The Streamer Problem

How do we fix it? I think it's all going to come to a head when Classic Wow releases and people see just how bad these e-celebs will ruin the experience for everyone else.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The PROBLEM is that you won't stop posting about them.


YOU are the problem, not them.

If you faggots would ignore them they'd be IRRELEVANT. It's YOU that are 100% at fault for the nonstop youtube/twitch celebrity threads on this board.

we swat them using burner phones
you're nigger

>How do we fix it?
Don't watch them.

PK lots of PK

Stop watching them you beta cuck.


The thing that makes me laugh the most about big streamers is all the people writing in chat as if anyone is reading. That shit moves so fast, you could open up a blank notepad and type away and it wouldn't be any different.

There are more casuals that watch e-celebs than those that can see through the facade.

Just like any community, it gets driven to a money making scheme.

I don't watch them but another people do

I want to marry and impregnate Pokimane.

saw this thot in a nationally televised commercial
along with her appearance in that award show
i guess she made it

Yeah, I don't understand how 10,000 viewers saying the same thing makes you feel you are part of a "community."

what problem is there? they want to stream, people want to watch them.
if you don't like them don't watch them

Why do you care?

Then who gives a fuck? What even is your point?

>Your children are going to have professional gaming classes in high school

How does it make you feel that your (once unique) hobby is turning so mainstream that the government is starting to include it into their education programs?

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What are you talking about? Just don't watch them. How do they affect you in any way?

i dont care

She looks like she fucks black guys.

>Noooo stop having fun

Join a guild with no streamers in it.
Problem solved.

Have you seen her without makeup?


>hurr durr gib monies for make up pls

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Who gives a shit about wow anymore?

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that problems can't be solved that way
People watching another playing, don't wanting to explore the game, doing min/max with guides what's wrong with you?

>Moroccan trying to look asian
How do people fall for this

layers and layers and layers of makeup

>women look worse without make up
whoa stop the presses look who can say nigger and not get banned btw

Why haven't you donated yet, Yea Forums?

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can makeup be considered lying

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Fairly certain no one gives a shit about WoW

Fatima what are you doing, mother picks sandal


I mostly like her feet. How does she look without makeup?

>How does she look without makeup

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What fucking problem? There is clearly demand for this retarded content, and there is a commensurate supply.
You're literally being a fucking thought-police. Back to fucking Russia, comrade.


She looks very cute without makeup.

Go back before 1991 user

what "problem" exactly?

95% of them are going to quit because all they do is hop from bandwagon game to bandwagon game, Classic will be no exception.

do you people honestly sincerely think that not posting about streamers on Yea Forums is somehow going to bring down the whole massive industry? Because I have to say that's pretty dang dumb and stupid and bluepilled to the max

its even worse than this picture, because she is fat AND ugly, the double combination of penis deflation

Well you gotta be some kind of idiot to think giving someone 1,000$ for attention is a good thing

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This. She's still average without makeup, when most girls look like Gollum when they're not wearing anything.

How can a streamer ruin your MMO experience?
LOL, how fucking bad are you at WoW that you have to blame STREAMERS for your failure hahaha. That's worse than blaming dirt on your desk for fucking up your mouse while playing FPS.

She looks like a totally different person, autist.

Only virgins defend women literally lying about their appearance.

>this is what people with anime avatars actually look like

>do you people honestly sincerely think that not posting about streamers on Yea Forums is somehow going to bring down the whole massive industry?
However, streamers are the problem only if you think they are the problem. It's like "toxic" behavior online. You can ignore it completely. It's problem to you only because you choose not to ignore it.

>Only virgins defend women literally lying about their appearance.
Yeah, but only virgins whine about it too, so

My fucking soul cringed dude

thats not even an anime avatar you nigger

im still waiting on what exactly the "problem" is

VIRGIN TEST monkaS :point_right: pokiW
I'M SAFE FeelsGoodMan

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She's so fucking ugly. Fuck I hate her face.

>implying it's not a problem now

Looks like a junji ito shot to me.

>posts a female streamer instead of one of the many MANY cancerous male streamers
Incel thread disguised as faux outrage over streamers. Enjoy your ban pedo.

