Pick 2 rings Yea Forums

pick 2 rings Yea Forums

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is the crit damage additive or multiplicative?

toughness and speed

Lethal Speed

lethal + toughness

Strength + Lethal, other ones are useless.
>Getting hit

>Lethal Ring and Speed Ring
Any other combo is wrong

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strength + lethal

Based retard

Lethal ring and strength ring. Let other fags tank while I do the fun shit.

Thanks doc


Two speed rings. I am invincible.

Strength + letal
Offense is best defense.

Wait a minute, I'm no doctor but something seems strange about some of these choices.

Sound System (if the albums are of my choosing)
don't need a 5th

Computer + Internet
Swedish food
Exercise room

Lethal and strength

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You don't need food? Damn, I wish I didn't need food

Lethal ring on its own is fucking ridiculous.

Strength + Toughness
Hit harder and take less damage? Hell yes.

PC, Internet solves any entertainment issues. No need for books or consoles then.
Windows for sanity.
Groceries for cooking, and the 2 plates of any dish for anything I just can't cook. (This can be used to just get swedish cuisine/burger king, making those choices useless)

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Computer, internet, windows, groceries and doctors
Sunlight is important.
And I want 1 million to go straight away to my parents when I start. Then receive 9 million after I get out.

the gruel is probably healthier than what I currently eat


I guess maybe doctors as a 5th if I had to

PC, and if I can have a drawing tablet for a monitor, that'd be great.
Workout room

Why are images like this more fun than any video game?

Strength and toughness
tank mode is comfy

What this guy said

If the game is turn based, then Speed + Lethal are superior.

pc, internet, gym, docs, groceries

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Groceries (only if there's enough for one week, otherwise two plates option)
Training equipment

>gets crit'd
>crits ignore defense boosts
>you die

PC, consoles, windows, internet and groceries

training room
Any other answer is wrong.

It's the imagination factor

2x Strength

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2 cute rings please

Str n lethal

this is easy mode. Get the PC, internet, woman, best doctors and either the training equipement or the sportsroom(prefer the gym since playing sports alone is pretty boring unless you can get the chick and the doctors to play with you).

since the woman isn't particularly amazing and having the same chick for ten years can get boring anyway, you could also exchange her for the bag of groceries. also im pretty sure i can get one of the female doctors to suck me off if i just offer her 5k after i get out


Computer, internet, 2 plates any meal, girl and luxury furniture

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Thanks if it was you that nerfed it, 10 was way too easy.

2 toughness rings :^)

>all of these people not picking windows
You have no idea how fucked up physically and mentally you'll get after 10 years with absolutely no sunlight

Wait, w-what happens when you crit using the Cute ring?

I also guess that, in hindsight, you can just exchange the 2 plates for doctors. I'd at least have better peace of mind with the doctors than the two plates.
Toughness and Speed


2 daily meals of anything
sound system
3 kinds of drinks, assuming that they are refilled more than once a month and don't just have the option to change once a month

What if both my cute rings proc at the same time?

The enemy becomes cute and funny

you turn into a girl too

2 strength rings. I want to ascend to baki levels of retard strength.

I'm a Swede, it's no biggie

The enemy turns into a cute boy instead.

I don't get why you fags have these threads. The best choice always depend on your exact situation, and you can contrive situations where every choice is best.

Suppose you have 100 health and you do 100 damage each attack.
>you're fighting mobs with 200 hp
strength > lethal
>you're fighting a boss with 100,000 hp
lethal > strength
>enemies in area do 1000 damage per attack
speed > toughness
>enemies in area do 10 damage per attack and you have armor that subtracts 5 damage after all other calculations are applied
toughness > speed

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Anyone remember this particular "perk"?
>You no longer take damage but have a 5% chance to die outright every time when hit

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> (You)
>no windows
You need sunlight, brainlets.


I take the rarest rings and sell them for exorbitant prices on the ingame market

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>cant bring my guitar
ayy lmao fuck this.

>I take the rarest rings
Which one you fucking faggot. There's no context associated with those rings, you have to choose.

