What's the Dark Souls of Chinese Domino games?
What's the Dark Souls of Chinese Domino games?
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Is the dream dead?
So how many Master player that's confirmed Yea Forumsros? I remember I saw one post with that certificate, but haven't met them in friendlies here.
It seems there are some bullies hanging around the board right now. I'm sure it will get better later at night when all of the American kids go to sleep.
It's been like that for past 3 weeks. Comfy weekdays with nice friendly games, then shit thread on weekend, rinse and repeat.
Majsoul Friends Room 15285(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
Come on down.
Mr. Domino
fun game
Can no one really stop Mr. Domino?
yeah i'm sure whatever retarded janitor is browsing right now will go back to his wagecuck job in 2 days and we can go back to actually discussing video games on Yea Forums
I'm pretty sure that there isn't a single person on this Earth capable of putting a halt to Mr. Domino's endeavors.
3/4 now.
need 1 more
orin is really cute
imagine talking about video games on a video games forum lmao
Played a couple hanchans with two of them. They didn't catch too many hands in the games I played, but I only got one to deal in once and that was off a third discard riichi.
What we really need are some twitter mahjong e-celebs but they have to have only started in the past 2 weeks and only play mahjong.
start some drama on twitter
won't work until they've been banned from twitter or have had some other controversy to make them really related to video games
what if they are a tranny or do porn
the rank really doesn't matter since people don't play in Yea Forums friendlies the same way the do in ranked
i play the same way because im trying to learn
the age of man has ended
we now enter the age of dominos
I am sorry, let the other thread die.
no, they need to talk about how much they hate people or something so they can be truly Based and Related-to-Video-Gamespilled
Waiting for my imminent death while still winning is great
The key is to appreciate other people's hands, don't give up, and don't be a bitch
Also look at discard piles
wish me luck at getting to adept 3, I finally understood pinfu today
based mods
This, Yea Forums friendlies are for FUN.
it was on あーとうさげ
Should I add AI for now?
saved by koromo
>Don't like the character
>Like the emotes
I'm conflicted
I play the same way in friendlies as I do ranked. Like garbage.
honestly yeah
doing betaori when im not even first is stressful, so I like to reserve that for ranked, and go full meme in Yea Forums friendlies
are they? do people play serious or act silly and stupid?
>Daily even quest is Ippatsu
So close lads.
Started playing Gold room games recently, and damn. All of my balls to the wall reflexes I learned while playing with dumb cats in silver are causing me to lose, because now people are much more skilled in defense. While during that 7 recent games I got ronned maybe 3 times, the tsumo payments, lost riichi sticks from unresolved tenpais, noten penalty and the fact that twice already enemy dealer got tsumo yakuman - it all hurts.
At least I am almost always able to crawl into 3rd place, so I'm only 100 points behind starting amount, but damn. Getting into Master is going to be a long and thorny way.
How are those gifts different?
just change it.
You consume those for the extra outfit.
I don't play suicidally stupid most of the time, but I don't ever settle for 2nd or 3rd like I do in ranked, so I'm going balls to the wall in all last if I'm not 1st.
so what is this and where do i play?
Majsoul Friends Room 26653(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
Standard rules. Show us how you play frenlies.
Mahjong Soul. You play here:
You should read this:
And also take this picture with you.
1 more. Get it.
What are some good games to learn mahjong in? Anyone with cute girls? I always wanted to play one of the PC98 ones
This, still play to win but I'll play very risky at almost all times and do kans to shake it up as opposed to immediately betatori when it doesnt look well
>Call Riichi first
>10 turns pass, no one discards my tiles, another person calls riichi
>My next draw deals into them
>Next game, riichi first again
>Player to my left pons my discard
>Draw and discard
>Next game, riichi first again
>Player to my right Ron's without even declaring Riichi
>Next game, Riichi first -again-
>Player across from me Tsumos
This game is fucking bullshit.
Doing quest for Tsumo . wish me luck
Make better waits.
>Call riichi
>There's only 1 tile that will work
>Get it on the last discard
This game is awesome
I typically have dual-sided or better waits every single time, and I keep losing to closed waits.
I was waiting on 4 different tiles one game and I lost to a 9 man wait.
