So we can all agree that this is the most consistently good RPG series right?
So we can all agree that this is the most consistently good RPG series right?
Other urls found in this thread:
90℅ of DQ games are unremarkable and don't do anything interesting.
I don't think you are old enough to get it.
Staying to what works is better than adding gimmick and new systems all the time.
Yes, this is pretty much a perfect series.
>7 posts
>no Jessica lewds
It might seem like that to you because you played the copycats first. Regardless, no need to fix what ain't broke, otherwise you end up with games like Final Fantasy XIII.
That's not Wizardry
>music is terrible
>combat is stuck in the stone age (not a slight against turnbased, but dq turnbased is extremely shallow)
>all games follow the same formula, hardly ever surprises the player
so you're saying they're consistent
Pretty much this
consistently mediocre
It's sad to see that people call this series generic eventhough it was one of the first JRPGs to even exist. That's what happens when you dont localise shit I guess
You can really tell who just parrots normie opinions on game on this website. Pro tip; everything you just said is wrong
That's what happens when you change nothing for decades. Say what you will about the stories but DQ has and always is the single most flavorless series of RPGs in the gameplay department. Being first doesn't automatically mean you don't have to change or adapt
I agree though that the stories need to change a bit from time to time. Keep the gameplay though.
And yet 99% of Yea Forums wishes they would get devs like the ones of Dragon Quest for their favorite franchises, but they don't, and as such, they live in envy of one of the most pampered fanbases in all of gaming, who gets the games they want, who have devs who don't badmouth them, who don't throw the franchise history and identity into the trash for cheap gimmicks and who knows that if they push scummy shit like microtransaction there will be backlash.
God, it pains me to know Yea Forums will never know what it is like to be a fan of a series like DQ, that they will forever be cursed with Nuts and Bolts, Mobile sequels, microtransaction, and Paradox DLC.
Based. They all have the same generic, medieval fantasy world. I played VIII and enjoyed, but looking at the others I feels like I've played them all.
The projection is unreal in this post
these games are clearly not for you
go play garbage like FF if you want experimental shit
I have never once seen someone say they wish the DQ devs were behind anything...
If you like the gameplay which is very plain, that's fine, just don't expect people to go out in droves and buy whatever next game. The issue is insecure faggot fanboys who can't handle a little criticism
But its the truth, I wish all the series I liked got the DQ treatment. Instead, they ditch music that has been in the franchise for 20 years.
Because Yea Forums just parrots shit, but deep down, they wish the franchises they liked had the same deal. Its easy to see in threads where DQ is not involved. Yea Forums just doesn't know what it wants.
You're not fooling anyone
You know what is funny? Everyone says DQ is bad and should change, but try asking people opinions on what ways it should change, and you will have some of the worst shit everwritten.
That is an incredibly narrow viewpoint. Like, this is the definition of ignorance.
>DQ1 establishes the genre
>DQ2 adds multiple party members and fighting groups of enemies, as well as a targeting system
>DQ3 adds the first developed class system and one that still holds up extremely well
>DQ4 adds ai controlable party members and a story of interchangebale characters
>DQ5 adds monster recruitment
I could go on, but the point is that it changes in incremental ways to keep things fresh while not taking away what made it so good in the first place. Do you want Dragon Quest to add something like FF8's junction system or something? No, you play Dragon Quest because it's a reliable source of quality gameplay and a sense of adventure.
pokemon would benefit from it since GF is very incompetent
Post more Serena and Jade
the shit they want different basically turns out to be final fantasy anyway
I'd argue SMT is even if you include spin offs and persona.
I don't play pokemon so I wouldn't know
I'm playing dragon quest 7 and I just got through the first island; do things start catching up from here? The fact that it took a little over an hour into the game to get to the first island wasn't the best, but I still have hope.
>Everyone says
the west is irrelevant
The most consistently bland is more like it. FF may have devolved into garbage but at least it was amazing at one point in time instead of being a "consistent" flat line of mediocrity.
7 is the longest game in the series.
DQ is literally peak NPC garbage
it's a looooong game dude and when I said it's long I really mean it
Oh god.
>The West is irrelevant
Square disagrees
It's the longest game in the series dude. Game will taste your patience for 50+ hours. It catches up once you hit the famous alltrades abbey
That woulf imply NPCs give a shit about this series.
Even the spin-offs are consistently great.
Well they should realise that the West doesnt give a shit about DQ.
Why do you insecure DQ kids always talk about final fantasy? Noone is insisting that DQ should be like final fantasy, noone has even said they prefer final fantasy to DQ, so stop insecurely projecting that people who don't like DQ automatically like FF
The classic formula is what makes DQ so good. All your spells and options are relevant since they've spent so much time cleaning up the formula, none of that shit where you just tiredly tuck away your status effects because it's better to exploit some flaw in the unique system to cap damage every round.
I’ve never had the desire to play a DQ game and I don’t think I ever will. There’s nothing original or remarkable about these games. I guess you could say they are “consistently good” in that regard, but they will never be anything more than just “good”.
You really don't deserve to be playing that. That game is above you in a myriad ways.
