Can we have please talk about the actual GAMEPLAY of this game?

>Game is focused on tension and stealth
>Jump button, dodging and more creative combat
>More crafting and weapons
>Game is bigger, multiple paths (think about God of War)
>AI enemies feel like real people and not just game enemies
>Melee combat has been refined and expanded
>New types of infected, they are a real threat and behave different
>More vertical areas
>Combat has increased emphasis on tension, interactivity and realism.
>Enemy AI references each other by name, and constantly communicates with each other.
>Two different timelines explored in TLOU2.
>New dodge/evade mechanic is a core part of combat and melee.
>Far more creative and emergent moments in combat thanks to big increase in breadth of options.
>Improved stealth mechanics, including crawl, prone, squeezing into tighter gaps, underneath vehicles etc.
>Expanded infected enemies and whole new classes.
>You're not automatically fully hidden in grass. >Extent of your visibility depends on height & density of foliage.
>Much more verticality in combat scenarios now. >She needs more routes and ways to engage.
>Survival aspects are still a focus.
>Different ammo types (eg explosive arrows) now. Each ammo type fulfills a particular strategy niche.
>Animation system is completely overhauled so everything is even more realistic and transitions are seamless.
>Wide linear combat environments are being expanded to be even larger and broader.
>AI system massively improved for added realism.
>No more auto AI telepathic awareness of you once spotted. They whistle to and actually communicate with each other.
>Referred to as systemic check-ins of AI information. They pass information to each other more realistically to let new groups and enemies know of the unfolding situation or of your position.
>Enemy awareness and ability to seek player out improved.

Attached: 1528768765920.webm (640x360, 3M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Games looks WAY too scripted like the gameplay reveal of the first game.
When the first game came out, the AI were nowhere near as good as the demo, so I think it will probably be the same here.

Nice lies. It will be just another completely scripted movie game.

>that .webm

Just how much of this game is automated?

>big strong guy grabs small weak character
>he slams them once or throws them, releasing their grip
I've always hated this shit.

>Another third person stealth survival movie game
>Now with 100% more gay shit
I'll pass.

Yes, let's talk about that completely scripted gameplay reveal

Maybe I'll emulate it in twenty years and yearn for the 'good old days' when fag propaganda at least had good gameplay.

Looks alright but I really think they're overcommiting to realism. Maybe some can dig into it, but I mostly see " What could have been " scenarios. This improved AI at the service of a faster paced, less raw game that would have more potential for replayability would be great.
Hope some of you guys enjoy it regardless.

>try to recreate these moments in the final game
>literally can't because devs cut it out

that isn't gameplay

I dont believe a word of the AI stuff. Every time a game company talks about AI its always a lie and its the same its always been in all games.

Imagine writing all that to describe the gameplay of a mediocre uncharted spin off

>overcommitting to realism
>when she shakes off a sledgehammer to the face

any game with animations that long and drawn out is destined to have unresponsive gameplay

I expect to see the actual gameplay video that compares that enemy encounter with the prebaked one shown on E3, then I'll have a lil giggle

First "gameplay" trailer for TLOU1 was 100% fake, so's this

Dodge button is cool, prone is cool

I hope they don't half-ass the survival mechanics. Giving enemies infinite ammo, only to drop nothing when they die is bad game design.

You'll be dead in 20 years silly user

This. Until AIs that can actually learn are put in video games, the AI in games will be "react to X by doing Y" garbage

>basic stealth mechanics are cool
Have sex

So it's the exact same shit as before only you play as a dyke.

Some games don't have the basics. You can't crouch walk/move in MGS1, 2 or 3. I can't remember if you could in 4.

Is this falseflagging

muh stronk lgbt wymyn

>Press x to magnetize to thing
>Press square to magnetize to thing
>Press triangle to magnetize to thing
>Press circle to magnetize to thing
Every ND game since uncharted 1

I don't think I've seen a more prebaked and fake "gameplay" video than the TLOU2 one. Fuckin hell, Anthem's fake gameplay looked more plausible than this literal mocapped cutscene disguised as gameplay

Attached: 1555279455645.jpg (1080x1033, 185K)

>can't remember if you could in 4
Of course you can, you can also slither across the battlefield using hip thrusts

>play scripted movie game
>the story is somehow terrible and predictable


how do you know when the game isn't even out yet?

Last of Us multiplayer was actually fun, I’m looking forward to this

i don't want to play as a lolita. i want to play as a burly texan with a six shooter and a heart of gold.

Not crouch but Mgs3 did have the sneak walk, also you could use the cardboard box as a substitute for crouch walking since 1, though the game is not really built around crouch being meaningful in mgs1 at least.

Hope they make the MP much greater then in the first one.
Fucking loved that shit to death

Attached: 4man kill 4 no audio.webm (720x405, 2.67M)

>90 pound girl gets hit full force by a running guy with two handed sledgehammer swing
>staggers a little bit

This is just like real life....

All of those have a crawl mechanic though which TLOU2 still doesn't seem to have, she only seems to crawl contextually in specific spots.

Because it's still the only webm anyone posts

Selective/convinient Realism is a favorite among western devs.

Attached: Shoot the bomb 2 no audio.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

Real Talk: Would you be excited for this game if Naughty Dog added this?
> Every gameplay segment is made up of non-Linear Compact levels with multiple ways to approach each them, like the original Deus Ex

Attached: TLoU Molotow 4man.webm (853x480, 2.86M)

Lads is it just me or does TLOU play exactly like Manhunt? It's a borderline clone gameplay wise

Because I thought the same exact thing when they first showed that one TLOU "gameplay" video, in which is impossible to replicate at least half of what happens in the actual game. Happened once, will happen again, PS4 simply doesn't have the hardware to handle such complex interactions completely seamlessly while also providing full directional control with absolutely flawless animation blending for hundreds of possible animations. I will literally eat my shit on stream if you can replicate the E3 video 1:1

I think that part where she watches the guy get cut open while being hanged wasn't contextual.
MGSV not having the fully belly laying down that 4 had was super disappointing.

Modern ND is not ND. Waste of time regardless.

Yes, but only if the story isn't forced SJW garbage & is actually a psychologically driven narrative like Silent Hill 2 or Parasite Eve

Attached: 3man Bow 1 no Audio.webm (640x320, 2.91M)

the original Deus Ex came out 19 years ago, user


Attached: Shoot the bomb no audio.webm (1080x720, 2.81M)

>TLoU2 is going to be a movi-

Attached: God Tier TLoU2 Gameplay.webm (960x540, 3M)

Nice casual xray vision. Is this what zoomers consider "good MP" now?

This movie looks okay

>little girl beating up tough white guys

hehe good goyim, keep playing (((their))) games

Attached: jgfshgsghsdf.png (623x616, 592K)

user Uncharted 4 is exactly like that, so I would expect TLOU2 to also have that. But no, to answer you question I wouldn't be excited about the lesbian jew simulator no matter what they do. Too many good games these days, I don't feel like consuming propaganda when I have other options

If you rely on it, you will get shat on.
Inbaked perks that make you not "xray" and get shat on from the sides

Attached: Spider shaft 1 no Audio.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

>i-i-i-i-i--i-i-t's not a movie
>posts a webm where only player input is dodge hit hit hit hit dodge hit hit
What did himst mean by this??

