>*7 damage*
>"Do you want to respawn?"
I have no idea what I am doing.
Neverwinter Nights
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't use power attack. Get weapon focus feat and a corresponding weapon. Put points into strength.
Maybe read the manual or something. D&D is serious business.
Also, play Sorcerer, they're crazy OP in NWN1.
I do not know how to use Power Attack or what that is, but I'll try Weapon Focus on my Flail once I level up.
I just meant that I have no idea what I am doing in general, since I don't know about DnD. It's pretty cool so far.
NWN is the easier D&D style game.
What's your class?
Have you played any sort of game like this in the past at all? Fallout 1 or 2, roguelikes (Actual ones) like NetHack, etc? Anything like Underrail?
OH FFS. What class did you pick?
Its a basic D20 ruleset, get your attack bonus higher
Hell I haven't played that shit in like 11 years. It's when Bioware WAS Bioware. The original Mass Effect and Jade Empire were the dying breaths of that dev house.
just spam "Knockdown"
I suppose I can just pop over to /tg/ for that? That'd probably help, since it seems the game assumes you're not a complete novice and only explains the controls. Which is fine, I guess.
>What's your class?
I just went standard cleric since they're cool and I figured I should try to have fun roleplaying while I am at it.
>Have you played any sort of game like this in the past at all?
Haha no.
I presume it's basically something like every action needs a roll and your stats/skills/equipment determine any bonuses to that roll, which is why I am missing so much? Because I have no attack multipliers and it's just rng based on each "roll to attack" right now?
based, just brute force it, I did my first time, the game is pretty easy and you don't need to study some crazy build
So even though NWN truncates a lot of the math, there's still quite a bit going on under the hood you need to think about. It sounds like you're trying to melee so typically your need a reasonably high STR if that's your primary method of attack.
Base of your six stats is 10. Every 2 over 10 gives you a +1 on most any role associated with that stat. STR is used for most melee weapons unless you build specifically to use DEX for a handful of light weapons.
This means 14 or 16 STR will give you +2 or +3 respectively to hit per swing, which adds up when you factor in other bonuses. Every time you attack, the game is running a 1~20 number generator, adding in all these bonuses and seeing if you get a number bigger than your enemy's Armor Class, which is typically gonna be 10~18 on average. Weapon Focus, as mentioned, is a feat that'll give you a flat +1 on that attack roll for the weapon of choice. That's the crash course in not missing every attack. If you're using ranged weapons, that usually goes off DEX instead.
How is fighter in this game and in the 2nd for just the story
I know, isn't it great?
There's probably a digital guide in your game folder.
You roll a 20-sided dice and the result of that + your attack rating needs to be higher than the enemies AC.
Clerics are fucking AMAZING. You did well.
Please tell me your wisdom is at least 14?
I want to know your base strength and the weapon you're using since most likely the weapon you havei s based on strength. At level 3, which you should be after the tutorial, you get a spell called "Bull's Strength", use it. Stone Bones is a nice one too but take Bull's Strength and Summon Creature II.
So here's how Clerics work (and a few other spellcasters)
You most likely did the training with learning to heal the sick man? That's how spells work for Clerics - you pick them, then rest, then you get to use those spells. You need 19 wisdom at level 17 (or higher level) to get level 9 spells.
Cleric is basically "buff yourself, hit things, heal yourself".
They also get the summon creature spells so use them,
Also get Tomi the Rogue so you can unlock things - Boddyknock and Linu are terrible due to AI. Daelen and Grimgaw can solo the fucking game almost. That leaves you with Sharwyn (bard so she buffs plus heals, hint you do that better than her) and Tomi (rogue, unlocks things, you would benefit from that)
>you don't need to study some crazy build
Nah, but you probably gotta understand the base concept.
Doesn't seem like it, but there will be tutorials elsewhere. Thanks.
Alright, I get the general idea of the rolls at least. Thank you very much.
STR is only 12
Dexterity is 8, which may be the problem come to think of it. You get debuffs if you're under 10, right? Like not being able to speak properly with less than 10 intelligence, since you're stupid.
Wisdom is 18, since I thought I needed a lot for Cleric.
Constitution is 12.
Intelligence is 11.
Charisma is 14.
Basically I am just a standard build cleric (according to the default setting in the game) with a morningstar, medium shield, Linu companion, a helmet for the Spell Concentration thing and some heavy armour because apparently it doesn't affect cleric spells.
I know the gameplay of clerics, but resting is a bit confusing. I can't seem to rest inside "dungeons"/areas with hostiles at all or very rarely, which leaves me with hardly any spells to play with.
basically you just walk back the way you came jamming the rest button the entire time until it lets you
Intelligence works like that but it's not really important. Wisdom, dexterity and constitution all have a lower save (will, reflex and fortitude respectively) but 8 dex is fine, it's not that big of an issue.
Linu is okay - I'd advise Tomi but the game isn't that hard.
