What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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most unappealing marketing i've ever witnessed

its boring

How is every character in this game fucking ugly. The last game had at least 1 cutie, this one has maybe the ugliest character models of any game.

some of the most boring and uninspired shit ive ever played

I am unaware of its commercial success or failure but am happily enjoying my time with it, 6 hours in.

What do you presume went wrong, OP?

Pink color scale really didnt do anything either. Just mediocre game all in all.

Also you touch yourself at night

It's a great game if you wanted Open World Mad Max with Neo-80s Neon Colors with Doom Gameplay
All 10 people enjoyed it.

nothing, game of the year

solid gameplay, shit story and shit characters

they advert for the lgbt community

Generic zoomer shooter

>Also you touch yourself at night
Thinking of you, user.

base ps4 and base xbone only run at 30fps
PC version is insanely unstable apart from that shit is fine great gameplay

Literally a lack of soul, the gunplay and enemies are quite solid but the sterile, bland presentation of the world, unfunny writing, and lack of anything unique to the IP means it is lifeless.

The soul vs soulless meme is usually just shitposting but dear god, this is a perfect example.

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An absolutely amazing gunplay, special ability and movement design.
Mediocre enemy variety with some more interesting things (huge attack dogs, forcefield troops) being pretty fucking rare.
A bumblefuck retarded collectible system that is straight annoying.
Extremely boring and bland world.
Shit driving.
Awful story.
Virtually everyone is fucking ugly as sin when Rage 1 had some top tier qts.

I couldn't get the game to run properly. It would stutter every 2 steps I took. Made me nauseous.

How the FUCK do we fix FPS, Yea Forums?

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It's a single player game

I guess I just feel so detached from the plot and the gameplay is not engaging enough on it's own to keep me playing. The main character doesn't seem to give a fuck about anything and his cocky attitude annoys me. Every other character i've met so far is uninteresting. And the exploration part is basically ubisoft tier.

By removing hitscan enemies that aren't snipers with windup

Because its a sequel that no one wanted by Avalanche studios who have only made 1 decent game in the past barely salvaged by id Software helping with the gunplay

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Borderlands destroyed all the hype and the game was mediocre

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I torrented the game and it's working fine. Maybe buyfags were getting issues from DRM?

Everything is designed by Avalanche except shooting.

the same boring game avalanche has been making for years, with good shooting thanks to id

>Talking about mediocre while posting Borderlands

At least Rage 2 has decent gunplay going for it

maybe honestly my specs aren't even that bad

By making them pc exclusive again.

Get woke....

It's easily one of the best games of this year. Stay mad Carmark.

Borderlands 3 gunplay is massively improved upon though, do your research bro.

Unless they fuck it up at release with bugs and shit, it's looking like GOTY.

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I haven't played it (nor has half of the population) but it looks like a tech demo for the new Doom coming out. Nothing out of the ordinary or extremely interesting.

Gunplay and movement looks good, I've heard complaints about the driving/camera control on car. Overall artstyle isn't obnoxious like it was portrayed in the trailer--it's nowhere near Borderlands-tier of comedy or bullshit.

I don't think this game deserves to be a 60 dollar release, nor does the DLC look appealing, but it might be nice to get on Humble Bundle or on a Steam sale for 25% off or more.

You have some really low standards.

Randy shill detected

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good gunplay but you're shooting a gun like 10% of the time because the world is too big and empty so most of the time you'll be in a vehicle and the combat too easy so the good part ends too fast


>Borderlands 3 gunplay is massively improved upon though

Looks exactly like the last one to me, even the graphics aren't much of an improvement. I'm surprised that people are falling for Randy's shit after Colonial Marines

Why are iD so good at making fun gunplay that feels good, Yea Forumsros? Literally the only redeeming aspect of this game.

open world was what went wrong

Should I get this or Far Cry 5?

I just want a singleplayer shooter and Wildlands is getting stale.

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Far Cry 5 is max comfy.

>Looks exactly like the last one to me, even the graphics aren't much of an improvement
You're wrong on both accounts bro.

> I'm surprised that people are falling for Randy's shit after Colonial Marines
Because BL2 is the best looter shooter and one of the best games ever made and this one looks like a massive improvement

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you'd figure after a couple of decades of existing they'd get the gunplay right, especially for a company that's known for some pretty big FPS IPs.

not sure how ID got super uncucked with nu-DOOM but i'm happy they're back.

Far Cry 5 has a better story so at least you'll feel somewhat invested in finishing the game. Rage 2 might as well have none, in fact it would be a better game if there was no story, that's how bad it is.

