Have you ever played mahjong?

Have you ever played mahjong?

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more like
because it's dicks


I played it a bit back when i was playing XIV but a lot of the finer details eluded me. Saw that Yea Forums's been playing it but i don't wanna get bullied

Yes. It's been a while tho.
Is Lesbian mahjong still going?

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>been on a streak loss on silver
>decide to play on bronze
so it's not worth grinding adept in silver?

What's the proper rule set for two player mahjong. I want to see my fiancees titties.

Bronze doesn't give you chests. Gold has even better chest content. Some people say the chest in gold can drop even summon scroll but i doubt it.

>mission: ura dora or yaku:ippats

this kills the cat

They're worth the effort, my friend. Take my word for it.

New chapter just came out yeah. They are at the finals vanguard match.

Opened about ~30 Gold chests, got only green gifts, spheres and blue gifts (~40:40:20)

just pull a bunch of riichis and you'll get it eventually

I'm tired and noticed that I didn't even look at my opponent's discards for a whole hand but apparently it's working. Guess chinks are even more sleepy at this hour.

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not by todays time limit


I think it usually just uses one suit and is kind of a shell of the actual game.
It has its flaws but I still think playing the whole tileset with 3 or even 2 players works well enough

Isn't the time limit in like 7 hours? 10pm PDT

Anyone up for some mahj?

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I have and I have already quited.

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the missions just randomly go away in the evening.

I have no idea, usually by now any mission I didn't complete just vanish

time limit on all the quests is bugged and works for I believe just 12 hours or something

I want to suck her's and the miko with giant breasts tits until they orgasm.
Mahjong is for faggots

No, mahjong is for lesbians.

how do i into counting fu?

It's been consistent for me.

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My quests are already gone

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Terrific entry

thanks nee-san

On the first day, at around 6pm the quests went away for me and I didn't get a chance to complete the glasses one.

Copy pasta incoming

Here's how the scoring chart works in Riichi Mahjong

When you win, you look at your hand, and award points, called "Fu". It starts with
20 - For winning
+ 2 - Tsumo
+10 - Closed Ron

Then you look at your wait:
+ 2 - Anything except an open wait (You have two consecutive tiles waiting for a tile on either side, like a 34 waiting on a 2 or 5)

Then your pair:
+ 2 - If the pair had value (what they mean by this is if you had a third tile, would you have a yaku? If yes, you have a value pair)

Finally, look at your sets:
+ 2 Pon of simple tiles (2-8)
+ 4 Pon of Terminal/Word tiles
+ 8 Kan of simple tiles
+16 Kan of Terminal/Word tiles
x2 bonus per set if you did not steal any of it, not even for ron.

Add ALL of that shit up, then round up to the next 10.

Then you double that shit for every single han you have. Then the Japanese double it twice more for literally no reason, and those are your Base Points. For you math nerds, that looks like this:
Base Point = Fu x 2^(han + 2)

Everyone then pays you the BP rounded up to the next hundred. East pays and receives twice the BP before rounding. If someone has ron'd, the person who discarded bears the burden of every single player at the table.

EXAMPLE: 40 fu, 2 han = 640 BP.

Winner of the round is a Non-Dealer. The dealer pays 640x2 which is 1280, then rounded up, making it 1300. The other players pay 640 rounded up, making it 700.

BONUS ROUND: Honba (round continuation)
For every round that East wins, he stays east, and a marker is placed on the table. For every marker, each player adds in an additional 100 points to their score. This is included in the payment for the player ron'd.

Example from above, but there are two honba: Everyone pays an additional 200, or the ron'd player pays 600 extra.

This is also how Pinfu works. Pinfu means "No points", so it's 20 points, waive win condition point, and then all runs with an open wait and valueless pair

>+ 2 - Anything except an open wait
Waiting with two pairs is also worth no fu

What the fuck, user.

why the FUCK do i have to pay extra when some luckshitter tsumos while im dealer
it aint fair

Nice hand, granny.