Implying there are any significant number of girls playing games like TLOU... This shit is aimed at onions guzzling numales with fem dom fetishes

Attached: 1554597799269.jpg (500x500, 40K)

I agree it's shameless

Attached: Enemy Gregor 3.webm (1920x1080, 1.7M)

>only player input is dodge hit hit hit hit dodge hit hit
So Dark Souls is a movie?

>more bullshots same as always

Attached: Juked Bomb...webm (1080x608, 2.31M)

Not true, ND games always prioritize responsive controls over realistic animations - despite their reputation for having realistic looking animations. That's why it plays like this - where the animations bow to the player input - instead of the opposite, like RDR2 or GTA5

Attached: melee only.webm (800x450, 2.99M)

I haven't seen shit about infected, what are you talking about?

>AI enemies feel like real people and not just game enemies
Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice, shame on me
I'm not going to be fooled a second time

Everyone just covers their ears like LALALALA and leaves the thread as soon as webms of proof start getting posted.
Yea Forums is so willfully ignorant

This my friend, is what we refer to as a shill.

did the TLoU1 DLC have anything important storywise? don't feel like playing through it

TLOU1 AI was borderline broken

It's only broken if you don't get off to leg humping

>Ellie is completely invisible to enemies
Ai was garbage

user... why do you think I mentioned leg humping?

Soundtrack has been pressed on vinyl for a while now. Still no release date

Why does anyone still fall for this shit?

Looks scripted out the asa for e3 like they did with the original.

>Enemy AI references each other by name, and constantly communicates with each other.
I remember how much better the AI looked in pre-release TLoU 1 too, can't wait to get disappointed again!

>that animation where she falls into the car
Yep,it's a movie game alright. That shit ain't gonna be happening in the actual "game" they release.

Oh look, it's the resident naughty dog shill at it again

Attached: 1558133337933.jpg (208x206, 9K)

>Posting this in every thread

To be fair I don't recall that shit happening much, those Webms the shill is posting make the multiplayer look bad if anything, it's usually a lot more slow paced. Was the only thing I enjoyed about the first game.

>how dare he post a video that's pertinent to the topic

People need to be reminded.

Attached: 伊東ちとせ.png (180x190, 29K)

Doesn't matter, normies will eat this shit up.
Now with more Progressive™ stuff.
And remember, we don't use the fun word around here.

gameplay looks way too fucking similar to all the modern tomb raiders, uncharted, horizon zero dawn, a plague tale etc
not an argument fagola

Fuck me I forgot about that whole balance of power shit they were going on about, the only thing I remember from the demo that's still in the game is if you knock a enemy down to their knees and aim a gun at them they'll beg you to not shoot, and then eventually jump up and try and punch you if you wait too long.

I mean, I get what he was trying to say by that comment, but it makes him sound like a awfully stuck up cunt for a guy who writes plots for fucking video games.

it looks like scripted shit

>actually talking about this CP game
It needs to be banned and the people making it charged with making CP

>it makes him sound like a awfully stuck up cunt for a guy who writes plots for fucking video games.
I'm pretty sure that is exactly what he is.

>>Game is bigger, multiple paths (think about God of War)
Dad of War's paths was not that fucking amazing, though? It was basic shit. Nothing that impressive.

Excuse me sweetie but this is PROGRESSIVE child porn, so please shut your mouth K :^)

these webms are so clearly scripted events. Imagine being such a fucking idiot that you believe alpha ""gameplay footage"" is indicative of the final product. What they put out is marketing material, nothing more

show me some non-scripted gameplay first then we can talk

>Horizon Zero Dawn has absolute shit tier gamepla-

Attached: Horizon Enemy Encounter.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

Sure, from everything I've seen of Cuckmann he's exactly that. Still isn't going to endear people to you acting like hot shit for writing oscar bait tier stories for vidya.

that's fake gameplay

It was better than Dark Souls 3, at least.

Well I didn't play tlou 1 because it's popular and has cutscenes, BUT it's obvious from me not playing it that it's just a movie game with no gameplay and sucks.

Attached: 023.png (680x680, 221K)

How can anyone possibly excited about this game when is 100% going to be Wokeness: The Game, I mean, its going to be such a clusterfuck.
I actually really enjoyed the first game for what it was, but now that one of the directors is gone and the one left is massive SJW faggot, I can say for certain this game is going to awful.

I don't get it

Attached: Disgusted girl.gif (380x285, 1.97M)

is the bow the only weapon in that game?

if you dont have a fetish for a tiny girl dominating a massive bara then you're gay

>Still isn't going to endear people to you acting like hot shit for writing oscar bait tier stories for vidya.
It's apparently working. People love nu-Naughty Dog.

Now that's fucking retarded gameplay. wow ahahahahahaha

Never played it but I assume theres some type of melee and the bow just has a bunch of arrows to choose from.

>Can we have please talk about the actual GAMEPLAY of this game?
No, because they haven't shown it yet.

This tbqh.
This genre needs to die. I still haven't beat RDR 2 for this reason. AAA studios want to make one of two things now, either a F2P BR to suck the money from children or a glorified movie that you control the camera angles for.
Gaming is dying in a bad way, dont get me wrong theres good shit too but people are just too dumb, they keep lapping up this garbage. Dont get me wrong LoU was a fun game, I played through it twice to get collectables I missed. But at the end of the day I felt like I was playing a movie and I really dont want games to start trending that way.
Movie industry is shit tier now, too much politicking not enough entertainment, I dont want my vidya to go the same way. I just want to have fun....

But user popular opinion says its good and since Im a normalfag, I am extremly suspectable to highschool tier social manipulation and the feeling of missing out of a conversation that other normalfags are having means I must play and love this game

Attached: DLbAp98V4AA4zfK.jpg (680x383, 36K)

whys that, brainlet?

This isn't actual gameplay and you're a fucking idiot or a shill if you believe it.

The demo was so obviously handcrafted for E3 it's laughable. There's no way the AI and animations will be that dynamic in the final product. The same crap happened with the first TLOU, baffling that people would fall for the same trick twice.

Not saying that the actual game will be bad, but the E3 demo is by no means representative of the final product.

Attached: laughing elf man.jpg (255x352, 16K)

There's nothing wrong with movie games.

Attached: Mgs3fc.jpg (350x498, 51K)

>calling someone brainlet
>when you're defending gliding melee attacks and shit enemy AI
Reminder that getting in front of enemies as they spawn in a panty shooter has them ignore their pre-programmed location and start attacking you where they stand. A ramen budget tier game can do it but the multimillion dollar game can't.
How lazy can they be?

>trying to shill the multiplayer with the shitty supply run game mode
>all ebin gameplay moments
Fucking cuck, play survivor or kys.
From what I remember it only shows you if you're running and making noise. Staying crouched and sneaking makes it easier to sneak, and the correct game mode to play which that faggot isn't playing is usually a lot more slow paced since its one life per round.

Can't wait until the game comes out and all you anons in denial get completely BTFO.
The only actually misleading thing about the original game's trailer was the way the AI was portrayed. Yes, the human AI was pretty bad in the final game. However, ND are extreme perfectionists who take and and all criticism like that extremely seriously, and they had already fixed all AI issues in their games by the time of Uncharted 4. This time it's the real deal

Attached: TLOU2 Demo.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

Literally the only thing from the original gameplay reveal of TLOU1 that didn't make it into the final game is the animation of when Joel takes out amunition from a revolver. Everything else can and will happen in-game. It may not look as elegant, but it will 100% happen at some point.
Uncharted 4 has way better AI and there is nothing in TLOUpt2 gameplay that hasn't been featured in previous naughty dog games except for the outstanding animation work that they are doing now.

