>being the most popular character
>Being also the most unpopular character
How does she do it?
Makoto Nijiima
By going in the back door
She's forced onto us and we're supposed to believe she's some super genius just because she has common sense amongst a group of mentally challenged teenagers.
Why do people even like her? Shes literally no fun allowed: the girl and becomes completely useless after Futaba shows up. Stalking you while hiding behind a manga that one time doesnt make up for her boring personality.
Just like Naoto desu
It's cute, a little tomboy and is somewhat realistic like Chie imo
Also his outfit, awakening and persona are kino
She's just fucking boring and doesn't feel like a real person. It's too good not to choose the Beep Boop option when her "friend" calls her a robot. I don't understand how it's possible to be the student council president and have such a lack of knowledge when it comes to social interactions.
This is why I liked Ryuji and Anne so much, because they're kind of idiots who don't always have this perfect course of action ready to go on a fucking dime. They're actual characters, not this fucking walking, apparently flawless archetype.
I love Makoto! I'm gonna marry her and have tons of cute Nijiima babies!
The best people get the biggest haters.
Ah, a fellow Ryuji appreciator.
By being shitty Mitsuru. I'm not even a huge fan of Mitsuru but still, she's much better than Makoto in pretty much every way.
Futaba best girl tho.
Yusuke's way way higher than I thought
more lovers
more haters
>literally the worst romance in the game
>literally worthless on an intelectual level when Futaba joins the phantom thieves
>literally useless after Goro joins them
>beep boop
>actual character
robots can easily do multiple things at once.
Confirmed fe(male)
But Futaba is smarter though.
her social link is easily one of the worst links to ever exist in a persona game, literally nothing of consequence besides her making a friend with a dumb slut
Reminder that Futaba is Makoto's imouto.
Yeah, imouto in law, because I'm fucking her.
he's girl bait he looks like every dude in shojo manga
Makoto would marry someone just to solidify her status as Futaba's onee-san.
Eoic reading comprehension negroid
Naoto was never smart, she just repeated what the group said but with pretentious words. Yosuke was genuinely smarter.
I always thought he looked like someone out of Samurai Warriors
>Yoskue smarter than Naoto
>Naoto was never smart
Yeah but the story sure as hell wanted us to think so.
Because she is both at the same time.
>As Queen she has a bunch of cool quotes, intense personality, and has one of the coolest Persona amongst the group.
>As Makoto she's a idiot that actively griefs the group and almost got everyone killed three times do to her idiocy that never gets called out.
Makoto is for bullying and teasing, even Makotochads agree.
>she has common sense
>just walks up and goes "let me speak to your manager" to the fucking mob
yeah kinda but he give more of the shojo vibe for me
I'm interested in seeing how this poll will go post-Royal since Kasumi will be added and Goro will probably be eligible for the PT poll this time.
Yeah, because the whole game is about looking past appearances. Naoto has the reputation of being a brainiac ace detective because of her family lineage and helping with her family solving cases before her parents died. She even admits if you finish her social link that she'd probably be better off going to university to become a forensic scientist rather than continuing the family detective agency that she doesn't properly live up to.
He brought a lot more to the table.
The only thing of worth Naoto ever did was magically figuring out the game's plot up until her arrival, and then turns into a parrot who tips her fedora and cringes whenever someone realizes she's into the Power Rangers.
Chie has also genuine smart moments
i would say the most braindead person in P4 is Yukiko and maybe Teddy, not Even Kanji
>magically figuring out the game's plot
Literally the only thing she did was figure out which common points the murder victims had and then applied them to the missing persons cases, when the police were only focused on the murders and dismissed the other cases as unrelated and a waste of time.
You know there's another way to have those, right?
Makoto is the joykiller of Persona 5 and hogs all the cutscenes.
You still used her as your healer, right?
Only once she got the team defense buff, before that I just kept a healing Persona on Joker and ran Ann/Ryuji/Yusuke.
