
>mostly fights on foot

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Original poster
>his posts are not original

>that tiny peek of booty

gets more more than the whole thing brehs...

Y-Yeah... haha...

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she's called rider because she rides my cock every night haha

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>supposedly strongest servant
>fights in close combat with a sword

>not on my dick
Fuck this gay earth.

The only good thing about Fate

You know what she rides
can we have a F/SN thread without subhuman gachaniggers shit up another thread with their "ZOMG LOOK AT MY ROLLS GUISE". I know it's already been discussed to hell but anyway

>strongest servant
>gets her ass kicked by an unarmed schoolteacher

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You go to Yea Forums to discuss fsn

Here is your servant. Do you get along
(reroll until you get a single servant)

Looks like me

No idea, but she's cute. What's her abilities and persona like?

she's a "master can do no wrong and I shall follow to the end ot the earth" type. She's pretty kind to everyone and is pretty modest
not a bad roll

>Robin Hood
>basically Kiritsugu with Druid powers
Now THIS is my kind of fighting style

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is she different personality wise to regular artoria?
Would she be as hard to bang ?

I got a cutie

As a Sengoku weeaboo, probably not. He'll also fight until I die trying to power him

I'd Rider her

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of course!

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Lancer Artoria in virtue of being a responsible adult has far less autistic altruism in her blood.
And can be even a little witty, flirty, and comical.
She's still intentionally dull tho.
>Hard to bang
You definitely didn't read the VN.

How many of the Heavens Feel movies have come out? I think I saw the first one where true assassin shows up and I think either kills someone important or dies. Forget which.


>everyone fucking dies

shirou only managed to bang artoria because of his autism and even them he borderline forced himself upon her
what am I missing


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She rides dick.

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Fug, she's going to be real high maintenance isn't she?

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Funny, today i rolled lolidusa wht a tiket.

Finally someone to step on me

I wish she'd ride mine

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Pas (the artist) was like seeing a descent into pure progressive blandness.
First he was flat chests only religiously.
Then he love big tits including breast expansion oppai loli.
Then he went back to maids and anime.
Then disappeared.
And now he only likes sexualizing traps that are just young enough and ultra safe idol humor.

Yeah...not into corpses.

When they say rider they arent talking about horses

2 of 3.

Lancer dies and Saber gets corrupted.


fuckable jets, nice

I thought he was already dead. In fact isn't him dying a staple of the series?

>dressed up as an OL
>drawn by Ashiomi Masato

God damn I already busted a few times already today.

Das it mane

Guess I'm a mother now.


With the exception of OC Fate characters, who is the newest (most modern) Servant to ever be summoned?

>exclusively bad games and gachashit
wew lad, waifufags will gobble up anything

Blame Carnival Phantasm. (He did kick ass in one of the FGO OVAs as Caster)

You sure did! Shiki best girl


Well yeah, bringing out Pegasus takes a lot of energy, is blindingly blatant and compromises the secrecy of the holy grail war (which if you do too severely, the church calls for an alliance against you, remember Fate/Zero), and pretty clearly unveils her identity.

>"archer" servant
>whips out two swords
>has a gigantic shield spell
>his final attack is creating a reality marble full of swords

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>the church calls for an alliance against you, remember Fate/Zero
I do not. When did the church do anything in Fate/Zero?

Birthwise was Anastasia.
Deathwise was Tesla.

I got Solomon.
Good to have you back, Romani.

Her VA speaks fluent english and streams on twitch sometimes.

I'm gonna take the bait just to make things clear:
Saber is shit in the VN because Shirou is a shit-tier Master. If she had a proper Master she'd be unstopable, even VN Gilgamesh would have a tough time.

And yet, he's deadliest when he uses his bow. For all his magic and swordplay, he is most comfortable and most effective at long range.
Kotomine Risei called an alliance against Gilles de Rais and would reward any who participated in the ceasefire with a command spell.

I like pizza a lot, so I think we'll get along ok.

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... looks like I win every HGW ever

>his final attack
>excluding the part where he can just send his swords flying
Basically Archer.

I like to imagine a route where kuzuki teached shirou the snake, how overpowered would the sword autist be?

>Caster was summoned by a serial killer
>They begin killing childs left and right.
>They use their bodies to summon an evil eldritch Octopus.
>Risei Kotomine offers a new command seal to anyone who kills them.
>Everyone but Berserker team (because of AAARRRRTHURR issues) joins.
>Caster and his master die.
>Kayneth gets the free seal first, then kills Risei with a gun to put the blame on Kerry.

Considering his best move set is to use two swords. Not much more powerful than he is right now.

>Rider's True Name is Alexander the Great, the King of Conquerors (征服王, Seifuku-Ō?), summoned as the adult aspect known by the name Iskandar (イスカンダル, Isukandaru?)

At least he would hace some fightung style, maybe kuzuki knows swordplay too, he is a trained assasin after all

she rides u stupid

She rides Shirou.

I don't know anything about fate, is she good?


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Can I re-roll?

I got a cutiepie :3

someone post the comic where the protag asks why he's named dragon rider if he doesn't rider dragon and the other enemies find his dragon dildo collection

She is the protagonist of Kara no Kyoukai. A Yakuza heir who had double personality until a car accident, now has an ability known as "Mystic Eyes of Death Perception", where she can see the mortality of everything and literally cut it.

That ability also plays a big role in Tsukihime.

Hey remember that time Neil Armstrong actually got summoned and we didn't get the see the fucking fight!?

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>is actually a snek

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When are we going to get Caster King Arthur?

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Sounds mundane but nice

>Luvia finally comes back as a servant in Go
>she looks like a man

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>Some loli sakura clone assassin with her evil form's hair color

sounds great

>No fight involving Vlad or Arcueid.
Is Last Encore the worst Fate-related animu?

Just go to /jp/

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Do I win? Also probably won't get along well.

