How you holding up there, valvebros?

How you holding up there, valvebros?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't want a sequel, it will be shit

Gabe is getting old and I believe he doesn't give a shit anymore. Maybe he's already done enough for him to be satisfied with his career.

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>I don't want a sequel, it will be shit
I feel this for almost every game I like. Im afraid the holder of the IP will ruin the game.

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This. At this point, it's going to run into the "Duke Nukem Forever" problem where it will be
impossible for it to live up to the wait and hype.

This. HL3 would never live up to expectations.
That and I don't think valve is even capable of making a video game anymore.

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What was this thread? why it got so many replies?

When a gaming company is no longer making the game that made the company, they've moved on.
The audience should too.

coping by playing tf2


Laidlaw got sick of Valve's bullshit and dumped his plot for Episode 3, finally giving closure after around a decade of people waiting for it

Writer of half life shared what he would do for the finale of the series if Valve allowed it
It sounded awesome. I wish we got to play it bros
RIP Valve

Whats your favorite mod anons?

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Underhell is pretty good

Why is everyone in this thread talking as if there's even a possibility that HL3 will ever be a thing?
The written story for ep3 has been posted online for everyone to get closure because the game will never be made. The people who might have made it don't work at Valve anymore, it's not even worth speculating about.

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I'd rather have a reboot or a continuation of Opposing Force

God bless modding

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Team Fortress Classic.

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He's gone, and he isn't coming back.


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Ive never given a shit about hl3
I just want a better tf2 team. its valves only cool game that I can also put more than 20 hours into.

the specialists

Because some don't know that Valve doesn't make games anymore.
People who work there make tech these days, not video games

Lots of people on this board don't really have much to live for


I want a sequel, even if it's shit, because then I'll lose all expectations and I won't want a sequel

I let go when Epistle came out.

I come from the future and I can tell you half-life 3 doesn't exist.

I'm pretty sure this is the year that Half-Life VR is announced alongside Portal and L4D

anyone has archive ?

Still sad, but if a franchise is dead a franchise is dead. Just upset Valve refuses to even admit HL is dead, or for that matter, that they have no interest in making actual games anymore. Their corporate silence is really sad, especially when they totally used to be "for the community."

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Half Life was a success because it was revolutionary in blending storytelling with an FPS game

Half Life 2 was a success because it was revolutionary in blending a physics engine with an FPS game

Half Life 3 will be revolutionary by blending VR with a FPS game.

Or at least this is the thought process, they won't release it until it's ready. Be patient and if it never works then you still got 2 classics from this franchise.

Portal 1,2 and 3 in VR?

>Muh Dyson Sphere
>Muh Combine is unstoppable

The hype is way too big and Valve now won't know how to manage such thing since they became shit

Half Life 3 was too late 5 years ago, why are you still thinking about it?
It didn't happen. Too bad. Move on. Even KH3 is a thing now, but HL3 is a dead dream.

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You may joke, but I'd like a Portal VR

If they were actually interested in hl3, they would know, that's how you recognize a "HL3 CONFIRMED XD" memelord right away.

Well, Portal 1 and 2 already are configured pretty well for VR by the community

I think that Portal is a game actually suitable for VR. But also it is a really short and easy game, that you would expect from a new developer just starting out.
There are walking simulators that are harder than Portal.

TF2 was fun, but it was nowhere near as fun as TFC was. I may be biased towards TFC because I played competitively and was part of a community for a long time, but still.

Hey, catch me later and I'll buy you a beer.

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I think he gives a shit, but trying to keep Steam unfucked is probably taking all he has, if he actually has anything to do with it.
I'd like to think getting porn games unbanned only happened because people raised enough of a stink to get it to his attention.


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For HL1 I loved cry of fear. For HL2 Underhell 100%. Chapter 2 neverever

anyone have an archive for the OP in that picture? what did that post say?

Read the thread, for the love of God, you drooling retard

It's not like he has an incentive to give a shit. Gabe could do literally nothing and steam would just quietly generate money, on top of being worth like 3 billion.

It's so sad, they used to make such great games. A new L4D during the big zombie craze of a few years ago would have been huge.

Shit it just hit me, who the fuck is going to be the company face once Gabe is gone?

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is that one of those weird computer generated pictures that looks off, but the more you look at it the more nonsense it appears to be?

literally just zoom in

yeah, those billions will surely satisfy anyone

You didn't get a three, user. The dream is dead

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his son

>2KB 125x110
>literally just zoom in

Gabe hasn't been relevant for years user.