That's fake. No one does this.

i hate on female streamers who do nothing but chat, but if i were even a remotely cute girl i'd be whoring myself out on twitch as well


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it's like you're new to life and women

What problem?

Oh sweetie, I can tell you never went to a camsite.

holy shit wtf hahaha these guys need to be gassed in the next holocaust hahahah

I've seen many that skip rent, fuck up their relationship with their gf/wife, and fuck up their lives just for some attention from a girl. These people are no different then those dudes that keep going to strip clubs paying for one strippers affection.

user the real world doesn't disappear just because you close your eyes
please try to accept and come to terms with that for your own good
the irony is that people often watch streams for escapism you yourself are trying to ignore a flaw of humanity by using that very flaw a bit hypocritical don't you think?

Why is your goal to "bring down the whole massive industry"
I just want to enjoy video games and don't practice recreational outrage

>fix it

if you are a woman and you are too stupid to get literal free fucking money via Twitch and similar services, blame yourself.


The faggots throwing money at any woman who smiles at them will be throwing away their money regardless of which woman smiles at them. That woman might as well be you.

The Twitch market will likely die off (to be replaced by something else) so you might as well take advantage of your youth and makes some money. Unlike other jobs, you don't have to let some subpar male touch you, all they have to do is look at you. Hell, you can even where normal clothes and they will still fawn over you in the hopes you'll give them a chance.

ITS FREE FUCKING MONEY. Get it while you can.

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I don't give a fuck about "the whole massive industry" is the point. It's a non issue. Why the fuck would I care? No one is forcing me to watch them.
You're so fucking dumb. I bet you think cyber bullying is real too.
Just remove yourself from the equation.
You're making this a problem for yourself.

end me

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>to the max
Who fucking talks like this?

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You can literally see the layers of makeup

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How are "streamers" something that affect you in any way shape or form?
These fucking threads are the only real cancer since they kill other threads.
t. not that guy

There's something wrong with people being parasites to the society

whats wrong with women wearing makeup user?

She's still getting them moneybucks. Shows that males have subpar tastes and will hoist any chick on a pedestal. Imagine how desperate the average male is.

>open launcher

I want to cum inside of Imane

So many angry nerds overlook the fact that OP meant streamers in general, not just female ones.
Imagine getting this angry over something that literally does not affect you.

Rad people, my dude.

This but while holding hands.

This, don’t hate the playa, hate the game.
Actually not even the game affects you, the only reason to care is because you’re mad and jelly that an e-whore gets lots of money for nothing, but the fact is that these girls would be getting the same money irl if they had to bother.
Twitch didn’t change anything, it just made you notice because you don’t know shit about girls that aren’t public figures related to your hobby.

>click the PLAY GAME button instead
What's the issue? Not like you're sorting through all the announcements for the hidden 'play' button.

>to the society
The poor fat IT fag giving away his paycheck to some chick with a pretty smile doesn't get to call himself society. Sorry bro.

Suckers like you deserve to be taken advantage of. Don't blame anyone else just because you are too stupid to have decent financial sense.

Women might as well put you to use.

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Many are against working long hours for shit pay when someone can just exist and make thousands for literally breathing. You can say it's allowed and all but don't be shocked that people don't like it and want it gone.

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>The Radio Problem. How do we fix it?
>The Television Problem. How do we fix it?
>The Video Game Problem. How do we fix it?

Anyone who asks such stupid fucking questions about "problems" related to modern entertainment should be ignored.

Why bother when you can just use duct tape?

league of legends literally has hahd more growth than wow ever could get in the time frame that league did. I just find that fucking incredible. But a shame, league is not what it used to be in its glory days of freedom in itemizations, it was so good.

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great problems create great solutions

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>making a walking simulation
>get pissed off when people watch a youtube video instead of buying it.

How do we fix the makeup problem?

How long has it been since you where in school? Speaking for myself gaming has always been a thing in the schools I went to since 2001 when I was in kindergarten they where shitty educational PC games but still games nonetheless

Stop watching their streams and just jerk off to their hottest pictures on thothub and wikifeet, like a normal person. Tell others to do the same, convince them that their attention is not worth anything.

Supply and demand, nigga.

>Implying I'm not a poorfag thatinherited the post-war mentality of his grandfather and Irather cut my hand that give a single cent to a glorified att whore
P.D: I'm doing economics I'm too lazy to do IT


It's more fun to jerk off to her live.