"press square to feign involvement in this cutscene"

Excelent bait.

Can't wait for the comparison video where the actual game's animations and AI are nothing like that.

>enjoyed the first game well enough, played it shortly after release and borrowed a friends copy
>both me and him have absolutely zero interest in the sequel
I wasn't even that bothered to watch the gameplay but eventually did and the only new shit I noticed for the gameplay was
>seemingly a dodge button for melee instead of mashing square and occasionally hitting triangle
>You can hide in tall grass
>You can hide under cars and shoot from them
I didn't care much for Ellie at all and only really liked Joel, so I had zero reason to want to play a sequel about her. Also I recall reading a article shortly after beating the story were they said if they ever made a sequel it would be about a entierly new cast, since they thought Joel and Ellie's story was finished but clearly that was bullshit. Most fun I had in the original was the multiplayer and I wouldn't put it past them to cuck that because they wanted to focus on single player or some gay shit.

Attached: 1558119293225.jpg (225x225, 13K)


Bad example. Everyone knows that Metal Gear games have very interactable gameplay with fun mechanics.

Attached: 1531525852101.png (763x758, 164K)

so it's retarded gameplay because you are capable of doing that cool sequence of moves? You should just be pinned behind the wall the whole time by hails of hitscan gunfire without the enemies ever making mistakes of any kind, because that's more like real life?
Also that's the first fight in the game and enemies are splitting attention between you and the NPC allies in the back of the room. And they are programmed so that if one of them is trying to melee you, then the other will run out of melee range and start shooting instead, which is why that guy ran past. They rarely just unload on you from point blank because that's infuriating and ruins the flow of the gameplay

>press button to watch pretty cutscene while the "story" lectures you with pretentious talking points

Truly giving Metal Gear Solid a run for its money.

>Enemy on car shoots Ellie with bow
>Instead of shooting again or running over to tackle her or some shit while she's stsggered from getting hit they just hop off the car and stand there as she runs away
They can't even be bothered to make sure their scripted demo doesn't have any noticeable flaws.

Yes but I think there are good ways to do it. I think a game like mgs2 has a pretty good system. The only complaint being the people that see you and instantly trigger an alert status (they dont have to radio to alert everyone else, so how would all the enemies know you were seen?). They are only a few of all the enemies though near the end. But the enemies typically have a set path that they walk and guard, and if they hear or see something, they investigate the origin spot of what they heard or saw. If they find nothing suspicious, they return to their set path. Certain things, such as finding a knocked out soldier or a killed soldier, will trigger the caution phase where the soldier is actively suspicious and may search the area, deviating from their set path. Even if you're caught, during alert status if the enemies lose sight of you they only know where you went, not where you are. So if you run through a door, that tells them to chase you in there, but if you go under or behind something, they don't know you're there just because they are on alert (as they shouldn't). Then they will do a sweep of the room, often opening doors and lockers to check for you. If they don't find you, they go on caution and search the area for you. And if they finish their search and don't find you, it's back to normal patrol routes. I think it's a pretty thoughtful system. Tlou has this sort of set path system in some parts, but in others the enemies are just set to search for you and roam an area freely, usually based on the story context.

Why are games like Uncharted and The Last of Us considered moviegames and walking simulators and games like RE2 aren't?

Attached: UC4vRE2.png (835x894, 677K)

This fellow 4channeler, I've totally had enemies hide and try and ambush me when I pull out my shotgun, and not just melee dudes charging at me while I have a shotgun out, no sir!

it's all about creating the illusion of intelligent enemies. Just because it boils down to some very simple system doesn't make good AI any less impressive

Attached: FEAR AI.webm (768x432, 2.97M)

RE2 has actual gameplay

Metal Gear Solid has incredibly shallow gameplay compared to Hitman and Thief.

fucking get that shit outta here
this is a video game board

Because RE2 is fun and capcom remembered that's what video games are about, not trying to emulate film.

But you can't even punch the zombies in RE2

Attached: The Last of Us™ Remastered_20161117011735.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

because RE2 isn't a moviegame unlike TLoU and UC4

Tlou doesn't have stick to wall button, only crouch, and then you can crouch next to cover. You don't stick either. It's fluid, joel just puts his hand on the cover to look more like he's taking cover.


>physical contact with zombies
Talk about being retarded


lol another movie scene
jesus christ

>comparing survival horror game to movie game

>tfw you were all warned about the movie game scourge years ago


Attached: 1546383463741s.jpg (125x125, 3K)
they've been doing the scripted specialty animations and scripted ai for all of their trailers that never make it into the actual game

I have had both.

>mostly a movie of gay jews

says he as he posts a webm and tries to convince everyone TLoU isn't a movie game
c o p e

RE2 literally has the player get bitten in the neck and you still survive.

>AI enemies feel like real people and not just game enemies
>New types of infected, they are a real threat and behave different
This just sounds like marketer speak. Pretty sure OP is a paid shill.

Fuck you faggot OP get a real job you piece of shit I make more money in 3 months than you do in a year faggot.

Based and Dougpilled.

Obviously RE2 realised zombies should feel like a threat and not something you can give a quick 4 hit combo to and take out instantly with a ebin finisher move.

How do we stop movie games, Yea Forums?

Attached: 1551810711207.jpg (738x302, 106K)

She dodged into the car. It doesn't seem that ridiculous. Characters can react to walls and shit while moving all the time now.

dont play with my heart like that

Atleast you aren't going in for the contact yourself in RE2

>RE2 has actual gameplay
Literally has less variety than Uncharted 4 in terms of gameplay. You walk around a police station at a snail's pace aiming your flashlight. That's literally it. Where is the variety?

>square square square square square square square square
I love TLOU, and it does have some cool flow, but it wasn't that intelligent. 2 looks better, though. ND makes good games.

TLoU is like one of those bootleg beat 'em up games

have you played the game? Most of those animations are there and the trailer can be pretty closely re-enacted; only the final ones where Joel takes the guys shotgun and where he gets tackled are not. Taking the shotgun (and the ammo from the dead guy's revolver) was against the low-ammo gameplay formula used in the final game, and being tackled was really just like an in-game cutscene.

Attached: dadrage.webm (640x360, 2.02M)

>actual gameplay
such as?

variety is not gameplay

Because they hand wave it away by saying canonical Leon/Claire/whoever never gets bit iirc. Also irrelevant to the topic at hand, since in that case the zombie is coming at you to bite not you running in to punch it in the face.

fighting games have this already. Killer instinct for example (the most recent one) collects data on your habits, trends, and how you react to certain tactics and moves, if you lose once to KI arcade bot, it will keep getting harder and harder to the point where you either need to do some really weird shit to recondition the AI or just reset the game. The fact that you think you even know the core concept of how an AI works is hilarious, doubly so that you think video games arent capable of running a "learning AI" when its been done already and will continue to be.

yes, i've played through the game about 4 times and the trailer is still nowhere near the base game in terms of AI and animations like that

>trying this hard to convince others and yourself it isn't scripted
Only faggots like Persona.

the ultimate scripted movie experience

>brainlet can't even tell what gameplay is
Go "play" your movie games then

and walking around for 8 hours is?

>will be scripted

Did people play TLoU 1? Literally all of the human encounters were engaging and not scripted at all.