This game can just be bullshit with luck where you can be in riichi for the entire hand with ryanmen with all tiles available and still deal in 15 turns later near the end to someone that was pon and chi with a weak hand that turns into a mangan or haneman because of that one kan someone did. Even worse the more people that weren't betatori
There is more to waits than just having more than one. If it's obvious no one will play into it.
if you fold in Yea Forums games, you deserve to be gased
We all deserved to be gassed regardless.
Majsoul Friends Room 48375(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
Let's try to lose our yakuman virginity together without worrying about nyaggers cucking our hands
Ha ha, time for 1000 point yakuhais.
If you truly want to lose Yakuman virginity, play 3 player.
Holy shit that filled up fast.
3p yakuman aren't yakuman
it's like having sex with a realdoll and telling everyone you lost your virginity
Orin is cute! CUTE!
well that fuckin sucked. nothing i could have folded even if i wanted to.
gg. Not much you can do when people are making hands faster than you and the same payslut keeps dealing in.
Majsoul Friends Room 94870(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
4 red dora
I understand the concept of suji defense, but I am too retarded to put it into action.
If you post lewd pictures of sakisan again, I'll end you.
FOUR red dora? It'll never work.
Suji is just applying logic to the fact that most people want an open wait and how furiten works. It's actually not terribly effective, and it's only a backup to your backup in terms of safe tiles.
cute boy
>play with Yea Forums
>everyone is always tenpai by round 10, usually with high scoring hands
>can't even piece together an open yakuhai or tanyao
seriously, what's the deal? friendlies are full of shit.
>super close to closed 4 triplets
>have to bail out to not deal in
it hurts.
You are playing with people that know their shit.
I actually folded a tenpai yakuman once. Some shit just can't be helped.
either bad luck or you're just not efficient at building your hand.
getting good hands that quickly isn't knowing your shit, its luck.
Not really. Tile efficiency and pairing good waits is something you learn with time.
You'll never break your yakuman virginity that way. "Fortune favors the bold".
>its skill
no its not. there's increasing odds, and having it actually happen regularly. being tenpai by round 10 is a good thing, that's you playing ideally and getting good draws, having it happen every time is unrealistic.
where are the mods?
tenpai by 10 discard is normal.
if you think that, you're painfully new.
>DOUBLE RIICHI on red dragon and 9sou (2 left of each)
>Cucked by a 1300 riichi from our novice/smurf who's been on a winning streak of tsumos
Well, guess I should just go fuck myself
Go look at stats of people. There's this thing called "Average turns". They usually hover around 12-13, out of 4 people someone having a bit earlier than that is normal.
post your stats
12-13 is a big deal different than 10.
considering that's over a large amount of games, which often include quick shit hands.
There's 4 people in a game, not 1. But sure go keep those 124 waits and have 3 pairs.
>not having a triple Yakuman in 10 discards
yes, and it in itself is not weird, the fact that it happens nearly every game and it rarely being a low scoring hand is what's abnormal.
Shit my dude keep it together.
Majsoul Friends Room 91224(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
Join friends I am not good at this game
>def 30
Gee, I wonder why he keeps losing.
Holy shit I was scared when I saw no thread neither here not at /vg/
More like
>speed 10
Finally got my yaku ippatsu. What a nightmare.
The ones that show you tits if you sin.
>someone from Yea Forums sent me a friend invi
should I accept?
Don't do it! That makes mustard gas!
yes and you should date them too
Is there an observation mode on this site?
I'd join but I'm a beginner plebian so I'd rather watch you cool people to learn better than shit it up
if you have sex with your new mahjong friend, you both gain immunity to 'have sex' posts for the next week!
But 95% of us fucking suck and you shoulsn't follow our example. Just play bronze room. The chinks there are too high on opium to build hands.
Thanks for the games.
gg lads, thats some fun shit
Still need one more. Three out of every four players lose at mahjong. See what all the hype is about!
gg koromo is too powerful
try those Splush Wave games, especially the Final Fantasy mahjong, it's fucking nuts
I always accept Yea Forums friends!
50 of them max tho.
Remember to read/watch Akagi/Saki/Legend of Koizumi/whatever it is to rechagre your mahjong energy after some bad game!
Only if homo.
>consistently getting 4th place
>can't make closed hands since everyone keeps killing me with open ones
>break closed hands and get shit on
>go for open tanyao and get shit on my riichis
>a bad day turned into a bad week
Please save me from this hell
I've had winstreaks with speed 10 just by maintaining my def aroun 90.