Actually, you should stop. You're only gonna get mad when you start having to piece the world back together and there aren't nav points pointing right to where you need to go. Then you'll be like "I played this game and it STILL sucks!" to all your Fortnite friends while you jerk off to someone wearing a shirt of Taylor Swift dabbing
I'm 37 and he's completely right. As much shit as FF gets, at least it has the guts to change things up. All DQ games are basically identical. I'm not saying they're all bad games, just not innovative at all. Jaos love the series because autists dislike change.
Let's list off RPG series better than DQ
>Shin Megami Tensei
That's also because they never do anything ambitious and just repeat the same safe shit over and over again.
NPCs love this garbage, it's literally the same shit. At least Daioujou had significant changes and actual challenge, but let me guess, you don't even know what game that is
DQ7 was my first Dragon Quest and I came close to dropping it during the first few hours but I am so glad I didn't.
That game has so much heart, I have no idea how it made me care so much for all the stories and characters, however small their role in the gran scheme.
I played 8 directly afterwards and it just wasn't as good.
Still interested in DQ though. Where do I go from here?
Early might and magic
>good games are bad go on, user..
>just don't expect people to go out in droves and buy whatever next game
Its funny because that's exactly what happens.
Now THIS is based
7 is like "I like DQ, I wish a DQ game would go on forever"
The West doesnt give a shit about this series. Wtf are you talking about?
Dragon Quest games focus on actually good characters, actually compelling stories, and actually decent turn-based combat.
They’re more cinematic than most Basedny games
>playing a game you don't enjoy and they proceed to shit on it
Play 4 or 5. 7 was basically the culmination of the games in that style. They don't have the job system but have similar narrative structure with party members coming and going. People generally say that 5 has the best plot.
>consistently good
Wouldn't say that. There are only 4, maybe 5 stand-out entries. The rest are an absolute bore.
Then what are you insinuating? Please do tell us how you'd change DQ.
slow down user, you haven't even played those
Dragon Warrior 3 on GBC wasn't that great
>Haven't played my favourite games
This is the intelligence of DQ NPCs
Final Fantasy is just a good example of extreme adaptation. The comment I am replying to implies Dragon Quest never changes or adapts, which is completely wrong, it adapts at a good rate, it just doesn't take things too far. I never implied you like Final Fantasy, just saying that if you want extreme adaptation, go play that instead of Dragon Quest, which adapts at about the same rate as games like SMT and Pokemon.
>DQ games are unremarkable and don't do anything interesting
This is the entire series in a nutshell. The only remotely unique title is V.
I liked it more than the SNES version
Strange, how far did you get in VIII? The only ones that I'd say are better than VIII is III, and V. I'd put VIII on the same level as VIII and XI
Will do. Probably gonna have to emulate though and DS emulation hurts my soul.
Wish they'd put them up as digital versions or something.
You have no idea what you're talking about which is standard for DQ idiots
>Please tell us how you'd change it so I can tell you you're wrong.
Enemy variety is garbage, character designs need to stop all looking like dollar store dragon Ball z characters, seriously fire toriyama at this point and hire some young guns that can make art similar to toriyama with more character. Gear that shows up on the character, higher risk higher reward combat, ideally by upping damage numbers, lowering HP, and making buffs/debuffs more powerful.
I completed 8. Got the true ending too but didn't complete the dragovian trials. Stopped at the rock dragon that's impossible to damage.
Honestly post game seemed kinda boring in both games. Fuck hunting metal slimes to get from level 40 to 80 and fuck grinding job points especially.
Yeah, it's kind of a shame. 4 has a mobile port and some people prefer it to the DS versions (since it restored the party chat, which was totally missing from the DS port of 4) but I couldn't get into it.
I only played XI and it's crap. Minster design is cool but that's all.
>There are only 4, maybe 5 stand-out entries
V is the only one that stands out. VIII is very very overrated.
Each Final Fantasy game experiments very heavily and changes from the last. Compare DQ 11 to 1, or SMT4 to SMT1, or Pokemon USUM to RBY, you can tell at a glance they are the same series, just that the later games built on the formula started by the original. Compare FF15 to 1, it's extremely different. It looks like it could be a totally different series.
>but they will never be anything more than just “good”
considering the shitshow that the gaming industry is, being consistantly good for 25+ years is pretty fucking remarkable
DQ is such a harmless series, I've never understood why you guys have so much anger towards it. It reminds me of whenever someone who grew up with a dub of an animu starts aggressively hating on the original version despite it doing nothing to them.
You playing the DS version of VIII no? Because hunting Metal Slimes on it is easy as fuck given you can see enemies on screen, and rotate it to change spawns. But I can get not wanting to spend time killing slimes over and over again.
This. The fanbase has their heads too far up their asses to admit this though. The DQ fanbase is very volatile.
>SJ and Soulless Army are literally the same
Dragon Quest rots your brain
I think hate towards Dragon Quest has increased drastically as of late because Smash Bros fans have been made aware of it.
only thing for me at this point is
A. fire Sugiyama. He's just not very good anymore.
B. have the settings be more interesting than just generic medieval.
>character designs need to stop all looking like dollar store dragon Ball z characters
But DQXIs characters looked great.
Noone is mad at the series, stop projecting how insecure you are. It's just not a great series, it's boring.
