What the fuck Yea Forums? Switch exclusive marvel ultimate alliance? The graphics look worse than ultimate alliance 2 who the hell came up with this?
Switch only?
Nintendo, Marvel, and Team Ninja
It's a different art style
It's shit who cares. Shit graphics and mobile/musuo gameplay.
Deliberately crappy? Looks worse than BOTW and BOTW looked like alright decent enough nothing to write home about though
>capeshit vidya
it's for babies m8 you're not the target demographic
>The graphics look worse than ultimate alliance 2
I really hope you're just pretending to be this retarded and blind.
Get fucked snoy cucks
Do you really want to play a new Ultimate Alliance with Disney and the MCU at the front of development? no. Look what happened to MvC:I because of that shit.
you're a funny person if this looks better to you
>I-i don't need it anyway!
>gets announced for ps4
>why do we keep wining bros?
It looks comparable tbqhwy.....
Iron Man is my main. Picked him in the previous 2 games.
I hope it has doc strange I remember him being pretty OP
X-Men and Deadpool are already confirmed to be in the game.
YESSSSSSS that's based AF those are like my fave marvel characters
And? that dosn't suddenly make the worries about Disney and MCU influence magically disappear. Even PS4-Man, while better than the ASM games, still came in under Shattered Dimensions and Web of Shadows because of stupid decisions and MCU shit.
>superb roster filled with interesting newcomers like miles or spidergwen
>it's on a sub par system that has 2006 hardware in it and the game looks like complete ass
monkeys paw strikes again
This is all Marvel though, it's not like it's a crossover where Disney strongarms the other side.
Don't like it, don't buy it.
>thinking Disney has no involvement with a Marvel product
Yeah and Capitan Marvel is at the front of all promotional material for the hell of it. Kek
>Black spoder and womyn spoder
The muslima looks mildly interesting, but with a name like Ms. Marvel in a world of Marvels she'll be forgotten within a week.
I'm gonna playing for Captain America anyway so I can just ignore all the "interesting" newcomers.
Is Captain Marvel suddenly not a Marvel property?
>interesting new comers
Have you people read the comics?
Are you playing dumb on purpose? she's being pushed by Disney right now as the new face of MCU and it's no coincidence she's at the front of the video game as well. Don't be a full retard user.
newcomers to vidya you dumb fuck, name a game with spidergwen or miles ffs, how dumb are you?
fuck off /pol/
They'll release it on other platforms when it bombs on the switch, and they need to make back the money.
Being new to vidya doesn't make you interesting, it makes you new.
Fuck off tranny
No, user, no
Meanwhile idort master race wins again. Stay salty, poorfags
Isn't there an up and coming switch emulator?
Might not be too much of a problem after all
>Nintendo is the one with License.
Yeah just like Spiderman on PC.
LEGO marvel super heroes 2
>muh captain marvel evil conspiracy black spider woman spider
Grow up LMAO shes the most popular super heroine in the world right now I love watching men cry over this shit like it's impossible to have a female super hero. Have you ever read a comic? Theyve been about female empowerment since their inception. And nobody had an issue about it. Now captain marvel comes out and suddenly oh no woman super hero had feminists ruin everything blah blah blah. Just grow up already, people love captain marvel and people love female super heros. End of discussion
Cant wait til fuckin a force comes out and you people freak out even more lmfao
>Captain Marvel looks like a bulldyke
Whose idea was this? Don't tell me Nintendo is going full SJW as well.
It’s how she looks in the comics
That exactly how she looks retard.
look ma, a mesbian!
There can be non-white and female super heroes. And they can add them to vidya. But they still won't be interesting.
Cope tranny.
Ummmmmmmm not like pre 2 years ago lmfao you people are literally gaslighting
Yuzu Emulator will probably run it in a matter of months.
That's the thing no one had a problem with female superheroes just look at the X men movies and Spider-Girl is one of the most beloved comics ever. A problem arised when they pushed them under a wave of shitting on the male superheroes instead of presenting them as equals, as partners. You're just another deluded faggot who dosn't actually care for the product, just the politics involved and that's why this is your last (you). Dilate.
>launches on the same week as 3 Houses
Okay I need to pick one but which?