>Punching a zombie in the face is worse than getting bit and not turning even though it is canon to turn
Holy shit this is some high level mental gymnastics shit.
Is this the elite special olympics?
Just anything to shit on TLOU huh?

>deflects to "muh variety"
How much does Sony pay you for this anyway?

>can't even come up with anything
lmao that was too easy, user. i loved RE2 but it was much more of a moviegame than Uncharted 4 or even TLOU was. get real

It probably is, but you're acting like that particular thing was impossible.

*dabs on REmake 2*

Attached: Uncharted 4 China Lake.webm (640x360, 2.93M)

>muh fighting game AI
Much simpler than making competent AI in a 3D world

You mean the one that wasn't scripted?

Stay seething, game will win GoTY, will sell bajillions and be 10/10 just like the first one. Cope

Attached: wew.jpg (540x720, 51K)

You act like it's brainless. Running around them on Grounded trying to do that without getting swiped in the back for half your HP was like playing a contact sport or something. You had to constantly be sprinting and leading the crowd around, funneling them, jumping over / climbing obstacles and isolating them, pushing them against walls w/ running punches for iframed deathblow melee kills and then instantly quick-turning while punching to hit the zombie behind you before it can hit you first.

>user can't even define gameplay.


Attached: TLoU shills.jpg (540x670, 108K)

>dude TRUST ME, RE2 has better gameplay
>NO i will not explain why, fuck off

Attached: 1555301319128.gif (480x320, 2.99M)

>capcom remembered that's what video games are about, not trying to emulate film.
based capcom & user

>trying to compare the player willingly running into biting distance of a zombie to punch it to one grabbing the player when he's dumb enough to move into range
Alright, why don't you tell me why the normal infected only slap at you and shit instead of instantly going for a bite if getting bit in re2 being handwaved as not canon is such a big deal for you despite not having any relevance to the original topic.

Joel is the only good part of TLOU and its a shame they're making him second banana to the gay racemixing rape victim

>comparing a action game to a survival horror game
I shouldn't be surprised snoyfag shills are this braindead.

Not 3 and 5.

Maybe in terms of AI, sure, but making the animations look that smooth is definitely possible if you know how to smoothly control it

Attached: TLOU combat.webm (1024x576, 2.69M)

Anyone defending this game is a literal pedophile

If you don't even know what gameplay is you are clearly too young for this site

Wheres my balance of power then faggot
>if it sells well and onions journos say it's good, then it must be good
So God hand sucks then since journos thought it was bad and it didn't sell well?

No it really isn't, it just takes more time because in order to create a competent AI in a 3D space you need some competent playtesters to give it some competent reactions to competent tactics and actions. The AI will come pre-programmed to execute certain actions and strategies based on what the player does immediately, for example halo: CE where enemies will dodge grenades and try to flank your position, the real challenge comes in making an AI that can PREDICT you, rather than react. Even in something as simple as a fighting game this will take time, but the process is no different and certainly not more complex.

Because the runners in TLOU are cordyceps mindcontrolled humanoids that are just trying to hit you in any way they can. The clickers and stalkers are the ones that will bite much more often than runners will. Runners will still bite, but they are much more focused on just hitting you. Clickers will only sometimes just hit you if you are out of reach, and even then it will mostly try to bite you.

you can't even defend your own opinion, you keep resorting to ad hominem.

Any snoy shill want to tell me how days gone is?

>Still can't define gameplay.

Haven't played any modern day games in years. These webm's are kind of weirding me out, the ultra realistic graphics make my brain think I am seeing real people but then a girl takes an axe to the chest and just shrugs it off. It works when the characters are cartoonish but when they look real but are taking impossible damage something feels off. I don't know if I can get used to this if it is the future of gaming.

>that auto aim
>calling this a game

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1223x683, 92K)

this. I hate faggots on Yea Forums that make an argument on video game difficulties without playing and beating the game on harder modes.

>bullet time slow down mode

They are like half-scripted and half systemic but it's all botched up. It should be way more systemic. Like when you jump out this window by this fire escape but you stay on the roof instead of jumping off the building, all the enemies behind you who have detected you start running around in circles out on the fire escape because some dumb scripted AI shit told them they had to chase you that way as soon as you went out the window. Which is why I was able to just hop back through the window and molotov all of them at once (webm related).
They should just be systemically programmed to simply chase you around, like in other games.

Attached: nice fire escape lmao.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

>dude they just want to hit you even though when they actually kill you they bite you
Fuck right off you fucking hypocrite.

I don't know why, but looking at Uncharted 4 it looks like I'd have a better time playing it. Sure it's an action movie game with smooth motion and shit, but it doesn't take itself as fucking seriously as other games.

RE2 is my goty so far but you are beyond delusional if you think it doesn't suffer from the same things Uncharted and TLOU get shit on for. The entire game is you walking around, literally walking around because Leon and Claire are too retarded to actually run from danger, they just lightly jog away. there are virtually no puzzles in the game and it's filled with cutscenes. meanwhile uncharted has gunfights, platforming, puzzle solving and even has a driving level. RE2 also has a higher cutscene to gameplay ratio based on the average play time.

Try googling or something

that's the point

This. I still find new animations on playthroughs. People haven't played the game and assume whats in it aka contrarian faggots.

>argue for me i'm a brainlet
kill yourself you fucking retard holy shit

>virtually no puzzles in the game
So you didn't even play it

Uncharted's puzzles and platforming are so braindead they might as well not be there. The platforming literally can't be failed most of the time.
>RE2 also has a higher cutscene to gameplay ratio based on the average play time
That's just plain wrong, especially when you can skip the walkie talkie segments in RE2 but not in Uncharted.

>on the fly crafting
>muh multiple ammo types
>scrap collecting and more scrap collecting
>huge fucking bushes and grass in select patches that look out of place for stealth reasons
>stealth that requires one button
>aim assist
>ledges/ladders painted or highlighted
>ubisoft-tier character design

Attached: 1523223412408.png (332x322, 202K)

>RE2 is my goty so far
Jesus christ, user, go play Sekiro.

I'm not your mother, go learn shit yourself


the idea that Uncharted 4 is a movie game is a meme. The actual gameplay is extremely videogamey and unrealistic, and is filled with videogame chiches. It's just presented like a movie with it's seamless cutscenes and strong narrative
Heavy Rain is a real movie game. U4 has deathmatch

>Why do people
Yeah, and a lot of these scenes weren't even in the game. That's the point.

No matter how much Naughty Dog wants to pretend their video game is not a video game, it will always look and feel like a fucking video game.

and here we are back to once again

>actual gameplay
Where? It's all scripted bullshit that will probably end up streamlined and dumbed down in the final product.

Dark Souls 3 is one of the worst games ever made.

Attached: 1558061436410.gif (619x350, 2.15M)


Attached: cursedJames.png (498x476, 254K)

Because Yea Forums likes RE2. It has far less actual gameplay than tlou easy.
>inb4 people who didnt play tlou call this bait
Get fucked.

The Last of Us has a GAME!?
When the fuck did this happen

Attached: pen_pen.jpg (160x180, 22K)

Neither of those were headshots, both look like they hit the hand / edge of shoulder. And your pic is not even the frame where the bullet connected. On Grounded difficulty, it only takes one revolver bullet anywhere to a human enemy's body to kill them (usually it's the same for you though).
BTW you shouldn't be surprised a console has a little bit of swipe-autoaim. Everyone knows its 10x harder to aim with analog sticks than with a mouse

This but even better, occasionally while climbing something the thing you are holding onto will suddenly almost break, artificially raising the tension! Pretty neat right?