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>even VN Gilgamesh would have a tough time.
Well yeah, Gilgamesh is a shitter.

>ride shirou's sword
pretty accurate to me

Vrooom Vrooom

sex with raidaa

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lol. soul, unironically

Rulers are folks summoned to keep an eye on the HGW when the Church is not enough, all of them don't have any wishes at all. So of course, the plot of Apocrypha is that a Ruler lived long enough to get a wish of his own and manipulates the war to get it.

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I dont know anything about Fate , but main its got some top tier anime tits

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You got that shit right.

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Fuck the HGW, I'm gonna fill this cup up

Pray nobody summon Kerry or Archer, otherwise your ass is toast.

>Carmilla the Assassin
>mommy proportions
>willingly serves a master that accepts her for who she is and her past
I think we'd get along just fine.

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>that time she told Shirou she'd fuck him if he let her borrow his bicycle for a bit

How could a simple sword wielding person be stronger than all the other crazy magic there is in Fate?

I've give her all the bikes she'd want if that's all it takes.

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Resistance to magic, for starters.

Well if you want to go that deep, Saver in Fate has a ability called Mana Burst or something. What it does is allow her to augment her strength and shit at the cost of mana. Now if you're given a shitty master with very little mana, well you find yourself in quite a pickle.

Plus she's not able to user her NP when she wants. Oh and on top of that she resistant to magics and is fucking just a lucky SoB.

...Fate Saber is busted.

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I got lu bu's horse. How is that even fucking possible?

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*Saber. Saver is a different thing altogether.

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Same reason fucking concepts can be Servants. If enough people "believe" in them then they are eligible. Maybe Lu Bus' horse is popular in China I don't fuckingk know anymore.

Shirou has Avalon that he can give to Saber, that puts his Saber better compared with other master of Saber that has better stats.

>Among men, Lü Bu. Among horses, Red Hare.
Red Hare itself is confused if he is just the horse given a human mind or a fusion between the horse and Lu Bu.

And I agree with you, except she's still hamstrung by the whole no mana thing.


I don't even fucking know. Is this the most obscure servant possible?

That guy is from an upcoming novel where everyone gets a servant.

>doesn't beat people up by swinging an assassin around

Face it autist, the classes are molds that only require a criteria to be met. You're talking about a game with 2 fucking Archers, neither of which use bows in regular fights, both of which who use swords as weapons.

Rider has a mount, and it's her noble phantasm, so that qualifies her for Rider class.

It's almost as if the Rider class is meant for people with any weapon type they want, but since there is no specific weapon required they slap a "must own a ridable noble-phantasm tier thing" requirement, which Rider easily fits.

>where everyone gets a servant.
What, how?

i got gallad, at least he is not mashu


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>« Once, there was a large war. The war ended, and the world became peaceful. Now, anyone has a "Holy Grail" and summons a Servant bound to their fate. There is only one girl, Utsumi Erice who doesn't have one. This girl encounters the last Servant summoned into the world, a boy. But, she has no idea what her fate shall be. »

should i watch last encore?

God I want to ride her.

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The man who got bullied to death

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No it's shit. Just play Extra, read wiki or fap to Nero porn

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B-based more of the Gorgon sisters pls

>Chloe von Einzbern
Not a fan of loli but I guess I'll draw her

Interesting story

Why is she so scared ? they are sisters

She’s not an adult and in her child form

Wait, what the shit? Why is Shiki a servant?


Because she's not a "simple sword wielding person" autist. Let's go over some of the basic benefits:

Saber gets innate massive magic resistance, enough to make Gae Bolg not instantly kill her, which gives her a huge edge against Caster or anyone who uses magic (hint:most servants).
Saber has top tier stats, 2nd only to Berserker in F/SN, but that Berkserker is one of the top Berserkers period and is flat out stated to be stronger in other classes, because Berserker comes with Madness, which is really fucking bad.
Saber has no innate downsides like "Madness", or "extremely low luck/other stats", or "entirely dependent on NP", "Needs shitloads of magic energy", or "stuck to X location only", or "loses strength when not surprise attacking"
Saber can insta-kill entire groups of enemies or even massive monsters with her Noble Phantasm which is Anti-Fortress level, capable of literally killing Berserker something like 9 times with 1 blow in the VN.
Saber can survive powerful attacks, something several classes (Assassin/Caster generally) can't do.

Saber is fucking insanely powerful when she has a proper master, someone capable of supplying her reasonable amounts of mana but also supporting her with proper planning, tactics, backup in fights, ect. The class as a whole is very strong as it has the advantages of the knight classes, and Saber herself is pretty fucking good too.

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They're about to make her a adult.

As someone who watched three weeks ago. Don't. Unless you like seeing nero tittie/ass cleavage.

Literally "my character is infinity power x2" tier of may sue.

The anons replying to you are retarded, Red Hare is specifically a LOST BELTS servant, which means essentially alternate history bullshit servants. You couldn't summon Red Hare in an actual Grail War, he's specifically existing in a bubble in time where history is all fucked up and shit is incorrect, which is part of Fate Grand Order.

But Shirou only summoned Saber BECAUSE he had Avalon, it was the same in Zero. Logically anyone capable of summoning Saber should have something worthwhile on them, unless you get a piece of the round table and ultra-luck your way into Saber somehow answering that call. Avalon probably isn't even the most busted thing you can summon Saber with, imagine someone with THE real holy grail, which would basically 100% get you Saber as the summon even if you didn't realize your cup was the holy grail.

You'd probably end up with galahad if you use the actual grail itself as your catalyst.

Not really, lore wise there are plain reasons why the knight classes will be the best, and even with that Hercules comes in with big dick energy and immunity to attacks that aren't extremely powerful to begin with, gaining immunity to anything that kills him, oh and that's pretty fucking useful as he has 12 lives and most servants would be lucky to have 1 way to kill him, let alone actually kill him 1 way.