You sound like a 17 year old girl
Who's shitting on Male super heros? Nobody. They're just letting women take the lead. What's the issue? n o t h I n g. But here you people are complaining about as always. Like what lol? Who even are you?
It will be ported later and it looks like shit.
Man you don't even talk like a human.
Any post Awakening FE title is guaranteed to be good shit because it saved the series.
Then again, after 3000 years we finally have a third MUA.
I'm gonna go with FE so I can shitpost on /feg/.
I'll probably pick up MUA later down the line or if it ever goes on sale.
Go be a faggot some place else.
Doesnt make you people any less wrong lmfao. Female captain marvel was originally not even white so this white blonde haired blue eyed chick they use to appeal to the wh*toids is a far cry from what she actually looks like
Who do you guys want?
Is that why she did next to nothing in Endgame?
you've laid it on much too thick here. sometimes less is more, my friend
>Fucks off and proceed to do fuck all on Endgame.
Eh... They are pushing her but not that much.
>The graphics look worse than ultimate alliance 2
Nice shitpost
>none of the girls are sexy
>all covered up
>Captain Marvel looks like a roided out dyke
The SJW have truly sucked all of the fun out of gaming. And you idiots let it happen.
Any costumes you hope is in?
>all covered up
>he hasn't seen Storm's chocolate tits
Robbie Reyes for Ghost Rider
Name a reason to be excited for those shitty characters other than Miles being able to one shot every enemy with venom blast.
I feel like iron man but with a blue and silver suit would look pretty good also an all white spiderman costume and a green captain America
I'd like to stick my pee pee in between storms boobies
Disney's Sony's Marvel's Spider-Man has Miles
>all white spiderman costume
Future Foundation is pretty close to that
>switch version of a game looks like complete shit
Wow what a very shocking surprise. Almost as if literally every game on switch looks like ass because it's terrible old hardware that can't even run simple modern games. Who could have predicted this.
3 Houses is looking like hot garbage. I suggest you skip on it or at least not have it as a priority
>2006 hardware
Shulkie, Gwenpool, Magik, Quake, Karnak, Squirrel Girl, Fantastic 4, the Runaways, Moon Knight, Jess Jones, Luke Cage, Tigra, Beast, Blade, probably more I'm forgetting. I keep my desires spread wide, that way I'm happy as long as some of them get in.
Why are the graphics like 2006 games so?
Punisher and Ghost Rider.
Blade and Luke Cage are probably in since Midnight Sons and Defenders were mentioned. Not sure if they mean Classic Defenders though.
They're guaranteed to have my go to team so I dont even Care that much desu iron man spidey strange fourth slot for funsies to try people out
>Why are the graphics like 2006 games so?
Go replay Persona 5 for the sixth time, faggot.
Use the voucher to save 20$ for both goyim
Get MUA3 if you like Mahvel
I don't like his suit. The Astonishing one looked better.
Strange is on the cover if I recall.
I'm getting both using that Voucher thing they announced.
Too bad. Use Danny Rand.
>ultimate alliance 2
you best be joking bub
Moon Knight
Nick Fury
Korg but only with the New Zeland accent and personality he has in the MCU
>watch the Avengers movie thinking they will do something with one of my favorite marvel heroes, Marvel
>she literally does fuck all and only get like one fight, even though they built her to be the most OP of all
That movie was fucking garbage btw.
Then again Marvel movies usually are. Is her own movie any better?
I honestly feel like watching Marvel movies are mostly a waste of time, aside from the eventual cool fight scenes.
>Nintendo is the only one willing to shell out to revive a dead series
Oh boy, here we go again.
Her movie is unironically one of the worse Marvel movies
Her own movie was great I would put it top 5 MCU films.
Iron man
Captain marvel
Captain America: winter soldier
Iron man II
Black panther
Her own movie is considered by most to be one of the worst of the franchise. She is extremely unlikable and boring, and easily the worst part of her own movie.
Ps2 game exclusive to only current ps2 tier graphics console
>Iron man II
>Black panther
Is this bait?
