Is this any good?

Is this any good?

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Only on PC. Console releases are still having bug issues and missing content. It's a relaxing and strangely addicting game. I've enjoyed my time with it so far. About 100 hours in.

How did this get so popular? It had like over 100k owners on Steam in a week.

PCfags literally don't know what Harvest Moon / Story of Seasons is

Do those games have combat?

The shitty ones made for idiots do

I wanna get it for the switch but I still have the rune factory games to play so it'd be a waste and it's apparently the worst version fuck

Cry more.

I'm fucking mad that they murdered the vampire waifu

Pretty bad games?

Is it finished? I bought it when it first came out, loved the shit out of it for 30+ hours but I'm pretty sure I saw everything there was to see at the time. Is there a decent amount of replay ability?

A bit unpolished, but I enjoyed it. I came looking for comfy and I got it.

ginger best girl, no room for debate

there was a vampire waifu? When? What happened?

Story of Seasons is pretty meh desu, this is coming from someone who pre-ordered it.

Seconding this request
I was about to buy this maybe three months ago but then i forgot about it completely lmao

Lmao, Story of Seasons is better than fucking Portia, are you stupid?

Bought it, played it for weeks. It's okay, but I prefer games like Story of Seasons or Rune Factory.
Though some characters look so childish.

It's finished. They might patch in a bit more (or possibly even DLC/expansions) but it's out of early access and is a complete product, if slightly shabby in certain places.

Both SoS games are so deeply imbalanced and don't have meaningful gameplay

Stardew Valley is half the price and much better. No point.

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At least they have an inch of personality. PCfags eat the shitty clones and smile.

Stardew Valley is garbage.

This, the Steam store is full of store brand garbage yet no one seems to complain about this.

More opinions? I'm on the fence. I loved stardew valley but never managed to finish RF4 or SOS TOT

Portia is good.

Someone's triggered. SoS is shitter than Portia, Stardew, RF4 and the older Harvest Moon games

I guess the characters are more charming, but it's all cartoony "happy" crap, I don't think I actually cared for a Harvest Moon character since I was 14, I find it weird how many people here even play it for the marriage aspect

My only experience was with one of the early access demos. Seemed to be promising at the start, and could be comfy, but the characters were really lacking and voice acting was inconsistent or really grating, especially the MC. Not sure if they changed that, or if the focus of the game is on things other than characters and would be enjoyable despite them. Crashed on me before I could get too far, but regardless of the issues, I'm still interested enough to want to pick it up on sale.

Actual spoilers
ginger has a health condition and will die on.... year 5 I think it was?.. regardless of what you do. There is no way to save her even if married.

And yet it remains better than this shit.

Completely wrong.

SoS characters have little to no charm or memorable dialogue, only autist use this as an excuse to overlook some of the most bland repetitive gameplay in the genre

Only because it has multiplayer. Were it not for that, it'd be the worse game.

What do you think it does better, Mr. Marketer?

"Happy Crap" seems like what someone who can stand Stardew's shitty "everyone has a flaw but not really" archetypical writing. I am playing for the comfy country village, I don't need people bitching like they are some urban teen.

And how are the PC clones any better? No crop variety whatsoever, no animals, the shitty combat that makes the game a generic adventure fantasy despite not committing to it like RF makes it for you? That is sad.

I cant get into this game because everyone looks like they're 10 years old, does it change at all?

its also been out forever you fucking twit, any one interested in this genre would drained it by now

it's an inferior stardew valley
the only thing it has going for it is graphical fidelity and a decent artstyle

why does ever HM clone look so fucking god damn ugly?

They are all minecraft inspired soft colored soft shaped lands.

It's pretty good for the first 20 or so hours, but it gets pretty stale after that and the main story drags on way too long. Combat is serviceable at best, cooking is a huge pain in the ass and the game has a ton of small quality of life issues.
I liked the game, but I'm struggling to figure out why. Maybe it's the autismally tedious gameplay loop, it sure as shit isn't the artstyle or writing.