> on foot

Dont mind if I do

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She didn't deserve it

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>Literally "my character is infinity power x2" tier of may sue.
Yeah, why would one of the most legendary mythological figures wielding arguably the most famous legendary sword in the world be overpowered? Must be a Mary Sue, lmao

But since Saber is literally waiting outside of time for a chance to grab the grail and she can see summons, shouldn't she be the first to come before the Holy Grail (of the war) has a chance to even attempt to assign a "real" servant? If she was just in the waiting hall with Galahad I could see him taking the chance first, but she has her own queue and her only purpose in that queue is to get the grail eventually.

is the new movie in watchable quality yet

The bootleg is watchable shut up

Blu ray release I'm august

>Alter Ego Kiara

Yes, Fate really fucked up with the Rider class and how it's supposed to function. You quite literally have more people outside the class mounted than inside it.

He's been trained in elite fighting techniques since he was a child and was being enhanced via magecraft by Medea. You retards seem to forget that human beings CAN fight servants and that servants are just 10% weaker than they were in life. (For the ones that were actually alive which is 90% of them)

All servants are just replications of their real-life counterparts that were people that were...wait for it...enhanced with magecraft.

Zelretch for instance is human and could kill tons of servants, even simultaneously. Typically though people can't fight them because magic in the atmosphere has been depleted over the years and certain magecraft doesn't work anymore/is weakened/is lost knowledge. THAT is why servants are so powerful, they come from an age where magic was plentiful, powerful and known by quite a few.

Not to mention he was using a technique that was something sort of similar to Tsubami Gaeshi in which it's utterly astounding to even servants and is supposed to work on LITERALLY ANYONE the first time it's used but once it's observed they learn the "trick" of it and are able to dodge it there on out.

Feel like you guys don't really get the lore, you should read the original novel.

Forgot mah pic

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They seem pretty cool

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>Bleeding heart of combat and kindness

Life is good

In other stuff real life Nightingale wrote some very interesting things on how she felt about the world and people.

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>This demonic sword technique, the utmost and sole technique used by Assassin, is not a Noble Phantasm or a magical phenomenon, but it has reached a level comparable to one out of pure godlike skill that "surpasses even Servants."

Yeah Tsubami Gaeshi is pretty amazing, Saber was skilled enough to dodge it though which is amazing twofold. She had that level of awareness/skill AND had had managed to develop that as a warrior that was LITERALLY invincible throughout most of her warrioring career via Avalon so that's just astounding, most people would be weakened by such a crutch.


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even then it doesn’t make sense, as pegasus was born from her severed neck hole

Why the fuck is that watergun filled with some yellow fluid?

Fate myths aren't always meant to be 100% accurate to the real-life myths.

For Rider Medusa she probably had the ability in life to summon Pegasus at will via her blood or something. If you're interested in more about her, Fate/Hollow Ataraxia is translated and you can download and read through that to hear her story of her life on the Shapeless Isle and how she died. Haven't gotten around to it myself yet.

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It's water.


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just glad i didnt get a shitty animu girl

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Neil Armstrong is in one of the movies

I have, though I wish I waited a bit longer for the voice patch.

Yeah but you got a jew.

You need mana to activate Avalon which Saber can't generate on her own and which Shirou only sort of can provide.

The whole reason she wasn't given Avalon according to the writer though is that if she had it from the start she would have won every single encounter and there would be no drama, that's how highly the writer thinks of Avalon and Saber power wise. (Think Sakura was still has fav though)


Who are the 2 girls that Rent Saber?

Is the Fate/stay night visual novel worth reading? Should I just watch the anime instead? What about Fate hollow/axtaraxia?

You got some dude that will probably ignore you to make golems though.

>Nah, I'm busy. Making golems. Use a command spell if you want me to do it, if not I'm gonna be making golems. Bye.

yes, no, yes

Up to you. Theres a roughly two hour prolouge. Finish that and see if you want another 20-40 hours of that.

>Now, anyone has a "Holy Grail" and summons a Servant bound to their fate
So if everyone has a grail does that mean anyone can just get their worldly desires at any time?

>enter the holy grail war when you already have the holy grail
low int post

Fate/Zero is worth watching, yes. However it's generally suggested to read the original FSN novel first since Zero spoils some things.

Here's a copy



Grail doesn't actually grant wishes and it was sort of never intended to. It was meant to solve the original ritual holder's wish to access the Root and origination of existence.

Grail is actually a vessel of HUGE amounts of mana with which you can then achieve great things with said mana.

Depending on what you want, the grail can do what you need it to. But it's possible for your dreams to be too much for it and essentially impossible. Though in theory the mentioned Root could sort of be the real grail....

I mean, it’s not like she dodged the real thing. The first time, Kojiro only had room for 2 slashes, so the move was incomplete. The 2nd time, his sword was bent from blocking Saber’s, which created an opening in his slashes that Saber could utilize.

>Assassin of Red / Semiramis
If I was Kotomine Shirou this would be fucking excellent. We'd get on decent since I'd be letting her do whatever she wanted to try and win the grail war.

Type-moon crossover, she appeared in her own singularity based loosely around Spiral Paradox. That version of her gets kinda stranded and comes home with you.

>Now, anyone has a "Holy Grail" and summons a Servant bound to their fate.
Jesus, how far can they muddy the original concept?

Thanks user.

Yeah I don't really recall all of that anymore but they're both pretty amazing regardless. Think I'll emulate Unlimited Codes later to play as Kojirou

>All servants are just replications of their real-life counterparts

Wait so servants aren't the real deal?

Np, it's pretty long and separated into various parts

Fate route
Unlimited Blade Works
Heaven's Feel
Last Episode (Pretty sure that's included in there, but you have to 100% clear everything including bad ends and the like to reach that. Just worry about that once you're done with Heaven's Feel.)

