until he declares himself a woman? He seems fucked enough to do something like that.
What a pathetic faggot.
Pat and woolie couldn’t make watchable content if their lives depended on it.
Soul Melter EX is hard if you don't cheese it with something like Sisters x4.
Being a passive aggressive faggot sure paid off didn't it, shithead?
>claims to be Woolie's "friend"
>gets angry at Woolie being successful
What a cunt.
>Find interesting manga.
>Catch up.
>Last updated: 8 months ago.
Every fucking time.
It definitely was in the west gaylord.
I like Matt's Wha Happun videos, but the rest I really don't care for at all.
>Arcana Heart 3 LOVE MAX!!!!!! has been installed
You're better off trying a new joke than repeating one that fell flat.
>Get into Darkstalkers THIS FUCKING YEAR.
It's the worst decision of my life. That shit's never gonna get a new installment and if it did, given how shit SFV is, it might be a curse rather than a blessing.
All the production values in the world won't make his shit content, and "clunky" opinions, interesting.
>get super into a game
>the fandom already moved on
>@Woolie Feel free to chime in on this.
is this liam's gf?
I feel the same way.
>Woolie already having to deal with Matt and Pat's infighting
>Liam shows up to add fuel to the fire
Fucking christ, what a petty piece of shit.
He gets shit wrong in those videos just to fit his dumb jokes and flair.
>"Old MonHun is too clunky and confusing"
>Mocks Plague for wanting Street Fighter to be streamlined
This goes even beyond the pot and the kettle
What the fuck. Is this a Canada thing or a Liam thing?
a montreal thing
>Be a super big fan of a franchise that hasn't seen a new installment in over a decade besides a shitty spin off in the early 2010s
>Game is everything I ever wanted after such a long wait
>Another fanbase is going through an eerily similar thing
>Buy game because their excitement is contagious and the wait is relatable
>Get into another excellent series
Ace Combat bro here. Thanks DMC bros.
I'll show you a god damn joke!
>Partnering with rt
I'd be sick too.
Unfortunate. There was a time not so long ago that everyone wanted to go live in Canada. Couldn't fucking pay me.
Has he actually even beaten a pre-World game? He's obviously played MH1 and MH3 before, but all he does is whine about how clunky and "Japanese" they are.
Well, at least they're out in the fresh air.
DMCbro here, it's been a lot of fun. Don't forget the REbros that got the double whammy of the fantastic RE7 and RE2make.
Liam has always been a shill sucking the dicks of every developer and publisher under the sun. It's only now that they're actually throwing him a bone for doing it.
Yeah, for sure. I've been a Resi guy for a long time too and I was more than happy with those two games.
Man, 2017 and 2019 were something really special. Got into Yakuza then, too. Video games got cool again.
Reminder that Matt got over halfway into Kingdom Hearts without knowing how to use potions and blamed the game for not being clear even though he skipped all the tutorials.
When he said Pokemon needed to be a console game only because it would look better when every mainline Pokemon game since the transition to 3D has been garbage was just peak brainlet
It's a really weird feeling seeing how clearly mentally ill Liam is. With him being bananas and Matt showing up drunk to work every day it's a miracle the channel lasted as long as it did. Think about how hard it must have been for Woolie to hold that shit together for so long.
All of this but especially
>Buy game because their excitement is contagious and the wait is relatable
But suck at DMC games, Bs and Cs for days.
Still great fun games though.
I was lucky to have a friend who knew about the game enough to tell me not to worry about rankings my first go through and to learn the game and get comfortable before I start styling.
They're all mentally ill. But thats more a montreal thing in general.
>taking anything any of them say about Pokemon seriously after that abortion of a nuzlocke
>they blame Nintendo for Pokemon's state when it's all Game Freak
It's like all the people that whined about how the Vita was "holding games back from their true potential", and then when the Vita games got sequels on the PS4 they STILL looked like Vita games but just at a slightly sharper resolution. I don't know why people assume that a console magically makes things have AAA graphics and blame the hardware rather than the devs.
There's a difference in the level. Liam seems like he's legitimately losing hold on reality. I wouldn't be surprised of he ends up hospitalized eventually.
he'll become a tranny then kill himself a year later
Any more info on Woolie getting BTFO'd on /m/?
Woolie if you're in this thread why the fuck are you allergic to money? You're literally uploading podcast clips to stay relevant. I get do what you want play what you want, but you will end up like Liam that way. You have a wedding and a fiancee, quit being retarded and treat streaming like a job.
Give me a quick rundown on his mental illness
Child molester.
/m/fag that has talked to Woolie on /m/ before when he came for Kamen Rider and Gundam recommendations, the problem is that Woolie is more than happy to just be a secondary. /m/ is for people that take robots and spandex bugmen very seriously, and Woolie never finished a lot of shit for a long time so people got irritated. I don't know how much Kamen Rider he watched to this day, he calls himself a fan but barely seems to know anything about the franchise. He did manage to finish Zeta, ZZ, Victory, 08MS, 0083 and War in the Pocket at least for Gundam.
that's just a fucking rumor asshole
When I followed their channel I always wondered how they could fuck up so badly. All they had to do was pick a halfway interesting game and occasionally make some jokes but they somehow couldn't manage that half the time. It makes so much more sense now that you see not only did Matt not give a shit but Liam belongs in an asylum. 90% of the job was probably just getting those two to show up.
>spoiled himself again and played through it the second he got it
>didn't record it
hi liam.
Sup liam