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dota2's end comes soon.
7.xx ruined the game.
3 year later and its still alive???
anyone else think this was guinan at first glance?
>chinks and turks counts
I haven't played since they made map changes and tried to go beyond DotA. What's up with this game now? I don't want to spend 40 minutes getting mad at some tryhard while I play the Lich.
They removed Sacrifice so you'll never hear "Lich gonna have your mana." again
Are you fucking serious? You're lying. No fucking way.
They reworded Lich.
He's no longer the lane dominator
Just another support with a control and 320dmg spell
Well, thanks for letting me know there's zero reason to ever play DotA 2 again.
whats your favourite carry bros?
Looks like a DDS demon
>still no art of Drow ball-gagging Lina, with her silence symbol and whispering "shhh"
a chilling
I looked it up and wanted to vomit.
Comfy farming, not the frenzied pace of Andy Mage or Naga
Teamates picking fights? no need to stay close, just ult.
Tanky as fuck for no reason
game is so played out and boring.
Ursa of course
game is so not played out and entertaining
Why the fuck does Dota not have a surrender option?
Why the fuck am I expected to play out a game that's 30 - 5 with a 0/13 lion running into 5 people every 2 seconds
What the fuck is the point?
Just let me FF
Because it takes away the fun of winning, comebacks and effort to win.
valve is a shit company
imagine if in a footbal game the other team hae the option of surrender or making them quit, nobody will play more with them and looks like fags every time, if you play something finish it that the point of a game or at least lose it doing something.
have to rely on 4 idiots to win
no thanks.
You must be an idiot then because at my mmr everyone knows what they're doing
thats how multiplayer works moron,why the fucking shit are you doing playin them in first place?
Why don't they do that?
Do you enjoy watching a bunch of grown men with dead inside looks half heartily kick the ball as they get stomped?
I understand comebacks, but comebacks don't exist when you're down 30 to 5 in 20 minutes
It's just fucking cruel
>everyone can still be a threat in late game
>waves can be manipulated
>backdooring exists as a win condition
lol has faggots that will straight up quit if they see anyone missing a single CS or a random first blood from the enemy team
Let's get this started:
>Axe on the enemy team: Cuts lanes only when it is smart to do, actually uses battle hunger to harass, gets blink before 10, consistently gets 3+ people caught in his calls and might be Ceb in a smurf account
>Axe on your team: Cuts lanes from minute one and dies horrendously for it, ignores battle hunger, misses all his calls, gets blink after 20 mins and reports everyone for not following him into an obvious bait.
>recent TI champions won against mega creeps twice
the fuck are you on?
Lion has a stun he might accidentally time it right.
I have won so many games that faggots like you would have immediately abandoned and ruined at the first sight of a disadvantage
You can always come back and it makes wins even more satisfying
becaus i want to have fun. 1 guy ruining my winning game is not fun.
>pick drow
>get dumpstered in lane because lol attack animation
>instagib ancient camps at level 6
>suddenly highest net worth on the map
>push every single lane with one button
>win game at 15 minutes
I just play bot games and watch tournaments now, they fucked the game up hard
Mostly cause people are idiots
Sometimes you have a strong late game lineup and your carry is farming, but because the other team is getting lots of kills everyone acts like it's over.
Of course more often everything is really going wrong and won't get better but because the first case exists, they don't allow it.
you must be playing with retards if you can't last hit as drow before 6
But they literally can because the enemy team also has russians and spics in guardian.
when a game has an out, people will take it for the smallest inconvenience. if you've ever played league, like i have, people will vote to forfeit as soon as possible if they are losing at that point. also, i have comeback and won many games because there is no option for forfeit. forfeit is for candy-ass pussys like you that give up at the smallest thing. man up and try your hardest cause when you play a game of dota, you're in it for the long haul so you better get that w, you stupid bitch.
I've started only playing bot games too, people are a lot more chill and speak english. compared to ranked/unranked where people speak russian and draw dicks on the map.
Who is your favorite hero and why isn't it an offlaner?
t. boomer retard
>why no surrender?
Comebacks and lategame focused teams exist
Takes away experience and reduces the meaning of winning.
Creates surrender culture ff@20 like LoL and creates a poor mentality regarding winning and expectations, it literally only takes 1 fight or play to turn a DotA game around at lategame because of death timers.
But user, it is an offlaner
I kinda can, I don't play her a lot
My point was it doesn't matter if you rek her in lane or not because she will catch up faster than any other carry
It's just the latest in a series of terrible updates since 7.0, if you don't believe me look at the latest dotabuff article
yeah it's comfy just chilling and sharing tips with newbies
I want to stroke Puck while he sleeps on my lap
not gonna waste time on 1v9 games, fuck team based games especially in solo queue.
play perfectly well 1 shitstain ruins your game and you lose
nice game lads.
Because it's a jungler.
>Not playing DOTA with 4 mates and just make shitpost builds/teams
Team Global with NP, Zeus, Specter, Silencer and Blood seeker was a fucking fun time I just had.
Based kruger
I've had many dota games where I wanted to surrender and figured it was all over, but then we turned it around and won. Same thing for the opposite situation, where I was certain we were gonna win and the other team turned it around. Dota isn't like LeL where you get behind and you're fucked, comebacks happen all the time and letting the team surrender would be silly
>he cant carry
Lmaoing at your life
freddy kruger. game is shit.
go spam your mid heroes for le fun to gain mmr. XDDDD
>just make shitpost builds/teams
My friends and I used to do this before they made low priority suck. We'd run from lane to lane yelling "GANK SQUAD" with three hard stun heroes and just try to gank mid as fast as we could to throw off the other team.
i'm 5k mmr, i just got bored of this shit matchmaking. I know divine is not the best but im better than 80% of playerbase at least.
Also there are simply games you cant won, because u get shit teammates. even boosters/pros say that
Comebacks do happen in LoL, its just much harder especially when the enemy is running a late game hypercarry whos fed, but one good teammate into a baron can win just about any hopeless game
Fair point, but as you said, it is much harder. Surrender makes sense in League, but not Dota, so the way both games do it makes sense
Then play league. There are too many characters that can 1v5 in that game
the comeback win is such a dopamine hit that valve would never remove it
i do actually and have way more fun than in dota 7.xx
mfw axe pickers are all twinks irl
>used to be an offlaner
get it right kiddo, he's a pos 4 that transitions into a pos 3 and then ends up losing because he's still garbage
T. 1.4k games with techies
Why is she so perfect lads?
This is true unless if the enemy ignores you because "lmao it is only a techies, what can he do?"
I rarely hit level 25 in my games, but I will always do so with techies and within top 3 net worth.
games where I get to level 25 usually end up with me losing due to the fact that i pick up 25+ movement speed on proxies, the reason for losing is due to losing towers/barracks which results in people realising that they're the most safe options since I usually don't plant remotes in places where towers are destroyed.
Techies is a time demanding hero, I've yet to master his defensive gameplay
This is probably where our differences have cropped up: I play Techies as an offensive hero. Blast off, stasis mines and remote mines are fucking fantastic team fight abilities and I grab the +251 damage because I have enough gold to spare to do both caster and right click techies.
Saying that though, the games where I am forced to play defensive techies is a pain in the ass.