Why does this game makes you feel so sad?

Why does this game makes you feel so sad?
it really makes you feel like sad and lonely

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because of how shit it is.

Because it’s a masterpiece in aesthetics

Dark souls 1 is objectively sadder and more lonely

I have no idea what you're talking about. DS2 never made me feel sad, if anything it made me feel like some kind of amazing badass because as a dual wielding fag my lizard brain was blown away with all the dual wielding options available to me.

DaS1 made me feel sad and lonely

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Dark souls 1 makes you feel like a cool adventurer

Dark souls 3 makes you feel like you are going to beat the shit out of every demon of that twisted world.

Sekiro makes you feel like you are in a kurosawa movie but with demons
I love all dark souls

And bloodborne makes you feel like edgar allan poe

Sekiro is more like dororo







So wich one is better main menu theme?


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>ANOTHER DaS2 thread

Why should DSIII make you sad? You get to be with armor waifu in the end.

Majula is very sad. It's like a forgotten town. I don't know how to explain, but Majula + it's music theme is very sad and lonely.


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Ah yes, my waifu Iron Dragonslayer.

Fuck, BB's OST is good.

everything is too empty, all the ruins just sort of exist without any real purpose. Dark Souls 1 was somber due to how the locations felt like real places that were abandoned, but in 2 they're just ruins with no real purpose or feeling to them


Yeah that's why SotFS is my favorite, it's a big ass adventure and no one cares about the lore so I get to pass off *my* headcanon garbage as real lore.

Dark Souls 2 levels were designed as just that, video game levels.
DS1 (in its first half) and DS3 tried to make most zones look like real people, undead or monsters actually inhabited them at some point. There's tons of little details everywhere that make them feel lived in.

Because Dark Souls 2 is irredeemable trash. Even Dark Souls 3 which had like 5 minutes of development time ended up being light years ahead of whatever the fuck that b team shit was.

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Because Majula.

>Dark Souls 2 levels were designed as just that, video game levels.

So this is what its come down to?

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In dark souls 3 theres even a village in the mountains, you can't access to it but theres a villlage, same with demons souls, those little details are the best details.

My friend wants me to do a playthrough with him, what kind of meme build should I play that will be fun? Last time I played DS2 with another friend I used only fists and it was fun as shit.

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I can't convince you to care about things like atmosphere and immersion, it's totally okay to just be there for the gameplay (which is also shit in DS2).
But for people who do care about attention to detail, 1 and 3 are just lightyears ahead of 2.

Club bonker

>bloodborne and dark souls 3 at the same pair

I love Demon's and Dark Souls 1 mysterious themes, and DS3's one is really good, but i have to go with the DS2 one.

>TFW Theres no new information
It hurts everytime

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Go magic, magic in dark souls 2 it's the best.

This is exactly how I know your first From game was Dark Souls 2, redditor.

Str/Int Ugachaka build, get 60 Int and enough strength to two-hand a greathammer, I highly recommend getting the Giant's Club later in the Giant's Memory.

It's the opposite for me, I feel right at home. There's something abut DaS2 that's incredibly captivating and, dare I say, comfy.

Excuse me what..? That makes no sense, people usually like their first Souls game more, not less.
I hate DS2 and it was like the 3rd or 4th Soulsborne i played.

>that sekiro dude

The duality of man

The thing I find really weird about DS2 is that the character creation is light years better than DS3. Why did they downgrade so fucking much?

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Nah, now that's bullshit i mean i love dark souls 2 but that's pure bullshit.

ds2 sotfs = bloodborne > sekiro = ds1 = ds2 = ds3 = demon's souls

btw add me on steam guys

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Dark Souls 1 was a lonely quest through a dying world

Dark Souls 2 was a pointless but inevitable quest, trapped in an inescapable cycle

Dark Souls 3 was a twisted and disjointed journey at the end of time and space that ultimately represents freedom from the cycle

Yea Forums shits on this game every single time someone posts it

Why do you keep making these threads?

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the way they changed lighting for DS3 made a lot of surfaces look really metallic when they shouldn't be (especially hair). This made getting a good blond hair look pretty hard.

I'm playing Sekiro without music because of that feel. After that I'm going to play DS1, DS3 and Nier Automata without music for the same reasons.

What about demon souls, Bloodborne and sekiro?
damn dude we are comfy talking about dark souls and you shitter appeared what a fag.

Kind of representative of the devs and the franchise itself.
>DaS1 was an uncertainty
>DaS2 was the need to keep making the same game again and again due to the publishing agreements
>DaS3 was when everything was dull and burned out, they had no hope to keep up but would be free when it ended

Coincidence? I think not.

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It invokes a sense of quiet hopelessness. No matter what you or anyone else does you're all just there. Forever. Until you hollow and forget even your own existence. But what else is there to do but carry on?


Is the ashen one hollow too?

>making the environment look "lived in" is bad

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Wow, didn't see that coming. It's almost as though the thread were created with this specific reaction in mind.

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>what about demon's, bloodborne, and sekiro
Besides not fitting thematically together like DaS 1-3, their worlds are much younger and more populated, with important events being much closer to the time frame of the game itself

>Lots of attention to detail in Dark Souls which was one aspect that made the world really feel immersive
>Dark Souls 2 straight up takes that out
>lol its a video game bro

Seriously guys?

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only once they get dark sigils, the dark inside them burned up when they linked the flame and failed

Are Bloodborne and Sekiro pocket dimensions within Dark Souls?


The Ashen One is an undead that hadn't the strength to link the flame, and was burned through in an instant


It's no less detailed than Demon's Souls, which DaS2 is much closer to in design than it is DaS or 3

Dark souls 3 and bloodborne confirmed for the best themes

>Sekiro takes place in fucking actual Japan
>Dark Souls and Bloodborne are their own universes
>ask this retarded question

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Yes. Sekiro is in the "ancient eastern land" that gets mentioned all the time on item descriptions.
Bloodborne is the natural sequence of the universe, since you end up with BLOOD of the Dark Soul and Sullyvhan's beasts were like that because of the eyes.

I like this plost so i'm going to make it cannon in my autistic mind.

Even DeS is far more detailed than 2, the parts of it that aren't well done are so because of time and money restrictions.
2 is just shit, done by an incompetent B team.