>strong narrative
Take your own advice and ask 6our bull to do it for you when he's done with your wife cuck.

fuck you its only good when its 2d

Attached: 1514648922783.jpg (600x255, 34K)

The illusion only affects people who play the game for a small amount of time. Even the most sophisticated AIs in games have recognizable patterns after a while that are easily exploited

Cope, redditor.

Attached: 2270-2.jpg (2560x1440, 919K)

>calling someone a cuck with no counterpoint
So I'm right

>trusting E3 """gameplay""" after the first game

Attached: 1478978903754.jpg (436x396, 36K)

They are actually aware of that. Having all that cinematic stuff while still being a true videogame is the intention. People here act like they forsook gameplay for cinematic walking-sim shit long ago, but they have always known that you can't have a good game without a foundation of good gameplay

The player inputed a dodge the game read that there was a car on the side so it played an animation of her hitting the car after the dodge, slowing her down , that makes situational awareness crucial in combat situations.

Its pure gameplay

There is not a single Naughty Dog game that reaches the same movie levels as Metal Gear, Final Fantasy, Yakuza, Persona, etc.

Attached: 1558231017567.jpg (600x600, 32K)

>main+extras (aka one campaign)
>cutscene video uses multiple campaigns
Unironically perfidious, well done.

>DS3 not being as good as DS1 suddenly makes it the worst game ever made
Nice logic brainlet

One of the worst != the worst

>DS3 not being as good as DS1 suddenly makes it one of the worst games ever made
Nice logic brainlet

It's a vertical slice, the game will get close to looking like this but not this smooth.

Faggot, Ellie had Stealth Camo.

crying about dark souls in a thread about TLOU is pretty insulting considering every single souls game is millions of times more enjoyable to play than TLOU

>Dark Souls 3 being unadulterated, casual trash doesn't make it one of the worst games ever made
Nice logic, brainlet.

Attached: whydarksouls3isshit.png (1628x850, 289K)

that's just like your opinion man

Attached: UC4 cutscene.webm (640x360, 3M)

>implying it's anywhere near as bad as all these movie games

ew, actual sony shills on here. this game is garbage and so is your console

that is nothing but a feels argument, dismissed

It's not an opinion. All of those series have cutscenes that enter the double digit mark, in terms of hours. There isn't a single Naughty Dog game that has >10 hours of cutscenes/exposition. In fact, the first Metal Gear Solid game is basically the first movie game.

Attached: 1558059325581.jpg (832x832, 111K)

Too scripted to accurately analyse.

and you have no proof otherwise. Guess we'll just have to find out.

Two threads exactly like this.
One for Ghost of Tsushima and now One for the Last of Us

Sony shills are truly out in full force,

And yet Souls games have never gained the universal acclaim as TLOU

Attached: BasedNintendo.jpg (891x942, 473K)

A movie game is more about % of cutscene/non-playable cinematic experiences to actual gameplay in which Naughty Dog win easily.

Ghosts of Tsushima is going to be a masterpiece.

Attached: Ghosts of Tsushima.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)


Attached: GOATborne.png (1680x610, 323K)

I don't think you know what a movie game is. Only MGS4 really fits because of all the walk and talk "press button to continue cutscene" moments.

Games like Uncharted and nu-God of War blend cutscenes into ganeplay. The characters have magnetic hands that grab onto ledges, and the ledges crumble at the right moment. You are often presented with the illusion of exploration, but the inputs you make will hardly vary from player to player because the game design is so narrowly crafted.
The only moments with actual stakes are the pure combat sequences, but even these (especially for bosses) are designed in a way that different players will have very similar fights. It becomes an experience rather than a game.

just like tlof1

> Literal who review site
> Meaning anything
LOL, Continue coping you fucking cuck. Bloodborne sold 2 million copies, it's literally niche irrelevant garbage

Persona 5 has around forty hours of cutscenes and the game takes around ninety-hours to complete. That means that almost 50% of your time with the game is spent in non gameplay segments. Please show me one Naughty Dog game that reaches that level of movie.

>less than 50%
So Persona 5 is less of a movie game then the average Naughty Dog game

OH NO OH NO NO NO NO NO, Bloodborne was ranked 178th despite 44k people voting

Attached: 2cb16e8891a99a9bc1eb28d3b30b9e8ee0e7a600_s2_n1.jpg (1844x2464, 469K)

My man, I'm also a massive sony fan, but I don't like having my board clogged to the brim with giant greentext shill posts talking about how cool the features of a game are.

What Naughty Dog game has you spending half the game in non-gameplay sequences?

I want this to be good but it looks so shitty after playing Sekiro

How were any of these taken, aggregated and evaluated?


Attached: GOAT Souls.png (1676x676, 372K)

The Uncharted series, The Last of Us etc.

>862 votes

> 554 ratings meaning anything when the other one had 844,200 ratings
Jesus soulsfags are mentally ILL

>Down 30 spots

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-18 at 9.27.20 PM.png (1662x316, 268K)

That's not true though. It's just a straight-up lie

Oh no, Souls isn't as acclaimed by gaming journalists as the literal most overrated game ever made, a tragedy

God of war had multiple paths? Since fucking when

millions of flies eat shit why don't you

Since 2018, when it released.

>rolling and mashing the melee button

>That's not true though
No, it's really not

this is playing in iMax 3d right

Even Yea Forums agrees that Dark Souls is the GOAT.

Attached: v's top 100 games - 2018.png (2500x2500, 1.39M)

That's old news faggot, get with the times. The Top 6 were the only ones with a head to head win percentage of 70 %

Attached: Basedv.jpg (2560x2000, 791K)

>New Vegas not in the top 10
Literal fake news.

what the hell I thought this game came out already

COPE, there was a thread up for 15 hours 2 weeks ago, all of the voting was done there

that looks mediocre

>2019 list when we aren't even half way through the year
>110,000 votes
Nice bullshit chart

I want to fuck Ellie... but only if she is still 14

>custcenes are now all that is required to qualify as a movie game
zoomers need to die

lol at the webm

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Attached: _20190503_210855.jpg (663x480, 53K)

>Movie game
Yeah it's gonna suck

I think you've had a stroke, user. Should i call the local emergency services?

Total bullshit list, fucking Nier at number 3 and 110k votes

Continue coping, see the fucking number of votes at the bottom?

Attached: 5576ae00-111c-47d1-bc8e-11cedb71dd87.png (795x252, 13K)

Nier Automata is such fucking dogshit. Weebs have no taste.

Only 1,300 people actually voted, but there used to be 245 games so each game was voted on from 700-1,300 times

Attached: b6fb5d62-12c7-457e-b5fd-88ce35d78718.png (836x409, 18K)


Attached: Top 100 RPGs - v.png (1200x1590, 211K)

And you missed the part where a panty game does just that and it works great because the melee isn't auto-targeting shit and the bullets aren't hitscan. Oh look, laziness is why it's poorly executed. Who'd have thought?

> Breath of The Wild
> Shadow of the Colossus
> Read Dead Redemption
> Skyrim
There is no reason to take the opinions of this chart seriously when this dogshit is on it. With that in mind, I liked both Dark Souls and The Last of Us. Suck my dick.

That was in 2017, how exactly is that relevant now?