Computer, internet, training equipment, doctors, and 2 plates of any dish I want daily. Believe it or not, but if you eat enough gruel, you will crave good food more than pussy. Computer + Internet takes care of entertainment/ sex drive. Fitness equipment is to stay in shape. Doctors are an obvious choice. The food seals the deal, though.

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fyi anyone choosing the two plates over groceries is stupid, since the two plates only contains food and the groceries would also contain liquids so that you wouldn't have to survive on just water

What's that image from?

>people picking the girl
>they dont realize it's ONLY the girl in the pictur

Not worth it unless it's different girls of your choice.

>sweden food 3 times a day
>gaming console
>modern luxury furniture (mainly for a good bed to sleep on)

They change into a girl and change back at the same time, turning them into futas.

I think it depends. There's not much information given on the grocery option.

why would you pick paper when you can just type on the computer?

So you're just gonna drink only water for 10 years straight? much better choice would be to just get the groceries and learn how to cook using the pc and internet.

I'll take my daily dose

Can the girl be a loli

Literally limitless entertainment.
Physical and mental health care.
And yes, windows for outside vision and sunlight are vastly underrated.
Bodyweight exercises are enough to keep you health enough.


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>not picking two lethal rings to crit while you crit

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>Subjecting yourself to swedish food 3 times a day
Truly the worst universe

>It's only the girl in the picture

Maybe so but in the span of ten years I'm going to need someone real to talk to. I don't care if she ages, she's just there to help me keep my sanity.

well if i go get groceries i also get milk, drinks, chips candy apart from the regular necessities such a normal food. i consider weekly groceries to be everything you can get in a supermarket for under 50 bucks total

If you'd stop sucking cocks for two seconds you'd realize that it literally doesn't matter which rings.

Sun ken Rock

>only drink water

Not him but I literally only drink water nowaday for 95% of the time for the pass 6 years or so.

>Toughness Ring
>Toughness Ring again


I think the point of grocery is you have more options than the other food items but you gotta cook it yourself

Not him, but I drink only water for 10 years straight even without being forced to. The groceries is still the better choice than the 2 meals though.

use the doctors. just let something spoil, eat it get the doctors to come over, and there you have it, human contact

I would pick the "any 2 food everyday" but i dont know how big the portions are. Might be a problem if it's too small, but then again they do give you gruel so maybe it's a better choice.

hard to argue.

Maybe if you weren't such an insuferable faggot you'd give some of those rings more value than others.
You just don't wanna pick two because you're a fucking coward.
Not that we care about your opinion anyway

The plates?

burger king

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speed and toughness
speed and cute

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I'd pick PC + internet for video games
groceries because I know how to cook
modern luxury furniture because I want to get comfy
and hidden option a puppy

And then there's this faggot. You are going to get very, very tired of burger king and booze over 10 years.

>get cute ring and lethal ring
>go around the world punching trannies
>either kill them eventually or turn them into girls
>become a hero of society
I see no downside

Strength and toughness.

>So you're just gonna drink only water for 10 years straight?
I drink a gallon of water each day, I can live without the occasional glass of milk or juice. I don't drink liquor, I never acquired the taste for it.
>much better choice would be to just get the groceries and learn how to cook using the pc and internet.
Cooking is a valuable skill, but fuck clean up. I'd also like to try exotic dishes like puffer fish without poisoning myself.

A lot of these choices are completely pointless. Why would you ever pick burger king or swedish cuisine over groceries/2 plates of anything? Books and writing paper are pointless with a computer and internet.

speed and toughness because why go for high risk high reward when you can go for low risk high reward

bruh. this dude. i really don't want to imagine what you look like in real life


Speed and toughness

Or groceries. Groceries could be better, I'm not sure.

I think I'd go with this, too. It's perfectly optimized for comfort, fun, and health.

>a gun you can only use to kys is an option
i choose computer, internet, windows, gym, and groceries.