Bloodborne by miles. It invokes the "boomyness" of 3s theme but the mytery and spookyness of Demon Souls theme.

Bloodborne's is amazing but DS1's menu theme just clicks with something primal within me. It's like a condensed version of all the wonder I can experience from a dark, dangerous, but enchanting fantasy world. It's such a peaceful and enchanting tune that's burned into me after spending way too long on the character creation screen. It's the start of an adventure and it's also a safe haven.

No, you dip. Demons souls, bloodborne and sekiro all take place in some sort of alternate Earth, perhaps even the same alternate Earth. Dark souls trilogy is its own universe/planet with its own creation story and living gods

Man I love the music of all of these games
Dark souls 3 has the least memorable music tho







Sekiro is literally Japan, not just kinda, it's literally Japan but with mythological elements.
Dark Souls plays in an entirely different universe.

Good post

I agree but also the bloodborne theme it's pretty good.


Chester was from yharnam, change my mind.

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the similarities are uncanny.

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different universe, he's likely from Carim

Oh shit.

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The bottom screenshot is DS3, sorry bro.

Also its worth mentioning that the only game that takes place in a pocket dimension within dark souls, is dark souls 2, the game whose thread you're posting in.

For me it's now canon so hire me from soft.

I'm loving those arguments.

Why wouldn't Japan be intact in the Dark Souls universe?

What if Chester was from Loran, or some other location (named or unnamed) in the Bloodborne world?

So Sekiro is the distant eastern land "Japan" in Dark Souls and Bloodborne is another Dimension, but how did it manifest? who or what created it?

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ITT: Roll spammin', Estus chuggin', parry fishin', Phantom Gankin', Dex statin', Magic hatin', LOSERS.

I don't give a fuck, game play, build variety, and PvP was better in 2. 2 also had more creative item and world design and was an actual evolution of the series.

Loran is literally Lordran.

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To be honest, the DS3 theme seems somewhat weird for the tone of the series. I don't understand why people prefer it over the other themes. I do really like BB's, DS1's, and DS2's, though.

>Everything in this image can be attributed to the other games
It's like Yea Forums is extra critical of 2 because of some ulterior motive

We dont even know what Japan looks like in Sekiro, for all we know it could be a completely different landmass.

Why be this pessimistic?

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Because we don't have Lordran, Carim, Astora and Vinheim on earth?
Dark Souls explicitly plays in a different world, with different physics, magic and history.

I mean, it's not, but I do acknowledge the similarities in the names.
If Loran is anywhere established in the Dark Souls universe, it's Carthus (which would be fitting, seeing as Carthus is transparently made of cut content from Bloodborne, and Demon Ruins below it are just a Chalice Dungeon).


so dark souls 2 is in another dimension? and not in the same dimension as dark souls 1 and 3?
that sounds pretty gay

But that's not true. lol

Sekiro is literally set in real life japan with mythological influences. The Ashina clan even was a real thing during the time period that the ongoings and technology of Sekiro are consistent with.

Well, for starters, it sets in a fictional adaptation of a real world era, Sengoku.
That immediately discredits any theory revolving around Sekiro being in the same universe as the souls games, Demon's, or bloodborne.

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it's some weird water reflection world that contains the past or something

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I dont like what you said.

Sekiro takes place in Dark Souls, that is all.

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Dark Souls 2 is like a cheesy b-movie parody of Dark Souls 1
which means it's great

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*hits pipe*

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than enjoying Dark Souls 2. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are statting, creating, grinding and gearing a character for at least 18 hours just so he can go and get swarmed by endless hordes of boring enemies. All the hard work you put into your autistic little undead - raising his ADP to actually get iframes, sculpting his stupid face in the anime character creator, making sure he has enough life gems, fighting the same boss in knight armor over and over again, seeking estus shards. All of it has one simple result: you wasting your NEET lifestyle on a strict downgrade of a game that came out in 2011.

Built the perfect hollow? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, some random faggots won't gank squad you in pvp. They'll get to fuck you in the darksign every night. They get the benefits of lagstabbing you off a cliff covered in an ugly green MS paint texture.

As a man who enjoys Dark Souls 2, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 hours of your life to playing the worst From Software title since Evergrace. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it lo

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From now on Sekiro and bloodborne are in the same universe of dark souls now it's canon

what about demon souls, kings field and armored core?

Hardly without precedent, considering
>you travel to Oolacile in the past
>Painted World is another dimension cut off from bonfires
>Untended Graves/ Dark Firelink and the Flameless Shrine
>Dreg Heap
Even Ash Lake defies the rules of ordinary spacetime and only makes metaphorical sense if you think about for more than a second.
DaS2 is like the above but layered, with Giant Memories and the DLC kingdoms.

I liked it, it was really comfy filling it up with all the NPCs, and unlike DS1, they don't wonder off, become hollow, and try to kill you.

Light is Time in Dark Souls, it's pretty well-established at this point. A reflection is purely light, not to mention all the Brightbugs in the opening cutscene.

dark souls 2 is a piece of shit games that is not dark souls and is more like castlevania so lets never mention that trash again.

Dark Souls 2 is implied to be in the same universe as King's Field. It references it heavily, at the very least.

>he doesn't play soulsborne for the lore

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>mfw realizing 2 was actually better than 3 and not that bad
when did you take the pill?

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When I was playing Ashes of Ariandel and Ringed City and seeing how fucking awful they were

>Dark Souls 2
>even close to kino souls 3

kys, keep hiding behind your fake ass faggot

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Dude don't make me laugh like that

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Dark Souls is not set on Earth. The proofs for this are so blatantly obvious and uncountably numerous that attempts to expound upon them would be wasted effort.
The lore and mechanics of the Dark Souls and Bloodborne universes are completely incompatible and claims to the contrary could only be made by someone who does not understand one or both universes' lore. Literally putting eyes on the inside of your head was explicitly an incorrect presumption of how to transcend humanity by the scholars. It is an example of them being very close to the truth, but unfortunately, that closeness makes them effectively as far from the truth as possible. The church (and thus Byrgenwurth's studies) are based around the discovery of Ebrietas, who is not only an imperfect Great One, but alsois just a single sample who coincidentally has eyes inside of her head. Other Great Ones such as Moon Presence have no suggestion of such inner eyes.
Speaking of which, the beast curse originates from the Moon Presence itself, and has nothing to do with the eyes on the inside.
Constrast that with Dark Souls where the "eyes of Sulyvahn" are not even his actual fucking eyes. They are magically-enchanted rings that just transform the wearers gradually into beasts.
There are just a lot of thematic and conceptual overlaps between all of the games because they all come from the creative mind of Miyazaki, who likes reusing and reimagining ideas.
A white dragon named Seath is also in (all of?) the King's Field games, are you to also suggest that Seath the Scaleless in Dark Souls is a reality-hopping god-dragon?