>oh no there's a game series thats clearly not aimed at me
>i must proceed to shit on it because i can't handle that
pathetic even more so than the retards who want a easy mode for sekiro
Look at FF for any example of bad changes destroying a series. This series really went off the deep end after X.
*blocks your path*
Those are spinoffs, we are talking about mainline. Spinoffs are where most series would go to experiment.
The protag looks like Android 17 with grey hair. Try again
The problem is that Dragon Quest doesn't have interesting stories for the most part. I know DQ5 is the "darling" of the franchise with its story. However that's a glitch in the system. Most DQ games do not bother with doing engaging stories.
And that to me is the biggest failing with the series. Chrono Trigger has a better story than most DQ games.
Or maybe because XI isn't worth the hype and a bland game.
Hot Take: Blue Dragon was bland and generic, and still a riskier game than any DQ game besides maybe rocket slime or joker
They are other series for you. Like idk SMT?
The last good FF was IX.
Absolute brainlet
>The protag looks like Android 17 with grey hair.
you could literally say this about literally any jrpg protagonist looking like any other jrpg protag, especially when they're designed by the same artist.
Who cares again?
Sorry, English is my first language, wanna try to write that in a coherent statement?
Well we know thats not true.
DQ games are literally brainless mush people play who don't want to think. You know they're literally designed like that right?
Fight me
I would say the NES games had astoundingly good stories for their time. After that, I would say that most DQ games try focusing more on smaller scale stories and a sense of adventure. Honestly I feel like few game give that classic sense of adventure anymore, so i'm glad Dragon Quest always has a place to come home in a sense.
SMT? You call yourself a RPG player and you dont even know what SMT stands for?
>wahh why aren't these games aimed at me
>every game should made for me
DQ6 is pretty boring
Guaranteed you think people should stop "gatekeeping" too
Dragon Quest is so fucking great that it made Yea Forums actually discuss vidya.
I remember liking how much exploration there was and the dream world/real world stuff, but besides that yeah it wasn't great
Nobody "hates" the franchise, but I can understand people hating the overly protective fanbase.
I like smt, reread your post, what the fuck are you trying to say? Are you asking if I like other RPG series, yes I do. But your question is worded like you're drunk
>dragon quest 11 is pure kino
>Final fantasy 15 was complete shit and flopped. 7 remake looks like trash
>Seething ff fags crawling out of the woodwork to shit on dq
Given we'e comparing FF to DQ so much here.
Never played FFXI or DQX
All I see is shitflinging, flamewarring, and name-calling like always.
It's been pretty consistently like this long before anything Smash related. I don't know why it triggers them so much despite being such a non threatening series.
XV didn't flop in terms of sales.
>The problem is that Dragon Quest doesn't have interesting stories for the most part.
It's not a modern persona game, you play it for the exploration and gameplay like any good rpg.
Yeah, they are charming but very derivative rpgs. classic jrpgs have insulting gameplay and design anyway. they are a boring time sink.
You sir are my nigga
Nah you're the one drunk. I daid there are other series that could interest ilyou instead of bitching about DQ. Go there.
>DQ games are literally brainless mush people play who don't want to think.
Ignoring that the way this is worded points to your brain being mush as well, I'd say that most games fit that profile anyway. What's your point? What kind of game does an intellectual such as yourself play?
DQXI sold like absolute shit compared to FFXV, despite being the vastly superior game.
Dragon quest is the kirby of RPGs.
Say what you will about how shitty fifteen is, it sold double what dq11 sold
>I've never understood why you guys have so much anger towards it.
It's because it was a Nintendo exclusive last gen.
>Cancelled the planned dlcs
>In the bargin bin under 3 months after release
>I-it didn't flop bro...
Come on xvkun
What is FF then?
what's the general opinion on the DQ Heroes games?
I recently bought them and liking them so far.
I want main characters I can care about. And I'm not talking about the mute main hero. I mean the side characters in the party, they're not that interesting or enjoyable.
You're not really wrong. VIII is notable for the jump in graphical fidelity and bringing more people to Dragon Quest, but its status compared to other entries isn't as high as some people try to make it out to be.
Really? I would think it's more like the Super Mario of RPGs, that is if you don't count Super Mario RPG as the Super Mario of RPGs
It also cost square so much money they couldn't even finish the game while DQ11 made a solid profit.
>DQ fans are illiterate
Says it all really
boomer weebshit
Which Dragon Quest heroes? The musuos or Rocket Slime?
It's a musou, either you love it or hate it.
>An unfinished shit garbage game outsold DQ
Keep digging
The canned DLCs aren't indicitive of base sales. They cancelled that garbage to focus on real games, which is the first smart decision SE has made since localising DQXI.
Well look at where this series is now.
I'd put them at about equal. Funnily enough they're both arguably the best entries of their respective series.
the musous
super mario has decent gameplay and varied level design and often reinvents itself. DQ is all flash no substance like kirby. Easy, formulaic simplistic games that rely on their charm.
Nigga you're the one who wrote that mess. How am I illiterate? Answer the question.
also the constant erdrickposting by smashfags defenetly has an impact on how the board sees the franchise
Dragon Quest does not need to change
Of course it outsold DQ, DQ is niche by comparison. But that niche series still didn't flop.
Oh yeah. Well then my opinion on them is that they are musuos.
Oh, I'm loving it.