>I'm 31400 first place, porn miko whale on the right 30400, two others are deep in shit
>shanpon waiting for 1p or 3s, 3p was ponned by right and I gotta finish this quick so I hit the riichi button
>like 10 turns later, dealer on the left declares riichi and drops 3p
>Koromo whale pons it
>dealer draws the next tile and tsumo's for haneman
>get butthurt at first, then realize that I wouldn've dealt that tile in since it was the next draw
Absolutely based Koromo whale securing my 2nd by tiebreaker

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That's one reason to unleash your inner cat whenever you're the dealer.


shanpon wait is worth 2 fu

Fuck no, I'm not touching this rabbit hole

No it isn't, you just get the fu for whatever triplet your win finishes.

It's semantics. Technically, the wait itself doesn't generate fu, but you still get fu for the triplet you complete.

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If you ron a shanpon, is that triplet considered open?

You don't need to count fu and han shit if you only get yakumans.

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Yes. This is also especially important for the Concealed Triplets series, cause you can fuck up your Four and turn it into a Three if you ron on a dual pair wait.

But more realistically, always aim for mangan so fu can go fuck itself.

desu the most offensive part is how the dragon tiles are actual pictures of dragons instead of the characters

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>Not winning on 1 han 110 fu hands to turn your hands into mangan anyways

But then they just get another chance to be a luckshitter plus tip.

How is that even possible? I'm trying to make it happen on a scoring calculator and I can't break 100 fu without having more than 1 han.

It's not. I'm memeing. If I recall, I think the only way to get it up that high is to have suukantsu.

Note: 1 han 110 fu requires the rule where a double wind pair scores 4 fu

It's quite a puzzle to make this happen huh
I see getting the 30 fu for a closed hand but having a shanpon wait so you can have a third triplet without getting sanankou is the secret

Still my GOTY

>it costs copper to play silver+ games
>no reliable way to get copper quickly

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Majsoul Friends Room 63836(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=63836

1 more

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You should have more copper than you know what to do with unless you spend it all on gifts like an idiot

pay up goyim.

but in Saki it was 3600 (ron on the 1 man)

Attached: 1han 110 fu.jpg (1281x720, 191K)

tfw you have 3 pairs sitting in your hand waiting for a single pon to get into tenpai, but the discards never come

>he doesnt spend all his money so he can get welfare

Anyone you hit pays extra when you're dealer, you don't pay extra on getting ron'd

This is what you get for blowing all your coppers early.

Don't fucking reply to me ever again.

>The dealer begins play in each hand and receives more points when winning and often loses more points when losing.
Does this exclude getting ron'd and only apply to someone else getting tsumo, or are there specific hands that do or do not take a bonus from the dealer?

Well, where are they in this game?

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>when you absolutely destroy a three way riichi with an open tanyao
thanks for the sticks faggots

I'm ready.

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>All their pons are actually chiis

Dealer always pays and receives double. When someone gets ron'd, they are merely shouldering the debt that everyone would have to pay.

West wins on Tsumo and gets a mangan. He gets 2000 points from all players, but east pays that twice for 4000, totally 8000.
West wins on ron and gets a mangan. The player that dealt in would have to pay the 2000 and 4000 from his cohorts debts.

East wins on tsumo manga, everyone has to bay twice that of 2000, so 4000 all, making it a total of 12000. On a ron, the deat-in player would likewise still shoulder all of the table'd debt.

...? Did you print an English book with Japanese backwards binding?

Can you guess 2 kan makers from this picture?

Attached: kan retards.jpg (946x685, 114K)

No. The guy who bounded it for me did it incorrectly. It was free so whatever.

That's not right.

When a dealer wins a hand, it's worth 1.5x the normal value. Ex: Regular mangan is 8000, dealer mangan is 12000.
When someone who isn't the dealer tsumos the hand is worth the regular value, but you dealer pays half of it.
If a dealer deals in to a ron, the hand is worth regular value.