Have you ever been with a woman who cakes on makeup? You literally can't kiss them or touch their face because your hands will be covered in it

have more "irl" streamers

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You sound jelly.

What the fuck is this?

>Many are against working long hours for shit pay
Sounds like they are making a bad choice. A dumb guy has to work a 14 hour day digging a ditch. No reason that dumb guy should get a reward just because some chick somewhere gets coddled by her 50 year old sugardaddy.

You being upset about that is tantamount to be upset that some rich guy's dog gets to stay in a nicer house than you.

Men and women aren't the same, but you are too stupid to understand this.

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No just aware

>Calvin has brown hair

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those fucking neets are donating with our tax dollars though

cut the welfare first, a bunch of dead neets ain't nothing

I don't see a problem.

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No, good make up accentuates, not hides.

What the fuck? That guy looks like he's at least 40.

>game of thrones reference
What a cringy fag.

they affect me because i allow them to affect me by accepting that they exist alongside me
If you care about games streaming affects games and so it affects you which is why threads like this get posted to begin with
the world is built on a complex network of relations
The thing is by refusing to acknowledge something you are actually held far more captive by that thing without realizing it fighting against the truth only makes you a slave

Something retards do in twitch chat.

yeah and then I've just wiped it off myself after. It's not that big of a deal. If the girl feels pretty when she puts it on then I'm cool with it. only thing I don't like are those stupid tiny sparkles that dont ever come off

duct tape our hands together while I breed her?

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Being proud that you’re serving (((society))) by producing something of value in order to be compensated a minuscule fraction of its worth is the final and ultimate form being a fucking cuck.
Every single streamer you know of is literally shitting on you and all the line of your people, back to the beginning, and there is nothing you can do about it.

post the side profile picture of her and her giant jew schnozz

Why don't we work towards speeding up the creation sex bots so these losers leave the twitch area and pay thousands to fuck a robot that gives them the love and affection lacking in their lives? I mean they'll pay someone they never met thousands to say their name, what's 2000$ for something they can actually touch and feel?

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>because i allow them
Sounds like you're the problem.
Solution provided.

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show us how much you've donated to twitch thots user PepeLaugh

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asking the real questions

Post pokimane's fat ass

You're starting to seing the raise of some parties to arrange this degenerate society as result of the demand of the voters, what's more things are going to be worse economically and even more radical parties will surge, you were given freedom and used it for the most hedonistic vices and whorever takes the power nazis, communist(the USSR style ones who would send you to a gullag for not working) or jihadists all are going to get what they deserve

>Reading comprehension

why do people allow you to live

why though!? monkaW

Feels good that I will never be this pathetic.

>Reading comprehension

Probably older. Most of these dudes are mid-life failures in their eyes and seek someone else that can care about them.

Great, will give them what they deserve like people did at the long of history with leaches

i want to fuck pokimane

Yeah, but he doesn't give a shit about what you say.

there's no point posting this thread here, most of Yea Forums are underage faggots who probably donate to these cunts

Honest question: How much bass is in your voice?

If that thought makes you feel good, you literally are that pathetic.

How's it even possible to be this pathetic? Like I can't imagine how anyone could be this cringy

I mean he's obviously a betacuck but I don't see how this stream related. He's being a cuck in person not through a screen.

You sound so fucking pseudo-intellectual, it's as if you truly believe the shit you write. Then again I'm the idiot falling for this bait.

Its mental illness. Not being hyperbolic, these people are mentally ill

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I'm five minutes in and I can't watch any more of this shit. What the fuck is wrong with incels?

This shit has got to be staged right? Its probably her friend she asked to act like an autist on purpose. You can see in the chat that all they do is laugh at him.

so basically a male crossdresser?

I would unironically fuck the girl on the right over Tits McGee.

>You can see in the chat that all they do is laugh at him.
no shit, he's beta as shit
the fuck kind of reaction are you expecting?


what effect have they had on video games themselves?

Based Hawkssun08 has good taste.

>80's guy
>born in 87
>couldn't speak until the 90s

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Her chest isn't even big. She just whore a pushup bra on a tight shirt

except thats not true

Hmm, yeah I guess so.