>Hates the truth
>hides behind a literal redditfrog

Like clockwork.

what i literally laugh with your post lol


Every time a 3kid tries to defend their garbage it only becomes more self explanatory

when I realized I've actually played every souls game since Demons and didnt start with PTD edition like memespouters


but it could also be tied to Dark, since as we see in 3 an Age of Dark literally weighs down the progression of time in Untended Graves and the dark waters of the lake could essentially 'trap' moments in time in them, not to mention the emphasis on humanity and a human kingdom as well as the giants have humanity-shaped holes for faces

>dark souls 2

Are you me, user?

>particle effects
how is this an argument? is your PC garbage or something?

>looks good (strong, coherent art direction and decent visuals for the time)
>has the best invasions in the series
>has the best matchmaking in the series
>best bossfights in the series
>has actually functional controls (unlike 2 with its fucked deadzones)
>many well designed, fun zones (unlike 2, which has not a single good zone)

>b-but DS2 has like, build variety and stuff..!!

TRC is inexcusable tbqhwy.
How are reasonably expected to deal with those Harald Knights on the main staircase?
Bad enough without the pygmies cursing you with their mere fucking proximity and throwing lightning at you.
Between that shit, the Angels and the Ruin Sentinel archers, it just seems like they wanted you to run through the whole thing.

God Demon's Souls was so intimidating. I don't know if it's because I was already a veteran before Dark Souls came out or just the aesthetics of the game were different but I none of the other Souls games felt that intimidating.

>big guys in armour

>How are reasonably expected to deal with those Harald Knights on the main staircase?
They're super vulnerable to plunging attacks, you're meant to take advantage of them being dumb as bricks and really slow

I'm an adamant DS3 defender, but i'll have to agree.
Most of TRC feels just like DS2, it's fucking awful. Just healthsponge enemies ontop of healthsponge enemies.
Gael and the Demon Price were cool fights tho.

>many well designed, fun zones

Dumb frogposter, shutting down your retarded lore theories for being completely illogical is not pessimism. There is nothing inherently pessimistic about understanding the lore of the games via logical deductions and fact-checking.

A lot of options were limited, and the defaults were ugly as fuck, but the sliders themselves had much more potential than ds3

Demon's is when the first great one came to the world, likely related to the great ones of BB.

The vast majority of basegame levels are great, only the swamp and catacombs/dungeon are meh.

>has the best invasions in the series
Sure if you like fun police cocks in your mouth
>best boss fights in the series
>has actually functional controls
2's controls aren't "dysfunctional", they're meant to make it harder to backstab enemies, which is something that was way too fucking to do in 1, and surprise surprise, it's too easy to do in 3, only in 3 70% of the enemies can be backstabbed.
>many well designed, fun zones
You mean corridors and swamps?
>gameplay is 0/10
That's like, your opinion man
I'm sorry you can't just R1lock everything

We doing cherrypicked webms?

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DeS > NiOh > DaS > BB > Lords of the fallen > DaS3 > Ashen > The Surge > DaS2

>only the swamp
But most of the game is a swamp

Two zones is not most of the game.

">that's just like, your opinion man"
You act like you made a single actual argument in your own response there, besides the hilarious mental gymnastics defending why the game controls as if its played on a dpad.

I liked catacombs and Irithyll dungeon tbqh

>the controls are bad to make the game harder
This is fucking exactly why people hate Dark Souls 2.

if you want to

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>Faron Keep
>Profaned Capital
>Consumed King's Garden
>Irithyll of the Boreal Valley
That's four, which is a big deal considering how short 3 is
And we got three more with the DLCs

The camera is too enclosed in that area to properly judge their fuckhuge swing radius. And if you have to loop the three to five knights underneath that overpass on the way to the Alva invasion to kill every one, then it's just not worth the effort.
>Gael and the Demon Price were cool fights tho
I'l agree to that. Halflight would have been cooler if his model wasn't so twink-ish.


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I feel that it had more of wide open, abandoned feeling.

Dark souls 1 was in lots of towns, Dark souls 3 was mainly either inside or in a big city, and Bloodborne was in a big ass Victorian era town or Forrest, Don't know enough about Demon souls to make a opinion on it. Dark Souls 2 just seemed more hopeless and with less NPC's/more enemies in general.

The other games gave you a goal to fight to, to relink/rekindle the fire or survive the night. But Dark Souls II main premise is that you are going to die, and all you can do is stave it off. Lots of the NPCs have come to this place to either find a cure or die, and have lost hope: shown by Crestfallen Saulden who believes everything is meaningless, Rosabeth of Melfia who has been abandoned by her teacher but still tries to work it out, and Striad who is a relic of a bygone era of greatness seeing the ruins of where he was imprisoned.. This is finally shown when you find King Vendrick, supposedly the most powerful dude in the game, a walking corpse basically, uncaring and hollow.

The game feels sad because you aren't some chosen undead or unkindled ash that has to do some grand task and achieve greatness. You are simply another Hollow exploring a dying land that has been dying for many years, and are only able to see patches of its greatness through its oldest inhabitants or through brief memories.

So you're saying 1 wasn't ruled entirely by backstabs?
You're saying you can't just chain backstab almost every 3 enemy? (Not that you'd bother when you can just stunlock 90% of them anyway)
You're denying the excessive existence of gank squads?
And how does 3 have the best bosses in the series?

Cute cherry
Now post a map of Brume Tower or Lost Bastille

>>Consumed King's Garden
>>Irithyll of the Boreal Valley

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Fuck off you dumbass, Farron is the only swamp level. Profaned Capital has one secret optional room in the whole area that prominently features swamp mechanics. Irithyll is much the same, but doesn't even have the grungy aesthetic of a swamp. Consumed King's Garden has small patches of gunk that you only ever have to enter if you REALLY want the Shadow Set.
When you stretch your argument this much to make it work you only look like a fucking idiot. Even if all four of those examples were entire swamp areas, that still wouldn't be "most of the game". Assuming Farron takes you an hour to get through, the game has about a total of 1 hour and 20 minutes spent in swamps if you're a completionist.
Also daily reminder that DS3 is not shorter than the other games, you are just faster to progress through it because you and everybody else jumping into it had already played Souls games.