Just curious how other view them.
Only 6 is mediocre.
it's boomer weebshit now. They are still chasing the emo/scene audience of weebs which is dead.
pretty cool games/10
Don't confuse Anti-nintendo shitposters for Smashfags. Those guys have been spamming here and /qa/ with smash shit and /nin/ begging since it was announced.
It needs more ambition in the story department though. Well at least imo.
It's true.
8 is kinda weak in a bunch of ways, but the visuals are disgusting superior to 7. The 3ds remake of dq7 closed that gap enough to make me realize that 7 had always been superior
still mad at this fucker for wasting my seed of mights AGAIN because I forgot he checked out early for pussy
That's pretty much the only response you're going to see.
You know in the Red-dit they have this thing where they upvote the first comment they see regardless of it's quality right? Yea Forums also does the same thing albeit using replies as a form of upvote.
What I was going to say was fuck off back to Red-dit. But it appears that we are already here. Faggots.
Really? I thought V was alright. Don't remember much about it. What about it stood out to you?
say that to DQ builders
Gee user, you're awful familiar with red-dit. You must be a regular
Don't reply to it.
Honestly I think it's still a great game. I enjoyed it more than II, IV, VI, XI, and I. Saying that I happen to think VI is also underrated.
Are my tops.
Which one, Yea Forums?
>simplistic menu-based combat
>generic medieval fantasy setting with generic epic save the world plots
>consistently good
More like consistently mediocre.
FFV has an excellent job system which helps the gameplay of FF and an underrated story.
DQV is remembered for the story but it has that very dated early snes look and feel (pretty much an nes game) which makes the DS/ps2 remake a lot better.
That's a spin-off, weird changes and gimmicks are why Spin-offs exist.
I don't agree with you on VIII, but you are on point in regards to VII. It's incredible how it pulls you into its pace.
Too late..
Right of course.
I don''t care what anyone says, I want the ghost huntin' hick
say what you want about XI but Heliodor is a GOAT jrpg town.
I always loved tomboys, and DQV is one of the cases where they are the winners, so I don't know why the fuck I picked Deb, I just felt intimidated I guess.
Bianca is for real chads
Right, the only one with a personality.
Pretty much. The fanbase will tell you the game's are amazing and better than FF though. It's the typical niche snowflake syndrome.
Best enemy coming through.
People are allowed to have preferences that differ from yours. This response is typical autism, not even slightly kidding. Go get them autismbux champ.
The job system, most notably. But also the general sense of adventure felt very reminiscent of the original FF to me. And even though V was mostly lighthearted in its presentation, the foreboding sense of dread from the crystals shattering got to me more than say, IV.
Its kinda ironic that DQV is renowned more for its story in a gameplay-oriented series, while FFV is renowned for its gameplay in a mostly story-driven series.
Succubats are CUTE
I'd argue SMT is consistently better but it's not like there are any bad DQ games
Deb has the best party chat.
Thanks for the screencap.
>Getting tilted because people don't like your Great Value™ RPG
>Insulting autistic people on the Democratic People's Republic of Minecraft board
You just proved his point. Good job.
struck a cord aye
SMT is also consistently great while having all these spin offs that are completely different from each other which is very impressive.
I'd agree with this just because there are no bad SMT games either
>Inb4 SEETHING personafags
Dragon Quest is the definition of mediocre. V is quite literally the only good entry. The rest are just lazy copypasta.
>inb4 final fantasy boogeyman as per usual
Speaking of the mobile ports, how are they?
As a huge DQ fan, I'm inclined to agree. SMT is even more consistent than DQ. I don't even think SMT has a game like DQ6 in it's roster, that is to say I don't think it has a game that is just mediocre all around. All of them seem pretty good. Also any tips for SMT1, 2, and 4? I plan on playing 1 and 2 soon and I'm just starting 4 now.
This is true. Best wife. Very funny.
Autism brigade here to defend their honor.
Just chill alright? Not asking for much. I know your condition makes it hard but at least try to contain yourselves.
I'll say the same thing I said in /dqg/.
1 and 2 mobile are great, 3 is just ok, 4-6 are great, 7 is jp only and seems ok, and 8 is below average for DQ standards, but above average for phone jrpg standards.
We can all agree that it's the most consistent series at least. But consistently good? I'm gonna have to go with something like SMT for that, if DQ had more entries as good as 5 I'd be more inclined to side with it.
III is the most polished game on the NES, nothing beats first discovering the Americas. It was also better than Ultima for that brief period of time.
>Marry Flora
>Revisit fucking EVERYTHING and read her commentary on it all in party chat
>Get to the place where dad died
Anyone who doesn't say she's the best is wrong and dumb.
>but it's not like there are any bad DQ games
No wonder the fanbase is nicknamed Delusion Queers.
Put this madman at the helm of DQXII.
SMT4 is terrible, but it's also only one game while every other mainline SMT is an 8 or 9 out of 10
Turn based is gay
Cheer mate, been looking for a good JRPG to stick on my phone.
Where do you think you are? We're all autistic here.
Noone considers DQ games bad because they stop playing early on out of boredom. The only people to actually complete these slogs are hardcore DQ fans
>I don't even think SMT has a game like DQ6 in it's roster
Maybe I need to go back and play through it again to see if it has any staying power, but when I beat it the first time I remember thinking DQV > DQVI > DQIV.