I learnt the basics for Yakuza 0, it was fun but I didn't remember the vast majority of hands

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>When a dealer wins a hand, it's worth 1.5x the normal value
You're thinking of the total. I'm talking about in the base point formula. You calculate the base points, and east always receives and pays twice that, as per my examples and up here: . East EFFECTIVELY gets 1.5x more than normal relative to non-east players, but he is in fact actually getting double the payment received.

>cats who don't emote
What's even the point

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Makes sense. When a non-dealer gets tsumo, they're paid out 1,1,2=4. When the dealer get's a tsumo, they're paid 2,2,2=6. Dealer pays and recieves double but this totals to 1.5 because there's obviously no dealer paying when he wins.

There was one time a cat kanned for no reason while I was in riichi for many turns, then someone else riichis at the 3rd row, 2 turns laters rons off me and it's just riichi but then got 4 ura dora all from the kan and bumped me from 1st to 3rd on South 4.

I still managed to come out in 3rd place, but I'm pretty heated an I fell into an expert players hell wait.

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the worst feeling

gg, fuck nyaggers

How do you people find full waito piggu matches? Even at peak West hours, I'm matched with at least two moonmen.


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fuck I was to fuck a cosplay girl that is wearing a seifuku so bad

Why waste time playing mahjong when you could just roll some dice?

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no cute dice girls

what hell wait?

Watch anime while rolling dice?

>hell wait
Assuming you dealt in to the guy on the left, doesn't he have winning tiles with 2-5-8 pin?

Either chinese play online mahjong super turbo fast, or this one guy was not even looking at what he was calling pon or chi on. Not only that, he INSTANTLY disconnected when I ron'd him (without ron callout even being visible on my screen) on the last round, putting me in the first place. That was weird, even if the speed made it more intense.

should have dealt the 3sou but you got greedy
its your own fault
and thats not a hellwait

Actually a lot of chinks play fast, especially masters.

far from hell actually. its pretty decent.

decent my ass, that's an ideal 3 sided wait.

It sucks, but raqequit happens all the time. At least if he disconnects early, autodiscard AI will take over and you won't have long delay time.

playing against auto-discard bot is actually very hard.
so many tiles are wasted in early discards and stuck in his hand.

I'm aware, but on my end it hadn't even visually confirmed yet that he got ron'd. I guess it has to do with network delay or something along those lines.

I wouldn't really blame you for ragequitting if you got hit by this in all last.

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If ragequit happens, the game becomes 'who can drain out the fucker most' race. Go full offensive, fuck reading discard and defending.

Why the fuck were you pushing? Your hand's 2-shanten with shit tile acceptance for 2 han. This is peak nyagger.

mushishi? more like mushiSHIT

I was playing mahjong in Yakuza 0 a bunch and I managed to get a decent grasp of the IQ60 gameplay level (how to make basic hands) and got all the challenges for it. I still have no idea what I'm doing. My haneman and mangen hands etc were just luckhands as far as I'm concerned.

What steps do I take to improve from there?

I didn't though? Losing in 4th place takes almost 2500 copper, and you only get 15k for free

Why does Yea Forums gush over weeb gambling? I though anons would scoff at the random elements and play a thinking mans game, like chess or go.
There is even shogi if it's the Japanese aspect that is attractive.

Learn yaku and think about some tile efficiency or even read up on it. Most improvement comes from experience. Just try to spot a few yaku as you're building your hand.

south default rules

Learn the yaku. Learn tile efficiency.

Hand of the person I dealt the 5 pin into and I'm not seeing his other win conditions.

>Jigoku 「地獄」 is a special case of tanki wait where two of the winning tiles are visible to all the players either in a discard pool or used as a dora indicator. This means that there is only one winning tile left.

Explain, I'm newish.

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Learn how to Yaku, Learn tile efficiency, learn how to defend yourself if needed.

when are the mods gonna start doing their work?

Pig disgusting gajin mj

Never mind I reread this post and now I see its a three sided wait. I clutch on the UI a lot and I just realized it's only showing the wincon tiles that are present in people's hands, but there are more winning tiles that haven't been drawn yet.

Here you go, friendo

Attached: Yaku List.png (2600x1750, 578K)

ura dora and dora was a mistake

What is your opinion on the live action Dora?