>DLC and the one area in the base game with interesting design that's ruined by its absolute lack of attention to world detail
you go down an elevator below the ocean into a rock that leads out to a cave opening

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just let him cope lad

I thought you initially brought up corridors referring to walking through hallways, which those two are definitely examples of.
What areas of DS3 are just straight lines?

DS2 is one of the best of the series, in several regards. Not all, but many. It deserves respect, FAGGOT.

>NO! It doesn't count when YOU cherrypick!

>looks good (strong, coherent art direction and decent visuals for the time)
Everything looks brittle, washed out and like it's covered in a thin film of oil. You might say that's intentional given the themes, but it's still fucking ugly.
>has the best invasions in the series
No. The PvP is horrendous, and just because it can be fun to string four assholes along for the duration of a level, it's not a point in its favour Assuming they don't just disconnect or sit at the bonfire, that is.
>has the best matchmaking in the series
Fucking what. We're talking about DaS3, right?
>best bossfights in the series
Some. A lot (Greatwood, Wolnir, Yhorm, Wyvern) are fucking terrible.
>has actually functional controls (unlike 2 with its fucked deadzones)
You don't even know what a fucking deadzone is, you're just parroting that one webm that gets spammed in these threads. DaS3 might control smoother, but it's at the expense of the game itself. Fucking Roll Souls 3.
>many well designed, fun zones (unlike 2, which has not a single good zone)
Opinion. I think the majority of DaS3 is a slog (a poison swamp that you have to cheese your way through with a weapon art and no farmable moss - genius). Maybe I'd notice it less if you could sequence break, but the game's a straight line, start to finish. The one equence break you can do gives you chunks that put you outside of PvP range and access to dogshit covenant rewards.

pre-great one fuckery Yharnam maybe.

Only if you stretch the concept of "series" to include all of Fromsoft's games ever made.

Actually, not even then is DS2 one of the best.

BB and Ds3

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if you can only name two areas that are better, isn't it you who is cherry picking the good from the bad?

No, you change my mind first. How the fuck do you think that makes sense?

I always feel sad and lonely

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Literally all of them besides Farron Keep is a straight path
Brume Tower and Lost Bastille have corridors but the whole level isn't one narrow path

>20 hours
More like 100

Road of Sacrifices, most of Irithyll, High Wall 2: Electric Boogaloo, Consumed King's Garden, Untended Graves.
I'm not sure sprawling shitshows like Farron Swamp are any better, and areas that loop back on the bonfire with a shoehorned "does not open from this side" door aren't good examples of level design.

Wow there's a village!? Im shocked by the amount of details was put into it. They crossed the line with that village didnt they

Then why dress like a Hunter at all?

>Also daily reminder that DS3 is not shorter than the other games, you are just faster to progress through it because you had already played Souls games.
Such delusional damage control
Maybe it's because the Poise rework and Stamina being made overpowered, as well as the enemies and bosses having a pitiful health pool

So sick of hearing DaS3's menu theme every time I log in. Obnoxious as fuck, even without the extremely loud -KERCHINK- when pressing start.

>Road of Sacrifices,
Fair enough
>most of Irithyll,
Hard disagree
>High Wall 2: Electric Boogaloo,
You mean the climb up Lothric after Dancer? Absolutely fucking not, how do you justify that claim?
>Consumed King's Garden,
It's a relatively straight shot to the boss through a small area but even then it has a lot of offshoots and is less of a straight corridor than Aldia' Keep.
>Untended Graves.
Even if I agreed with this, why wouldn't you be just 0.1% more pedantic and include Cemetery of Ash as well?

I can name some more.
Huntsman's Copse
The Gutter
Shulva, Sanctum City
Brightstone Cove Tseldora
All of these are more interesting to explore and ask more of the player than any level in 3

2 - soulful
1,3 - soulless

>any level in 3
Not him, I love DaS2 but let's not pretend Grand Archives, Snowfield and Irythill aren't 99% better than anything on DaS2.


My nigga

Why was the enemy design so bland in this game? Really the only things that stood out to me were the ogres, mastodons, and the darkstalkers. Everything else was either just a downgraded hollow with an OP dark weapon or some janky no name.

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>actually listing anything from Sunken King as good
best DLC was Ivory

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>ask for the webm
Lol is this some incel crusade

But that's wrong you playthrough watcher


>Hard disagree
Over the bridge, up the stairs, through the Church of Yorshka, over the water and through the sewers (diverging path to Distant manor and Dungeon, but that's the entrance to another area, so it doesn't really count), through the Silver Knight room, up the stairs, past Sully's room, open the gate, Church of Yorshka. It might not be a "straight line", but there's only one branching path, and it doesn't lead to anywhere else in Irithyll proper.
>how do you justify that claim?
Bonfire after Dancer, up the ladder (brach to Consumed King's Garden: different area, doesn't count) take the right through a hall to the next bonfire, keep going up a few steps to the next bonfire (there's a room with a Winged Knight and an illusory wall, but it doesn't actually lead anywhere new), over/ around the bridge, dark room to the right is just more stairs up, leads to room with UGS knight, out to elevator bringing you back to room after Dancer. I'll concede that there are some branches, mostly towards the end, but there's not much to do until after the Dragon Barracks bonfire. Throwing an arbitrarily-locked door or elevator at the end of the level isn't impressive level design.
>a lot of offshoots
An elevator that brings you back to the start of the already short area. Unless you mean verticality? It's got some, I suppose.
>Cemetery of Ash
Tutorial area, although compared to DaS' and DaS2's tutorial it's fairly poor, yeah.

Because of all the wasted potential and what a turd it is

Eh, Archives and Snowfield are fine, but Irithyll has the same problem as Drangleic Castle (feels like a videogame level instead of a real environment). People just give it an easier time because it looks nice.

Yup i know it's pretty cool how they added a hidden village.

Is this your first time in a souls thread?