I was destined from the start


My dick would literally never stop being erect and it would be an immense problem

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>her NP is a fast pegasus

All these years and I still dont get it.
You would think that her NP would be about turning others into stone or something.


I'm okay with this evil christmas tree king

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Yes and no.

When you die and are famous enough in humanity's mind to count as a level of worship as a hero your soul is removed from the cycle of spiritual transmigration. You don't get to go to your original pointed afterlife based on your religion/lack of/or reincarnate.

You instead get sent to the Throne of Heroes to be utilized by Gaia.

When the Holy Grail War ritual is started it then calls to these souls and sends them a depiction of the intent of the Holy Grail War ritual. To create servant familiars to live and fight and die in a ritual to then be used to fuel the Holy Grail. Only it lacks the sheer power it needs to do this. The servants can't leave the the throne so instead they reach out and essentially touch the premade servant class container and "Fill it" with an impression of themselves. They get a portion of the original's soul-stuff.

That is how a servant comes to be. The original soul remains in the Throne of Heroes but the servant copy now exists with the mind and part soul of the original and does all the things they would do if they were alive.

However when they die that extension of the original then returns to the Throne of Heroes as if it were their first death and merges with them so they attain all the experiences as if they had lived it themselves. So it's essentially like they had gone to begin with even though they never left.

Saber is the exception to this as she's just a time traveler in Fate/Stay Night. As explained by her. She's literally just traveling from 537 ad or so to the present.

Then how does it get corrupted? Is there right and wrong in the world?

>False Assassin

Yep, seems about right. Just my luck to get exactly one of the three servants that are known for killing their masters with no questions asked.

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woops posted too early
I dunno how well we'd get along honestly, i feel like she'd end up being the one leading me around

Not sure what you mean or are referring to, been a long time since I read it. But it gets corrupted in the 3rd Holy Grail War or so IIRC.

A member of the Einzberns I believe tries to cheat and has access to some of the original ritual blueprints essentially since their family was one of the original creators of it in history supposedly. He amends to the ritual to create an 8th servant class so he can have 2 and have advantage over everyone else. However it doesn't go right and he gets a twisted soul that ends up fusing with the Holy Grail ritual and making it a living, conscience thing that pretty much only wishes to do ill because of the sheer anguish and hatred it feels. (It was an innocent person in life that was tortured cruelly)

So when the 4th Holy Grail war occurs in Fate/Zero Diarmuid gets his curse upon the grail fulfilled sort of. Nothing good can come from it anymore because of what happened in the 3rd. The ritual is fucked.

I believe she has the desire to serve loyally since she's still a knight. So I don't think she'd boss you around.

But since it's still Artoria however she's gonna have a specific way she would like things done. Righteous zeal in the name of the just and all that.

That's what i mean, while it wouldn't be bossing me around, it would still be doing things sort of her way

You could always stain her knightly honor and use command spells to force her to behave how you like.

She gonna kill you though if she gets the opportunity.

>Contrary to her class, Kouyou is a gentle Servant well versed in healing magecraft.

Great, so we're both failures at our job.

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Id rather be friendly to my servant

They already said they're changing her art, relax.

Nasu just wanted to be clever and justify her being a Rider based on how she dies in the myth.

Got loli ripper
I wanted cleo but ok

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I seriously think Rider was just suffering the fallout of the strained development process that FSN went through. She was probably not even intended to be a rider originally or something like that.

We know there was supposed to be more than 3 routes and that when writing started several more were started and/or completed and Nasu ended up merging some stuff and having a lot of trouble with it and it ended up taking a REALLY long time to get it done finally.

I'm winning my war with best Onee-san!
Ole, Motherfucker!

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>corrupted wife
Salter is okay but i prefer the vanilla blue version of my wife

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You might not live through the night without some serious bonding there, pal. Good luck.

On the other hand you do get to look at this up close.
You're a lucky bastard. Tempted to roll for her right now but I already got Ozymandias and I've only got like 85 quartz right now. Shit.

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Correct me if I am wrong, but it is true someone wrote some novels with the premise of a "Caster Route"?



I think that was one of the originally intended routes of sorts, I know Shielder was as well. Which is probably why Shielder wound up in FGO with Mash as a lead character.

I believe it was confirmed Shirou could have summoned Medea because of his strong desire to increase his skill with magecraft and that's something that Medea also shared in her life.

I'm not sure if there's a fan doujin series about a Caster route out there, but asking over in /vg/ in the FGO threads might get some more info since there's a lot of fluent Japanese speakers over there.

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S...Sorry everyone...

How are you people so lucky?

You piece of shit. Put it back.

Kintoki a best

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uh...is this good or bad

Attached: 1446328434954.jpg (352x370, 26K)

is this bad

>Mostly fights from a Chariot
>Said Chariot is the fastest form of movement in the Nasuverse
>Is based on a real person who accomplished things in life instead of a misinterpreted mythology (Medusa was so hideously ugly that looking at any part of her turned people into stone, none of that eye of mind's eye bullshit)
>Is based in general
>Wants to become a lv.1 regular human so he can have fun conquering the world unlike casuals like Gil who just want to use all their OP NG+ equipment to steamroll everything
>Reality marble hardcounters everything short of universe-destroyers

Attached: Rider_(Fate_Zero).png (1069x1600, 2.51M)

Rider literally wanted to team up with Gil so Gil could use the treasury to arm an OP super army to dominate the Earth.

You did good. Altera is a child-like existence that needs to be taught the joys of life since she was created by aliens and sent to destroy human civilization. She was cheated out of having a life of her own.

>Rides dicks
works out well

Attached: 72800065_p0.jpg (1240x1748, 1.47M)

Good Fucking roll.
Move to a country with no grail war, treat her well and let her tell you her stories and you're in.

Attached: Explain No Further.jpg (539x526, 77K)

oh my

Attached: 1454121519873.gif (370x281, 865K)

>Is based in general
Another person that didn't get that everything that came out of his mouth was wrong and that was the point. He was extremely charismatic and believed in what he said, even if none of it was true.

