Which system has worse MHW players in your opinion PS4 or PC.
Right now on PC people literally dont even bring igni to the leshen hunt.
And still haven't figured it out that it can be used to free allies from roots.
Which system has worse MHW players in your opinion PS4 or PC
What the fuck is a leshen?
>leshen in world
Whatever platform you're playing on apparently is the worst
This is usually the answer for any multiplat like MHW. I had the original Dark Souls on Xbox and I couldn't believe how bad people were compared to Demon Souls and when I played on my friends PS4.
Definitely ps4. No one gives a shit about having fun and it was just a bunch of tryhards.
>playing this game with randoms
Fix your life OP
PCancer are all cheating scum, the true path is an SSD in a PS4
Have over 300 hours on PC and no cheaters so far.
I guess some may cheat gear to avoid grind but no one is cheating the games mechanics.
An ssd doesn't fix sub 30fps
I play on PC and can't even finish the "repel Lunastra" quest, does that answer your question?
>yfw OP is playing MHW / Witcher 3 crossover
Most people dont play the same game on 3 different systems to give any sort of unbiased, meaningful opinion, you drooling retard.
I've made plenty of MHW PC threads and lobbies when it came out, shitposting side, people here were chill in-game
so my vote goes to PS4
250 hours on PC, and I've seen one actual cheater. He had his Heavy Bowgun able to spam wyvernsnipe. It was crazy to see him lay down, fire, fire, fire, etc. and kill a tempered Kushala in less than 30 seconds.
Obviously Pc
using anything thats not just your weapon.
get the fuck out
you can fight the leshen with other people?
How can one weapon possibly be so based?
So it's not worth buying the game again? I have it on Xbox, but I've been playing a lot more PC ever since I upgraded and going back to console is kind of weird to think about.
Ancient leshen yes.
is it active on PC right now?
found the shitter
>worst players
The only people left playing MHW on xbox are the ones who aren't shit and actually know the game.
PS4 is the worst.
>his 10k$ pc doesnt have iceborn until 2020
Kek faggot
>arent shit
And still cant finish a game released on 2017
That's most players in general. Just look at the percentage of players on each platform that have the Xenojiiva achievement.
Boy I sure do love holding down a button.
>MHW PC content delayed by several months compared to console
>still optimized like shit
>it's real
I don't even...
Smart people play solo or with friends in a 4 man. Exclusively we avoid randoms.
>optimized like shit
>still runs better than consoles
really gets the noggin joggin
Maybe for ancient hardware. You aren't playing on a tablet are you, kid?
Intelligent people are ok with waiting for superior things.
You say that like crossovers don't happen all the time in MH. Granted western ones are boring.
OOF. a PS4 and SSD? Might as well be not playing at all. 20fps and sata2 load speeds.
>Hello GS freinds. This is what you will be using for the end of time.
not saying much, my i7 9700k + GTX 2080 should at least play at a solid 60FPS with everything maxed out yet I still get frame dips and stutter
"ancient hardware". yeah sure you can lower the settings for higher framerate, but I shouldn't have to considering MHW isn't really visually impressive
Not him, but they aren't too common, and the times that they do happen, it's usually just armor based on the franchise obtained from hunting an existing monster that is somewhat like something from that game. Like to get Link's stuff, you fight dragons, to get Snake's gear you fought a Tigrex.
I don't remember any of the other games adding their own monsters, like this thing or the Behemoth.
yep, Capcom is incompetent
doesn't change the fact that it still runs better than on consoles
also they released an HD texture pack recently
Ancient Leshen is actually a pretty good fight and the solo quest playing as Geralt was fun the first time.
Ancient Leshen has some disastrously poor design decisions, I particularly take issue with the bird aura
A 2k$ pc run at 60fps with dips
Meanwhile a 200$ console can run the game on 4k and 60fps
Pc cukcs are a joke
>but they aren't too common
They literally happen in almost every game.
I never said it wasn't, just that new monsters for tie-in quests is a new thing.
What game's enemy would you like to see next?
I don't really find it too bad if you have a health regen augment. The only problem I find is that randoms wont flash you out of his grab. I figured the fight would be pure shit but I'm happy with it. What else don't you like about it?
Name them, then.
Catherine tie-in.
I really would prefer original monsters of course.
Isn't that just armor, though? Did you read my post?
Igni sucks though.
>Isn't needed
>need to be point blank
>recharge time
And the barrier leshen makes is ignoreable since it'll just poof away anyhow
>I don't cheat bro
>I just use some QoL mods
PC gaming is just shit.
Never Ever.
Yes but I was just throwing something out there without being serious. I don't get your hostility.
Because the post was about monsters themselves, and specifically mentioned that armor crossovers were common.
Your post was worthless.
Can't have bad players if you don't have players
It looks like fucking Skullpion
Xbox is better at shooters than PS4
Imagine if wolfo was a DS guest monster.
And you had to kill it over and over limping animation and all to craft the artorias set.
Would feel bad.
I'd love to fight Ridley in Monster Hunter but Switch is never ever so maybe ko-shi and ro-shi from Automata since that also seems to get tons of crossovers lately.
Why would you feel bad? Literally almost every monster in monster hunter has a limping animation.
They should just make it so you can capture him.
And if you capture him 10 times you get a pupy Sif as a pet in your room.
Or better yet as a animation class altering substitute pet for your palico.
Because evrione wanted to spare him in DS.
And on top of this from even added an extra cutsene to make people feal even more bad about killing him.
That's fucking stupid.
There is literally nothing wrong with modding the game so you can buy some items like Mega Demondrug. Farming nourishing extract is for super autismos
So can you just plunder everything from A.Leshen or are you required to kill him to craft everything?
The JoJo hammer in MH3U.
Different guy, but
>Tiny as fuck, so gunlances/longswords/switch axes trip each other all day
>Crowstorm means you're wasting time and resources healing even if you play well
>Health regen augments are RNG horseshit, I'm still waiting to find one goddamn lance stone
>Behemoth-esque fight where its no fun to fight solo, overly reliant on teammates if you fight MP
What I'm saying is fuck monster hunter
>@KT have literally seen people just bring what the fuck ever they want to the fight, you could kinda get away with this on normal KT because low horn HP but @KT you need to go meta
>IG fags "JE SUIS MONTE" galor fucking WYVERN IGNITION GS users people not even bothering to switch to ice weapons on A4
>Had people carting to P4 and P FUCKING 6 KT
>my rage became so massive scientist are
now studying it as a black hole
and that's a good thing! I love it
>end of time
*till iceborne GSes outclass it
>Gets the expansion 1st
>game still runs sub 60fps and sub 4k
I mean sure take whatever "victory" you can get I guess
actual B52 and pickle
okay i'm laughing
Any platform because only casuals play MHW.