Look why do you have to be cunt? Cant you just discuss normally?
Oh wait this is Yea Forums
>consistently good
Consistently okay at best.
Why even reply to Barry?
>Smt IV is garbage
No it's not. Have you even played it?
Yeah sorry. r/EPICGAMERS is about 2 blocks down
I enjoyed marathoning FF far more than DQ.
Who is this fucker?
>discuss normally
>reeeee this series is perfect fuck everyone who disagrees
nice hugbox
7 is the longest game in the series, and although I haven't played all of the games in the series, it's also easily my least favorite one.
>Where do you think you are? We're all autistic here.
Yes but some of us keep ourselves in check, you see?
I don't go in smash threads to inform everyone how much I dislike their game for example and I hate that shit.
>music is terrible
oh no it's retarded
How different is apocalypse? If I were to only play IV or Apocalypse, which would I want to play?
on one of the dragonwarrior games on the nes, a lot of the NPC's would say "Hey (yourname)' so i always named my guy Youbitch, so the npcs would be saying Hey, you bitch. 8 year old me thought it was pretty funny
The guy who defends FFXV by shitting on every other rpg series.
Yeah, only game I'd say that wasn't at least "okay" would be DQ2. All the other games I've played (1 through 8, 11) we're anywhere from good to outstanding.
They are a bit samey but any of the games can really scratch that jrpg itch.
Oh shit, Hoyboys finna boutta take over this thread
I have, have you even played the rest of the series? The complete lack of dungeons as well as the terrible mechanics put it well below the rest of mainline SMT.
Apocalypse and 4 both suffer from bad writing and aren't worth playing for their stories, but Apocalypse fixes everything wrong with the gameplay and has pretty good dungeons.
Keep seething reddit
Never said you couldn't criticise DQ though.
>SMT4 is terrible
Most unfortunate for you
I'd say that DQ is more boomer tier than FF
I was an all spaces guy so there 'd just be a blank chunk in the text
I would recommend playing IV at least til near the end if not outright completing it, and then play IVA. Apocalypse starts in an alternate timeline that begins near the end of IVs story, and Apoc has some great qol changes to the gameplay mechanics. It may be hard to go back to IV, but IV has the superior story of the two games.
Megaten, even if you count everything
4 has a pretty standard story for SMT. I like it better than 1 and 2 for sure just because it's more fleshed out in general.
Iv is much better then apocalypse
There's more if a character focus in 4a in a persona/anime kind of way that I personally didn't care for
It's a bit more lighthearted in the whole which once again is not my bag
My advice for iv would be to go in completely blind and don't be afraid to grind a little in the beginning as Alot of people claim the first dungeon is "too hard"
Thanks boys, buyrating them now. Do I get to fight God?
If we are counting just the mainline series, smt has a higher average I'd say but they have a much smaller sample size so I can't really fairly compare the two
Dude the person defending the post containing the term "Delusion Queers" as if it's anything but flamewar bait is obviously not worth talking to.
And SMT is the RPG for edgelords. Persona is for waifufags.
7 is easily my favorite DQ game. The exploration affecting the game world along with all of the various storylines twisting together made it really immersive for me.
Yeah you got a point
>SMT is the RPG for edgelords.
FUNNY edgelords
No prob user. The DQ mobile ports are honestly pretty damn great overall. Great ways to play the series.
Most people, including me, place DQ6 pretty low in the main series ranking. It's just so "meh." Like it's not outright bad to me, but I'd rather play every other DQ before I go back to it again.
>Have you played the rest of the series
All but 1
>Terrible mechanics
Wanna maybe flesh that criticism out a little more? It has far more developed mechanics then pretty much all the games before it so not really sure what that means
>No dungeons
Strange journey didn't have traditional dungeons either really and is still in the if the top three entries easily
Sounds like you just have shit taste or are more likely regurgitating memes
A bold claim from a guy defending Puff-puff quest
I feel like SMT is for boomers/weebs that want more of a challenge.
>Iv is much better then apocalypse
Ahahaha, no. The only thing IV has over IVA is characters, and even that's kinda debatable with Dagda around. Gameplay is worse in IV, UI is worse in IV, the new demon designs almost entirely look like shit in IV while they're at least palatable in IVA, etc etc
>Do I get to fight God?
Of course, it is a smt game after all
>Strange journey didn't have traditional dungeons either really
Wuuuhh?? Strange Journey is the most dungeon crawling focused mainline game hands down, what do you mean?
Nothing wrong with a bit of puff-puff.
When was the last time Dragon Quest actually tried to do something different or interesting?
I know DQV let you have a wife and a child, which wasn't common back then, and it also let you capture monsters (and was probably one of, if not the first game that let you do that). It also had a very tragic backstory for the protagonist. Anything else?
Im not wrong though about what I said.
9 pretty much invented Streetpass.
If we count the purse owners and strange journeys and nocturne it gives us a comparable serving size, and I'd say smt is more consistently good with maybe persona 5 being the blackest sheep if we leave out devil summoner for being a different subgenre
Yes but I don't think that's a good thing at all. It's better to have a 3 great games and 3 shit games vs 6 good games. People remember it more.