Oh I hit a nerve

You've got that backwards mate
Ivory King had awesome boss fights but Eleum Loyce was lame as fuck, Shulva is an excellent location.

I feel like the opening cinematic sets the tone. It's much different than other FROM game openers. Told through the perspective of the player character and talks about losing and forgetting your family and shit. After that you start in a completely dark field, followed by a bunch of dark caves, followed by the hypnotic loneliness of Majula and its theme music. The scope of the game is also huge compared to the others and makes you feel very small. There are so many areas and they are all huge. You really travel a long way.

This? They did it for DaS as well (although that was apparently more detailed than it should have been). DaS2 was originally an open world that had to be stitched together into a series of levels, iirc. Different team, different development style.

Attached: 1464573622713.webm (640x360, 2.83M)

>Points out the obvious
Why are you pointing out the obvious?
>Oh I hit a nerve, huh, I bet you're so mad right now
absolute loser

Attached: 617.gif (391x365, 890K)

If you actually started with DeS you would hate DS2, unless you actually hate Soulsborne games in general, then you might like DS2 because it is the shittiest example of a series you hate.

If you liked DeS more than DS, then DS3 would rate high, as well as Bloodborne. If you liked DS, then DS3, DeS, and Bloodborne would all still rate higher than DS2. But if you actually started with DS2, and got butthurt at everyone else calling it shit, and are too autistic to realize something can be objectively shit while you still subjectively like it, you might rate DS2 as the best.



Attached: Souls Aesthetics Comparison.jpg (3838x3020, 2.36M)

>that green ds2 place
it looks like a tf2 custom map for some reason lol

I disagree, Shulva is only saved by Sinh being a fun fight but the area itself is a slog

Dark Souls 3's is tonally inconsistent with the vibe and aesthetic that the previous two games established.

Attached: tuxMiyazaki.png (332x378, 190K)

The DaS2 equivalent would be The view from the start of Brume Tower, or maybe the approach to Drangleic Castle or the start of the Dragon Aerie.
Dishonest desu.

If that Ringed City cutscenes counts, there's plenty of cutscenes in 2 that look good
There's also Demon of Song's room and Heide's Tower of Flame
Fuck off wih your bandwagon bullshit

Why ds2fags always shit on ds3 ? lol

That looks like an extremely low res undead settlement. Makes sense that they'd use that for background shit that the player is never intended to see up close.

Because it was a contractual obligation thrown together with assets From had leftover after Bloodborne.
DaS2 was also a contractual obligation to Bamco, but that was farmed out to their B-team and felt weird and different as a result.
Miyazaki oesn't like sequels, apparently, and anyone who pretends that any Dark Souls game outside of the first was done out of some kind of love is kidding themselves. At the end of the day, you just have to decide which cashgrab you prefer.

Because you call everyone who insults 3 a 2fag

So it does. The arch is a dead giveaway.

Because always 2fags shit on 3fags no matter what

and bloodbornefags shit on sekirofags

and DeSfags shit on DS1fags

are you new or something?

but it is tonally consistent with itself

>tiny MLGS for the pin

It's possible to hate both 2 and 3

DS1fags shit on DS2Fags
DS3fags shit on bloodborne
so doesn't compute my ds2fag friend.

But it's not. The world of Dark Souls is a somber and lonely place, which does not lend itself to some bombastic orchestral arrangement. I know the word gets thrown around a lot, but it's unironically a soulless main menu theme.

Everything about 3 is soulless, with the exception of anything that involves Pontiff Sulyvahn who was once intended to be the final boss (probably)

Can we all take a second to remember Mike?

Attached: MIKERE4.jpg (720x404, 52K)

is armored core in the same universe of dark souls?


Attached: cinematicCompilation.png (404x482, 269K)


>final game of a 5 game series ends with a tremendous orchestra that still ends in a somber tone and matches the presentation of the game itself
>reee soulless

>3 is soulles-

Attached: Irithyll_of_the_Boreal_Valley_-_12.jpg (2000x1125, 350K)

it's most likely an alpha version of undead settlement

the webm is almost a carbon copy of the final version, but there are a ton of differences in other areas of the village that make it different than the final version. here's an album with a full overview of it imgur.com/a/pCyhQ

>DS3fags shit on bloodborne
Now that's just bullshit, I've seen BBfags shit on Ds3 but I've never seen a Ds3fag shit on Bloodborne

>3 su-
Every thread

Good lookin game m8

Attached: 20190503174422_1.jpg (1920x1080, 285K)

Ringed city is pretty too

This but unironically.

Attached: Anor-Londo1.jpg (1200x749, 385K)

Its just them using low poly assets at random to make distant details
Its not the first time they did it

Attached: 1393776342345.gif (400x298, 185K)

I still think this area was designed by a retard that just couldnt go without having a big spinny staircase.

>5 game
>end of the world is suppose to have a tremendous orchestra
Theres a reason gwyns theme was so good as the final boss theme. The first part of SoC fight is actually soulless

Looking at those textures makes me feel sad yes

Parry the legion knights.

It's really fucking bad and you know it's bad while you're playing it. I keep trying to force myself through it but I've never made it past the first few starter areas because I just get sad and turn it off. Tried again just yesterday.

>Why does this game makes you feel so sad?
Because it could have been great.

Still the only one I can actually replay anymore after all the years but I dont play From games for combat.

Attached: what could have been.jpg (1426x1834, 845K)

The entire SoC fight is soulless. I'm still amazed that they couldn't have come up with a better final boss fight than that.

>when you fight a literal mass of souls, the souls of other players

The lore behind this is retarded btw

not really

Prerelease Iron Keep looks cool as hell.

Yeah really.

how so

Fact: Ds2 would have been the most aesthetic and atmospheric of all the games if the lighting engine was implemented as intended.

What went wrong?

Attached: DaS2 Graphical Downgrade.gif (1266x712, 1.39M)

Irithyll was irredeemable trash.
It looks pretty from a disance then it's just a straight line with most of it blocked off and dumb casters ushering you through it.
Fucking joke.