Shittiest list I've ever seen
>Nier number 3
>Nv in the 40s
>Persona 5 above all smts and other personas

>this thread

Attached: all so tiresome.jpg (500x478, 34K)

So you had reddit vote on games, who gives a shit

Jesus imagine seething this bad

I will not say anything after this post. However, I am not exaggerating when I say I'm putting in an insane amount of hours of blood, sweat and tears to ensure this game meets everyone's top standards. Getting up and jumping into insane traffic and spending hours on the project. So it is disheartening to see people rail on it. Thank you.

>"extreme perfectionists"
i take it back, obvious troll is obvious

Imagine actually having good taste in video games and thinking for yourself instead of having journalists think for you

It's not even a melee game. It's a third person shooter. You can only do such a long sequence of melee moves like that in that very first fight there, because every other fight is in a much larger area with way more dangerous / armored enemies shooting at you and you can't just run up into interrupting their spawn animations.
Melee is meant for you to take down isolated enemies that you manage to close in on (which is hard to do when everyone is shooting at you, meaning you have to move fast and decisively to do it safely). You try and melee someone out in the open (not using a one-hit-kill jump attack from higher elevation) and you will get shot in the back a million times and die as you are struggling with them.

Attached: melee fail.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Nice scripted cutscene. They did the same for one, false advertising

Imagine seething this hard. New Vegas is an unabashed masterpiece in literally every aspect.

He is right though. They only even decided to make Uncharted 4 at all because they felt that Uncharted 3 was not up to their standards for being the finale to the series, and that was with reviewers already overrating the hell out of it for them. Uncharted was supposed to only be a trilogy.

Attached: not good enough.png (805x414, 114K)

Uncharted 3 was underrated.

I'm on Yea Forums daily and haven't seen any threads, fuck off

>First game blatantly ripped off The Road
What book is Niel Jewmann going to steal from this time?

Attached: Vigokino.jpg (660x378, 23K)

Finnegans Wake

it wasn't terrible but it was worse than 2.

The story was a mess, the levels were random setpieces strung together and the aiming felt fucked up compared to U2. But it was very fun. It felt like more of the same as U2, but worse in a few ways (ways that didn't really matter that much) when it should've been better. The melee stuff was cool. It's a bit underrated when people compare it to the other Uncharted games

>Can we have please talk about the actual GAMEPLAY of this game?
have they actually shown any? the E3 demo was completely scripted bullshit that was meant to played out in the exact same way every time.

How? Just because they take place in violent post-apocalyptic settings and are about a father figure travelling with a child? That's not a story they share, it's a premise

>It's not even a melee game. It's a third person shooter
Where did I say the panty game WASN'T a third person shooter? Here's a free hint: it is a TPS
>You try and melee someone out in the open (not using a one-hit-kill jump attack from higher elevation) and you will get shot in the back a million times and die as you are struggling with them.
But I can do that in the panty game no issue. It's called skill and not having hitscan.
Tell me when you can dance around a chopper and battle ship cannons while normal enemies are shooting at you AND WIN the fight against all of them. Also there are no interruptions or cuts in gameplay. Also there's technically more to the stage than just that part including the boss fight after winning that part.
That being
>kill about 10-15 enemies(at least 5 are snipers)
>a chopper
>and 4-6 cannons

Yeah that shit was fucking great. Too bad TLoU2 is a PS4 game, I'm not gonna pay for PS+ just to play some MP TLoU.

What the fuck is a panty game

An ecchi fanservice game

Attached: w0_1920.jpg (1920x1080, 560K)

Anyone who seriously takes these E3 prototypes as representative of the final product need to get their brain checked. Years of precedent and common sense will tell you the final product will be severely downgraded and half the promises will either be backtracked or cut

Godhand is absolutely not that low. Shit list past the first five.

You're actually fucking stupid to not understand that every single thing they have said about the gameplay is a LIE. They did that for TLoU1 as well, it was marketed with flat out lies and they even created fake, better gameplay footage to market it than what the real game has.

She definitely isn't 90 pounds

Imagine believing this webm.
In the unlikely event that it represents the final game, it will control like shit because those animations and responsive gameplay are incompatible.

Attached: 1482886029475.png (640x480, 158K)

What is your point? Yeah, the actual TLoU game is NOTHING like that fake E3 footage they showed. Real game is actual trash.

when I consider the fact that people whined about the few gameplay parts in the first game as being too hard and then I see this overly scripted shit all I can think is its going to be casual as fuck.

It will never, ever be believable for a 5'4" woman to be this badass. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a woman or a manlet who has never been in a fight with someone a foot taller than them.

>Shit list past the first one

The problem is we really can't because absolutely EVERYTHING they showed about the originals gameplay was false, and I say this as someone who actually liked TLOU. The "gameplay" leading up to release and touted features were 100% bullshit and it boiled down to a well polished action stealth game with Nike crafting elements.

Even believing this game will be decent, I can't believe anything they show me in their gameplay presentations because Sony has a history of lying more than Randy Pitchford with a suitecase full of underage porn and embezzled employee wages.

This is a video game board


Shame it was dead in like a month, it was pretty fun.

Attached: 1557671976785.png (928x287, 150K)

>using the only video with that time

Attached: ONE OF THESE THINGS IS NOT LIKE THE OTHER.png (754x618, 227K)


Still not 13 hours.

And how long is each game?


Attached: 1555466879422.png (496x457, 144K)

Thought you made a typo and were talking about a party game. I googled panty game and got nothing about ecchi fanservice games.

>But I can do that in the panty game no issue.
No shit, it has a completely different gameplay formula where you run around in the wide open spaces while dodging, shooting and meleeing shit thats shooting back at you like a basic TPS.
You are basically arguing that hitscan cannot ever be good, when really it is always superior for sticky-cover shooters because you expose yourself so rarely in them that you'd just do whack-a-mole and never get hit if they were projectiles. Hitscan works fine if you can perform actions that temporarily reduce enemy accuracy, like rolling, moving quickly across their FOV, not staying in their sights for more than a moment, and doing transitions into cover (all of which are used in uncharted)

>Also there are no interruptions or cuts in gameplay.
there are no cuts in the combat in Uncharted either, and we are talking about combat

Looking forward to see how Ellie's jewish girlfriend will die. Wouldn't surprise me if Joel dies too.

Attached: The nose is NOT photoshopped.jpg (1920x1080, 90K)

Which parts had multiple paths? Game felt pretty linear until you got to post game.

I don’t know about enemy call outs. It’s neat but it makes stealth feels wonky.
>stealth kill an enemy
>enemies do roll call
>ones missing
>they go on heightened alert
>stealth kill was for nothing

13 hours of watching cutscenes and 6 hours of gameplay.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-18 at 10.43.43 PM.png (1154x308, 265K)

>you expose yourself so rarely in them that you'd just do whack-a-mole and never get hit if they were projectiles
So make enemies far more aggressive that you need to dance around them. Sticky-cover shooters are subpar compared to their free form siblings because of this. Hitscan is the lazy and cheap alernative for when someone can't think of how to make their encounters that much more intense than taking 20 bullets to the back hiding in cover and auto-regenerating the health you lost.
Something like the Ship and chopper fight would be a set piece in Uncharted where you'd have interruptions so they can have an explosion happen near you that you just avoid getting hit by and sent flying back that would be scripted into the game because it's flashy. All the spectacle in Bullet Girls is from the player's own actions and not just pre-rendered animations. It's far more intense when you know nothing is scripted and any mistake will fuck you over hard.