If you can write a book, make the choice to become a critic, write legible and readable english and above all else comprehend what advertising your personality is how high do you think the chance of them actually having autism is

>How do we fix it?
Ban all you stupid fucking zoomers off this site.

What's it mean by being gay and trans?

Does it want to fuck girls because it believes it is also a girl? Or is it gay based off birth gender thus wants to fuck dudes? Or is it gay based off being trans and wants to fuck other trans

just ignore their existence like a normal person ignores the shit they dislike.

Not him but I would argue because of Streamers they've affected how video games are marketed and developed. On PC anyway, many devs have said they feel like they need to make something that looks fun on Stream in order to sell. Many companies like Ubisoft or many indies use face cams, fake party chat, and reaction cams for their gameplay reveal, showcase, and demos. That wouldn't be such a problem if the presentation didn't make the game look worse.

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I can't believe it angers me. Faggots like these need serious help.

Source on any of your claims, or is it just "my thoughs"?

I really wish my hobby wasn't infested with such pathetic people. I'm referring to the people who donate money to people for playing games.

If I could make money sitting in front of a camera and have hordes of beta males giving me free money I'd do it too. In that way, I don't blame the streamers.

Who wouldn't you just drop 1k on high end escort and get your balls drained properly. Instead the dude is blueballing every night on twitch

streaming will begin to die out when you dipshits stop watching them or giving them attention

but the core issue is that streaming is just more profitable than making other kinds of sweat-shop-tier daily content on youtube
People can't get enough money from ads on youtube alone without a patreon, like a shitty american restaurant. We americans should hate tipping too, but no one does anything
Google and twitch are fine with this shitty tipping charity system of paying entertainers, INSTEAD of fair ad revenue to actually thrive off of.
google buying youtube sounded like a bad thing back when I was a kid, but I never realized how bad things would become.

Its not a hobby in the same way watching TV/movies isn't a hobby. Just rabid consumerism. It takes no effort therefore it isn't a hobby, which is why the betas spewing $1000s of their own dollars to twitch thots are so common.

Ride the tiger baby surf the kali yuga.

> grandma leaves you 17k bucks, all her life savings
> spend it on e-thots

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Her fault for producing inferior spawn.

Because they're fucking retarded and have oneitis syndrome.

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Why the fuck would you get oneitis over these girls though. I get oneitis happens but jesus fuck, usually if people fall for someone hard its usually someone worth chasing, not some barely 6/10 with cakeface scammer thot.

cause she's a gamer bro, she does a degenerate thing you do but for money so you believe you have some equal grounding with her

Look to E3 demos for Division 1, Rainbow 6 siege, Sea of thieves, Anthem, and this gem,
skip to 43:15

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He doesn't want the sex specifically but the feeling of being wanted in general.

That's it anons let out all that negative mental energy you've built up let it out into the world to be neutralized
Your hatred towards Op, streamers, me it's all real
Realize that in this moment you haven't allowed or disallowed anything to affect you
You have been affected you couldn't stop it and that's why you are here right now


Thanks to these beta males even a 6/10 cakeface scammer thot has a legion of thirsty cucks.

Also there is nothing rational about oneitis. Only cold hard reality will wake them up from it.

Why do you think these twitch thots always pretend to be single and available? They're fucking cunts abusing emotionally handicapped betas.

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you mean you want to hate-fuck her face

What they need is a war, send them to Iran

I want to cum inside of her. That picture of her in handcuffs is great.

>Oh no literal who #2032320 on Yea Forums is ignoring me and now I can't make any more money.... How could you???
If you genuinely think that ignoring the problem will help then you're a fucking retard. It's not gonna stop people from circlejerking e-celebs to oblivion. It sounds like you can't even solve the simplest of problems without resorting to being a passive bitch.

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Anyone who donates to thots should be castrated.

