It's not HOME without The Burning Crusade.
It's not HOME without The Burning Crusade
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You're not wanted in classic, tranny
Yea that's what I thought bitch
>mfw tbc would be considered better than vanilla if flight was never introduced
you know i'm right
Who in the hell doesn't already consider BC better than Vanilla? Vanilla has trash raids
anyone who never played vanilla
>mind control cap + teleport moonglade
Oops is your hearthstone on CD? Awww.
>bwaaaaa I can't gank and grief undergeared and underleved noobs with flying mounts bwaaaaaaaa
>flying mounts
>welfare epics
Fuck BC shitters
Flightless tbc > tbc > vanilla
BC is still better even with flight. There was so much good content.
>just spent thousands of golds on my twink to pawn scrubs and now they all fly around REEEEEEEEEEEEE
>anti-flight means pro-gank
lefty brainlet
im telling you people it will be exactly like this
>oh wow classic WoW so much nostalgia!!
>wait I have to travel to the dungeon myself?
>wait I have to actually stop and eat in between mobs when questing?
>wait I have to carefully pull individual enemies instead of just plowing through them all?
>wait I have an hour long hearthstone timer?
>wait I don't get a mount until level 40? and its slow as shit still?
>wait there is no flying?
>wait my class only has 1 viable spec?
>wait mages are useless except for mana biscuits?
>wait warriors just fucking suck unless you're heavily geared?
>wait epics are actually incredibly difficult to get and require huge amounts of time commitment?
>...fuck classic WoW
and that's EXACTLY whats gonna happen. games have moved on since 2004, and I have a feeling its gonna be a very rude awakening when people realize just how much WoW has aged since then.
>Top DPS in Naxx
Uhh sweety...
should i buy BfA or wait for next expansion?
>you didn't like arena because you had a low ELO
Arena wasn't bad because of the ranking system, it was bad because arenas were trash on top of resilience bullshit. If RBGs were implemented in BC instead, the game would be in a much better place today. Arena is a fucking minigame.
Server 2.... Shard 4.... Layer 3.....
>BC was the best part of WoW!
>what? No I DID play vanilla, got a hunter all the way to level 20
There was a reason it got copied adnasuem back in the day user.
i want til hit max level tho
>wait I have to travel to the dungeon myself?
That's the warlock's job
I'm going to make a Night Elf Priest and there's nothing the min-maxers can do to stop me!
I just want to Mind Control people off shit desu.
Do what you want, just be aware that BfA isn't very good.
They've talked about BC and Wrath already. BC will come I n a few years, bank on it.
I could take or leave fucking Wrath though.
okay dude.
Is there any race/class combo more of a Chad than the male night elf priest?
Male Gnome warrior, but I'm not sure they even exist as I have never seen a fucking warrior gnome that wasn't female.
Remember Wildstar and how it rekindled everyone's desire for a vanilla WoW experience and is still being enjoyed today and boasting a healthy and growing population?
Wait, people are still playing it?
the servers are shut down, it failed. user was being sarcastic
It had potential, but they wasted 80% of their budget on marketing.
It ended up being WoW with housing. A 2014 game that plays as if it was made 10 years ago.
>flying mounts
>welfare epics
>daily quests
>all quests come from quest hubs
>24 hour 5 man dungeon lockouts
>raid content crunched from 40/20 players to 25/10
TBC was the beginning of the end. It was the faulty wiring that eventually caused our HOME to burn down.
b-but muh space goats!
Fuck are you talking about? It didn't have any content you wanted to do. Fucking arenas, daily grind, dogshit zones and even worse dungeons.
Wrath was, and the reason was
>holy shit, these people will pay monthly?
It's better like that.
>Based TBC will still remain at the top while Vanilla gets shit on with Classic
17 year old me really liked female space goats, but the lewd drawfag community pretty much canonized the horsecocks before anyone even had the chance to get one to max level.
>flying mounts
I still don't understand the whole "flying mount impact" since it's only was exclusive to Outland
Aren't meeting stones working in 1.12?
what's this feel like, Yea Forums?
feels like home
Outland separated the max level players from the rest of the world, and flying lowered crossfaction interaction substantially.
if bc had designated flying mount parts of the map it would be amazing
They were complete, 100% shit so nobody ever used them. They functioned so poorly that for all intents and purposes they were non-functional.
>I still don't understand the whole "flying mount impact" since it's only was exclusive to Outland
It effectively killed world PVP, not that it was very alive since Battle Grounds
It also made seeing other players much more rare
I would be fine with them adding more content to classic if they could do it in a way that doesn't trivialize everything leading up to the expansion.
If sharding and layering are exactly the same then your post is hyper retarded my boy
*marks you*
*viper stings you*
*kites you*
*tags all your mobs*
*completes elite quests solo*
*world firsts your 60*
*rolls need on all your loot*
Why the fuck aren't you playing hunter?
the game was broken back then but people dealtt with it because it was a product of its time. it was incredible in 2004, and it belongs in 2004. this shit being hugely successful for any extended period of time makes no sense in 2019
>doesn't get invited to raids
>warlock objectively superior
>scales shit towards later gear phases
that's why
Lvling experience in TBC is awful.
>>warlock objectively superior
gonna be a million of them
>doesn't get invited to raids
hey man I played a hunter in vanilla, raided all the way up partway through naxx, and I only had to sit out once every month or two
Clearly you haven't seen Old School Runescape
Tank stratholme? Sure. That'll be 20g from each dps
Can't wait to gank scrubs in Stranglethorn Vietnam
>Resilience gear
Fuck that noise, Nigger.
what's the ideal level to rush to arena as alliance? we can't reach a level 1 rush right vs horde level?
>letting the healer go for free
not gonna make it
t. rogue
I had the same experience as a hunter as well.
However, now that the game has been out for awhile its apparent Hunter raid dps is not up to par with the other classes. Raids now only need 2 hunters. Anything more and its not as optimal.
Personally I dont care about running an "optimal" raid, thats never was what vanilla was about. But you know a lot of faggots will care about bringing another Hunter when they could just bring another mage.
>rogues gonna think they can 100% people in 1.12
>xDlate: Do you plan to use sharding?
>Ion Hazzikostas: Sort of. First off, after few weeks in-- no, absolutely not, so by the time world bosses like Kazzak and Azuregos are out there we know there can only be one Kazzak up. If everyone wants to kill Kazzak, you can just keep killing each other until the last guild is standing and someone can actually fight the boss. It has to be that way. It there's suddenly two versions of Blasted Lands that's not Classic.
