It's no masterpiece.
It's no masterpiece
Why is Single player and Story two separate categories?
Singeplayer: 5
Multiplayer: 0
Story: 2
Graphics: 3
Music/Audio: 5
Replay Value: 5
single player and story are not the same thing
Maximize Single Player, Story, Graphics and Audio.
Seems like single-player should just be a Yes/No checkbox. How can a game be 3/5 single player?
probably why I like Brawl so much
Multiplayer games can have stories
patrician taste right here
move 2 points from graphics to replay value and you got yourself a deal.
Multiplayer can have story, and single player doesnt have to have it.
Mario Kart.
So a MUD?
did you recolor the squares a different color of red
Guess the game
I also enjoy tetris
This is literally a movie.
I used the color picker tool to copy the red. Don't know why it looks different
Name one game.
Singeplayer and Multiplayer should either be in a separate check box or not included. They don't fit in the model. Whoever made this originally is a moron.
Little bit of story is always nice as long as it doesn't get in the way of the gameplay.
Nigga that's just Dwarf Fortress
How can a game be bad at single player and multi player at the same time and still be good?
I got just the game for you
jill yourself
that's the joke
Dragon Quest VII
Quake 3
Citizen Kane
Furi and Ruiner please
Single player: 5
Multiplayer: 5
Story: 0
Graphics: 0
Music/audio: 5
Replay value: 5
Game of the century, prove me wrong
Only good answer in this shit thread
what games are like this?
Guess the games
>Quake 3
Far from it, except it was released in the same year and is also a 3
I would say the last of us, but we all know with 5 points to story, that would be a mistake.
Make an honest one for M&B Yea Forums.
Is that a Minecraft reference?
>why are different things different things?
Fucked up 4, should be four in multiplayer and and one in graphics
>music: 5
Probably not
is that armored core?
Fuck multiplayer because I don't like multiplayer.
Fuck replay value because I have so much in my backlog that there's no sense in replaying anything.
I guess it's 100% everything else.
>Mein absoluter Neger.
tetris doesnt have a story and you dont need audio to enjoy it
>music/audio over graphics on a multiplayer game
Get a load of this retard.
The music in minecraft is not only really good, but also the best fit for the game
Metal Gear Rising
MMO would be a mp with story
>tetris doesn't have a story
>don't need audio to enjoy it
Bullshit, pic related.
um, sonic 3 i guess
Are you me?
what about rocket league or wc3 or counter-strike or wow or blazblue or
A man of culture
ill just play it with sound off
Fuck I have autism, that's 21. Remove 1 from replay value
This is the supreme point division and you can't convince me otherwise
"Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important."
a jack of all trades is a master of none
The music in Minecraft is pretty good, and fits the game very well.
Why bother putting 3 points to make a mediocre Multiplayer mode when you could put those 3 points into Replay value to make it have a replay value of 5?
Having good replay value means that the game is actually good, and a replay value of 5 would would so much better than adding a Multiplayer mode with a value of 3.
Single Player: 5
Multiplayer: 1
Story: 3
Graphics: 2
Music/Audio: 4
Replay Value: 5
If you had autism you’d be able to count. You’re just regular retarded
This is a fighting game
is this loss
you're havin a giggle mate
no its serious
Seems weird there's not a mechanics/gameplay stat. We just assuming it's 5/5?
Single Player: 5
Multiplayer: 0
Story: 4
Graphics: 4
Music/Audio: 4
Replay Value: 3
Don't worry, I gotcha.
Singleplayer 5
Story 5
Graphics 5
Music 5
Half life 2
Single player 2
Multiplayer 0
Story 5
Graphics 3
Music/Audio 5
Replay Value 5
any fighting game?
What the fuck are the green squares? You can't go over 5 in a category, fuck off.
Correct choice, storyfags and multiplayerfags can suck it
A cultured man of patrician taste.
Titanfall 2's campaign.
Get your fucking priorities straight.
>spending any points in story and sp which are so low they're adding nothing to the game instead of putting them to improve graphics even further
I'm really surprised no one picked the best option
The Last Of Us :)
This would be a good second best for those who don't like cinematic experiences
fuck, i'm retarded
Any RPG with 100+ hours of content.
Based. Replaying games is for poorfags.