Because he was never meant to be the final boss so his excuse for being there is half assed at best.
literally just "lol what if all the souls never went anywhere after all these years" despite the entire game going counter to that idea.

fuck consoles
fuck the people who defend this

Attached: anger.jpg (245x204, 13K)

ps360 release and higher ups demanding change for difficulty reasons mostly

>lighting engine won't run on consoles
>have to quickly scrap a bunch of assets that won't work without the lighting
>have to reuse assets from later in the game to complete it
>your bright scene is now using the drab trees from the undead area and looks flat and shitty

>only game they ever made that runs at 60fps on any console
They should have refined their tech and atmosphere rather than going whole hog on polycount in bb and 3

>the lore is bad because things changed during game development
literally the case for all these games retard

The new Painted World, born of blood and the Dark Soul.

>runs at 60fps on any console
no they didn't.
The 360/PS3 versions ran at an unlocked 30fps, often dipping to 20 or lower.

>entire game is about the deep
>lol what if it wasnt
Go away, das1 was still about das1 shit. BB was stiill about BB shit.
3 doesnt even know what plot its trying to follow out of the several it tried to set up.

>ps360 version
I was talking about scholar on the pro and x

>>entire game is about the deep
literally one area, two if you really count the few Cathedral related characters in Irithyll
>retards STILL going on about muh deep when the game explicitly states it's just another form of Dark
the entire game is about the fading first flame and the last attempts to link it, it's consistent in that throughout

If we're including next gen remasters, then DaS Remastered is also 60 FPS.

"on any console" made it sound like you meant it ran 60fps across the board, rather than it being the only example on a console.
My mistake.

>one area
>multile bosses, a covenant, and much much more
The deep was the abyss of 3. A mysterious thing you are led to think will feature in the game but doesnt.
Then the DLCd came out and was just a binch of sequel fanwank, while the dlc of the other games actually filled in important gaps that that specific games narrative.

I honestly forgot about DaSR

This is why I'm not a wordsmith

DaS3 is the first game in the series to get bad DLC.
That says a lot.

What were they thinking?

Attached: 367951-dark-souls-iii-ashes-of-ariandel-windows-front-cover.jpg (460x215, 27K)

>the dlc of the other games actually filled in important gaps that that specific games narrative.
right, and the TRC filled in important gaps in the series narrative. Why would you want the final piece of DaS content to limit itself to one miniscule addition that didn't even have much to it to begin with?

>and the TRC filled in important gaps in the series narrative
Retconning half the series initial lore from das1 isnt "filling in gaps" buddy

>that didn't even have much to it to begin with
Yeah thats why TRC is literally about the deep right? Too bad all that build up went literally no where because muh painting

>3 doesn't even know what plot its trying to follow
All of the games suffer from development issues, but 3 is the one that also ineptly struggles with wankery, retcons, and outright plot holes

>everything is about the deep because I say so
and no, Murkmen do not mean the entirety of TRC is deep related

>city based on stagnation of souls
>isnt representative of the deep
You know what the DREG heap is right?
We got a bigbrain over here guys

It hardly matters because Froms games have always been creatively bankrupt so you can just play their other titles to fill in the gaps since its all the same take because miyazaki is a hack who unironically thinks KF is a fantastic series so he cant help but rip off old From shit all day long

you know what the definition of DREG is right?
and how it's not entirely exclusive to just a covenant item, right?
or how the entire rest of the DLC beyond the heap focuses on pre-DaS1 history or how none of the bosses are deep-related, right?

Almost like it was all scrapped for DaS1 fanwank retcons and muh painting which is literally just more das1 fanwank.
Oh wait we already covered this retard.

>make assumptions
>get mad when the assumptions aren't correct
you only have yourself to blame

If it wasnt made clear with all the cut content I would agree.
DaS3 plot is just as hacked together as DaS2 plot was, just with shiny graffix and roll2win.

Only difference is that every single other game they made in the franchise and even BB had DLC that actually related to things established in base game. Not retarded shit that does literally nothing to progress the plot or understanding of the universe other than loleveryonesded which is the single largest cop out From has every managed all in one amazing questline.

>huntman's copse
>the gutter
not horrible, but posion statues every 10 steps isnt a very interesting obstacle
this is the only one that is actually good
let me just warp back to the bonfire 4 times while trying to pick everything up because theres no actual path back lol

>he thinks souls was ever accurate in world spacing before BB and 3

"progressing the plot" means jackshit when the game already has 3 endings, and TRC did expand on the Souls universe, just not in a way that you like, which judging by how you've responded so far suggests you wouldn't have been happy with any result

irithyll looks nice, but is pretty boring to navigate. it would have been much more interesting weaving in and out of homes and alleyways while working your way to the cathedral rather than just booking it down the road past all the enemies. boss fight was good though.

In this thread we list things Dark Souls 2 did that were far better than Dark Souls 3. I'll start:

>No bonfire and no death challenge where you can beat the game without resting at a bonfire or dying to gain a reward and bragging rights

>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build

>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death

>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character

>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character

>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks

>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina

>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina

>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill

>Power stance allowing for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocking an alternative moveset for weapons

>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in Ds3 (lmao who would ever want to weapon block)

>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun

>Bonfire ascetics to replay bosses you like and or gain items from NG+ and beyond without grinding through the whole game again

Attached: ds3 is shit 4.webm (640x360, 2.87M)

>means jackshit when the game already has 3 endings
DaS1 has 2 endings that are entirely different form one another and the DLC perfectly progresses Arty the abyss walkers subplot and the abyssal things you learn of from kaathe.

DaS3 DLC ignores the base games entire subplot about aldritch and the deep.
>he thinks having an entire area and more dedicated to this singular thing means its not a big deal
Dont be retarded, the distant kingdoms are unrelated like you try to imply das3 subplot is, the cathedral of the deep is a massive area required for story progress with tons of lore to it.
DaS3 even gives nods to DaS1 and 2 better than its own fucking lore. The base game actually tried really hard up until they decided to screw it all and scrap half the features.

The entire point of 3 was to wrap up the series, not leave everything unfinished because reasons. Maybe if From could actually finish a single project they start.

Deep longing for the $60 I wasted on buying this Day 1 for the PS3

Attached: 1555033474778.jpg (636x466, 30K)

>Dark Souls 2
Except for the fact that the PC release had an infamous bug that resulted from running at 60 fps instead of 30 fps like the console versions. You're either pathetically new or disingenuous as fuck.