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>You are going to get very, very tired of burger king and booze over 10 years.
I doubt it. Been eating it 3 times a day for the past several years.

be gentle

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The cute girl dies

2 plates of any food
3 Burger King Meals
3 kinds of Drinks

10 years is a longass time, doctors are a necessity
pc+internet also cover tv and books (and woman)
groceries cover food the best (maybe you even get beer or something)
you don't need a gym to exercise
no windows will make you insane if you aven't lived enclosed most of your life already

I think this is my favourite one.

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30 Books
Training Equipment
Paper and pen
Any dish once a day
Sexy woman

Can I choose the woman and the doctors to have a sexy nurse take care of my as well as "take care of me"?

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Grocery and glock. Make improvised devices out of cleaning supplies etc and kill the SWAT team, leave early and get my check in the mail later.

2 plates of any dish

God I love junji ito

Star Spawn

Windows, because no sunlight for 10 years can completely fuck your shit up
Groceries, I can learn how to cook during this shit
Doctor in case shit goes south

Good luck telling anyone on the outside about your situation with only a gun and some groceries lmao

>kill the SWAT team
>with groceries

fucking Steven Seagal

Think making crystals, the user has a point, don't know why he would turn down 10 years of NEETdom though

how the fuck are you going to kill the SWAT team with groceries? are you going to distract them with a banana or something?

he's the Cook, man


It's alarming how many people don't choose Windows. You'd go fucking insane without sunlight for so many years

There should be a family and friend visit option.
Like once a week

Lethal & Speed
Seems simple enough.

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Medical attention

Shame I need to leave the training gym behind

user learnt from the best

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Fuck you for stealing my post

NEVER underestimate bananas
(._. )

Yes, I'm sure the SWAT will just leave you alone after killing some of their friends with the mustard you made from your groceries.

i setup a webcam to record 24/7 to a 60 TB storage array and stash burger king giant whoopers. when i get at least 50kg of pure beef, i post my location on /x/ for some fag to search for me. i block the door using the burgers and when swat team tries to knock it down i burn meth and spread vapour in room to dispose of swat team then then shoot myself. /x/ fag later finds the shitshow and uploads the webcam footage online and rakes in those sweet subscribers

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This is the only right answer

Trading doctor for a training room is also a good option.
I never needed a doctor in like 15 years.

strength + lethal
>punch fag from behind
>brains explode
>walls painted red

Old Diary, Architect, Obsidian.
Alternatively, swap out the Diary for the Bestiary. I either get to summon cool shit, or I get to kill cool shit.
Architect is OP as fuck.
I need something to keep me safe but I'd rather be a fucking majin than a corpse or a shapeshifting squidfucker.

You have a 1/12 shot of landing a critical attack

>Computer and internet takes care of entertainment and education for all eternity
>Groceries will allow me to train my culinary skills, and cooking is a pretty kino and healthy hobby. Plus I can shitpost on /ck/ more effectively
>Windows so that I may look down on the peasants walking under me with sunlight on my face and scoff at them
>Doctors, in case shit goes south when I'm cooking my experimental masterpieces
Literally the most patrician and balanced list right here, boys, glad to see so many balancechads in this thread.

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I take Strength and Lethal, kill OP with the power of those rings and then take the other two.

7x would imply mutiplicative user

this is how i would live if I HAD the 10 mil

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>hey guys put down your guns and have some salamon made
>give them salamon
>next day team dies from salmonella

>The Architect
>Flesh Sculptor
>Abyssal Informant

remina is a cute

Training room

and any food option
anything else is autistic and not needed

Objectively correct answer.
All these windowfags don't realise doctors + any dish can solve vitamin D issues. And they're both excellent choices even without that.

Strength and toughness. Fuck rng. I can properly assess my fighting potential now.