Just watch, she will turn out to be a bad person (if not outright-villainous character) who betrays Ellie. She is portrayed like a total manipulative bitch in the trailer, and an atheist Jew like Druckmann would totally pick a member of his own race to make be the most morally-repulsive character. He tries /so/ hard to subvert expectations like that.
Also Joel will return as a playable character starting mid-way through the game (though possibly only for one or two parts). His return will be like the return of the Blades of Chaos in God of War and his unexpected reappearance will boost journos review scores by ~5 points on its own.

Attached: jwnwxkgpglyrnxlqukkr.jpg (1113x617, 57K)

>Game is focused on uninterrupted cinematic marketing
>Jump button, dodging and more QTE prompts
>More crafting and weapon palette swaps
>Game is bigger, multiple paths (think about numbers bigger than 1, but not too much)
>AI enemies feel like game enemies, only dumber
>Melee combat has been refined and expanded visually, while simplified to wide-window QTE prompts in practical terms
>New palette swaps of infected, they are a mild speed-bump and behave differently-colored
>More vertical areas, mostly holes dug in landfills to hold unsold copies of the game
>Combat has increased emphasis on quick, time, and events
>We told the voice actors to ramble as much as they wanted and left the recorders on
>Two different timelines explored in TLOU2, whatever that means to you
>Old Bamham QTE mechanic is a core part of combat and melee
>Far more creative and emergent moments in combat thanks to big increase in consumer hallucinogen usage.
>Improved stealth mechanics, including characters wandering in front of enemies that pretend not to see them.
>Expanded infected enemies and whole new classes... wait, didn't we already say this?
>Grass stealth is unreliable because people like RNG stealth success, right?
>Much more verticality in... we definitely said this already.
>Survival aspects are still paid lip service.
>Each ammo type fulfills a particular strategy niche. For example, bullets kill enemies, while explosive arrows kill enemies.
>Animation system is janky as ever, but we got it right in our trailers so be cool.
>We made rooms bigger.
>Gameplay trailer massively improved for added hype.
>AI enemies sometimes pretend not to know where you are exactly.
>Referred to as systemic check-ins of AI information. They play voice files and execute pathing protocols until the RNG tells them to start attacking you again.

Fixed that for you.

Came to post this.

t. never played yakuza

You can't play a movie.

aaah, you got a laugh out of me

>So make enemies far more aggressive
They did. Except you don't run up in their faces and dance around them like some ninja, you avoid the gunfire and move to a more advantageous position, holding them off with blindfire if you are pinned down and regenerating (though you should try to be regenerating while repositioning, not while hiding). It only takes 3 seconds to regen, BTW (and like 0.25s to die from full HP)

>Something like the Ship and chopper fight would be a set piece in Uncharted where you'd have interruptions so they can have an explosion happen near you that you just avoid getting hit by and sent flying back that would be scripted into the game because it's flashy. All the spectacle in Bullet Girls is from the player's own actions and not just pre-rendered animations. It's far more intense when you know nothing is scripted and any mistake will fuck you over hard.
That's not true, you would just be required to shoot them down in a regular fight with grenade launcher or RPG rounds, like every other real vehicle fight in every other Uncharted game. Have you ever actually played one?

And the combat is nowhere near as scripted as you seem to believe. You completely ignore the whole guerrilla warfare aspect of the game, for example, where you sneak around behind groups of enemies, stealthing individuals and opportunistically ambushing groups w/ grenades or sudden automatic fire. Then as they start shooting back, you run off ASAP, gunning down all chasing stragglers you bump into, regain stealth, and repeat until you've whittled the whole group down to the point where you can take them all at once

>unexpected reappearance
He's obviously in the game, yeah we didnt see him, but to think that Joel won't be in the game is pure autism

Joel is most likely dead.

thats what they want you to think


I dislike multiple timelines. Especially since the tension of whether or not Ellie might die is stripped away from one whole half of the game if she's playable in both. As far as shocking moments go, the bit where Joel falls on some rebar, passes the fuck out in a puddle of his own gore, and then you start playing as Ellie was pretty good.

I suppose it adds both an element of challenge and realism. Most importantly it fixes how OP stealth usually is.

>you don't run up in their faces and dance around them like some ninja
But you literally don't, you dance around them in the sense that you run around them so they end up in each others line of sight so they can't shoot you without shooting each other. Then you make full use of any turns in the walls or boundaries to avoid gun fire instead of sticky cover
>you would just be required to shoot them down in a regular fight with grenade launcher or RPG rounds
So there's no creativity in destroying them, just the same method?
>Have you ever actually played one?
Yeah, the first 3, unfortunately.
>it's not nearly as scripted as you think
It's far more scripted than the panty game and that's my point.

Video games are not fucking movies. They are their own medium. When will people realize making a game more cinematic does not mean making a movie?

Tell that to Kojima.

3 minutes into the video and where’s the gameplay? It’s just lesbians dancing and Juno dialogue all over again. Who cares?

go fuck yourself

Attached: 1449030599275.png (267x292, 22K)

I'm not a Yea Forums contrarian that blindly shits on everything because it's popular. I try to see the appeal in things I don't like and try to be open minded about everything.

But IMHO TLOU wasn't a good game at all. Graphics aside, it was an incredibly formulaic 3rd person cover shooter. A few nice set pieces but that's it.

I feel like the whole hype about it came exclusively from zoomers who've build an outright obsessive emotional attachment to the characters. Maybe because they identify with Ellie, a queer little bitch? Maybe they see a father figure in Joel, something they never had in their lives? Either way, the whole cultural significance of this game is concerning and a bad omen for the industry. I hope the new game bombs.

Attached: tzdgxdh0spr11.jpg (750x588, 45K)

I call it the 'terminator complex'

If I have the power to throw you across the room I have the power to choke the life from you - why would I chase you just to throw you away from me or over to that detonator I plot forgot about.

REMINDER: If you enjoyed TLOU you are sub 80 IQ

> Morrowind, Fallout 1, and RDR1 significantly below games like Portal and Half-Life 2

This list is like Reddit-tier incarnate.

That should've been obvious from the top 3.

Attached: redditcoreVidya.jpg (2400x1920, 782K)

You can't dodge bullets out in the open or do things like take down military choppers / tank bosses with "creative" methods (not involving rare explosive weapons) because the game tries to be at least somewhat based in reality.

>It's far more scripted than the panty game and that's my point.
The guerrilla warfare thing I described is an example of the purest form of emergent gameplay. It's the exact opposite of scripted
This is not nearly as crazy and action-packed as you are describing. Enemies seem to just stand still and shoot at you like sentry guns whenever they detect you. They make no attempt to avoid your attacks, and have long delays before they open fire. Also the level is as wide-open as a mecha game; the player just peeks around corners / hills, shoots rockets and hides before the AIs is allowed to shoot back

way to prove their point

You didn't argue one of the replies, nor did you make your own argument. Meaning you either got btfo in an argument already and want the anons who you got btfo by to see it, or you just don't have a point to begin with.

Attached: 1557610620711.png (680x680, 188K)

t. SEETHING brainlet

No thanks i don't want to play as an ugly dyke.

TLoU is for high IQ ludotricians.