This, why people act like letting things being is good

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Based and redpilled

What if I don't donate to them but I still masturbate to their leaked patreon stuff.

fpbp unironically, it's better to just respond with "Who?" when someone mentions one. If people stopped posting about them AT ALL, there'd already be a drastic difference and 3/4th of the fight would be done anyways.
Any publicity is good publicity, just so you know. I could have gone my whole life not knowing who ProJared, Vinesauce or SimpleFlips were.

only Hassan is allowed to

only solution is another world war

>qt autistc streamer streams good games like SH2 or RE
>know I shouldn't subscribe and donate money
>do it anyway because she always acknowledges me in chat and discord
>Isn't big streamer, gets 90-140 views a stream
>makes giving out donations feel more intimate
>have wasted about $400 last 4 months

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If anything I feel sorry for these dudes, streamgirls are all they have.

So it seems, so it seems

By resurrecting Nasim and having twitch ban her account.

I want to impregnate poki so hard.

Just kill yourself at this point

Nothing wrong with that.

Why? She's a 5/10 and a massive cunt.

Is the moral equivalent to pirating Epic games, nothing wrong

There's no fucking way this is real. Holy FUCK.

spotted the jealous virgins.

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But i just want to eat dat ass, fuck dramafags

Dude is rich and at least gets attention from girls. That's more than you will ever have.

The only thing that can make someone jelous is the free money that get streamers, nobody is jealous towards the idiots who donate money

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Wrong fucko

>Attention from girls
Buahahahahahahahahahahaha... keep dreaming

Why? They're genetic dead ends already. Castrating them would change nothing.

massive tits

Its about killing their desire so they do something productive, of course they're not reproducing anyway.

Further humilliation

>isnt big
>90-140 a stream
What the fuck thats 20x the normal amount?

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fortnite and its "competitive" scene
overwatch and league autism
the fact that people judge the lifespan of mp games based on how many twitch viewers it has

Why this bitch try to pass as happa?

Do you have any idea how big 90 people is? You giving money to anyone makes you immediately undesirable and it's a waste.

Asians are more desirable by men

This thread reminds me of a time I was speaking to my good friend Orville. We were sitting on a park bench watching the pigeons. I was on the left, he was on the... oh wait. Was I on the right?.. or left? Anyways, it doesn't matter. We were sitting on there, watching the pigeons, and I.. uh.. I said to Orville:

"Friend, those birds are frozen!"

He... kinda looked at me like I'd lost my mind. But I reminded him that it was winter, y'know? And often birds will sit in a tree until they'd freeze... Then they'd, they'd, you know, sort of fall to the ground until the sun warms up, and they can, y'know, move around again.

So I said to Orville "You'd might as well save those breadcrumbs until the birds thaw, because they can't very well enjoy them in the condition they're in."

To which he asked what I meant, and asking what condition the crumbs should be in before he threw them to the birds, assuming that I had meant the birds couldn't enjoy the breadcrumbs in the condition that the crumbs were in, when in fact I had meant the birds couldn't enjoy them in the condition that the birds were in, considering the birds were frozen, y'know?

So he took a moment and then threw his last handful onto the ground. I said to him "Orville, why did you throw the breadcrumbs to the birds when I just told you they're frozen?"

To which he responded "The breadcrumbs are not frozen," again misunderstanding my words. I didn't mean to say that the breadcrumbs were frozen when I told you they're frozen. I've been referring to the birds.

You know, in hindsight, what I should've said was - and this would make perfect sense: "Why did you throw the breadcrumbs to the birds when the birds are frozen?"

He misunderstood upon my correction, stating that he didn't know what else to do with the breadcrumbs, and that perhaps, y'know, when the birds thawed they'd still be able to eat the crumbs.

So I said to Orville - I said - This is what I said to him - I said:

"Orville, the birds may be dead."

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Get a fucking girlfriend dude holy shit. If you're spending $400 on someone who is giving you back literally nothing, you are being played. Fuck, become a regular in an IRC channel, do SOMETHING, if all you really want is social feedback there are so many other avenues you can look into, stop wasting money. Have a (you) on the house.

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By beta men. Now that I said this, I get why she does it.

Stop doing that.

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90 is even that much? 300-1000 is considered "popular"

how is it a problem when you don't have to look at it
seriuosly i dont fucking care. whats it matter you like to go along with these stupid fucks so you can make them popular so youtube will give you your gibmes?
in what context is this bad or do i give a fuck about it. do you got to not show how you are all retarded because then we'd bully you and you'd lose you r bucks with nothing left to stream.

