What's the best way to make friends in online video games? What about gaming communities?
What's the best way to make friends in online video games? What about gaming communities?
someone post small bocchi
>act friendly
>send friend requests
helps if you have an interest in anime or vidya that the person likes.
Just be urself!
have this aru
Unironically this. At the very least you'll make friends who are like you instead of fake ones. Either change yourself if you want different friends or accept who you are.
Talk to people, send them friend requests. Be good at video games.
This as well.
>trying this hard
how unfortunate
>be myself
>people tell me to stop being weird and be normal instead
>feel bad, because I'm literally normie incarnate
I like Nako too
Is this the 40% thread?
Just worm your way into some discord groups, doesn't take much. I've been invited to many because randoms wanted to play with me again.
Why is Nako so perfect?
>be social
>friend cool people in games you play
>!IMPORTANT! Then try and see if you have more than 1 game in common. 90% of people playing the big popular stuff like MOBAs, MMOs, and BRs are autists or norms that only play one game and nothing else.
>if not, then you'll be safe to delete them in a month or 3. You'll probably stop talking to each other by then anyway.
You're hanging out in the wrong places then. You have to understand that say, MOBAs or FPS, attract a certain kind of people and there may only be a few you could relate to, so try other communities.
Use a voice changer to become a female and instantly get beta orbiters who will give you free Steam games.
You just need to work hard and try your best. Get out of your comfort zone and just try to make conversation. Eventually you'll find someone you connect with. Maybe join their guild or start a guild together and then just keep up some form of communication whether that be in-game on a semi-regular basis or out of game via Discord or Reddit.
What's the tl;dr of this