Honest characters Thread

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Should start with an actual honest character op.

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Ryu is the dictionary definition of an honest character.

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>Abandoned cenile grandmother on an island after the only other family member she has besides him disappeared.

OP is a faggot

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He is the worse link user, ultimate cuck him bad, almost all his kill confirms are fair and back trow on Ledge
Most of Toon Link mains jump on Young Link who is objetive speaking the best one
The same thing happend with Captain Falcon and Ganon besides the fact that Ganon is not really high tier

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So is he supposed to let his sister suffer some sinister fate just so his grandma won't be alone or a while? Think before you talk shit about best boy, retard

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It's really weird becuase they are low tier but when somebody knows how to play with him it really can kick ass

>turnips you safely from the ledge
Don't think so user.

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pic unrelated

Is this a Smash thread or what?


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Many will deny it, but you know it's true.

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>Post no pic
That’s what I expect from a filthy no fighter main

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>Viable move? DISHONEST BAWWW!

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Define honest

my main, or loses against my main

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People play it because they like the character and not because it's strong or get carry by something, for example counters or comebacks
Toon link is honest because you have two links that are better than him un every way, also now he have short range and is easy to punish him for that,

It's becuase sm4sh ptsd
The same thing happend to Bayonetta, now you have to be good to play her but people don't forget how they we're fucking strong before

>Toon link is honest because you have two links that are better than him un every way
Toon Link's spin attack kills and he has a kill throw. Young Link does have a better kit overall though.

Toon Link is so fucking boring
Sure is nice being " honest " but if all you've got to throw is turnaround uptilt & projectiles, then it's not fun. Maybe if he had proper momentum he'd be fun but that's not in Ultimate.

Listen friends, there's a lot of misinformation and manipulation out there, in my experience, the biggest danger with crypto (and investing in general) is being easily influenced into investing in some tokens and then realizing you were just a sucker buying a shill's bags. We've all been here, folks. This crypto space is still immature, driven by greed, flooded with opportunists and is more dominated by marketing than by real value... and there are so many different projects all offering wonderful groundbreaking promises that it's very difficult to keep track of what's legit, what's a scam, and what's a big nothing... Well, do you remember the rick roll troll meme? Well the same folks who came up with that troll joke, Yea Forums (also known as Anonymous), has been orchestrating secret raids on reddit to downvote every thread discussing this particular token. Now think about this, who would FUD their own investment instead of shilling it? We all shill the tokens we own to our friends and family, so why are they doing this? It doesn't make sense, right? Well they're just doing it for fun, it seems... "as a joke", yup, just like the rick roll meme. All I'm saying is, be careful if you're thinking of buying this one, folks. Personally I'll be waiting until it proves itself to be more than just a joke and reaches at least 10 dollars before taking the risk to buy in, just to be safe. Smart move is to be patient and let the market decides if it can be trusted.

I want to touch that boy

No way fag

What if that boy likes girl touches exclusively?

I mean, you are right but the kill throw, fair and up air are the only thing that can kill with toon link without doing a hard read,
And even then you can shield fair and grab toon link in the air, while Young link can combo you and end it with fair while you can't move for the knockback, it's really a hard diference
I get hype doing combos that don't use proyectiles and doing hard reads, toon link can be really fun in a good match up
but yeah, basically Young Link is Toon Link with momentum and much faster

>Goes and save his sister so his grandma won't be lonely while he goes on an adventure to populate a new land by repeatedly inseminating his pirate gf
>Captures a fairy and forces it to heal his grandma's dementia
Link is the best grandson.

I guess in such a sad situation I'd have to respect his preferences