Can someone who likes this guy tell why they like him
I dont see his appeal
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I don't get it either.
I keep getting his stupid "reacts to x youtube video" in my recommendeds and all it does is make me hate him and his stupid face in the thumbnails
So he reads the comments, the donations. He says where he is going in the game and what he is doing. He talks to random people he is playing online with. I really dont get it, me and my friends have more interesting conversations.
ancap guy is the best part of his streams
So do I. Hes gets pushed so hard. I hardly even watch gaming related videos on youtube.
Is he autistic? His facial expressions and lack of understanding makes me question whether he's fully sentient.
sodapoppin waiting room basically
He talks about dicks and supports Alex Jones, that's 75% of edgy conservative kids and young adults
Fucking this. I don't understand why reaction videos are so popular. They're so pointless and dumb.
He looks like a cuck.
He talks like a cuck.
He thinks like a cuck.
He talks all the time and makes WoW interesting to watch even for someone who never played it.
Based Alex dabbing on retailkeks
idk, i just do
his interactions with people are funny imo and he has content that i'm interested in watching
"allright, lets keep farming these guys."
"ok I think weve done enough here lets move on to westfall."
"I think Im going to paly for an hour longer."
"Oh man, I still need 5 more bear claws for this quest, lol."
"this quest is so fucking bad, man."
This guy is not interesting, I do not get it.
Remember that kinda chill sperg that was always in Vent and acted like hew knew everything about everything?
how does he make it interesting? half the time he doesn't even play WoW, he just watches videos that people donated money to be able to send.
but like 99 percent of what he says is meaningless garbage of him basically just saying what is going on in game that you can tell by just watching.
He has a distinct personality, like he is pretending to be a really hardcore gamer that has issues behaving like a normal person, but sometimes you can't tell if he is acting or it's really him.
But definetly most of the stuff he does is very calculated and machinated to boost his ratings, he admits this and people throw even more money at him for being honest. At this point I'd just say he is a really good businessmen, making that much money without relying in a degree and just a fucking computer conected to the internet and whatever cheap streaming setup he uses.
They get bumped up so hard on jewtube recommendations for some reason. First time listening to bohemian rhapsody and black guys listening to metal was all over the fucking place when old cocksucker's movie came out.
this dude lives in filth and breaths in mold on a daily basis
>half the time he doesn't even play WoW, he just watches videos
based, who the fuck would ever want to watch BFA gameplay?
He is very good at expressing his emotions for the stream. Zoomers fucking love that style.
>Alex "The Tauren hitbox is bugged" Sensual
What a clown. Private server retards are the worst.
what the shit is this?
when did Yea Forums start discussing twitch streamers? I haven't been on this board in a while
i'm 28 and i've been subbed to his youtube channel since he actually made youtube content exclusively
a tour of his room. dude has moldy plates and cups just sitting there for days/weeks within arms distance.
Ive been watching him for around an hour and he seems pretty emotionless. Like he makes pewdiepie seem fun to watch
He made me buy WoW so I guess it's working
that's part of his appeal though
he's a disgusting fucking neckbeard, or at least plays one on twitch
Zoomers and degenerates*
He's an entertainer. Seems like some people don't understand that.
>dude I'm the literal god of tanking
>this game is so easy
*charges into 8 mobs*
*party wipes*
*chats erupts in omegaluls and WOW THIS GUY IS SO BAD*
Streams for me are background noise. This dude talks non stop like a radio show and he's talking about a game that consumed my life for like 2 years.
someone has problems going big dick
Weve realized this guy is going to ruin classic.
that video is from 2010. years before he started streaming. dude habit must be worse now that he's streaming full time instead of NEETing full time.
I don't understand how that compares, his yt channel was about actual content and had some decent guides and tips
>at least plays one on twitch
he clearly suffers from hoarding issues
Unlike most streamers, he doesn't play ads every time the damn ad button cools down for $$$. I don't think he even knowd it exists. He's an okay guy at least, not the worst autist i've seen on twitch.
A while ago when titty streamers first became a thing and pewds turned out to be conservative. Also Twitch views is always used as a measurement of a game's value for shitposters
balding sperg gets himself a plastic bimbo and millions of dollars playing a videogame. He's living the dream.