>When was the last time Dragon Quest actually tried to do something different or interesting?
What qualifies as different or interesting though? IX and X went for multiplayer and MMO approaches, and DQ has always experimented with spin-offs.
>with maybe persona 5 being the blackest sheep
What why? P5 is the absolute best persona has ever been and I've played them all.
DQVI did the who Real World/Dream World switching thing, which would eventually go to Past/Present in DQVII(though Chrono Trigger did it better earlier). But that's really it. DQVIII and DQXI were pretty standard.
>6 good games
6 passable games
Sj was closer to one big dungeon, working area to area with then all being very similar.
It's one of the main criticisms I hear from persona fags moving to smt
>Dood it's like mementos the game
Iv has a far more typical dungeon structure with varied locations separated in a world map, easier for someone more familiar with p5s palaces to grasp
That's because FF games are more varied.
Didn't MT or SMT come before DQ5?
>maybe persona 5 being the blackest sheep
Fuck off shitposter
Not according to this thread.
I wasn't saying it's bad, I don't personally like it, but mechanically it's just an oddball with mechanics like sneaking and GUN
dragon quest swords and rocket slime are also pretty unique, but that's about it.
Gun was in P1 and maybe 2 but i agree on the sneaking
>P5 it's the best
Yeah for the first 4 palaces maybe
I liked both p4 and p3 better in the whole, although I admit I played fes and golden so maybe comparing to pre-royal isn't fair
>Although I am definitely not buying Royal
Mostly because maybe people dont agree with what you say?
What game counting persona, and strange journey strays the furthest from the standard formula. If you compare all of them id say 5 is the deviant, again, not bad, and feel free to correct me.
Yeah whoever had any sort of criticism is immediately labeled a shitposter, FF fanboy, or redditor. The fanbase is so fucking sensitive its laughable. They also love going into FF mad Persona threads to claim how high and mighty they are because they're more niche. Pathetic fanbase.
I liked sneaking. Hell it was there in 3 and 4 but it wasn't involved at all, you just had to wait behind the shadow blobs and approach from behind.
I guess you could argue that sneaking makes it too easy but I recall that I could get preemptive attacks in almost all fights of p4g and doing so was just a bit more tedious comparatively.
Also gun is not new at all like the other user said.
Hey Mordegan!
fire toriyama, hire based yasuda, and put more waifus.
Just like what some people are doing though. This thread alone is to shitpost on the series with the basic falseflag tactic of saying " Is X the best Y thing?"
Dragon Quest doesn't have a single character who is half as interesting as the most vanilla protag on the Final Fantasy side.
Now I'm curious. Which smt not counting devil survivor would you say strays the furthest from the group
>Iv has a far more typical dungeon structure with varied locations separated in a world map
That's not dungeon structure, that's overworld layout which is missing from SJ as it is a DS game. Every section of the schwazwelt is a separate dungeon that you navigate a menu to enter while in 4 the dungeons are entered by navigating the overwolrd and the contents are mostly extremely simple in comparison, that's all.
>The fanbase is so fucking sensitive its laughable
From what I can gather its just they dont get good treatment from japan. Late localization for mainline games and then no localization for spin offs. The fanbase is like a starving dog trying to behave good for better treatment.
I love DQ.
Agreed! DQ IS LITERALLY perfect and anyone who says otherwise is a shitposter.
Not him but DDS for sure, you can't even technically change your demon or party demons
no it isn't. shit like epic yarn, dream course and tilt n' tumble are more inventive and risky than dq has ever been.
Not him, but are you also counting devil survivor etc?
If not then yeah, p5 it's a bit of a black sheep
Jack Bros.
Actual answer probably devil survivor.
Why do you ask?
I like Cloud because he's a loser, who needed Zack to force some will into him.
Who else beat Calasmos without using the Sword of Lights item use ability?
Oh fuck for some reason I forgot all about dds, maybe it's because I'm retarded and mix them up with dothack for some reason
Never said that but sure. Have my last (You) I guess.
Not counting devil survivor because it's a strategy rpg which for the sake of comparing to DQ didn't seem fair
You're literally a baby claiming that everyone is a shitposter because they don't downright praise this series to high heaven.
Dds is closer to offshoot territory then mainline, if we are counting those then the dancing and fighting games should be included to tbqh
DQ5 guy doesn't count?
Those are spinoffs you moron.
BoF > DQ
>he says as he leaves his 40th post complaining about his scriticism being disregarded.
Look man just speak your mind and move on. Go ahead and say what you came here to say. No need to crusade over your post failing to change everyone's lives, you know?
Cloud is boring and gay, just like modern final fagtasy
Whats so special about a guy who lost his dad, his freedom, got sidelined and had nothing to say about it?
Imagine a remake of V with an upgraded version of XI's engine.
Why is no one going to the:
Speaking of fighting games, Dragon Quest really needs a fighting game spin off. Fuck, could call it Dragon Warriors.
how long did this gem take you to chisel
Not him but I could see a case made for epic yarn being a mainline Kirby game even with it not being made by hal
fuck off retard
>the gayest character in the gayest JRPG franchise is more interesting that any of the tofu-flavored characters in Dragon Quest
keep cryin' bitch nigga
That would be kinda beat. This thread in general is making me regret dropping 7 a few hours in, but 5 is my favorite entry by far.