Lancers have terrible terrible luck stats, its why most of the time they screwed over in the Fate series.

All the scrubs on his team needed it so they don't triplecart to anything stronger than Assassin.


Yeah, who would love that kind of girl

Attached: 1549319489390.png (636x900, 472K)

>She literally just walked through towns wiping them off the map.
>Roman pantheon of Gods catch wind of this and a ton of them go to confront her.

>Now listen here you brown hided minx, need to (DIES BRUTALLY)
>Kills Mars, God of War, takes his sword and starts stabbing the other Gods in their throats

And that's why the Roman Gods aren't around in Fate anymore.

Based Regend

Attached: Smug Regend.png (216x244, 85K)

>Get a fucking Sakura clone

Attached: 74102990_p0.png (1500x1500, 3.27M)

>"Bad luck"
>Gets the strongest master in the entire series after pure coincidence kept him from getting the servant he wanted

These people don't know what luck is. The lancers died because they were useless faggots.

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I'm going to say it. I'm going to say the C word

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She needs strong legs so she can ride on top of me.

Premise is really bland for a Fate story. Everyone having a servant and shit ruins why people like Fate to begin with which is how servants react and intereact with the modern setting and the characters.

Was it autism?

Attached: 1whGZ.jpg (1280x720, 70K)


I think I could get along with Gawain, he seems like a pretty cool dude.

Childhood trauma builds character

Only 1. 2nd is still cam.

Heaven's Feel is overrated trash.

>Due to being part succubus she struggled with herself not to rape him every night ever since he was a young boy

Fate is interesting.

Hey I got an actual rider.

Attached: 1549944088374.jpg (1302x1842, 222K)

E luck

Attached: rbElpl.jpg (640x360, 32K)

iirc, Saber was actually the real deal because she accepted servantude before actually dying at Camlann. At the end of the Fate route she rejects the deal and ends up going back to her time and dying proper without getting uploaded to the throne of heroes

Cope, Rhinofag

Attached: Smol Sakura.png (340x419, 181K)

Yeah I mention Saber being a time traveler somewhere else. There's also a few servants that are souls bound inside living human beings which is known as being a demi-servant.

And the reason she doesn't go to the Throne of Heroes is because of Merlin.

I want Sakura to lick my ass.

Still the least popular heroine. Even her uncle who spends 95% of his screentime getting cucked to death is more popular.

We need the version of him that was getting succ'd every night. Bet his life turned out differently.

>Even her uncle who spends 95% of his screentime getting cucked to death is more popular.

Again: Cope.

What the fuck did I roll typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Berserker_(Fate/Requiem)
Always never lucky

Based Sakurachad.

Attached: 1558209688272.jpg (1184x1182, 134K)

I feel like the people that roll her are just lying.

Rolled on her a bunch and got nothing.


Total bros

the one on the left
please let me fuck

Attached: FullSeaside_Luxury.png (750x1282, 1.61M)

You goofed

>Easily the most famous heroic spirit
>Gets effortlessly rekt in every route
>Berserker is the worst class for a person defined by his wrath

How far would Herakles have gone if he was a generic anime broad?

Attached: monumento-linhas-torres-hercules.jpg (2592x3888, 3.56M)

She came to me on the first 10 roll.
I wish CCC got translated.

It was childhood trauma

How am I doing?

Works for me

You should read Strange Fake if wana see Herakles not jobbing and be a badass.

>replying to hour old post

She can do that too, servants can have more than one noble phantasm, and Medusa does. She's got Bellerophon(the pegasus)and Breaker Gorgon, the veil she wears that seals her eyes' power to turn people to stone. She just never gets a chance to use it in the original VN, because Shinji's A:a dipshit, and B:an asshole to her which makes her not want to take her fights seriously, because she doesn't like him.

>no gay bulge


Attached: Umu.jpg (850x1206, 155K)

then why didnt medea just give
the school teacher a magical enhanced gun instead of enhancing his fist

>only god still left that could fight her on even terms just wants to party all night with her Goshujin-Sama

Attached: MIKOOOOOOOOOOOOON.jpg (814x757, 142K)

Knowledge of the modern world doesn't mean you can do anything with the modern world mate.

>effortlessly rekt

Took a team up from two of the strongest servants to kill him in FATE, and in UBW he went up against Gil, the word of god most powerful servant, who has a hard counter for almost every other servant via Gate Of Babylon.

I'ma wing you with my car.

>That bit where Herc outright breaks Enkidu, despite them being pretty well unbreakable if you're divine, and forces his body to remain corporeal until Illya dies.

Attached: oh fuck it's quicksand not clae.png (282x300, 79K)

>most powerful
Theoretically. Practically he doesn't flex his shit so he gets blown the fuck out most of the time. I agree with your point though.

I don't think Gil said they were unbreakable, just that the higher your divinity rank the stronger they were.

>the word of god most powerful servant
It's also word of God that literally any servant can defeat him too.

Amy got btfo too. Proto Mars was the strongest god according to Altera and Tamamo.

Attached: 74492257_p0.jpg (2000x1414, 523K)

Nasu has said that Gil could win any grail war if he were capable of taking his opponents seriously, his arrogance is his biggest flaw.

The other gods draw their power from the earth, Amy and other sun gods draw their power from the stars, and the White Titan at full power has energy output on the same level as a star. Sun gods are the only ones that can fight full power Altera on equal terms.

That's all well and good, but since he never gets serious, it's kinda irrelevant.

>Everyone talks about Holy Grail Wars
>No one talks about what it means to be a hero

Same thing happened to Eva.

We just want to have fun.

Tamamo has ptsd after losing against Altera as Amaterasu. Check dialogue during final mission in Tamamo route. Output of magical energy means nothing when you fight against magical sponge, it only makes things worse.