You bitch, Maittane.
post log cutie
Soon you will get deep enough to gather some magical sands user.
Ooh, these actually look pretty good. Thanks for the rec.
>hell wait chinitsu
>actually got it
>no ura dora
>no comeback
fuck my luck
Watch the replay - I had the same exact hand ruined by yakuhai nomi.
Shit I fucked up, once more:
>8 seconds
wew, hope I don't make mistakes with my discard cause of this.
i actually acepted a Yea Forums friend, it looked fine at first, we played a couple games, i got ronned, he got ronned, we ronned eachother, and then he tsumo'd all over my tits
Show me whatchu got, Yea Forums
It's surprisingly fun. Can get confusing if you manage to land of some wacky chiinitsu wait, because of no tips, but there is some time between turns to account that!
>Immediately pon a non seat round wind
>pon east by reflex
>realize we are at south rounds
toitoi or retard inc.
Majsoul Friends Room 45955(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
standard hanchan
I forgot about the no tips. I wasn't able to tell what was the best wait for my riichi.
Typically that means he has pairs or even triplets wind/dragon he could pon on. That or half flush, mixed same sequence, all triplets etc.
Got it on the last discard
Felt pretty alright
I hope all you guys broke your yakuman virginity by your 18th hanchan. You're DEFINITELY not 30 hanchan wizards, are you?
Majsoul Friends Room 88471(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
Please respond
RIP to the person who dealt into that.
40 hanchan in and still yakumanless.
I do it often when I start close to honitsu and far from tanyao
Is that bad?
To おもち in Blitz Lobby, please rezpond
I played over 300 hanchans and still yakumanless
Sorry, I had to kick you out.
Closed the room since no one joined H-haha
it was my 23rd sadly
Post the mixtape you are listening to while creaming over clueless cats.
I left all my beginner's yakuman luck back in Tenhou, which had several 13 orphans, all green, kazoe yakuman to name a few. Now it's just rushing for pinfu tanyao grind. I'd try but riichi mahjong playstyle has left me pessimistic and defensive compared to my younger naive self.
>hell wait
off yourself.
Please respond, I just want to play something cute while I get up to speed
No problem I actually had to leave so I just closed the tab, but I guess the game kept me connected because I actually didn't leave the lobby before that. Sorry.
Arent you required to show your kan tile in an open meld?
Anyway, its easy to swap those.
I saw this performed live.
I am becoming a yakumanless elder lich, your hands have no power against my pinfu, mortal.
The saki psp one.
Chinese rules. One of the harsh rules of Chinese Mahjong is that closed kans are usually 100% face down, so players don't even actually know what tile is out of the game now.
There was that one coming out for the switch, if I remember right. Pro Real Mahjong or something? It's a strip game that was fairly popular. Someone will come by and at the name at me.
Watch akagi then play against bots with 60s turns after you're motivated enough to learn the rules
How is that guy in gold room.
Wasn't that censored to hell? I'd rather play the original PC98 one
I do a mix of both.
If the other anons I'm playing with are doing meme shit, I'll go for the fun. Emotes, dangerous kans/discards.My favorite is everybody who emotes before winning/emoting after a win.
If the other anons are barely emoting or just being to the book, I kind of get serious face about it too.
Meido is an absolute blast to play with, and usually any room with him is fun as fuck.
It's not even out in the shop, so I was going to recommend just downloading the original anyways.
Visibly greedy guy wanted a full flush, but he had some ridiculously hard waits for only x10 tiles left
Eh, I can see why. He's barely hanging and he might be busted even when it ended in exhaustive draw, might as well do some hail mary stunt.
Thought now the question is, how much did he fuck up in previous 3 rounds?
ggs friends.
standard hanchan
You never know. It's so easy to lose control and throw away a few games. He gave me 3 wins actually, poor cat.
1 more :)
come join the pit of hell
a pointless death
>Could have tsumo'd
>Went for a bigger hand
>Got ron'd
Don't get greedy, friends.
There's also a touhou mahjong coming up for switch. But I'm sure there's downloads out there for the pc one.
Are you talking about that "bullshit mahjong" with super powers?