>keep cryin' bitch nigga
He says as he continues to cry.
There is just no way a person as childish as you left a post that was worth paying attention to.
Link me to whatever it was that got shoved aside to trigger you this hard and we can all judge you right now alright? I will be honest I don't expect much but I eagerly await your attempt to prove yourself. Don't bitch out now.
God, DQ fans are pathetic.
stop derailing the thread with your asshurt over opinions
>DQ thread gets coopted and converted to an SMT thread
>The DQ cucks don't even care
They're literal babies with superiority complexes. See
I mean, you can't really do much with silent protags.
Right back at ya.
why the fuck do people like DQVII so much? other games in the series are much better imo, but people love VII. what gives? i thought it went on too long for its own good and the party members (minus Mervyn and Kiefer) sucked
A very significant portion of Dragon Quest fans are also SMT fans. They aren't mutually exclusive.
thanks for telling me about the new thread at I will got here immediately
Then mention any other character, then. It doesn't have to be a protag. I can wait.
I'd play it
I got to bed around 130am or so
Yangus is the only memorable character in the entire franchise.
The world is a mystery when you first discover it. You get so into it you actually wanna see what the real world looks like. Why is your tiny island the last one standing? Our task is to fix it? Then the individual stories are good enough to keep you engaged and the class changing was ok to me.
That said I played this as my 3rd DQ. 1st being 1, then 3 and after 7 I played 8.
I have no fucking idea what those fags see in 7, and I generally enjoy DQ games.
All the little isolated stories were very well written, heartfelt and down to earth despite the fairy tale setting. Restoring the world piece by piece and seeing your actions affect everything step by step felt really good. It's just a grand adventure in every sense of the word, I loved it.
dragon quest fucking sucks
Sadly, being memorable does not equal being interesting.
I've heard it's the longest game of the bunch, but if things get better after this I don't mind continuing.
>calling me a zoomer
I've played other DQ games user; if I could endure 6 I can deal with 7.
I guess I can see the appeal. Maybe replaying it later might help me love it as much as I do III, IX, or VII. And yeah the class system is p good
DQ is the template that all other JRPGs followed. They're "unremarkable and don't do anything interesting" because other JRPGs have deviated from Dragon Quest.
I feel like that's what makes the series so special. Every game feels like a grand adventure. 7 just did it especially well.
*III, IX, or VIII.
So far 7 is the only one I've been able to sit through all the way to the end. Peak aesthetic.
Bianca is pretty memorable
this SLUT makes me wanna replay 7
It's actually devolved over the years. DQ3 has more exploration and actual treasure hunting than the latest games in the series. They should rename it Metal Slime Quest since your main objective is to go find metal slime so you can rape the rest of the game.
>Bianca's daughter is pretty memorable
the fact that Dragon Quest 9 is by far the most ambitious and cohesive game in the series yet never gets brought up in these threads goes to show you are all a bunch of bandwagoning posers.
Goddamn she was such a cocktease
Time to dust off the old 3ds
9 feels like a better 7 to me.
Yes. DQXI proves Enix is full of shit by sticking to the turn based system and being a huge success too. Enjoy your live-action FFVII everyone, Final Fantasy is fucking dead
>since your main objective is to go find metal slime so you can rape the rest of the game.
Speak for yourself. I never ever grind in any game. What's the fun in just roflstomping everything?
Party chat is the best thing about the games though and you don't get that with a bunch of ocs
That being said I loved DQ9, definitely put it above 8 and 11 but below 4, 5, 6 and 7
Kawazu isn't interested in working on other franchises since the PSX days, the only way to do so is to force him, which works maybe for one game, then he loses interest because he can't have free reign and just quits or lets other direct while giving a few heads up and pretending to care, look at how FFCC turned out.
Besides, who the fuck would make him work on DQ of all things? It's the exact antithesis of what he stands for, second only to FF, Kawazu is best when he's in the SaGa kitchen and can go absolutely batshit insane.
See, this is why nobody likes the DQ fanbase.
I pirated DQXI, and it put me to sleep. So easy, repetitive, and all-round bland.
Deb of course
>simplistic menu-based combat
Yet better than most jrpgs not Etrian
I don't know man. Something tells me you're a samefagging autist to be honest.
It was painful watching DSP breeze through XI with ease.
absolute cope
DQ is a series that has somebody who actually cares about it since its inception, and cares about the series' identity.
FF stopped being like that when the original team disbanded after FF2 and Sakaguchi turned it into his own cow and trampoline for becoming a celebrity, DQ is an auteur series, FF is a cashcow made to fill the execs' pockets.
Not convinced. Dynamic IP makes this very easy to do and if you're bothering with making false flags and replying to yourself there's nothing you won't do.
>Is so Alpha makes the hero spin around in the ending when they dance
up your meds terry
at least we agree that 8 and 11 are bad. dq is all about exploration which doesnt work with the camera on ground level. about 456 the remakes are atrocious and the originals too dated. dq3 for the sfam is the only good remake in the series.
this is just how far the fanbase has their heads up their collective assess
DQXI is legit one of the best rpgs of all time. The simple fact status effects and buffs aren't worthless or too OP on all encounters is amazing compared to most jrpgs
>DQ is an auteur series, FF is a cashcow made to fill the execs' pockets
yet in the same breath you claim XI made more money than XV
The absolute quest of paranoid DQfags
Other guy could always post his screencap and prove me wrong but until then I won't believe it. This board is full of your type of autist and that's not even up to debate.
