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Steam is cancer.
Its a culture war on Japan and has nothing to do with morals.
The difference is that anime girls are attractive. I can't jerk it to that ugly chick.
there is underage sex with nudity in life is strange? wew
Hold up, is what that image says true? If so, then that should be a big fucking deal and not brushed aside. The absolute hypocricy if it is.
Tumblr games good
Japan games bad
I checked out the website's frontpage and it's covered with reactionary headlines.
So, I think I speak for many of us when I say
nobody who isnt a retard uses this word. please fucking neck yourself
Go back to pedoera trannies
Uhm, sweetie, it's Californians who have a problem with anime tiddies while wanting to rape underage boys and cut their dicks off because SJWs are psychopathic monsters. Not just Steam.
>sfw VN's getting banned
but this is okay
>Don't discredit my crybaby tabloid site!
You are no better than Queerera.
>smallish Asian studios
Tick-tock trannies
LiS2 is actually good?
Gaben needs to clean house
The site isn't the issue here, the subject matter is and you're instantly dismissing it due to the source. Pedoera mentality right there and the subject is pretty interesting/important regardless as it shows a clear double standard at Steam.
He's right, and the only voice of reason in this broken industry. Go back.
>i speak for us
Life is Strange 2 is surprisingly filled with nudity, the original had none
>I've have never seen a whole-ass titty, and I'm pretty cross about it
Steam being blatant anti-Japan pro-West when it comes to anything sexual is common knowledge. It's literally ok only when the West does it.
Hes technically not wrong. Why is it only anime games that get scrutiny while western games get a pass? If anything it just further proves a xenophobic attack on japanese games while west touts it is enlightened and can do no wrong.
So the scene with the actual naked titties is actually supposed to depict a character who isn't an adult? That seems kind of fucked, honestly. With anything not involving actual people (e.g. anime) you can always say "n-no you can't prove their age, it's just a drawing" — but if the character is canonically under 18 then what's the excuse? I'm not here to argue the morality or legality of anything not involving real people, but Steam seems to have a policy on this matter, and not following it now makes them look like shit.
Oh well. I guess they just hate weebs.
It's because of the rogue employees.
Gaben is a cuck who can't control his staff.
>"Valve is not the taste police" - Gaben
>rogue employees shut down/force censorship of all Japan games they consider to be problematic
My fucking sides
Fuck off you fat ginger cunt, shill your blog somewhere else.
true. valve is blatantly racist
>then what's the excuse?
It's empowering because shes gay. Watch that be the reason.
Stop shilling your awful tabloid site here you fucking chimp. You are every bit as bad as Kotaku or Polygon.
Don't shill your retarded outrage website here faget.
Dios mio.... el goblina.....
>that hair
>earlobe stretching
>those zits all over her back
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The scene in question is with a guy, but whatever. The character does look like a completely stereotypical lesbian, so the context I'm missing is probably that she's actually bisexual.
im angry
angry about video games
>Why is it only anime games that get scrutiny while western games get a pass?
Because one is seen as more artistic and one is seen as cheesecake eroge immature wank material. You know this and he knows this.
That view may be unfair but it is what it is.
That dev just Sudoku'd. Western game don't get away with this shit in this era. RIP.
>The scene in question is with a guy
Wait it is? I thought the first game was about her gay relationship with some emo chick.
because western games are "mature"
I knew from the moment they opened the flood gates on porn games that this would be the end result. This isn't a store meant to sell porn and shovelware but that's exactly what it's become. Let everyone keep the games they've bought but purge the service from this filth and bring it back to its glory days.
It's in a game developed by a western team with a realistic character design that pushes their social narrative so it gets a pass.
Western games aren't actually more artistic they just pretend to be.
>Big fat anime titties bad
>Realistic underaged sex scene good
Join the 40% and kill yourself, tranny.
Yeah. Check the article. I mean, I don't know if they actually have sex, but the article calls it a sex scene and the other character is a guy.
I speak for you user because your opinions are shit.
>One game is a story heavy game with sex scenes
>Other game is a sex game with some story elements
Other way around. Japshit gets a pass most of the time. Underage western shit gets sued into the ground.
Wouldn't realistic underage nudity be worse than a cartoony anime depiction? This is getting ridiculous
Sure. But the perception is that the game he's complaining about is seen as more serious and artistic compared to the japanese anime-aesthetic games. It doesn't matter if they actually are or aren't. What the average person sees or thinks (or what the platform owner thinks the average person believes) is what matters.
It dosn't say it's a guy user and because of the first game I thought the image was that chick with a short haired butch lesbian.
They do.
This is also the reason why all pretentious cultural marxists deserve to burn.
>Imagine ruining your Sean for some filthy lazy hippy
Oh wow
Marx has been dead for many, many years. So has any meaningful or effectual proponents of marxism.
Seems like not too far in the future it'll be "reactionary" to notice MAPs fucking children. The faggot agenda is, after all, raping and destroying children in Baal worship.
>It dosn't say it's a guy
I told you to check the article, not OP's screenshot of the article's first paragraph.
Here's the second paragraph:
>"The third episode for the game dropped on May 10th, 2019. It follows the two main characters, Sean and Daniel, as they trek south toward the border in order to escape the law. They encounter some hippies working on a weed farm and the older of the two brothers, Sean, has the choice of getting close to a tattooed, danger-hair hippy named Cassidy. Not only that, but Sean – who was still in high-school when the whole ordeal took place – also has the option of going skinny dipping with Cassidy and then having sex with her."
Is this the right-wing version of "have sex"?
And yet they still aren’t tanking like Epic is