34567 can become 345/567, 234/567 or 345/678, so 2,5, and 8 can finish the hand. It wasn't a hell wait, his wait was great.

i say decent because ideally none of the waits would be in the pool. i would be satisfied with what he had no doubt

Have sex you pathetic virgin incel manchild neckbeard śõýboy numale cuck zoomer.

What fucking wait are you aiming for? 9 gates?

I've been playing a few weeks. Can someone please hook me up with a wait guide. I feel like I'm playing with a disadvantage because I lack more creative ways to set up waits. I've never intentionally set up a 3 way wait like this player, and I've only yesterday intentionally started setting up two way waits.

got him

Gambling is fun. No variance games have no meme potential.

Make clusters of pairs and connected sequences.

Hmm, I think it's a little bit too early for this, but one thing you can do to really learn complex wait patterns is to play this game right here.
Honestly though, I would wait a little bit longer and play just naturally.

Keep 4567 shapes and hope for the best. Just think about how certain shapes can evolve. The one above is great while 12 is garbage.


i play chess also
this is fun to mess around with though


dora is fine and skill
ura dora is bullshit

I used to play Go, but I got tired of how long the game would take to end after the winning point. The match would be decided maybe around move 60-100, but the games would often drag on to move 140-180.

The "problem" with putting great wait shapes in your hand is they tend to resolve before you hit tenpai for the same reason they're good waits. You just build good shape into your hand and if it ends up being your tenpai wait, groovy, but if not, it's still super-efficient.


East only, South round conditionally included, 25k, 10 seconds, standard, open tanyao is allowed but you will be screen shot and laughed at in the thread.

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I never get them, ever ever. But everyone else does and it makes their 1 han hand into mangans and more, always, at least bumping up a 3 han hand into a mangan.

you understand you need 4 groups of 3 + 1 pair right? so just look at the tiles and think about what groups you could make from there
he already has 234m and 567m and 66s
so to turn 34567p into two groups of three, what tiles could he use?

>i never get them
sounds like you need to kan more.

the fuck

nobody could stop this cat.

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I got her off a f2p roll, so meh.

3/4 though join up senpaitachi

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Cant you just give up at that point?

And how do you even get into go? Tried it a while ago and I think Iunderstand the rules, but when playing I feel like I am just putting stones randomly until a shape I can work with appears

you dont need a guide you just need to use your head

That was my first double riichi and all I was asking for was a west wind or red dragon, but then one other player getting double ronned was pretty great.

This is something you gain with experience. Pick a hand that isn't tanyao to consistently go for in a few games, then choose another one once you've gotten used to it. Rinse and repeat until you feel more confident in your abilities.

After a while your basic pattern recognition skills will kick in and you'll start intuitively making hands that suit the situation on the fly.

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>other player getting double ronned was pretty great
Do not bully

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Get fucking destroyed, nerd.

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Just get good and you'll realise that that's bullshit, this game is pure skill, it's all about strategic play.
My latest successful strategy is the double riichi ippatsu.

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>Cant you just give up at that point?
If you're losing, yes. The mark of a good pro player is they'll stop like 20 moves, at the worst, later to make sure it's solidified, then they'll quite. But it's ESPECIALLY pain-inducing if you're winning, cause you look like an asshole for telling your opponent "Please quite, I am winning against you too hard".

>And how do you even get into go?[...]
That's really the thing about Go. Whereas Mahjong has incredibly complex rules but easy gameplay, Go has 8 simple rules. Where it gets hard is the fact that there's thousands of years of refined strategy that one has to look up and sort of get into the mind space of why the moves and techniques are effective. Like starting in the corners, for example, just wins vs when players start in the sides or towards the middle, etc. You have to first realize this, then begin to play against AI for a bit until you get the hang of it, then read up on Joseki, which are basically Go openings, except they can happen in isolated incidents. Also study Korean shit if you can. Koreans beat the fuck out of everyone when it comes to Go.