>But for launch, in particular, we're expecting a lot of people to come and check out the game, and many of them may not stick around for too much longer, they may just be curious. They may not be dedicated to the long-term Classic experience, they just want to see what it was all about, and we want to make sure we accommodate those crowds. But also we don't want to open up so many servers that we're going to find ourselves underpopulated servers and having to look at merging or connecting servers a few months into Classic, so we're using some new technology we have developed for just the first few weeks.
>Unlike sharding where we run multiple copies of an individual zone in modern BFA, what we're doing in Classic is actually running multiple copies of the entire world. So let's say you playing on a server there might be three entire copies of Azeroth, full versions of Azeroth, where you can walk around, take a zeppelin, and you won't see people appearing and disappearing around you and each one of them will have the same capacity as original servers did back in 2005-2006. We're thinking about for something like 3000 range--we'll see, these numbers are flexible. Over time, as the first weeks pass, we can increase those caps as players spread out around the world. We can also reduce the number of total copies of the world that are needed until a few weeks in we'll have one single copy of the world per server. So, there's no sharding of any type, and that's how things will remain from that point.
From a recent interview.
this is kino
Space goats and Britney Spears ruined both factions
sharding sucks
>flying mounts
it was implemented fine in TBC. When you had to have flying to finish Storm Peaks it was the beginning of the end
This was only an issue in TBC so it has nothing to do with beginning of the end since they dropped it
>welfare epics
that were mostly garbage if you actually did anything in 2.3 and took weeks to get if you only did heroics/Kara
>daily quests
Good implementation. Actually worthwhile and felt like you were achieving something
>quest hubs
If you thought this was a bad change you’re an actual retard
>24 hour lockouts
For heroics. You could still reset dungeons. Not being able to no life heroics was a good thing
>raid crunch
If you thought 40 man raiding was good than you never experienced 40 man raiding
vanillacucks are the cancer of the wow community. Even retailfags are better
this is complete bullshit, their sharding/phasing HAS NEVER WORKED EVER
It will take 500 people and put them on 50 shards instead of 5
forgot pic
>doesn't post more
Gag dicks are shit tier senpai
Otherwise good shit
>tbc daily quests felt like you were achieveing something
they felt like meaningless time gating when before you could grind as fast or slow as you wanted
and while I understand why they did it having shattrath be an enforced pvp free zone was a cop out
The whole point is to make the launch as stable as possible. WoD had a horribly infamous launch because there was no such feature, but legion had 0 issues with the launch because people were temporarily thrown into smaller shards until everything stabilized after a few weeks.
Based op I see you realized the janitor's weakness what a fucking joke they are and they do it for f r e e
Proving me right thanks
>meaningless time gating
They weren’t really gating anything besides HMgT which you got at honored beyond that it was just rep rewards
>cop out
>having the major city be in total chaos on every server with NPCs being camped and people unable to train or bank or trade
wow amazing
Why are you replying to yourself?
>The Burning Crusade
I've seen gifs like this too you just put long delay for the first frame and jannies don't notice.
who are you quoting
if this doesnt get you itching for classic i dont know what will
>So, there's no sharding of any type
hunter isn't really good until TBC where you just run the BM macro and top dps
>worst end game class
In raiding yea, but raiding isnt all classic is about
yea and, like merging dead low population servers is SUCH A BIG DEAL. and you know one they put it into the game, they'll never take it out and say, oh it makes for a better game durpdrup and itll will be mandatory in the game and never taken out and they'll declare it classic. and destroy everything with their fucking expansion bullshit cause they dont care and will sell the next expansion, whtever doesnt matter theyll shit on all games / there will be no good games
But if you call them layers instead, merging servers has no negative effects!
>beta testing a 20 year old game
>actually unironically wanting a broken antiquated grindfest game
>not realizing that the very same onionlads who will gobble this shit up will also bitch so loudly for it to be changed after release that in a year it will be nu-wow 2.0 and your precious dream of reliving nostalgia will be up in flames again
Race Rankings
God Tier
>F Tauren, F Gnome, F Troll (Melee)
High Tier
>F Nelf, F Undead, F Human. F Troll (Caster)
Normal Tier
>F Dwarf, M Nelf, M Tauren, F Troll (Hunter), F Orc, M Troll
Picked solely for racials but too insecure to play a better female model
>M Dwarf, M Undead, M Human, M Gnome, M Orc
Not invited to raids
Stick to ERP realm sicko freak
>current year arguement
it will flop because ti won't sell in asia
sorry bud this is the real world not fantasy nostalgia land
it won't last
t. male orc warrior
>Death of sandbox style mmo
>wanting small sissy shoulders.
the only good female is UD
>he says he’s played since vanilla
>actually played in TBC, just plays private servers
>Wanted to tank
>Don't want to be a warrinigger
Fuck it i'm just playing a warlock.
Tbc and wrath added everything that would kill wow. It just took until cata for people to notice.
Vanilla > Cata > tbc > wrath > Who cares it's not even an mmo anymore
there is no negative effects but the ones they made up from it. which are just excuses for them to not make a single server and not shard
You don’t think that that means it was Cata that killed WoW?
then asia is a problem and you can't leech off them forever stop using non-real world things to suck up money with
This is me exactly. I guess it's just gnome demo warlock for me :(
still holding out
long live hotsg
oh don't mind me just killing practically every single elite rare in the game solo teehee
>spends 4 hours a week in gnomer
B-b-back the fuck off?
Why does her penor look so off?
*looks at you while soloing every rare in game*
congrats on your 2 gold for 5 minutes of work
>things any given hunter or warlock can do 4x faster
>tfw all the zoomers are getting told to roll warlock by twitch streamer faggots
uhhhh nope
AND it's sped up sweetie so wtf, I thought hunters were supposed to do damage.
>Human main
>Dwarf alt
The best way to play the game.
if there isn't an RPPVP server i'm going to cry
>he doesn't know
OBJECTIVE LIST of best race/class combos
Male Paladin or Female Priest
Male Warrior or Female Rogue
Male Druid or Female Hunter
Male Mage or Female Warlock
Male Warrior or Female Rogue
Male Shaman or Female Druid
Male Hunter or Female Mage
Male Warlock or Female Priest
Warlock has always been recommended because it can solo basically everything while leveling. Stop being retarded.
Is there a good levelling build for priest that works for solo and dungeons?
You can cry now
Most retarded post i've read all week
they will probably end up doing a server for each expansion per region.
im really okey with that. im too itching for some BC. but id also go for some wotlk or even legion.
>solo priest
my sweet child
Druchads are LITERALLY unstoppable.
>killing them
>they werent invented until tbc almost came out
>they were DEADEST until they got removed
Hey can any of you anons give me some advice for Prot Warrior? What are some recommendations for what abilities I should put on what keys and stuff like that.