Is there anybody who can realistically defeat a serious Peter Parker? And I don't mean unrestrained Peter Parker who can support the weight of a building, lift an underwater lab, survive a scud missile, and break Octavius' tentacles. I'm not talking about Venom Symbiote Spider-Man who is friends with the symbiote and has access to a mini-Hulk mode that has made Thor bleed and nearly killed Red Goblin with one punch. I'm not even talking about Spider-Man with the Enigma Force that gives him the ability to manipulate matter and reality as well as the strength to send Grey Hulk into orbit. Who said I was talking about Spider-Man after he's been blessed by the power of The Other which allows him to fodderize guys like Morlun who can survive Wakandan bombs that are as destructive as nukes and can give him access to a Spider-Monster form that's stronger than the Solus who beat both Cosmic Spider-Man and Leopardon? No, I'm talking about Spider-Man with the Venom Symbiote with Dragon Wings while in the 100% Spider-Monster form after having used Spider-Family tech to summon the Enigma Force as a battery for Leopardon, and recieving pep talk from the One Above All while the bad guys have kidnapped Mary Jane after the Mouse has announced that Spider-Man is the leading character of the MCU giving him the strongest plot armor in the universe, and Dan Slott isn't the writer.
>he doesn't know
Fuck off where's MvC4
X-23, Squirrel Girl, Dr. Doom
Are villains even playable in these games?
The Black Knight (Sir Percy not the faggy american one with a light sabre)
They were DLC in the first game and in the main game of 2.
Villains were playable in 1 and 2. 3 has Vemom if you count him so far.
In 1 there was a DLC pack, in 2 the thunderbolts were used because it was based on Civil War.
How many characters are supposed to be in it? Are there only heroes? I want some MF Doom and Gambit. Played 1 but dont remember much of it. Will pick it up used if it turns out good
Sweet, I fucking love PS2 games like X-Men Legends 2.
Bruh iron man II is just an allstar cast before they had all this ensemble shit where like they throw every major character in there they got Downey Cheadle Rockwell Paltrow Rourke like how do you beat that you dont
>It will be ported later and it looks like shit.
I thought the same but is Nintendo that went to Marvel with the money for the license and is the one paying team Team Ninja to develop it, also published by Nintendo themselves.
Don't know what?
He was leaked earlier. Ant-Man is in.
It's also a shitty movie, Iron man 3 and Thor 2 were also crap.
>all star cast
An all-corn shit is still shit.
It’s called MvC Infinite and it’s shit
Artstyle is fine it's the MCU style outfits that look bad and ill-fitting.
Lego Marvel 2 has both
Also Miles was in PS4 Spider-Man but I guess you don't actually play video games since you're too busy playing pretend on Yea Forums.
MCU are their designs now. 5 people read actual capeshit in 2019.
Galactina or whatever Galactus's daughterfu is called
>"Like what lol? Who even are you?"
blatant behavior of a mentally ill tranny lmfao
Who wouldn't?
Spider-Man being serious is already seen as a threat by everyone. In that one arc where he didn't say a word, every criminal in New York was scared shitless. Even in Grim Hunt, Kraven's family knew they fucked up.
Has Terrible Eye been in anything since Gwenpool ended?
Don't think so
Shame, she's cute
I'm not asking for much. I just want Siover Samurai boss fight and a super inappropriate guest character or costume reference. Like Wolverine wearing Ryu Hayabusa's costume or Spider-Gwen quoting Dead or Alive characters
This is your Chris Pratt for tonight.
Captain Marvel was always a shitty character.
Funny, I don't think i give a fuck. Endgame was uh, okay I guess? They should have better versed the unification of earth's mightiest armies against Thanos but eh, it's all bullshit anyways.
You're an idiot. She's responsible for one of the hottest characters to ever come out in comics.
people are SEETHING that the switch gets an exclusive because none of the other companies would fund the game so nintendo had to step in, just like bayonetta
>Venom Symbiote Spider-Man who is friends with the symbiote
Oh shit
>Spider-Man after he's been blessed by the power of The Other
Oh shit yeah baby talk to me
>recieving pep talk from the One Above All
Gimme that my dude come on, come on
>the bad guys have kidnapped Mary Jane
Shit's goin down man, you know what'll happen
>and Dan Slott isn't the writer.