He constantly complains about shit, never reveals that he likes anything unless it already has widely positive reception, and calls everything he doesn't like "le cringe"
So he's the perfect personality for zoomers
his bathroom must stink to gods. His diet is terrible
nah I got cutting edge argus before I quit the game. Make sure to use your twitch prime faggot.
yeah it was kind of jarring when i started watching his twitch content (via reposts to youtube) but idk, i eventually started liking it
his reaction videos are usually to other videos i'm already interested in watching and he just adds his thoughts on top of it, and when he streams game stuff, it's usually stuff i'm interested in
his sense of humor's somewhat similar to mine, which makes sense because i'm pretty sure he's close to my age
Those threads get deleted but otherwise a lot of people on Yea Forums watch streams so I guess that period can be measured in years. It's not surprising, Yea Forums has always been the underage board and most underages watch streamers.
If you've been here for a while, please take a look around and at yourself once in a while and realize that you've become a minority. Not necessarily speaking to you but in general.
Oh god - people in that pic sicken me
just imagine the smell of his room. taco bell wrappers, moldy dishes, probably hot up in that attic too during the summer so he gets sweaty and so does the food that sits there for weeks.
Who here based /MethodJosh
>not living for those feel good chemicals rushing through your body when your girl says your name after a hefty donation that will feed her tummy
based alex deporting tipsout
This guy doesn't even know that he has a financial domination fetish.
can i get a quick gestalt on this?
>i-i-its just beta!
that dude is a straight up retard he said mobs in vanilla had "daze" as an ability in vanilla
No clue why people do, once you've seen "REEEEEEEE ANIME" once you've seen it a thousand times.
someone made some meme video with a section about killing tips in the end, alex watched it and laughed and then tips reported him to the cops lel
Was he the only one literally calling out Classic is going to be shit from day one?
The ONLY good WoW streamer is that incel Josh from Method. God his """"""""""love""""""""""" misadventures are hilarious.
I want to imagine that he tried to drink from his cup while playing WoW once but he accidentally took a sip from the moldy cup.
what a faggot
>He constantly complains about shit, never reveals that he likes anything unless it already has widely positive reception, and calls everything he doesn't like "le cringe"
This summarizes his "reacts to" series so perfectly it's not even funny. Dude knows how to play the crowd.
>watch ONE fucking video about Diablo Immortal
>start seeing this guy's and YONGYOUT's videos in my recommended videos for months
Why is her face so wide?
He's basically Ginger DSP, talks a lot of shit but can't do anything without having his hand held, that includes his primary game WoW.
she looks off for some reason. Has she had work done on her face.? So sad that he looks so proud he has a plastic doll
I wonder how he feels knowing that she only dates him for his money and refuses to ever set foot in his room and will only make HIM visit her.
She's about 30% plastic, so yes.
his face is just a fucking pencil
Based roastie filtering bad genes.
This reminds me of when Tiger Woods won his first championship. It's a joke that after he won, a bus full of Scandinavian women came to him asking for his hand.
She lives in her room now. I think she moved in last week or some shit.
>that smugness in his face
hes made it and he knows hes made it. lucky guy
it's the eyebrows and lashes. fake as fuck
this can't be real, right. he's just playing a character and not actually living like that
just watch swolebenji he's one of us and streaming right now on youtube
>has that tranny faced whore
t. Benji
he's in his hour of fame phase. it's all going to come crashing down soon. the money will decline, his crazy fans will make it their goal to ruin his life like iceposeidon, after his streamer career washes up he has no real prospects on his resume, at the rate he buys weed and pays for his GF he's going to go broke in no time.
she's disgusting
I like his absolute peak angry neckbeard persona.
Dont really watch alot of stuff though but he as a person is kind of like watching a twisted version of my 16 year old self that I get some cathartic pleasure out of
this video was taken many years before he even started his twitch channel. he's clearly a stereotypical wow player.
He worked for the IRS and some other place before streamimg full time. He said that he'll probably go back there once his fame is gone.
i mean considering what he looks like it is pretty lucky, i mean talk about punch above your weight
Yes he's actually autistic
She looks like a night elf.