>tfw started last week
>tfw saving them quartz for Nightingale and Jack rate ups
Gonna have to get by on them FP Summons until then I guess.

At least I want Rider and Medea so I can still have hopes and rolling fun due to that until then.

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Did FGO hint at who any other Grand servants are yet?

I am aware, it's also the explanation for why she was acting the way she was during her route. She knew that to have any chance of beating Altera she'd have to turn back into Amaterasu, which would effectively erase the current her from existence, for just a chance to beat Altera. She figured if she was as good as dead either way, she was going to spend her last moments with her one true love, rather than fight a battle she wasn't sure she could win, even as the original full powered version of herself.

Just keep logging in. There are long term accumulated quartz rewards for just log ins. (Total, not consecutively)

Save up your tickets too. Getting 5* from a ticket feels amazing.

>Saber of Red
Someone want to trade me?

Attached: 1553443722616.png (320x717, 130K)

Oh but yeah keep logging in consecutively too for the weekly log in bonuses. Need those quartz and tickets.

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Mordred is awesome. But I understand if you'd rather have original Saber.

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>Mordred is awesome

You spelled retarded wrong.

Attached: special needs child.jpg (681x681, 322K)

>Natalia was part succubus
>it’s actually real
>mfw she would take semen from “close mage acquaintances” to boost her magic reserves before missions

Attached: 8FCE3B69-BB3E-447F-B892-6C05DA42A9A9.jpg (1280x720, 60K)

She is a huge dork

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>even VN Gilgamesh would have a tough time.
He wouldn't, she won't survive EA without Avalon. It just so happened that Shirou had it inside him this whole time thanks to Kiritsugu.

who's stronger: pre-enkidu's death gil or post-enkidu's death gil?

Might be cool. Martial arts assassins are rad as fuck and also rare.

Yup but she's lovable.

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El Cid Campéador is a badass in real life, but what would he even be in Fate? Saber or Lancer or Rider?

Post Enkidu's death Gil, knowing the fear of death, you fight to preserve your life better.

Saber definitely. His sword is even stored in a museum today, I imagine you could use that as catalyst.

*steals your Noble Phantasm*

Attached: Davidaf.png (512x728, 164K)

>Saber Lily
Saber before she took on the mental trauma of being King and the world of expectation and betrayal?
Sign me the fuck up

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Rider with some sort of "Can't be stopped once moving" ability. Mount turns out isn't a horse but an offspring of Gugalanna and commands it from inside.

About the size of a house and El Cid has created living quarters inside.

Turns out El Cid is actually a woman too.

Attached: Gugalannadoujin.png (1198x1087, 2.03M)

Your son really needed to turn off his primeval magic computer before dying...

I like it except that all we really know is that he IS in fact male in fateverse.

Oh alright. Was just trying to help YOU out, but fine. It's cock for you.

>King of Jobbers
>Winning a fight with anyone

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>assassin of black
well this sucks, im gonna end up using all my command seals for sex.

Attached: 1543375548078.jpg (958x1330, 287K)

Just be nice to her...it...and you'll get all the sex you want.

>needing command seals for it

got a super rare on my first try

Congrats, it does nothing.



get fucked nerds.

>When you get the Gil from the one sub-setting where there are half a dozen servants running around that are on his level or above.


What the fuck did I even roll

Attached: [confused HUUUH].gif (805x540, 100K)

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>Not Rider as a knight.

a servant of hitler's body double in the koha-ace parody manga based on a thermodynamic thought experiment
you ever take a thermo class?

Laplace's demon could beat up Maxwell's demon, discuss

Doesn't she just kill men? You ain't getting sex.

So do I get all of them?

Attached: lily servants.png (888x669, 975K)

Because she has access to the Excalibur/Avalon wombo combo. Excalibur is a planetary defense laser in the shape of a sword and was once used to blow up an invading alien fleet, while Avalon grants both ridiculous regeneration abilities and a perfect defense unrivaled by anything any other Servant can bring to bear.

Unfortunately, in FSN she's shackled to Shirou, who both lacks the mana to enable Excalibur beamspam tactics (which Saber Alter uses judiciously), and has Avalon lodged inside his torso meaning she can't use it herself. Thus she's kind of mediocre as a Servant since all she has is her swordsmanship skills, rather than being an invincible planetary defense laser platform that rapidly heals from any wounds. If she has Avalon, though, she's absolutely busted.

Attached: Saber_Alter.gif (350x196, 2.58M)



Attached: assassin cleo.jpg (708x1000, 136K)

Ok I realized I didn't read the "reroll until you get a single servant" part but fuck it, Saber Lily is the first one who shows up on the page so I choose her.

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Well Laplace's demon does know the precise location of every atom in the universe at every moment past, present, and future soooo
rip maxie's demon

Why can't she be real?

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Jack the Ripper killed mostly only women irl
Fate Jack the Ripper kills mostly women so she can crawl inside their wombs because shes made of thousands of aborted fetuses or something

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welp lost


Attached: GalahadAlter.png (698x1449, 1.46M)

She wouldn't let him use it at full power because it takes time to charge. She can tank a low level Enima Elish with her own Magic Resistance and an Excaliblast.

that's a cute medbee

I know that one character Kiara is some sort of sex goddess or whatever, but having official art where's presenting her nude privates for you to plow, isn't that too much?

My man.

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Attached: AlterEgoKiaraStage1.png (350x800, 169K)

i don't get it what are those for

Nice, he's cool

No, the artist said he wanted to fix her art, but DW still didn't say yes.

Apocrypha is really shit. Is it the first one to introduce the new Grail War system with Rulers and such

I hated everything about it. Tbh Fate is done for me, I don't like any of the new series


I guess Arcueid would be ok. Maybe we could even have sex lol

i win

>Have sex
>with a berserker class

Rest in pieces, user's pelvis.