My dear Lord, you've almost cracked the code. Someone get this fucker on Marvel, ASAP.
You just left out getting him to don this costume and go on an asskicking spree with Ben and Kaine. Great new copypasta btw.
Peter was weirdly handsome in Grim Hunt. Looked like Corvo Attano. Nice parallel considering the story.
You wanting to fuck it is about as consequential as your last masturbation session. It was important to you but everybody else wasn't there and doesn't give a shit.
>Hold on Men I got this
based Russos
Why wouldnt sony or microsoft fund it? it would have good graphics then
I liked Murder Carol Warbird
I'd say Rogue was one the biggest fan favorites for the 90s X-Men show. Literally all the other boy on the block would watch reruns for her. That and at least she had more personality than Jubilee and Jean.
Are we ever going to see Mar-Vell again in any form? I think the last time I saw him in anything was in EMH and pretty sure he was only in one episode too.
Why do people like these absolute, dogshit characters?
>talking shit about Jubilee
Take that back or I'll face fuck your mother.
Disney is the one funding it, they chose to have the game on the Switch to test the waters and see if it can succeed on there. That's why the Square Enix Avengers game has literally nothing shown yet, Disney is waiting to see how this one does first.
I'm talking strictly about the animated series which was filled with useless characters. Mainly Jubilee.
When is Disney going to just buy DC? I want some competent DC games and movies, its not like WB is doing anything good with them and I can't imagine them making money out of the IP with how bad they keep fucking up.
GWen pool
Hunter/White Wolf
Nebula as playable
Just look at this handsome fuck. I want the black Last Stand get up with the red mask in the next game so bad.
Cyclops and Gambit?
The real question is, if you have Pete and Carol in the same team will they get team up move where they bang?
Leave DC, the fuck alone.
I love that they fumbefuck everything they try because it keeps them from merchandising it to death. I wish they were even more incompetent.
The best idea, and I'm afraid they'll become competent and do it- is a Justice League Dark film with Keanu Reeves.
Iron Man
Them damn gooks can’t keep getting away with it.
That's because she is so overpowered she would trivialize everything, plus her movie had a mixed reception so they wanted to refocus on the original group as sort of a last big celebration of the mcu.
Disney desperately want their own Wonder Woman, even pushing that charisma black hole that is Brie Larson and her shitty character, they should just get the real thing.
I rather just have superheroes in a single universe own by a single company, avoids shitty "console wars" bullshit and make things more simple.
The only good thing to come out of DC is Batman and he has had a decent share of good games and movies.
Blame current DC for fucking up the "Extended Universe". At least they made in interesting Aquaman this time
Hopefully never. But if we want a true test of American anti-trust law, let Disney try to acquire Warner Bros.
Wonder woman is pretty cool too
Wasn't there gonna be some Marvel Squeenix game?
Disney is a monopoly that goes uncontrolled by the American government. It should be disbanded and sold off.
Shit's still being made supposedly
Won't happen, I expect them buying DC soon enough, its inevitable at this point.
Probably as soon as they finish exploiting the Fox properties they recently got.
Crystal Dynamics' supposedly searching for writers that can make a really emotional story, but we don't know if that's even going to be part of the Avengers project.
Thanks anons. Yeah its been awhile since I heard about it. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't losing my mind
>Disney buys DC superheroes
>Immediate they marry Wonder Woman to Black Panther, uniting Wakanda and the Amazons
Man that sounds like a pretty based douji n
>Captain Marvel
Why are they putting all their shit behind this horrible character? She's always been bland as fuck, and this is going beyond her shitty movie. Her comic runs were so dull.
I only hope that when they introduce the X-Men into the rest of the MCU Rogue immediately steals her powers and puts her into a coma like the comics.
Carol Danvers is just awful, even worse nowadays.
DC already turned her love interest of the last seventy years into a nigger so the cuck writers can write their BLACKED fanfiction
I also hope that we get a Rogue that is actually well casted and sexy as hell. I didn't despise her in the older films, but man did they just go nowhere with Rogue.
More like Morrison, nobody outside of him will ever use black Steve Trevor
based but doubt theyll get in
thanos and venom are all i need
It'd be weird if Thanos wasn't playable eventually
Who is going to be the most lewd character on the roster?