Rocket Crowbar/Natural Selection/WerewolvesVSZombies

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A horse is shitting in a guys mouth
It's obvious if you zoom in cuck

they made artifact which literally came out last year.
So stop your bitching.

they could make 200 gorillion dollars every year,
that would still not stop them from nickel and diming their customers on every turn

counter strike

Thank you for proving my point user.

>is a video game
>came out last year
>was produced and made by valve
>somehow translates to "valve doesnt make video games anymore!"
That's like saying Stephen King doesnt write books anymore.

>this whole thread
I only recently got into HL so I've been spared most of the hurt, but it still hurts.

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yes you fucking retard zoom in holy shit

probably going to be passed on to a retard and then either EA or Epic says "yo I will buy your company for 2 bucks" and he will take it selling the company
you can guess what will happen next

i actually want more l4d, the franchise has more potential

Hard to believe Gordon Freeman's voice actor has been dead for years.

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>a game nobody plays and nobody likes proves anything other than valve is incapable of making video games

just like blizzard
valve and blizzard both made gaming good and also ruined it
and are one of the few most beloved game companies

>Gabe Newell ever dying
He’ll put his brain in a jar and link his cerebrum right into Steam

It's literally still a video game, just because people didnt like it doesnt mean its NOT a video game. Cherry pick harder faggot

Of all things why the FUCK did they try to tap into an already oversaturated market

Its not about relevancy is just that whenever i read Steam my mind makes a jump to Gave or pic related, one of them is already gone and the other might not be far behind and i'm not liking this because IM getting left behind and time just fucking keeps moving

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That fucking song man.

You're a pedantic, autistic faggot.

I assume that user meant he wanted valve to make GOOD games.

Half Life 1 and 2 are two of my favorite FPS games, but I know current Valve couldn't do a HL3 right. Fuck, Portal 2 sucked. I don't know how you mess up a sequel to Portal, but they somehow did it.

I used to be really hyped about HL3. I remember beating episode 2 when it came out and being super excited about what would come next. I was super involved in the mod community, played a fuck load of Half Life:Deathmatch and even followed a few forums dedicated solely to all things HL.
I followed all the crazy hoaxes and all the easter eggs valve put out there to hint at HL3, i had tons of speculation and theories as to who G-Man was and all that shit. But my interest died off long ago. I grew up, and eventually lost interest as I saw the old forums I went to slowly die. I remember saying 6 years ago that all I wanted from valve was a notepad document that said what the ending was.
Funnily enough, that was almost exactly what we got. I read Epistle 3, and I thought it was satisfying enough all things considered. If anything, I'm just happy we got something. Now I really couldn't give a shit about a new Half Life. I still replay 1 and 2 occasionally, but I've completely let go of HL3 ever happening.

Coming from someone who didn't care for HL2 (still pretty decent, but preferred HL way more), I have no reason to care about an over hyped sequel that will probably never exist.

I don't get it why reddit keeps jerking off to this so much. HL2 and episodes were shit. Do you honestly think 3 would be any better?

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>TF2 was fun, but it was nowhere near as fun as TFC was.

I'm not

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old Synergy


5 years ago?

HL3 was too late in 2011.

>Gabe becomes alternate universe Cave Johnson

sven coop

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>Boston boy
i'm thinking hes based

>Valve Thread
Alright fuckers, listen to my L4D3 head canon
>Game takes place in Saint Louis
>3 weeks after the first infection
>Four survivors, A Priest, A Trucker, A Welder, and a Marine
>Survivors are trying to head past the Mississippi into Kansas City where the military is holding out
>3 new special infected
>The Screamer returns, but acts like a witch, only alerting a horde if shot, or gets too close
>The Choker is a Smoke Variant that makes no noise, and upon attack survivors don't make any noise other then a choking noise thats harder to hear
>The Clawer, a special that has Razor Sharp claws, does more damage then regular infected melee, but is also weaker
>New weapons too
>P90, MP5, Vector, M14, Aug, AA12, and a new Tier 3 LMG that holds 300 bullets but can't be reloaded
>Through the campaigns theres dialogue with every character
>The Welder is an asshole who makes fun of the Priest and his beliefs in god, and talks about how god has abandoned us and shit
>The Marine gives people hope by telling them how shit isn't as bad as it seems, and how the military now has a foothold on the west and is actively fighting back the infected
>Out of all of them, the Welder is the only one who's not a carrier, hinting that there is capabilities for herd immunity with the carriers somehow
>Occasional hints of shit like cities being "Alpha Zeroed" off the map, and a military camp specifically for carriers
>Final 2 Campaigns take place in Kansas City
>You and the others follow a trail of dead soldiers, and military APC's and Tanks that line the streets, whilst hearing distant gunfire
>Finale is a mad dash to a convoy to get out before the city is "Alpha Zeroed" Basically the military firebombs/nukes any city that is deemed irredeemable, such as Chicago, New York, Cincinatti, Pittsburgh, ect.

