Why am I seeing so many threads like these on Steam forum these days...

Why am I seeing so many threads like these on Steam forum these days? Seriously this one of many ridiculous shit people are complaining about. There are millions of threads like these from people threatening to sue if there are no female playable characters to people begging to remove blood and gore on an FPS game.

Attached: Mordsoy.jpg (999x854, 122K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I actually have seen a lot of racist stuff on Mordhau, seems like shit you would see on Yea Forums. Doesn't bother me but it's not surprising somebody will get offended when I see somebody spamming "kill all muslims" in the chat for no real reason


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If someone tells you to kill yourself 3 matches in a row, chances are the you're a retard or asshole. Anyway yeah people make those threads all the time cause they get offended when someone calls them a mean word or "homophobic/racist" slur. Bunch of faggot niggers I'd say.


>murder you for being bisexual
What ? Do you talk about your sexuality while playing games ?

>call someone a bownigger
>they go and make a post like this


>actually browsing/reading Steam forums

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another fucking lolcow i bet

Better than reading snoy/nintendie bait posts on here desu.

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The left is becoming more active to compensate the blows they received. Just check /leftpol/ and /leftypol/ and you'll understand.


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Not judging, just trying to wrap my head around it why/how someone could suffer through that

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There was a time when Steam forums was the old Yea Forums. You could say anything you want, no matter how unpopular or "racist" or "offensive" and people would just laugh away while at the same time people stay on topic.

>has a youtube channel
>mentally ill
Makes sense.

>Implying son/nitendie don't bait post on steam forums
Literally every new game that comes out on steam has a thread asking for a switch port

>pls port this so switch(tm)!
>wtf why is this game full price on my switch(tm)?!?!

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This is either a troll or some annoying faggot who can't shut up about how mentally ill he is

He has a channel I thought it was a troll as well but threads like those are quite distinguishable. I've seen lot worse.

Impressionable incompetent subhumans have been taught to behave like this, so they do. You'll notice that basically no competent players care much about this stuff.

I posted a troll thread on Witcher 3 forum a few weeks back. I was accused of racism and got reported for trying to incite a "mass shooting". Leftists truly are stupid in terms of differentiating sarcasm, parody and ambivalence.

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When you see "lol fuk you faggot" over and over, it's tiring as it shows no effort and is most likely coming from le edgy child.
At least get a fucking useful insult going

was able to catch a big one with such poor bait.

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and yet manchildren and leftists fall for it every time thinking some edgy words and insults is an equivalence of someone pointing a gun at you.

Imagine looking like this and being offended by words HAHAHAHAHAHA

Attached: HAHAHAHAHHAHA.png (372x211, 163K)

Welcome back to your safespace. The rest of the internet isn't Yea Forums.

lol fuk you faggot XD


lol fuck you fag

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I just find it boring.
By all means call me a faggot and tell me you'll make me your bitch while raping me with your halberd and drag my corpse around on your horse
But when I see the same repeated insults all I can think is "I'm playing with people who have no idea what the fuck actual trash talk is and would get owned by an average blind monkey"
case in point

>Nigger thinks he has rights

lol fuk you faggot

>he's a speedrunner
like pottery

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>another mentally ill that takes trash talking literally
can we nuke california already
this is getting tiresome

>suffering from mental health problems
>easily offended
when is he getting the sex change?

People in Yea Forums fall jist as easily for shitty bait.

>talking about how you fuck guys during a game of medival combat
he deserves it