I believe storm is still using her leotard thing, and still has ginormous tits
>faggot op cant into art direction or the concept of publishing.
I see, do you have any ingame shots of here?
No but she always has her ass out
I'm confused at why its a Switch exclusive as well. I would have presumed the core Marvel audience owns PS4s.
delicious, she is like a psylocke lite yeah?
>busty /fit/ 80s haired southern belle who'll call you "sugar" gf never ever
Ghost Rider
Moon Knight
Man Thing
Beta Ray Bill
Silver Surfer
Psylocke technically existed first but she only became a sexy leotard ninja after Elektra got popular.
Before that she was a white fully clothed pink haired girl
>Nintendo is bankrolling the project
>Why is this a Switch Exclusive???
Do you also wonder why PS4 Spider-Man is a PS4 exclusive?
Thats great, hell the entire roster could be big titty mommies in leotards and I'd be happy.
Based Japan is also making it so they're still okay with some titties and ass.
And even if Marvel are a bunch of faggots about it, they confirmed alternate costumes so classic Elektra and Ms. Marvel leotard Carol are definitely in.
Money. Nintendo wanted to fund making this, Sony or Microsoft did not.
Because its funded by Nintendo you fucking idiots.
Niko and Singularity
I'm a bit curious about the motivation behind this mashup
That's a really cute boy on the left
Indeed he is. Too bad he's taken.
Best theme, too.
Who Iron Man here?
You fucking retard
holy shit, you just made my evening. thanks user for sharing.
>literally a soulless cash grab sequel to a successful title because the original devs were making the Soul-filled X-Men Origins game
No, faggot. THIS is soul.
>no Psylocke
Who is #1? Strange's girl?
Imagine X-Men Legends 3 with the combined roster of the first two games (including their ports).
Magma, Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm, Jean Grey, Dark Phoenix, Cable, Cannonball, Sabretooth, Magneto, Pyro, Toad, Juggernaut, Emma Frost, Beast, Jubilee, Sunfire, Deadpool, Professor X, Colossus, Gambit, Rogue, Nightcrawler, Psylocke, Scarlet Witch, Iron Man, Iceman, and Bishop.
Add in the cut characters from both, Dazzler, Angel, add in Mystique or some shit.
It would be pure Kino.
Cyclops or Magneto, Ant-Man, and Moon Knight. I'd also add Beast but Wolverine already has that beast vibe to him.
I hope they add Wolverine's Ultimate universe costume. Less for the comics and more for it being an X-Men Evolution costume
They made him way too chad looking. Not familiar with his comics version, but they really should have just gone with his movie version. Same for Gamora too. And I only say this because 99% of people learned about Guardians of the Galaxy from the movies, unlike Wolverine or Spider-Man.
With how good their recent movies have been, Aquaman and Shazam, I hope Disney leaves them alone. I'd rather DC make some good movies that know how to have a good time rather than make all super-hero movies be kinda bland like the Doctor Strange movie
The ideal X-Men Legends 3 roster
>Magneto (NG+)
>Omega Sentinel
>Mirage (with valkyrie abilities)
>Emma (NG+)
>tfw I've been playing MUA1 to get ready for MUA3
Goddamn, Iron Man is ugly.
Looks like his 90's cartoon design, wouldn't be surprised if Stark had a mullet under there.
Same here, I forgot how overpowered Ghost Rider was. Who else is is relatively strong?
There's a good reason that he wasn't popular until the movie.
Great. I only care about
>Ghost Rider
>Doctor Strange
The rest of the characters can go eat shit
You faggots shut the fuck up about the best armor Iron Man has ever or ever will have.
>implying marvel hasn't been cucked for a long time
lmao MCasuals
Wolverine is getting more push for this game than Carol, based retard.
It's not my fault the game makes it look like shit.
So? This is the Meme Alliance anyway. The first Marvel Ultimate Alliance was made before the characters were memed to the mainstream population and it was pretty kino. Now when a game has rocket raccoon and groot as main characters that's when you know the mouse has it's hands on it.
Yeah but everyone looks like complete garbage in MUA1.