>I win

Rin's dad thought the same thing. Didn't end well for him.

For playing with Rider

but Galahad is the actual Mary Sue of the round table.

"Rider", most likely "Ride her"

>People think that in worlds that have magic no one would attempt to develop any counter measures for them.
If you think for 10 seconds a mage wouldn't turn on other mages for the money he'd make developing countermeasures against magic you're insane, or if magic did exist naturally items wouldn't be imbued with the ability to combat it.

>Berserker class
Cute and dangerous, nice

Attached: Screenshot_20190519-055331.png (1440x2960, 2.97M)


Time to become a lancer


Gilgamesh is an
>I lose
Instantly and guaranteed, have you not learned that?

what do I get



I guess we do

Attached: SakuraSaberGOStage4.png (512x724, 277K)

What a weird roll. But I guess this makes me a Fuhrer.

Attached: Df5jEdPUEAYb_vA.jpg (720x1018, 122K)

Fate/Grand Order and Fate/Zero are the only things worth anything in this awful franchise. Nasu is a retarded hack.

So i got this artoria
how different is she from saber? Could she fall fr her master? Or would she at least stick around with you after the war if you asked?

Attached: artoriaaa.jpg (678x959, 204K)

What about Queen of Sheba?

Doujin when?

Attached: Seibah.jpg (720x1018, 99K)

Funny enough I'm tying to roll for her to complete my snek team

Attached: dFg0kug.jpg (640x904, 139K)

She's the Artoria that wields Rhongomyniad the holy lance, pillar of mankind's realm. It doesn't make her an ageless immortal like Excalibur and Avalon did so she's a fully grown adult now.

Fun fact, if the lance were to be damaged everybody would die.

EVERYBODY, you just stop existing.

what about her relationship to her master?

Is he good?

Holy shit do weebs actually enjoy this shitty ass lore?

there are two bosses in his area, the other one is the dragonslayer
not that difficult to deduce, is it?


Time to convert the nips.

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She looks like she fucks horses.

Nigga WHAT? Why was this never mentioned in the show?

Also I guess Succubus are real? How do you even become part one?

>Why was this never mentioned in the show?
I think it's in the LN.

I recognize just about everything except the hammer looking thing on the right. What's that?

Zero had a LN?

The anime is an adaptation of the LN.

Oh duh, I knew About the LN, I was thinking VN. Never looked it up though. Is it translated?

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No matter what it is, it's going up her ass.


It doesn't looks very ass friendly.

I mean, the whole series of doujins is about Rider getting stuffed in the ass, so I would say it's a pretty safe assumption.

Of all the people I can get, I get the most basic one.

As a Drakefag, fuck you RNG.

>Let's feed it Lancer.

>mostly a sherm head

Attached: maxresdefault[1].jpg (1280x720, 102K)

>Does that white flag stand for surrender?

Attached: Dahut.png (1134x1713, 866K)

>Saber but has the ability to cross class whenever she wants
>zone of absolute rule
fucking nice


Could be worse, he was madman enough to try and block Karna's NP with his own in Link.

Forget the school teacher. Caster just strolls up and shanks her with a knife if you don't babysit her during the skeleton invasion.

He was Rider of Shinjuku, though.

That's impossible. Kuzuki's particular brand of Snake style was only possible by becoming a hermit and training in it day in day out exclusively since childhood.

nobody mentioned gacha until you did, faggot.

Attached: 1257976905437.jpg (1920x1200, 805K)

What a shitshow. Just assassinate me now.

The same can be said for Emiya who somehow ends up being an Archer despite how much of a weapon autist he is.

I'm fucking mega okay with this.

Attached: LancerArturiaStage3.jpg (512x724, 402K)

Dude what

Congrats, you die.


>>mostly fights on foot
Yes, and?

Attached: 1554871319312.jpg (1162x654, 82K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-28 Yuu Asakawa⚔️⛓浅川悠 on Twitter On a date with Sakura aka shitaya_nor (640x708, 457K)

I will marry Asakawa Yuu...

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-28 Yuu Asakawa⚔️⛓浅川悠 on Twitter On a date with Sakura aka shitaya_nor (640x713, 526K)

Go to bed moot.

>cool wine aunt

Are you either Leon or Mizuna? If not then your chances are null.

Attached: 1520750348725.jpg (1000x750, 114K)

Because this never happens, right?

Attached: 588649-1024x768-1024-by-768-689596-20110202115721.jpg (1024x768, 200K)

I prefer her big gorgon form

Attached: Gorgon_NPC.png (1024x1024, 852K)

She's most likely done with Mizuna Rei, there were no tweets between them for a long time.

Attached: __jeanne_d_arc_jeanne_d_arc_and_rider_fate_apocrypha_fate_extella_fate_extra_fate_stay_night_and_fat (754x691, 98K)

What makes you think that?

Attached: 1450120259552.jpg (956x1280, 152K)

I told you already, they are not posting anything to each other anymore. All their pics together and tweets mentioning Yuu / Rei are a thing of a past.

Attached: serious-cat-is-not-amused-big.jpg (640x416, 30K)

>even after HF movies and FGO's great success
>adult medusa has no fucking figs
>all other heroines get tons of them


Attached: 1547067636027.jpg (601x601, 27K)

Shinji assures you she's a great rider. As good as Sakura, if you catch my drift.

would medusa stick with a weak willed master?

She stuck with shinji


>get her from this but not from the actual game

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She better keep stage 1 armor

The way you described that is SO fucking cringy, jesus. Did you think what you wrote was in any way impressive? Damn, you really are pathetic.


Who the fuck cares about posting online? How do you know she is 'done' with her? Do you know her? Are you a stalker?

We worked together.

Attached: 79.jpg (320x180, 16K)


litarally BEST fate girls

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>Prince of Lanling

nice, i would transfer my mana to his boipussy everynight

Attached: DvOVkPqV4AA3qRp.jpg (848x1200, 169K)

that's welsh lore you fag.