Attached: God Tier TLOU Gameplay.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

Imagine being retarded enough to fall for this again.
This "demo" barely had any actual gameplay that wasnt npcs saying and doing things they will always say in the same exact way 100% every time you play the game with most of the animations and movement fake and gone from the final version.

>argument absent again
I'm feeling even righter

Attached: 1557612017163.png (720x589, 58K)

is there a storyline where she's not gay?

>I'm feeling even righter
Thanks for proving my point

>not even the best game of 2015
fucking bbfags should be purge

>Meaning you either got btfo in an argument already and want the anons who you got btfo by to see it,
kek that really does happen a lot. I know because I do it myself sometimes


I'd be interested if most of the game had you playing as Ellie by herself. After five Uncharteds and TLoU, I'm tired of the same boring AI companion structure of modern Naughty Dog games ("give me a hand here," "help me up," etc.).

Attached: tfw.jpg (831x866, 121K)

>This is not nearly as crazy and action-packed as you are describing
Since that whole area isn't action heavy since there are multiple mission types. Enemies range in aggression based on mission type. The mission I'm talking about is a boss fight with far more aggressive enemies.

Only on Yea Forums, where it's contrarian to even give TLOU a chance. It shows that you really only care about games for themselves- not about any of the politics surrounding them, nor any other extraneous factors (like ways they're different from previous games that you'd liked.)

>still, no points relating to the thread have been made
Where do I send the award?

it's either that or leaving a thread you got btfo in and making a new one to bait the anons so you get another chance

Why does TLoU send Yea Forums into a frothing rage every time its mentioned?

Wait I thought Yea Forums loved TLOU what happened?

I agree. It would make the game a lot scarier too

Attached: crate bullshit.webm (800x450, 2.98M)

>Realistic visuals
>No gore when shot at point blank range
I don't mean to sound like an edgelord. But the guns look weak as shit without actually showing viscera by being shot. Hollywood knows this so why doesn't Naughty Dog?

He hasn't really been in any of the trailers and he's getting pretty old to fight like he used to. People think he's gonna die in the beginning and it's gonna be a revenge story for Ellie

>the citizen kane of gaming

a 9mm bullet does not make that big of an entry wound. It does make a big exit wound, but you can't see it from that angle

Attached: headshot.webm (1920x1080, 2.21M)

wrong webm

Attached: gun cocks.webm (1280x720, 3M)

Pretty late but objectively wrong, I could install it right now and find a game in under two minutes.

Oh damn, with this HQ Webm I can see that blood pours from her face. Okay Naughty Dog is working on a level higher than Red Dead Redemption's goofy grindhouse gore system.

That guy looks like Michael Rooker

It's clearly overall very scripted.

it's fucking annoying but whatever, it's just stupid journalists and marketers. Not like it's the game's tagline

>3rd person "cinematic" shooter with stealth segments
Into the trash this goes. Can't be more cookie cutter and boring than this.

Dude what? The game is active as hell on both PS3 and 4. Sony missed an opportunity not marketing its multiplayer. It's killer app worthy. I only care about pt 2 for the multiplayer.

I never played TLOU, is this 18 y-o 120lbs girl some sort of ninja or? I mean she seems to easily take out so many grown men


Attached: 1556738212282.png (402x340, 211K)

>90% scripted shit that won't ever be in the final game, like always
>*le slowly tilt the stick for le sick cinematic effect during demo*

Attached: dark souls satus effects workarounds.jpg (550x448, 75K)

Will TLOU2 revolutionize gaming like the first game?

The combat looks and feels realistic for someone of Ellie's size and experience. Focus on stealth, speed and flexibility with short bursts of violent strength instead of sustained strength, which would be unrealistic.

maybe she has extra strength and durability from her infection

Can't wait for Ellie to kill Joel.

>movie with scripted "choices"
>video game

fucking zoomers

Are you retearded/ People are still playing it. Its more active than crackdown 3

Try again zoomer.


this is the most pre rendered, scripted piece of shit ive seen in a long time.

do people REALLY think this is actually representative of the final product? are gaymers STILL so gullible and stupid that a company can deceive them this easily?

lying sony fags TLOU is subhuman trash like you life SJW

kys anti fun fag

>buying this garbage
tlou is shit

Attached: 1542379098128.png (1716x2632, 2.94M)


Attached: Screenshot_20190210-194712_Firefox.jpg (1080x1655, 563K)

>AI enemies feel like real people and not just game enemies
Naughty Dog has lied and faked graphics several times, including for the AI in the first game, even going so far as lying when asked about it.

>Fuck right off you fucking hypocrite.
>Animalistic being doesn't know what the best tactic of killing their target is.
You are a special kind of brainlet aren't you?

>QTE prompts
Post literally just 1.

Is there a timeline where ellie isn't a dyke?

The one next to the Delta timeline where Joel is a woman.

I don't get why Yea Forums would be against her being a lesbian. It is way easier for me to identify with lusting for other women than it is to lust for other men.
I guess Yea Forums literally just is gay.

It's not about her lusting for women but how she looks in-game. I just think she's very ugly in comparison to the first game

Did you only like Joel for his looks?

Nah, I didn't really care about Joel, he was a psychopath

True. I tend to agree, but Ellie is going to be our new psychopath and female post-apoc psychopaths look like female post-apoc psychopaths (dykes)

Why repeat the same points up to 4 times, shill?

Story-wise, I hope they kind of focus on the community of people in Wyoming. What's going on with Joel? Tommy and his wife? Introduce some good characters. Be reasonable and don't get woke.

Gameplay-wise, the biggest thing is improving the AI. Make it difficult (not in terms of health or damage, but with smarter reactions, wider range of vision, etc.). Have some new weapons. Implement those new maneuvers: crawling, dodging, squeezing through tight spaces.

Have a good multiplayer like in the first game. Heck, you could probably just clone it and it would still be popular.

DON'T GET WOKE. A little lesbian thing is fine, but you don't need to make it a story centerpiece.

>Not just ignoring the questions about the ai
>Going out of their way to say that the ai is even better than the bullshot demo
Why would they bother responding to questions about it?

This guy is literally lying in his video btw. Many of the things he said wasn't in the final game are actually present. Then he overblows just how bad the glitches are to the point most people who have played the game are wondering just wtf happened in his playthrough to have so many bugs and glitches appear.

dont care, fuck nu-naughty dog

>another marketing intern copypasting bulletpoints from the latest stakeholder powerpoint
these thread formats are so obvious holy shit, tell your overlord to switch out your speech chip


>that webm
fucking kek

The enemies do have to radio in to trigger alert status though? If they shoot, and other enemies nearby hear the shot, that will auto-trigger alert status tho

so this is the power of a 2019 stealth game
into the trash

It's crazy how many people fall for these scripted "real gameplay" trailers. No wonder devs keep doing it over and over even though the final game is never even close.

Why didn't the guy just stop and not attack the MC when she was doing that cinematic on the other guy at 0:5-0:8?

>video game

>Animalistic being doesn't know what the best tactic of killing their target is.
so you're saying that animals dont know how to kill? i guess they just randomly go for the neck every single time?

No. I said animals don't know what the best tactic to kill is. The best tactic is to make a contraption that lowers failure rate, ie. use technology, and tools, but they can't.

>male enemy waits outside the cadre until your cinematic plays out on the female enemy

Naughty Dog games are rarely about who lives and dies and more about the consequences of the actions characters have done or will do in relation to others. Living and dying is a byproduct of that.

TLOU was an example of this and so was Uncharted 4.