I think you can disable the powers to just play with cute girls.
no tenshi no buy
If it follows the previous game, there'll be superpower and aotenjou rule. If it has multiplayer, probably the only multiplayer platform with that rule.
if you paid money for riichi music you should just stop breathing because there's not really any reason for you to continue your life
is this the same as touhou unreal mahjong?
You roll for cute girls and get instead some music for your riichis. That's enough reason to end your life or be like me and keep spending money.
>look up aotenjou
jesus christ how horrifying
This reminded me of that image of koizumi winning with like 5 billion points.
Got kokushi musou from 9 tiles in ranked. Feels so good to instantly win and better because I had a guaranteed haneman and riichi and decent ryanman (6,9) going for more than half of my hand and then the same person I yakuman'd riichi'd after and ippatsu some other person for a cheap hand. Now it is me who gets the lucky yakuman. I did have to do it while someone else riichi'd and plan for the safest tiles as I was going for it though so it wasn't free.
Finally managed to get into Adept 2, god damn.
I can't even win in Yea Forums rooms.
Fun game.
Missing this left me tilted as fuck though.
>Can't beat turbonerds
You should be glad
I'm glad that's over. Another failled kokushi despite almost having every other terminals at hand. gg
Limiter released.
We are all gonna make it brah,. Keep on trying, Yakuman comes only to the strong and persistent.
Not him but this graph charts the probability that at least one player at the table (including oneself) is in tenpai at each turn. At the fifth turn it's 50/50 and by the tenth turn it's about 80%.
Source: doraaka.exblog.jp
The data was taken from 220,000 rounds in Tenhou's houou lobby.
I was 1 away earlier but a cat tsumo'd with a tanyou.
Sorry, meant to say at the seventh turn it's 50/50.
>Tenhou's houou lobby
Logical reasoning doesn't work on soul.
>cant beat people who kan and discard doras after you riichi
how is that possible?
No you don't understand, it's bullshit that people get into tenpai in 10 rounds you newfag.
To be fair if you notice the avg winning turn in the data page of most soul players the average is around turn 12, so avg tenpai turn being 10 is reasonable.
I wouldn't be surprised if there were people making double riichi every round in houou.
Yeah, same I told him .
Super Real Mahjong is what you're talking about. PIV has best girls imo
The strip factor is good motivation
Nah, houou players are good not because of that. Houou players are good because when they get shitty 5-shanten starting hand, they will manage to turn it into tenpai with multiside wait by turn 6.
>His riichi doesn't play music
1 more
Majsoul Friends Room 45955(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
Imagine going up to a table and seeing 3 people there from a previous game
You can have that experience NOW
join this room
I swear to god, this should not be that hard normally.
Either I don't win at all or people keep dealing in.
RIP spider vegan.
That's more of a misunderstanding because of a bad translation, "average turns" tells you nothing, the japanese version says that it's "average winning turn" which in average is 12-13 meaning that average tenpai should be around 10.
Is there a technical term for riichiing with zero winning tiles left just to make other players scared?
throwing away 1k pts.
With Karaten I'll kick your ass
What about when they're not in tenpai and you get 1 k from each of them?
Sanma (3 Player)
Rule: Tsumo scores the same amount of points.
Huh, they're already starting to use Mahjong Soul screenshots
I pressed the free sex button but I didn't have sex, why would you guys lie to me?
I was wondering why I was getting pussy all of a sudden, server must have bugged and given me the free sex instead
Kyuaaa is a massive retard, pay no mind to him.
I wish I could afford these.
That's actually the reason you would riichi in that situation. If you are dealer odds are that if you are playing with players that know what they are doing they will fold, thus getting 1000 from everybody and extending your dealership.
>not having the saki mahjong set
Thats why I asked if there was a technical term and not sure, why I got blasted by two negative comments.
I never knew whales were cannibals. Please stop feeding each other.
nyaggers, when will they ever learn?
That looks like shit.
They are joking or new.
It's only okay when doing it as dealer, or riiching a kokushi when you have no winning tiles might do too since the discards are scary.
When you are not dealer it isn't as convincing and other players will push regardless making you unable to defend against legitimate riichis so don't do that. You can also aim to a legit tenpai by switching some tiles around.
How much? I cant find it on amazon
That was sold long long time ago, it also had a second edition. Don't bother searching it because you won't find it.