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Not much free choice here. Windows and doctors are pretty much mandatory to not fucking die in 10 years. On a video game board people will obviously go for the internet combo with either the PC or Consoles. So there is only one free choice. Which most likely will be one of the food choice to not eat shit for 10 years. meh

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View of a New York City skyline, plus natural light and fresh air if the window is partially openable.
>Sports Room
Stay active, plus a larger area to walk around.
Any entertainment sorted, torrent any game, any film, any music, any book and porn removes the need for the woman.
>2 plates of any dish
Cleanses the palette of the gruel, plus it could be some Michelin Star shit.
Only other one worth getting would be the doctors but so long as I keep active and use the food wisely, then I should be fine. No people means no germs being spread.

> S Tier
> A Tier
2 Plates
> B Tier
Burger King
Swedish Cuisine
> C Tier
Sports Room
> Garbage Tier
Audio Equipment
Pen and Sheets

Everything else is either useless or too easy to ruin my entire life with however Aqua just makes working out easier and more fun.

computer, internet, windows, groceries, drinks
so basically the same think I have going right now

Computer, internet, groceries, windows, sex lady but instead of sex I just make her clean.

Strength and Speed.

Speed + Lethal

food of choice

Computer. Necessary so that I keep my sanity, has everything I could want if combined with internet.
Internet, because it is the cream on the computer's crop.
Two plates of any dish I want, once a day. That's pretty much all I eat anyways.
World's best medical doctors, because I actually have health conditions I'm worried of.
Training equipment room, because I don't want to get swole on the floor.

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toughness for that daily dose

Charm, obviously.

It's really hard because i love eat
But no sex for ten years is really hard, and it could keep you sane, the doctors are not coming if you arent sick so they are not an option for human contact
You could get used yo eat something tasteless but being alone almost all time would drive you mad

any dishes

Strength ring.

two lethal rings, speed and lethal if that's not an option
computer, internet (this is combo essentially any games, books, pen and paper + more), doctors just in case i develop a health issue or suffer an unforseen accident, windows for sunlight and woman because complete isolation is extremely damaging to mental health regardless of sex
would've liked a training gym but i'll have to make due with body weight exercises and jogging around the apartment. this isn't even a far off lifestyle from what i already have

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>being alone almost all time would drive you mad
Not if you're literally autistic. Sometime's that's a blessing, I think.

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>he thinks he's gonna kill an entire SWAT team (who most likely have bulletproof vests) with a glock and 6 bullets

Plate Dishes

I will miss the sunlight.

I, too, have played Crimsonland.

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Well that's actually a nice challenge.
For social connections to the outside world.
So I don't go insane. Maybe not even for sex, I'll just want to talk to someone about my situation, and one hour is plenty of time.
>2 plates of ANY dish I want once a day
So I have nice food
Only a retard wouldn't pick this up. Else you're fucked if you catch a cold.
This would be more or less an upgrade to my current life style.

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Actually scratch this I'm swapping the woman for windows. The sanity effect will probably be better than having a prostitute to talk to, and I can also get my sunlight exposure for health effects.

>kill an entire SWAT team (who most likely have bulletproof vests) with a glock and 6 bullets
Don't forget the banana

Useful for survival
Aqua is too situational and could end up fucking me over if I'm trapped somewhere

Only weaklings need a doc

You need Windows user
Windows are just as nobrainer as the doctors

>never heard of Rocksan

Indeed, see

Sports Room

Computer + Internet for maximum NEET, Windows to stay sane, have a view, and enjoy fresh air, Groceries for real food, and the sports room is larger than the training room and you don't need weights / equipment to stay reasonably fit.

two speed and some meth

2 of the Toughness Ring because I can.

Bag of groceries

post timestamp facefag

Can the women bring food?

I think he means an additional 700% normal damage added to the crit versus 7x of standard crit damage. If a standard crit is 2x damage, would the ring instead make it 8x normal damage (additive) or 14x normal damage (multiplicative)?

Additive would be sort of comparable to the strength ring in DPS, but multiplicative would be meme-tier.

Are you me?