Resting is easy to understand: just be out of the range of enemies. Some of them have a large radius, like the training dummies in the tutorial. Go to the peninsula district first and just move backwards towards the entry until you get to rest.
Going to a new "level" (see a loading screen, like entry to a house or new floor) will usually let you rest if it's something you cleared
I think Clerics get magic weapon as a level 1 spell, use it on your mace.
Wisdom is fine as it is, but increase it to 19 eventually by level 17, you get a new ability point at level 4 and ever 4 levels I think or 5 levels, the other points can go in strength.
Anyway NWN is easy to break as a caster: just retreat like I said, especially to an upper or lower floor you just came from to rest
>You get debuffs if you're under 10, right?
Correct. If 10 is 0 and 12 is +1, the reverse is true. Going down to 9 puts you at a -1 on all rolls off that stat. 6 to 7 is a -2. 4 to 5 is -3 and so on.
Your stats are bit uneven for a Cleric.
Everyone wants decent to good CON and their basic attack stat of choice, STR or DEX. Spellcaster care less about this usually, as well as specific builds that take feats to use other stats for their basic attack.
Between WIS, INT, and CHA you typically want to only focus on your main casting stat (if you have one. WIS in your case) and then MAYBE some points if you use another one for specific spells (in Cleric's case, CHA for turn undead is an example.) This is all a fairly gross oversimplification of building a character, as there's a LOT of shit you can get into that let's you specialize into all sorts of ways.
tl;dr If you want to be a more bashy cleric, consider shifting some points out of INT/CHA into STR and CON. Avoid odd numbers in stats unless you intend to spend the ONE point you get every FOUR levels into making it an even number at some point (or via gear that adds +1 to a stat.) as odd numbered stats do nothing for you.
>playing the OC
You really don't.
Just start with Shadows of Undretide.
Is a 5e game remotely possible?
Or for feats since feats take odd numbers to unlock like improved knockdown needing 13 int
OP has no idea how NWN works - the base campaign is fine
He'll be bored with the game by the time he finishes he OC and will only have experienced a boring campaign.
The base campaign isn't even that bad.
The problem is for people who played CRPGs and could tell how things would work out. For a newbie, it's great and he's having fun which is what matters.
If worse case scenario happens then OP PLEASE JUST START HORDES OF THE UNDERDARK
There, I gave it an all caps too
>13 int
Good point. I forgot about some of the 13 [stat] requirement feats. The biggest problem of trying to explain D&D D20 basics is that there's almost certainly an exception to every situation, build, or consideration if you dig around the rules long enough.
Fuck thank you that reminds me
Next feat get WEAPON FOCUS
Any weapon you want to use
The way the RNG works in this game is that when an item is random, if you have a weapon focus feat (just pick one) then it matches to that, including weapons with bonuses otherwise it gives generic weapons - check your feat list first to see, it'll be near the bottom called "weapon focus: club" or something for example
Thanks for all the help, I managed to make it past the big group this time thanks to you guys. I appreciate it, and I'll keep your advice in mind for later as well.
If it's any consolation I have absolutely no idea what's going to happen, no experience with a western fantasy story's event flags and I have no knowledge about the world/universe beyond generic mythological monsters. So it's all new to me at least, even if it may be a generic story to most.
I just remember struggling as a Rogue until I got Shadow Dancer then just started stealth-critting niggas in the middle of a fight.
You'll be fine just please remember one thing:
before you go into new areas, like for example, the prison in the Peninsula distract, save in a different slot so you have two saves - one before the dungeon and one after.
I don't believe you'll get yourself into an unwinnable situation but you should keep on the safe sword.
The event flags are pretty simple but just remember the recall stone or whatever the fuck it is, can be used more or less any time so feel free to warp back to the temple.
One more thing, it's possible to relevel your character with debug mode - so if you feel like you messed up, you can change it
Enable debugmode, then "dm_giveXP ", where is a negative number, for example "-5000", removes that XP and any levels you would gain from it, so from level 5 to level 3 I think, then you put in "dm_giveXP 5000" to get back to your normal level and you can level up all over again.
You won't need to do that but in the event you're fucked, you can do that.
Save before trying debug mode
>playing shit games
you mean the best crpg
Can anyone reccomend entry level CRPG that's on GOG (I probably already have all the classics, just don't want to get burned out because I don't know what I'm playing).
How about: Deus Ex, Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines, or Baldur's Gate?
Bioware's other offerings, some of which are a much more forgiving ruleset. Jade Empire. Knights of the Old Republic 1 and 2
this , not just because it's a good game, but because the systems and mechanics are pretty simple, relative to some of the other D&D-based crpgs
exactly, it's also shorter than most crpgs
>AOE spell from out of nowhere one shots me and my friend.
Mage genocide when?
Fallout 97 is a pretty good game as far as CRPGs go, but its also pretty hardcore, especially the combat. Be expected to savescum like mad, especially versus the deathclaws.
If you just want something closer to modern sensibilites & controls, play Deus Ex. Its one of the best games, period.