>falling for fgo
>falling anything after prisma
Nobu looks cute though
This actually looks really clean. Pretty jealous. How much did it cost you?
go fuck yourself searno
what a surprise that the faggot whale gets riichi by turn 7 on average every fucking game
RIP chink user, ggs
I would a buy a prisma only set.
Maybe if you didn't suck at the game like a retard you wouldn't be so salty.
I also expected that buying currency would make the game biased for me, sadly, after spending more than I would like to admit, I still get pure shit most of the time.
Do whales really get better luck? I got paid friday and I really wanna get FBI-chan.
How much do I have to spend before the game starts giving me free yakumans?
They don't. The game even gives you the MD5 string for the wall in all your logs to verify yourself that it's randomly generated every time.
I know it's a friendly ("friendly") match but that doesn't mean you guys should just push everything and keep feeding him. It also doesn't help when you win 1000 point hands that do nothing to improve your placement when you're dead last. You're just wasting opportunities to make a comeback.
You need to max out every character to gain your own lesbian powers.
That happens to literally everybody. I've had a friendly in here where this one cat double riichi'd twice and sent some poor fucker to the shadowrealm on east 1. As long as your tile efficiency is good you will eventually run into those luck streaks.
it's not fair, I was finna gonna make my comeback and he just had to be waiting on the 4s I needed to cut to go into tenpai
Are you really a cat? Nisemono nya!
I'm a Tenhou breed.
God I fucking hate Mahjong sometimes.
>Zero fucking uradoras all day
>Even on ones where I got to check 4 of them.
>Opponent gets 3 ura dora constantly from only one check.
God I fucking hate mahjong sometimes.
can you actually get the tiles to fall like dominos in real life or is it only for the animes?
No you can't get the tiles to fall like dominoes, you fucking aspie. You can reveal them all at once with a big drop, but not one by one.
damn HUGE projection coming from this post
you're also wrong btw i bet i could easily piano the tiles to fall like that
Majsoul Friends Room 75639(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
Do it up
Not the same thing, but kinda close.
I got 0 uradoras and 3 ippatsus (2 of them back-to-back) the whole day
>can't get his tiles to fall in sequence
lmaoing at your life.
That's the one thing I miss about Janryumon is they had those special animations for huge hands.
damn very cool, just like Boshu did when he beat Tetsuya the first time
But that's not at all or even close to a domino reveal.
Im going insane on silver.
I would usually Richii my hand in bronze because i wanted to get lucky with the Ura Dora, but in silver no one is dealing into my hands? its cuz they all go for tanyao so they only discard crap.
How do i setup better waits? Should i keep a terminal or dragon and try to match it, but even then thats gonna take a while and it's be better for me to go opentanyao or yakuhai, bu then it just becomes a dora lottery and i win 25 percent of the time.
Its crazy cuz japs sometimes setup nice hands and richii them, but i literally only win if i win the dora lottery and chipon like crazy, i have never setup a nice double sequence or full straight like i did at bronze.
This is literally the opposite of what he wants.
If I master dominos will I get yuri powers?
Here's a tutorial on badass hand-revealing techniques:
What are some good single player mahjong games with cute girls? I've tried Mahjong Dream Club and that's alright.
Does he want the tiles to drop by themselves or what?
It's a catch-22, you have to have yuri powers to master dominos.
>extremely tense game ends at West 3 with someone getting roned in his first discard on a damaten
It won't be as delayed as in anime, but you can absolutely do it.
That sumo one is actually cool.
Dosu Koi
They don't deal into you because most players at silver understand how to go into full betaori bitch mode at the first sign of danger. If you want to actually have people deal into you, you either have to not declare riichi, or setup non-obvious waits.
where to learn tile efficiency?
whats tile efficiency?
>How do i setup better waits?
Make a pinfu.
>Should i keep a terminal or dragon and try to match it
Your question is to complex to give a short reply. It depends on situation. The dragon can be just a bonus han or serve as a mean to provide a simple yaku in case you have a dora pon. It doesn't hurt to keep them for a few turns ans see if you can get more while discarding useless 1s and 9s. A lot of the time i discard the pair to get a pinfu and tanyao for closed hand. The pair of dragons can be super useful for chitoitsu since it can somewhat restrict people's hands in some cases but i doubt you use chitoitsu.
>betaori in silver
>damaten in silver
But I thought silver was poncat territory?