Will there be an official Yea Forums server boys?
gtfo nuwow nigger
>>killing them
yes, by introducing the servers after people have settled
are you retarded
>>they werent invented until tbc almost came out
mean to you, fucktard
>>they were DEADEST until they got removed
hmm wonder why
kill yourself blizzshill
BASED, and wearing gear appropriate for leveling, very based indeed.
RP-PvP shouldn't exist
PvE players are older, more mature
PvP Players are younger, more conservative, more making up for their stepdads beating them
RP Playerbase is exact opposite of PvP
i'm not defending them
i'm not even going to play classic because of retards like you and i will take great joy in watching what remains of blizzturd crashing and burning, basedcucks in tow
what? vanilla is piss easy nowdays played on kronos 3 went 60 on 2 weeks and full geared on 1,5 month
we were downing MC with pug of 30-35 people with greens and 57-58lvl random players
oh and classic will have megaservers just like live
Imagine playing a video game and enabling noclip
Thats flying mount's impact on WOW's game design.
Stuff like this is why Classic is going to be amazing
Warlock cant solo everything you fucking idiot, that's hunter.
the walk is outdated
all about that deathwarp now
i only did this run once, then every subsequent NE i rolled, i literally PMd every fucking warlock in ironforge and SW i could and begged them for a summon
mists deserves A tier
That reminds me. Is Whorecraft still being worked on?
BASED, here another Druchad accomplishment
fuck off furfag
>Speedrun game
>Don't have fun
It's not our fault you're retarded
>not male dwarf priest
>not getting the best priest racial spell
>not looking good in every single tier set
>Play game how its intended
>its your fault for not having fun
>Anyone who doesn't agree with me is a tranny
>bearded man in a dress
>spends all his time healing other, stronger men
>"looking good"
If you're going to be a faggot, at least be honest about it.
>killed world pvp with flying
>kill the world with flying
>killed pvp with resilance
>killed pvp with arenas
>killed faction ID by adding Tranny elfs to horde and ret con goats the alli
>Killed faction ID by giving shaman to ally and pally to horde
>Starting Bliz trend of bowing to chink dick
>Started the trend of Retconning lore
>changed the game from an RPG to a only raiders matter
I dont expect retarded zoomers to understand the game but you should at least do everyone a favor and not spread misinformation
Or prove me wrong and go ahead and do a solo tribute run as a warlock lmfao
literally 2 buttons, so fun
I've never played WoW but with all the talk of classic I've downloaded a 1.12.1 version of the game and will play it tomorrow to see what it's about
you'll most likely have a lot of fun and enjoy the game
poor pserver babby actually thinks he played vanilla
Mods get worse and worse every year i swear to god.
4 fucking silver too, what
burning crusade was fucking shit
Just going off my memory, they were a kind of LFG tool back then. You would click the stone and leave your name in the LFG list for the instance. People could whisper you when a group was forming.
In theory you would be questing in the area while having left your name on the meeting stone, to show people you were interested in the dungeon.
In practice, people just spammed
>[2. LookingForGroup] [TanksForNuthin]: LF2M Uld need heals and ranged
>turn the MMO genre into the video game equivalent of mcdonalds with shitty theme park design
Just go Shadow. You can heal just fine in dungeons.
*completely fixed vanilla and made every spec viable
This rhetoric is literally the most head in sand shit ever, it keeps getting repeated and honestly it actually does trigger me because im sure these people are serious and not just trolls. Games have moved on? What does that even mean, it's not like theres some western mmo out there killing it to prove that gamers have moved on from old mmo design, the most popular western mmo EVER was wrath, even 11 years later.
Yeah MY 4 silver, soloed
Burning Crusade was shit and where WoW went wrong. It focused too much on endgame content.
but every spec is viable in vanilla the plus side is you don't have healers who are unkillable like in bc.
Cata almost saved WoW. But casuals were assblasted about how difficult the game was so everything was nerfed.
The first month of Cata was probably the best 5-man experience you could've ever had in WoW. After they nerfed everything the game became trash.
TBC without flying or dailies would be king. Better class balance than Vanilla and Wrath, heroic dungeons are pretty challenging for the average pug, raids not divided up into 10/25/heroic options. Its either 10, or 25. No options and gear differences.
>it's free so it's shit
>actually is better than official because people that work on it are passionate and not wagecucks
This is fascinating because I never knew about all this.
>Innkeepers around the world now have a gossip option that lets you join a meeting stone directly from the innkeeper rather than going to the location of the meeting stone. Also these Innkeepers will now have background lore about each of the dungeons.
Vanilla had it's own LFG tool, but I guess nobody used it
how the fuck is this thread still up
Raids and dungeons should all have one difficulty exclusively, always. Quests should never reset except for the obvious exceptions (AQ gate opening quests, etc).
TBC complicated what was previously a simple and glorious system.
people want to play classic wow
not only did it take them forever to fix the stones so that you didnt have to go to the stone to join the queue, but also it didnt attempt to make a "real" group at all. you could conceivably get a group of 5 rogues if that's what was available at the time
Do I multibox warrior/priest?
Bind thunderclap to 2, bind ignore pain and shield block to mouse wheel
punch 2 on cooldown and spam your mousewheel up and down, congrats you now know how to tank on live.
Daily, threadly, annual reminder that Mists of Pandaria was the best expansion.
Raids in TBC had one difficulty, and heroic dungeons gave better avenues for pre-raid gearing and the whole badge system was a good way to get the casuals to keep playing but never enough to carry them through raids.
Once raids had 2-3 different sets of gear because of 10, 25, 10 Heroic, 25 Heroic etc it became way too fucking much.
>Giving Actiblizzard money
>Giving Aciblizzard 15$ x2
>Bind thunderclap
So from what i've seen from the rain in game is it looks like the old rain but i never see the hard fog effect.
Was that because of low graphic settings or am i just missing it.
But that whole focus on endgame and raiding is what ultimately killed the game and that mentality led us to BFA, the "rush through 120 levels and 15 years of content so you can get to the REAL game" experience.
The uniform leveling experience was always the best part of vanilla WoW because you got to enjoy the entire game, as opposed to spamming frostbolt/flash of light with 40 other fucking people.
There is literally nothing to do in Vanilla but raid or get consumables for raids
are human warriors cucks in pvp
what is wpvp? oh right raiders are all pve server only autists who never did any wpvp in their entire miserable lives
Can't decide between Orc and Tauren for my Shaman.
I don't care about racials that much, I like how both races look and I just can't decide between one of them.
Why do you conveniently forget about the hundreds of hours of video game you played before you got to that point where that was all there was to do?
kungen played on a pvp server and never died in wpvp
Warriors can't solo anyone with even half a brain. Too many classes easily kite them to shit.