Who the fuck made this shit?
Computer (with peripherals) + Internet already makes for TV, consoles, books, audio equipment and pen + paper.
2 plates of any food you want already make for Burger King and Swedish food. I assume drugs and drinks could come in 2 plates too since it's "ANY dish you want", and there are plenty of dishes that include alcohol and drugs. Some of these items are obligatory too. Ultimately this list is shit and a no brainer.
So check pic related. Green circles are obligatory. If you do not choose them you are objectively wrong. Red Xs are pointless because other items already make up for multiple of them simultaneously, if you pick them you are also objectively wrong. Blue circles are good 5th choices, orange Xs are bad 5th choices.

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>not choosing the sports room

> 2 plates served SIMULTANEOUSLY of any dish
Groceries are better because you can also practice your cooking skills and have something to do, also to store some things for later. You can have snacks for example. Can't do that with plates of food

how are you going to catch a cold when you arent exposed to the outside environment at all?

It's just one (1) single bag of groceries per week. You'll run through it in a single day if you're cooking anything serious.

These come from the outside and can offer many other diseases

Damage and crit. If the target dies 5 times quicker, it means you'll suffer 5 times less damage.

post shopkeepers

How big is the bag though? Could be a pretty huge bag and you can pack a lot of canned food or snack bars in just one bag

>choosing either of those options

windows, books, training room, computer, internet for me

The enemy turns into a tomboy

>canned food
>snack bars
Is that really what you are going for? Just get the 3 burger kings then my dude.

>he can't make a bag of groceries last a week
Lmao son maybe pick up shit that's not avocado or kiwis once in a while

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>picking books over woman when you already have computer+internet

I'd take:
The computer - Entertainment (movies, games, books, etc)
The internet - Needed for computer
The woman - Some sort of physical interaction would be nice.
The drugs - I'd probably start with nicotine but experiement with lsd or whatever
The two plates of any food - Lots of options to eat

you know you can read on your pc right?

>The only food available is a tasteless gruel that will provide you with all necessary nutrients for survival
>all necessary nutrients

youll get massive amounts of fucking eye strain if all you do is stare at a screen for 10 years

Depends on how much groceries you can get.
If it's about at least $100, then it could be worth more that only two plates.
Also it depends on the size of the plates.

Strength and lethal

i wanna make sure they're dead.

Books have the exact same issue. The screen is not the problem, it's more about focusing on a single point relatively close to your eyes for long periods of time. You can easily fight that with the windows by staring at people on the street anyway.

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Try me

>crits are 700% damage, no attack speed options or methods to raise crit chance further
shit game, dropped

That's what I would go for to store for later. I would get stuff to cook with and always some little things to store for later. I just really value snacks. But I guess if you infinite shit-food it wouldn't be that bad. Red X on groceries is too harsh, Plates & Groceries are pretty equal

I'm considering swapping the drugs out for the training room since I'd end up missing running, unless the apartment is large enough for me to do sprints that is

>1 hour of sex
>2 plates of any dish a day

>be unlucky
>only 1 ring is useful

it isnt me

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i did nothing but stare at a screen for the last 15 years.

I guess in 10 years you can learn how to cook most of the things you would order, but what makes dishes good is that one week worth of two plates of dishes will most likely include much more food than whatever can be stored in one single grocery bag


PC + Internet to be up to date of what happens in the world, for entertainment (music + games + movies + books) and porn.
Windows for sunlight and sanity.
Room with training equipment for physical health.
Now it just depends: sex sounds appealing unless I don't have access for basic medicine like antibiotics and anti-inflammatories, in which case I would go for the doctors, cause I can always fuck one of the male doctors or nurses.

Consoles can always be replaced by the PC.
Food and drinks will be missed tho.

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I like to think about the long-term here, which means after I get out of the room in ten years with my $10 million in hand. If that hasn't been rendered worthless by inflation by then, at least I've had ten years to master becoming a home chef for my own purposes. I'd miss not having the two meals a day option after going with ten years of it, as well, so I'm not going to risk getting dependent on it.

kill myself

Aqua and leave this gay surface behind

This is insanely easy.
>any dish I want
Beyond these three the other two are superfluous. Maybe windows to maintain sanity and consoles so I can experience the latest peasant garbage that everyone else is shitposting about. I don't get why everyone is picking doctors, I don't expect to die in the next 10 years, especially not if I can't even go outside.