Hopefully nobody, and Valve collapses and dies shortly after
Valve has made zero products of actual worth after Portal 2 and their shitty lack of curation on steam is the literal reason why EGS is able to do what they're doing

this. in the age of microtransactions dominating the AAA sphere of gaming, it will be a pay to win, pay to skip nightmare infested with every single modern form of P2W you can imagine. Half Life 3 is the holy grail of gaming, and thusly so will forever be out of reach of mortal hands.

maybe in another timeline, they could find a way...

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noob saibot is that you?

>>Boston boy
He's Lithuanian you uncultured fuck

The writers who posted ep3 got rehired for some reason and are working for Valve again.

replace welder with a girl cuz u need 1 female
and make them cute again like zoey no niggers

>Portal 2 was shit

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>implying the trucker isnt the girl

what do Valve employees even do all day anyways

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women dont do any of the jobs u listed

plot twist: nobody actually works at valve. the office is completely empty and run entirely by AI's that give the impression the company is still in business

that was 2 years ago already? What the fuck

You can simply search for the post no. on any of the archives, however for some reason all archives are throwing up errors instead of displaying right now.

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>This guy eats shit!
>So it's basically shit

You're an insufferable fucking faggot, you know that right?

He fell for the VR meme. Valve is like 100% focused on hardware now.

Doing alright. Just replaying through HL2.
Saddened that TF2's going down the same path as it and L4D, though.

Feces is different from bile.

I can't even remember the last time I saw someone make that joke, really shows how long it's been that even the fucking joke about it never coming out has faded away.

you're lucky

you mean his wife's son?

>Saddened that TF2's going down the same path as it and L4D, though.
So there's signs they'll shut down the servers?

Got it

manage the support team of Steam, figure out ideas of what they should do for the next holiday sale, make skins for games or browse the workshop for a skin that looks cool and sometimes just play games for fun

Eat this redpill, faggots: I don't care about Half Life and neither do most of you.

PC gaming didn't really become big until way after Half Life 2 came out so the truth is that most "pc gamers" back then just played games that were massively popular like Age of Empires 2. The chances of there being any serious Half Life fans is fucking tiny, specially in this board.

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If you don't care about it that's OK, it's just a series was abruptly ended on a cliffhanger and the fans have no closure.

I'm pretty sure there'd be an uproar if they did

Half life is one of my favorite franchises though

>PC gaming didn't really become big until way after Half Life 2 came out

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Jesus, I can't believe it's been two years already

I'm sure, but man there wasn't one when they shut off l4d/2's

>shitty lack of curation on steam
This is fucking dumb, nobody gives a shit about curation. EGS is able to do what they're doing because they have Fortnite money to burn by buying exclusives.

Shouldn't you be playing fortnite, little buddy?
What are you doing here?


if index truly is the game-changer it is supposed to be, then HL3 can be valve's redemption

>they have Fortnite money to burn
not after season 9, they're banking that it's the next Minecraft but there is nothing to hold people there other than skins and it's already hitting a decline


Gabe Newell 纽厄尔加布 Valve Software 阀门软件 Steam 蒸汽 Half-Life
半衰期 Gordon Freeman 弗里曼戈登 1998 Black Mesa Incident 1998年黑色台面事件 Seven Hour War 七小时的战争 Resistance 抵抗性 Red Letter Day 大喜的日子 City 17 uprising 城市17起义 Lambda 拉姆达 Index 指数

This right here, he doesn't have to do shit much less work on what would essentially be a passion project at this point for no apparent reason.
You thought the nintendo ds prints money?
It ain't got shit on the perpetual money machine that is steam.

Attached: Gaben.gif (480x292, 1.99M)

Who cares?
You know who Tim Cook is? neither to the millions that are still buying Apple products

casual gamers or regular consumers (normies) are ignorant about knowing the real genius behind tech/software and only know the company name, if something has Steam/Valve written on it people will buy it anyways long after Gabe is worm food.