Nah, wormslut is the worst.

Attached: Sakura (1).png (674x245, 152K)

Attached: Sakura (2).png (800x600, 350K)

Medb love!

Attached: 1556488658152.jpg (848x1200, 393K)




>>No one talks about what it means to be a hero
its pretty clear that being a hero means mindlessly sacrificing yourself for everyone and being alright in the end thanks to the magical scabbard you were unknowingly implanted with

you have an even chance to get anything on the site as opposed to the controlled rate for the gacha

Attached: raikou 2.jpg (624x870, 263K)

What's the actual lore reason why you can't summon Jesus and why you can summon saints

is that a bad end during the fate route? She gets shanked anyways in UBW, and melted in HF, so she's almost more of a jobber than girugamesh either way

Attached: crit stars.png (765x622, 157K)

so sakura has pussy control?

Attached: file.png (300x298, 121K)

Jesus destroys the world when summoned cuz bible lore reasons and other saints don't

>Lu Bu's horse
Well shit nigga I have no fucking idea, it's a horse

Attached: ushi.jpg (626x921, 61K)


Attached: 1487181026202.png (324x411, 28K)

ikkitousen characters

For people that know the bible, the second coming of Christ is the rapture, aka good people die and go to heaven. It's so ingrained in his story that the magic of the grail would just auto-complete it. Source: my ass.
Otherwise your looking at a character that self-revives and has access to DnD style Wish by praying to his father and SSS rank leadership/charisma. Some cunts in fate can be touted as OP, but that's too much, any story he's in, he wins.

>I hardly knew her.

thats a lostbelt servant you should reroll

>uses a sword

Attached: IMG_1370.jpg (640x480, 19K)

Assassin [...] is an Assassin-class Servant
Why are japs so retarded, holy shit.

Her VA streaming right now.

Attached: snapshot.jpg (854x480, 71K)



Attached: D5tu1dLU0AA65Fd.jpg (700x1100, 91K)

>genderbent burger with a chainsaw
I am not sure if this is better, but at least it's not a horse

Attached: latest.png (600x630, 269K)

i tried the same, but even on my jap bios, i just got an error message on bootup in predictably enough jap, and i'm nowhere near fluent enough to read dat shit. Put a message out if you get it going my man

Attached: smug blackman.png (800x600, 580K)

further proving that she's the best

He's an archer because of japanese meditation archery. The reason young Archer can't miss a bowshot is because he doesn't have the pesky ego getting in the way.

Try emulating the PSP version.

Best at what? She sucks even in her own route.

Attached: 1557536969268.jpg (1512x2016, 838K)

>All The World's Evil
Should be fun

I'm fucked, but at least he is a total bro.

Attached: Karna.png (1000x1372, 1.18M)

>Her VA streaming right now.
She's always streaming. Souls, BB, Nioh, RE, etc.

Your first day here?

>you will never play video games with rider
this is not ok

Don't reply to my posts, subhuman EOP Yea Forumsermin scum.


In the third war, the Einzberns decide to try and cheat, because that's all they ever fucking do. But this was the biggest fuck up.

They tried to fuck around with the rules and summon an Extra class servant outside of the original 7, Avenger. They decided it would be a GOOD idea to try and summon the literal devil, "All Evils of the World".

What they got was some shitty villager who got tied to that name when he was sacrificed alive. So they got fucked. Even worse, when he was sacrificed, he actually got attached to the concept of "a wish for all the evils of the world".

So when Avenger gets sucked into the grail and it tries to process him for mana, the grail basically downloaded a trojan horse. Any wish that comes out of the grail tries to first process "a wish for all the evils of the world", then whatever you wished for.


gg ez

Lancer's luck combined with my luck. I'm glad getting someone like him nonetheless.

yeah, i'm looking into it, but my bypass script for emupara seems to have died once and for all. does any of the vg generals have a repository?

stay seething /pol/cuck

Upkeep on lancer will kill user. He mybe strong as hell but consumes man like a madman.

use command seals ot provide mana

not the first time that happened

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Ushi made a new friend!

Attached: DkUmJKeUUAAZHbO.jpg (849x1200, 168K)

>literally kills himself after using his Noble Phantasm
Nice, I’m basically fighting gimped

Attached: 90CBDFBB-89F6-4AA7-83D8-0614DA68CBC6.png (1280x720, 942K)

Karna was described as a 100% winning chance for his Master if summoned unless said Master is absolute dogshit.

Arash is an absolute bro and even without using his NP he can hold his ground against big dick Servants like Arthur and Ozymandias.

>Oda Nobukatsu
What's the sex gonna be like?

>Bonny and Read
I'm not sure

Attached: __anne_bonny_fujimaru_ritsuka_and_mary_read_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_maru_show__23cb1cf3d37 (750x652, 629K)

>get OG Saber
>page almost crashes from being so long

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I actually don't know too much about Musashi. What's she like?

Attached: __miyamoto_musashi_fate_grand_order_and_etc_drawn_by_sakiyamama__sample-b658c58a7dfaaa8a7e4649ea6879 (850x1176, 354K)

She just wanted to be with her senpai

Attached: d82254f57fecf2a25b55d1d6e371d960.jpg (2078x2092, 2.6M)


>summon Jesus to fight for the holy grail
He could just bleed into any random cup and make an infinite number of grails.

she'll fight for you but you won't bang her

>play as Jannu in Extella
>using her NP burns herself to death
>you lose the level even if this attack kills the last enemy before you die from it

Attached: fate-grand-background-8.jpg (1920x1080, 287K)

He wouldn't answer the call, he has no reason to fight for the grail.
Or he could be, just like God and now Solomon completely outside the Root and you can't summon him at all.

That one is a man. Nobunaga got the girl genderbend.

Attached: Musashi.jpg (1700x1200, 1.05M)