Tauren have a more shamanistic culture
so there wasn't a hundred or so hours before you got to 70?
I hate MOP trolls.
Need I remind them
>Daily Rep Grind gated valor gear
>Daily Rep Grinds locked behind Daily Rep Grinds
>PVP Power
>Every class played the same
>Cross Realm Zones
>Worst dungeon content of any expansion because they designed them around a speedrun ladder
>"Content" islands
>An entire major patch cycle for a rep grind
that just means he never world pvp'd then
Its nu-WOW, thunderclap will keep aggro on an entire raid instance
>High school Football player/Marine guild leader abuses your 15 year old guildmates in vent until they cry
Oh, shut the fuck up. These are the kinds of things that makes people actually want to return to classic, you fucking moron
oh, well who gives a shit then
just press buttons
agreed mists was actually good
You know what I want Yea Forums? I WANT VANILLA DUNGEONS!
>Sunken Temple
>Dungeon entrance deep inside an indoor area with no map
>Dungeon itself split into 3 vertical levels
>Every level has different enemy types, top has Witch Doctors, middle has Dragonkin, Bottom has Elemental
>Top level is one giant puzzle that gives access to the bottom level
>Bottom level has a hidden boss
>Middle level has a boss only accessible if you have someone with the right quest in your party
>Final boss is a giant green dragon
>Its a straight line with red orcs
>Wailing Caverns
>Entrance below a skull carved into a mountain
>Dungeon has a central area that branches off into 3 different paths
>At the end of each path is a druid you have to kill
>Oh shit the final boss isn't a druid, its actually a giant fungus monster
>Oh shit wait this night elf is asking us to escort him somewhere, lets do that
>Oh shit now hes channel at this altar
>Also kresh
>Mana Tombs
>Its a straight line with ethereals.
the only reason you fags love MOP because it was literally full of retarded farmville esque dailies, literally "flower picking: the expansion"
which is fine, but go play farmville or whatever the fuck. this is the world of WARcraft, its not for gay flower picking
MoP had the best rep grinds, the best outdoor content, the best class design, and the best overall raids.
What's your point here? Saying every class played the same makes you look like a retard. You obviously never played it. Everyone can agree that MoP was the pinnacle of WoW class design. And you honestly think daily quests in BC/Wrath were better where they were the exact same quests every single day? Or mindlessly grinding mobs for XP in vanilla was better? Get the fuck out of here. At least daily quests in MoP changed a little bit each day and each rep level added new main story quests. Timeless Isle and the Isle of Thunder were also amazing.
>tfw WC3 reforged was given to some shitty moba chinese company who makes terrible art
>People are all raging on Beta about layering and the annoying still ingame sharding
>Yea Forumsirgins shills are still trying to say this won't sink in a month
I hope you're ready for Jay to say it again.
>anything post Casualclysm
>"peak WoW design"
the dungeon map progression of WoW is literally the hl2 player test meme. "uh oh our player testers confused, better just make everything a linear hallway thats called good game design :^)"
never mind the fact they could always try to find a player tester with an iq about room temp
Yeah, bullshit. Outland was too small, and sharding didn't exist back then. Player interaction was hardly affected by flying mounts. There was always crazy shit going down at daily hubs like Netherwing/Skyguard, or at farming places like Elemental plateau/nagrand. Anyone who says flying mounts hurt player interaction don't know what the fuck they're talking about.
>the best outdoor content,
MOP was literally fucking farmville in WoW format. You can fool some boomers and zoomers, who never played MOP. But you cant fool me. I played that shitty facebook game expnasion
Why the hell is this thread still up
You can't be sarcastic with text, user. Your letters can't infer tone.
Tbc was pretty shitty. Fucking slave pens hc farming for badges. Never forgetti
How does some optional side content to level cooking make the entire game farmville? Are you actually retarded? Did you just run through the leveling zones and think it was a big feature of the expansion?
>Play TBC on a private server
>Everything from gear to progression is a huge grindfest
It is that bad fellas. TBC aged very badly.
Mop was dogshit, what a complete letdown pandaria was.
>Huuurrrr trolls again trolls and statues
This. Mods, a smash thread was pushed off due to this thread. Now there are only 14 smash threads up right now. We need at least 20 smash threads at all times. Mods please help.
>Get epics for going afk in bgs
>Solo trash pulls as a tank once you're in t4
>Solo dungeons in greens
>Normies complain they can't beat dungeons on Normal difficulty
cata was based
>people want them to release raids fast instead of extending it beyond vanilla's 2 years
what fucking outdoor content are you fucking referring to then? it was all flower picking lmfao
Am I the only one who loved resilience?
Actually retarded.
No, there are many homosexuals in these threads who suck cock just like you do.
People are happy that a 15-year-old game is more cared about than the rental version of wow. This a bad thing wow is dead and there is no hope for its future.
Not even sure what you mean by this, but if you're talking about the story then literally who gives a fuck? The story has always been trash when it isn't just copying stuff from the RTS games. Throne of Thunder and Siege of Orgrimmar were two of the best raids in the game with 2 of the best end bosses ever
Timeless isle was full of fun shit to find. Plenty of secret rares (that were actually rare) that had secret spawn objectives and fun chests to find that dropped fun items/toys/mounts. Isle of Thunder was fun to unlock and get the raid open... Trove of the Treasure King was also amazing. Daily quests were better than BC and Wrath as well. They still weren't good, but definitely better than what was before.
Yes. I mean, I understand why it was added, but it was a fix to a problem that only existed because Blizzard didn't want to scale item level properly. And not scaling item level properly eventually bit them in the ass anyway so adding resilience was objectively worse than just not being lazy about gear scaling.
WPVP in TBC, especially in the first few weeks, was more prevalent than all of Vanilla. Both factions being rolled into Hellfire Peninsula was probably peak PVP even above STV. With STV the XP and quests are great but there are options that eventually people do take to avoid the PVP. You can't avoid shit in Outlands until flying.
That is the same for TBC. Its WoW. TBC isn't just 60-70 its also 1-70 that many people did again on more characters. 60 in Vanilla is the same as 70 in TBC, waiting for raids and doing PVP. Except TBC had Arena, it was easier to find WPVP because of the design of Outlands and ganking lower level players drastically easier. TBC also had badge gear for alts or casual friends who don't put as much time as you.
Flight is forgiven because getting that drake from shadowmoon valley was neat
Dailies are extremely gay. TBC medals/tokens gave welfare epics that were competitive with tiered gear. Vanilla tier 0.5 was worse than tier 1. Then dailies are cancer because they time gate your rep grind, whereas in the past you could poopsock to exalted if you felt like
TBC was literally everyone gets a participation trophy: the exapc. So naturally, all the low IQ retards love it. Because it made them a winner, while in vanilla they were a loser.