Basically discarding tiles based on mathematics to get into tenpai as quickly as possible. The trainer I linked is useful but you also have to consider opponent's discards as well as yaku that will let you open your hand like tanyao.
Usagi: Yasei no Touhai. It's like Saki and Akagi had a baby that was abandoned and raised by Yakuza.
>because most players at silver understand how to go into full betaori bitch mode at the first sign of danger.
Now i want to play with silver pros.
Building your hand in such a way that you have the highest possible chance of drawing a tile that can improve your hand. It's why you often see players discard honor tiles at the start of the round because they cannot be used to form straights so they're inherently less easy to build hands with.
>But I thought silver was poncat territory?
Yeah I did too until I started playing there.
>damaten in silver
Their "damaten" is probably a 1 han win.
I wish i have friends to do shit like this.
What's behind this sudden spike in Mahjong threads in here? New game translated for gaijins?
>tanyao pinfu sanshoku dora2
y-yeah, just 1000.
Anyone hosting?
With cute girls on top.
post that game my man
I imagine if JRM hadn't gone full jewmode and actually had an english language client and easy registration it would have caught on in the same way several years ago.
Would've been nice.
Chicken scratch player left the moment I won the first hand against him.
is this another one of those muh gong threads?
>New game translated for gaijins?
That and it's easy to make lobbies for Yea Forums matches
Lots of smug anime girls to make maymays with
no señor el janny
thread is legal
Hey can you get your akagi shitposter off other threads? He's a bit cancerous.
Yeah bruh
I love me some Moy Goon, the fascinating chinese game
new room
join if you're too tired to fight the chinks at peak hours
Majsoul Friends Room 60429(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
for newfriends, just go to join a friendly and type 60429 for the code
>only had time for one game tonight to shit through all the event missions
>one of them was honitsu/chinitsu
>try and force one out all game and win zero hands
>get a lucky full straight half flush on south 3, bounce up to second and keep it
All dailies done and no rank points lost, sometimes mahjong is okay
2 more (:
So I could declare riichi but I had two choices of discarding, one was furiten which I picked because it had a bigger amount of tiles.
Then reading wikipedia
>Furiten 「振聴」 is a game status where a player cannot declare ron because of a decision not to use a winning tile
I don't understand, why couldn't I win by ron? And what was the winning tile?
show us your discards
I discarded the 5 to declare riichi
see that red shade?
Holy shit my user can't be this fucking stupid.
This game makes me feel so miserable.
Any tile in your discard will lead you to furiten. You technically don't need the 4p there to complete, but because it is a possible winning tile, you're forced into a temporary furiten which expires on your next draw.
There's going to be a team tournament on Tenhou. Gotta use Discord though. Anyone interested?
Oh yeah, I'm i-
You chose to discard the 4 dot earlier. Now you can't ron any 4 dot.
I'm not a tranny
Or any tile, ever.
sorry for not being born with a mahjong tile in my ass, I only know what the tutorial explained
damn, that's fucking stupid
it's so that people can actually use the board to think about what's safe to discard based on what other people have discarded - if someone has discarded a 4-sou and you dont want to get ronned by them, you can safely discard a 4-sou because if they needed it they would be in furiten
and then some cat rons you for 1000 anyway
>you're forced into a temporary furiten which expires on your next draw.
Temporary furiten is only when you pass up a ron and you're not in riichi.
>Casually watching some pro mahjong on abemas.
>The tournament called Fujita Susumu invitation.
>1 player's name is Fujita Susumu ??
>A quick gg show that player is a fucking billionare.
Hanging out with finance bigshot on weekday, playing pro mahjong on weekend. How can 1 man be so based?
Nice, some of these are pretty creative.
Game just ended, 3 people are staying
need 1 more
Majsoul Friends Room 60429(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
normal rules
>Accidentally clicked a bookmark when I wanted to change tabs
>Dealt into a daisangen in the brief moment I was disconnected
Tonight's been a roller coaster of emotions
There is no justice in this game. I'm deleting this bookmark and reporting all your threads just so you get exiled to /vg/ and I don't have to see this shit anymore.
Furiten is not in any way intuitive, don't be a dick
The way furiten works is if any tile you've discarded (including ones other people claimed) could complete your hand, even if it would give you no yaku, you can't win off ron from any tile. If you're playing efficiently it almost never happens though, and as long as you don't call riichi you can always change your hand up to break out of furiten.
