A plague tale

Why no threads for this?
>comfy adventure
>cute loli protagonist
>little kid brother is actually likable
>superb world building

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It actually looks pretty good.

Whoa, those graphics are crazy good. It looks spooky though.

>$60 for a short walking simulator
I'm unironically buying it when it goes on sale.

Because today is the day Steve gets announced

it's $45 and apparently it's not that short (10+ hours of gameplay), but I get your concern and it has very little replay value

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Because fighting against the giant hordes of rats is comical and I have a feeling this game isn't very historically accurate


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>walking simulator movie
>replay value

>burger reading comprehension

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Because it's more or less a walking simulator that's also an escort mission.
The few bits of combat thrown in are haphazard at best.

It would honestly be great for around 14.99
But for 45 dollar bucks, it's shit value.
I get a lot of people are shilling it as "amazing" because "muh beauty backgrounds" but the Ass Creed series is prettier and actually has gameplay

>cute loli protagonist
In what fucking universe is that a loli?
Also, game looks like boring shit.

Im just waiting for the blender and sfms

nice try shills but where's the gameplay? right,it's a walking simluator,kys

>I get a lot of people are shilling it as "amazing" because "muh beauty backgrounds" but the Ass Creed series is prettier and actually has gameplay

I'll take a unique and well crafted experience over some formulaic game like AssCreed any day. The closest thing to this is Brothers: a tale of two sons and that was another simple game in terms of gameplay but one that made a deeper lasting impression because of the story it told. This might end up being the same, for me at least

>right,it's a walking simluator,kys
imagine being this butthurt because someone mentions a game they enjoy on a gaming board

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Go ahead, waste your money, ill get it for half price in a month

>women not wearing dresses but pants instead in the medievo
>in the fucking medievo
nice try femminist now check this 5

Why would I want to play as a couple of white faggot rats

So buy it?
Or do you already own it and are just trying to shill?

Looks like cinematic garbage