>DaS3 DLC ignores the base games entire subplot about aldritch and the deep.
almost like it's just that, a subplot, you could make the same argument for Yhorm and the profaned flame or Lothric and the civil war and it would be just as stupid
>The entire point of 3 was to wrap up the series, not leave everything unfinished because reasons
it wrapped things up in the sense that it shed more light than ever on an event none of the games had ever gone as in-depth on, being the aftermath with the war against the dragons, specifically regarding humanity. Just because it didn't answer every question ever doesn't mean it's unfinished, the lore in these games was never about answering everything to begin with


What's the webm?

So the pus of man doesnt matter either?
The thing that keep coming up throughout the game.

Also the profaned flame area is a direct refence to das2, yhorm wasnt originally the boss there.

>the lore in these games was never about answering everything to begin with
Tell that to all the other games DLCs because they didnt bother with the distant lands but they more than certainly finished up the lore related.
AotA had tons of answers about the abyss.
SotFS had tons of answers about want.
ToH also covers shit extremely well.
AoA/TRC have what other than retcons and das1 sequelwank? All it did is remove potential lore rather than add.

I'm being serious because no other DLC from them caused problems like this afterwards.

It's a webm of the running animation for the falconers. It looks downright hilarious.

Dark Souls 3 has poise.

Attached: Dark Souls 3 Poise.webm (852x480, 1.94M)

Attached: DaS2 Falconer.webm (896x504, 2.91M)

When people say poise the mean the traditional poise found in previous games.
Not hyper armor that uses the poise stat that 3 solely relies on

Pus of Man is different from the deep and only seems concentrated in Lothric
>Also the profaned flame area is a direct refence to das2, yhorm wasnt originally the boss there.
yeah, instead it was Wolnir and he was still called Yhorm, whatever, regardless dwelling on the deep and Aldrich is as dumb as doing it for any of the other Lords of Cinder

>AotA had tons of answers about the abyss.
and none about Anor Londo in its prime, the gods themselves, the serpents, Izalith pre-demons, etc. all of which are hinted at it the base game like the abyss, but you won't see anyone say anything about that because it was the first
>SotFS had tons of answers about want.
because "Want" is such a vague concept that you can apply a fuckton to it, part of the reason 2's lore is so shit is how vague and open-ended it is to the point where you can't even get a clear answer as to what the fuck Drangleic even is
>ToH also covers shit extremely well.
Old Hunters also isn't part of the Souls series and has a different set of ideas applied to it
>AoA/TRC have what other than retcons and das1 sequelwank? All it did is remove potential lore rather than add.
so the slave knights, backstory for one of the sisters of the Sable Church and Sulyvahn, expansion on the angels, the entirety of TRC and its pygmy lords, ringed knights, judicators, and Spears of the Church don't count because "how dare the DLC not go the direction I thought it would"

Oh that's fucking great.

Reminder that Wolnir is the protagonist from DaS2.

Attached: 1557786086282.jpg (307x353, 16K)

he seems more like a jab at 2 than anything
>if you collect these 3 crowns, you can go beyond death
>lmao no the fuck you can't, dark always wins baby

The DLC referencing shit in itself is far less appealing than it using things brought up in the base game or even other past games.
Knowing about other kingdoms is useless in souls lore silly boy. Understanding concepts of the meaning of whats presented in game is far more interesting than "lol what if the intro to the game thats 7 years old as wrong the whole time" because miyazaki just had to have a BEEG TWEEST

How convenient of you to ignore the finale of the DLCs as well because it literally deletes lore because reasons mean while the other games actually had NPCs with insight on aspects of the universe as it is in that game.

What I have been saying the entire time is that DaS3 ignoring the majority of DaS3 for the sake of DaS1 is retarded.

We get info on all the lords in das1 as well aside from pretty much nito. The kingdoms and their culture literally dont matter. compared to ideas like the abyss or the deep or want all of which are purposefully vague so that the DLC could be unique and interesting as we saw in all their other titles.

Beyond light, beyond dark.
That still dont mean you wont become insane after long enough.

I mean the traditional insane like Seath did, not the hollow insane.

>Knowing about other kingdoms is useless in souls lore
good to know DaS2's DLCs are useless
>The kingdoms and their culture literally dont matter compared to ideas like the abyss or the deep
so in other words you don't care about it because it doesn't sound as interesting as "muh deep"

>good to know DaS2's DLCs are useless
So you didnt talk to vendrick and aldia?
Because the areas have always been largely meaningless in the face of entities like them and kaathe/frampt or other NPCs.

>he thinks the undead burg is filled with lore about how these people existed
Try again

>so in other words you don't care about it because it doesn't sound as interesting as "muh deep"
So you dont care that the logical progression of the games plot is made irrelevant in the DLCs because muh das1

Hardly matters because I got all the conceptual information from their other titles that it just ripped shit off of anyways.

That's called blueballing the player is what it is.

>>he thinks the undead burg is filled with lore about how these people existed
I mean, it is. The entire concept of it shows how humans were treated pre-curse and the shit conditions were part of that. The interior detailing is far less lavish than what can be seen in Anor Londo for instance and we even get some details on how food is prepared with the butcher carving up meat and throwing unwanted remains down into the sewers for the rats to eat. Even the torch wielding hollows and burning pile of corpses can be inferred to have been done to ward off the Capra Demon since it's weak to fire

>logical progression of the game's plot
you said before it's a subplot, there's no indication it needs to go anywhere beyond you making assumptions that the DLC would've been deep-related

And then there's also the female corpse in a dark corner with a suspicious Twin Humanity item surrounded by a mob of torch hollows.

>you said before it's a subplot
Exactly like how in das1 you have to seek out a wise feline to learn of the abyss warrior and fight his pet to get a ring so you can actually get to the lord soul.
In 3 you have aldritch and his faithful, the entire cathedral, pontiff sulvayn as his disciple, and even the man himself.

The other subplots you are trying to make a point about have pretty much nothing at all on this one aside from the civil war in lothric which has FAR less game presence than the thing with a covenant, 3 bosses, and multiple areas dedicated to it.
Trying to pretend you get as much from the plots behind the abyss watchers and yhorm is laughable.
Even fucking the twin princes have less lore and game presence than aldritch and the deep.