I'm glad Yea Forums fully understands how awful mahjong is now as well
That's literally exactly what he asked you ding dong, can you not read?
>ended 4th after only dealing in ONCE for 3900 points on a double ron IN THE FIRST TURN AFTER I RIICHI
>everyone getting tsumos killed me
>-88 points
I am so fucking mad.
Now you are understanding mahjong
+1, no open tanyao.
Japanese shitpost humor is pretty good
1:04 is pretty relatable
I'm almost expert, and I'm still retarded. This is probably going to be me in a few days.
wtf im seeing that my local libraries actualy have mahjong clubs... what are the odds it's actually riichi and not some american mahjong shit with that card that u have to buy every year (it changes every year right)?
It's either american "mahjong" for old ladies or chinese mahjong for the local chinese community
There's basically 0% it's riichi unless it's something founded by a bunch of weeb teenages or something
why is this a thing... at some nearby library there also literally offering a 10 hour course of instruction/play for $100... then you have to buy that gay card too
scamming adults into paying them to teach a board game
I got one from buying Fate Extella Link.
Probably still a few sets out there.
>at some nearby library there also literally offering a 10 hour course of instruction/play for $100...
Remeber that american mahjong's audience probably has no idea the internet exists
if only i was alpha enough... i could go there and show them the real mahjong with the library computers
You can convert them
>chi? chow? what the hell is that?
>wait, it has no jokers? how do you make the quints?
this, with Yea Forums I tighten my defence way too much, but that's probably because most of Yea Forums games are south.
also fuck them for, only having a chinese app on phone, i am struggling to keep both of my accounts afloat. but now I am thinking should just stick to chinese server. since I play on phone most of the time.
does anyone here play on chinese server? because of phone
You can play any server with your browser...
what a little shit
>oh wow i got just the hand i needed to probably win the game
>now let me just check the replay to find out where my winning tile is after i deal into some fucking bullshit chasing the magical sands
someone please post that "mahjong causes great damage to the human spirit" thing
Let's have some fun boys Majsoul Friends Room 87254(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
(I'm still traumatized)
>and as you can see, you can choose from the cat here, or the hag. We like to call the cat players nyaggers because they act like niggers, haha
>decide to sit down and actually try to figure out mahjong
>just make a fat full house look a like
>sequences also work
>this is easy
>no yaku
I'm done.
Riichi is the easiest yaku, and you can use it with any four sets and a pair. Just keep your hand (don't pon, chi, or kan unless it says "concealed kan"), then click the riichi button when it pops up
A quick east bronze match. At worst maybe -50.
What character likes paintings? It looks like none of them?
Majsoul Friends Room 41377(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
41377 south standard rules. I'll wait if at least 1-2 people join in 10 mins
As a bronzelet I've shot myself plenty of times with no yaku
This isn't standard rules, there is no open tanyao and that's a good thing
Alternatively just call everything and discard terminals (1's, 9's, and any non-numbered tile) unless you have 3 of a non-numbered tile BESIDES winds that aren't your seat or the current round. In that case you can steal whatever
congrats you can play mahjong between these two strategies
My bad, forgot to change that :^)
2 more btw
I envy this dumb cat and her ability to turn off her brain
I fucking hate the wall layout in the replays.
Hardcore bullying
If you have the mahjong power to have any 1 tile of your choice always be in your opening hand, which tile would you pick? 5 won't specifically be the red one.
sanma games with easy ai
I have tried using phone firefox on my phone but it gives webgl error.
East because the one game where I constantly started with it in my hand, I completely demolished the rest of the table.
I literally just got cucked out of first in the last round by 100 points
Dang winning by 100 points, ggs all
4-sou for flexibility and all-green yakuman
gg lol won by 100 points woulda lost if i didnt pick a dora to pair
I actually discarded the dora before you got into tenpai I'm assuming, so it worked perfectly for you
Majsoul Friends Room 21724(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com
yea, i went for the 7 pairs the prior game too but didnt work, its such a low % hand to go for but at least your still closed.
damn that's literally my dog, Leo
Leo's pretty cute.
It's unlucky but discarding Dora is always dangerous, so be careful in the future
Still need 2 more people.
problem with a hot dora is sometimes it's not actually hot and you're dismantling your hand for no reason to the enjoyment of the guy in riichi
>coast through bronze
>hit a wall at silver
Fuck, guess I'm gonna have to actually learn the game.
whoops I deleted this room,were 2 too
when can we move to /vg/ ?