Okay so outisde of the first 2 weeks of TBC launch, would you like to comment on what TBC did to wpvp? because i can tell you what it did: it fucking killed all wpvp. even in azeroth, since every level 70 had their hearth in shat. city
oh no not pvp
the thing that wasn't even meant to be in wow in the first place
Wow is, and always has been, a PvE game
I've never heard anyone expressly state that, but there's never been a lack of retards around here.
I've been watching ALOT of streaming recently.
What the fuck is SCUFF? They keep saying they are going to scuff dungeons.
I had a shit ton of pvp while picking those flowers fuck you very much
>world of WARcraft
>with two factions of players who are sworn enemies
>"Its a PVE game"
i know you're trolling, but still
>Wow is, and always has been, a PvE game
This is fact.
There is a reason it's still in retail called "Mini game"
No, they were literally debating putting PvP in like a month before the first beta
Who cares about raids? Lol
this is some top tier retarded BS. If i go to thrallmar today on live there's like a 50% chance all the questgivers are dead because someone is camping them. BC had plenty of griefing and camping, all flying did was make it harder to get back at them for doing that shit.
>they made a design decision late into development
>so thats basically the same thing as not making a design decision at all
WoW was literally an EQ clone until late into development and EQ didnt have wpvp the way wow does anyway
So it was meant to be in wow?
ok pvp was added as an afterthought
Still a PvE game first and foremost
>playing an Activision-Blizzard game
>in 2000+19
How to do catch up mechanics
>Add in extra content to lower tiers like ZG/AQ20 or ZA
>Expand the crafting pool for lower level tiers
>Add in 'free kill' bosses to the first encounter of each wing of a new tier
How not to do catch up mechanics
>allow people to buy current tier gear with badges you can get from running 5 man dungeons
>have random world rares drop armor tokens on par with the previous tier
>update 5 man dungeons with a new difficulty mode that magically drops better gear then the previous raids for no discern-able reason
There is a reason why people are hyped for classic, there is also a reason why people would rather grind OSRS which is a massive fucking chore, then log into RS3 and get free EXP from the daily log in bonus shit that boosts them 20+ skill levels
WoW literally was a fucking EQ clone, but they added instances and wpvp factions late into development
It was still a design decision. Why are you so fucking retarded? Lots of game mechanics and design decisions happen last minute or were unintentional at first. This is just you not understanding how game development works
40 man is true raiding. 25 man is just a crowded dungeon.
Alpha WOW was legitimately the most fun i've had in MMOs, it only got worse, classic fags don't even know the fun of running through BRD with a group of 20+ people compared to the slog it is with 5
>Poopsock rep grind instead of dailies
I love BC but this is one thing (and not the only thing) I agree with you on
The feeling when I got my talbuk after grinding those stupid ogres forever is something I'll never forget. No time gated daily grind will compare
Unironically the shittest race, especially the males
Anyone hello?
Sounds like a before thought to me
Talbuks and Nagrand made BC fun as fuck.
You can at least still make zerg rush murderballs with players outside of instances
Nagrand was awful, you probably joined in BC
it was the only zone that wasn't dogshit
While my scrub ass benefitted from badge gear back in bc, I do miss actually having to progress through tiers even though the next tier was out.
Iirc nobody ever really bothered running old raids in legion after the next one dropped
the pinnacle of TBC pvp was when you could kill someone in the north west corner of blade's edge mountains and force them to either spirit rez or do a 15 minute corpse run back to their body
You are wrong
And a faggot
I agree with you about formal PvP and IMO battlegrounds and any form of instanced PvP was a mistake to add to the game
Having formal PvP rewards just adds this whole layer of autism to the game that ends up being detrimental, especially because as soon as PvP becomes a focus the devs start trying to balance the game for it and always fail
Raids have always been the only good part about WoW even in vanilla so hopefully everyone who is playing
Its weird to think vanilla lasted only a little over 2 years; feels like it was a huge part of my life for way longer
there is no way you could actually find someone on the ground in tbc
Nagrand was great. It was the first rep I ever exalted to get the mounts.
>catch up mechanics
Why do you even need this shit? Just play the game and work your way up like everyone else did.
To continue: I think the OG WoW's design philosophy behind raids was, firstly they didn't want people to "camp" mobs the way you would in EQ in the open world. Remember, many of these guys were prior EQ players and they wanted WoW to play differently. So they designed dungeons and raids and experimented a bit so thats why we have 10man UBRS for Example
yeah i remember completing all my quests while never leaving my mount too
>tfw warrior pally combo with my SO way back then
>he starts getting frisky and wants sex
>been gaming for 10 hours
>end up shitting all over his dick
>he gets all pissy and takes a shower
>I go back to gaming
based list, i think troll shaman fits too
why would you poo on his pee?
sodomy is a sin for a reason
which class do I play help I like them all
Shaman because they're Horde specific and there probably won't be a lot of us.
flip a coin, fag
Do you have experience with these classes in vanilla or a p server? They all play pretty differently.
explain NOW
get the best wand available, ez 1-40, go shadow 40-60 ez life
If you're a good shaman you'll get a spot in any guild. while a guild only wants like 2 hunters and druids. 1 druid if enough really.
>thread still up
well done op.
whats the appeal of legion to you
the tram
Wrong. It was a dead boring zone filled with nothing except kill 300 faunas quests.
what the fuck do you mean, also human warriors are cucks
He deserved it anyway imo, found out he was a bug chaser and thought I was holdin
elwynn and dun morogh are the comfiest zones in the game, with capital cities in them connected by the deeprun tram, and in between them is burning steppes, your primary endgame zone.
did he poz your neghole?
Its been that way since 3.2 when dungeon gear was just as good if not better then ulduar gear
I think you mean 1.whenever the fuck dire maul released.
tell me why the FUCK anyone would ever want to play a Paladin, or a healer in general? you're fucking useless outside of spamming the same healing spells over and over and can't do shit without help from warriorchads. what a snorefest
Anyone here have the Webm of the pally one shotting the rogue after getting ganked?
tell me why the FUCK anyone would ever want to play a Paladin, or a dpser in general? you're fucking useless outside of spamming the same dps spells over and over and can't do shit without help from warriorchads. what a snorefest
Can someone explain sharding and layering to someone who never played WoW except back in like 2007 with the free demo disc that came with South Park Season 10 boxset?
dire maul gear is on par with MC gear?
Because it's a guaranteed spot in raids with a very low bar for entry - gear and skillwise. You aren't competing with 90% of the server pop for that coveted dps spot and you're fed gear that nobody else wants or needs (pala T2 for example is shit for healing so it goes to whoever the hell wants it). It's also braindead easy and can get away with fucking up since kicking you means potentially waiting around for ages to fill your spot whereas there's a plethora of dps chumps ready to go should one of those get kicked.