Kino taste
Utterly based. Almost too pure for this shithole.
the only good answer
Just make 2 games.
One with 0 multiplayer and replay value
Another with 0 single player and story
Done, don't repost this thread ever again
Is this Peggle 2
If there is no online multiplier switch all 5 into story
>Everybody acting like they care about singleplayer the most when all you faggots do is play multiplayer kiddie shit
Detroit Becomes Human
5 in single player
1 in multiplayer
3 in story
3 in graphics
5 in music
3 in replay value
>replay value
Does multiplayer at least include couch co-op?
>Story: 2
>Graphics: 3
Enjoy your Tetris remake.
Single Player: 5
Multiplayer: 0
Story: 5
Graphics: 5
Music/Audio: 5
Replay Value: 0
I just want a fucking perfect single player experience.
I can't play multiplayer games for an extended period of time without getting too competitive and ending up hating the game.
is this loss
here's a (You)
Multiplayer is the dump stat, every time.
Single player: 3
Multiplayer: 0
Graphics: 4
Music/Audio: 4
Replay Value: 1
Story: 8
And I'll call it Legacy of Kain
Damn that's a bad opinion user. Replay value is king, and a 3 of 5 on graphics is way higher than tetris which would be like a 1 of 5.
>Only one point in replay value
Shit taste. That's basically every cookie cutter AAA game released for the past 5 years except for having an actual good soundtrack or story but they're high budget.
coming in hot with the actual right answer
>Story 2
Story is more important than replay value.
I'd rather a game give me a strong quality single player campaign and leave it at that, why need to play it more than once?
How can a multiplayer game have replay value?
Fuck (((m*ltiplayer)))
Writing vs PvE gameplay content
t. no friends
Replay Single Player Music Story 4 graphics 1
If it wasn't for story being 4 it'd be shovel knight.
You shouldn't have used cropping as a dump stat.
plebs, the whole lot of you
>tetris without music, built out of ASCII in command prompt
>it's built so poorly it has no replay value
if i can explore, fight or have anymore things to do that arent limited to a bitch ass campaing then its better
I would play this game. Wouldn't touch OP's shitty game.
what nongraphical tetris have you been playing user
Tetris is a great singleplayer game, but it has no story.
The Secret World has great story, but it's a garbage single player game.
Your meme is shit.
Dustforce DX.
Plenty of VNs do this
I'm still mad that the rest of Angel Beats got cancelled
>when I was a kid, the story was in the manual; and the game had like 2 cutscenes
I can't wait for this industry to crash and reset.
>Spending $59.99 + tax to play a game once
>Le immersive engaging experience maymay
Lmaoing@ storycucks
Thanks doc
>when I was a kid i only played shitty games and didn't know about good ones
Multiplayer can't have replay value, that's a single player thing.
Grafix: 30
Story: -10
This for an action game or platformer. Take 2-3 points from Replay Value and put it into Story for an RPG.
I can make a game like this in 5 seconds.
Negative means it'll have an absolutely awful story, not no story at all.
Thank you doctor
Quality post I fucking love that game, so underrated
Literally this. Fuck replay value retards. Fuck multiplayer shit fest. And also fuck jannies.
That's a deck of cards with George Gershwin playing in the background. Contract Bridge when friends are over and Solitaire alone.
>Single Player: 2
>Multiplayer: 5
>Graphics: 4
>Music: 3
>Replay Value: 3
Starfox Assault
I would pay full price for a retail version of the game with online.
Yeah, this is it
I hate people though. Games are my means of escaping people. Why the hell would I want to interact with anyone, let alone screaming 8 year olds who think they're edgy?
>being a normalfag who plays multiplayer
some people are gonna dog on me for having story over replay value, but fuck it i want another game that hits me hard like ghost trick
Replay factor is bullshit.
If the game has good singleplayer or multiplayer, it has high Replay value.
MP: 0
Graphics: 3
Music/Audio: 5
Replay Value: 5
Wouldn't mind shaving points off replay value for more in SP and music/audio but that's not how this works, unfortunately.
saw green and purple and thought I was getting a dose
If only i could add one more point to story but you fucking nailed it.
king based alpha!! i am your sissy slut!!!
Dragon's Dogma