5 things? nigger I live my regular life with like 2 of those things. this shit is luxury living.

windows, internet, computer, weed, food. done.

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2 plates of any dish i want

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>one plate with a meal on it, second plate with plated snacks on it
>put snacks in the fridge/cupboard
gg ez

uhh lemon

shoot out the window, shoot wildly into the streets below until you kill someone there, then see how many SWAT people you can take down before they get you

Honestly don't see how this is hard with these options. I'm not quite basement-dweller tier IRL due to my work and close with family, but
>Training equipment
Would make this shit easy. You get the occasional socializing from the woman once a week, even if it's sex. Windows for sunlight so no immediate depression, and also allow you to look over the city. PC/Internet gives you any kind of entertainment you'd like, even social media. Training obviously just to keep up your health, even if you get gruel with all the necessary shit over garbage-tier food like Burger King.

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>all these people playing along with this one
>all these people not making windows the first fucking thing they pick
Please stop

user, you only got six bullets, remember that.

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Speed and lethal rings. Only based Chads know that luck is OP.

I generally like to think that the best strategy for most games is damage>tan lines/survivability
If it was an rpg I’d choose just the base damage ring for more consistent output
If it was in a pvp scenario I’d go for crit

Tankiness becomes tan lines

lethal + strength for bosses
strength + toughness for mob fights

but really it depends on the game :)

More than enough to kill anything that moves

oh right
guess you pick computer + internet, shitpost about being a prisoner in trump tower, then see if you can take out six before dying
bonus: spend your 5th slot on training room and spend nine and a half years transforming yourself into an avatar of wrath before doing the above

>I'd go for crit
stopped reading here

Lethal ring and speed ring are objectively better versions of the strength and toughness rings if we go off of averages

What’s wrong with crit? It makes people panic when a chunk of their health disappears

This thread makes me realize I haven't played fuckall JRPGs.
Is there a single JRPG whose main character's role is actually customizable? A JRPG where rings like this would actually exist? Is there any reason JRPGs are called JRPGs aside from their fantastical setting and stat-based combat?

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2 speed rings to become untouchable

you have to be 18 to post here

Dark Souls

Two 66% chance rings would not make you untouchable, retard.

PC, internet, groceries, lifting equipment, doctors.

No one seems to have done the math calculations for the most effective combination yet which is amusing, I expected more from this board. Let's see:

Assume a base power (P) of 100.
For red ring (+100% damage), P = 200
Speed ring (66% evade chance) is a tricky one, by evading 66% of attacks you are effectively increasing your health by 66% (on average), of course it depends on the attacks you are receiving, but that's assuming they won't all one-hit you. This makes it P = 166.
Toughness ring (50% evade chance) makes P = 200. For these unaware of why I'm calculating defense rings the same as offense rings, reducing damage by 50% effectively doubles your health which means you can attack for twice as long.
Lethal Ring is effectively a 175% damage increase, so P = 275
In short the best combinations are Lethal + Strength or Lethal + Toughness, either will work fine. I'd go with Lethal + Toughness for consistency, it gives you more shots at scoring the critical attack.

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>Groceries (you have unlimited time, you might as well cook for yourself)

For all the fags saying they'd take windows for their health, they would be useless unless you could actually open them. Your body doesn't synthesize vitamin D unless exposed to direct sunlight. I'd say the human contact from the woman is just as important as the vitamin D, which you could get from dairy/supplements in the grocery bag anyway.

And for Doctors, I'd say you probably wouldn't need them unless your diet was also terrible. You're literally stuck inside a box isolated from anything dangerous or anyone else to get you sick.

Tan lines are pretty important though.

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>Speed ring (66% evade chance) is a tricky one, by evading 66% of attacks you are effectively increasing your health by 66% (on average)
based retard

double lethal for 49x meme

Charm has no time, quantity or specification cap.

Bright, I would select Charm but that one looks gay AF

>mods autosaged this