Being a healer blows donkey dicks in pvp since any team with a brain will focus you down and esp being a pally you get spell locked way to easy.
sharding > you play with multiple servers
layering > you play with the same server but in divided world instances
Will Goldshire still be a fuckfest?
if too many people are in one area on a server, it moves some to a less populated mini server to lessen the processing burden
For a lot of specs it was significantly better after its initial release, actually. That's why it's releasing in phase 2 of classic instead of with MC in phase 1.
And still better than every other zone in outland. God, that place was awful. And the dungeons, Jesus Christ.
No, he's being facetious.
no, but have this instead
kys faggot
>mists was a good expansion
>Battle for azeroth is a bad expansion
>lmao sylvanas is just garrosh 2.0 this stupid expansion is literally just mists repeating itself
I hope blizzard adds realm forums. There was so much going on in classic realm forums like progression stickies for all raid guilds, smacktalk both inter and intra factions, organization for server events, just to name some. Even if forums aren’t as popular nowadays I feel like people invested in the game would make the effort to use them (and god forbid there ends up being “unofficial Illidan realm Discord” instead)
>legion below pandashit
literal third worlder taste
>>killed pvp with arenas
as opposed to account sharing chinese R14 grinders when PVP was really alive! *sips* yep, not like that anymore
Originally the ERPing was spread throughout all of the servers, although still mainly in goldshire for alliance) but eventually as the roleplaying community slowly dwindled they all just kinda went to moonguard because it was the most populated RP server at the time. It will probably continue the trend due to people keeping old habits as they move onto classic servers, but who knows what'll happen if there is no actual server named "Moonguard."
t. Experienced ERPer
yes,joyous reunion is the latest 1.0
Classic is running off the same server nodes as retail simultaneously, so it's extremely likely they will literally be titled things like Moonguard Classic, Frostmourne Classic etc.
Which class is the c----bro?
Goldshire didn't exist as an ERP hub until late TBC.
Most ERP was gotten through channels like Darknest.
I really hope the Goldshire on my realm doesn't devolve into this kind of degeneracy. At least take it into the rooms upstairs (or the basement for rape rp), don't just be fucking on the tavern tables right in front of the innkeeper and shit.
Full sta and armour for holly pally PvP take the hits for the other healers
I want to learn how to play vanilla wow on a private server before classic comes out because I never really played WoW back then. Yes I know classic will probably play quite differently in the end.
Should I play through the game as both an Alliance and Horde character, or are their leveling paths similar enough after a certain level that it doesn't really matter?
I'm still kind of torn on what faction I want to play.
Every RP server had ERP going on, it just wasn't as in-your-face as it is now. It's just one of the side effects of roleplaying, eventually it's going to lead you into ERP whether you're looking for it or not. It's true that Darknest did help the process of moving everyone to Moonguard, but there was already tons of it already.
If it's not an RP realm I doubt that you'll see anything. If it is people usually do it in out of the way spaces where people are less likely to come fuck around with them. Most people meet up in the tavern then run away to one of the abandoned farmhouses or that one building by the docks behind it.
>tfw even if RP-PvP servers came out they'd be alliance dominated because of no belves
life is just suffering
good. belves were a mistake
my balanced world pvp tho
pls be considerate user
the leveling paths are quite different at the start and dont converge for long time, its definitely worth it to do one faction on the private server and the other once classic launches
Trust me trust me trust me, wait for classic. You will ruin yourself by getting invested into a character that will be deleted once Classic is out.
Don't worry, the game is very intuitive so you can learn while you experience it.
>generally like all of the Horde races
>hate all of the Alliance races except for one
>but that Alliance race is my favorite overall
i don't know what faction to play send help
they should've stayed with their leader and been fodder for the TRUE HORDE
Why do you people have such a weird homoerotic obsession with dwarves?
I suppose I should have expected that.
You're probably right. The thing that's compelling me to play is that I'm going to play a tank spec and I don't know what any of the dungeons are like. It's going to be awkward to need people to point me in the right direction, but maybe most won't mind. I'll probably also cause a few wipes.
Night elves actually
is anyone here playing a shaman in the classic beta? i'm wondering how searing totem works. if it attacks whatever you are targeting, or if it will attack the closest target no matter what.
there aren't shamans in classic, smartass
You should be fine since most groups are desperate for a tank and would rather take you than wait another 30 minutes, but definitely wait for classic so you can have the experience of playing for the first time.
I'm playing a tank spec as well and have also never played vanilla except for up to level 25 on a private server once, so don't worry i feel you
dont level as prot. not even 60 warriors tank as prot.
model swap if it comes to that, then
have sex incel
i get more pussy than you
Why go back to BC? It had the worst writing in all of Warcraft history next to WoD and what they did to Illidan and Kael'thas was criminal.
So classic is confirmed flushed, right? Layering and tokens are in.
>Worst writing
>Not vanilla
wait, vanilla didn't have any writing
>F Tauren and Troll in God Tier
Good Ta-
>M Dwarf in bottom tier
What the fuck is wrong with you.
Actually the beginning of the end was BGs and cross server shit, but you're too much of a blizzard cum drinker to know that.
M dwarf is the 80s heavy metal of races (aka bad)
Well how else is Blizz going to milk the players?
Anyone that thought there wasn't going to be micro-transactions because it was Classic (tm) is fucking retarded.
What I wonder is much a token in classic will cost compared to retail?
>wanting anything else
pleb tier taste, user
there isn't a token, the shop button doesn't exist in the classic beta.
>gay nigger frog poster
>turns out to be shit at the game
Not surprised.
meh, if u cared about WC's story, u would know just how bad WoW really is.... eg: Jaina being on the alliance side, which makes no sense after she betrayed her own father(& killed him) & helped the horde
Why not just go play on Kronos right now? Classic is going to be a gimped experience with sharding. Private servers have the more authentic experience and they won't be 15$ plus tip every month. You fucking cucks.
>400 ping from australia
no thanks
Salty Dogs! Salty Dogs! Salty Dogs! Salty Dogs!
>Private servers have the more authentic experience
Nobody asked you, Zhang
>can't afford $15/mo
Aren't you nearing your 30s by now?
Spoken like a true tranny
Yes, you e-celeb loving faggot. Kronos as it is now is more authentic than Classic will be when it launches with """temporary""" sharding and wow tokens.
>Top DPS in the very last raid and thus irrelevant for several months
Vanillawas the only time when raids mattered dipshit. You had to do raids to get good PvP gear. Starting in TBC is when you could actually get good shit through PvP.
sharding is nothing
it would take montths to notice if people weren't told it was in
Yes they quite literally can, you fucking ninny
Roll you Classic cucks!