>one of the best games ever made

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>Because BL2 is the best looter shooter and one of the best games ever made and this one looks like a massive improvement

you f0ckin wat

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I'm currently playing Far Cry 5 I have like 20 hours so far and didnt finish the game yet, the open world is comfy and alive, graphics are good, missions are good even the side missions, the only problem is the AI being retarded sometimes
I played Rage 2 like 4 hours and got bored, the open world is boring and empty, the quests are just "go there and kill things" it was just so fucking boring, I don't think I'm not sure if I'll ever finish it

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This. I don't really know what they were thinking.

>Buying a special needs breed and then not taking care of it properly resulting in a fatality.

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>in fact it would be a better game if there was no story, that's how bad it is.
Sounds like Dragon's Dogma.

It does, lets compare screenshots

Here's Borderlands 2

Attached: Borderlands-2.jpg (1920x1080, 609K)

That's Borderlands 3 though

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And now 3

Attached: Borderlands 3.jpg (3840x2160, 2.69M)

It's an Avalanche game. Their games are even more boring than Ubisoft's.

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This. I'm a huge fan of mad max but I couldn't bare to play more than 6 hours of their adoption.

Make a better comparison next time sweetheart

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>good shooting and abilities gameplay
>good art direction and graphics
>boring ubishit inspired world with nothing fun to do
>terrible driving and near pointless car upgrade system
>boring weapons upgrade system
>boring ''''missions''' system to earn abilities
>boring enemy variety with little depth
>the only interesting enemy are the armoured guys who deflect bullets with swords
>story, characters and villain are bargain bin 1D trash
>10 hours max if you played to complete the story
>tries hard to have a wacky side that fails in being amusing and tone-setting

It's kinda shit
The gameplay when you get most weapons and abilities is good but is held back by the extremely low enemy variety, the enemy in game quickly get boring
Any BL or FC game is better

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>"its open world with Doom gameplay"
Dont fall for this bait. Gameplay is akin to cod or similar generic modern fps with a couple of dashes and a sprintbutton. This game is also not running on idtech btw.

They went from 2011 to 2012 graphics?

Let it become a niche genre, again.

That promotional material really is hideous. It looks lazy as hell and just plain offputting.

I'm not sure what you're going for here, are you trying to bait newfags or are you a factual retard.

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t.seething Bethesdacuck

Borderlands 3 it's going to sell millions and be remember as the pinnacle of the genre while your trash game will eat shit and die.

It's obvious bait

The open world is fucking garbage. The shooting is fun but the driving and open world drag it down so hard

Imagine if nu-Doom was an open world game and you had to drive through an empty sterile map between every encounter with enemies.

no one asked for a sequel

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How did we go from this...

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To this...

Keeping in mind that this old woman is still the most attractive character in the game.

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Lads I think I hit a critical point with rage 2. The over the radiocom banter shit, the "hero meets mission giver or villain for the first time and he is just happening to be doing a monologue that's exposing what kinda archetype he is". The wacky saints row 3 humor, the fucking nonstop action speedbumps it makes me fucking sick at this point, I think no matter how good the gameplay I won't be able to play another game that does this. This gameplay isn't even fun anyways because you kill 10 useless mooks and then it's over before it starts, so it doesn't matter how nice the abilities or gunplay is, you never get to actually use it meaningfully

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there are only 8 types of enemies and you fight the same huge mutant boss like 5 times
as fun as shooting and the powers can be, it gets really boring really fast with how shitty the AI is and how little variety of enemies there are

just give me doom eternal already

>so it doesn't matter how nice the abilities or gunplay is, you never get to actually use it meaningfully
thats the problem with this game, good gunplay but the fights ends too fast so most of the time you'll be doing boring shit instead of shooting at someone

Doesn't help that the game is piss easy. Just equip the shotgun and rambo style your way through the enemy and you win. I've never been at a point where I almost died from fighting enemies, they are basically a non threat.

>Do your research
>Its all marketing straight outta 2k/gearbox/randy pitchforks mouth


From 2011
To 2019

Real question, no toxicity, are you paid to post this kind of inane stupidity? You're just blatantly shilling a title that isn't even out yet, making sweeping generalizations and broadly supportive statements about it.

If you're not being paid, it's really sad.

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>okay we're making a game in a genre that is 99% male
>who should we appeal to?
>I know, the tumblrina audience!

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Yes, so how did it get worse?

Nah that honor goes to the "Ur Mom hates Dead Space 2" marketing campaign.

For some reason Bethesda decided that attractive people wasn't something they had any interest in implementing into their game because well all know that in the real world there are no attractive people.

Women love FPS.

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Did anyone expect this to be good after Rage 1?

>making some of your enemies female is appealing to the tumblr audience
>playing a white male character is appealing to the tumblr audience
what did you mean by this

t. Slave to a broken order

Fuck no but Rage 1 was bland. This is just bad.