Nah. Catboi got the good healing spells earlier so I didn't bother with her unless I needed nuke damage for whatever reason, and even then I probably had a persona for that on joker.
I couldn't stand morgana being so damn fragile so I shelved him the moment Makoto got her first party heal.
Her sister is better.
It's hard to be worse than nothing, user. You are right though.
God, Morgana is such a shit character.
>Go to sleep
>Let's not do that
>Shittalks Ryuji
>Muh Lady Ann
And somehow I have to carry this piece of trash cat every fuckin where. Why?
>>Being also the most unpopular character
that would be futaba
she ruined the whole fucking game
Makoto is a direct upgrade to Morgana. The only thing Morgana has over her is salvation, which is overpriced and useless and miracle punch which is gis only offensive ability really and is useless against bosses.
If there's one thing I hate about Persona 5, it's the fact that all the romanceable party members are boring as fuck, while all the interesting ones are non party members.
If you even remotely have respect for the Persona series, please sage any post that is praising or remotely running rampant with the mindset that P3 is a good game. P3 fags on this board as of lately have been trying to incite wars with the P5 fandom and are throwing around malicious attacks to spite the other titles.
Persona 3 is objectively a shitty game, and the only reason why anyone praises it nowadays is because of their nostalgia boner.
>Tactics are borderline "artificial difficulty" and there's no reason why the combat couldn't have been traditionally turn based like the following games
>Character arcs are borderline nonexistent with the exception of Junpei, Yukari, and Mitsuru
>The Answer absolutely tarnished the impact of the ending with it's borderline fanfiction writing
>Tartarus has to be one of the worst designed dungeons period since it serves as nothing more than filler until you reach the next Full Moon boss
>The villains were pure shit, Strega are borderline edgelords that do nothing relevant for the story whatsoever outside of "exist" as an opposing force
You're fucking full of shit if you think P3 is a good game Ryan. Go back to discord or /pg/ with your buddies. If you think Persona 5 is worse than this garbage, I don't know how to help you. Reminder that Persona 5 will never be trumped by such a garbage game.
This is actually kinda odd since in the small "getting futaba to socialise" scene makoto completely failed to connnect with futaba and it was yusuke who broke the ice but then randomly she's this close to makoto?
By being a boring, characterless, mary sue, robot. You'll have people who rightfully hate her for being this way, and you'll who have incels who like her regardless.
Stupidest shit I have ever read. And you post an ugly bitch with your horseshit.
It's dumb because all the party members need to be just a bit toned down. Ann can be a ditzy blonde without being "literally cannot multiply numbers in high school" stupid. Makoto can be "book smart but socially awkward" without forcing everyone into study sessions after every palace and making her confidant about how someone else is wrong because they're not like Makoto. Futaba can be "tech geek" without being a genius super hacker. Haru can be "nice rich girl" without being a literal piece of wallpaper. Instead they're all cookie cutouts with all the actual personality given to the adult women.
Makoto tries hard to be like an onee-san to her in mementos bantz.
She sounds like a 30 years old boomer when she acts like that.
She’s best girl that’s why so much hate.
Tell me more about Makoto
Literally an old woman.
No wonder anons want to fuck her sister more than her.
Don't forget her shit taste in movies.
>shit taste in movies.
I will end you.
That ass and those hips though
This but with Goro.
I like the way you think.
Except that's really not true at all. She's introduced as having no common sense about anything, blindly charging forth into situations like an autist and repeatedly fucking everything up. Then she joins the party and for literally no reason at all, everyone decides that the bitch who tried to blackmail them and screwed up everything twice in a row is a genius tactician, and then everyone else gets dumber immediately after her cringe-inducing naming scene.
Japs and waifufags have the shittiest taste, and normal people don't like her
>her mask looks like a part of a metal helmet
>Ryuji remarks that she rides a steel horse
>seems like she was going to be named Knight, which would have been cool
Because the other three people on your team are two literal retards and a genuine autist. Of course the girl who actually studies and knows basic school things is going to seem smart to them.