Pserver babbies are so sad.
They're solid through MC and BWL but start pulling ahead when they can go Fire in AQ and Naxx.
Not only that, they slowly killed off BGs in favour of arenas. Don't know how people can think arenas are as epic or fun as AV was before it became boss rush.
HAHAHAHAHA enjoy your """Classic"" shardcraft experience. That will be 15$ plus tip btw.
60 warriors tank in deep prot until they get geared
>Yeah, bullshit. Outland was too small, and sharding didn't exist back then. Player interaction was hardly affected by flying mounts. There was always crazy shit going down at daily hubs like Netherwing/Skyguard, or at farming places like Elemental plateau/nagrand. Anyone who says flying mounts hurt player interaction don't know what the fuck they're talking about.
There was player interaction, but it was concentrated in a few places and greatly reduced overall
I'm not lying when I say this: Vanilla/early TBC Alterac Valley was legitimately the most fun I've ever had in my life. When the fight would last for literal days and you'd have to wrangle a bunch of retards to clear out mines, do big charges, etc. Summoning Lok'holar and getting all your healers to sit in his ass as he cleaves through that damn bridge chokepoint was incredible, and I'll never forgive Blizzard for ruining that in favor of both sides zerg rushing the opponent's main base. God I fucking hate nu-Blizzard.
How do I find one or two people to play classic with? I would prefer to not play with tryhard r14-attempting NEETs. But also I dont want to play with a boomer who only logs in once a week.
Im okay playing with zoomers and showing them the ropes if need be. I played vanilla way back when, and continued a bit into TBC, but I didnt raid or do anything impressive. Mostly I just did bgs on a 29 twink and walljumped out of bounds since I was really young then.
Is reddit a good place? Im not a NEET but have a lot of free time.
People noticed it in the 30 minute beta bro.
Asmoncuck has a video showing it.
have sex.
There is zero fucking reason what so ever to go deep prot
gonna be human rogue anyway but lets see if god confirms its
>reddit wow classic containment thread
>first 5 images are epic twitter wojack and frog maymays
Never change you fucking underage faggots.
I will have to decline your offer.
>son asking to play bfa
this is why you need to beat your children.
AV in classic will be the 1.12 version, is that version any good or is it ruined?
>Is reddit a good place?
Find them in game
Im in same boat, this will be my first time playing vanilla and i got no clue. My friends are retards with their money and can't "afford" to play
It's an ok version. Not the mega epic version, but also not the really, really shit version we have today.
So what happens when they finish getting everything to pre-BC state? Will they just freeze development on it? Seems like after a while people will lose interest with no updates.
I get the impression a lot of people are finding groups, discord parties etc, pre launch- in prep for launch
join the world channel when you log in, apparently people talk through that a lot in classic
That's the neutered one.
Ion already said that TBC and Wrath servers are, in his words, "a distinct possibility".
Fuck. I really wish we could convince blizzard to change this
Yes, please go there and never come back.
Which means they are planning on it but not in effect yet. If the money is there we can expect a TBC announcement in 2020
let's be honest, user. 40man looks ridiculous when you step back and look at it. the only time it looks okay is when facing large dragons, an old god, or some massive elemental creature. when it's a humanoid, or some beast that's not dragon sized, it just looks comical.
You think you do, but you don't.
You underestimate FRESH autists, they reroll every time a new private server launches.
>Blizzcon 2025
>We're just going to re-release every expansion.
>*autistic cheering*
>...but you have to download them through the Epic games store
>*autistic screeching*
Explain then
I think you mean Chadgore.
ya but I like carrying people that are shit at the game, but fun to hang out with.
I remember being up at like, 1:35 at my shitty mall gamestop to get TBC. You DO NOT WANT VANILLA YOU STUPID FAGGOTS. It being back is actually so goddamn stupid. I got to 60 in silithus fucking around with a dude and his daughter. Then came the absolute shit that was being in a raiding guild.
>hey Muwata do you wanna drop mana tide for my dumbass wife that can't manage mana, literally at all?
>sure Paraxuno, ya stupid faggot, she'll eventually divorce you and fuck five guys but I'd love that!
Fuck vanilla and fuck you.
Tfw it's the 8.0 engine so you can't wall jump into Moonglade to get the flight point
Have sex.
yeah, just like you couldnt pay to be carried to 2400 in 5s right, retard
>Play warrior because i'm good at tanking, but the leveling process is rough. Unless MT in guild it's a life of constant dungeons
>Play priest because i enjoy healing, but won't really be able to grind much at 60 - would need an alt
>Play Rogue even though it's the most popular class and be one amongst many
>Or Lock/Hunter for the class fantasy
Why is this so hard?
Blizzard doesn't give a shit what anyone wants and won't make a single sane decision without being dragged kicking and screaming into it. They know best, after all.
Want to know how I can tell you're balding?
Nelf, Druid. Literally the only reason I will play classic is because of this
and this
All those memories. I know exactly what I will do
>create fem Nelf druid
>rush to 60 like a maniac (for all those feels)
>will do some raids
>will do some PvP
>will uninstall the game and never look back again
This will put my childhood to peace. One last time remembering all those feels like in 2004 on launch day.
after being told it was in*
try reading!
Hey just wait until you're trying to pick a name, that's when it gets really tough.
The DKP was not worth a shit and you know it. No, I am not going back. Only friends I had were my fellow shaman bros in the guild. I never got finkle's lava dredger goddammit.
>Tfw trapping a nondruid incel in chadglade /w gnomish mind control cap and teleport: chadglade
Whats your region
Priests can farm Mara and DM. Shadow is strong as fuck.
Well if I add someone from Yea Forums, Im sure to get a tranny who starts hitting on me over VOIP immediately
Even as Holy?
>400+ replies
>still not dead yet
t.dellusional retail retard
Mages are top dps on rag during progress, where all melees suck big flaming dick, what the fuck are you talking about?
In my experience playing on private servers it wasn't uncommon to meet good players, one can only hope it will be the same in classic
Holy is the spec for it because of Holy Nova.
>Im sure to get a tranny who starts hitting on me over VOIP immediately
Sounds like a win-win to me.
cuck gonna roll
newfag to WoW. What's the appeal of the game? The combat doesn't look very interesting, enemies not really reacting to getting hit nor do you really have to aim your attacks on them. I'm literally a zoomer so maybe it's something I just wouldn't understand?
