>He doesn't main Randy
TBP Tournament Fighters
He's pretty much shit tier unless your opponent gives you an opportunity to get in to pants-off stance. Not going to happen against a competent player.
Does anyone know how I unlock the Mustard Tiger skin for Phil? Is it DLC?
>he mains green bastard
>he doesn't have sex
imagine my shock
Hitting a frame-perfect cheeseburger/frig off combo as Randy is quite literally, cheese.
It's almost impossible to counter unless you throw a B-left piss jug at him in the two frames it takes to charge.
>shitting all over the roster with Cyrus' gun
Name one anti-zoning tool in the game that can't reliably beat my Cyrus spam.
shitnado nerf when?
that shit only works if cyrus doesn't get hit or taunted, the second he does he loses that advantage and """has work to do""" and his stats fall 90%
that's the way she goes boys.
Fuck Randy mains
Fuck man, the voice actor died for Phil! We don't get any new lines so they're just splicing shit together.
>be me
>based Julian main
>retard opponent lets me get my 5 stacks of "ice cubes in drink" practically free
>frame trap him cuz i have 5 ice cubes so its + i get my free combo
(btw every ice cube makes all moves 2 frames faster and moves are slightly stronger with each cube but makes it more risky to spill the drink and lose all stacks)
>do like 90% of the dudes health in one combo in the next round
>he rage quits instantly with out hesitation
newest season pass is shit, hope they end this shit game soon
>Trailer Bark Poys
post yfw you're not a trevor or cory main
Fuck off Randy
>not using Lahey with his cop alternate
>playing with safety on
i hope none if you losers actually do this
>spam 'mowing the air' attack as lahey
>win every time
why did he have to leave us?
>Not ripping the copper plumbing out of the walls of your house to sell for Liquor money
Just mad because you can't deal with Trevor's gangly alien reach.
>Implying anyone actually bought the Parts Unknown DLC.
>tfw can't land bubbles super
the hitbox is bugged i swear
>tfw I figured out how to fight the secret Samsquantch boss but refuse to share it online because it's all I have
Favorite stage?
I like playing Ray's Burned Out Trailer with stage hazards on. The buffs the empty ravioli cans give are great, casual fun.
Ricky mains staying salty that their character is just a lazy palette swap of Reveen from Magician Melee.
I like the Rush sewers stage. Sometimes like to put on cartoon mode with friends around.
Fuck off, Randy
>stage hazards
RNG bullshit and only casuals play with them switched on. Lost so many rounds to getting fucked up by bottle kids or Steve French.
Ray is absolutely busted ever since they patched out the VLTs on every stage glitch.
Piss jug spam counters nearly everyone paired with friends of the road special effectively tripling his jug capacity.
It's fucking great to be a Ray main right now
>he doesn’t use the caveman alt for Sam
>Lahey with the Liquor Install
It's over bobandy.
I tried using Randy, just couldn't do it. His damage is absolute shit if you don't take your pants off, which no player with a pulse is going to let you do.
Fuck the Conkey move for bubbles. So freakin cheep
Pfft you guys are sleeping on Jroc
Cyrus mains where we at? His gun stance mix-ups are stupid good.
>Jim Lahey, Trailer Park Supervisor is now legacy content
fuck yeah
Anyone know why the netflix version were shit?
And Julian isn't just a rip of Patrick Swayze from Roadhouse Rampage?
>not maining Steve French