What was Valve thinking?

What was Valve thinking?

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"We want the digital TCG market", duh.

>dota players will surely play games that aren't dota

they thought they could get the whales that spend hundreds on dota 2 into a card game, but they forgot that those people only like dota 2 and aren't going to buy into a game they might not even like.

>We didn't get Half-Life 3 for this
>We didn't get Portal 3 for this
>We didn't get L4D3 for this
>We didn't get TF3 for this
Just why?

"Surely there is no limit to how much money those those dumb TGC players are willing to pay"

Exactly. They failed to correctly profile the dotards.

will it ever return?

>card game

I mean game was not that bad, I managed to put in 100 hours into it , more than most games I play,

the reason it died so fucking quick is because if youre bad you will literally NEVER win so isntantly the game lose 50% of players a day who just keep losing and you end up with like a small group of people with >130 iq still playing,
until there is noone left cause the hype is dead and valve says its ded

Quite honestly came down to a combination of the base set being too basic and missing a lot of fun combination or build around cards. The other issue is the average player has no idea if they are actually winning the game or not so they reach the end of the game and lose and blame RNG when they actually fucked up 5 turns ago by not holding priority at the right time.

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>making a game for players with 3 digit IQ
Bad move.

They weren't. They left all the thinking to Richard Garfield.


The real answer is volvo has money and wanted to try a card game, thats all that it was.

definitely not
maybe if valve ever listens to the fans and decides to make an orange box 2 and load it with a bunch of quality games, they can toss in artifact 2.0 and people won't hate it as much.

I got this game for free and I still hate and regret it.

I've been playing MTG since 2002. It's not that this is a poorly made game. It's that the marketing and pricing is absolutely bonkers in comparison to competition.

For better or worse the game was more complicated to pick up than hearthstone. It was incredibly hostile to casual players so they left in droves. At the upper level the game was also only a base set so the only cards that existed was combat tricks or removal to gain an edge

yeah exactly, you need to shroud it in RNG and crap, works for hearthstone so any brainlet can win and reach legend rank lmfao,

No one knows.
Evidently they went out of touch with the gamers.

Nothing. Valve couldn't make a good game (and haven't for over a decade now) to save their life and it showed.


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The game was the polar opposite of Hearthstone to the point bad players actually never won games. There was people who played the game for 20+ hours without ever getting a win because they couldn't understand why they were actually losing.
The first week I personally managed to hold a 90%+ winrate on the paid contracted queues because so many people kept making fatal fuck ups and getting punished hard. Unlike hearthstone this game punished mistakes super harshly and didn't have catch up mechanics.

Mmm tasty horse

The Call to Arms base set will go down in card game history as the most bland and boring set of cards ever created.

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