Maybe that would lead to you losing your virginity. Have sex.
and yet you're the retard who thinks pvp was only alive and well during the garbage r14 system. Though you likely never actually played vanilla or achieved a rank to experience how bad it was, I understand
I'd lose my virginity and get HIV at the same time
Well that's pushed Priest into the lead
Most groups formed before the game starts will fall apart before 60 or in MC. Do your work, be serious, learn your class, and make friends while you play. Being anxious about making friends in a videogame is a destructive way of thinking.
Never raided BC beyond karazhan, how good were each of the raids? I see serpentshrine cavern, the eye, magtheridon's lair, hyjal, black temple, and sunwell
It's basically an MMO dark souls.
I wonder how many people actually looked at OP's image. I slipped by me until I accidentally moved the mouse over it
the appeal of vanilla/classic wow is that is an mmorpg
The overall experience was better in vanilla but BC was the peak of raiding.
>being anxious
In what way am I anxious? I'm just interested in putting forward an effort to meet some people in the same region, who want to roll on the same server, before server launches
I dont understand what youre so triggered over
Burning crusade was fucking great, arenas and battlegrounds were still new and fun. Raids were more interesting. Some of the zones like Nagrand were beautiful. There was a legitimate pvp progression path, instead of being forced to pve to be able to pvp.
I want to die.
You farm lashers/jump runs in Holy.
Mara is done in Shadow.
Is crafting still fucking worthless in retail?
So, there is no appeal?
Combat is not nearly as satisfying as dark souls, so no, not basically.
Pulling out all the stops to gank some nerd is extremely satisfying, you must be a PvEbab.
The appeal is that it is an actual MMORPG, a type of video game which hasn't existed since ~2006.
Pick a class that can efficiently do things solo, like farming gold. You won't regret having that power.
Christ. I never understood why they decided to make it have no real purpose.
>shards your mmorpg
heh, nothin personnel
TBC virgin babies both hate and fear the Chad 40 man raider
My point is organizing a group of people solely through the internet will probably not work simply because you won't know their real skill. Everything outside of the game is all talk. I assumed you were anxious because you're already worried about missing out on getting into a good group. The truth is guilds have 40 slots to fill and they are constantly recruiting. If you work on your character, you'll get scooped up.
I think people complained about certain professions being "required", like back in BC with the leatherworking drums that gave everyone in your party a haste buff when used.
Big yikes
might aswell play a idle simulator
Right, so it has no appeal.
Ill miss playing Male Draenei Paladin but at least my other races I like a lot like Tauren, Troll, and Dwarf can still be used.
>urhhh why does he get to have an advantage over me, blizzard i dont have time for this pls make crafting useless i'm the hero of the story and i deserve to do raids with no preparation
saw that was a webm so i opened it
jannies getting bamboozled and never deleting it
situation 1:
>try to find a person/some people who are semi-serious about playing vanilla, form a group at launch, play, have a good time
situation 2:
>try to find some a person/some people who are semi-serious about playing vanilla, fail, play anyway, have a good time
Its literally a risk reward situation with zero risk. You're just being autistic
its looks so bad and easy, nothing does any damage
did they really nerf everything this badly?
Only for casual shitter guilds. Real competitive guilds need 100 ppl + as many socials as possible to fill two raids, compete for world bosses and ultimately dominate the server.
>I dont like a genre of video games that tens of millions of people love
>But because *I* don't like it, that means those tens of millions of people are dumb and stupid and arent having *real* fun.
Druids are still the worst class in the game
Maybe you're misunderstanding but Im not looking for a guild, more like a duo leveling partner
>a type of video game which hasn't existed since ~2006.
Yeah, so no appeal.
Ah... home...
>gotta go fast
You have been spamming this shit for weeks, but guess what. Everyone I know who's STILL interested in wow after the dumpster fire that's bfa, and got an invite to the beta, pretty much only plays the beta.
>"wow i love vanilla!"
>"so many memories!"
>i actually only played the 14-day trial vanilla and subbed 13 years later on legion
>thread made it for 7 hours
Color me impressed, OP.
Ha. I kind of liked that part of the game myself.
>Be me, holy priest
>Fish carps for my fishsticks.
>Make sure I have enough mana potions.
>My rogue friend crafts elixirs. Run some dungeons with him for a stack of them.
>I need to have enough candles. Raid may last 4 hours.
>Re-read the strategy guides.
>Repair all gear
Only then I felt ready.
worgen and goblin
i will actually follow this due to indecision, was human priest and warrior in vanilla because i didn't care how i looked.
sure but im not playing this shit
You're forgetting the endless number of gamebreaking bugs that literally stopped your fucking progress, retard.
Yeah but the mages don't want another mage.
Thats the thing, raiders will want the lesser classes like hunter to come just because it drops competition from that raid spot
SPriest mara is pretty awkward, having no reset, speed buff, or stealth means you really gotta have your brain turned on just walking to princess. She is relatively easy to kill, just gotta keep your distance because her movement speed will let her catch you and slap you in between her channeled casts. Lashers like others said you do as holy. Pretty easy, only restriction is having enough Mana for enough holy novas to kill most/entire pack.
>make classic servers
>make dungeons equipment restricted, meaning they will block you/kick you out of it when you equip items that are not from the same expansion of said dungeon.
No soft brain, far from it, your brain is filled with outdated 06 knowledge and Preach videos.
Druchads ARE coming.
>thread's gonna archive with that OP
a shame nobody posted more tho
TBC has a lot of issues
>Hurt Alliance & Horde uniqueness by allowing Paladins on Horde & Shamans on Alliance
>Hurt the Horde theme by allowing Blood Elves
>Putting both factions into one shared city, not only lazy, but it made the opposite faction seem less threatening
>Dungeons became linear hallways
>Heroic dungeons introduced the idea of higher numbers instead of new content
>Dailies were boring & existed to extend rep grinding
>World PVP was pretty much removed
>Alterac Valley was simplified
>Arena was fun, but Classes had to be dumbed down for balance
>Jewel crafting existed as a pure gold sink for gear when Enchanting already existed, it also encouraged poor itemisation, you just stacked your best stat
>itemisation was dumbed down, there was almost no need to go back to farm older raids & dungeons
>Removing progression with catch up gear
>Too much token gear, welfare epics became a thing
>Removing attunements
>Resilience gear
>The lore was stupid, too many Warcraft 3 Heroes were killed
>Magtheridon being a 1 boss raid was lame, the dude was once the lord of Outland
>tfw just realized OP is a webm not a static image
What if I make a dwarf hunter with a bear pet?
All of those things are true, but having arenas offsets it. TBC arena was where I had the most fun ever.
So not warrior. That doesn't narrow it down much.
>most successfull mmo of all times
>cultultural phenomenon
"It's just nostalgia g-guys, and nostalgia bad!"
The appeal is nostalgia. It's still a skinnerbox without any purpose, but its slightly less bad than retail wow.