Unbased and Cringepilled
They aren't literal retards though, at least not until Makoto shows up with the Idiot Ball. Ryuuji and Ann and like normal people before Makoto shows up. Makoto's main role of being the party's Navi and never shutting the fuck up about easy puzzle solutions was previously shared between Ryuuji, Ann, and Morgana already. Knowing "school things" doesn't help a nit, especially when Futaba joins the party immediately afterwards. However, not having any common sense and being street retarded does bite them in the ass repeatedly.
“Queen” is obviously a leftover from when a certain shogi player was supposed to be a party member
Still was never going to be a thing, keep coping though.
Your problem is that you're using the writing to justify itself. Yeah of course the characters are written to be dumb so that Makoto looks smart by comparison, but that can be easily solved by just not writing the characters that way. I hate harping on Persona 4 because as a whole I think 5 is the better game, but the group dynamics in it were better because your group was far more of a collection of equals because the designated smart girl a) doesn't show up until October, b) is herself a freshman instead of senior student council president so she's deferential toward you, and c) is quickly established to be not actually that much smarter than everyone else, she's able to summarize the info you have so far. Makoto seems like an attempt to replicate Mitsuru (arcana differences notwithstanding) without realizing that Mitsuru's role was justified due to you actually being in a hierarchical organization.
Cope harder Ryan.
Makoto's entire role in the party feels like some vestigial remnant of the previous story. Makotofags love to play up how important she is because in the current rendition of the story, she's the closest relation you have to Sae, but that really doesn't amount to a whole lot. Basically the only thing she's good for is putting a USB drive into Sae's laptop. Which also seems totally unnecessary when it's been established that Futaba can hack into fucking everything.
You faggots have even got your own boogeyman now, this is a new level of pathetic.
Because I also have a boring personality and hate having fun
There's literally nothing tomboy-like about her.
>miracle punch
Is this what they call lucky punch in the English version? I only have experience with the nip version.
Miracle Punch is the upgraded version. I think medium damage instead of miniscule for Lucky Punch.
Can we all at least admit that her sister is superior?
She do martial arts, watch Yakuza movies and ride bikes user, also her personality is not girly like
She's the nagging party mom. That's extremely feminine. The worst kind of feminine. Plus she only rides a bike until her Persona changes and it's basically not a part of her character. She never uses it as a bike and she rejects the Rider name because she's an autist. Also Aikido is the faggiest martial arts in existence.
The problem is this rarely comes up in the actual cutscenes or even her social link and is just background fluff. Like I get everyone hated Chie talking about meat and kung-fu every five minutes but at least you understood that was her deal. Makoto is just the overbearing bookworm.
It’s not that’s she’s unpopular
Her sister is just better
>you're suppose to play a bunch of rejects
You actually don't.
There is a lot of contrarians that hate Makoto for being the most popular and having much screentime tho
Also Hifumifags that still belive Hifumi was going to be a Phantom thieve and got cucked by Makoto
You actually do, they're just rejects because society sucks rather than because there's anything wrong with them.
How much seething will this character cause?
I just like cute girls with revolvers.
Depends on how much shilling she gets. She's already confirmed to be a new party member which might actually make her worse than Marie.
I want to propose to her
If she is Marie 2.0 and is also shit, a lot and would backlash the game
If she is Marie 2.0 but good that would create Threads bullying Makotofags for being more Canon
If she is a good character but not Marie 2.0 she would be Ann 2 with annoying waifufags threads
If she is not Marie 2.0 and is a bad character she would get shitposted and BTFO
I wonder how Sae would react if she found out her Shadow dresses like that.
the biggest sin of this game is not using a hyper-realistic cat face sprite for morgana in the real world.
and not the cartoony shit in this image either, i'm talking a real ass super realistic looking cat head talking to you. but instead we get his stupid bitch faced little chibi metaverse face showing up despite him clearly being a cat.
Sae is secretly an edgy goth
Funnily enough that's the trick. If they were actual rejects then we wouldn't want to deal with them either.