Why do modern Persona fans never play 1 and 2? It seems like the best in the series are ignored even by Atlus

Why do modern Persona fans never play 1 and 2? It seems like the best in the series are ignored even by Atlus.

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Because 1 and 2 play like shit.

We have this thread everyday can you please shut the fuck up

1 is outdated
2 is one of the best jrpgs
please play 2

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>Why do **Modern** persons fans never play 1 and 2

Because they play nothing like the modern persona games.

I played 2 but goddamn those encounter rates at times. They drive me nuts and make me lose interest every now and then. Especially when there are floor traps that send you back to the entrance of a room. Been a while so I forget if it was this game or not that made me want to rip my dick off and throw it into space

P2:IS is the worst game in the series.

Anything before P5 is just fundamentally inferior in every way possible. I personally haven’t played anything before P5 but that seems to be the consensus

Holy fuck, what a mindless drone

Suicide is always an option

To game-y for them.

it's the clunk

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Because they're awful to play through.

>Anything before P5 is just fundamentally inferior in every way possible
>literally one of the most basic and easy jrpgs to date
>superior to anything

What clunk?
They're both easy to comprehend rpgs.

Because they're outdated shite and you're better off playing SMT if

Everything about 1 is great EXCEPT the gameplay. And the gameplay is super obnoxious. Stupidly high encounter rates, shit dungeon design full of pointless dead ends, and slow as fuck combat. 2 didn't fix the encounter rates or slow combat but at least made the dungeons slightly more interesting, and removed/streamlined some of the dumber mechanics like the EXP system, the grid, and the bajillion different status effects.

Personally I would recommend playing 1 for a little bit just to get a taste, then reading up on the rest, or skipping through some walkthrough videos. It's important to get the jist of it since 2 references it a fair amount.

Oh and to clarify you should play 2:IS and 2:EP, just figure out how to use the speed-up function on your emulator.

>people falling for this third rate bait

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1 unironically has the best combat in the series and the fact that personababs constantly talk shit on it only shows how shallow the rest of the series is

It doesn't hand you free turns
It doesn't hand you a double damage multiplier
It just expects you to use the right spells in the right places
But brainlets don't understand it so they look up guides on how to get the most broken personas and then complain that it's too easy

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so does 3.

I just want a person 1 and 2 remake, Bros :,(

>and slow as fuck combat
Just play the psp version. Also the only bad dungeon is the Deva Yuga.

just haven't found the first one in a store and I'm too lazy to find roms otherwise I like playing series like persona or metal gear from the first game launched to the last

The only problem I have with 1 is no ng+. At least in the remake.


because newfags dont play old games

fuck just look at this faggot who can't even be bothered to play P3 and 4

>Also the only bad dungeon is the Deva Yug-

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Wtf are you even talking about? I never used spells or anything related to personas, and I had zero trouble getting through that game.

I hated the remake of 1 on the PSP because the sound design on the PS1 version was fucking godly. That hospital music is creepy as fuck.

Sup Ryan

>Old good
>New bad
Just admit the series has always been mediocre at best before Persona 5. for fucks sake I have even seen normie youtubers play P5 to completion

persona 5 is literally just persona 3 part 3. If it wasn't good back then what suddenly changed to make it good this time?

It has style and an actual GOOD story

>tfw no yukino gf

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Easy but not basic your average FF is far more basic

You wish. Not even FF is that bad.

I'd give 'em a go if they were on PS4.

If anything, the criticism of Final Fantasy games past 6 or 7 is that they're way too convoluted in terms of mechanics. 8 has that batshit insane modification system, X has that fuckhuge skill tree, XIII has a million different paradigms, etc.

Persona 5 has exactly one system: hit the weakness. If you hit the weakness on one enemy, you get an extra turn which can be baton passed for extra damage. If you hit the weakness of every enemy, you get an all-out attack. Literally every condition you can reach that isn't just normal combat is caused by the exact same events. 5 doesn't even have fusion spells, I mean jesus christ.

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>new good
>old bad
Just admit that you're a baiting faggot

>havent played them but they are worse in every way
dude I'm sorry but your bait is shit and you should feel bad

I liked P1 and P2 for not revolving around a school setting half of the time.

because modern persona fans are persona fans because of social links and waifus, they don't care about combat or anything else. they are either brainlets or anime nerds

This. If the next game has more of this like the first two titles, I'll be happy.

>If you hit the weakness of every enemy, you get an all-out attack
Correction, you can get up to 3 more additional turns thanks to baton pass with increased damage and an all out attack if you down every enemy.

fusion rules are pretty autismo complicated to really understand

of course the game is so easy on anything other than merciless mode it doesn't matter if you understand it so long as you keep upgrading to whatever personas are available at your level

>he couldn't mutate pixie into budai for estoma

>being this mad about the newest entry in the series being the best
it’s alright, when P6 comes out you’ll realize how big the gap between the older titles and P5 really is in terms of quality

>of course the game is so easy on anything other than merciless mode
Dude, merciless is the easiest mode because your damage output is boosted too.

Sad because people actually believe this

>fusion rules are pretty autismo complicated to really understand
Yeah putting two demons together and then selecting a skill is hard

i'd personally like more older persona users like eternal punishment had. it's not like high school kids are the only people on the planet who have inner thoughts or wear "masks" in the face of adversity. maya, baofu, ulala and katsuya were great.

2 is best in the series
Persona 1 is just godawful.

P1 does

That's p5

Not really. I mean the snow queen route is technically set in the school but not really.

the only good thing about P5 is NTR porn.

Have you changed your way, user?

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I'd like to see a militarised persona team if I'm being honest.

I don’t see why that doesn’t count


I played Persona as a teen, and it was so garbage that I dropped the series until 2016.

1 has its charms and such. I also learned to appreciate it more, ironically, after giving the PSX version a play years later and finding out how they gutted the OST in the PSP rerelease. Still love Lone Prayer, though.

Considering how much I like 1 so far and all the complaints on how easy IS is I think you are horrendously wrong
But whatever , the P2 duology are the ones everyone ignores
Even P1 got released on the psx classic , and aria of the soul credits P1 on smash , but p2 ? Nowhere to be found

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It's too much of a game for them

Well-pronounced English in my Persona?

Because the school is flash frozen and rearranged on top of the towers.

>liking this ableist series that uses abliest slurs in its battle music and even got them into Nintendo

P1 is a medicore SMT clone without the charm that makes retro SMT good and P2 is straight up awful to the point that its better to emulate on youtube than actually play it

yeah that part isn't hard

really understanding why fusing two demons gives the result it does though yeah that is too involved for most people

I get that Atlus wants to make Persona appeal to teenagers and nostalgic otaku, but honestly I'm tired of all the high school shenanigans in these games. Even worse is how they treat Persona's like a special snowflake power now, when back in P1 & P2, even random NPC's had awoken theirs. Out of the millions of people living in Japan, you're telling me a group of teenagers just so happen to be the only people with access to them? It kills the immersion, honestly.

Reminder that Persona 1 was on PC

Which one did you resume the series with?

Lotus Juice speaks flawless English.