Its actually incredible how fucked up the models are in comparison to XML1 and 2.
Deadpool is so overpowered it's not even funny.
All his moves cause gigantic damage, not to mention his super move that literally can cause insta-kill on most enemies.
>OP ranged
>OP melee spins
>OP supermove
You can solo the entirety of XML2 and MUA1 as Deadpool, its ludicrous.
Wasp is in, but is it Janet or Hope?
You motherfuckers are mentally ill
>before the characters were memed to the mainstream population
you're really bad at this contrarian thing
You played the 360/PS3/PC version?
In these versions the characters had so much specular shading that it looked like they were dripped in chrome and poured vaseline, everything is shiny and weird looking, all the human faces look horrible.
The PS2/Xbox/Wii versions actually have the same style as the XML games except the cel-shading is disabled.
Haha, this game is awesome.
they won't put moon knight in the new one will they?
haha the thumbnail made it look like she braaped haha
>one second you're fighting demons in hell
>and the next second you're running over clowns with bumper cars who laugh when you hurt them in a carnival
MUA was such a dumb fun.
Does marvel really expect us to care about captain marvel?
Imagine the smell ha ha
They try but no one does
Why is the gameplay worse. Looks like a spammy mess compared to older games.
It's Musou style now.
Capeshit remains the most failed potential genre. Even despite Arkham/Spiderman.
It's nothing like a musou, will you retards stop saying that?
The gameplay looks exactly like that though.
Based Quicksilver
You beat up a lot of enemies on screen, to most people not familiar with the rest of mechanics Warriors game have that's all it takes to make it a "musou". The camera change compared to the previous games and being developed by a koei tecmo studio adds a lot to that.
>to most people
that is all it takes though
This is unironically soulless.
No Bill no buy.
The first part of that video seems to have a camera more similar to the previous games, maybe it's an option.
No it's not, are you retarded? You're not leading armies trying to take control of strategic locations/conquer strongholds, so it's not a musou. Have you ever played an actual musou?
Musou is more than simply beating up lots of enemies on a screen and the number of enemies on screen come nowhere close to a Warriors game anyways. This game looks just like the games before. A beat em up with a simple RPG skill system underneath it.
>maybe it's an option
It explicitly is. Mentioned in one of the trailers or the direct or something.
MUA3 has special abilities with MP costs and cooldowns, along with tank/heals/dps characters and a sphere grid level up system. You can see the musou in the combat but it looks like the devs made regular enemies tanky instead of numerous to fit the rpg gameplay.
Also theres a UI showing all this, they just switched it off for the gameplay trailers
Define it how you want but the combat looks like shit. It's noticeably worse and looks more boring than past games despite 10 years of difference. Not only that but the environments look worse too. Storyline seems lazy/gay as well. So far seems worse on every level except graphics and even then it looks like a mobile game.
>storyline seems lazy/gay as well
MUA 1 is the only one to have a somewhat unique story. And it seriously is a relic of it's time. It was the last Marvel game to come out before the MCU and it shows. Iron Guy is an alright dude, the Atlanteans are relevant, and the X-Men are the big boys in the universe.
I expect abilities with mp/cooldown and different types of chars. That's a bare minimum considering the past games. On the other hand the enemies look worse here. In old games enemies were strewn throughout levels in smaller groups with some larger swarms in big rooms. This so far looks like entering an arena and fighting waves of spawning drones, which lends to the impression people are getting with musuo like combat.
One day she'll get to appear in a game/movie/cartoon
I kind of agree. The second game comparatively still told a more compelling story at the beginning with civil war. But yea MCU is definitely the inspiration here sadly.
MUA1 is awesome because it feels like a comic book story, it never really panders to a specific group and no character gets the spotlight, the player interacts with a major portion of the Marvel universe and no one quips or resembles their movie characters.
Not to mention the awesome Blur Studios CGI videos which look relatively dated but still hold up pretty well and looked genuinely impressive back the days, specially the Doom's day scene: youtube.com
MvCI and this MUA3 feels like MCU fighting game and MCU beat em up.
But that's just any hack and slash game. That's the whole point of hack and slash games.
X-Women you say