Are there actual people outside the devs/marketers of borderlands and rage that like this fart humor, acdc, ultraboomer, juvenile, surface level trash vibe they're going for, or do people only play them because they are the only ones filling their niche? Only people I met that could possible actually consider the tone and direction of the game a plus are like 50 year old truckers that don't play video games. I don't understand it at all. It's repulsive

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I thought girls liked that stuff.

I liked the first game. Even if it was the definition of mediocre at least it wasn’t trying to insult me with CUHRAAAAAAZY Anthony Bitch Tier writing and voice acting.

>what if we took a standard ubisoft open world
>and then what
>nothing, that's the whole game
who thought making cannon fodder into bullet sponges (immortal shrouded) was a good idea
who came up with this directionless aesthetic
why would they tap avalanche and then not have driving/vehicular combat taken straight from mad max
how many femtoseconds did it take for them to write the story
why is there character self-shadowing when your character casts no shadow
these are the questions i want answered

Gyro controls and smarter AI

>Hitscan enemies are ba-

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Fuck off, Randy. Everyone knows about your micro transactions.

I don't believe you thought that at all

blood is legit one of the cheapest, most beginner unfriendly shooters I've ever played. these webm's make it look great but its punishing as all hell and will kick you in the balls a million times before it begins to provide a modicum of fun

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It's sad because the world could be alright if there was a reason to explore or be invested in whatever the fuck is happening in the game. I can't get immersed though and driving from A to B offers nothing interesting in between for me to enjoy traveling through this world.

They should have done something like what Red Faction Guerrilla or Mercenary 1 and 2 does and have the enemy factions wander around the open world and actually being a dynamic threat as you go around blowing shit up. Rage 2 instead will have 3 mooks standing somewhere on the road doing fucking nothing and being a threat to no one.

No I did I thought girls liked fart and poop low brow humor

Use cheats, nigga.

Not like this

Too many memes. Too generic

you people are faggots. What actually happened with this game is loads of sjw biased shills went to play it assuming what you dumb trolls thought. That the dyke in the cover was the protag.
Then they discovered the protag is white patriarchy man mcchad and the dykes are fodder.
The salt from them is hilarious.
They all hate the game because they really thought it was a pro-progressive punk game.

>a Boarderlands title
Yeah, sure, okay.

I pirated this and still felt like I got ripped off. It was so boring and generic. I don't understand how a game like this is made in 2012+7

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is it me or have people just stopped giving a fuck about AAA game releases lately?

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>on it's own

The latter. AAA has become an endless cesspool of mediocrity. Western one in particular.
Completely averse to new ideas, overblowing budgets and sales expectations to fucking absurd degrees and making games not because a creative had a vision that he wanted to see realized, but because some shareholder thought it would turn a profit.

>AAA games are mediocr-

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I'm not sure I follow



that's an incredibly terrible image to use for the face of your game, for one.

eastern AAA games are nowhere near as overblown or overhyped. in japan a game selling a million units is a smash hit compared to the 14 million "under expectations" disaster zone the west has become.

play indies.

She stil pretty though.

>not sure how ID got super uncucked with nu-DOOM but i'm happy they're back.
Literally, some suit from Bethesda came in to see what they were doing, saw Call of DOOM with Danny Trejo and were like "what the fuck are you guys doing, this isn't doom"

she's just excited to see the news on the next smash character
meanwhile she can just shit up Yea Forums with endless 500+ posts falseflagging threads
X is in
Y never ever
oh no no no Y fags this can't be happening
fucking delusi- [continued until the end of time]

I love the gameplay, but the constant start stop shit gets fucking annoying. I'll be having a great time gunning shit down until STOP AREA CLEARED PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE or STOP LISTEN TO THIS NPC TALK ABOUT SHIT NOBODY CARES ABOUT or STOP SCOUR THE AREA FOR SOME PINK BOXES.
Just let me play the fucking game goddamn

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AAA games are all creatively bankrupt trash developed and released at the behest of marketing executives trying to appease shareholders, rather than passionate creatives developing the products they want to develop.

>14 million "under expectations" disaster zone the west has become.
You just described SquareEnix, a Japanese company, though.

Fucking hell. The only " great " thing the original RAGE had was how cute the girls were, and its shotgun

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The main problems are boring writing, ugly character design and understeer on all the vehicles. Shooting stuff in it is fun though.

Except Square's been acknowledging smaller games like Bravely Default, Octopath Traveler and Nier Automata as successes despite their sales being comparatively modest

Yeah what's the issue?

They try to make something appeal to everyone and in so doing they appeal to no one.

It's indicative of the overall look of every character in the game.