>I mean, it is
Minor details are not good excuses for world lore I'm sorry user.

i appreciate this, but it's concerning.
soul vs soulless...unironically.
None of these are good.

if you're going to include Aldrich with the Deep you might as well include Lothric with his kingdom, of which there is far, far more lore than just some allusions to the dark and Aldrich going from a man to sludge

I did you mong.
The lothric civil war has far less to it in game than the deep to the point that most players dont even notice its a thing in the game outside a few items.

Sorry but thats not comparable to 3 bosses, a covenat, several mini bosses, and over 2 entire areas.
Nice bait though.

no, not the civil war, I mean Lothric proper, the fucking thing he's named after that you start and end the game in

>The lothric civil war
Redpill me.

The name being shared with the boss is nice and all but doesnt hold a candle to the lore presented about the deep and all related to it.
Lothric (the kingdom) being lost to the abyssal darkness is a nice touch though. Makes you wonder why the watchers are in farron and not trying to stop shit all over. Maybe they just like the dogs swamp.

Oh and BTW the 2 bosses of high wall are part of the deep side of this coin and follow the Pontiff.

Pontiff's knights =/= the deep
Vordt and the Dancer don't have anything to do with the Cathedral and are solely tied to Irithyll. If they were then they'd have red eyes like every other dark-related enemy in the game
>The name being shared with the boss is nice and all but doesnt hold a candle to the lore presented about the deep and all related to it.
this isn't about opinions, it's about the presence of the lore in the game. Lothric objectively has more of a presence than the deep and Aldrich, so your statement about it being the 'focus' of the game is incorrect

You really think that the pontiffs knights arent related to the deep? That he isnt sending his troops to let his master consume another lord?
Come on its pretty obvious. Do you think sulvayns beasts are unrelated to the deep as well dip?
You also are confusing the deep/dark/and abyss so I cant argue with someone like that.

>its objective truth because I ignore facts that go against it
Once again, good bait.

I'm not trying to excuse Dark Souls 3, but doesn't THIS shit happens in any Souls game with a big enemy with a large weapon?

>nobody prince that runs away to his castle
>more of a presence than the dude you find out is eating gods and nestled up in anor fucking londo
If DaS3 didnt treat das1 as the second coming of jesus you might have a point but anor londo evem existing was a big moment in 3 and finding the god devourer after fighting through his congregation, his knights, and his second in command is a much bigger build up than the prince lothric hiding in a castle behind abyssal shit

Aldrich eats gods, not spent lords of cinder, and considering none of the Outrider Knights use Dark related attacks they're clearly not related to the Deep
they're all part of the same thing, unless you actually thought the deep sea allusions were meant to be literal like the brainlet you are

Attached: comparison.jpg (1911x2146, 748K)

>if i ignore the pontiff invading lothric it doesnt count
>if i saw the dark and abyss are the same its true
Go away

Funny that you also dont understand what the deep is and how its different after all this time as well when its literally in game as blatant as possible compared to shit like the civil war.

>>nobody prince that runs away to his castle
you forgot the part where he kickstarts the entire game and the entire reason High Wall and the entirety of Lothric Castle and the Archives are in turmoil is because of his decision, and how his tower looms in the distance in nearly every location on the map. Meanwhile you don't even find out about Aldrich eating gods until halfway through Irithyll

So what you are saying is that hes the main plot which is resolved at the end of the game.
Not the sub plot thats ignored by the DLC entirely and takes a sizable portion of the base games new lore.

>>if i ignore the pontiff invading lothric it doesnt count
he was also invading Undead Settlement, almost like it isn't Deep related
>>if i saw the dark and abyss are the same its true
how have you gotten this far and you don't know that the dark and the abyss are intertwined

because it doesn't need to be resolved
there is nothing more to it other than "new form of Dark"

>are intertwined
Being related doenst mean they are equal dipshit.
If you cant figure out how the 3 are related and also different thats literally all on you when the games try so fucking hard to tell you each time.

>argue that the deep has more of a presence in the game
>get shown that Lothric clearly does
>"well I only meant subplots!"

>new form of dark
kek if only
The deep will consume all.
The light and dark alike will falter under the weight.

Because thats what was being talked about the entire time retard.
Try keeping up with the thread. Backlinks make it easy

I never said equal, I said intertwined. They're connected but fundamentally all trace back to the same root of being connected to the Dark

the Deep is the Dark though

>the Deep is the Dark though
That must mean the chaos is also the light right?

>Dregs are the heaviest things within the human body, and will sink to the lowest depths imaginable, where they become the shackles that bind this world.
it's a fucking alteration of a humanity sprite, aka the Dark

Attached: Human_Dregs.png (512x512, 203K)

Have you ever looked at stagnation?
Gotten really close and taken a good look at it?
Because thats what the deep is.

A lot of people might wonder why water of all things?
Because its a capable bulwark used to keep the abyss at bay as we have seen many times before.

What could possibly happen if you were to seal the abyss under the weight of an ocean? Certainly it would be twisted and even further removed from what it initially means to be darkness. Just like how a darkness gone wild had to be sealed in a sunken city is in an older From title only to be filled with creatures who only know hunger after being starved for so long as nothing is ever truly gone.

all dark souls games do that. You are in a dying world with the only hope being you sacrifice yourself to the fire to continue the age of gods or walk away and bring about the dark age. age of man.

Attached: 1558001358049.jpg (1200x1651, 485K)

God, I wish that was me.

You wish you were built for sex?

>thinking the deep sea part is literal
Dark has been connected to water as early as DaS1, that much is true, but AotA showed that even outside of New Londo there is a connection with water and the Dark, like how Artorias' moves and attacks cause splashes and how he's constantly dripping, as well as the canals created in both Royal Wood and the Chasm of the Abyss via the Dark infestation

the Deep is not some ocean that is above the rest of the Fire/Dark cycle, it's just the lowest part of the darkness, like the absolute darkest of Dark
>The deep was originally a peaceful and sacred place, but became the final rest for many abhorrent things. This tale of the Deep offers protection for those who worship amidst those horrors.
>they represented the glorious bedrock of this world
>Deep weapons inflict dark damage, but lose scaling effects. / There is a darkness that lies beyond human ken

>the Deep is not some ocean
I never said it was dip

I said that water is used as a bulwark in many titles From made and was even used in identical ways to das1 in their past games to seal a city overrun by a darkness gone wild.
Compressing the abyss will never go well, just like how messing with the dark will never go well.

The dark did nothing wrong, the people who worshiped it did.