Choose your fighter!

Choose your fighter!

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Is that Coke flavored or Raisin flavored on the right?

Licorice my dude. it's grape

Mmm, freeze pop

green > blue > purple > pink > red > orange

pink > red > blue > green > purple > orange

Green and blue are the only correct choices.

>tfw only purple and orange left and no one will eat them

Attached: 1554132852209.png (249x249, 67K)

>learning to eat them a certain why so you don't cut the insides of your mouth/cheeks
I want to go back bros...

Attached: wojak_feels_sniper.png (1014x1055, 1.11M)

hehe haha

Pink somehow always gets left with purple losers don't know what they are missing.

red orange or blue,i dont like yellow and i dont like fucking lime

Crushing them up before opening so they're like a slushy is the patrician method of enjoying them.

If you just opened and sucked the frozen juice, well, you might be queermosexual.

no offense to greenfags but fuck green

the rest are okay

I liked pink, purple, and blue a lot. didn't care much for red or green.

Blue is best color, but red is best taste

Attached: 1355606890619.jpg (300x300, 27K)

Can green turn things into forest? It's green and staff-shaped, it should.

red staves and black staves btfo'd

Attached: 1555403939238.jpg (367x324, 33K)

Blue = Pink > Green = Red > Orange

Then throw the box away when nothing but the packing bubbles (purple) remain.

all of them > blue

professional contrarian

blue tastes like medicine to me. i dont think its shit i just dont like it