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See, that's where I have the advantage. I have 4 followers, and only one has ever talked to me. So I've cracked the fast moving chat stream problem! Oh, and not to brag, but one other time a second person said hi.

Most dating site statistics show men in general prefer asian women. white, hispanic, and asian women prefer white men. However, black women prefer black men and asian men like hispanic women

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Who is this man jawed bug?

By twitch standards you mean. 90 is a fuckton of people watching. Remove the fact it's on the internet for a sec and picture 5 classrooms of 20 students each watching a single video.

I want a wife like her


remove the fact that still its the internet

literally this, fpbp

90 views on average is a lot still.
Nobody watches my streams.
Though that's probably a good thing because I fuck up all the time doing them. I'm still in the learning process and I'm not spending a lot of money to do it either.
(I streamed Hands of Fate 2 for an hour just now and Twitch only uploaded the first 7 minutes and ate the rest somehow though I have done nothing different to what I normally do on my end. Of course I didn't notice till I finished playing since it looked OK on my end)
Streaming is quite hard. To me at least. Because you have to try to find something to say as you play, keep an eye on the stream so it doesn't fuck up and put the time down to play for an extended period. (I'm going to have to have a laptop open on the stream, running the stream so I know the bloody thing is working next time)
I mean for women its quite easy to just have a cam on you and show off your boobs or face and make "kawaii" faces and get a bunch of whales, but I find it kind of defeats the purpose of streaming.
It should be for fun first, learning second, and maybe some pocket change to feed back into doing more of the first two.
I want to do it so I actually sit and stick to beating games. Gives me a goal, an objective. I put my head down and beat Megaman 8 yesterday. Normally I would have given up on the first sledding level.
So you know, I think it can sincerely make you better at games, as long as that is your focus.

These are the real questions that need to be asked.

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Every time I think my life has gone to shit cause I'm 32 working at Wal Mart; I breathe easy and know that I'm nowhere near as pathetic as these fags

>"Because scorts are boring meanwhile this gal is like super nerd and play the same shitty games that I do"

Stop bringing'em here, incel.

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On youtube it used to be 10,000 subscribers was a lot. Now 100,000 is whatever. Internet really fucks with your perspective on things.

I can think of nothing more comfortable than a small, but chill audience serving a small niche.
I think as channels grow in scale, so do their troubles. Sometimes its truly better to be a big fish in a small pond.

Why are you faggots so fucking obsessed with "bringing them down"? Fucking betas. Ignore them and live your life.

Anyone who has ever used twitch should be killed desu

fpbp. but its fucking Yea Forums. remember gamergate?

>If you faggots would ignore them they'd be IRRELEVANT. It's YOU that are 100% at fault for the nonstop youtube/twitch celebrity threads on this board.
They really just need to make a fucking celebrity/e-celeb containment board already. Many boards and not just Yea Forums would benefit greatly from it. Yea Forums mods have already made it clear they don't want e-celeb shit here too with the recent projared sticky.

Most non betas don't need dating sites. Just inperson and tinder is all they need. Most actual dating sites are full of betas who can't get their dick wet without them.

>I'm 32 working at Wal Mart

I'm 30 at best buy. Of course, I make $19/hr but it's still retail shit

Sharia Law

Oh my God please share your stream I really want to watch you!!! Fuck off pitystreamer

whiteoids aren't people. they just see what they want to see, one of the key culprits to their ignorance.

Attached: yellow_fever_whiteoids.jpg (1217x1401, 320K)

I love DizzyKitten!

>paying 1k for shitty sex instead of paying tuition/rent

Pochi is hotter

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 34K)


>qt autistic friend starts streaming herself playing roguelikes
>she's legit autistic and extremely awkward
>her stream is chill since it's just us, her friends, and a random stranger from time to time
>she gets popular and now has around 200-500 viewers on average
>she loves the attention and neglects everything to stream all day
>bunch of white knights start worshipping her and showering her with money for a cleavage shot
>she stops playing obscure games and stars healslutting her top donators on OW, WoW and League
>this has gone on for a couple of a year, we dont even talk that much anymore
>call her like 2 weeks ago to ask if she wants to hang out with me and the rest of the guys
>tells me she's meeting one of her "boyfriends"

Man... She was such a nice person too.
Thots being thots, I guess.