The fact that you're the second poster reinforces my stance.
I wanna cum on Serena's forehead and Jades tits
I don't get what this picture is implying
>you claim XI made more money than XV
Not him, but you act like that's a hard thing to accomplish. Unlike FF15, DQ11 wasn't in development hell for 9 years only to be released unfinished with abandoned DLC.
That's why I like they added the option in DQ11 to not gain xp with easier monsters, it's so tempting to over level your characters. Often times it gets tiresome and repetitive though, after a while you just want to finish the game and realize to move the story forward from point A to point B. it's just a bunch of monsters and a boss at the end.
Most consistent by the numbers boring JRPG sure
When should we expect DQXII?
>Japs love the series because autists dislike change
Pretty much.
Actual map is oversimplified.
pro tip: that first dungeon design was a copy of the dragon quest 4 first cave you go through with ragnar
and there was also a lost soldier in the cave too
Clearly you need an exceptional level of IQ to understand Dragon Quest.
It's time
oh boy I wonder who will win in this DQ thread
I like DQ but I love SMT.
2021 and western release 2023
pic related shits on Cloud
lmao no
explain how he isn't just a generic blank slate
Yamcha with a turban?
Name a sadder scenario in a DQ can't.
Its pretty telling about how mediocre Cloud is when you can feel more satisfaction and sympathy out of a blank slates journey than a character who has dialogue.
If you played even one game you would never say any of those lies.
But Dragon Quest itself basically deviated from Wizardry
The love story with the gardener and the lady that you come back to multiple times through the ages.
That shit was seriously heartbreaking. For a game that appears to appeal to children with its designs and all, the themes it tackles and some of the places it goes to are infinitely more mature than other games in the genre.
It's not one of the first. It's THE first.
As a matter of fact, I think it's also the first console rpg.
Wasn't that the love square(?) storyline?
Okay, so you can't do it. Good to know.
Wait, that wasn't meant to be funny?
Sugiyama is still amazing. His compositions are brilliant. It's just how he licenses the orchestrated versions of his work that's infuriating. DQ 11 got a lot of shit because it was a midi soundtrack but if you listen to the orchestral versions (which will be available on the Switch version) it's fucking decadent.
>basic silent protag #4668383845869
so unique
Cloud literally defined the modern generic JRPG character tropes. He's genre-defining.
You should consider actually playing a game before making an absolute statement like that.
I would say that the enemy variety is lacking, but I personally felt the world was fun to explore. The soundtrack is also low key great.
I have, and it was fucking boring. I enjoyed Resonance of Fate far more.
Of course not. People were excited but didn't know what they were in for. And once they played it, it's gotten about as disliked as 13 (albeit for different reasons).
DQXI also didn't have much original music. it reused a ton from the past games. Most notably from III, V, VI and VII
You're right about everything but DQ2. DQ II introduced and perfected multiple classes and character battles on console. It's a great game. FF2 is a broken experiment.
Bianca for child bearing, Deborah for seed spilling.
Ah yes, the infallible "you haven't played it" accusation. I see XV-kun has taught you well.
I think DQ and SMT are both consistently great. However while I appreciate DQ's focus on perfecting what it has, I like SMT's fearlessness in experimenting and trying out weird shit. I love FF because it's a weird middle ground between the two.
I've only played SMT3 and SMT4 and liked them both, how are the games prior to them?
Very old, but good, but old.
It feels a lot like a world that you're exploring and discovering for the first time. Every island has a problem and you're there to solve it. It's refreshing because you don't really worry about "BIG BAD GUY" until the very very end.
>consistently good
Consistently okay*
Congratulations on the first original post in this thread
At least I've one-upped the series now.
The issue is that OP started the thread the way he did. Then again without every autist dropping in to post that line it probably wouldn't have reached 410 replies so not really an issue after all maybe.
>Those results
Yea Forums was alright for once
But SMT didn't win though
The results have DQ and SMT ahead of all the others, which is good. I don't mind either one winning
i miss the NES days when dragon warrior was actually darker in story, people dying and going to towns full of skeletons and shit.
But FF XIII is a great game.
If it was a homage then I appreciate that. Still not an excuse to keep the game oversimplified, since the NES is limited in memory that's why the need to simplify it (aside from underestimating player's desire for exploration).
Even Google saw potential in making a really open world Dragon Quest. Remember 8-bit Google Maps? It was a call to arms to make a real Dragon "Quest", instead of a Dragon "Fetch Quest".
I like this, and DQ. Why can't we all just get along?
The irony is that NES DQ had complex caves compared to new DQ.
at this point I've played almost every DQ game.
I can without a doubt say, I fucking hate the franchise and want all the time I lost back.
If any of you are looking to try them out after seeing retards like OP, just play the Snes version of DQ3 and the DS version of DQ5.
give me dragon quest monster: joker 3
It's got a translation patch
You're not getting it officially at this point
>plays all the games of a series he hates
what do we call this
A lie
a false flag