>mama mia

That just says they won't have Fortnite money in the future, but not that they don't have it right now. Of course brute-forcing a market is a bad idea but don't expect chinks to know better.

>projecting your own tastes and habits this hard
Playing HL, 2 and eps on release were great. They're not even my favorite games but I replay them from time to time and still have great fun, no matter how hard or how many memes try to spin this they're all unique, so much so they might have inadvertently killed the classic singleplayer FPS. Also claiming you know what I or many people play and that it was merely the most popular shit is so retarded it doesn't even need rebuking, you're just full of shit.


>food analogy

>shit and vomit are food to you
user are you okay?

if shit and vomit are food to you then you must have an interesting life

i had already given up on hl3 long before epistle 3 happened

I stopped caring about it a long time ago. All that did was make me a little disappointed that Valve stopped giving a shit, but it wasn't a terribly big deal to me.

holy fucking reddit

Every now and then I think I should play Blizzard's older games to see what people loved about 90s Blizzard. The farthest back I've gone is WoW: Burning Crusade, which I stopped playing after a few months. Oh well, I did play a a few hours of Diablo 2 with friends one day, but it was only a few hours, not enough to get entranced.

I liked Entropy Zero

Am I the only one that wants just a normal sequel? It doesn't need to be groundbreaking, both the first and second HL games were great, but normal games, I don't see why some talk like they were some sort of miracle made by god himself.

Fuck the retarded memes, just make a fun game and make it good, that's all I ask, that's all I ever ask for any sequel.

Don't you do this to me user

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Make pointless patches for their old games 15 years later to fix issues that affect maybe 3 people total

Spamming this doesn't actually do anything, retard

This is the first one I haven't played, thanks user.

You can't silent the people Winnie you faggot bear

That's why other stores are taking their place

>that was 2 years ago already

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>caring about Half-Life
Half life and Portal series were only ever tech demos for either new graphics engines or new physics shit.
We'll get HL3, Portal 3, L4D3 and TF3 when they come up with some new game engine with better gfx and physics that doesn't lag like piss.

>nearly two years ago
Where the fuck did the time go. I vividly remember posting in the sticky, jesus christ

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>be playing portal demo on xbox 360 and watching G-mod videos
>google how to play G-mod and it tells me to get steam and the orange box
>finally convince my dad to buy me the orange box when I was 11
>play the fuck out of everything there
>every time I'd beat a Half Life game and reach the credits I'd be super proud and show my dad
>endlessly hyped for Half Life 3 even though it was already 2011 and there was no game in sight (i'm a zoomer)
>play video games for most of the decade
>read all kinds of fake Half Life 3 news about how it was "just around the corner
>getting into computer games unironically changed the direction of my life
>fuckload of fond memories playing with friends and such
>stop being interested in games circa 2017
>even games that I was initially excited to see release (like Zero Time Dilemma) I can barely bring myself to play
>delete steam early 2018
>lost all hope for Half Life 3 a long time ago
>I genuinely don't care about Half Life anymore, despite it defining a big chunk of my young life
>Half Life 3 could release now and the most I would react with is "oh"
>gaben could die right now and the most I would react with is "oh"
>valve could go bankrupt right now and I probably wouldn't even react since they're pretty much already dead in spirit
>so it goes

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Every year since 2017 has felt like the same year to me.

its because your doing the same things every day and because your brain has so many duplicate memories it just decides to forget the ones that are unnecessary so it makes time seem as if its going faster


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I don't remember posting this.

Yeah that probably explains it. Fucking hell I wish I had a job

is this real

why the FUCK did it take me over ten years to figure this out

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Hoooo boy, you won't like bloodlines 2 then

HL2 was trash. So my expectations are very low to begin with


>HL2 was trash.
Imagine having taste THIS fucking shit.

I had a job, but I'm the same way. 2017 feels like last year. It's not a very stimulating job though.


Sadly, yes.

Shattered Horizon

These some retarded kids playing hl2 after generations of games were influenced by it and iterated upon going "wow this isn't as good as dopamine dispenser 2019"
It just outs them as idiots if anything.

is there a source on this

Spoken like a true virgin

I got into HL 8 years ago and I still feel like I dodged a bullet. Poor fucking Half Life fans.

Fuck thinking about the Half Life/Portal franchise just makes me so goddamn sad. Valve's downfall is really one of the biggest vidya tragedies of our time.

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