Should animal cruelty be allowed in games?
Should animal cruelty be allowed in games?
yeah i kill every dog i see in rdr2
If an animal is capable of being a threat in some way during gameplay, then they should be capable of being killed in response. I don't care if it's a normal animal or a fantasy animal; if it bares its fangs at the player, it should have something bared back at it. Fuck PETA.
pets are for redditers
kek. I just got done with LTG and I cried like I've never cried before in a game in the end. This gave me a good laugh. Thanks user.
>I cried like I've never cried before in a game in the end
Same. TLG is the only game that left tears rolling down my face
I hope trico visits the boy.
this game was really special i'm amazed it's almost completely forgotten
Normies weren't interested in it and a lot of other people got frustrated by the controls. To be fair the game does have its shortcomings, but if you can get past them it's really great.
it's honestly my favorite of the three despite its issues.
Unironically the most underrated director in the industry
>mfw the armored beasts tearing trico apart at the end
I think I like it a little more than Ico but SotC is my favourite. I love them all a lot though. They're really special games. Definitely my favourite series, if they can even be counted as such.
After playing through SotC recently and being very disappointed, I was extremely reluctant to grab TLG but I'm glad I didn't skip it. It is easily Ueda's best game in all aspects. It takes ICO's concept, replaces the girl with a pet and perfects it.
As an experience it's way more memorable than both Ico and SotC. Story is less sparse, the flashback narration helps this aspect a lot.
I'm baffled that this game has been completely forgotten by everyone. The only reason I can see for someone disliking it is if they're brainlets that never understood Trico, be it his sound hints or how to command him.
>*leaves sony*
madman. don't know how he expects to get the type of budgets sony gave him.
Why were you disappointed by SotC? Either way I'm glad you gave TLG a shot. I think more people should check it out.
His studio is working on a new game so they must have some source of income. I wonder if there was some behind the scenes drama with TLG that made him leave. I mean I don't really blame him, seems like the Sony studios are focussed on making homogenised projects that are all very safe.
He's "underrated" in the sense that he doesn't get any place in the spotlight simply because he doesn't do interviews, but pretty much everyone from the PS2-era knows who he is. Miyazaki won't shut up about him, Warren Spector (Deus Ex) tweeted recently about Ueda, and multiple other directors name him as a major influence.
He's even one of 4 people listed as videogame auteurs on wikipedia.
In the dev world he gets a lot of love, but it seems like his prominence has faded in recent years due to the mixed reception of TLG. It seems like a lot of gamers don't bring him up like other big directors like Miyamoto and Kojima are brought up, which is a shame.
>Why were you disappointed by SotC?
Couple reasons.
1. Completely empty world. I get that it's an abandoned land closed off to hold a curse, but I don't see how the game needed such a vast world. There's all this space that goes underutilized
2. Extremely sparse story. There's the intro where you ride into the map, there's a cutscene halfway where the dudes are looking for you, and then there's the development/conclusion when you kill the last colossi. Between the intro cutscene and the last one there's like 13 boss fights, and nothing in between. Unlike TLG, there's no narrator developing anything. The voice at the shrine always says the same. The colossi don't talk. Agro obviously doesn't say much. It's completely silent. And the story just didn't impress me either.
3. I disliked most of the colossi fights. Personally I only oved the one in the desert with the flying eel that had the sacks you had to shoot with the bow. I think it played on the game's strengths - big arena that lets you ride the horse without obstacles, archery targets aren't hard to hit, stab spots aren't just head and chest and running on a flying beast is cool as fuck
On the other hand I loathed the fight with that colossi you have to lead into the geysers. That fight made me hate Agro so much. Then the other fights had other annoyances, like fucky cameras, annoying navigation (like swimming across the huge bodies of water in like 2 or 3 of the fights, which takes forever)...
Well it might also have something to do with the fact that Ueda has released 3 games total, which is quite a disaster considering how long he's been around. And they're all like 3-4 hours long.
Heh, that's like the reasons why I like it