>not double riichi haitei

*Quit. Fuck my fingers for typing quite.

sounds similar to chess

damn you nyagger

Everyone who's responded thank you for your advice. I've really enjoyed this time sink the past few weeks and you're all excellent company.

>keep losing in silver
>almost to the point that I can't play silver games any more
FUCK making silver games require a currency that you LOSE when you don't win, and have no reliable way to get more
why the hell is this game so goddamn jew? the gacha is garbage and you need fucking points to play at higher levels, that you lose when you get fucked by luck? fuck this, goddamn trash system but you guys will praise it because it has anime girls

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Didn't realize you get more titles from summon scrolls instead of getting jades.

nah its pretty annoying i hope they change it later

Chess at the very least will remain interesting, and people usually quit much, much faster once the piece imbalance is made obvious. The games in chess also rarely go past 80 moves when players play to stalemate. If you played every game of Go to completion, you're looking at an easy average of about 240 moves, and the winning point usually pops up at move 80.

As someone who has been teaching a lot of the new people, I'm really glad we could all help you enjoy this game.

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room wa doko desu ka

post funny mahjong memes


>east game
>idiots going back and forth with shit hands
>goes into south because kuso
>form a single hand, mangan and win game

slow and steady boys

Attached: ichihime-0.png (240x240, 97K)

RIP gachafags.

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Tanyo are for chumps.

I think it is also very difficult to have a clear goal as a beginner. Compare "capture king" in chess to the process of claiming space in go. It is a lot more abstract.

But I need to get into it sometime properly. It's a very unique experience.

But I earned 50k already.

Can't really do much there, that was just unfortunate.

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GG. I loved how that first hand turned out.

>don't open tanyao unless you're a punk
>open yakuhai, akadora
>open yakuhai, akadora
>open yakuhai, akadora

What a gay fucking round.

>half an hour
>still only south 1

I'm still in bronze, how much does it cost to play a silver game and how much copper do you lose for 4th?

what even happens if you're at like 500 copper and try to play a silver south game
does it just say "lol fuck off"?


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fun match, thanks bros
>mfw the cat got cucked out of his double riichi

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There's wellfare copper so you should be able to play at least 4 games a day, assuming you lose all of them.

guess i probably shouldn't have said that

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i think they should just get rid of copper altogether and make ranked just give bond / chest points / rank points all depending how you do

that's fucking hilarious, do you even earn copper from bronze games? do they actually just prevent you from playing for the rest of the day for trying to learn the game and losing in the process?

whats that? a tenhou?

You should've seen the monster hand I was building the round after that. Had like 5-6(?) doras in my hand or something, if my memory serves.

Very funny rounds all around, though.

I couldn't pray hard enough...

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4th place around 2k.
nearly 3k if negative.

you need to have at least 3500 banked to play silver even though the cost is only 700 so you could get welfare lose one game then not be able to play anymore it happened to me
no copper from bronze but you can still play bronze because its free entry


Like most of the shit in this game, it's a mechanic to separate whales from their money. There's no real gameplay reason to keep it, but it's never going away.

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ah weird, never dropped below 3500 so didn't know. guess thats the maximum negative you can go if you get triple yakuman'd at 0?


the easiest way to fix this would be to let you sell the lootbox items you unlock every few games but the chinks would rather steer you towards microtransactions

>aryan men

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only denied a riichi once when thre was 0 available of the tile(s) i needed, other than that im calling that shit on single waits all the time 1-3 remaning

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>panic and slap that shit
>realize you're on a shanpon wait for a spent tile and the dora
>nothing even near the dora in people's discards

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>get first place
>2 blue gifts

Attached: chest.png (568x368, 256K)

now watch me go negative.

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>haitei.... only. 1000.

Attached: Mikami_Chiori-3.png (100x100, 22K)

No this one was a dealer mangan

is there a compilation of a all the panels where you can see their butts like here?

rip my hand

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Which gacha players are the worst to play against? My vote goes to idolfags.


>tfw bad and not improving

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Aw fug, looks like you bought a one way ticket to chiitoi town.