That's true, but since you don't know that for sure you should accept what happens when you play risky anyway
The fuckers either wait for dora OR a dora neighbor, there is no third option!
Once the newfags stop spawning.
>collar not actually attached to anything
>weird cape(???)
what the fuck is going on
the cape is just the tails from the fuckhuge bow on her back
>half flush/flush
that's a step up
And it's really here, I touched the magical sands after being stuck in Washizu hell for 2 weeks with the most unlucky shit. Eight 1st place consecutive wins with 4 of them back to back, and no 4th places. That yakuman must have really turned the flow in my favor. If only I didn't need to sleep I would keep pushing it.
very easy to get in a 3-player game
Can you get the rewards from ai?
I really want an actual set now, I got a few friends into it but no idea what set to buy. I could get that fate CE an user mentioned earlier for about 100$ after shipping. Any other recommendations if any?
isnt that too costly
Comes with the game too so not really since I do have interest in the game
I only play by feel-nya
yeah as long as you finish the game
Rock I am sorry for the bulli
I am the bulli
Thanks for joining. Guess I'll try to get that flush/half flush against AI in a three player one like that other user suggested. Glad you guys got yours over and done with for today.
eh I guess that kinda worked okay, tried playing defense. Only dealt in once in 2 hanchan.
I want some cute local riichi mahjong anime nerds to tease as I dominate in first place every few weeks or so. Oh well.
I'd just get a cheap Chinese set
I just cant think of someone actually using limited edition mahjong set for causal play
Wow, and right at the start,this nyagger gets a second turn riichi and rons me right after. Now THIS is what I was looking forward to against""""""""easy""""""""" AI.
Finally got to Expert after grinding for 3 weeks! Truly east games are for nerds and losers.
Almost there, I got set back an entire week due to refusing to defend when I get tsumo'd to death or getting greedy.
Damn I wish I was local.
I'll take a look at some of those, thanks user!
Worked a treat, thanks.
GG boys imma sleep.
>a decent roll in this game costs as much as a real life fucking tileset and mat
gg, last round was a drag.
>tfw that would have been my first closed triple if I didn't call that meme kan
gg's though
My brother will be in japan later this year, maybe I'll make him bring me a set too.
The /jp/ thread has some recommendations last I checked over there.
As far as I know junkmat + amos gabin / ymi set is the recommended shit, but I could be wrong since I'm not a regular there.
this but unironically
>junkmat + amos gabin / ymi set is the recommended shit
Can confirm, and the amos set is nice although the souzu being as dark as they are bothers me.
>souzu being as dark
It's how contemporary riichi mahjong rolls. 99% of sets are like this, only really meme sets for lotsa money are green.
Well then if that's a non-factor I seriously cannot recommend the Amos Gabin enough. We've even dropped them onto tile and hardwood while playing and they're holding up great.
>baiman'd by an AI
rip user
>4 dora riichi pinfu tanyao with all 8 wait tiles still out
>turns out 5 were already melded into everyone else's hands and 3 were in the deadwall
That hanchan was nothing but blueballs.
You don't need to riichi when you've got dama haneman. One of those tiles might've overflowed naturally from your opponents if you hadn't called riichi.
But I want baiman, dammit!
Can also vouch for the amos gabin, they're nice tiles
The tenbou and wind marker it comes with are a little cheap though, it looks like the Max set has nicer ones if you're okay with slightly bigger tiles. The gabin is technically standard japanese size at 26mm, but all the auto tables have 28mm tiles so the max is arguably more standard at this point.
The chink android app keeps disconnecting me while I can play fine on the browser game with the same network. Happen to anyone else?
just use your phone browser
different server
My phone is shit so I assume it will run worse in the browser than as a standalone app.
I am much closer to China than I am to the US.
to be fair, chink network is never stable.
shit taste
Aside from myself, I know Meido has been playing Yea Forums games for a while. I've been lurking these threads since the inception of English servers, but started playing with you nyaggers 2 or 3 days ago. It's very fun and relaxing after grinding the rating. The only thing I worry about is that this might affect the games when I hop onto Jade games again, looking at how Meido is doing lately. Sorry Meido, I really hope you recover soon. ;_;